Results for ' improbability'

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  1. Very Improbable Knowing.Timothy Williamson - 2014 - Erkenntnis 79 (5):971-999.
    Improbable knowing is knowing something even though it is almost certain on one’s evidence at the time that one does not know that thing. Once probabilities on the agent’s evidence are introduced into epistemic logic in a very natural way, it is easy to construct models of improbable knowing, some of which have realistic interpretations, for instance concerning agents like us with limited powers of perceptual discrimination. Improbable knowing is an extreme case of failure of the KK principle, that is, (...)
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    Improbables publics.Brandon LaBelle, Yves Citton & L. Deep - 2020 - Multitudes 79 (2):88-92.
    Si les publics improbables sont, fondamentalement, des publics faibles, ils nous surprennent aussi – et c’est leur principal cadeau, leur caractère exemplaire. Par un art de la transgression, ils rappellent combien la vie publique est une affaire commune, façonnée par les gens à certains moments, en certains lieux, animés par la lutte et l’imagination, et par la joie de se découvrir les uns les autres. Cet article identifie quatre figures d’agentivité sonique pratiquées par ces improbables publics : l’invisible, l’entendu par-dessus (...)
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  3. Inexact Knowledge without Improbable Knowing.Jeremy Goodman - 2013 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 56 (1):30-53.
    In a series of recent papers, Timothy Williamson has argued for the surprising conclusion that there are cases in which you know a proposition in spite of its being overwhelmingly improbable given what you know that you know it. His argument relies on certain formal models of our imprecise knowledge of the values of perceptible and measurable magnitudes. This paper suggests an alternative class of models that do not predict this sort of improbable knowing. I show that such models are (...)
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    The Improbable Future of Employment‐Based Insurance.John D. Banja - 2000 - Hastings Center Report 30 (3):17-25.
    Voluntary, employment‐based insurance is afflicted by a variety of internal imbalances: inequities in the way health insurance is paid for, a conflict of interest in the selection of health insurance, the concentration of the healthy and the sick into separate plans, and free‐ridership. But while all these imbalances generate severe problems, those seeking to reform health insurance in the United States should concentrate on the last two.
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    The improbable simplicity of the fusiform face area.Kevin S. Weiner & Kalanit Grill-Spector - 2012 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 16 (5):251-254.
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    Improbable frequency? Advocating queer–feminist pedagogic alliances within Irish and European higher education contexts.Aideen Quilty - 2017 - European Journal of Women's Studies 24 (1):55-69.
    Heterosexist ideology underpins education policy and practice almost universally. It has the effect of rendering invisible and disrespecting practitioners and students of other sexual and non-gender conforming identities. Much explicitly queer work has challenged this normalising and frequently oppressive higher education terrain. To maximise this queer potential this article proposes re-positioning queer within and through a practice and pedagogy of feminism. The broad-based identity politics of feminism and the anti-identitarian politic of queer may appear a slightly improbable alliance. The article (...)
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  7. L'improbable artification de la typographie.Béatrice Fraenkel - 2012 - In Nathalie Heinich, Roberta Shapiro & François Brunet (eds.), De l'artification: enquêtes sur le passage à l'art. [Paris]: Éditions de l'École des hautes études en sciences sociales.
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  8. Past Improbable, Future Possible: the renaissance in philosophy and psychiatry. Chapter 1 (p1-41).K. W. M. Fulford, K. J. Morris, J. Z. Sadler & G. Stanghellini - 2003 - In Bill Fulford, Katherine Morris, John Z. Sadler & Giovanni Stanghellini (eds.), Nature and Narrative: An Introduction to the New Philosophy of Psychiatry. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    Astronomical Improbability.Ian Hacking - 1989 - In Jens Erik Fenstad, Ivan Timofeevich Frolov & Risto Hilpinen (eds.), Logic, methodology, and philosophy of science VIII: proceedings of the Eighth International Congress of Logic, Methodology, and Philosophy of Science, Moscow, 1987. New York, NY, U.S.A.: Sole distributors for the U.S.A. and Canada, Elsevier Science.
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    (1 other version)The Improbability of Classical Theism.Raphael Lataster - 2017 - Essays in the Philosophy of Humanism, Issue Vol 25 No. 1 25 (1):53-70.
    In the analytic Philosophy of Religion, much ink has been spilt on the existence of some sort of supernatural reality. Such work is usually done by theists; those that find classical theism to be probably true. It is my contention that theism is unjustly privileged by many in the field, even when supernaturalism has been – competently or incompetently – argued for. As such, I present a series of challenges for the theist, finding them to be insuperable at present. The (...)
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    Improbable outcomes: Infrequent or extraordinary?Karl Halvor Teigen, Marie Juanchich & Anine H. Riege - 2013 - Cognition 127 (1):119-139.
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    Transmissible improbabilities and marginal essentialness of premises in inferences involving indicative conditionals.Ernest W. Adams - 1981 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 10 (2):149 - 177.
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    Finetuned Cancellations and Improbable Theories.James D. Wells - 2019 - Foundations of Physics 49 (5):428-443.
    It is argued that the \ cancellation model is a good proxy for discussions of finetuned cancellations in physical theories. XYCM is then analyzed from a statistical perspective, where it is argued that a finetuned point in the parameter space is not abnormal, with any such point being just as probable as any other point. However, landing inside a standardly defined finetuned region has a much lower probability than landing outside the region, and that probability is invariant under assumed ranges (...)
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  14. The Improbability of God.Richard Dawkins - 1998 - Free Inquiry 18.
    Imams and ayatollahs oppress women in his name. Celibate popes and priests mess up people's sex lives in his name. Jewish shohets cut live animals' throats in his name. The achievements of religion in past history - bloody crusades, torturing inquisitions, mass-murdering..
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  15. The Improbability of Third World Government Consent in the Coming North-South International Toxic Waste Trade.Thomas Slaughter - forthcoming - Business, Ethics and the Environment: The Public Policy Debate, Quorum Books, Westport, Ct.
  16. An Improbable God Between Simplicity and Complexity: Thinking about Dawkins’s Challenge.Philippe Gagnon - 2013 - International Philosophical Quarterly 53 (4):409-433.
    Richard Dawkins has popularized an argument that he thinks sound for showing that there is almost certainly no God. It rests on the assumptions (1) that complex and statistically improbable things are more difficult to explain than those that are not and (2) that an explanatory mechanism must show how this complexity can be built up from simpler means. But what justifies claims about the designer’s own complexity? One comes to a different understanding of order and of simplicity when one (...)
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    Una improbable última paraula sobre la mort de l’art.Stephen Davies - 2001 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 32 (33):191-201.
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    The Improbability of God.Michael Martin & Ricki Monnier (eds.) - 2006 - Prometheus Books.
    A growing number of powerful arguments have been formulated by philosophers and logicians in recent years demonstrating that the existence of God is improbable. These arguments assume that God's existence is possible but argue that the weight of the empirical evidence is against God's actual existence. This unique anthology collects most of the important arguments for the improbability of God that have been published since the mid-1900s. The editors make each argument clear and accessible by providing a helpful summary. (...)
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    Frankfurt-Style Cases and Improbable Alternative Possibilities.Gerald K. Harrison - 2006 - Philosophical Studies 130 (2):399-406.
    It has been argued that a successful counterexample to the principle of alternative possibilities must rule out any possibility of the agent making an alternative decision right up to the moment of choice. This paper challenges that assumption. Distinguishing between an ability and an opportunity, this paper presents a Frankfurt-style case in which there is an alternative possibility, but one it is highly improbable that the agent will access. In such a case the agent has only the opportunity, not the (...)
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    Creativity as potentially valuable improbable constructions.Mark Fedyk & Fei Xu - 2021 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 11 (1):1-24.
    We argue that creative ideas are potentially valuable improbable constructions. We arrive at this formulation of creativity after considering several problems that arise for the theories that suggest that creativity is novelty, originality, or usefulness. Our theory avoids these problems. But since we also derive our theory of creativity from the scientific commitments of a more general theory of cognitive development, a theory called rational constructivism, our theory is unique insofar as it explains creativity in both adults and children through (...)
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  21. Is life improbable?John C. Baez - 1989 - Foundations of Physics 19 (1):91-95.
    E. P. Wigner 's argument that the probability of the existence of self-reproducing units, e.g., organisms, is zero according to standard quantum theory is stated and analyzed. Theorems are presented which indicate that Wigner 's mathematical result in fact should not be interpreted as asserting the improbability of self-reproducing units.
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    Popper's Improbability Criterion for the Choice of Scientific Hypotheses.John C. Harsanyi - 1960 - Philosophy 35 (135):332 - 340.
    The publication in English of Karl R. Popper's The Logic of Scientific Discovery twenty-five years after the appearance of the German original, is an important event. At the time when many philosophers questioned the cognitive value of scientific hypotheses , Popper has shown how to reconcile the free use of bold explanatory hypotheses with an insistence on empirical testing. Many of Popper's views have now been accepted even by most of his earlier opponents, which is no small tribute to a (...)
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  23. Climbing Mount Improbable.Richard Dawkins - 1999 - Environmental Values 8 (1):114-116.
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    Les libertés de l'improbable.Alain Berthoz & Carlo Ossola (eds.) - 2019 - Paris: Odile Jacob.
    L'improbable est souvent considéré comme un vain exercice d'hypothèses oiseuses ou comme un supplément d'incertitude dans la culture occidentale, qui préfère le prévisible à l'incertain. Et pourtant... Que ce soit dans la recherche scientifique fondamentale ou dans l'invention artistique, dans la discussion philosophique ou dans l'évolution du vivant, l'improbable est cette source de liberté d'où peuvent jaillir idées, solutions ou événements nouveaux et imprévus. Autour d'Alain Berthoz et de Carlo Ossola, une dizaine de chercheurs d'envergure internationale abordent dans une approche (...)
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    Reading Derrida and Ricoeur: Improbable Encounters Between Deconstruction and Hermeneutics.Eftichis Pirovolakis - 2010 - State University of New York Press.
    Written in the aftermath of the deaths of the French philosophers Jacques Derrida (19302004) and Paul Ricoeur (19132005), this book is an important and ...
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    Lost in Translation: The Improbable Task of Rendering Esoteric Jewish Mystical Works into English.Ronald C. Kiener - 2018 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 45 (3-4):140-149.
    Journal of Chinese Philosophy, EarlyView.
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    An Improbable Christian Vision and the Economic Rhythms of the Second Million Years.Philip McShane - 1982 - Lonergan Workshop 3:53-81.
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  28. (1 other version)Improbable knowing.Timothy Williamson - 2011 - In Trent Dougherty (ed.), Evidentialism and its Discontents. Oxford, GB: Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Can we turn the screw on counter-examples to the KK principle (that if one knows that P, one knows that one knows that P)? The idea is to construct cases in which one knows that P, but the epistemic status for one of the proposition that one knows that P is much worse than just one’s not knowing it. Of course, since knowledge is factive, there can’t be cases in which one knows that P and knows that one doesn’t know (...)
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    An Improbable Case of Philosophy: Arne Naess between Empiricism, Existentialism and Metaphysics.Elisabeth Nemeth - 2010 - Vienna Circle Institute Yearbook 14:281-292.
    The Selected Works of Arne Naess, ed. by Harold Glasser and Alan Drengson in cooperation with the author, Dordrecht: Springer 2005. 10 volumes. On January 12, 2009 Norwegian philosopher Arne Naess passed away at the age of 96. He was still actively involved in putting together the edition of the Selected Writings of Arne Naess . He worte an introduction to the writings which is printed at the beginning of each volume together with the extensive introduction by the editor Harold (...)
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  30. Improbable Knowing. Timothy - 2011 - In Trent Dougherty (ed.), Evidentialism and its Discontents. Oxford, GB: Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 147--64.
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    Improbable Veracities.Heinrich Von Kleist & Carol Jacobs - 1979 - Diacritics 9 (4):45.
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    Wondrous Truths: The Improbable Rise of Modern Science.J. D. Trout - 2018 - Oup Usa.
    Wondrous Truths answers two questions about the steep rise of theoretical discoveries around 1600: Why in the European West? And why so quickly? The history of science's awkward assortment of accident and luck, geography and personal idiosyncrasy, explains scientific progress alongside experimental method. J.D. Trout's blend of scientific realism and epistemic naturalism carries us through neuroscience, psychology, history, and policy, and explains how the corpuscular hunch of Boyle and Newton caught on.
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  33. The Great Oom: the improbable birth of yoga in America.Robert Love - 2010 - New York: Viking Press.
    Chronicles the emergence of yoga in Jazz Age New York, tracing the contributions of instructor Pierre Bernard, who trained with an Indian master before introducing patrons to modern yogic principles from his profitable Hudson River ashram.
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    Une amitié improbable: correspondance 1963-1972.Jean-Marc Piotte - 2012 - Montréal: Lux éditeur. Edited by Jacques Pelletier.
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    Climbing mount and improbable and the blind watchmaker.Jeffrey Ihara - 1997 - Complexity 3 (2):47-48.
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    The funniest of all improbable worlds: Hitchhikers as philosophical satire.A. Pawlak & Nicholas Joll - 2012 - In Nicholas Joll (ed.), Philosophy and The hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy. New York, NY: Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 236-268.
    [The following is from the Introduction to the collection that houses the chapter.] The final chapter, which is by Alexander Pawlak and Nicholas Joll, is about Hitchhiker’s as satire. Actually – and rather to the point, given the business of this book – the argument is that Hitchhiker’s is philosophical satire. In making that argument, we draw parallels between Hitchhiker’s, on the one hand, and famous satires by Swift and Voltaire, on the other. Another topic we discuss is the relation (...)
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    Making the Improbable Probable: Communication across Models of Medical Practice.Stephen Buetow - 2014 - Health Care Analysis 22 (2):160-173.
    Cooperation and conversation in the public sphere may overcome historical and other barriers to rational argumentation. As an alternative to evidence-based medicine (EBM) and patient-centered care (PCC), the recent development of a modern version of person-centered medicine (PCM) signals an opportunity for a conversational pluralogue to replace parallel monologues between EBM and its critics, and the calls to EBM to debate its critics. This article draws upon elements of Habermas’s theory of communicative action in order to suggest the kind of (...)
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    Goethe ou l'improbable rencontre de la philosophie et de la poésie.Francoise Lartillot - 2009 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 249 (3):225-229.
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    Leaving Your Car with Strangers: Informal Car Parkers and Improbable Trust in Mexico City.Yuna Blajer de la Garza - 2019 - Politics and Society 47 (3):361-394.
    This article explores the case of informal car parkers in Mexico City, to whom drivers regularly entrust the keys to their vehicles. In contrast to literature on social trust that expects institutional trust and interpersonal trust to support one another, the article shows that interpersonal trust improbably arises in the context of corrupt and inefficient institutions. Coercive and market dynamics undergird the interactions among car parkers, police officers, and drivers, making possible the emergence of an informal market and noncontractual agreements. (...)
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    Fodor's improbable Putnam-externalism.Marco Mazzone - 2005 - Epistemologia 28 (2).
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    Believing the improbable.Mark Kaplan - 1995 - Philosophical Studies 77 (1):117 - 146.
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    Programs of the Improbable, Short Circuits of the Unheard-of.Bernard Stiegler & Robert Hughes - 2014 - Diacritics 42 (1):70-108.
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  43. Is the God Hypothesis Improbable? A Response to Dawkins.Logan Paul Gage - 2019 - In Kevin Vallier & Joshua Rasmussen (eds.), A New Theist Response to the New Atheists. New York: Routledge. pp. 59-76.
    In this chapter, Logan Paul Gage examines the only real attempt to disprove God’s existence by a New Atheist: Richard Dawkins’s “Ultimate 747 Gambit.” Central to Dawkins’s argument is the claim that God is more complex than what he is invoked to explain. Gage evaluates this claim using the main extant notions of simplicity in the literature. Gage concludes that on no reading does this claim survive scrutiny. Along the way, Dawkins claims that there are no good positive arguments for (...)
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    (1 other version)J. F. Lyotard: un adorniano improbable.Gerard Vilar - forthcoming - Thémata Revista de Filosofía.
    El artículo expone la influencia de la teoría estética de Th. W. Adorno en la filosofía contemporánea o, más concretamente, en la obra del postestructuralista J. F. Lyotard. Se centra en una interpretación novedosa de cuatro conceptos fundamentales en ambos autores: el de crítica, la adhesión a una ética radical, la elección del panteón de los artistas preferidos por uno y otro y la defensa de ambos, frente a las estéticas sistemáticas y totales, de una estética micrológica. Palabras clave: Teoría (...)
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    Probing the improbable: Methodological challenges for risks with low probabilities and high stakes.Toby Ord, Rafaela Hillerbrand & Anders Sandberg - 2010 - Journal of Risk Research 13:191-205.
    Some risks have extremely high stakes. For example, a worldwide pandemic or asteroid impact could potentially kill more than a billion people. Comfortingly, scientific calculations often put very low probabilities on the occurrence of such catastrophes. In this paper, we argue that there are important new methodological problems which arise when assessing global catastrophic risks and we focus on a problem regarding probability estimation. When an expert provides a calculation of the probability of an outcome, they are really providing the (...)
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    A Plea for the Improbable.Hájek Alan - unknown
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  47. Partial Memories: Sketches From an Improbable Life.Ernst Glasersfeld - 2010 - Imprint Academic.
    Autobiographical sketches by the philosopher and semioticist Ernst von Glasersfeld. The author writes: "Memories are a personal affair. They are what comes to mind when you think back, not what might in fact have happened at that earlier time in your life. You can no longer be certain of what seemed important then, because you are now looking at the past with today's eyes. The Italian philosopher Giambattista Vico had that insight three hundred years ago: When we think of things (...)
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  48. The Magic Realist Compost in the Anthropocene: Improbable Assemblages in Canadian and Australian Fiction.Jessica Maufort - 2020 - In Bénédicte Meillon (ed.), Dwellings of Enchantment: Writing and Reenchanting the Earth. Lanham, Maryland: Ecocritical Theory and Practice.
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    De la fl'nerie. Un improbable dialogue entre F.W. Taylor et W. Benjamin.Baptiste Rappin - 2021 - Actuel Marx 69 (1):149-168.
    La flânerie offre un pont qui relie les rives de la gestion et de la philosophie. Cet article clarifie d’abord le sens de la flânerie chez Taylor, sa distinction entre flâneries naturelle et systématique, et l’attention spécifique porté par Taylor à cette dernière, collective, organisée et sournoise, donc plus difficilement rationalisable. Il confronte ensuite Taylor aux réflexions de Benjamin s’attachant aux métamorphoses du flâneur dans le Paris du xix e siècle, pour interroger enfin l’ambiguïté de la flânerie et son potentiel (...)
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  50. Playing fast and loose with complexity: A critique of Dawkins' atheistic argument from improbability.Mark Sharlow - 2009
    This paper is a critique of Richard Dawkins’ “argument from improbability” against the existence of God. This argument, which forms the core of Dawkins’ book The God Delusion, provides an interesting example of the use of scientific ideas in arguments about religion. Here I raise three objections: (1) The argument is inapplicable to philosophical conceptions of God that reduce most of God’s complexity to that of the physical universe. (2) The argument depends on a way of estimating probabilities that (...)
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