Results for ' excrement'

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  1. The Excremental Challenge to Hegel’s Organic Systematicity: The Superfluity, Individuality and Purposiveness of Science.Jeffrey Reid - manuscript
    The organic trope is a popular way of accepting the systematicity of Hegelian science. It allows for diversity and difference within the living whole, where each organ contributes to the life of the holistic "one", which, in turn, ensures the vitality of each organ. For example, in the Philosophy of Right, the organic state maintains itself in relation to the various institutions and corporations that constitute its organs. However, one element of the organic trope remains largely ignored: excretion. Briefly, if (...)
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  2. Excremental Happiness: From Neurotic Hedonism to Dialectical Pessimism.Ben Ware - 2018 - College Literature: A Journal of Critical Literary Studies 2 (45):198-221.
    This essay resists steering an unhappy third-way between avowedly “critical” approaches to happiness (Freud, Žižek) and more “positive” perspectives (Benjamin, Badiou), and instead turns the tables. In the first half, focusing upon Thomas Mann’s short story “The Will to Happiness,” it examines neurotic hedonism—a more sophisticated variant of the hysteric’s old game of deriving satisfaction from unsatisfied desire itself—and some of the “necessary fictions” which undergird it. In the second half, it explores what it might mean, at least in theory, (...)
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  3. The excremental sacred : a paraliturgy.J. Kameron Carter - 2021 - In An Yountae & Eleanor Craig (eds.), Beyond man: race, coloniality, and philosophy of religion. Durham: Duke University Press.
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    The Excremental Ethics of Samuel R. Delany.Mary Catherine Foltz - 2008 - Substance 37 (2):41-55.
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    Excremental Colonialism: Public Health and the Poetics of Pollution.Warwick Anderson - 1995 - Critical Inquiry 21 (3):640-669.
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    Toward an Excremental Posthumanism: Primatology, Women, and Waste.Marie Lathers - 2006 - Society and Animals 14 (4):417.
    This essay assesses the use of excrement as a cultural trope in a posthumanist era. Drawing on insights from feminist, postcolonial, and animal theory, it proposes that Fossey and the film Gorillas in the Mist are popularized versions of a recurring narrative that posits feces as a sign of the both material and symbolic fluid boundaries between human and nonhuman animals, colonizers and natives, men and women, and science and nature. Specifically, Gorillas in the Mist transposes Fossey's study of (...)
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    Holy Shit: Excremental Philosophy, Religious Ontology, and Spiritual Revelation.Sean Christopher Hall - 2021 - International Journal of Žižek Studies 15 (1).
    Žižek seems to find great inspiration in Christianity. It is central to The Fragile Absolute: Or, Why Is the Christian Legacy Worth Fighting For?, The Puppet and the Dwarf, and The Monstrosity of Christ. Indeed, even in his more singularly philosophical and political texts we find that Christianity is often vital to his overall argumentative strategy. This is somewhat surprising given his declared position as an atheist. Yet what seems to appeal to him in Christianity is that, as a religion, (...)
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  8. Arthur Kroker and David Cook, The Postmodern Scene: Excremental Culture and Hyperaesthetics Reviewed by.Deborah Cook - 1987 - Philosophy in Review 7 (3):114-116.
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    South Park's Solar Anus, or, Rabelais Returns.David Larsen - 2001 - Theory, Culture and Society 18 (4):65-82.
    South Park, as a narration of late capitalist concerns, has much in common with works from earlier carnival historical epochs, most importantly Gargantua and Pantagruel and its depiction of folk traditions of consumptive culture. Madness, hallucination, excrement, homosexuality, cuckoldry, flowering anuses, zombies, monstrosity, gambling, banquets, viral contagion, grotesque consumption all become signs of a historical epoch which exists in a repetitious and catastrophic sacrificial crisis (Girard), a period of terrifying recurrence of the same and effacement of the `immense freedom' (...)
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    Everyone Poops: Consumer Virtues and Excretory Anxieties in Locke’s Theory of Property.Laura Ephraim - 2022 - Political Theory 50 (5):673-699.
    It is a problem that the environment is often seen and treated as a reservoir of resources awaiting human use. How did this outlook arise? This essay analyzes a formative moment in the constitution of the environment as a buffet of goods to be consumed: seventeenth-century efforts by agricultural improvers, including John Locke, to eradicate waste. Locke’s theory of property prohibits the wasteful spoilage of food and charges mankind with a responsibility to cultivate, incorporate, and thereby appropriate earth’s nonhuman eatables—what (...)
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    Debate Dialectic and Post-Hegelian Dialectic (Again): Žižek, Bhaskar, Badiou.John Roberts - 2013 - Journal of Critical Realism 12 (1):72 - 98.
    Looking at the emergence recently of a New Hegelianism (Badiou, Bhaskar, Jameson, Žižek), in which Hegel’s dialectic is variously reassessed for its political and philosophical resistance to the prevailing ‘weak nihilisms’ of left and right, I argue with Žižek and Jameson against Badiou and Bhaskar for Hegel as, essentially, a philosopher of the ‘productive return’ and failure. In this sense, what emerges is a picture of Hegel as a profoundly nonlinear historical thinker, in which loss, dissolution, breakdown and the excremental (...)
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    The matter and form of Maimonides' guide.Josef Stern - 2013 - Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
    1. Matter and form -- 2. Maimonides' theory of the parable -- 3. The parable of adamic perfection -- 4. Physical matter and its limitations on intellects -- 5. Maimonidean skepticism I -- 6. Maimonidean skepticism II -- 7. In the inner chamber of the ruler's palace: the critique of the theory of separate intellects -- 8. The embodied life of an intellect -- 9. Excrement and exegesis, or shame over matter.
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  13. Ordinary Aesthetics and Ethics in the Haiku Poetry of Matsuo Bashō: A Wittgensteinian Perspective.Tomaso Pignocchi - 2023 - Open Philosophy 6 (1):17-33.
    This article explores how the notion ofordinary aestheticscan stem, as well as the one ofordinary ethics, from thatrevolution of the ordinarystarted by Wittgenstein and further developed by philosophers like Cavell and Diamond. The idea ofordinary ethicsemphasizes the importance of everyday life and the particular details of our experiences. This concept can be extended to aesthetics, forming the basis of a modality of aesthetic appreciation that recognize values and importance in the details and nuances of everyday experience. One example of suchordinary (...)
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    The Gift of Beauty and the Passion of Being.William Desmond - 2018 - Maynooth Philosophical Papers 9:21-42.
    This is a reflection on the gift of beauty and the passion of being in light of the fact that today we often meet an ambiguous attitude to beauty. Beauty seems bland and lacks the more visceral thrill of the ugly, indeed the excremental. We crave what disrupts and provokes us. Bland beauty seems to be the death of originality. How then be open at all to beauty as gift? In fact, we often are disturbed paradoxically by beauty: both taken (...)
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    Homosexual Signs.Harold Beaver - 1981 - Critical Inquiry 8 (1):99-119.
    Just consider, for sheer paranoia, the range of synonyms when the mask is ripped, the silence broken, the deferment brutally concluded: angel-face, arse-bandit, auntie, bent, bessie, bugger, bum-banger, bum boy, chicken, cocksucker, daisie, fag, faggot, fairy, flit, fruit, jasper, mincer; molly, nancy boy, nelly, pansy, patapoof, poofter, cream puff, powder puff, queen, queer, shit-stirrer, sissie, swish, sod, turd-burglar, pervert. For Aristophanes, as for Norman Mailer and Mary Whitehouse, buggery equaled coprophagy: a corrupt, destructive, hypocritical, excremental, urban scatology. Heterosexuality equalled the (...)
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    Mimetic Sadism in the Fiction of Yukio Mishima.Jerry Piven - 2001 - Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 8 (1):69-89.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:MIMETIC SADISM IN THE FICTION OF YUKIO MISHIMA Jerry Piven New York University Mishima Yukio (1925-1970) was one ofthe mostenigmatic authors of the 20th century. Novelist, playwright, actor, exhibiionist —his novels are rife with homoerotic and violent imagery, while his fanatical and nihilistic philosophy calls for a return to a Samurai ethos. Mishima thus attained infamy in Japan and in the West, as his shocking novels inspired hordes ofyoung (...)
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    L’Impossible Transgression de Roméo Castelluci.Florence Andoka - 2016 - Philosophique 19.
    Sade, Pasolini, Bataille, Claude Louis-Combet, David Nebreda et bien d’autres, sans doute sont-ils nombreux à avoir cherché Dieu au fond de la fécalité. Sur le concept du visage du fils de Dieu, pièce de théâtre mise en scène par Roméo Castellucci, semble ouvrir une autre relation entre ces deux pôles, faisant peut-être de l’excrément le signe éminent de l’impossibilité de Dieu. Sur le concept du visage du fils de dieu, parce que la défécation est donnée à voir sur la scène, (...)
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    Empousa, Dionysus and the Mysteries: Aristophanes, Frogs 285ff.Christopher G. Brown - 1991 - Classical Quarterly 41 (01):41-.
    In Frogs Aristophanes presents the comic katabasis of Dionysus, whose quest is to bring back the recently deceased Euripides and restore him to the Athenian literary scene. In the prologue Dionysus and his slave, Xanthias, seek out Heracles and ask his advice about the journey below. After some comic play, as they consider various short-cuts, Heracles finally gives Dionysus a serious lesson in Underworld geography . The various items on this itinerary – Charon, terrifying beasts, filth and excrement, sinners, (...)
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    Undoing art.Mary Ann Caws - 2017 - Macerata: Quodlibet. Edited by Michel Delville.
    Here is, we think, the point. It doesn't matter for what reason the writer or painter or lover destroys the creation: the real point is that destruction itself, like a gigantic statement. It is, in fact, something of an excitation, a stimulation to further thought: what is this ACTION about?' What do Stéphane Mallarmé, Antonin Artaud, Meret Oppenheim, Asger Jorn, Yoko Ono, Tom Phillips and Martin Arnold have in common? Whereas a wealth of critics have diagnosed contemporary art's preoccupations with (...)
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    Mind-body and malady.Edmund L. Erde - 1977 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 2 (2):177-190.
    As Montaigne put it, on the highest throne in the world man sits on his arse. Usually this epigram makes people laugh because it seems to reclaim the world from artificial pride and snobbery and to bring things back to egalitarian values. But if we push the observation even further and say men sit not only on their arse, but over a warm and fuming pile of their own excrement—the joke is no longer funny. The tragedy of man's dualism, (...)
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    The Postmodern Posture.Dmitry Khanin - 1990 - Philosophy and Literature 14 (2):239-247.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Dmitry Khanin THE POSTMODERN POSTURE Postmodernists—the sectarians ofour day—proclaim that the old kingdom of historical narrative and historical subject has perished, and is now being replaced by a new one of ahistorical discourses and ahistorical characters. According to these prophets, "history" is anyway just changes in ways of talking about history. Anyone who does not agree with the ahistoricity of the postmodern world oudook may be accused—and tried on (...)
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  22. Bataille's Moral Summit: The Communication Between Lacerated Beings.Joo Heung Lee - 1998 - Dissertation, The Pennsylvania State University
    Bataille has often been dismissed as an "excremental" philosopher. Recently, however, his writings have garnered more serious attention, especially because of their influence upon contemporary French thought. But Bataille's importance far exceeds his place in the history of ideas. In his notion of communication, Bataille offers us a radically new conception of value. ;Bataille diagnoses utilitarian values as representative of a fundamental selfishness. This selfishness is a result of our placing value on solid things---whether that be the thing desired or (...)
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  23. Woman as a Model of Pathology in the Eighteenth Century.Michael Crawcour & François Azouvi - 1981 - Diogenes 29 (115):22-36.
    Doctors have always thought, it seems, that the female body is more susceptible to illness than the male. Ancient medicine founded this dogma on the doctrine of elementary qualities, in attributing to woman a cold and humid constitution. As heat is the principal instrument which nature uses to produce the forces of the body and to maintain them, it must be lacking in woman, as is proved by her weakness, the softness of her limbs, her lack of external sexual organs (...)
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    Emotions on Oneida.Karin Michelson - 2002 - Pragmatics and Cognition 10 (1):185-206.
    Oneida has terms for emotions, as well as other mental activities, that include one of three noun roots referring to the mind: ¿mind, thought, spirit¿, ¿mind, thought¿, and ¿soul¿. There are no constructions in Oneida that describe emotions by referring to body organs, other than the mind, or characteristic bodily ¿symptoms¿, although some emotive interjections include the terms for ¿crack in the behind, anus¿ or ¿feces, excrement¿. Oneida speakers attribute their classification of diverse concepts as emotions to the idea (...)
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    Art as Intervention into the Politics of Life.Polona Tratnik - 2023 - In María Antonia González Valerio & Polona Tratnik (eds.), Through the Scope of Life: Art and (Bio)Technologies Philosophically Revisited. Springer Verlag. pp. 2147483647-2147483647.
    Humans in the biotech era foster biotechnological research and engineering with ambitions to gain control over bodies and enhance them, to gain control over the rest of the living world and enhance the attributes of organisms in order to serve utilitarian objectives. Biotechnology is a political strategy to gain power over the living world and to make use of this conquest. Science is located in power relations and is therefore produced in the direction of economic and political power to the (...)
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    Literary bioinformatics studies: The genetic code mystique.Adam Zaretsky - 2018 - Technoetic Arts 16 (3):267-276.
    What is life and what does it mean to be in the living political universe of entitiness without rhyme or reason? Flappy exudate, a bag in a bag, corpuscles of corporeality, worms (or flesh tubes) with appendages, even the cult of first involution – these are our body pods and the hunger and thirst of being-in. How can the situation of anatomical form be analysed without the illusion of instrumentalized reflection? Perhaps by amalgamating the categories and their issues. The issuance (...)
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    Using meconium to establish prenatal alcohol exposure in the UK: ethical, legal and social considerations.Rachel Arkell & Ellie Lee - 2023 - Journal of Medical Ethics 49 (8):531-535.
    An expanding policy framework aimed at monitoring alcohol consumption during pregnancy has emerged. The primary justification is prevention of harm from what is termed ‘prenatal alcohol exposure’ (PAE), by enabling more extensive diagnosis of the disability labelled fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD). Here we focus on proposals to include biomarkers as a PAE ‘screening tool’, specifically those found in meconium (the first newborn excrement), which are discussed as an ‘objective’ measure of PAE.We ask the overarching question, ‘Can routine screening (...)
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    Dalit Women and the Struggle for Justice in a World of Global Capitalism.Mary Grey - 2005 - Feminist Theology 14 (1):127-149.
    This article tackles caste-based poverty by a focus on the position of Dalit women in India. Of 200 million Dalits, nearly 50% are women, often referred to a ‘thrice Dalit’, as they suffer from the triple oppressions of poverty, being female and being female Dalits. They are frequently let down by both the Dalit movement itself as well as the women’s movement in India that focuses more on social problems like dowry deaths—more relevant for caste women and not those outside (...)
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    Sorrow as the Longest Memory of Neglect.Alfred Frankowski - 2014 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 28 (2):154-168.
    We were stolen, sold, and brought together from the African continent. We got on the slave ships together. We lay back to belly in the holds of the slave ships in each other’s excrement and urine together, sometimes died together, and our lifeless bodies thrown overboard together. Today, we are standing up together, with faith and even some joy. Within the last seven years or so, the development of postracial politics has been based on and grounded in a central (...)
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  30. The Gravity of Pure Forces.Nico Jenkins - 2011 - Continent 1 (1):60-67.
    continent. 1.1 (2011): 60-67. At the beginning of Martin Heidegger’s lecture “Time and Being,” presented to the University of Freiburg in 1962, he cautions against, it would seem, the requirement that philosophy make sense, or be necessarily responsible (Stambaugh, 1972). At that time Heidegger's project focused on thinking as thinking and in order to elucidate his ideas he drew comparisons between his project and two paintings by Paul Klee as well with a poem by Georg Trakl. In front of Klee's (...)
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  31. Political Poetry: A Few Notes. Poetics for N30.Jeroen Mettes - 2012 - Continent 2 (1):29-35.
    continent. 2.1 (2012): 29–35. Translated by Vincent W.J. van Gerven Oei from Jeroen Mettes. "Politieke Poëzie: Enige aantekeningen, Poëtica bij N30 (versie 2006)." In Weerstandbeleid: Nieuwe kritiek . Amsterdam: De wereldbibliotheek, 2011. Published with permission of Uitgeverij Wereldbibliotheek, Amsterdam. L’égalité veut d’autres lois . —Eugène Pottier The modern poem does not have form but consistency (that is sensed), no content but a problem (that is developed). Consistency + problem = composition. The problem of modern poetry is capitalism. Capitalism—which has no (...)
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