Results for ' hierophany'

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  1.  21
    ‘The hand of God’: hierophany and transcendence through sport.Ivo Jirásek - 2024 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 51 (1):1-28.
    The designation of Diego Maradona’s ‘handball’ goal, that it was an intervention by God himself, brings the phenomena of sport and religion into an interrelationship. The basic thesis of this paper is that, despite many of their phenomenal similarities, explicit religion is not, and cannot be, substantially related to sport, as the two manifest themselves in different ways of being. This thesis is supported by arguments from three philosophical areas: 1. The ontological dimension of the manifestation of the sacred in (...)
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    Hierophany in Ancient China and the Sacred Sites. 김종석 - 2011 - THE JOURNAL OF KOREAN PHILOSOPHICAL HISTORY 31 (31):173-202.
    엘리아데는 애초의 성스러움이 저절로 드러나는 것을 聖顯이라고 하였는데, 성현이 일어나는 대상이나 장소는 질의 전환을 이루어 그 자체가 성스러워진다. 사람들은 태초의 성스러움을 되살리기 위해 최초로 성스러움이 일어난 그 순간을 재현하고자 하여 원형의 순간과 동일한 시간에 동일한 장소에서 동일한 행위를 통해 성을 재현하려고 하였다. 이 논문에서 주목한 것은 성스러움이 드러나는 구체적 장소이다. 천제가 세운 지상의 도읍으로 신이 사는 영역이며, 지상과 천상을 이어주는 역할을 하는 우주산의 특성을 갖춘 곤륜, 하늘과 지상을 이어주는 매개인 하늘사다리의 역할을 하는 건목, 종교적 인간이 성스러운 실재적 공간에서 살고 싶은 (...)
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  3. De la hiérophanie jusqu'à la christophanie. Le problème d'une religion chrétienne.M. Veto - 1989 - Revue Thomiste 89 (1):40-70.
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    Crowning, rotating, and emanating hierophanies with elevatio aspect in wayside shrines.Małgorzata Haładewicz-Grzelak - 2022 - Semiotica 2022 (244):81-114.
    My aim in this paper is to investigate the variants of directionality implied in visual hieratic texts as religious markers in the sacrosphere, which are substantially expressed in the form of a wayside shrine/cross. The methodological underpinnings for this project rely on the proposed semiotactics : the investigative perspective modeled after phonotactics – a branch of phonology investigating the restrictions on and the possibilities of phoneme combinations in languages. The study draws on digital documentation of wayside shrines, crosses, and sacrality (...)
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  5. The Historical Dimension of the Sacred and Hierophany According to Mircea Eliade.Cezar Enia - 2006 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 62 (2):319-344.
    Many commentators have concentrated their attention on the first moment of Mircea Eliade’s dialectic of the sacred, the essentialist one, where the archetype overhangs history, neglecting the second one, where the archetype exists only through its realization in history, and so they give the impression that Eliade is a anhistorical thinker, who conceives time mostly through eternity and not in itself A closer look reveals however that Eliade is a much more historical thinker than what we usually make him to (...)
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  6. Humankind versus others-in-law re-visioning Levinas for a postmodern hierophany.T. J. Abraham - 2009 - Journal of Dharma 34 (2):233-245.
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    Levinas's Agapeistic Metaphysics of Morals: Absolute Passivity and the Other as Eschatological Hierophany.John J. Davenport - 1998 - Journal of Religious Ethics 26 (2):331 - 366.
    This article evaluates Emmanuel Levinas's novel "ethical metaphysics" of interpersonal relations from a religious perspective. Levinas presents a unique version of agape ethics that can be evaluated in terms of a number of the dilemmas that have traditionally attended Christian discussions of neighbor-love. Because Levinas's analysis makes our responsibility for other persons depend on their eschatological significance, it has the same problems that hamper all theories of neighbor-love that lack a sufficient role for reciprocity.
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    The Religious Aspect of Traditional Education and Hierophany : An Interpretation of Yuehling in Liki.Jeong-Min Chi - 2006 - Journal of Moral Education 17 (2):115.
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    Why can the hoop be sacred? The interpretations of Eliade and Dōgen Zenji.Ming-Tsung Shih, Wen-Uei Chang & Ying-Ling Chen - forthcoming - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy:1-16.
    This research explores why a metallic basketball hoop is referred to as sacred within the secular realm of sports, drawing on Phil Jackson’s insights alongside the ideas of Mircea Eliade and Dōgen Zenji. Phil Jackson, known as the “Zen Master,” holds the most NBA championship rings as a coach. In Sacred Hoops, he explores a basketball world entangled with commercialism, violence, and scandals, while presenting a vision of the sport as “sacred.” Jackson’s Western religious background and his exploration of concepts (...)
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    The Faith of Our Sons and the Tragic Quest.Kevin Corn - 2013 - In George A. Dunn & Jason T. Eberl, Sons of Anarchy and Philosophy. Wiley. pp. 117–127.
    The solemnity, sacrifice, and concern for the state of the soul portrayed at Opie's funeral seems out of place among anarchists on motorcycles. The chapter analyzes if Opie's wake should be regarded as a religious rite as Sons of Anarchy are not a Christian sect, nor do they belong to any religious body that Americans commonly embrace. The chapter touches upon gender inequality in religious rites, and male bonding that becomes a primary good and maybe even something like a religious (...)
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    Phenomenal similarities and phenomenological differences between religion and sport.Ivo Jirásek - forthcoming - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy:1-16.
    Sport as the pursuit of competition and the achievement of ever greater records goes beyond the dimension of mere physical activity and has many similarities not only with play, drama and art, but also with religion. Symbolic representations of sporting activity are then interpreted in religious terms, e.g. that sport has the power to create a new kind of religion, that sporting and religious experiences are identical, that a specific sporting sacred can be defined. The paper accepts the position that (...)
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  12. Sacrul de la Rudolf Otto la Mircea Eliade.Adrian BoldiŞor - 2010 - Annals of the University of Craiova, Series: Philosophy 26 (2):161-180.
    Between Mircea Eliade and Rudolf Otto many connections can be made concerning the idea of sacred. Even though, the scientist of Romanian origin perceives the sacred reality differently from the German theologian. If the latter puts an emphasis on the irrational side of the divine, the former argues that the sacred has to be perceived twofold: as irrational and rational in the same time, the concept of coincidentia oppositorum best embodying the sacred reality. The sacred’s materializations are the hierophanies, the (...)
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    Apropos Technophany.Yuk Hui - 2024 - Technophany 1 (2):1-13.
    This article aims to reconstruct Simondon’s concept of technophany, which disperses throughout different writings that appeared posthumously and suggest how elaborating this concept could be understood as a significant philosophical task today. Technophany, namely the manifestation of technicity, is central to Simondon’s thought on techno-aesthetics and, more importantly, his intellectual project of reintegrating technology into culture. However, when we place Simondon’s concept of technophany in today’s context, namely the convergence of technology, art and design since the second half of the (...)
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    Religion and Violence. Paradoxes of Religious Communication.Ilja Srubar - 2017 - Human Studies 40 (4):501-518.
    Religion and violence are related in an ambivalent, paradoxical way, for the systems of religious knowledge tend to prohibit violence and to motivate it at the same time. This paper looks for the roots of that ambivalence and reveals particular mechanisms that generate violence within religious systems and their associated practices. It argues that violence in religious systems is present in at least three forms: It is inherent to communication with the “sacred,” it is generated by processes of inclusion and (...)
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    “The Return of the Sacred”: Implicit Religion and Initiation Symbolism in Zvyagintsev’s Vozvrashchenie.Andrada Fătu-Tutoveanu - 2015 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 14 (42):198-230.
    Recent studies have been increasingly interested in the connections between popular culture – cinema in particular – and religion, and most particularly in how traditional mythologies and religious frameworks and practices are recycled and reinterpreted within modern media. These interactions can be ranged from opposition to dialogue and move towards appropriation and even replacement, in terms of functions and impact. Departing from a series of theories – mainly that of “implicit religion”, coined by Bailey but also developed by theorists like (...)
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    Nūr Muḥammadī, Muhammadan Light, and Amitābha/Amida Buddha, the Buddha of Infinite Light - A Muslim's Comparative Theological Perspective.Imtiyaz Yusuf - 2022 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 42 (1):347-358.
    Abstractabstract:Adopting a cross-cultural perspective on hierophanies, this article not only explores the fundamental patterns of prophet Muhammad and Buddhas as expositors of cosmic light as interpreted in the Islamic and Buddhist traditions, but it also engages in comparative theological reflection on how Islam and Buddhism use the symbol of light in describing the cosmological and practical dimension of Muhammad's prophetic nature and the revelatory role of the Buddha. Examples are Nūr Muḥammadī, Muhammadan light, and Shin Buddhism's understanding of Amitābha/Amida Buddha (...)
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  17. Gymnosophy: The Wisdom of Nakedness.Ivo Jirasek & Pavel Hlavinka - 2010 - Filozofia 65 (7):683-690.
    The paper asks the question, whether nakedness embodies a potential wisdom. It deals with two different approaches to the phenomenon of nakedness: the first one rejecting, the second one appreciating the corporeality. The authors show different meanings the various cultures and civilizations attributed to nakedness, e.g. nakedness as a religious symbol of social subordination or belittling or of a specific national dominance . Attention is paid also to the meanings of nakedness in Jainism, where the nakedness is a symbol of (...)
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    New-Paradigm Research in Medicine: An Agenda.Jeff Levin - 2017 - Journal of Scientific Exploration 31 (1).
    Critics of Western medicine have long heralded a “new paradigm” opposed to the reigning materialistic worldview of biomedical science and allopathy. This new paradigm has undergone several name changes (e.g., holistic, alternative, complementary, integrative) and presumably advances a radically new worldview. On closer inspection, it looks more like the opposite pole of the same dualistic worldview and not a radical break with the past. A truly new paradigm prepared to jettison tacit conceptual assumptions would have significant implications for medical research, (...)
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    L. karsavino istoriosofinis mesianizmas ir eurazijos idėja.Gintautas Mažeikis - 2008 - Problemos 73.
    Straipsnyje analizuojamos Karsavino Eurazijos ir simfoninės asmenybės teorijos ir jų įtaka asmeniniam Karsavino likimui, jo sofiologinėms mesianistinėms nuostatoms. Aptariama svarbiausių filosofinių Karsavino idėjų genezė: gyvo religingumo ir bendrojo religinio fondo, gnostinės pleromos interpretacijos, Šv. Trejybės dialektika ir jos santykis su N. Kuziečio filosofija, simfoninės asmenybės teorija. Pagrindinis teiginys apie Karsavino ir Kuziečio filosofijų skirtumą yra pagrįstas kristologiniais Karsavino argumentais apie Kuziečio filosofijos nepakankamumą aiškinant Dievo kaip Possest eksplikacijos ir komplikacijos problematiką. Karsavinas, remdamasis ortodoksiniais kristologiniais teiginiais, simfoninės asmenybės bei ideokratijos teorija (...)
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    Mircea Eliade: A Critical Reader.Bryan S. Rennie - 2006 - Equinox Publishing.
    This anthology is a collection of key essays by and about the Romanian-American Historian of Religions, Mircea Eliade. It introduces the beginning student to the terms and categories of Eliade's understanding of religious behaviour as a universal phenomenon: apprehension of the sacred by homo religiosus, humanity's religious mode, through hierophanies, revelatory events and objects. The analysis of religious behaviour as the restoration of illud tempus, an alternative continuum of sacred time, through myth, ritual, and symbol is a central feature of (...)
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    A Philosophical Understanding of Heidegger’s Notion of the Holy.Ben Vedder - 2005 - Epoché: A Journal for the History of Philosophy 10 (1):141-154.
    This paper poses the question of how to understand Heidegger’s notion of the holy in its relevance to a phenomenology of religion. I show that the holy is connected with Heidegger’s notion of the “whole” as it is analysed in anxiety, boredom, and wonder. Insofar as there is no experience of the whole in our time, there is also no experience of the holy. The notion of the whole and the holy are linked with Heidegger’s analysis of the contemporary era, (...)
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    Mircea Eliade şi semnificaţia antropologică a simbolismului religios/ Mircea Eliade and the anthropological signification of religious symbolism.Ion Cordoneanu - 2006 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 5 (15):25-30.
    The religious consciousness functions symbolically. As the orientation towards the sacred belongs to consciousness, human existence is constituently symbolic. For Eliade, symbolism is an immediate given of consciousness, an essential object of intelligence that belongs to human beings and can be found in any existential situation of man in cosmos. If, according to Eliade, the religious history of humanity begins with the existence of the sacred, with those infinite hierophanies which organize the world and fill it with significances, then we (...)
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    The Mediterranean Roots of Pilgrimages.Zrinka Podhraški Čizmek - 2021 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 41 (2):403-414.
    This paper discusses Croatian maritime pilgrimages by searching for their sources in the prehistoric Mediterranean context. From the first search for the sacred, different and the other, from the prehistoric hierophanies and human being’s attempts to explain the mysterious Cosmos through their endeavour to respond to the unknown and give an order to the Chaos – we encounter a human being who travels searching for answers. The human being, as a part of the community, through cosmogonies, and then theophanies, explains (...)
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  24. Manifestation and Proclamation.Paul Ricoeur & Ilya Itkin - 2011 - Russian Sociological Review 10 (1 — 2):178-196.
    In the paper two forms of human dealing with the notion of the sacred are compared — manifestation and proclamation. Author suggests that proclamation is a characteristic for modern monotheistic religions based on the Old Testament theology. In particular, a vivid example of proclamation is a teaching of Jesus Christ, as presented in synoptic Gospels. In Ricouer’s view, a decline of the sacred in modern Western civilization is connected with an unjustified absolutization of the scientific and technical achievements and must (...)
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