Results for ' hegelian logic'

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  1. Understanding the object.Property Structure in Terms of Negation: An Introduction to Hegelian Logic & Metaphysics in the Perception Chapter - 2019 - In Robert Brandom (ed.), A Spirit of Trust: A Reading of Hegel’s _phenomenology_. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press.
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    Dialectical Hegelian Logic and Physical Quantity and Quality.J. L. Usó-Doménech, J. A. Nescolarde-Selva & H. Gash - 2022 - Foundations of Science 27 (2):555-572.
    In Ontology, quality determines beings. The quality-quantity bipolarity reveals that a conceptual logical comprehension that can include negation must be a dialectical logic. Quality is a precise characteristic of something capable of augmentation or diminution while remaining identical through differences or quantitative changes. Thus, quality and in opposition quantity are inextricably linked, giving definition to each other, so constituting a logical bipolarity. The theory is that a magnitude G is never separated from secondary qualities α and β, and therefore, (...)
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    Hegelian Logic and Hegelian Myth.George di Giovanni - 2017 - Hegel-Jahrbuch 2017 (1):109-117.
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    A Hegelian Logic of ‘Us’: Implicit Forms and Explicit Representations of Actions and Practices.Pirmin Stekeler-Weithofer - 2019 - Hegel Bulletin 40 (3):374-397.
    In order to understand Hegel's gnomic oracle according to which the ‘I’ is a ‘We’, the notion of apersonalsubject is explained by its competence to perform personal roles in a pre-given partition of roles. Explicit divisions of labour by contractual promises are special cases that presuppose the general case of an already established social practice. On the other hand, methodological individualism is right to stress that we actualize joint intentions only via corresponding instantiations. In performing our parts, we form a (...)
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    The cartesian circle: Hegelian logic to the rescue.Eric V. D. Luft - 1989 - Heythrop Journal 30 (4):403–418.
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    Foundationalism and Hegelian Logic.Tom Rockmore - 1989 - The Owl of Minerva 21 (1):41-50.
    It has sometimes erroneously been thought that theory of knowledge worthy of the name, or even epistemology as such comes to an end with Kant. This view is an error, since there are profound views of knowledge in the post-Kantian philosophical tradition, including that in Hegel’s thought. Now epistemology is a wide topic that includes a variety of themes. One of the main themes in the theory of knowledge in modern philosophy, especially in recent years, has been the issue of (...)
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    Essays on Hegelian Logic[REVIEW]Clark Butler - 1991 - International Studies in Philosophy 23 (3):105-106.
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  8. The scepticism of the ancient philosophers and Kantian antinomies-Hegelian logic of quality.G. Movia - 1995 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 87 (4):551-595.
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  9. Finite and infinite and the idealism of philosophy-Hegelian logic of determined being. 3.G. Movia - 1994 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 86 (4):623-664.
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  10. Finite and infinite and the idealism of philosophy-Hegelian logic of the determined being. 2.G. Movia - 1994 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 86 (2):323-357.
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  11. Bruno Bauer: Forms of judgment and political criticism. An interpretation of Hegelian logic in his' Vormarz'.D. Moggach - 2002 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana 22 (3):389-404.
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    The Category of Contingency i n the Hegelian Logic.George di Giovanni - 1980 - In Warren E. Steinkraus & Kenneth L. Schmitz (eds.), Art and logic in Hegel's philosophy. [Brighton], Sussex: Harvester Press. pp. 179-200.
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    Being and Appearance. The Critical Function of Hegelian Logic[REVIEW]Werner Beierwaltes - 1980 - Philosophy and History 13 (1):25-28.
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    The Hegelian Art of the Table of Contents: On the logic, and tradition, of Hegel's organizational practices.S. F. Kislev - 2024 - Substance 53 (1):41-59.
    During the early 19th century, a peculiarly systematic way of organizing books emerged in Germany. This systematization, which purported to be a rational organization of subject matter, was an outgrowth of the philosophy of Hegel. This article attempts to outline Hegel's organizational practice. It argues that Hegel's encyclopedia was a reaction against the Enlightenment encyclopedia, and that it attempted to restore the systematic mindset of pre-modern reference books. Yet it did this, not in a straightforward fashion, but by developing a (...)
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  15. The Logic of Marx’s “Capital”: Replies to Hegelian Criticisms.Tony Smith - 1990 - Science and Society 56 (1):116-118.
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    The Logic of Marx’s “Capital”: Replies to Hegelian Criticisms.Tony Smith - 1990 - State University of New York Press.
    In a step-by-step progression through Marx's three volume work, discovers a systematic theory of socio-economic categories ordered according to the dialectical logic derived from Hegel.
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  17. The logical movement of the Hegelian figure of the master and the servant.André Oliveira Costa & Agemir Bavaresco - 2013 - Trans/Form/Ação 36 (1):37-60.
    O presente artigo objetiva discutir a lógica subjacente ao movimento dialético da figura do Senhor e do Servo. Jean-Pierre Labarrière é quem afirma categoricamente a tese segundo a qual há uma Lógica por trás do movimento da Consciência. Ora, a questão fundamental que se coloca, nesse caso, é: qual a lógica que preside o movimento da consciência para a consciência de si, culminado em sua unidade no momento da Razão? A hipótese aqui perseguida, situando-se na esteira da interpretação de Labarrière, (...)
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    Hegelian Background of Brandom’s Account of Logic.Tomasz Zarębski - 2013 - Hegel-Jahrbuch 19 (1):285-290.
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    Language And Logic In German Post-Hegelian Philosophy.Volker Peckhaus - 2008 - The Baltic International Yearbook of Cognition, Logic and Communication 4.
    The German debates concerning the need for a reform of logic in post-Hegelian times took place under the label “The logical question”, a label introduced by Friedrich Adolf Trendelenburg. The main objective of these debates was to overcome the Hegelian identification of logic and metaphysics without re-establishing the old Aristotelian-scholastic formal logic. This paper presents the positions developed by Friedrich Adolf Trendelenburg, Otto Friedrich Gruppe, and Carl v. Prantl, each of whom advocated the importance of (...)
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  20. Between logic and rhetoric: Hegelian theory of the speculative propositio and the face of chiasm.Caterina De Bortoli - 2005 - Verifiche: Rivista Trimestrale di Scienze Umane 34 (3-4):189-237.
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    (1 other version)The science of logic in soviet philosophy and a reading in Hegelian dialectics.Sigmund Krancberg - 1981 - Studies in East European Thought 22 (2):83-109.
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    Kantian reason and Hegelian spirit: the idealistic logic of modern theology.Gary Dorrien - 2012 - Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.
    Introduction: Kantian concepts, liberal theology, and post-Kantian idealism -- Subjectivity in question: Immanuel Kant, Johann G. Fichte, and critical idealism -- Making sense of religion: Friedrich Schleiermacher, John Locke, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, and liberal theology -- Dialectics of spirit: F.W.J. Schelling, G.W.F. Hegel, and absolute idealism -- Hegelian spirit in question: David Friedrich Strauss, Søren Kierkegaard, and mediating theology -- Neo-Kantian historicism: Albrecht Ritschl, Adolf von Harnack, Wilhelm Herrmann, Ernst Troeltsch, and the Ritschlian school -- Idealistic ordering: Lux Mundi, (...)
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    The Logic of Leaping: Kierkegaard's Use of Hegelian Sublation.Ronald R. Johnson - 1997 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 14 (1):155 - 170.
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    The Hegelian Dante of William Torrey Harris.Eugene E. Graziano - 1968 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 6 (2):167.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:NOTES AND DISCUSSIONS 167 they regard as the Standard of every Thing, and which they will not submit to the superior Light of Revelation?" (p. 21) is the Hume we have come to accept, Hume the philosopher, Hume the foe of superstition and enthusiasm. Indeed, upon reading the Letter it seems that one must ask himself if Hume;s desire for this position--and the financial security it would offer--has not (...)
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    Mure and Other English Hegelians.A Study of Hegel's Logic.Richard Kroner - 1953 - Review of Metaphysics 7 (1):64 - 73.
    All subsequent English Hegelians were more or less influenced by this eloquent and enthusiastic manifesto. Although later generations were sometimes repulsed by the romanticism of this first adept, they were persuaded that something great could be recognized in Hegel's rational theology. Indeed, I believe this theology attracted the English mind much more than did Kant's critical and negative attitude towards "natural theology." Stirling with his alarming and agitating proselytism awakened Hegelianism on the foreign soil; indeed, he eventually created a new (...)
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  26. How late Hegelians replied to F.A. Trendelenburg's logical question.Lauri Kallio - 2019 - Hegel-Studien 52:59-83.
    F.A. Trendelenburg's work "Logical Investigations" influenced greatly the decline of G.W.F. Hegel's philosophy in the early 1840s. In this work Trendelenburg challenged the very foundation of Hegel's system, his speculative logic. Somewhat twenty years later two leading late Hegelians, C.L. Michelet from Berlin and K. Rosenkranz from Königsberg, replied to Trendelenburg. Their common strategy was to show that Trendelenburg owes more to Hegel than he admits. At the same time, Trendelenburg has misunderstood Hegel's dialectics and in fact fallen into (...)
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    Problems of the Hegelian Dialectic: Dialectic Reconstructed as a Logic of Human Reality.Menahem Rosen - 1992 - Springer.
    In this book, I deal with some fundamental problems of the Hegelian dialectic. For this purpose, I take a middle course between total scepticism, which considers dialectic as a devastator sophistry with no respect even for the non-contradiction principle, and authoritarian dogmatism, which claims to solve any question with the magic wand of the Hegelian Aufhebung. That is, I decide to be critical, defining concepts anew, bringing out sources, determining conditions of possibility and fields of validity, accepting or (...)
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    Re-Hegelianizing Marx on Rights.Igor Shoikhedbrod - 2019 - Hegel Bulletin 40 (2):281-300.
    While much has been written in recent years about the significance of Hegel’s Logic for Marx’s method in Capital, less attention has been given to the relevance of Hegel’s method for understanding Marx’s outlook on rights. The dominant view among political theorists across the Anglo-American, Marxist and critical theory traditions is that the revolutionary transformation of capitalism would pave the way for the disappearance of rights in communist society. The aim of this article is to question the orthodoxy concerning (...)
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    Hegelian rhetoric.Thora Ilin Bayer - 2009 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 42 (3):pp. 203-219.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Hegelian RhetoricThora Ilin BayerIntroduction: Rhetoric and DialecticAristotle in the famous first line of his Rhetoric defines the relationship between rhetoric and dialectic: "Rhetoric is the counterpart of dialectic" (1354a). Both rhetoric and dialectic belong to no definitive science. They treat those things that come within the purview of all human beings. As an antistrophes to dialectic, rhetoric concerns particular cases and "may be defined as the faculty [dynamis] (...)
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  30. Hegel's dialectical logic.Ermanno Bencivenga - 2000 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    This clear, accessible account of Hegelian logic makes a case for its enormous seductiveness, its surprising presence in the collective consciousness, and the dangers associated therewith. Offering comprehensive coverage of Hegel's important works, Bencivenga avoids getting bogged down in short-lived scholarly debates to provide a work of permanent significance and usefulness.
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  31. Hegelian Identity.Ioannis Trisokkas - 2016 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 47 (2):98-116.
    In his article “Hegelian Identity,” Trisokkas examines the dialectic of identity and difference in the second chapter of Section One of Book Two of Hegel’s Science of Logic, “The Determinations of Reflection.” Trisokkas initially shows that Hegel understands identity as having its truth in contradiction. He then explains that Hegel understands contradiction in two ways. Ordinarily, a contradiction occurs when a quality or quantity (F) and its contradictory (not F) are predicated of the same thing (A). However, for (...)
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  32. Scepticism in the evolution of dialectics-the logical and gnoseological meaning of Hegelian thought in jena.G. Varnier - 1987 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana 7 (2):282-312.
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  33. Tony Smith, The Logic of Marx's Capital; Replies to Hegelian Criticisms Reviewed by.Milton Fisk - 1991 - Philosophy in Review 11 (6):421-425.
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  34. The'metaphysics'of Aristotle and the Hegelian idea of logic.A. Ferrarin - 1988 - Verifiche: Rivista Trimestrale di Scienze Umane 17 (1-2):107-154.
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    Is Hegelian Monism One of the Sources of Pantheism and Impersonalism?Piama P. Gaidenko - 1999 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 38 (1):28-41.
    Monism is a doctrine that claims to deduce the entire system of knowledge from one first principle. It must be a system of a mutually connected propositions that are obtained by a methodologically reliable unfolding of one original proposition accepted as self-evident and unquestionable. Modern philosophy in its rationalist version, beginning with Descartes, tends precisely to this kind of monistic construction of the system of knowledge from a first principle. The striving toward monism is demonstrated most clearly in Spinoza's and (...)
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  36. Dialectic as the 'Self-Fulfillment' of Logic.Dieter Wandschneider - 2009 - In Markus Gabriel (ed.), The dialectic of the absolute-Hegel's critique of transcendent metaphysics. Continuum. pp. 31–54.
    The scope of my considerations here is defined along two lines, which seem to me of essential relevance for a theory of dialectic. On the one hand, the form of negation that – as self-referring antinomical negation – gains a quasi-semantic expulsory force [Sprengkraft] and therewith a forwarding [weiterverweisenden] character; on the other hand, the notion that every logical category is defective insofar as the explicit meaning of a category does not express everything that is already implicitly presupposed for its (...)
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    Time and History in Hegelian Thought and Spirit.Sally Sedgwick - 2023 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    Time and History in Hegelian Thought and Spirit examines a conspicuous feature of Hegel's major works: that they are progressive narratives. They advance from less to more perfect, abstract to concrete, indeterminate or empty to determinate. This is true, argues the author, of his lectures on aesthetics and on the history of philosophy, and it is also true of his most abstract work, the Science of Logic. In answer to the question of why is it so important for (...)
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    Hegelian Comedy.Martin Donougho - 2016 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 49 (2):196-220.
    Dying is easy; comedy is hard. Comedy is sovereign. I begin with an excerpt from Bertolt Brecht’s Fugitive Conversations. Ziffel, a physicist, is chatting with the worker Kalle: For humor, I always think of the philosopher Hegel.... He had the makings of one of the greatest humorists among the philosophers.... I read his book The Great Logic once, when I had rheumatism and couldn’t move. It’s one of the greatest humorous works of world literature. It treats of the way (...)
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    The Hegelian Heritage of Bradley’s Degrees of Truth and Reality.Kyle J. Barbour - 2023 - Idealistic Studies 53 (3):197-212.
    In this essay, I argue that F.H. Bradley’s controversial theory of “degrees of truth and reality” is the logical development of Hegel’s own theory of truth when it is placed within the metaphysical system of the Science of Logic. Despite Bradley’s own claim that with regards to the theory of degrees of truth and reality he is indebted even more than anywhere else to Hegel, this connection has been little examined in the secondary literature. Through a careful examination of (...)
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    With What Does Hegelian Science Begin?Daniel Guerrière - 1977 - Review of Metaphysics 30 (3):462 - 485.
    To the question of the beginning Hegel gives three answers. The major texts in which he elaborates them are: the section in the Science of Logic entitled "With What Must the Beginning of Science Be Made?"; the early stages of science proper in the Encyclopedia ; within science proper, the late stages of the philosophy of Logos and the philosophy of Spirit; the "Preface" of the Phenomenology of Spirit; and the late section on absolute Knowledge in the Phenomenology of (...)
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    Reason and Understanding in Hegelian Philosophy.Nectarios G. Limnatis - 2006 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 44 (4):607-627.
    This paper will examine a cardinal problem, yet one seldom raised in the existing bibliography of Hegelian philosophy: that of the distinction between reason and understanding. Portraying the objective path of the development of thought, this distinction is pertinent to any cognitive development, ontogenetic and phylogenetic, and can illuminate a number of epistemological puzzles of Hegel’s doctrine, such as the construction of totality, the appreciation of contradiction, and the relationship between logic and dialectic. I will begin by locating (...)
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  42. Analytic Philosophy and the Return of Hegelian Thought.Paul Redding - 2007 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This 2007 book examines the possibilities for the rehabilitation of Hegelian thought within analytic philosophy. From its inception, the analytic tradition has in general accepted Bertrand Russell's hostile dismissal of the idealists, based on the claim that their metaphysical views were irretrievably corrupted by the faulty logic that informed them. These assumptions are challenged by the work of such analytic philosophers as John McDowell and Robert Brandom, who, while contributing to core areas of the analytic movement, nevertheless have (...)
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    Fractal concepts and recognition: Hegelian intersectional feminism.Małgorzata Anna Maciejewska - forthcoming - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy.
    Feminists have long been aware that the notion of women is problematic and using it uncritically without further qualifications leads to exclusions. In the article, I argue that the source of these problems lies in the understanding of concepts as static and clearly defined. I deploy Hegel’s idea of syllogism to define dynamic concepts, which I term ‘fractal concepts’ because of their complexity and constant development. In such structures the balance between the universal, the particular and the individual is maintained (...)
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    The Logic of the Secret in Hegel and Derrida.Nahum Brown - 2019 - Philosophy and Theology 31 (1):39-58.
    The aim of this article is to contrast Hegelian insights about the secret with Derrida’s literary account of the secret in the story of Abraham. Derrida outlines two kinds of secret in “Literature in Secret,” one revealable and the other apophatic. I propose that the first kind of secret is Hegelian in nature because a productive concept of contradiction underlies it. On the other hand, the second kind of secret is Derridean because it withdraws from all revelation. Through (...)
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    Hegelian Freedom and the Communitarian Critique of the Market.Matthew Schrepfer - unknown
    Market structures have come to dominate every area of our society, and market logic—in the form of rational choice theory, the law and economics movement, and the like—has equally dominated our thinking about society. In this thesis, I will examine one critique of this state of affairs: that offered by G.W.F. Hegel. I compare Hegel’s critique of the market to the similar critique of modern communitarians like Charles Taylor and Michael Sandel, and argue that Hegel’s distinctive conception of freedom (...)
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    The Reform of Hegelian Dialectic (1912).Giovanni Gentile & A. MacC Armstrong - 1981 - Idealistic Studies 11 (3):189-214.
    The core of Hegelian idealism is the concept of dialectic, the soul of logic and the fundamental law of reality in all its forms. This dialectic is as vastly different from Platonic dialectic as the categories or pure concepts of the Transcendental Logic in the Critique of Pure Reason are from Plato’s ideas and Aristotle’s universals, and its character cannot be more plainly indicated than by this very contrast of the category with the Platonic idea and the (...)
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  47. Hegelian Conjunction, Hegelian Contradiction.Jc Beall & Elena Ficara - 2023 - History and Philosophy of Logic 44 (2):119-131.
    1. In both Benedetto Croce's and Hegel's own terminology, dialectics can be understood as dottrina degli opposti (the doctrine of the opposites – Lehre der Gegensätze).1 In the dialectical process,...
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    Backpropagation of Spirit: Hegelian Recollection and Human-A.I. Abductive Communities.Rocco Gangle - 2022 - Philosophies 7 (2):36.
    This article examines types of abductive inference in Hegelian philosophy and machine learning from a formal comparative perspective and argues that Robert Brandom’s recent reconstruction of the logic of recollection in Hegel’s Phenomenology of Spirit may be fruitful for anticipating modes of collaborative abductive inference in human/A.I. interactions. Firstly, the argument consists of showing how Brandom’s reading of Hegelian recollection may be understood as a specific type of abductive inference, one in which the past interpretive failures and (...)
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    New Hegelian essays: Seid, Umschlungen, Millionen.Stephen Theron - 2012 - Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Press.
    After this there follows a kind of commentary upon Hegel's choice of Being and his justification for taking Being as starting-point for his Science of Lope. We then pass to consider logical relations generally and in particular Identity, which leads naturally into rational treatment of Trinity in Unity and Unity in Trinity and, after that, Incarnation, "Signs and Sacraments" and some of the at first sight odder manifestations of piety, viewed now philosophically. This is followed by consideration of Religion in (...)
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    The True Infinity of the Living: The Hegelian Infrastructure of Hägglund's This Life.Gene Flenady - forthcoming - Hegel Bulletin:1-23.
    Although the concept of ‘true infinity’ is undoubtedly central to Hegel's philosophy, the Anglophone rehabilitation of Hegel as a post-Kantian critical philosopher has avoided any sustained interpretive confrontation with the concept. In this paper, I provide a revisionary reconstruction of Hegelian true infinity by engaging with Martin Hägglund's argument in This Life (2019) for the centrality of finitude to Hegel's philosophy. For Hägglund, Hegel's philosophy effects a ‘secular reconciliation’ with finitude by demonstrating that our mortality is not a negative (...)
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