Results for ' expansion of prophetic experience'

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  1.  21
    Pluralistička filozofija religije Abdolkarima Sorousha.Rusmir Šadić - 2022 - Synthesis Philosophica 37 (1):223-235.
    The pluralistic philosophy of religion of Abdolkarim Soroush, whose neo-rationalist thought represents a genuine epistemological turn within Muslim reform discourse, is the central issue in this paper. Abdolkarim Soroush, as a contemporary Muslim thinker, brings a completely new understanding of the issue of religious pluralism and by incorporating analytical philosophy, contemporary hermeneutic tradition and Sufi metaphysics, contributes to the creation of a characteristically distinct philosophy of religion within the Muslim intellectual circle. Issues of expansion and contraction of religious knowledge, (...)
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    Prophetic Experience as Revelation.Bernard Cooke - 1987 - Philosophy and Theology 1 (3):214-224.
    To attempt in two short articles to provide an adequate review of present-day reflection about divine revelation to humans is folly; in addition to suggest and justify a particular understanding of revelation borders on the impossible. What I propose to do is something much more limited: within the content of contemporary discussion about revelation to examine only two critical and, I hope, illumining instances - namely, the revelation of the divine that occurs in prophetic experience (which I will (...)
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  3. Experience and Awe: An Expansive Approach to Everyday Aesthetics.Thomas Leddy - 2015 - Contemporary Aesthetics 13.
    As opposed to Melchionne and Naukkarinen, I defend an expansive definition of everyday aesthetics, one that includes festivals, tourism, and many daily activities of artists and other professionals, along with most ordinary and common experiences. I argue for continuities between aesthetics of everyday life and the aesthetics of art and nature. Looking through a window, for example, may involve aspects of all three. Although I agree with Melchionne that everyday aesthetics is closely related to questions of subjective well-being, I take (...)
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    Du prophète Isaïe à l'apocalyptique. Isaïe I-XXXV, miroir d'un demi-millénaire d'expérience religieuse en Israël, Tome IDu prophete Isaie a l'apocalyptique. Isaie I-XXXV, miroir d'un demi-millenaire d'experience religieuse en Israel, Tome I.John J. Collins & J. Vermeylen - 1979 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 99 (2):381.
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    A Prophetic Peace: Judaism, Religion, and Politics.Alick Isaacs - 2011 - Indiana University Press.
    Challenging deeply held convictions about Judaism, Zionism, war, and peace, Alick Isaacs's combat experience in the second Lebanon war provoked him to search for a way of reconciling the belligerence of religion with its messages of peace. In his insightful readings of the texts of Biblical prophecy and rabbinic law, Isaacs draws on the writings of Ludwig Wittgenstein, Jacques Derrida, Abraham Joshua Heschel, and Martin Buber, among others, to propose an ambitious vision of religiously inspired peace. Rejecting the notion (...)
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    The Prophet Jeremiah and Exclusive Loyalty to God.Kathleen M. O'connor - 2005 - Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology 59 (2):130-140.
    In the book of Jeremiah, the prophet's calling involves profound engagement with the world, with God, and with the local community. Exclusive allegiance to and intimate experience of God propel the prophet into the world, become the fiery source of his passion, and make Jeremiah the model of survival for his devastated community.
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    "Prophet" looking for a nineteenth century future.Susantha Goonatilake - 2005 - Social Epistemology 19 (1):129 – 146.
    Nanda writes disparagingly of "Hindu" intellectuals--including those in the West - who try to produce alternative sciences often inspired by post-modernism. She is unaware that many - including Einstein and Schrödinger - fit her descriptions of such "Hindu" Western prophets "facing backward" who revolutionized science by "alternative sciences". She misreads those positions she criticizes into one anti-science conspiracy of post-modernism and Vedic science adherents. Her misconstructions are easy to spot Examples: Key citations on India are Western; her statements often ex-cathedra (...)
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    Languages Spoken by the Prophets: According to Islamic Sources.Luay Hatem Yaqoob - 2021 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 25 (1):385-407.
    The topic of The Prophets' Languages has led to a broad interest due to the sacred status of the Prophets. It has been of interest to people of all religious and social orientations. Despite the complexity of this topic and the necessity of studying it from various aspects such as archaeology and the study of ancient calligraphy, we limited our study to Islamic sources and references only. We extrapolated what was mentioned in these books. Other than the Holy Qur’ān, it (...)
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    The Cannabis Experience.Andrew D. Hathaway & Justin Sharpley - 2010 - In Fritz Allhoff & Dale Jacquette, Cannabis Philosophy for Everyone. Wiley‐Blackwell. pp. 50–61.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Introduction Investigating Consciousness and Consciousness Expansion The Cannabis Experience.
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  10. Epistemic Expansions.Jennifer Carr - 2015 - Res Philosophica 92 (2):217-236.
    Epistemology should take seriously the possibility of rationally evaluable changes in conceptual resources. Epistemic decision theory compares belief states in terms of epistemic value. But it's standardly restricted to belief states that don't differ in their conceptual resources. I argue that epistemic decision theory should be generalized to make belief states with differing concepts comparable. I characterize some possible constraints on epistemic utility functions. Traditionally, the epistemic utility of a total belief state has been understood as a function of the (...)
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    Disarming the Prophets: Thomas Hobbes and Predictive Power.Kinch Hoekstra - 2004 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 59 (1):97-153.
    Disarming the Prophets - ABSTRACT: Kinch Hoekstra takes up another question related to supposed revelatory experience, namely, the claim to prophesy, and, more particularly, why Hobbes’s concern with it grows during the decade after 1640, what varieties of it preoccupy him and what his responses are to them. Of central importance for Hobbes was his contemporaries’ concern with biblical prophecy, both radical and royalist. Trying to pluck its political sting, Hobbes argues that apocalyptic prophecy is a form of madness (...)
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    Whistleblowers in Organisations: Prophets at Work? [REVIEW]Stephanos Avakian & Joanne Roberts - 2012 - Journal of Business Ethics 110 (1):71-84.
    This article argues that the study of biblical prophets offers a profound contribution to understanding the experience, role and attributes of whistleblowers. Little is known in the literature about the moral triggers that lead individuals to blow the whistle in organisations or why whistleblowers may show persistence against the harshness experienced as a result of their actions. This article argues that our understanding of the whistleblower’s work is highly informed by appreciating how moral values and norms are exercised by (...)
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    Parmenides the prophet.Ed L. Miller - 1968 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 6 (1):67.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Notes and Discussions PARMENIDES THE PROPHET~ The latest word on Parmenides comes from a recent and exhaustive study by Leonardo Tar~n. 1 Among other illuminating and novel interpretations, Tarhn argues that Parmenides was not, after all, guilty of the confusion between the existential and copulative senses of "to be," that he did not identify thinking with Being, and that he had no conception of atemporal reality.~ In these and (...)
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  14.  19
    Listening to the World: Prophetic Anger and Sapiential Compassion.Felix Wilfred - 2014 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 34:63-66.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Listening to the World:Prophetic Anger and Sapiential CompassionFelix WilfredPope Benedict XVI has insisted all along how the absence of reference to God has caused dehumanization in our world. Unfortunately, what does not seem to occur to him and those who think along these lines is how the absence of concern and engagement with the issue of suffering—poverty, oppression, racism, and sexism—causes dehumanization. Suffering epitomizes the condition of our (...)
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    Tracing Personal Expansion: Reading Selected Novels as Modern African Bildungsroman.Walter P. Collins - 2006 - Upa.
    How can Africans escape the control of the complex power relationships established during Colonization and successfully achieve self-development? More importantly, and the primary concern of this book, can African female characters ever hope to arrive at such individuation given the dual challenges of the power structures defined and enforced by European colonizers and the patriarchal structures that contort issues related to gender? Tracing Personal Expansion reads late 20th Century works by African female novelists Buchi Emecheta, Tsitsi Dangarembga, and Calixthe (...)
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    The Infinite and the Sublime in The Expanse.Michael J. O'Neill - 2021 - In Jeffery L. Nicholas, The Expanse and Philosophy. Wiley. pp. 1–12.
    The aesthetic techniques used in The Expanse are indicative of the infinite space that is an essential and ever‐present character in the show. The cinematography and set design of The Expanse make extensive use of chiaroscuro—a famous artistic technique in the history of painting. For some reason, the infinity of The Expanse attracts us. The look and design of the show indulges us in an experience of the sublime. The dynamically sublime is an experience of infinite power, but (...)
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  17. World-experience, world-representation, and the world as an idea.Roberto J. Walton - 1997 - Husserl Studies 14 (1):1-20.
    Husserl proceeds to show how a world-representation emerges from our world-experience, and how an idea of the world plays a role in the expansion of world-representations. He also draws our attention to the appropriation of other world-representations in a process of adjustment and compensation leading to intersubjective world-representations, and offers an analysis of the status of world-representations within transcendental phenomenology. In this article I will underline the relevance of Husserl’s concept of horizonedness to the characterization of the three (...)
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    Aesthetic Experience and Moral Vision in Plato, Kant, and Murdoch: Looking Good/Being Good.Meredith Trexler Drees - 2021 - Springer Verlag.
    This book addresses how Plato, Kant, and Iris Murdoch view the connection aesthetic experience has to morality. While offering an examination of Iris Murdoch’s philosophy, it analyses deeply the suggestive links between Plato’s and Kant’s philosophies. Meredith Trexler Drees considers not only Iris Murdoch’s concept of unselfing, but also its relationship with Kant’s view of Achtung and Plato’s view of Eros. In addition, Trexler Drees suggests an extended, and partially amended, version of Murdoch’s view, arguing that it is more (...)
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  19.  25
    Religious Experience and Religious Lives: An Epistemology.Walter Scott Stepanenko - 2023 - Lexington Books.
    Epistemologists of religion disagree about what evidential value religious experiences have. Some argue that religious experiences have no evidential value while others argue that religious experiences constitute proof of God’s existence. This book argues that religious experiences can contribute to justificatory cases for belief in God in several distinct ways and that several justificatory cases are philosophically viable. This book contends that this joint justificatory viability is best explained by the diversity and development of religious lives: as religious believers grow (...)
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  20. Experimenting with Truth.Jamin Asay - forthcoming - Review of Philosophy and Psychology.
    In the last decade Robert Barnard and Joseph Ulatowski have conducted a number of experimental studies in order to better understand the ordinary notion of truth. In this paper I critically engage their ecological approach to the study of truth, and argue for a wider perspective on how truth should be empirically studied: in addition to the experimental data that they emphasize and collect, there should also be a substantial observational element to conceptual ecology. I then critically evaluate the conclusions (...)
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  21. Dewey's art as experience : The psychological background.Richard Shusterman - 2010 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 44 (1):pp. 26-43.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Dewey's Art as ExperienceThe Psychological BackgroundRichard Shusterman (bio)IThe year 2009 marks the 150th anniversary of John Dewey's birth and also the 75th anniversary of the publication of his aesthetic masterpiece Art as Experience—a book that has been extremely influential within the field of aesthetics, not only in philosophical aesthetics and aesthetic education but also in the arts themselves.1 I am honored to commemorate this double Deweyan anniversary with (...)
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    Culture as Experience from Dewey to Cavell.Sandra Laugier - 2024 - The Journal of Aesthetic Education 58 (4):99-116.
    The expansion of art audiences and the creation of new forms, agents, and models of artistic practice have transformed the very definition of art, challenging elitist notions of "great art." Dewey's _Art as Experience_ was essential to this transformation. This understanding and defense of an art that has not lost contact with ordinary audiences, which was film at first, extends to widespread cultural practices (internet videos, video games, TV series, popular music, etc.). They are places where artistic and hermeneutic (...)
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    Near–death experiences. A theological interpretation.Harm Goris - 2014 - International Journal of Philosophy and Theology 75 (1):74-85.
    Stories about near-death experiences draw much attention from the general public and are extensively discussed by medical doctors and neuroscientists. However, though eschatology belongs to their core business, only few theologians participate in the debate. This article proposes a theological interpretation of NDEs as ‘private revelations’. I first give a critical analysis of the development of the modern, allegedly ‘scientific’, concept of NDE. This concept changes concrete personal testimonies into statistical data that are used as scientific evidence for the existence (...)
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    Experiment and illusion in reproductive medicine.Jeanne Guillemin - 1994 - Human Nature 5 (1):1-22.
    The diffusion of medical technology is largely determined by the marketplace demands supported by national and historical contexts. Using the cases of cesarean delivery and newborn intensive care in the United States, this article presents the argument that the interaction of four factors accounts for the rapid diffusion of untested technologies. These factors are economic expansion in an unrestricted market, the vulnerability of the patient population, a social disposition towards emergency medicine, and the vested interest of medical specialists.
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    World Christianity and indigenous experience: a global history, 1500-2000.David Lindenfeld - 2021 - New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press.
    In this book, David Lindenfeld proposes a new dimension to the study of world history. Here, he explores the global expansion of Christianity since 1500 from the perspectives of the indigenous people who were affected by it, and helped change it, giving them active agency. Integrating the study of religion into world history, his volume surveys indigenous experience in colonial Latin America, Native North America, Africa and the African diaspora, the Middle East, India, East Asia, and the Pacific. (...)
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    Dekoloniales Philosophieren. Versuch über philosophische Verantwortung und Kritik im Horizont der europäischen Expansion by Rolf Elberfeld. [REVIEW]Ady Van den Stock - 2024 - Philosophy East and West 74 (1):1-5.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Dekoloniales Philosophieren. Versuch über philosophische Verantwortung und Kritik im Horizont der europäischen Expansion by Rolf ElberfeldAdy Van den Stock (bio)Dekoloniales Philosophieren. Versuch über philosophische Verantwortung und Kritik im Horizont der europäischen Expansion. By Rolf Elberfeld. Hildesheim: Universitätsverlag Hildesheim; Hildesheim, Zürich, New York: Georg Olms Verlag, 2021. Pp. 244. Paperback €19.80, isbn 978-3-487-16042-9. Calls for the decolonization of knowledge have come to resound far beyond the walls (...)
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    PAMELA SUE ANDERSON – WITNESS TO THE GOSPEL, PROPHET TO THE CHURCH: what might the church hear from her work?Susan Durber - 2020 - Angelaki 25 (1-2):63-67.
    Pamela had, throughout her life, an ambivalent relationship with the church. She wanted her work to make a difference to it and she was committed to being a feminist philosopher of religion. There are many recurrent themes in her work that clearly relate to her background in the church, and particularly in the Lutheran church of her upbringing. Her challenge to the patriarchy of what she called “hyper-traditional” Christianity is clear, but also her critique of some forms of forgiveness and (...)
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    This thesis attempts to address the philosophical implications of the N, N-Dimethyltryptamine (DMT) research of Dr. Rick Strassman. Strassman concludes that the psychedelic properties of DMT represent a proper biological starting point for discussing spiritual and near-death experiences. My research attempts to incorporate philosophical elements from the philosophy of mind and philosophy of religion/mysticism to give an accurate account of some of the philosophical issues worth exploring for future research. One of the essential patterns in this thesis is to trace (...)
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    Experiments with Non/Violence: King's Stride Toward Pragmatism.Andrew Stone Porter - 2021 - American Journal of Theology and Philosophy 42 (3):35-56.
    In The American Evasion of Philosophy, Cornel West writes, "The social movement led by Martin Luther King, Jr., represents the best of what the political dimension of prophetic pragmatism is all about." Yet West hastens to clarify that King himself "was not a prophetic pragmatist." King, West implies, did not accept that the truth-value of a proposition is correlative to its success in securing desired ends in action—the view that, as West paraphrases William James, "truth is a species (...)
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    (1 other version)Introduction to the Special Theme Religious Experience and Psychopathology.Mohammed Abouelleil Rashed - 2024 - Philosophy Psychiatry and Psychology 31 (3):195-198.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Introduction to the Special Theme Religious Experience and PsychopathologyMohammed Abouelleil Rashed, MD, PhDIn the first verse of the seventeenth sura of the Qur’an, Al-Isra’,1 we learn about Prophet Mohammed’s night-time journey to Al-Quds (Jerusalem):Glory to Him who made His servant travel by night from the sacred place of worship [in Mecca] to the furthest place of worship [in Al-Quds], whose surroundings We have blessed, to show him some (...)
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    Review: Laudable Goals, Interesting Experiments, Unintelligible Theorizing. [REVIEW]José E. Burgos - 2003 - Behavior and Philosophy 31:19 - 45.
    An assessment of Relational Frame Theory (RFT) is benefited by a distinction among goals, experiments, and theorizing/philosophizing. The goals are laudable, but not new. The experiments are interesting, but they largely involve an expansion of the concept of relational responding from equivalence to nonequivalence relations, the obvious next step. The theorizing, where RFT's bona fide novelty supposedly lies, I found to be ambiguous, opaque, and contradictory. Inasmuch as unintelligibility allowed me to understand, I found RFT to be a hypothetico-deductive (...)
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    Disaggregating deliberation's effects: an experiment within a deliberative poll.Cynthia Farrar, James S. Fishkin, Donald P. Green, Christian List, Robert C. Luskin & Elizabeth Levy Paluck - 2010 - British Journal of Political Science 40 (2):333-347.
    Using data from a randomized field experiment within a Deliberative Poll, this paper examines deliberation’s effects on both policy attitudes and the extent to which ordinal rankings of policy options approach single-peakedness (a help in avoiding cyclical majorities). The setting was New Haven, Connecticut, and its surrounding towns; the issues were airport expansion and revenue sharing – the former highly salient, the latter not at all. Half the participants deliberated revenue sharing, then the airport; the other half the reverse. (...)
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  33.  6
    God and Mystery in Words: Experience Through Metaphor and Drama.David Brown - 2008 - Oxford University Press UK.
    In God and Mystery in Words David Brown uses the way in which poetry and drama have in the past opened people to the possibility of religious experience as a launch pad for advocating less wooden approaches to Christian worship today. So far from encouraging imagination and exploration, hymns and sermons now more commonly merely consolidate belief. Again, contemporary liturgy in both its music and its ceremonial fails to take seriously either current dramatic theory or the sociology of ritual. (...)
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    Some experiments on the expansive force of freezing water.E. Williams - 1954 - Annals of Science 10 (2):166-171.
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    Acute Religious Experiences: Madness, Psychosis and Religious Studies.Richard Saville-Smith - 2023 - London: Bloomsbury Advances in Religio.
    How do we explain the coincidence of religion and madness in which prophets, founders of religions and great saints often show symptoms of an excitability that is extreme and even pathological? This book attempts to address this phenomenological problem. Richard Saville-Smith argues that 'acute religious experiences' provides a novel category to the study of the non-rational. This book provides an epidemiological approach to a crisis, which is non-veridical and non-reductionist, recognizing a predisposition due to gene variation as a perennial constant, (...)
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    Estimating population average treatment effects from experiments with noncompliance.Jason V. Poulos & Kellie N. Ottoboni - 2020 - Journal of Causal Inference 8 (1):108-130.
    Randomized control trials (RCTs) are the gold standard for estimating causal effects, but often use samples that are non-representative of the actual population of interest. We propose a reweighting method for estimating population average treatment effects in settings with noncompliance. Simulations show the proposed compliance-adjusted population estimator outperforms its unadjusted counterpart when compliance is relatively low and can be predicted by observed covariates. We apply the method to evaluate the effect of Medicaid coverage on health care use for a target (...)
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  37. Ueda on Being-in-the-Twofold-World or World Amidst the Open Expanse: Reading Nishida through Heidegger and Reading Heidegger through Nishida.John Krummel - 2022 - In Raquel Bouso, Adam Loughnane & Ralf Müller, Tetsugaku Companion to Ueda Shizuteru: Language, Experience, and Zen. Heidelberg, Deutschland: Springer. pp. 167-186.
    Ueda writes in his Reading Nishida Kitarō (Nishida Kitarō o yomu) that to compare Heidegger’s entire thinking up to his last period with Nishida’s thought also up to his last period, including their multiple turns, would be “one of the most valuable paths to investigating the significance, potential, and problematics of Nishidian philosophy.” In this paper I examine the philosophy of Ueda Shizuteru through the juxtaposition of those two thinkers, of West and of East, who prove to be significant for (...)
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  38. THEOLOGIZJNG IN A POVERTY-STRICKEN SOCIETY: THE NIGERIAN EXPERIENCE.Aloysius Ezeoba & B. A. C. Obiefuna - 2012 - In A. B. C. Chiegboka, A. I. Okodo, E. C. Umezinwa & I. L. Umeanolue, A bountiful harvest: Festschrift in honour of Very Rev. Msgr. Prof. J. P. C. Uzomiwu. Rex Charles and Patrick. pp. 311-323.
    Nigeria is seen as a poverty-stricken society as about 70% of her estimated 138 million population live in abject poverty. She is a nation blessed with mineral resources like crude oil, limestone, iron ore, timber, coal and a host of other commodities. Yet, majority of her citizenry lives in grinding poverty. Nigeria has been rated one of the most corrupt nations in the world. In fact, corruption has constituted an albatross for the progress of the nation. To do theology (to (...)
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  39. Overseas 1900-1930,".German Expansion Overseas - 1985 - History of Science 2.
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    The social research as institutionalized activity and as socio-historic experience.Teresa Pacheco-Méndez - 2017 - Cinta de Moebio 58:47-60.
    Resumen Como toda actividad social, la investigación en el campo de las ciencias sociales se institucionaliza por la acción de los individuos, instaurando ciertos mecanismos que regulan -a través de pautas organizacionales definidas- su quehacer social e institucional. Es así que la investigación social desarrollada en las instituciones de educación superior es experimentada por sus actores como una realidad establecida y objetiva que antecede al individuo actual, una realidad sujeta a una clara definición de roles, situaciones y comportamientos. Desde una (...)
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    Stretching oneself too thin and facing ethical challenges: Healthcare professionals’ experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic.Margrethe Aase Schaufel, Elisabeth Schanche, Kristine Husøy Onarheim, Ingeborg Forthun, Karl Ove Hufthammer, Inger Elise Engelund & Ingrid Miljeteig - 2024 - Nursing Ethics 31 (8):1630-1645.
    Backgrounds Most countries are facing increased pressure on healthcare resources. A better understanding of how healthcare providers respond to new demands is relevant for future pandemics and other crises. Objectives This study aimed to explore what nurses and doctors in Norway reported as their main ethical challenges during two periods of the COVID-19 pandemic: February 2021 and February 2022. Research design A longitudinal repeated cross-sectional study was conducted in the Western health region of Norway. The survey included an open-ended question (...)
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    Bridging network properties to the effective hygro-expansivity of paper: experiments and modelling.Emanuela Bosco, Mary V. Bastawrous, Ron H. J. Peerlings, Johan P. M. Hoefnagels & Marc G. D. Geers - 2015 - Philosophical Magazine 95 (28-30):3385-3401.
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    The economic philosophy of Jesus Christ vs. the religious philosophy of Karl Marx.Elizabeth Clare Prophet - 2019 - Gardiner, Montana: Summit University Press.
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    Cultivating Greater Well-being: The Benefits Thai Organic Farmers Experience from Adopting Buddhist Eco-spirituality.Alexander Harrow Kaufman & Jeremiah Mock - 2014 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 27 (6):871-893.
    Organic farming is spreading throughout Asia, including in Thailand. Little is known about whether farmers’ values change as they make the shift from conventional farming to organic farming. The benefits farmers perceive from making the shift have also scarcely been studied. We investigated these factors in Northeastern Thailand by conducting observations, key informant interviews, semi-structured interviews and questionnaire interviews. We found that as Thai farmers adopted organic methods, they developed an eco-consciousness. In comparing members of a Buddhist temple-based organic farmer (...)
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    Asian Expansions: The Historical Experiences of Polity Expansion in Asia. Edited by GEoff Wade.Kwangmin Kim - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 137 (1).
    Asian Expansions: The Historical Experiences of Polity Expansion in Asia. Edited by GEoff Wade. Routledge Studies in the Early History of Asia, vol. 9. Abingdon: Routledge, 2015. Pp. xii + 259. $145.
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    Gregory Clark.John Dewey & Art as Experience - 2010 - In Greg Dickinson, Carole Blair & Brian L. Ott, Places of Public Memory: The Rhetoric of Museums and Memorials. University of Alabama Press. pp. 113.
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    VERMEYLEN, J., Du prophète Isaïe à l’apocalyptique. Isaïe I-XXXV, miroir d’un demi-millénaire d’expérience religieuse en Israël, tome II.Paul-Émile Langevin - 1979 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 35 (1):105.
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    Touching Urban Spaces With Our Life. How We Experience Cities Aesthetically.Abel B. Franco - 2024 - Rivista di Estetica 85 (85):61-82.
    I explore one distinctive aspect of our relation to spaces which is particularly significant in our everyday aesthetic evaluations of cities (urban spaces): the frequent use of linguistic expressions referring to the sense of touch. We say that a space is oppressive or expansive, or warm or cold, or (more indirectly) cozy or desolate. Touching, as involved in these expressions, seems to refer, rather than to the contact of a physical object with our skin, to a sort of touching with (...)
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    A thought experiment concerning universal expansion.Ralph D. Ellis - 1992 - Philosophia 21 (3-4):257-275.
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    Prophets, Prophecy, and Ancient Israelite Historiography. Edited by Mark J. Boda and Lissa M. Wray Beal.Steven S. Tuell - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 137 (3).
    Prophets, Prophecy, and Ancient Israelite Historiography. Edited by Mark J. Boda and Lissa M. Wray Beal. Winona Lake, Ind.: Eisenbrauns, 2013. Pp. xii + 400. $54.50.
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