Results for ' existential communion'

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  1.  16
    “Friendship of Dharma” as Existential Communion between Enemies.Itsuki Hayashi - 2022 - Journal of Japanese Philosophy 8 (1):73-96.
    “Atsumori” is a Noh play composed by master playwright Zeami sometime before 1423, featuring characters from the Tales of the Heike. Although popular to this day, the philosophical significance of the play remains underdeveloped and underappreciated. Prima facie, it features a ghost who is liberated thanks to the sincere prayer of the priest who killed him. Simplistic reading would yield simplistic understanding of the characters and their dynamism, and would fail to appreciate, for instance, the agency of the ghost or (...)
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    Existential Isolation in Whisky (2004), reading Uruguayan cinema beyond the concept of small cinema.Cesar Lopes Gemelli - 2019 - Revista Philia Filosofia, Literatura e Arte 1 (2):146-166.
    The Cinematography in Whisky (2004) is essential in the directors’ efforts to explore existential isolation. The incompleteness of knowledge, the uncrossable gaps between people, and the impossibility of communion among individuals are some of the themes explored in this film, directed by Juan Pablo Rebella and Pablo Stoll. These are mostly absent in the scholarship about the movie, which tends to focus on the concept of small cinema. The present text aims to build on these discussions to propose (...)
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    “Nourishing Communion”: A Less Recognized Dimension of Support For Young Persons Facing Mental Health Challenges?M. Sommer, L. Finlay, O. Ness, M. Borg & Alison Blank - forthcoming - The Humanistic Psychologist.
    This study, the third in a series of three, draws on a broader Norwegian research project exploring the phenomenon of support for young persons with mental health issues. The aim was to explore and explicate the sense of “nourishing communion”, as a somewhat neglected aspect of support. Fourteen Norwegian young adults, aged 18-25, were interviewed about their experiences of support. Data was analyzed using van Manen’s hermeneutic-phenomenological approach to open up possible meanings of how nourishing communion is concretely (...)
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  4. The Interpermeation of Self and World: Empirical Research, Existential Phenomenology, and Transpersonal Psychology.Will W. Adams - 1999 - Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 30 (2):39-67.
    This study, based upon empirical phenomenological research, explores an essential phenomenon of human existence: the interpermeating communion of self and world. In interpermeation, the supposed separation of self and world is transcended. The being, energy, life, and meaning of the world "flow into" one's self and become integrated as part of who one is; simultaneously, one's being, consciousness, awareness, and self "flow into" the world and become part of the world. Conscious of interpermeation, we tend to understand ourselves and (...)
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  5. Religion's evolutionary landscape: Counterintuition, commitment, compassion, communion.Scott Atran & Ara Norenzayan - 2004 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 27 (6):713-730.
    Religion is not an evolutionary adaptation per se, but a recurring by-product of the complex evolutionary landscape that sets cognitive, emotional and material conditions for ordinary human interactions. Religion involves extraordinary use of ordinary cognitive processes to passionately display costly devotion to counterintuitive worlds governed by supernatural agents. The conceptual foundations of religion are intuitively given by task-specific panhuman cognitive domains, including folkmechanics, folkbiology, folkpsychology. Core religious beliefs minimally violate ordinary notions about how the world is, with all of its (...)
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  6. The Development of Subjectivity and the Communion of Language: From Merleau-Ponty to Schrag.Duane H. Davis - 1992 - Dissertation, The Pennsylvania State University
    This dissertation is concerned with the ethical nature of language. Contrary to most post-modern and post-structuralist accounts, I argue that a thoughtful examination of the intersubjective relations of interlocutors can be accomplished without unduly privileging the subject, and can open new paths of inquiry into the ethical bonds of the human situation. ;I begin from the existential-phenomenological perspective of Maurice Merleau-Ponty. Merleau-Ponty's notion of the self engaged with others in speaking, writing, and gesturing developed continuously over the course of (...)
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    From Profit to Purpose: The Distinctive Proposition of the Economy of Communion Approach.Andrew Gustafson & Celeste Harvey - 2023 - Humanistic Management Journal 8 (2):167-179.
    In this essay, we highlight 7 distinctives of EoC businesses which set them apart even from other humanistic approaches to management. Not that EoC’s distinctives make them a non-humanistic form of management, but they distinguish it with a unique set of goals and aims. These are: 1. Social and Economic Transformation Towards Unity; 2. The existential Self giving aspect—Creating a Culture of Encounter; 3. Redistributing Wealth for the Common Good; 4. Concern to Alleviate Poverty in All of Its Forms, (...)
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    L’ontologie sociale de Tanabe Hajime.Satoshi Urai 浦井聡 - 2023 - Les Cahiers Philosophiques de Strasbourg 53:241-275.
    Tanabe Hajime développa sa philosophie dans la perspective d’une « ontologie sociale » à travers la « logique de l’espèce » et la « logique de l’Amour ». La première, développée de 1934 à 1941, vise la rationalisation de la société japonaise en temps de guerre, la seconde le salut de la société japonaise après la Seconde Guerre mondiale dans le cadre d’une philosophie de la religion. Le but de cet article est de mettre au jour le développement de la (...)
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    Existentialist Critiques of Cartesianism.İlham Dilman - 1993 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    This book is a discussion of Heidegger's, Sartre's and Marcel's rejection of Cartesian epistemology, the scepticism to which it leads and its objectivist conception of human existence. It compares this rejection with Wittgenstein's rejection of these conceptions of man, his relation to the knowledge of what belongs to the world in which he lives. It concentrates on the existentialist critiques of consciousness as a substance and of the self as such a substance, of each person's body as something external to (...)
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  10.  37
    ‘Ecce Ego’: Apollo, Dionysus, and Performative Social Media.Aurélien Daudi - 2023 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy:1-18.
    Epitomized in the bodily exhibitions of ‘fitspiration’, photo-based social media is biased toward self-beautification and glorification of reality. Meanwhile, evidence is growing of psychological side effects connected to this ‘pictorial turn’ in our communication. In The Birth of Tragedy, Nietzsche poses the question how ugliness and discord can produce aesthetic pleasure. This paper proceeds from an inverse relationship and examines why glorification of appearances and conspicuous beauty fails to do the same, and even compounds suffering. Drawing on the Apollo-Dionysus dualism (...)
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    A solidez da espiritualidade sálmica diante da sociedade líquida atual.Rafael Gouvêa Domingues - 2019 - Revista de Teologia 12 (22):104-112.
    This article seeks to clarify the value of the Christian faith improvements through well founded arguments, in order to protect it from a certain lessening to the immanent and temporal ideas, aiming to the existentiality of the Christian being who reads up on what is eschatological. The proposed itinerary is achieved by the authentic awareness of sin, so that the sinner recognizes himself as such one and experiences the saving presence of God, both personally and socially. The methodology used was (...)
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    Exomologesis as an absolute form of standing in inter-religious dialogue.Vasilică V. Bîrzu - 2022 - HTS Theological Studies 78 (4):1-8.
    The present study intends to offer another perspective over the inter-religious dialogue emphasising the spiritual state of exomologesis as an essential means of accomplishing a better and real understanding of a participant in dialogue. It makes some short analysis of penitential confession as homologation with the Logos, of the prayer as inner dialogue or confession or exomologesis with the Logos and of the confessions as a literary style, which all engages the deep, spiritual dimensions of communion with the Logos (...)
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  13.  22
    „Das Frohmachende darin, daß ich doch, wenn ich ‚alles gewinne‘, schlechthin nichts verliere“.Albrecht Haizmann - 2007 - Kierkegaard Studies Yearbook 2007 (1):80-95.
    This article describes a rhetorical characteristic of Kierkegaard’s thirteen Discourses “at the Communion” on Fridays, namely, their way of expressing religious truths, theological distinctions, and homiletic statements by a certain concept of space, place and movement, thus making them existentially accessible. It illustrates the fundamental meaning of this series of discourses and especially the last discourse for Kierkegaard’s entire work as an author. By focussing on the topological categories and correlations in the last discourse, the article demonstrates the constitutive (...)
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    Uncanny arts and the aesthetics of cyberneticexistentialism.Steve Dixon - 2018 - Technoetic Arts 16 (2):195-219.
    ‘Uncanny’ works by a number of contemporary artists are analysed in relation to the themes and insights of both cybernetics and existentialist philosophy. This reveals that central ideas from these largely neglected fields remain current and potent within innovative art practices. Artists employ cybernetic systems to provoke aesthetic sensations of the uncanny, while simultaneously encapsulating existentialist concerns. Pierre Huyghe’s mysterious installation responds to the life-breath of visitors to mutate human cancer cells. Susan Collins and Rafael Lozano-Hemmer construct cybernetic worlds-within-worlds to (...)
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  15.  12
    The origin, definition and nature of the transconscious in the spirituality of Father Stăniloae.Vasilică V. Bîrzu - 2021 - HTS Theological Studies 77 (4):1-7.
    In his important work, Orthodox Spirituality, Father Dumitru Stăniloae considers that, besides the real existence of the subconscious, there exists in man another reality as well, comprising the superior divine energies found in the human heart and which he defined by using the modern notion of transconscious or supraconscious.Contribution: The present study emphasises on the origin, definitions and content of this concept in the work of Father Stăniloae and its great importance in defining a way to know God and his (...)
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  16.  5
    Man's approach to God.Jacques Maritain - 1960 - Latrobe, Pa.,: Archabbey Press.
    Man's Approach to God was the 5th lecture in the Wimmer Memorial Lecture Series (1947-1970) at Saint Vincent and was given in 1951 by Jacques Maritain. Maritain was one of the most influential figures in the Thomistic revival of the 20th century. Both in his personal life and in his prolific academic corpus, Maritain modeled the Church's commitment to the interrelationship between faith and reason. So seriously did he take his intellectual commitments in his student years that, along with soon-to-be (...)
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    New Visions and New Voices: Extending the Principles of Archetypal Pedagogy to Include a Variety of Venues, Issues, and Projects.Clifford Mayes & Jacquelyn Ane Rinaldi (eds.) - 2023 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    In this book, the contributors expand on their use of Mayes archetypal pedagogy in volume 1 to apply its principles to a wide variety of venues, purposes, and projects. Each essay explores from its own disciplinary angle the difference between what Mayes has called "educational processes" (which are those practices that take place in the dedicated space of the classroom, through the medium of the curriculum, and under the stewardship of the teacher) and "educative acts" (which are those deep transactions (...)
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    Living philosophy in Kierkegaard, Melville, and others: intersections of literature, philosophy, and religion.Edward F. Mooney - 2020 - New York, NY: Bloomsbury Academic.
    Unravels the philosophical, literary, and personal theaters of faith, self-deception, communion, difficult reality, and existential crisis in texts by Kierkegaard, Melville, Henry Bugbee, and others.
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  19. The Philosophical Act of Seeing With One's Own Eyes: The Silent Films of Stan Brakhage.James Michael Magrini - 2013 - Film-Philosophy 17 (1):424-445.
    The qualities of great works of art, their profundity, their insight into the human condition, are epitomised in Brakhage's films, which are, I argue, from the beginning related to and inseparable from a philosophical attitude toward existence. His films emerge out of an authentic 'existential' mode of attunement, a mind-set wherein the potential for human transcendence is framed and filmed within its intractable relationship to death, the most extreme possibility of non-existence. Brakhage not only views existence in a philosophical (...)
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  20.  40
    A Panentheistic Interpretation of the Divine Love.Sung Jin Song - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 45:349-355.
    Most religions share the belief that love is the supreme truth of the ultimate reality and also of all human beings. The ultimate reality is characterized by the absolute love for all beings. And authentic human life consists in embodying the divine love as far as possible. The religious-meaning of love can be interpreted in terms of the panentheistic conceptuality provided process philosophers such as Alfred North Whitehead and Charles Hartshorne. Hartshorne’s mind-body analogy is helpful in particular. The ultimate reality (...)
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  21.  21
    Observing systemic conflict: The emotional affect on pastors in the Netherdutch Reformed Church of Africa.Frederick J. Labuschagne & Petrus L. Steenkamp - 2023 - HTS Theological Studies 79 (1):9.
    The Netherdutch Reformed Church of Africa (NRCA) did not escape this existential crisis of conflict. It manifests in various ways resulting in the bleeding of congregations, the exodus of congregants and the closure of congregations, as many congregants that declare themselves as members of the Church do not attend worship services or participate in the Holy Communion and exit the church. The study was conducted in the NRCA to determine the effect and response formation of observed conflict by (...)
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    La teología como posibilidad fundante de una ciencia más humana.María Teresa Gargiulo - 2018 - Scientia et Fides 6 (1):285-314.
    The theology as enabler of a more human science Paul Karl Feyerabend conceives religion as a possible way to infuse meaning and humanity to the science. He asserts that when it has taken place historically a unity between science and religion, science has been able to transcend values of utility and efficiency. This happens because the religion confers meaning to scientific results within an image of the world that involves the person as a whole. In this context, the Viennese invites (...)
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    Existentialist Critiques of Cartesianism.Gregory McCulloch & Ilham Dilman - 1996 - Philosophical Quarterly 46 (183):241.
    This book is a discussion of Heidegger's, Sartre's and Marcel's rejection of Cartesian epistemology, the scepticism to which it leads and its objectivist conception of human existence. It compares this rejection with Wittgenstein's rejection of these conceptions of man, his relation to the knowledge of what belongs to the world in which he lives. It concentrates on the existentialist critiques of consciousness as a substance and of the self as such a substance, of each person's body as something external to (...)
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    Heimkehr ins eigentliche.Herbert Wallace Schneider - 1970 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 8 (4):504-505.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:504 HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY Earle's position, needless to say, is a radical one. If taken seriously it appears to commit him either to a private language doctrine or, more likely, to silence. If the concepts embodied in our language are public, intersubjective concepts, then either a minimal characterization of singular human existence is possible or Earle is stranded in a hopeless, speechless solipsism. I shall mention just one other (...)
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    The meaning of being human.Jean Zizioulas - 2021 - Alhambra, California: Sebastian Press.
    The book contrasts two approaches to anthropology: a "substantial" approach and a "personal communion" approach. The core of the author's argument is that personhood is an ekstatic and hypo-static mode of existence not subject to any predetermination or necessity--remains unwavering. A few key ways that the author approaches the "human phenomenon" with a personalist optic should be highlighted: he makes important references to the capacity of man for history (which is not due to his natural properties, i.e., memory, psychology, (...)
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  26. Part IV how to improve european east-west cooperation in the face of existential environmental threats?Existential Environmental Threats - 1990 - World Futures 29 (3):173.
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  27. Many toys are in box.Existential Sentences - 1971 - Foundations of Language: International Journal of Language and Philosophy 7.
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  28. La boadi.Existential Sentences In Akan - 1971 - Foundations of Language 7:19.
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  29. Nothingness at the heart of being.Existential Psychoanalysis & Betty Cannon - 2010 - In Adrian Mirvish & Adrian Van den Hoven (eds.), New perspectives on Sartre. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Press. pp. 412.
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    An interview with Iohn Cottingham.Existential Laughter - 1996 - Cogito 10 (1):5-15.
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  31. Jj Christie.Possessive Locative & Existential In Swahili - 2015 - Foundations of Language.
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  32. Presencing "communion" in chaïm Perelman's new rhetoric.Richard Graff & Wendy Winn - 2006 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 39 (1):45-71.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy and Rhetoric 39.1 (2006) 45-71 [Access article in PDF] Presencing "Communion" in Chaïm Perelman's New Rhetoric Richard Graff Wendy Winn Department of RhetoricUniversity of MinnesotaOver the second half of his long and distinguished career, Chaïm Perelman reiterated the central themes of his theory of rhetoric many times. As the audience for his work expanded, Perelman was repeatedly invited to summarize the principles presented in La nouvelle rhétorique, (...)
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    In Communion with God’s Sparrow: Incorporating Animal Agency into the Environmental Vision of Laudato Sí.Mary A. Ashley - 2018 - Sophia 57 (1):103-118.
    Although a conventional environmentalism focuses on the health of ecological systems, Pope Francis’s 2015 environmental encyclical Laudato Sí invokes St. Francis of Assisi to emphasize God’s love for the individual organism, no matter how small. Decrying the tendency to regard other creatures as mere objects to be controlled and used, Pope Francis urges our enactment of a ‘universal communion’ governed by love. I suggest, however, that Laudato Sí’s animal ethic, as focused on ordering human and animal need, is inadequate (...)
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  34.  16
    Communion and Creation.D. T. Everhart - 2022 - TheoLogica: An International Journal for Philosophy of Religion and Philosophical Theology 7 (1).
    In this paper, I argue for an extension of relational accounts of the imago Dei which includes a kind of priestly relation to the created order. In this relation, humanity is intended to ensure the independent flourishing of creation in a way reflective of the kind of communion we ought to have with one another. Through an analysis of the brokenness of these relationships, I argue human oppression of other humans and ravaging of creation are born of the same (...)
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    «Communion ecclésiale, conciliarité et autorité»: Le document de Ravenne.Joseph Famerée - 2009 - Revue Théologique de Louvain 40 (2):236-247.
    Cette note présente le contenu du document de Ravenne , dernier accord de la Commission mixte internationale pour le dialogue théologique entre l’Église catholique et l’Église orthodoxe, intitulé «Conséquences ecclésiologiques et canoniques de la nature sacramentelle de l’Église. Communion ecclésiale, conciliarité et autorité». On propose ensuite une évaluation de ce texte qui offre les fondements ecclésiologiques d’une réflexion commune sur la primauté de l’évêque de Rome.
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    Seeking Communion as Healing Dialogue: Gabriel Marcel’s Philosophy for Today.Margaret M. Mullan - 2021 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    This book explores society’s problems with interpersonal communication amid increasingly technological environments. The author argues that the work of Gabriel Marcel reveals the root of our issues with communication to be issues with being with others, ultimately suggesting that seeking communion is a way to bridge our disconnections.
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    Holy Communion: Altar Sacrament for Making a Sacrificial Sin Offering, or Table Sacrament for Nourishing a Life of Service?Paul J. Nuechterlein - 1996 - Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 3 (1):201-221.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Holy Communion: Altar Sacrament for Making a Sacrificial Sin Offering, or Table Sacrament for Nourishing a Life of Service? Paul J. Nuechterlein Emmaus Lutheran Church, Racine, WI The title spells out the alternative I would like the reader to consider: Is Holy Communion more appropriately considered the "table sacrament" or, as is more commonly accepted, the "altar sacrament "? I will make my preference clear. In Holy (...)
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    Communion and True Self-Love.Stephen Post - 1988 - Journal of Religious Ethics 16 (2):345 - 362.
    The author examines various strains in the wider historical tradition of Christian ethical thought that have obscured the moral excellence of mutual love. This examination presupposes that the communion between God, self, and other(s) is the highest ideal of Christian love. Moreover, several conclusions are offered that relate this examination to the writings of Gene Outka and other contemporary ethicists concerned with the meaning of love.
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    Being as Communion in Aquinas's Trinitarian Theology.Michael Joseph Higgins - 2023 - New Blackfriars 104 (1112):428-447.
    A number of thinkers in recent decades have argued that, in light of the Trinity, we can see that God's being is communion. Particularly effective was John D. Zizioulas, whose Trinitarian ontology centered on communion. Some skeptical of this claim have invoked Aquinas as a source for countering an ontology of communion. I argue that, while Thomas never explicitly affirms that the divine being is communion, he can give us deep resources for reaching this conclusion. Indeed, (...)
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  40. Koinonia as Communion: Rethinking Communion in Igbo Traditional Society as Oriko.Bethrand Chekwube Nwangwu - 2025 - European Journal of Theology and Philosophy 5 (1):12-20.
    The Greek term Koinǒnia has been for everyday usage, contextually meaning many things – relationships, fellowship, participation, and communion in usages. This paper situates koinonia within the context of communion, evoking a special usage in Christendom. It applies an intercultural and interreligious linkage of the term to an agelong practice of Ndi Igbo, a practice that predates their encounter with Christianity. Ndi Igbo are people living in the Southeastern part of Nigeria, West Africa whose indigenous religion is the (...)
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  41. Existential Dependence and Cognate Notions.Fabrice Correia - 2005 - Philosophia Verlag.
    The purpose of the book is to clarify the notion of existential dependence and cognate notions, such as supervenience and the notion of an internal relation. I defend the view that such notions are best understood in terms of the concept of metaphysical grounding, i.e. the concept of one fact obtaining in virtue of other facts, where ‘in virtue of’ has a distinctively metaphysical meaning.
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    Existential and Meta-Existential Philosophy.Elias Capriles - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 8:47-53.
    In existential thought the thinking subject includes itself in its own thinking; this subject is not conceived as a substance that may be objectively determined, for its being lies in a making or constituting itself. Choice is thus the crucial concept of existential thought. Since choice involves awareness of the uncertainty of itspossible outcomes, anguish is inherent in it. Hence anguish in the face of our own freedom is essential to the human reality, and authenticity lies in facing (...)
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  43. A Bioethic of Communion: Beyond Care and the Four Principles with Regard to Reproduction.Thaddeus Metz - 2018 - In Marta Soniewicka (ed.), The Ethics of Reproductive Genetics - Between Utility, Principles, and Virtues. Cham: Springer Verlag. pp. 49-66.
    English-speaking research on morally right decisions in a healthcare context over the past three decades has been dominated by two major perspectives, namely, the Four Principles, of which the principle of respect for autonomy has been most salient, and the ethic of care, often presented as a rival to not only a focus on autonomy but also a reliance on principles more generally. In my contribution, I present a novel ethic applicable to bioethics, particularly as it concerns human procreation, that (...)
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  44. From festival to social communion: a Nigerian experience.Emmanuel Orok Duke & Stella Osim - 2020 - Przestrzen Spoleczna (Social Space Scientific Journal) 19 (1):53-70.
    Festival is a performative dimension of cultural praxis that strengthens bonds of cohesion in society. Festivals are also an integral part of religious praxis. They have the potentiality of bringing its adherents and non-adherents together thus creating and sustaining social communion among them. This reality of sustaining social communion confirms an important function of religion in society with particular reference to its social integrative effects. Therefore, this article assesses how religious festival, Christmas, fosters social integration among Igbos in (...)
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  45. Presentation - Economy of Communion.Pedro McDade - 2014 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 70 (1):5-8.
    A short review of the literature on the business initiative of 'Economy of Communion', plus a summary of the articles published in this issue. In Portuguese.
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  46. Existential Nihilism: The Only Really Serious Problem in Philosophy.Walter Veit - 2018 - Journal of Camus Studies 2018:211-232.
    Since Friedrich Nietzsche, philosophers have grappled with the question of how to respond to nihilism. Nihilism, often seen as a derogative term for a ‘life-denying’, destructive and perhaps most of all depressive philosophy is what drove existentialists to write about the right response to a meaningless universe devoid of purpose. This latter diagnosis is what I shall refer to as existential nihilism, the denial of meaning and purpose, a view that not only existentialists but also a long line of (...)
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  47. Existential risk from AI and orthogonality: Can we have it both ways?Vincent C. Müller & Michael Cannon - 2021 - Ratio 35 (1):25-36.
    The standard argument to the conclusion that artificial intelligence (AI) constitutes an existential risk for the human species uses two premises: (1) AI may reach superintelligent levels, at which point we humans lose control (the ‘singularity claim’); (2) Any level of intelligence can go along with any goal (the ‘orthogonality thesis’). We find that the singularity claim requires a notion of ‘general intelligence’, while the orthogonality thesis requires a notion of ‘instrumental intelligence’. If this interpretation is correct, they cannot (...)
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    The communion of forms and the development of Plato's logic.D. W. Hamlyn - 1955 - Philosophical Quarterly 5 (21):289-302.
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    Being as Communion: Sophist 247D–248B.Colin C. Smith - 2023 - Review of Metaphysics 76 (3):395-423.
    Abstract:The author considers the Eleatic Stranger's account of being as communing (κοινωνεῖν), an under-recognized aspect of the well-known "dunamis proposal" and Plato's unfolding of the notion of being in the Sophist. The Stranger calls being "the power to act upon or be affected" (247d7-e3), and shortly thereafter describes "being affected or acting upon from a certain power" (248b6) as "communing" (248b2). This marks a shift away from understanding being as capacity toward understanding it as activity. The author identifies two functions (...)
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  50. National communion: Watsuji Tetsuro's conception of ethics, power, and the japanese imperial state.Bernard Bernier - 2006 - Philosophy East and West 56 (1):84-105.
    : Watsuji Tetsurō defined ethics as being generated by a double negation: the individual's negation of the community and the self-negation of the individual who returns to the community. Thus, ethics for him is based on the individual's sacrifice for the collectivity. This position results in the conception of the community as an absolute. I contend that there is a congruence between Watsuji's conception of ethics as self-sacrifice and the way he perceived the Japanese political system. To him, the imperial (...)
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