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  1. The Japanese Emperor System.Hugh H. Smythe - forthcoming - Social Research: An International Quarterly.
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  2. A Brief Note on Japan’s AI Race, the Copyright Dilemma, and Generative AI Impact on Authorship.Montserrat Crespin Perales - 2024 - Interface - Journal of European Languages and Literatures 24:3-22.
    Abstract This article delves into the intricate interplay between copyright laws, Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies, and the evolving role of authors in the contemporary digital landscape, especially after the irruption of Generative AI systems, as ChatGPT. The paper scrutinizes Japan’s approach to copyright in the realm of AI training, highlighting the delicate balance between safeguarding creators’ rights and fostering competitiveness in the global market. By examining the concept of “the death of the Author” as elucidated by Roland Barthes, the study (...)
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  3. On Tsuchida Kyōson’s Social Philosophy.Montserrat Crespin Perales - 2023 - Universitat de Barcelona Digital Repository.
    Abstract: In Western languages, if one looks at the volumes published from the 1990s onwards dedicated to the history of 20th-century Japanese philosophy, Tsuchida Kyōson’s (1891-1934) is a minimally present figure, although the same does not happen if, instead of seeking his presence in books on the history of philosophy, one traces his relevance in studies on "social education" in Japan, where the scholars recognized him as the driving force of innovative forms of education. Part of: Comunicació a: Hybrid International (...)
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  4. (Chapter) El individuo escalonado: un estudio sobre el método psicológico-político en Tosaka Jun y Maruyama Masao.Montserrat Crespin Perales - 2023 - In Crespín Perales, Montserrat, Wirtz, Fernando (eds.), Después de la nada. Dialéctica e ideología en la filosofía japonesa contemporánea, Barcelona, Herder, 2023. Barcelona (Spain): pp. 117-149.
    En el contexto europeo es ampliamente conocido el análisis que realizara Theodor W. Adorno sobre «La personalidad autoritaria» (1950). La hipótesis de su investigación social pretendía esclarecer las pautas económicas, políticas y sociales de los individuos para, en última instancia, identificar a los individuos potencialmente fascistas, esto es, aquellos más susceptibles a la propaganda antidemocrática. Menos conocidas son las aportaciones que, más allá de la malla del sociologismo, entretelan a la filosofía y a la psicología política en Japón y que (...)
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  5. Hirata Atsutane: kyōshin kara kyōshin e.Hisao Yamashita & Hideki Saitō (eds.) - 2023 - Kyōto-shi: Hōzōkan.
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  6. Inverted founding: Emperor organ theory, constitutionalism, and koku-min.Chungjae Lee & Stacey Liou - 2022 - European Journal of Political Theory 21 (2).
    This article presents Minobe Tatsukichi’s emperor organ theory as a novel understanding of the temporality of founding. In contrast to a conventional framework of founding which legitimizes the constitution by postulating the pre-constitutional power of “the people,” emperor organ theory invents “the people” out of the Meiji Constitution as a democratically empowered subject to-come. In so doing, emperor organ theory calls upon the transformation of shin-min (臣民), the presumed subject of the emperor, into koku-min (国民), the people of this constitutional (...)
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  7. The Symposium on Overcoming Modernity and Discourse in Wartime Japan.John Krummel - 2021 - Historical Sociology: A Journal of Historical Social Sciences 2021 (2):83-104.
    Abstract: The symposium on overcoming modernity (kindai no chokoku) that took place in Tokyo in 1942 has been much commented upon, but later critics have tended to over-emphasize the wartime political context and the ideological connection to Japanese ultra-nationalism. Closer examination shows that the background and the actual content of the discussion were more complicated. The idea of overcoming modernity had already appeared in debates among Japanese intellectuals before the war, and was always open to different interpretations; it could indicate (...)
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  8. BASES DEL WOMENOMICS EN JAPÓN: TODAVÍA QUEDA MUCHO POR HACER.Montserrat Crespin Perales - 2020 - Hablando de Japón.
    La investigadora Montserrat Crespín Perales, de la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, hace en esta entrevista un repaso sobre el impacto que supuso la adopción de políticas que fomentasen el concepto de “Womenomics” en Japón. Crespín, además, examina cómo la mejora de las condiciones laborales de las mujeres fue identificado por Abe como un factor clave para la recuperación económica del país y cómo continúa siendo uno de los grandes retos a los que se enfrenta el país para salir de la (...)
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  9. Peak Japan: The End of Great Ambitions. By BradGlosserman. Pp. viii, 262, Washington, DC, Georgetown University Press, 2019, $24.82. [REVIEW]Patrick Madigan - 2019 - Heythrop Journal 60 (6):988-989.
  10. Kindai Nihon to hen'yōsuru Yōmeigaku.Shō Yamamura - 2019 - Tōkyō-to Chiyoda-ku: Hōsei Daigaku Shuppankyoku.
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  11. Shishi kara eirei e: sonnō jōi to Chūka shisō.Tsuyoshi Kojima - 2018 - Tōkyō: Shōbunsha.
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  12. Tsurumi Shunsuke den.Sō Kurokawa - 2018 - Tōkyō-to Shinjuku-ku: Shinchōsha.
  13. Conservadurismo y dogmática constitucional en Japón.Montserrat Crespin Perales - 2018 - Boletín de la paz y los Conflictos en Asia-Pacífico 9 (9):2-6.
    Conservadurismo y dogmática constitucional en Japón. Conservatism and the dogmatic part of constitution in Japan.
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  14. Is Western Marxism Western? The Cases of Gramsci and Tosaka.Takahiro Chino - 2017 - Journal of World Philosophies 2 (1):28-41.
    This paper aims to show that two eminent Marxists in the 1930s, the Italian Antonio Gramsci and the Japanese Tosaka Jun, shared three important characteristics of so-called Western Marxism: the methodological development of Marxism, the focus on the superstructure, and the pessimism about the impossibility of immediate revolution. Showing that Gramsci and Tosaka shared these characteristics enables us to revisit the framework of “Western Marxism,” which confusingly consists of both theoretical characteristics and geographical criteria. Looking at Gramsci and Tosaka on (...)
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  15. Review of Inventing the Way of the Samurai: Nationalism, Internationalism, and Bushido in Modern Japan. [REVIEW]Thomas P. Kasulis - 2017 - European Journal of Japanese Philosophy 2:329-333.
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  16. The Trolley Problem and the Dropping of Atomic Bombs.Masahiro Morioka - 2017 - Journal of Philosophy of Life 7 (2):316-337.
    In this paper, the ethical and spiritual aspects of the trolley problem are discussed in connection with the dropping of atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. First, I show that the dropping of atomic bombs was a typical example of the events that contained the logic of the trolley problems in their decision-making processes and justifications. Second, I discuss five aspects of “the problem of the trolley problem;” that is to say, “Rarity,” “Inevitability,” “Safety Zone,” “Possibility of Becoming a Victim,” (...)
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  17. Shōwa Tennō o Potsudamu sengen judaku ni michibiita tetsugakusha: Nishi Shin'ichirō, Shōwa jūhachinen no goshinkō to sono shūhen.Hirotaka Yamauchi - 2017 - Kyōto: Nakanishiya Shuppan.
    尊皇の哲学者は、なぜ昭和天皇に敗戦を見据えた御進講を行ったのか? 新発見史料を基に、講義の内容と終戦の決断への影響を解明。.
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  18. Arendt and Maruyama: Complementary Approaches to Totalitarianism.Stevens Bernard - 2016 - In Takeshi Morisato, Frontiers of Japanese Philosophy 8: Critical Perspectives on Japanese Philosophy. Nagoya: Chisokudo Publications. pp. 148-169.
  19. La filosofía japonesa en sus textos.Raquel Bouso, James Heisig, Thomas P. Kasulis & John Maraldo (eds.) - 2016 - Barcelona, España: Herder.
  20. Common Narratives in Discourses on National Identity in Russia and Japan.Georgy Buntilov - 2016 - Asian Philosophy 26 (1):1-19.
    ABSTRACTThis article discusses some common narratives found in discourses on national identity in Russia and Japan, and their temporal transformations reflecting the needs of a nation as it becomes a colonial empire. National identity discourse is examined from the viewpoint of national antagonism arising from an external threat. Russian and Japanese intellectuals, with their vastly different historical and cultural heritage, have dwelled upon similar issues pertaining to modernization of the state and adoption or rejection of foreign ideas and ways of (...)
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  21. Une modernité indigène: Ruptures et innovations dans les théories politiques japonaise du xviii e siècle by Olivier Ansart.Germaine A. Hoston - 2016 - Philosophy East and West 66 (3):1029-1032.
    Une modernité indigène: Ruptures et innovations dans les théories politiques japonaise du xviiie siècle, by Olivier Ansart, is a thoughtful, elegantly written book that offers valuable insights into Japanese political thought in an era that culminated in the Meiji Restoration. Despite the specific characteristics of the rigid centralized feudal structure of Tokugawa society, Ansart argues, political ideas generally associated with the advent of “modernity” in the West were generated indigenously in a context in which knowledge of the West was limited (...)
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  22. What lessons did Japan learn from the Battle of Lake Khasan.K. Kasahara - 2016 - Liberal Arts in Russia 5 (6):554-564.
    The article is focused on one of the first biggest armed conflicts between Japan and Soviet Union, battle of lake Khasan, which took place in July, 31 - August, 11 1938. The author analyses the battle of lake Khasan from the perspective of Japanese troops, which draw some conclusions from the conflict. The author considers them as the ‘lessons that Japan learned‘. In particular, the merits and drawbacks of the Japanese army’s actions were analyzed. Drawbacks include problems with supplies and (...)
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  23. Frontiers of Japanese Philosophy 8: Critical Perspectives on Japanese Philosophy.Takeshi Morisato (ed.) - 2016 - Nagoya: Chisokudo Publications.
    The present volume is the latest example of what scholars of Japanese philosophy have been up to in recent years. The papers collected here, most of them presented at conferences held in Barcelona and Nagoya during 2016, have been arranged in four thematic parts. The first two parts cover the history of Japanese philosophy, as their topics extend from premodern thinkers to twentieth century philosophers; the last two parts focus on Nishida and Watsuji respectively.
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  24. A Brief Case Study of Germany and Japan: Emotions and Passions in the Making of World War II.Jean-Marc Coicaud - 2015 - Japanese Journal of Political Science 16 (3):227-247.
    Competing interests among big powers played a role in the making of World War II. But, and not separated from this, another element had a serious impact: the sense of psychological insecurity experienced, each in its own way, by Germany and Japan in the context of their quest for recognition by other major powers and the implications this had internationally. In connection with their material conditions compared to other great powers, this pushed Germany and Japan to embrace policies that were (...)
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  25. Introduction to Special Issue: Who Does or Does Not Respond to Whom or What in a Democracy? The Case of Japan.Kentaro Fukumoto - 2015 - Japanese Journal of Political Science 16 (1):1-4.
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  26. What Japan Has Left Behind in the Course of Establishing a Welfare State.Reiko Gotoh - 2015 - ProtoSociology 32:106-122.
    The purpose of this paper is to examine the direction which the Japanese welfare state has pursued and what it has left behind, by contrasting the points of view of two representative approaches in economics: the traditional income approach and the capability approach which has been newly proposed by Amartya Sen. In extracting the structure of the tax-social security system, the paper refers to the framework of John Rawls, precepts of “common sense of justice” and their higher principles in his (...)
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  27. Ethno-politics in Contemporary Japan.Kinhide Mushakoji - 2015 - ProtoSociology 32:36-56.
    This essay offers a critical reading of Japan’s attempt to craft a modern identity. Eschewing the conventions of most scholarly writings, however, the essay builds on a personal history of political and intellectual engagement with key figures in post-war Japan to outline a counter-narrative about the ethno-politics of contemporary Japan. In distinction to both Orientalist and Occidentalist versions of Japanese modernity, the essay draws attention to the invidious return of notions of ethnic supremacy in Abe Shinzo’s con­temporary state project and (...)
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  28. Asian Multilateralism in the Age of Japan's ‘New Normal’: Perils and Prospects.See Seng Tan - 2015 - Japanese Journal of Political Science 16 (3):296-314.
    This paper makes three related points. First, Japan has played an instrumental role in helping to define the shape and substance of multilateralism in Asia in ways deeper than scholarly literature on Asia's regional architecture has allowed. A key driving force behind Japan's contributions is the perceived utility of multilateralism in facilitating Japan's engagement of and/or balancing against China. Second, Japan has been able to achieve this because of the United States' support for Asian multilateralism and Japanese security interests. In (...)
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  29. Pictures of the Sino-Japanese War of 1894–1895.Judith Fröhlich - 2014 - War in History 21 (2):214-250.
    Pictures of the Sino-Japanese War of 1894–5 have come down to us from China and Japan. This article shows that war pictures in both countries relied on a Western-inspired iconography. Moreover, it argues that Japan triumphed not only on the battlefield but also in the ‘picture war’, adopting more of the discourses which were important in the West at the end of the nineteenth century.
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  30. Book Review: A History of Japanese Political Thought, 1600-1901, by Watanabe Hiroshi. [REVIEW]Paulus Kaufmann - 2014 - Political Theory 42 (6):745-748.
  31. The Ambivalent Relationship of Japan's Soft Power Diplomacy and Princess Mononoke : Tosaka Jun's philosophy of culture as moral reflection.Kosuke Shimizu - 2014 - Japanese Journal of Political Science 15 (4):683-698.
    Culture is a demanding word, particularly when it is used in the context of the contemporary academic discipline of international relations . It is often employed in order to distinguish one identity from another, allegedly illuminating idiosyncrasies embedded in a particular society or group of people. The essentialized understanding of culture is also detectable in the case of the current debate on the non-Western international relations theories . Non-Western politicians and scholars often employ the term culture in order to distinguish (...)
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  32. Maruyama Masao to Yoshimoto Takaaki: kaisōfū shisōron: hoka 3-hen.Katsuo Yanagisawa - 2014 - Tōkyō-to Chiyoda-ku: Sōeisha/Sanseidō Shoten.
    Maruyama Masao to Yoshimoto Takaaki : kaisōfū shisōron -- Nihon-teki shii no yōsō -- NIhon kindai ni okeru kojin shugi no keiki to shosō -- Natsume Sōseki no kojin shugi.
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  33. Embodying difference: The making of burakumin in modern Japan.Timothy D. Amos - 2013 - Philosophy East and West 63 (2).
  34. Japan's Renaissance: the politics of the Muromachi Bakufu.Kenneth Alan Grossberg - 2013 - Philosophy East and West 63 (2).
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  35. Visioning Eternity: Aesthetics, Politics, and History in the Early Modern Noh Theater.Thomas D. Looser, John Timothy Wixted, Charlotte von Verschuer, Kristen Lee Hunter, Noel J. Pinnington, Livia Kohn, Eiichi Kawata, A. Robert Lee & Roald Knutsen - 2013 - Philosophy East and West 63 (2).
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  36. From Yalta to Panmunjom: Truman's Diplomacy and the Four Powers, 1945-1953.Hua Qingzhao - 2013 - Philosophy East and West 63 (2).
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  37. The New Individualism and Contemporary Japan: Theoretical Avenues and the Japanese New Individualist Path.Anthony Elliott, Masataka Katagiri & Atsushi Sawai - 2012 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 42 (4):425-443.
    Recent social theory has identified various institutional forces operating at a global level promoting novel trends towards “individualization”, “reflexive self-identity” and “new individualism” (Beck and Beck-Gernsheim, 2001; Giddens, 1991, 1992; Elliott and Lemert, 2009, 2009a). This article develops an exploratory overview of the theory of new individualism with reference to Japanese sociologies of self specifically and contemporary Japanese society more generally. Detailing the large-scale societal shift in Japan from traditional forms of identity-construction (based on a citizenship model of social order) (...)
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  38. War Memory and Social Politics in Japan, 1945-2005 (review).Christopher Ives - 2012 - Philosophy East and West 62 (2):295-297.
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  39. Aru tetsugakusha no kiseki: Kozai Yoshishige to nakamatachi.Hiroshi Iwakura - 2012 - Tōkyō-to Chiyoda-ku: Kadensha.
    哲学者・古在由重がひとりの同時代人として、戦争に突き進み拡大する戦中、そして平和と民主主義を希求する戦後のなかで、何を学び、考え、仲間たちとどう交遊・談話し、どう生き、闘ったか。膨大な「古在由重文庫」 (藤沢市湘南大庭市民図書館所蔵)―古在の蔵書・著作はもちろん、原稿メモ、講義テープ、日記・手帳、書簡、新聞スクラップなど―ならびに関係者の著作・文章を渉猟し、さらに多数の人々の聞き取りなど六年をかけて 取材・執筆し、時代に正面から立ち向かった哲学者の実像に迫る力作。.
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  40. The Potential of Japanese Civilisation.Hisanori Kato - 2012 - Dialogue and Universalism 22 (2):103-113.
    Although modern civilization has brought about great technical achievement, mankind face various problems today. It seems that humans are endlessly pursuing economic development, and they often neglect the preservation of the environment. Japan is not free from this world-wide problem. However, Japanese civilization would be able to offer an important paradigm for the future course of mankind. In particular, animism and tolerance towards religious differences seem to be vital elements for the betterment of this world.
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  41. Philosophy after Hiroshima (review).Eduardo Mendieta - 2012 - Philosophy East and West 62 (3):420-423.
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  42. Miyake Setsurei no seiji shisō: "shinzenbi" no yukue.Misao Nagatsuma - 2012 - Kyōto-shi: Mineruva Shobō.
  43. Public Opinion – Propaganda – Ideology: Theories on the Press and its Social Function in Interwar Japan, 1918-1937.Fabian Schäfer - 2012 - Brill.
    As early as prewar Japan, thinkers of various intellectual proveniences had begun discussing the most important topics of contemporary media and communication studies, such as ways to define the social function of the press, journalism and the formation of public opinion. In Public Opinion – Propaganda – Ideology, light is particularly shed on press scholar Ono Hideo, his disciple the sociologist and propaganda researcher Koyama Eizō, Marxist philosopher Tosaka Jun and sociologist and postwar intellectual Shimizu Ikutarō. Besides introducing the different (...)
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  44. Escaping the 'modern' excesses of Japanese life : critical voices on Japanese rural cosmopolitanism.Àngels Trias I. Valls - 2012 - In Dimitrios Theodossopoulos & Elisabeth Kirtsoglou, United in discontent: local responses to cosmopolitanism and globalization. New York: Berghahn Books.
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  45. Escaping the 'modern' excesses of Japanese life : critical voices on Japanese rural cosmopolitanism.Àngels Trias I. Valls - 2012 - In Dimitrios Theodossopoulos & Elisabeth Kirtsoglou, United in discontent: local responses to cosmopolitanism and globalization. New York: Berghahn Books.
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  46. Turan Kayaoglu, Legal Imperialism: Sovereignty and Extra-Territoriality in Japan, the Ottoman Empire and China, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2010, 237 pp., ISBN-10: 0521765919. [REVIEW]Bertrand Badie - 2011 - Japanese Journal of Political Science 12 (3):424-425.
  47. Japanese Philosophy: A Sourcebook.James W. Heisig, Thomas P. Kasulis & John C. Maraldo - 2011 - University of Hawaiʻi Press.
    This is a set of essays and translations that covers comprehensively all of Japanese philosophy.
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  48. Japanese Ideas of Asian Regionalism.Takashi Inoguchi - 2011 - Japanese Journal of Political Science 12 (2):233-249.
    Japan is geographically located on the fringe of Asia. Japan's location is often divided between those arguing that Japan is inside Asia and those arguing it is outside Asia. Japanese ideas of Asian regionalism are thus immensely varied. This article details a number of Japanese ideas on Asian regionalism with author/agency, scope and method specified. Special mention is made of weak integration of government agencies, thus causing proliferation of many Japanese ideas within Asia. With the increasing self-assertiveness of China, the (...)
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  49. The Puzzle of Ineffective Election Campaigning in Japan.Axel Klein - 2011 - Japanese Journal of Political Science 12 (1):57-74.
    In Japan, electoral campaigning in plurality districts often appears strangely ineffective to observers. In their explanations, political scientists have so far fallen back on the proximate cause, namely the strict Public Office Election Law (K), claiming that it is this law that prohibits different and more effective campaigning. This study, however, is based on the assumption that such an explanation could be insufficient since even those campaign tactics legally allowed are often executed and/or selected in an apparently ineffective way in (...)
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  50. "Kokka risei" kō: kokkagaku no seishinshiteki sokumen.Keiichirō Kobori - 2011 - Tōkyō-to Shinjuku-ku: Kinseisha.
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