Results for ' infinite finite-by-abelian subgroup'

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  1.  35
    On properties of (weakly) small groups.Cédric Milliet - 2012 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 77 (1):94-110.
    A group is small if it has only countably many complete n-types over the empty set for each natural number n. More generally, a group G is weakly small if it has only countably many complete 1-types over every finite subset of G. We show here that in a weakly small group, subgroups which are definable with parameters lying in a finitely generated algebraic closure satisfy the descending chain conditions for their traces in any finitely generated algebraic closure. An (...)
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    Components and minimal normal subgroups of finite and pseudofinite groups.John S. Wilson - 2019 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 84 (1):290-300.
    It is proved that there is a formula$\pi \left$in the first-order language of group theory such that each component and each non-abelian minimal normal subgroup of a finite groupGis definable by$\pi \left$for a suitable elementhofG; in other words, each such subgroup has the form$\left\{ {x|x\pi \left} \right\}$for someh. A number of consequences for infinite models of the theory of finite groups are described.
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    A note on the finitization of Abelian and Tauberian theorems.Thomas Powell - 2020 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 66 (3):300-310.
    We present finitary formulations of two well known results concerning infinite series, namely Abel's theorem, which establishes that if a series converges to some limit then its Abel sum converges to the same limit, and Tauber's theorem, which presents a simple condition under which the converse holds. Our approach is inspired by proof theory, and in particular Gödel's functional interpretation, which we use to establish quantitative versions of both of these results.
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    Infinitely $p$-Divisible Points on Abelian Varieties Defined over Function Fields of Characteristic $pgt 0$.Damian Rössler - 2013 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 54 (3-4):579-589.
    In this article we consider some questions raised by F. Benoist, E. Bouscaren, and A. Pillay. We prove that infinitely $p$-divisible points on abelian varieties defined over function fields of transcendence degree one over a finite field are necessarily torsion points. We also prove that when the endomorphism ring of the abelian variety is $\mathbb{Z}$, then there are no infinitely $p$-divisible points of order a power of $p$.
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    On the undecidability of some classes of abelian-by-finite groups.Annalisa Marcja, Mike Prest & Carlo Toffalori - 1993 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 62 (2):167-173.
    Let G be a finite group. For every formula ø in the language of groups, let K denote the class of groups H such that ø is a normal abelian subgroup of H and the quotient group H;ø is isomorphic to G. We show that if G is nilpotent and its order is not square-free, then there exists a formula ø such that the theory of K is undecidable.
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    Axiomatization of abelian-by- G groups for a finite group G.Francis Oger - 2001 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 40 (7):515-521.
    We show that, for each finite group G, there exists an axiomatization of the class of abelian-by-G groups with a single sentence. In the proof, we use the definability of the subgroups M n in an abelian-by-finite group M, and the Auslander-Reiten sequences for modules over an Artin algebra.
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    On Preservation of Stability for Finite Extensions of Abelian Groups.Frieder Haug - 1994 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 40 (1):14-26.
    We characterize preservation of superstability and ω-stability for finite extensions of abelian groups and reduce the general case to the case of p-groups. In particular we study finite extensions of divisible abelian groups. We prove that superstable abelian-by-finite groups have only finitely many conjugacy classes of Sylow p-subgroups.
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  8.  19
    Abelian groups definable in P-adically closed fields.Will Johnson & Y. A. O. Ningyuan - forthcoming - Journal of Symbolic Logic:1-22.
    Recall that a group G has finitely satisfiable generics (fsg) or definable f-generics (dfg) if there is a global type p on G and a small model $M_0$ such that every left translate of p is finitely satisfiable in $M_0$ or definable over $M_0$, respectively. We show that any abelian group definable in a p-adically closed field is an extension of a definably compact fsg definable group by a dfg definable group. We discuss an approach which might prove a (...)
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  9.  18
    Dimensional Groups and Fields.Frank O. Wagner - 2020 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 85 (3):918-936.
    We shall define a general notion of dimension, and study groups and rings whose interpretable sets carry such a dimension. In particular, we deduce chain conditions for groups, definability results for fields and domains, and show that a pseudofinite$\widetilde {\mathfrak M}_c$-group of finite positive dimension contains a finite-by-abelian subgroup of positive dimension, and a pseudofinite group of dimension 2 contains a soluble subgroup of dimension 2.
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    The model theory of finitely generated finite-by-Abelian groups.Francis Oger - 1984 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 49 (4):1115-1124.
    In [01], we gave algebraic characterizations of elementary equivalence for finitely generated finite-by-abelian groups, i.e. finitely generated FC-groups. We also provided several examples of finitely generated finite-by-abelian groups which are elementarily equivalent without being isomorphic. In this paper, we shall use our previous results to describe precisely the models of the theories of finitely generated finite-by-abelian groups and the elementary embeddings between these models.
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    Finitely approximable groups and actions Part II: Generic representations.Christian Rosendal - 2011 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 76 (4):1307-1321.
    Given a finitely generated group Γ, we study the space Isom(Γ, ℚ������) of all actions of Γ by isometries of the rational Urysohn metric space ℚ������, where Isom(Γ, ℚ������) is equipped with the topology it inherits seen as a closed subset of Isom(ℚ������) Γ . When Γ is the free group ������ n on n generators this space is just Isom(ℚ������) n , but is in general significantly more complicated. We prove that when Γ is finitely generated Abelian there (...)
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  12.  12
    On superstable CSA-groups.Abderezak Ould Houcine - 2008 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 154 (1):1-7.
    We prove that a nonabelian superstable CSA-group has an infinite definable simple subgroup all of whose proper definable subgroups are abelian. This imply in particular that the existence of nonabelian CSA-group of finite Morley rank is equivalent to the existence of a simple bad group all whose definable proper subgroups are abelian. We give a new proof of a result of Mustafin and Poizat [E. Mustafin, B. Poizat, Sous-groupes superstables de SL2 ] which states that (...)
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  13.  62
    Abelian groups with modular generic.James Loveys - 1991 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 56 (1):250-259.
    Let G be a stable abelian group with regular modular generic. We show that either 1. there is a definable nongeneric K ≤ G such that G/K has definable connected component and so strongly regular generics, or 2. distinct elements of the division ring yielding the dependence relation are represented by subgroups of G × G realizing distinct strong types (when regarded as elements of G eq ). In the latter case one can choose almost 0-definable subgroups representing the (...)
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  14.  67
    Supersimple ω-categorical groups and theories.David Evans & Frank Wagner - 2000 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 65 (2):767-776.
    An ω-categorical supersimple group is finite-by-abelian-by-finite, and has finite SU-rank. Every definable subgroup is commensurable with an acl( $\emptyset$ )-definable subgroup. Every finitely based regular type in a CM-trivial ω-categorical simple theory is non-orthogonal to a type of SU-rank 1. In particular, a supersimple ω-categorical CM-trivial theory has finite SU-rank.
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  15.  31
    Relative categoricity in abelian groups II.Wilfrid Hodges & Anatoly Yakovlev - 2009 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 158 (3):203-231.
    We consider structures A consisting of an abelian group with a subgroup AP distinguished by a 1-ary relation symbol P, and complete theories T of such structures. Such a theory T is -categorical if T has models A of cardinality λ with AP=κ, and given any two such models A,B with AP=BP, there is an isomorphism from A to B which is the identity on AP. We classify all complete theories of such structures A in terms of the (...)
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  16.  21
    On the definability of verbal subgroups.Françcoise Point - 2001 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 40 (7):525-529.
    We show that if G is a group of finite Morley rank, then the verbal subgroup is of finite width, where w is a concise word. As a byproduct, we show that if G is any abelian-by-finite group, then Gn= is definable.
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  17.  14
    Pseudo‐c‐archimedean and pseudo‐finite cyclically ordered groups.Gérard Leloup - 2019 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 65 (4):412-443.
    Robinson and Zakon gave necessary and sufficient conditions for an abelian ordered group to satisfy the same first‐order sentences as an archimedean abelian ordered group (i.e., which embeds in the group of real numbers). The present paper generalizes their work to obtain similar results for infinite subgroups of the group of unimodular complex numbers. Furthermore, the groups which satisfy the same first‐order sentences as ultraproducts of finite cyclic groups are characterized.
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    Generic expansion of an abelian variety by a subgroup.Christian D'Elbée - 2021 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 67 (4):402-408.
    Let A be an abelian variety in an algebraically closed field of characteristic 0. We prove that the expansion of A by a generic divisible subgroup of A with the same torsion exists provided A has few algebraic endomorphisms, namely. The resulting theory is NSOP1 and not simple. Note that there exist abelian varieties A with of any genus.
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  19.  27
    The class of groups which have a subgroup of index 2 is not elementary.Thierry Coulbois - 2001 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 40 (7):523-524.
    F. Oger proved that if A is a finite group, then the class of groups which are abelian-by-A can be axiomatized by a single first order sentence. It is established here that, in Oger's result, the word abelian cannot be replaced by group.
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  20.  37
    Scott sentences for certain groups.Julia F. Knight & Vikram Saraph - 2018 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 57 (3-4):453-472.
    We give Scott sentences for certain computable groups, and we use index set calculations as a way of checking that our Scott sentences are as simple as possible. We consider finitely generated groups and torsion-free abelian groups of finite rank. For both kinds of groups, the computable ones all have computable \ Scott sentences. Sometimes we can do better. In fact, the computable finitely generated groups that we have studied all have Scott sentences that are “computable d-\” sentence (...)
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  21.  53
    On the Schur-zassenhaus theorem for groups of finite Morley rank.Alexandre V. Borovik & Ali Nesin - 1992 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 57 (4):1469-1477.
    The Schur-Zassenhaus Theorem is one of the fundamental theorems of finite group theory. Here is its statement:Fact1.1 (Schur-Zassenhaus Theorem). Let G be a finite group and let N be a normal subgroup of G. Assume that the order ∣N∣ is relatively prime to the index [G:N]. Then N has a complement in G and any two complements of N are conjugate in G.The proof can be found in most standard books in group theory, e.g., in [S, Chapter (...)
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  22.  39
    On model-theoretic connected components in some group extensions.Jakub Gismatullin & Krzysztof Krupiński - 2015 - Journal of Mathematical Logic 15 (2):1550009.
    We analyze model-theoretic connected components in extensions of a given group by abelian groups which are defined by means of 2-cocycles with finite image. We characterize, in terms of these 2-cocycles, when the smallest type-definable subgroup of the corresponding extension differs from the smallest invariant subgroup. In some situations, we also describe the quotient of these two connected components. Using our general results about extensions of groups together with Matsumoto–Moore theory or various quasi-characters considered in bounded (...)
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  23. Infinite Ethics.Infinite Ethics - unknown
    Aggregative consequentialism and several other popular moral theories are threatened with paralysis: when coupled with some plausible assumptions, they seem to imply that it is always ethically indifferent what you do. Modern cosmology teaches that the world might well contain an infinite number of happy and sad people and other candidate value-bearing locations. Aggregative ethics implies that such a world contains an infinite amount of positive value and an infinite amount of negative value. You can affect only (...)
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  24.  24
    Abelian‐by‐G Groups, for G Finite, from the Model Theoretic Point of View.Annalisa Marcja & Carlo Toffalori - 1994 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 40 (1):125-131.
    Let G be a finite group. We prove that the theory af abelian-by-G groups is decidable if and only if the theory of modules over the group ring ℤ[G] is decidable. Then we study some model theoretic questions about abelian-by-G groups, in particular we show that their class is elementary when the order of G is squarefree.
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  25.  49
    Robert McNaughton. Testing and generating infinite sequences by a finite automaton. Information and control, vol. 9 , pp. 521–530. [REVIEW]Dirk Siefkes - 1972 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 37 (3):618.
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  26.  15
    Definable valuations induced by multiplicative subgroups and NIP fields.Katharina Dupont, Assaf Hasson & Salma Kuhlmann - 2019 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 58 (7-8):819-839.
    We study the algebraic implications of the non-independence property and variants thereof on infinite fields, motivated by the conjecture that all such fields which are neither real closed nor separably closed admit a henselian valuation. Our results mainly focus on Hahn fields and build up on Will Johnson’s “The canonical topology on dp-minimal fields” :1850007, 2018).
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  27.  37
    Finite and infinite support in nominal algebra and logic: nominal completeness theorems for free.Murdoch J. Gabbay - 2012 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 77 (3):828-852.
    By operations on models we show how to relate completeness with respect to permissivenominal models to completeness with respect to nominal models with finite support. Models with finite support are a special case of permissive-nominal models, so the construction hinges on generating from an instance of the latter, some instance of the former in which sufficiently many inequalities are preserved between elements. We do this using an infinite generalisation of nominal atoms-abstraction. The results are of interest in (...)
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  28.  28
    From Games to Truth Functions: A Generalization of Giles’s Game.Christian G. Fermüller & Christoph Roschger - 2014 - Studia Logica 102 (2):389-410.
    Motivated by aspects of reasoning in theories of physics, Robin Giles defined a characterization of infinite valued Łukasiewicz logic in terms of a game that combines Lorenzen-style dialogue rules for logical connectives with a scheme for betting on results of dispersive experiments for evaluating atomic propositions. We analyze this game and provide conditions on payoff functions that allow us to extract many-valued truth functions from dialogue rules of a quite general form. Besides finite and infinite valued Łukasiewicz (...)
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  29. Infinite value and finitely additive value theory.Peter Vallentyne & Shelly Kagan - 1997 - Journal of Philosophy 94 (1):5-26.
    000000001. Introduction Call a theory of the good—be it moral or prudential—aggregative just in case (1) it recognizes local (or location-relative) goodness, and (2) the goodness of states of affairs is based on some aggregation of local goodness. The locations for local goodness might be points or regions in time, space, or space-time; or they might be people, or states of nature.1 Any method of aggregation is allowed: totaling, averaging, measuring the equality of the distribution, measuring the minimum, etc.. Call (...)
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  30.  18
    Combining finite and infinite elements: Why do we use infinite idealizations in engineering?Silvia Bianchi - 2019 - Synthese 196 (5):1733-1748.
    This contribution sheds light on the role of infinite idealization in structural analysis, by exploring how infinite elements and finite element methods are combined in civil engineering models. This combination, I claim, should be read in terms of a ‘complementarity function’ through which the representational ideal of completeness is reached in engineering model-building. Taking a cue from Weisberg’s definition of multiple-model idealization, I highlight how infinite idealizations are primarily meant to contribute to the prediction of structural (...)
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  31.  17
    One-dimensional subgroups and connected components in non-Abelian P-adic definable groups.William Johnson & Ningyuan Yao - forthcoming - Journal of Symbolic Logic:1-19.
    We generalize two of our previous results on abelian definable groups in p-adically closed fields [12, 13] to the non-abelian case. First, we show that if G is a definable group that is not definably compact, then G has a one-dimensional definable subgroup which is not definably compact. This is a p-adic analogue of the Peterzil–Steinhorn theorem for o-minimal theories [16]. Second, we show that if G is a group definable over the standard model $\mathbb {Q}_p$, then (...)
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  32.  35
    Finite automata presentable Abelian groups.André Nies & Pavel Semukhin - 2010 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 161 (3):458-467.
    We give new examples of FA presentable torsion-free abelian groups. Namely, for every n2, we construct a rank n indecomposable torsion-free abelian group which has an FA presentation. We also construct an FA presentation of the group in which every nontrivial cyclic subgroup is not FA recognizable.
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  33.  28
    Infinite games played on finite graphs.Robert McNaughton - 1993 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 65 (2):149-184.
    The concept of an infinite game played on a finite graph is perhaps novel in the context of an rather extensive recent literature in which infinite games are generally played on an infinite game tree. We claim two advantages for our model, which is admittedly more restrictive. First, our games have a more apparent resemblance to ordinary parlor games in spite of their infinite duration. Second, by distinguishing those nodes of the graph that determine the (...)
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  34.  27
    Non-finitely axiomatisable modal product logics with infinite canonical axiomatisations.Christopher Hampson, Stanislav Kikot, Agi Kurucz & Sérgio Marcelino - 2020 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 171 (5):102786.
    Our concern is the axiomatisation problem for modal and algebraic logics that correspond to various fragments of two-variable first-order logic with counting quantifiers. In particular, we consider modal products with Diff, the propositional unimodal logic of the difference operator. We show that the two-dimensional product logic $Diff \times Diff$ is non-finitely axiomatisable, but can be axiomatised by infinitely many Sahlqvist axioms. We also show that its ‘square’ version (the modal counterpart of the substitution and equality free fragment of two-variable first-order (...)
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  35.  21
    On function field Mordell–Lang and Manin–Mumford.Franck Benoist, Elisabeth Bouscaren & Anand Pillay - 2016 - Journal of Mathematical Logic 16 (1):1650001.
    We give a reduction of the function field Mordell–Lang conjecture to the function field Manin–Mumford conjecture, for abelian varieties, in all characteristics, via model theory, but avoiding recourse to the dichotomy theorems for (generalized) Zariski geometries. Additional ingredients include the “Theorem of the Kernel”, and a result of Wagner on commutative groups of finite Morley rank without proper infinite definable subgroups. In positive characteristic, where the main interest lies, there is one more crucial ingredient: “quantifier-elimination” for the (...)
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  36.  31
    Finite or infinite?E. T. Bell - 1934 - Philosophy of Science 1 (1):30-49.
    When I undertook to write an article for mathematical laymen on the mathematical infinite. I did not realize the depths of my own layness, I do now. Having refreshed my memory of the classics of infinity by re-reading among other things the famous papers of Cantor and Zermelo, and having struggled like a boa constrictor to swallow the latest papal bull on the human significance of the infinite, I am completely reduced to what Professor E. W. Hobson aptly (...)
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    Finite and infinite-valued logics: inference, algebra and geometry: Preface.Walter Carnielli - 1999 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 9 (1):7-8.
    This is the preface for a special volume published by the Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics Volume 9, Issue 1, 1999.
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    How to take advantage of the blur between the finite and the infinite.Pierre Cartier - 2012 - Logica Universalis 6 (1-2):217-226.
    In this paper is presented and discussed the notion of true finite by opposition to the notion of theoretical finite. Examples from mathematics and physics are given. Fermat’s infinite descent principle is challenged.
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    On solvable centerless groups of Morley rank 3.Mark Kelly Davis & Ali Nesin - 1993 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 58 (2):546-556.
    We know quite a lot about the general structure of ω-stable solvable centerless groups of finite Morley rank. Abelian groups of finite Morley rank are also well-understood. By comparison, nonabelian nilpotent groups are a mystery except for the following general results:• An ω1-categorical torsion-free nonabelian nilpotent group is an algebraic group over an algebraically closed field of characteristic 0 [Z3].• A nilpotent group of finite Morley rank is the central product of a definable subgroup of (...)
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    Elementary Equivalence for Abelian-by-Finite and Nilpotent Groups.Francis Oger - 2001 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 66 (3):1471-1480.
    We show that two abelian-by-finite groups are elementarily equivalent if and only if they satisfy the same sentences with two alternations of quantifiers. We also prove that abelian-by-finite groups satisfy a quantifier elimination property. On the other hand, for each integer n, we give some examples of nilpotent groups which satisfy the same sentences with n alternations of quantifiers and do not satisfy the same sentences with n + 1 alternations of quantifiers.
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  41. Infinite numbers are large finite numbers.Jeremy Gwiazda - unknown
    In this paper, I suggest that infinite numbers are large finite numbers, and that infinite numbers, properly understood, are 1) of the structure omega + (omega* + omega)Ө + omega*, and 2) the part is smaller than the whole. I present an explanation of these claims in terms of epistemic limitations. I then consider the importance, part of which is demonstrating the contradiction that lies at the heart of Cantorian set theory: the natural numbers are too large (...)
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    (1 other version)Finite notations for infinite terms.Helmut Schwichtenberg - 1998 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 94 (1-3):201-222.
    Buchholz presented a method to build notation systems for infinite sequent-style derivations, analogous to well-known systems of notation for ordinals. The essential feature is that from a notation one can read off by a primitive recursive function its n th predecessor and, e.g. the last rule applied. Here we extend the method to the more general setting of infinite terms, in order to make it applicable in other proof-theoretic contexts as well as in recursion theory. As examples, we (...)
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    On dp-minimal ordered structures.Pierre Simon - 2011 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 76 (2):448 - 460.
    We show basic facts about dp-minimal ordered structures. The main results are: dp-minimal groups are abelian-by-finite-exponent, in a divisible ordered dp-minimal group, any infinite set has non-empty interior, and any theory of pure tree is dp-minimal.
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    Effective aspects of profinite groups.Rick L. Smith - 1981 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 46 (4):851-863.
    Profinite groups are Galois groups. The effective study of infinite Galois groups was initiated by Metakides and Nerode [8] and further developed by LaRoche [5]. In this paper we study profinite groups without considering Galois extensions of fields. The Artin method of representing a finite group as a Galois group has been generalized by Waterhouse [14] to profinite groups. Thus, there is no loss of relevance in our approach.The fundamental notions of a co-r.e. profinite group, recursively profinite group, (...)
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    Finite sets and infinite sets in weak intuitionistic arithmetic.Takako Nemoto - 2020 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 59 (5-6):607-657.
    In this paper, we consider, for a set \ of natural numbers, the following notions of finitenessFIN1:There are a natural number l and a bijection f between \\);FIN5:It is not the case that \\), and infinitenessINF1:There are not a natural number l and a bijection f between \\);INF5:\\). In this paper, we systematically compare them in the method of constructive reverse mathematics. We show that the equivalence among them can be characterized by various combinations of induction axioms and non-constructive principles, (...)
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  46. On the complexity of the classification problem for torsion-free Abelian groups of finite rank.Simon Thomas - 2001 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 7 (3):329-344.
    In this paper, we shall discuss some recent contributions to the project [15, 14, 2, 18, 22, 23] of explaining why no satisfactory system of complete invariants has yet been found for the torsion-free abelian groups of finite rank n ≥ 2. Recall that, up to isomorphism, the torsion-free abelian groups of rank n are exactly the additive subgroups of the n-dimensional vector space ℚn which contain n linearly independent elements. Thus the collection of torsion-free abelian (...)
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    Combining finite and infinite elements: Why do we use infinite idealizations in engineering?Silvia De Bianchi - 2019 - Synthese 196 (5):1733-1748.
    This contribution sheds light on the role of infinite idealization in structural analysis, by exploring how infinite elements and finite element methods are combined in civil engineering models. This combination, I claim, should be read in terms of a ‘complementarity function’ through which the representational ideal of completeness is reached in engineering model-building. Taking a cue from Weisberg’s definition of multiple-model idealization, I highlight how infinite idealizations are primarily meant to contribute to the prediction of structural (...)
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    Grasping Infinity by Finite Sets.Ferrante Formato & Giangiacomo Gerla - 1998 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 44 (3):383-393.
    We show that the existence of an infinite set can be reduced to the existence of finite sets “as big as we will”, provided that a multivalued extension of the relation of equipotence is admitted. In accordance, we modelize the notion of infinite set by a fuzzy subset representing the class of wide sets.
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  49. Finite-Time Destruction of Entanglement and Non-Locality by Environmental Influences.Kevin Ann & Gregg Jaeger - 2009 - Foundations of Physics 39 (7):790-828.
    Entanglement and non-locality are non-classical global characteristics of quantum states important to the foundations of quantum mechanics. Recent investigations have shown that environmental noise, even when it is entirely local in influence, can destroy both of these properties in finite time despite giving rise to full quantum state decoherence only in the infinite time limit. These investigations, which have been carried out in a range of theoretical and experimental situations, are reviewed here.
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  50.  17
    Groupes Fins.Cédric Milliet - 2014 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 79 (4):1120-1132.
    We investigate some common points between stable structures and weakly small structures and define a structureMto befineif the Cantor-Bendixson rank of the topological space${S_\varphi }\left} \right)$is an ordinal for every finite subsetAofMand every formula$\varphi \left$wherexis of arity 1. By definition, a theory isfineif all its models are so. Stable theories and small theories are fine, and weakly minimal structures are fine. For any finite subsetAof a fine groupG, the traces on the algebraic closure$acl\left$ofAof definable subgroups ofGover$acl\left$which are boolean (...)
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