Results for ' dramatization'

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  1.  15
    In heroides 11.Ovid'S. Canace & Dramatic Irony - 1992 - Classical Quarterly 42 (1):201-209.
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    Dramatization and argumentation in African oral societies.Mawusse Kpakpo Akue Adotevi - 2020 - Revista de Humanidades de Valparaíso 16 (16):277-290.
    African traditional societies are oral societies. Orality, in these societies, is the effect as much as the cause of the particular mode of social being of the African man. An African man is socially configured by orality. It is therefore a cultural formatting whose main issue is preservation and transmission, from age to age, of traditions, social norms and practices that determine the relationship of man of orality with the world. Moreover, according to Diagne, the process by which this cultural (...)
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    A Dramatic Approach to the Self-Concept: Intelligibility and the Second Person.Mercedes Rivero-Obra - 2021 - Human Studies 44 (1):87-102.
    Recent works on narrative self-concept still do not pay enough attention to how a person’s actions influence her narration. Narrative structures may enable the subject to give meaning and continuity over time to her experience. But also, a person’s behavior can make sense of her self-concept. From this perspective, the Narrative Identity Theory might be insufficient for addressing the challenge of making sense of the subject’s actions during the interaction itself. The Dramatic Identity Theory's proposal can complement the Narrative Theory (...)
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    Dramatic Form and Philosophical Content in Plato's Dialogues.Arthur A. Krentz - 1983 - Philosophy and Literature 7 (1):32-47.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Arthur A. Krentz DRAMATIC FORM AND PHILOSOPHICAL CONTENT IN PLATO'S DIALOGUES AN intriguing innovation in the history of philosophical discourse is Plato's employment ofdramatic dialogues as his deliberately chosen means ofcommunication. Throughout the history of philosophy scant attention has been focused on this feature of Plato's works. Recently, however, some students of Plato's writings contend that it is crucial for interpreters to give careful attention to the dialogue form (...)
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    Dramatization as Life Practice: Counteractualisation, Event and Death.Janae Sholtz - 2016 - Deleuze and Guatarri Studies 10 (1):50-69.
    The concept of dramatization represents a rhetorical and conceptual tension in Deleuze's philosophy in that it refers both to autopoietic ontological processes and to a critical philosophical method. Commentators are wont to refer to either one or the other, saying little about how or if these two fundamentally distinct usages can be thought together; that is what we aim to do here. By unravelling the conceptual transformations of the term, we can gain an appreciation for the double characterisation of (...)
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    Dramatic intervention: Human rights from a buddhist perspective.Peter D. Hershock - 2000 - Philosophy East and West 50 (1):9-33.
    In light of such basic Buddhist teachings as karma and interdependence, the conceptions of "rights" and "human being" presupposed by the dominant currents in contemporary human rights discourse are critically evaluated here. The negative recusiveness of such a discourse and its promotion of minimum standards for secure coexistence is examined, and a Buddhist perspective on human rights forwarded in which realizing our dramatic interdependence and social virtuosity are held paramount.
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    Examining the Impact of Dramatization Simulation on Nursing Students’ Ethical Attitudes: A Mixed-Method Study.Yadigar Ordu & Sakine Yılmaz - 2024 - Journal of Academic Ethics 22 (4):701-713.
    This research investigated how dramatization simulation affected nursing students' ethical attitudes. Most nurses and nursing students encounter ethical issues in their healthcare practices. Students who receive an education in ethics are better equipped to solve ethical problems, develop ethical sensitivity, and adopt an ethical attitude. Dramatization simulation, which has recently been applied in nursing education, is said to be an effective teaching method. A mixed-method approach was employed in the research. The sample consisted of 60 students enrolled in (...)
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    The Dramatic Setting of the Gorgias.Alessandra Fussi - 1998 - The Paideia Archive: Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy 3:132-139.
    I analyse the dramatic setting of the Gorgias by contrasting it with that of the Protagoras. The two dialogues are closely related. In the Gorgias Socrates states that the rhetorician and the sophist are basically indistinguishable in everyday life. In both the Protagoras and the Gorgias, his confrontation with his interlocutors is metaphorically related to a descent to Hades. However, while the events in the Protagoras are narrated by Socrates himself, the Gorgias has readers face the unfolding events without mediation. (...)
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    Dramatic Prefiguration in Plato's Republic.George Rudebusch - 2002 - Philosophy and Literature 26 (1):75-83.
    After defining dramatic prefiguration, I show how (1) the initial meeting between Polemarchus's party and the smaller group of Socrates and Glaucon prefigures the Republic's theme of how to install the philosophical element in its proper place as ruler in the soul; (2) the relay race of torches carried on horseback prefigures the theory of the soul as tripartite, containing reason, spirit, and appetite; and (3) the opening image of Socrates descending to the Piraeus prefigures the descent of the reasoning (...)
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    The Dramatism of Realism.Steve Smith - 2024 - Southwest Philosophy Review 40 (1):255-263.
    Theoretical conceptions of realness can indicate what is fundamental or invariant in our experience of the world but are bound to miss a main point of realism due to the practical detachment of theoretical world modeling. The central sense in recognizing beings we encounter as real is accepting that we are or might be sharing existence with them, partnering with them in some significant way in the development of the world. This stance of engagement belongs to our modeling of how (...)
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    Volitional imagining and religious dramatizing.Steven G. Smith - 2024 - International Journal of Philosophy and Theology 85 (3):211-225.
    Prompted and resolved by acts of volitional imagining, dramatizing figures a situation in which actors share in having something important at stake such that imminently some of their actions will be momentous (making great differences) and fateful (defining of lives). Religious dramatizing does this very ambitiously. In amplifying the stakes of action there is a danger of being inappropriately dramatic, as in Don Quixote’s fantasies or Chicken Little’s ‘The sky is falling!’ But dramatization can be validated by successfully enacting (...)
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    Dramatizing The SUBJECT's Identity.Mercedes Rivero-Obra - 2019 - Philosophia 47 (4):1227-1245.
    One of major branches of philosophical research is the self, which, in particular, tries to find out how a subject creates her identity. In this work, I will just focus on two kinds of identity approaches: the narrative self-concept and the dramatic self-concept. I will argue that, although the Narrative identity approach especially helpful for the subject being able to give continuity to her actions, the Dramatic identity is which achieves to give meaning to the subject’s actions as soon as (...)
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    The Dramatization of Emotions in Iliad 24.552–658.Ruobing Xian - 2020 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 164 (2):181-196.
    This article argues that the episode in Il. 24.552–658 involving Achilles and Priam brings out the hero’s ability to control his emotions – even if he did lose them momentarily – by means of his calculation of what will come next. This interpretation fits the compositional structure of the epic, whose closure is highlighted by the hero’s dramatized emotions in his encounter with the Trojan king.
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    Dramatization as method in political theory.Iain Mackenzie & Robert Porter - 2011 - Contemporary Political Theory 10 (4):482-501.
    The aim of this article is to give an account of a methodological link between drama and political theory. This account is drawn primarily from the early philosophical work of Deleuze. Following Deleuze, we will refer to it as ‘the method of dramatization’. We will argue that dramatization is a method aimed at determining the quality of political concepts by ‘bringing them to life’, in the way that dramatic performances bring to life the characters and themes of a (...)
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    The Dramatic Power of Events: The Function of Method in Deleuze's Philosophy.Didier Debaise - 2016 - Deleuze and Guatarri Studies 10 (1):5-18.
    Deleuze's text on dramatization has a peculiar place in his philosophy. In this text, he attributes, for the first time in his own name, a singular function to philosophy. I aim to show that all the notions developed in ‘The Method of Dramatization’ – such as the transformation of the status of Ideas, the first development of a theory of individuation, the decentring of subjectivity, the critique of representation – are part of one general function: to grant events (...)
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    Dramatic Theology of K. Barth, H.U. von Balthasar and R. Schwager.O. Shepetyak - 2014 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 69:104-111.
    In the article of Oleh Shepetyak «Dramatic Theology of K. Barth, H.U. von Balthasar and R. Schwager» the analysis of one of the theological concepts of XX - the beginning of XXI century was performed which was developed by Karl Barth, Gustav Aulén, Gans Urs von Balthasar and got the name «dramatic theology». This way of theological reflection appeared as antithesis to liberal theology developed in the dialogue with the Enlightment philosophy. The contribution of main creators of dramatic theology into (...)
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    Dramatic frame and philosophic idea in Plato.William A. Johnson - 1998 - American Journal of Philology 119 (4):577-598.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Dramatic Frame and Philosophic Idea in PlatoWilliam A. JohnsonIn a minority of plato's dialogues the central philosophic discourse is presented indirectly, refracted through the lens of a dramatic frame of more or less complexity.1 Scholars typically divorce the question of the dramatic frame from the philosophy of the dialogues: the frame is often simply set to one side by analytic philosophers, and tends to be considered in terms of (...)
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    The dramatic and its issues in the Anthropological Structures of the Imaginary by Gilbert Durand.Catarina Sant’Anna - forthcoming - Iris.
    This paper aims to examine the place of the dramatic in the Anthropological Structures of the Imaginary, through a comparative approach between this work and two others : Les Concepts fondamentaux de poétique and Les Deux cent mille situations dramatiques, in order to consider another possible order for the sequence of the structures proposed by Gilbert Durand, although the author declared in a note that he did not choose to follow « the ontogenetic plane of the emergence of dominant reflexes (...)
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    The Dramatization of Determinism: A lexander of Aphrodisias' De Fato.Dorothea Frede - 1982 - Phronesis 27 (3):276-298.
  20. Dramatic Irony, Narrative, and the External Perspective.Peter Goldie - 2007 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 60:69-84.
    There is a frequently asked philosophical question about our ability to grasp and to predict the thoughts and feelings of other people, an ability that is these days sometimes given the unfortunate name of ‘mentalising’ or ‘mind-reading’–I say ‘unfortunate’ because it makes appear mysterious what is not mysterious. Some philosophers and psychologists argue that this ability is grounded in possession of some kind of theory or body of knowledge about how minds work. Others argue that it is grounded in our (...)
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    The Dramatic Coherence of Ovid, Amores 1.1 and 1.2.John Moles - 1991 - Classical Quarterly 41 (02):551-.
    In his magisterial new commentary on the Amores J. C. McKeown alleges an ‘inconsistency’ or ‘flaw in the dramatic continuity’ between Amores 1.1 and 1.2: ‘whereas Ovid is fully aware in 1.1 that he is under Cupid's domination, he shows no such awareness in the opening lines of 1.2.’ Previously A. Cameron had used this ‘inconsistency’, together with the evident programmatic character of 1.2, as an indication that the second poem must in fact have been the first poem of one (...)
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  22.  37
    Love, Language and the Dramatization of Ethical Worlds in Deleuze.Joseph Barker - 2016 - Deleuze and Guatarri Studies 10 (1):100-116.
    Dramatization has been conceived by some Deleuze scholars as ‘dramatizing’ the mode of existence of a subject. This paper argues, on the contrary, dramatization involves the very creation of a viewpoint on the world. The ethical significance of dramatization is not the ability to ‘evaluate’ certain subjective modes of existence, but to produce ways of unfolding the world in which we do not ‘imprison’ others and in which multiple perspectives are allowed to unfold. Love is incapable of (...)
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    Etyka: dramat życia moralnego.Piotr Jaroszyński - 1996 - Warszawa: "Gutenberg-Print".
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    The Dramatic Aspect of Plato's Phaedo.Kenneth Dorter - 1970 - Dialogue 8 (4):564-580.
    It has often been remarked that the dramatic element of the Platonic writings is unique in philosophy, and there have been many attempts to account for its presence. Recently there has been a greater tendency to see it as more than mere ornamentation or naturalism, as an essential element in understanding the philosophy of the dialogue. The one unquestionably authentic statement by Plato on philosophical writing is in the Phaedrus where Socrates, who wrote no philosophy, is made to criticize treatises (...)
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    The dramatic dates of Plato's Protagoras and the lesson of arete.John Walsh - 1984 - Classical Quarterly 34 (1):101-106.
    It is generally agreed that the Protagoras recounts a single meeting which took place in the late 430s. If this is correct, then, as has long been recognized, the dialogue contains a number of disturbing anachronisms. It is the purpose of this study to question the supposition of a single dramatic date. I argue that Plato did not record the events of a single meeting in the dialogue, but that he drew upon the action and dialogue of more than one (...)
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    Dramatism and development.Kenneth Burke - 1972 - Barre, Mass.,: Clark University Press.
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    Dramatičnost a/teističke pozicije: (zbornik).Lejla Škuljević (ed.) - 2010 - Zenica: Udruženje Hijatus.
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    Dramatic Mimesis and Civic Education in Aristotle, Cicero and Renaissance Humanism.Hörcher Ferenc - 2017 - Aisthesis: Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 10 (1):87-96.
    This paper wants to address the Aristotelian analysis of the concept of mimesis from a social and cultural angle. It is going to show that mimesis is crucial if we want to understand why the institution of the theatre played such a crucial role in the civic educational programme of classical Athens. The paper’s argument is that the magic spell of theatrical imitation, its aesthetic machinery was exploited by the city for civic educational function. Dramas, and in particular tragedies helped (...)
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    The Dramatization of Absolute Idealism: Gabriel Marcel and F. H. Bradley.Joseph Gamache - 2023 - The Pluralist 18 (3):17-36.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Dramatization of Absolute Idealism:Gabriel Marcel and F. H. BradleyJoseph GamacheI. IntroductionThis paper consists of an observation, a suggestion, and an illustration. First, the observation: in the English-language literature on the philosophy of Gabriel Marcel, there is, so far as I have discovered, a lack of attention paid to the relationship between Marcel and the British philosopher F. H. Bradley (1846–1924).1 Why might be this be? I speculate (...)
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    Dramat Galileusza dawniej i dziś.Waldemar Voisé - 1983 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 31 (3):129-144.
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    Dramat przemocy w historycznej perspektywie.Jacek Chrobaczyński & Wojciech Wrzesiński (eds.) - 2004 - Kraków: Wydawnictwo WAM.
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    The Dramatic Monologue and Related Lyric Forms.Ralph W. Rader - 1976 - Critical Inquiry 3 (1):131-151.
    The most distinctive and highly valued poems of the modern era offer an image of a dramatized "I" acting in a concrete setting. The variety and importance of the poems which fall under this description are suggested simply by the mention of such names as "Elegy Written in a Country Courtyard," "Tintern Abbey," "Ode to a Nightingale," "Ulysses," "My Last Duchess," "Dover Beach," "The Windhover," "The Darkling Thrush," "Sailing to Byzantium," "Leda and the Swan," "The Love Song of J. Alfred (...)
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  33. The Dramatic End of Plato's Socrates.Joseph Cropsey - 1986 - Interpretation 14 (2/3):155-175.
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  34. Dramat i filozofia.Aleksander Ochocki - 2000 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria 33 (1):5-20.
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  35. Dramatic and Comic Devices in Amores 3, 2.John Davis - 1979 - Hermes 107 (1):51-69.
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    Dramatic Approaches to Creative Fidelity.Katharine Rose Hanley - 1977 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 51:193-199.
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    Definition, dramatization, and Rasa.Richard Shusterman - 2003 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 61 (3):295-298.
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    The Dramatic Poet and His Audience:: Agathon and Socrates in Plato's "Symposium".Chris Emlyn-Jones - 2004 - Hermes 132 (4):389-405.
  39.  32
    The Dramatic Synopses Attributed to Aristophanes of Byzantium.A. L. Brown - 1987 - Classical Quarterly 37 (02):427-.
    This is, in effect, an extended footnote to CQ 34 , 271. There, having occasion to discuss the ‘Aristophanic’ synopsis of Aeschylus' Eumenides, I expressed doubt about the value of such synopses in general; and I must now seek to justify this aspersion. I am not claiming any expertise in the study of Hellenistic scholarship, and shall largely be leaving it to others to decide what conclusion to draw from the facts I am pointing out; but my note will have (...)
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    De-Dramatizing Darwinism.Mary Midgley - 1984 - The Monist 67 (2):200-215.
    Let us by-pass a lot of disputation by starting with the objections to the dispute itself. It is surely a misfortune, not a gain, both to the biological and the social sciences that a discontinuity has appeared between them over the topic of Human Nature—that the findings of each group seem in important ways alien and unusable for the purposes of the other. To be forced to give up hope of learning anything from a particular source is always a misfortune, (...)
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    The Birth of Thought: Dramatization, Pluralisation and the Idea.Ayesha Abdullah - 2016 - Deleuze and Guatarri Studies 10 (1):19-32.
    One cannot deny that, even when not explicit, ethical themes run throughout Deleuze's works. Indeed, the method of dramatization directly relates to the production of ethical forms of being. As a method of investigation – critique, if one will – dramatization offers a consistent but dynamic method for interpreting and creating concepts. At the heart of such a method is the attempt to seek the anti-anthropological, anti-hegemonic and anti-representational forces described by Friedrich Nietzsche. It is at the level (...)
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  42. The Dramatic Nature of Our Selves: David Hume and the Theatre Metaphor.Alessandra Stradella - 2010 - Literature & Aesthetics 20 (2):154-167.
  43. The dramatic sources of philosophy.Amelie Oksenberg Rorty - 2008 - Philosophy and Literature 32 (1):pp. 11-30.
    This paper traces some of the sources of Socratic dialectic: myth, drama, lyric poetry, law and the courts, pre-Socratic cosmology.
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  44. Dramat Jednostki w \"Człowieku bez właściwości\".Marek Tański - 2007 - Ruch Filozoficzny 3 (3).
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    The Dramatic Date of Varro Res Rusticae, Book II.J. Henry Jones - 1935 - The Classical Review 49 (06):214-215.
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    Dramatic structure and cultural context in Plato's Laches.C. Emlyn-Jones - 1999 - Classical Quarterly 49 (1):123-138.
    The characters in Plato's Socratic Dialogues and the sociocultural beliefs and assumptions they present have a historical dramatic setting which ranges over the last quarter of the fifth centuryb.c.—the period of activity of the historical Socrates. That this context is to an extent fictional is undeniable; yet this leaves open the question what the dramatic interplay of (mostly) dead politicians, sophists, and other Socratic associates—not forgetting Socrates himself—signifies for the overall meaning and purpose of individual Dialogues. Are we to assume, (...)
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  47. Dramatic Elements in Ritual Possession.Alfred Métraux & James H. Labadie - 1955 - Diogenes 3 (11):18-36.
    The phenomenon of “possession” continues to elude satisfactory explanation because of the ambiguity of its nature. It belongs to one of those marginal zones where beliefs and rites are allied in the closest possible way to still obscure psychological mechanisms. We know that the phenomenon dates from antiquity, and that in numerous so-called primitive societies it is one of the means by which the faithful communicate with the supernatural. Our object is to offer a contribution to the clarification of this (...)
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  48. The Dramatic Structure of Shakespeare's King Henry the Eight: An Essay in Rehabilitation.Glynne Wickham - 1985 - In Wickham Glynne (ed.), Proceedings of the British Academy, Volume 70: 1984. pp. 149-166.
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    Dramatic Pairings in the Elegies of Propertius and Ovid.Emily A. McDermott & John T. Davis - 1980 - American Journal of Philology 101 (1):107.
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    Dramatic Reckoning of the Numeric Kind: Herodotus’ Extended Calculations.Robin Sparks Bond - 2016 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 109 (3):295-319.
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