Results for ' kire-tsuzuki'

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  1. Further Reflections on the Rock Garden of Ryōanji: From Yūgen to Kire-tsuzuki.Graham Parkes - 2000 - In Roger T. Ames, The aesthetic turn: reading Eliot Deutsch on comparative philosophy. Chicago, Ill.: Open Court. pp. 13.
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    Suna no Bi 砂の美. A critical appreciation of sand in Japanese karesansui 枯山水 gardens.Rudi Capra - 2022 - Rivista di Estetica 80:30-47.
    The paper offers a critical appreciation of sand in the Japanese tradition of karesansui 枯山水gardens. At first, sand is approached from a phenomenological standpoint, then described in relation to the Daoist ideals of “blandness” (dan 淡) and its original function in Shinto shrines. The following sections draw an East-West comparison between the sand garden at Ginkaku-ji 銀閣寺 and the sand sculptures by the Basque artist Andoni Bastarrika, and between the sand garden at Shisen-dō 詩仙堂 and the Renaissance garden at Villa (...)
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    Quiet ego is associated with positive attitudes toward Muslims.Rosemary Lyn Al-Kire, Heidi A. Wayment, Brian A. Eiler, Kutter Callaway & Jo-Ann Tsang - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Well-known predictors of prejudice toward Muslims include social dominance and authoritarianism. However, a gap exists for variables reflecting a rejection or mitigation of ideological motivations associated with prejudice toward Muslims. We examined if quiet ego was related to positive attitudes toward Muslims, and whether this could be explained by lower levels of authoritarianism, social dominance, and the motivation to express prejudice. We explored this possibility across two studies of adults in the United States. In Study 1, regression results showed quiet (...)
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    Habermas between Critical Theory and Liberalism.Kire Sharlamanov - 2024 - Springer Nature Switzerland.
    This book identifies the turning points in Habermas's work and his transition from one stage to another in the development of his theoretical oeuvre. Habermas began his academic career as part of the Frankfurt School, but the two key points at which his career changes trajectory are moving from historical materialism to normative idealism and playing with some of the ideas of liberalism. Normative idealism is an ahistorical theory that insists on the independence of the normative from material reality, severing (...)
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    Contract government and the academic intellectuals.Chairperson Chushichi Tsuzuki, Lena Dominelli & Ankie Hoogvelt - 1996 - The European Legacy 1 (2):762-770.
    (1996). Contract government and the academic intellectuals. The European Legacy: Vol. 1, Fourth International Conference of the International Society for the study of European Ideas, pp. 762-770.
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    Contract government and the academic intellectuals.Chushichi Tsuzuki, Lena Dominelli & Ankie Hoogvelt - 1996 - The European Legacy 1 (2):762-770.
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    Currents of radicalism, organised labour and party politics in Britain 1850–1914.Chushichi Tsuzuki - 1994 - History of European Ideas 18 (2):299-300.
  8. Domestic wastewater treatment in the drainage areas of Lakes Shinji and Nakaumi: treatment efficiency and dissemination for ordinary citizens.Yoshiaki Tsuzuki - 2005 - Laguna 12:53-61.
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    Effortful Processing Reduces the Attraction Effect in Multi-Alternative Decision Making: An Electrophysiological Study Using a Task-Irrelevant Probe Technique.Takashi Tsuzuki, Yuji Takeda & Itsuki Chiba - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  10. Molding Japanese Minds: The State in Everyday Life. By Sheldon Garon.C. Tsuzuki - 1998 - The European Legacy 3:130-130.
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    Maruyama Masao e no michiannai.Tsutomu Tsuzuki - 2013 - Tōkyō: Yoshida Shoten.
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  12. Taimu mashin no hanashi.Takuji Tsuzuki - 1971
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    The Politics of social solidarity: Class basis of the European Welfare State 1875–1975.Chushichi Tsuzuki - 1993 - History of European Ideas 17 (2-3):362-363.
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    Book review: Sociology of Woman’s Labour. [REVIEW]Kire Sharlamanov - 2022 - European Journal of Women's Studies 29 (3):470-472.
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  15. Aristotle still wins over Newton.Hermann Haertel, Marian Kires, Zuzana Jeskova, Jan Degro, Yuri B. Senichenkov & Jose-Miguel Zamarro - 2003 - Scientia 14 (1):49-60.
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    Effects of Gradient Coil Noise and Gradient Coil Replacement on the Reproducibility of Resting State Networks.Epifanio Bagarinao, Erina Tsuzuki, Yukina Yoshida, Yohei Ozawa, Maki Kuzuya, Takashi Otani, Shuji Koyama, Haruo Isoda, Hirohisa Watanabe, Satoshi Maesawa, Shinji Naganawa & Gen Sobue - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
  17. Cortical Activation during Action Observation, Action Execution, and Interpersonal Synchrony in Adults: A functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Study.Anjana N. Bhat, Michael D. Hoffman, Susanna L. Trost, McKenzie L. Culotta, Jeffrey Eilbott, Daisuke Tsuzuki & Kevin A. Pelphrey - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
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    Explicit Performance in Girls and Implicit Processing in Boys: A Simultaneous fNIRS–ERP Study on Second Language Syntactic Learning in Young Adolescents.Lisa Sugiura, Masahiro Hata, Hiroko Matsuba-Kurita, Minako Uga, Daisuke Tsuzuki, Ippeita Dan, Hiroko Hagiwara & Fumitaka Homae - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12:301801.
    Learning a second language (L2) proceeds with individual approaches to proficiency in the language. Individual differences including sex, as well as working memory (WM) function appear to have strong effects on behavioral performance and cortical responses in L2 processing. Thus, by considering sex and WM capacity, we examined neural responses during L2 sentence processing as a function of L2 proficiency in young adolescents. In behavioral tests, girls significantly outperformed boys in L2 tests assessing proficiency and grammatical knowledge, and in a (...)
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  19. "Kire" no kōzō: nihonbi to gendai sekai.Ryōsuke Ōhashi - 1986 - Tōkyō: Chūō Kōronsha.
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    Ryosuke Ohashi, Kire-Dus Schöne in Japan: Philosophisch-Aesthetische Reflexionenen Zu Geschichte Und Moderne, Trans. Rolf Elberfeld.Rudolf Arnheim - 1997 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 55 (3):329-329.
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    Riyāżī's Teẕkire as a Source of Information on Ottoman PoetsRiyazi's Tezkire as a Source of Information on Ottoman Poets.Niki Gamm - 1979 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 99 (4):643.
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  22. Die Entzifferung des Todes der Dame Niigaki. Erwiderungen auf Ohashi Ryôsukes Philosophie des Kire.H. -J. Röllicke - 1999 - Zeitschrift für Ästhetik Und Allgemeine Kunstwissenschaft 44 (1):55-84.
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    "A God above the Bias of Sex" [review of Chushichi Tsuzuki, Edward Carpenter 1844-1929: Prophet of Human Fellowship ].Kirk Willis - 1982 - Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 2 (2):61.
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    Penser le temps dans la philosophie japonaise.Raquel Bouso & Jean-Pierre Dubost - 2022 - L’Enseignement Philosophique 72 (3):11-22.
    Dans la philosophie japonaise, le temps, traditionnellement, n’a jamais été pensé comme séparé de l’espace. Plutôt que de concevoir l’espace-temps de manière abstraite, elle a toujours eu tendance à penser l’expérience d’une temporalité indissociable de la spatialité, une « temporalité spatiale ». À partir de deux créations conceptuelles japonaises, l’une médiévale et l’autre contemporaine, l’une ontologico-existentielle et l’autre esthétique, uji et kire respectivement, nous explorerons deux façons d’exprimer la nature vivante du temps à partir du flux du devenir, celles (...)
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    Executive Turnovers in 2000.Masaru Kohno & Atsuko Suga - 2000 - Japanese Journal of Political Science 1 (2):329-331.
    On April 5 2000, the Diet elected Yoshiro Mori as Japan's 55th prime minister. His predecessor, Keizo Obuchi, had suffered a stroke and became unable to carry out his official responsibility. Mori, who was the former Secretary General of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party (LDP), inherited the three party coalition between the LDP, the new Komei Party and the Conservative Party, and reappointed all of Obuchi's cabinet members. Yohei Kono was reposted as the Minister of Foreign Affairs; Hideo Usui as (...)
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