Results for ' contemporary poetry'

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    Contemporary Poetry Meets Modern Theory.Antony Easthope & John O. Thompson - 1991
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    Contemporary Poetry, Alternate Routes.Jerome J. McGann - 1987 - Critical Inquiry 13 (3):624-647.
    What is the significance of that loose collective enterprise, sprung up in the aftermath of the sixties, known as L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E Writing? To answer this question I will be taking, initially, a somewhat oblique route. And I shall assume an agreement on several important social and political matters: first, that the United States, following the Second World War, assumed definitive leadership of a capitalist empire; second, that its position of leadership generated a network of internal social contradictions which persist to this (...)
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    Language for a New Century: Contemporary Poetry from the Middle East, Asia, and Beyond.Simone Roberts - 2009 - Common Knowledge 15 (3):512-512.
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    Book Review: Songs of Degrees: Essays on Contemporary Poetry and Poetics. [REVIEW]Virginia A. La Charité - 1995 - Philosophy and Literature 19 (2):398-399.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Songs of Degrees: Essays on Contemporary Poetry and PoeticsVirginia A. La CharitéSongs of Degrees: Essays on Contemporary Poetry and Poetics, by John Taggart; 254 pp. Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press, 1994, $29.95 paper.John Taggart is a highly respected American poet whose passion for objectivism permeates his critical reading as well as his own creative works. The volume Songs of Degrees: Essays on Contemporary (...)
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    Eroticism and the loss of imagination in the modern condition.Social Sciences Prashant Mishra Humanities, Gandhinagar Indian Institute of Technology, Holds A. Master’S. Degree in English Social Sciences at the Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar, Latin American Literature Eroticism, Poetry Modern Fiction & Phenomenology Mysticism - forthcoming - Journal for Cultural Research:1-16.
    This paper finds its origin in a debate between Georges Bataille (1897-1962) and Octavio Paz (1914-1998) on what is central to the idea of eroticism. Bataille posits that violence and transgression are fundamental to eroticism, and without prohibition, eroticism would cease to exist. Paz, however, views violence and transgression as merely intersecting with, rather than being intrinsic to, eroticism. Paz places focus on imagination, and transforms eroticism from a transgressive, to a ritualistic act. Eroticism thus functions as an intermediary, turning (...)
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    Poetry, Religion and Theology:The Poetry of MeditationSpiritual Problems in Contemporary LiteraturePoetry and Dogma.John E. Smith - 1955 - Review of Metaphysics 9 (2):252 - 273.
    The three books we are to consider, although each has its own integrity and individual theme, are bound together by their common concern for poetry and religion, theology and philosophy. Martz and Ross are interested chiefly in the relations between poetry and theology, while the essays edited by Hopper concentrate more upon the aims and beliefs of the artist in his cultural setting and especially upon those features of the contemporary world which raise problems of a religious (...)
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  7. Drifting poetries, floating gestures: Performing with/upon the sea in contemporary media arts.Bill Psarras - 2024 - Technoetic Arts 22 (2):237-251.
    To think of the sea as a page is to consider its liquid surface as a site of writing. The current article explores fluid and performative aspects of the sea in contemporary art practices, which incorporate performance art, poetry and creative media. Based on a critical reflection on coastline and sea-oriented performances of the author and drawing on key ideas that consider the sea as a dynamic milieu of embodied knowledge and expanded creativity beyond western terrestrial bias, the (...)
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    Walt Hunter. Forms of a World: Contemporary Poetry and the Making of Globalization. New York: Fordham University Press, 2019. 192 pp. [REVIEW]Stephanie Burt - 2021 - Critical Inquiry 48 (1):179-180.
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    Propertius' Hymn to Bacchus and Contemporary Poetry.John F. Miller - 1991 - American Journal of Philology 112 (1).
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    Poetry and the Anthropocene: Ecology, Biology and Technology in Contemporary British and Irish Poetry.Sam Solnick - 2017 - Routledge.
    "This book is about the way shifting conceptions of ecology, biology and technology significantly alter what it means to write poetry about nature in a time of environmental crisis. It offers a radical re-reading of three major British poets, Ted Hughes, Derek Mahon and JH Prynne, and their aesthetic strategies for negotiating the complex feedbacks between organisms and their environments in a technological world. Their poetry not only provides ways of thinking and communicating about ecology and biology, but (...)
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    Book review: Songs of degrees: Essays on contemporary poetry and poetics. [REVIEW]John Taggart - 1995 - Philosophy and Literature 19 (2).
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    Witnessing, Trans-“Species” Trauma Testimony, and Sticky Wounds in Contemporary Australian Poetry.Meera Atkinson - 2023 - Angelaki 28 (4):76-89.
    Literary trauma theory has traditionally been a humanist concern, and the concept of witnessing, so central to the theorization of trauma, has focused on human experience and relationships. This article stages an interdisciplinary intervention by conceptualizing trans-“species” trauma testimony as a literary encounter involving a double-layered witnessing; the human artist witnessing nonhuman animals’ witnessing to the failings and crises brought about by human society. Focusing on a selection of contemporary Australian poems, a view emerges of poetic witnessing and testimony (...)
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    Alienation in Contemporary Indian English Poetry.Shashi Kant Uppal - 2002 - Abs Publications.
    On alienation in 20th century Indic poetry in English.
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    "Regret" - Contemporary Sri Lankan Sanskrit Poetry.Davuldena Jnanesvara Sthavirah - 2003 - Buddhist Studies Review 20 (2):183-188.
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    Activist poetry versus lyrical action: Günther Anders on poetry and politics.Kerstin Putz - 2019 - Thesis Eleven 153 (1):24-38.
    This essay focuses on Günther Anders’s engagement with (political) poetry. I draw on published material and unpublished source texts from the Anders Nachlass to track how Anders arrives at his own writing style and mode of address through his sustained engagement with poetry. Anders’s philosophical prose and exoteric use of language is shaped by multifaceted reflections on (political) poetry and by the tension between ‘political poetry’ and ‘lyrical action’. I first elaborate on Anders's reading of Brecht (...)
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  16. Vedanta and Cosmopolitanism in Contemporary Indian Poetry.Subhasis Chattopadhyay - 2016 - Prabuddha Bharata or Awakened India 121 (September):648-55.
    Bashabi Fraser is known the world over as a Scottish-Bengali aka diasporic writer. Further she has also been slotted as a feminist scholar with a huge corpus on Tagore. This essay proves the fallacy of such pigeon-holeing of Fraser and shows that she is as mainstream as Yeats and even before that, like unto Blake. The essay also makes a point for rejecting every other mode of poetry except the Romantic mode. It established the Vedantic nature of the poetic (...)
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  17. Introduction: The Place of Poetry in Contemporary Aesthetics.John Gibson - 2015 - In The Philosophy of Poetry. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press. pp. 1-16.
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    Political Poetry and the Example of Ernesto Cardenal.Reginald Gibbons - 1987 - Critical Inquiry 13 (3):648-671.
    In Latin America Cardenal is generally regarded as an enduring poet. He brought a recognizably Latin American material into his poetry, and he introduced to Spanish-language poetry in general such poetic techniques as textual collage, free verse lines shaped in Poundian fashion, and, especially, a diction that is concrete and detailed, textured with proper names and the names of things in preference to the accepted poetic language, which was more abstract, general, and vaguely symbolic. But what is notable (...)
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    Poetry and the Anthropocene: Ecology, Biology and Technology in Contemporary British and Irish Poetry[REVIEW]Wit Pietrzak - 2017 - Text Matters - a Journal of Literature, Theory and Culture 9 (9):395-402.
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    Thinking Poetry: Philosophical Approaches to Nineteenth-Century French Poetry.Joseph Acquisto (ed.) - 2013 - Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Why have poets played such an important role for contemporary philosophers? How can poetry link philosophy and political theory? How do formal considerations intersect with philosophical approaches? These essays seek to establish a dialogue between poetry and philosophy. Each essay contributes to our understanding of the relationships between theory and lived experience while providing new insight into important poets such as Charles Baudelaire, Stéphane Mallarmé, Victor Hugo, and others. The broad range of metaphysical, phenomenological, aesthetic, and ethical (...)
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  21. Poetry, Performativity, and Ordinary Language Philosophy.Philip Mills - 2025 - Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
    How can Ordinary Language Philosophy (OLP) help us understand poetry? Against John L. Austin’s exclusion of poetic utterances as parasitical, Philip Mills explores how contemporary poetics broadens the aims and scope of OLP. Through the analysis of French and American poetry that reinterprets notions such as illocution, perlocution, and language-games, Mills develops a poetic philosophy of language, revealing its viral and transformative nature. Poetry, Performativity, and Ordinary Language Philosophy bridges philosophy and poetry, showing how (...) contaminates and reshapes our ways of thinking and being in the world, and combining the poetic and the ethical in the notion of ‘poethics.’ This Open Access book offers a new perspective on the poetic and literary potential of OLP and the intersections between the philosophy of language and poetry. (shrink)
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    Transcreation and Self-Translation in Contemporary Latinx Poetry.Rachel Galvin - 2022 - Critical Inquiry 49 (1):28-54.
    This article argues that a recent wave of creative self-translations by Latinx poets marks a significant turn in Latinx literary history. In contrast to the conventional view of translation as a derivative, subsidiary craft, these self-translations serve as a creative practice (for composing innovative literature), a trope (for cultural and linguistic multiplicity and self-decolonization), and a theoretical framing (attuned to colonial relationships and power differentials between languages and cultures). What does this reconceptualization of self-translation mean for Latinx poetry and (...)
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    Ecological Codes in Contemporary American Poetry.Norma Procopiow - 1985 - Semiotics:401-414.
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    Poetry of the Possible: Spontaneity, Modernism, and the Multitude.Joel Nickels - 2012 - Univ of Minnesota Press.
    _The Poetry of the Possible _challenges the conventional image of modernism as a socially phobic formation, arguing that modernism’s abstractions and difficulties are ways of imagining unrealized powers of collective self-organization. Establishing a conceptual continuum between modernism and contemporary theorists such as Paulo Virno, Michael Hardt, Antonio Negri, and Alain Badiou, Joel Nickels rediscovers modernism’s attempts to document the creative _potenza_ of the multitude. By examining scenes of collective life in works by William Carlos Williams, Wyndham Lewis, Laura (...)
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    After the Death of Poetry: Poet and Audience in Contemporary America (review).Kevin Walzer - 1994 - Philosophy and Literature 18 (1):157-158.
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    Reflexes of world culture in the language of contemporary Russian poetry.M. A. Steshenko - 2015 - Liberal Arts in Russia 4 (6):413.
    In this article, the author concentrates on the space of contemporary Russian poetry and through the means of allusive proper names specifically focuses upon reflections of international culture. In this regard, expressive possibilities, text-formation role, as well as typological, semantic and functional characteristics of allusive proper names are considered. Attempts are made to analyze, formulate basic mechanisms of intertextual connections and identify the readers’ role in the creation of meaning of precedent anthroponyms in accordance with the context of (...)
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    Poetry and Survival.Timothy Stock - 2022 - Philosophy Today.
    I propose a critique of Heidegger’s poetics, and show that poetic critique of Heidegger is also philosophical critique on Lévinasian lines. I identify an obsessional erasure of absence in Heidegger’s poetics, a neglect of the immemorial other. Lévinas frames this critique through Valéry’s Eupalinos, a dialogue of an immemorial Socrates, in Limbo after his own death, praising architecture over his own, lost, philosophy. Separating poetics from ontology, Lévinas’s immemorial acknowledges irrecuperable traces, murmurs, or echoes of alterity; poetry, as commemoration, (...)
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    On the anarchy of poetry and philosophy: a guide for the unruly.Gerald L. Bruns - 2006 - New York: Fordham University Press.
    Marcel Duchamp once asked whether it is possible to make something that is not a work of art. This question returns over and over in modernist culture, where there are no longer any authoritative criteria for what can be identified (or excluded) as a work of art. As William Carlos Williams says, “A poem can be made of anything,” even newspaper clippings.At this point, art turns into philosophy, all art is now conceptual art, and the manifesto becomes the distinctive genre (...)
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    Poetry and mind: tractatus poetico-philosophicus.Laurent Dubreuil - 2018 - New York, NY: Fordham University Press.
    "What one cannot compute, one must poetize." So concludes this remarkable sequence of propositions on the centrality of poetry for what we call cognition. Developed through brief, lucid, and eloquent logical elaborations that are punctuated by incisive readings of a range of poems--Western and non-Western, low culture and high--Poetry and Mind offers to theorists and practitioners of literature, together with logicians and cognitive scientists, a more sophisticated account of the extraordinary regimes of human mental experience. Poetry grants (...)
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  30. Poetry as Dark Precursor: Nietzschean Poetics in Deleuze's "Literature and Life".Joshua M. Hall - 2018 - Philosophy Today 62 (1):235-251.
    The present article utilizes the Nietzschean “poetics” distilled from Nietzsche’s Gay Science as an interpretive strategy for considering Deleuze’s essay “Literature and Life” in Essays Critical and Clinical. The first section considers Deleuze’s overarching project in that essay, and then repositions his thought from literature in general to “poetry” in particular, indicating both resonances between Deleuze’s understanding of “literature” and Nietzsche’s understanding of “poetry” as well as their dissonances. The second section focuses on the places in Deleuze’s analyses (...)
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    Poetry and democratic education.Nicholas Tampio - forthcoming - Philosophy and Social Criticism.
    Should public schools provide students with opportunities to write poetry? If so, why? The modern education reform movement insists that students be able to answer questions citing specific textual evidence. In practice, this means that American public education focuses on standardized testing and gives students few opportunities to say something new. In this essay, I explain how Charles Taylor’s expressivist thesis justifies a place for poetry in the public-school curriculum. According to Taylor, the designative-instrumentalist theory of language emphasizes (...)
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    Myth and Poetry in Lucretius.Monica R. Gale - 1994 - Cambridge University Press.
    The employment of mythological language and imagery by an Epicurean poet - an adherent of a system not only materialist, but overtly hostile to myth and poetry - is highly paradoxical. This apparent contradiction has often been ascribed to a conflict in the poet between reason and intellect, or to a desire to enliven his philosophical material with mythological digressions. This book attempts to provide a more positive assessment of Lucretius' aims and methodology by considering the poet's attitude to (...)
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  33. Experience, Poetry and Truth: On the phenomenology of Ernst Jünger’s The Adventurous Heart.Rasmus Gahrn-Andersen - 2017 - Phainomena (100-101):61-74.
    Ernst Jünger is known for his war writings, but is largely ignored by contemporary phenomenologists. In this essay, I explore his e Adventurous Heart which has recently been made available in English. is work consists of a set of fragments which, when related, disclose a coherent ow of philosophical thinking. Speci cally, I show that, beneath a highly poetic and obscure prose, Jünger posits how subjective experience and poetry allow individuals to realize truth. I relate parts of Jünger’s (...)
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    Contemporary Illuminations: Reading Donne's "A Nocturnall upon S. Lucies Day through Three Twenty-First-Century Poems.Theresa M. Dipasquale - 2023 - Intertexts 27 (1):1-29.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Contemporary IlluminationsReading Donne's "A Nocturnall upon S. Lucies Day through Three Twenty-First-Century PoemsTheresa M. DipasqualeIn his contribution to the 2017 volume John Donne and Contemporary Poetry, edited by Judith Scherer Herz, Jonathan F. S. Post explores "a nearly endless landscape of comparisons and contrasts" that unfolds between Stephen Edgar's 2008 poem "Nocturnal" and Donne's "A nocturnall upon S. Lucies day, Being the shortest day."1 Post's essay (...)
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    Four Metaphysical Poets: An Anthology of Poetry by Donne, Herbert, Marvell, and Vaughan.John Donne & Richard Wilmott - 1985
    Concentrating on the major works of Dofine, Marvell, Vaughan and Herbert, Richard Willmott has provided an anthology of metaphysical verse for readers coming to the poetry for the first time. Metaphysical poetry is notorious for its 'difficulty'; in this selection Richard Willmott provides detailed explanatory notes giving in depth information on the period, the poets and 'metaphysical style' and, to ensure a full understanding, line by line exegesis of the poems themselves is given where necessary. The anthology contains (...)
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  36. The Poetry of Nachoem M. Wijnberg.Vincent W. J. Van Gerven Oei - 2011 - Continent 1 (2):129-135.
    continent. 1.2 (2011): 129-135. Introduction Vincent W.J. van Gerven Oei Successions of words are so agreeable. It is about this. —Gertrude Stein Nachoem Wijnberg (1961) is a Dutch poet and novelist. He also a professor of cultural entrepreneurship and management at the Business School of the University of Amsterdam. Since 1989, he has published thirteen volumes of poetry and four novels, which, in my opinion mark a high point in Dutch contemporary literature. His novels even more than his (...)
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    Evolution, Poetry, and Growth.Jennifer A. Gaffney - 2013 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 87 (2):285-300.
    This paper challenges the assumption that John Dewey’s appeal to the philosophical significance of evolutionary theory serves primarily to legitimize the sciences. By contrast, I argue that a more careful examination of Dewey’s conception of growth reveals that his appropriation of the Darwinian worldview is fundamentally aesthetic. To give contour to the aesthetic Dewey extracts from Darwinism, I consider several aspects of his thought alongside Friedrich Schlegel’s conception of romantic poetry. This, in turn, helps to illustrate that, for Dewey, (...)
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    Poetry, Vegetality, Relief From Being.Mark Payne - 2018 - Environmental Philosophy 15 (2):255-274.
    In ancient Greek ecological thought, vegetality is the most basic ground of life. It is followed by animality and rationality as increasingly active, self-aware forms of life. An ontology of forms of life need not justify a hierarchy among actual living beings, but in practice it often does. This paper shows how the poetic representation of plants resists this slippage. Poetry offers human beings an ecstasis from their own animality so that they can apprehend their participation in the vegetality (...)
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    Poetry at Stake: Lyric Aesthetics and the Challenge of Technology.Carrie Noland - 1999 - Princeton University Press.
    Taking seriously Guillaume Apollinaire's wager that twentieth-century poets would one day "mechanize" poetry as modern industry has mechanized the world, Carrie Noland explores poetic attempts to redefine the relationship between subjective expression and mechanical reproduction, high art and the world of things. Noland builds upon close readings to construct a tradition of diverse lyricists--from Arthur Rimbaud, Blaise Cendrars, and René Char to contemporary performance artists Laurie Anderson and Patti Smith--allied in their concern with the nature of subjectivity in (...)
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    Negative Theology and Utopian Thought in Contemporary American Poetry: Determined Negations by Jason Lagapa.Scarlett Higgins - 2018 - Utopian Studies 29 (3):434-438.
    Jason Lagapa’s Negative Theology and Utopian Thought in Contemporary American Poetry tackles a question that has been a difficult one to address for critics attempting to discuss contemporary experimental poetry in the line of “ Language writing.” This is a tradition that claims to be politically engaged but which nevertheless does not tend explicitly to exhort its readers to take concrete political actions. How can we thus judge this poetry’s political efficacy when there are no (...)
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    Book Review: Contemporary Women's Poetry and Urban Space: Experimental Cities. [REVIEW]Snežana Žabić - 2016 - Feminist Review 113 (1):e14-e15.
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    The Problem of "Poetry and Belief" in Contemporary Criticism. By William Joseph Rooney. [REVIEW]John Pick - 1950 - Renascence 3 (1):74-75.
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    Poetry and Private Language.Peter LaMarque - 1998 - The Paideia Archive: Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy 1:105-113.
    The paper discusses three theses in relation to poetry: the Inadequacy Thesis: language is inadequate to capture, portray, do justice to, the quality and intensity of the inner life; the Empathy Thesis: descriptions of certain kinds of experiences can only be understood by a person who has had similar experiences; the Poetic Thesis, which has two parts: only through poetry can we hope to overcome the problem of the Inadequacy Thesis and the difficulty of poetry is at (...)
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    Medical Humanism in the Poetry of Raymond Carver.Sandra Lee Kleppe - 2006 - Journal of Medical Humanities 27 (1):39-55.
    There is an analogy between a scientific approach to medicine in which the patient ultimately becomes an object of study rather than a whole person, and a post/modern aesthetic in literature in which the subject has little or no agency in a chaotic linguistic universe. Raymond Carver died of cancer in 1988, and in both his pre- and post-diagnostic poetry there is humanistic lyricism that contributes to re-establishing empathic bonds between readers and characters, and to re-humanizing the patient as (...)
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    Poeticized Language: The Foundations of Contemporary French Poetry.Stamos Metzidakis, Jean-Jacques Thomas & Steven Winspur - 2003 - Substance 32 (2):133.
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  46. ’No Poetry, No Reality:’ Schlegel, Wittgenstein, Fiction and Reality.Keren Gorodeisky - 2014 - In Dalia Nassar (ed.), The Relevance of Romanticism: Essays on German Romantic Philosophy. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 163-185.
    Friedrich Schlegel’s remarks about poetry and reality are notoriously baffling. They are often regarded as outlandish, or “poetically exaggerated” statements, since they are taken to suggest that there is no difference between poetry and reality or to express the view that there is no way out of linguistic and poetic constructions (Bowie). I take all these responses to be mistaken, and argue that Schlegel’s remarks are philosophical observations about a genuine confusion in theoretical approaches to the distinction between (...)
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    Poetry, History, and Dialectic.Edward Halper - 1998 - The Paideia Archive: Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy 3:146-153.
    Twice in the Poetics, Aristotle contrasts poetry with history. Whatever its didactic value, the contrast has not seemed to readers of special philosophical interest. The aim of this paper is to show that this contrast is philosophically significant not just for our understanding of tragedy but also for the light it sheds on Aristotle’s overall methodology. I shall show how he uses the method sketched in the Topics to define tragedy and explain why the same method will not define (...)
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    R.S. Thomas: Poet of the Hidden God: Meaning and Mediation in the Poetry of R.S. Thomas.D. Z. Phillips - 1986 - Wipf and Stock Publishers.
    This book is one philosopher's response to the poetry of R. S. Thomas. It examines the poet's struggle with the possibilities of sense in religion: R. S. Thomas has described his poetry as an obsession with the possibility of having 'conversations or linguistic confrontations with ultimate reality'. Some attempts at giving meaning to religious belief cannot withstand the assaults of criticism. In R. S. Thomas's verse, however, there emerges a hard-won celebration of the worship of a hidden God; (...)
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    Philosophy, Poetry, Parataxis.Jonathan Monroe - 2009 - The European Legacy 14 (5):599-611.
    At the heart of the relationship between philosophy and poetry, and of the philosophical and the literary tout court, is the relationship between poetry and prose. In the increasingly influential work of Giorgio Agamben, whose impact continues to grow across a wide range of disciplines, the relationship between philosophy and poetry, poetry and prose, receives renewed attention and significance. Situating Agamben's philosophical, poetic prose in relation to the legacy of the prose poem from Charles Baudelaire through (...)
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    Poetry or Pathology? Jesuit Hypochondria in Early Modern Naples.Yasmin Haskell - 2007 - Early Science and Medicine 12 (2):187-213.
    In their didactic poems on fishing and chocolate, both published in 1689, two Neapolitan Jesuits digressed to record and lament a devastating 'plague' of 'hypochondria'. The poetic plagues of Niccolò Giannettasio and Tommaso Strozzi have literary precedents in Lucretius, Vergil, and Fracastoro, but it will be argued that they also have a real, contemporary significance. Hypochondria was considered to be a serious illness in the seventeenth century, with symptoms ranging from depression to delusions. Not only did our Jesuit poets (...)
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