Results for ' literary life after 1945'

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  1.  25
    Life after theory.Michael Payne & John Schad (eds.) - 2003 - London ; New York: Continuum.
    Is there life after theory? If the death of the Author has now been followed by the death of the Theorist, what's left? Indeed, who's left? To explore such riddles Life. After.Theory brings together new interviews with four theorists who are left, each a major figure in their own right: Jacques Derrida, Frank Kermode, Toril Moi, and Christopher Norris. Framed and introduced by Michael Payne and John Schad, the interviews pursue a whole range of topics, both (...)
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    The mathematician's mind: the psychology of invention in the mathematical field.Jacques Hadamard - 1945 - Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press.
    Fifty years ago when Jacques Hadamard set out to explore how mathematicians invent new ideas, he considered the creative experiences of some of the greatest thinkers of his generation, such as George Polya, Claude Le;vi-Strauss, and Albert Einstein. It appeared that inspiration could strike anytime, particularly after an individual had worked hard on a problem for days and then turned attention to another activity. In exploring this phenomenon, Hadamard produced one of the most famous and cogent cases for the (...)
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    The Deposing of Spartan Kings.H. W. Parke - 1945 - Classical Quarterly 39 (3-4):106-.
    Plutarch in his Life of Agis describes the plots by which Lysandrus the ephor contrived to depose King Leonidas II. He meant to use against him one of the Spartan laws which forbade a member of the royal houses from begetting children by a foreign woman, and another by which he who went out of Sparta with a view to settling abroad was liable to the death penalty. But though apparently a case could be made out against Leonidas under (...)
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    The natural history of experience.C. Judson Herrick - 1945 - Philosophy of Science 12 (April):57-71.
    “All experience is an arch wherethro’ gleams” an untravell'd world and through which come the joyous adventures of life and also grief and pain. Since all that we know and hope to know and think we know must come through this arch and since the primary task of science is the validation and enlargement of knowledge, science is vitally interested in this experience and its interpretation. This interest stems not from the philosopher's epistemology but it is strictly operational. We (...)
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    Literary Lives: Biography and the Search for Understanding (review).Michael McClintick - 2001 - Philosophy and Literature 25 (1):171-173.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy and Literature 25.1 (2001) 171-173 [Access article in PDF] Book Review Literary Lives: Biography and the Search for Understanding Literary Lives: Biography and the Search for Understanding, by David Ellis; ix & 195 pp. New York: Routledge, 2000, $35. In his discussion of biography as a form, Ellis points to his study as a response to the scarcity of "monographs on biography... and [that] none of (...)
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    Consilient literary interpretation.Marcus Nordlund - 2002 - Philosophy and Literature 26 (2):312-333.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy and Literature 26.2 (2002) 312-333 [Access article in PDF] Consilient Literary Interpretation Marcus Nordlund I THIS IS AN EXCITING TIME in the history of human self-knowledge. Like the two souls in Plato's Symposium, the life sciences and the human sciences are slowly coming to terms with their painful divorce and are increasingly on speaking terms. Thanks to important developments across a broad range of academic disciplines (...)
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    "The Useless Mouths" and Other Literary Writings.Simone de Beauvoir, Margaret A. Simons & Marybeth Timmermann (eds.) - 2011 - University of Illinois Press.
    The Useless Mouths" and Other Literary Writings brings to English-language readers literary writings--several previously unknown--by Simone de Beauvoir. Culled from sources including various American university collections, the works span decades of Beauvoir's career. Ranging from dramatic works and literary theory to radio broadcasts, they collectively reveal fresh insights into Beauvoir's writing process, personal life, and the honing of her philosophy. The volume begins with a new translation of the 1945 play The Useless Mouths, written in (...)
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    Moving literary theory on.Wendell V. Harris - 1996 - Philosophy and Literature 20 (2):428-435.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Moving Literary Theory OnWendell V. HarrisParadox has long been especially seductive to literary critics and theorists. For the New Critics, the presence of paradox in a text served to vouch for the complexity and therefore value of the perspective on life the text offered. For poststructuralists it seems to be even more important: paradox is the hallmark of earnestness. And if paradox is good, self-contradiction is (...)
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  9. The ancient quarrel revisited: Literary theory and the return to ethics.Joseph G. Kronick - 2006 - Philosophy and Literature 30 (2):436-449.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Ancient Quarrel Revisited:Literary Theory and the Return to EthicsJoseph G. KronickThe modern quarrel between theory and practice, like the ancient one between philosophy and poetry, is at once a practical one—at its heart is the question how we should live—and a pedagogical one—who or what is the proper teacher of virtue? Today, the quarrel is between theory and literature rather than between philosophy and poetry, a change (...)
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    Literary Pursuits.Ian Simpson Ross - 1995 - In Ian Simpson Ross, The Life of Adam Smith. Oxford University Press UK.
    Smith expressed regret in 1780 that his Custom‐house duties held up ‘Several Works’ he had projected. One of these was on the subject of the ‘Imitative Arts,’ presumably his mimetic aesthetic philosophy. This was very likely connected with the two ‘Great Works’ he had ‘on the anvil’ on 1785. He described the first one as a ‘sort of Philosophical History of all the different branches of Literature, of Philosophy, Poetry, and Eloquence.’ The second he described as a ‘sort of theory (...)
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    Arrian's Literary Development.A. B. Bosworth - 1972 - Classical Quarterly 22 (01):163-.
    There is relative agreement among modern scholars that the bulk of Arrian's literary activity came late in his life. What has become the standard theory was evolved by Eduard Schwartz, who maintained that it was only after the end of his public career that Arrian turned to writing. According to this hypothesis the Пєρίπλους of 131/ A.D. was a tentative preliminary monograph, which was followed in 136/7 by a work of similar genre, the.
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  12.  21
    Cicero's Correspondence: A Literary Study (review).John Nicholson - 2000 - American Journal of Philology 121 (1):159-162.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Cicero's Correspondence: A Literary StudyJohn NicholsonG. O. Hutchinson. Cicero's Correspondence: A Literary Study. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1998. xv + 235 pp. Cloth, $65.The focus here is on rescuing Cicero's correspondence from the subliterary status of mere historical and biographical source material, and promoting an appreciation of its inherent artistic value and interest. Now that the text of the letters has finally been restored to a sound (...)
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  13.  40
    Eternal Recurrence, Identity and Literary Characters.David Conter - 1992 - Dialogue 31 (4):549-.
    “Think of our world,” writes Robert Nozick, “as a novel in which you yourself are a character.” As we shall see, this is easier said than done. In that case, would the project be worth the effort? Yes, says Alexander Nehamas. In Nietzsche: Life as Literature, Nehamas suggests that we would have a better grasp of some hard doctrines of Nietzsche's, if we accepted literary texts as providing a model for the world, and literary characters as yielding (...)
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  14.  30
    Epistolary Gentility of Literary Women in the Mid-Nineteenth Century.Danni Cai - 2022 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 142 (3):523-546.
    Focusing on Correspondence from the Double-Cassia Studio (Shuanggui xuan chidu 雙桂軒尺牘), a collection of letters by a gentlewoman named Ding Shanyi 丁善儀 (1799–after 1861), this paper examines how elite women in mid-nine- teenth-century China applied epistolary conventions in their social life. Com- pared to other literary collections of individual women in late imperial China, Ding’s letter collection is exceptional in recording the life of its author through the epistolary genre and in revealing the sociopolitical dynamics that (...)
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  15. On Literary Subjectivity in the Seventeenth Century.John E. Jackson - 1998 - Diogenes 46 (182):73-88.
    In psychoanalytic theory, the notion of the person inevitably evokes the notion of subjectivity. Not that the former can be reduced to the latter; but if psychoanalytic theory is anything more a certain type of therapeutic practice, it is indeed a theory of the subject or a theory of the subjective relation. We should perhaps begin by specifying that the subjective relation must be understood as a complex whole: an intrapsychic relation, that is, a relation between the various instances that (...)
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  16. Gossip and literary narrative.Blakey Vermeule - 2006 - Philosophy and Literature 30 (1):102-117.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy and Literature 30.1 (2006) 102-117 [Access article in PDF] Gossip and Literary Narrative Blakey Vermeule Northwestern University Since its murky origins in Grub Street, a specter has haunted the novel—the specter of gossip. In its higher-minded mood, literary narratives have been very snobbish about gossip and the snobbishness is unfair. Even the most casual reader of social fiction will recognize that gossiping is what characters do (...)
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  17.  20
    Psyche and Ethos: Moral Life after Psychology.Matthew Mutter - 2022 - Common Knowledge 28 (3):450-452.
    For decades, Anderson has been pressing critical theorists and literary scholars to acknowledge the inescapably normative dimensions of their work. Through careful attention to rhetorical styles, she has persuasively argued that epistemological positions and social theories are tethered to “characterological” judgments—to implicit endorsements of ethos. Meanwhile, critical discourse has warmed to the claims of lived experience (the “turn to ethics,” the interest in “affect”), but the “ethical” has remained a negative movement, either as the critique of social and discursive (...)
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    Book Review: Literary Power and the Criteria of Truth. [REVIEW]Thomas Reinert - 1996 - Philosophy and Literature 20 (1):275-276.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Literary Power and the Criteria of TruthThomas ReinertLiterary Power and the Criteria of Truth, by Laura Quinney; xx & 183 pp. Gainesville: University Press of Florida, 1995, $35.00.Given the predominance of cultural materialism and historical scholarship, literary studies no longer ascribe much of a distinct, autonomous role to literariness as such. Current critics are interested in the complicity of individual works in the propagation of social (...)
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  19.  42
    The Feminist as Literary Critic.Annette Kolodny - 1976 - Critical Inquiry 2 (4):821-832.
    Reading Morgan's eloquent explanation of himself as a "feminist," self-taught and now wholly enthused at the prospect of teaching a Women Writers course, one comes away sharing Morgan's concern that he not be left out in the cold. It is, after all, exciting and revitalizing to be part of a "revolution"—especially if, like Morgan, one can so generously and wholeheartedly espouse its goals; and, at the same time, it is surely comforting and ego-affirming to experience oneself as a legitimate (...)
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  20.  16
    Accident: A Philosophical and Literary History.Ross Hamilton - 2007 - University of Chicago Press.
    An accidental glance at a newspaper notice causes Rousseau to collapse under the force of a vision. A car accidentally hits Giacometti, and he experiences an epiphany. Darwin introduces accident to the basic process of life, and Freud looks to accident as the expression of unconscious desire. Accident, Ross Hamilton claims, is the force that makes us modern. Tracing the story of accident from Aristotle to Buster Keaton and beyond, Hamilton’s daring book revives the tradition of the grand history (...)
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    Simulation, subjective knowledge, and the cognitive value of literary narrative.Scott R. Stroud - 2008 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 42 (3):pp. 19-41.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Simulation, Subjective Knowledge, and the Cognitive Value of Literary NarrativeScott R. Stroud (bio)IntroductionLiterary narrative holds the power to move individuals to thought, reflection, action, and belief. According to a longstanding view of literature, it is this impact on the reader that leads to literary narrative being valued so highly in our culture and in others. What exactly is the value of literature? Humanists such as Peter Lamarque (...)
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  22. (1 other version)The movement-image, the time-image and the paradoxes of literary and other modernisms.Garin Dowd - 2005 - In [no title]. pp. 90-109.
    Which modernism or modernisms circulate in Deleuze’s two-volume work on cinema? Can one meaningfully claim that both or either The Movement-Image and The Time-Image maintain connections with literary modernism? What relationship if any may be forged between theoretical debates in the areas of literary and film studies as these have been influenced by engagement with Deleuze’s work on cinema? The first obstacle to any successful negotiation of these questions lies in the absence in the books of any reference (...)
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  23.  26
    Man and Animal in Severan Rome: The Literary Imagination of Claudius Aelianus by Steven D. Smith (review).Fabio Tutrone - 2015 - American Journal of Philology 136 (3):532-537.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Man and Animal in Severan Rome: The Literary Imagination of Claudius Aelianus by Steven D. SmithFabio TutroneSteven D. Smith. Man and Animal in Severan Rome: The Literary Imagination of Claudius Aelianus. Greek Culture in the Roman World. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2014. 308pp. $99.When Otto Keller published his meticulous work Die Antike Tierwelt (1909–13), classical scholars still conceived of ancient zoological knowledge as an astonishingly labyrinthine (...)
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  24. Some Notes on Defining a "Feminist Literary Criticism".Annette Kolodny - 1975 - Critical Inquiry 2 (1):75-92.
    A good feminist criticism . . . must first acknowledge that men's and women's writing in our culture will inevitably share some common ground. Acknowledging that, the feminist critic may then go on to explore the ways in which this common ground is differently imaged in women's writing and also note the turf which they do not share. And, after appreciating the variety and variance of women's experience—as we have always done with men's—we must then begin exploring and analyzing (...)
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    Plato and the Socratic Dialogue: The Philosophical Use of a Literary Form (review).David Sider - 1999 - American Journal of Philology 120 (4):624-628.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Plato and the Socratic Dialogue: The Philosophical Use of a Literary FormDavid SiderCharles H. Kahn. Plato and the Socratic Dialogue: The Philosophical Use of a Literary Form. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1997. xxi 1 431 pp. Cloth, $64.95.An enduring question in Plato studies is whether—and if so how—Plato developed as a thinker. A simple positive answer, as argued by Taylor and Burnet, has Plato starting out (...)
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  26.  6
    Literature and Philosophy in Dialogue: Essays in German Literary Theory.Hans Georg Gadamer - 1994 - Suny Press.
    Hans-Georg Gadamer, the major proponent of philosophical hermeneutics, reveals himself here as a highly sensitive reader and critic of the German literary tradition. This is not the work of a specialist as narrowly defined in the typical literary study. Although he is a master of the techniques of criticism, Gadamer always sees the study of literature as a fundamentally human activity where human beings, generation after generation, pose their questions to an encroaching darkness that threatens to rob (...)
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    Literature and Philosophy in Dialogue: Essays in German Literary Theory.Hans-Georg Gadamer & Robert H. Paslick (eds.) - 1993 - State University of New York Press.
    Hans-Georg Gadamer, the major proponent of philosophical hermeneutics, reveals himself here as a highly sensitive reader and critic of the German literary tradition. This is not the work of a specialist as narrowly defined in the typical literary study. Although he is a master of the techniques of criticism, Gadamer always sees the study of literature as a fundamentally human activity where human beings, generation after generation, pose their questions to an encroaching darkness that threatens to rob (...)
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    The Analysis of Culture Revisited: Pure Texts, Applied Texts, Literary Historicisms, Cultural Histories.Warren Boutcher - 2003 - Journal of the History of Ideas 64 (3):489-510.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Journal of the History of Ideas 64.3 (2003) 489-510 [Access article in PDF] The Analysis of Culture Revisited:Pure Texts, Applied Texts, Literary Historicisms, Cultural Histories Warren Boutcher School of English and Drama, Queen Mary, University of London Theory What is the relationship between study of canonical texts and broader social and cultural history? This question lies behind the contemporary academic issue of historicism and the public "culture wars" (...)
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  29. Vampire value, infinitive art, and literary theory.John Fekete - 1987 - In Life after postmodernism: essays on value and culture. Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire: Macmillan Education.
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  30. Vampire value, infinitive art, and literary theory.John Fekete - 1987 - In Life after postmodernism: essays on value and culture. Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire: Macmillan Education.
  31.  25
    “A Matter of Life and Death”: Kawabata on the Value of Art after the Atomic Bombings.Mara Miller - 2014 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 72 (3):261-275.
    This article explores the possible interpretations—and the implications of those interpretations—of a comment about the importance of art made by Yasunari Kawabata (1899–1972), later the first Japanese Nobel laureate for literature: that “looking at old works of art is a matter of life and death.” (In 1949, Kawabata visited Hiroshima in his capacity as president of the Japan literary society P.E.N. to inspect the damage caused by the atomic bombing of Hiroshima that helped end World War II. On (...)
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  32.  8
    Posthumanism in the age of Humanism: mind, matter, and the life sciences after Kant.Edgar Landgraf (ed.) - 2019 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    The literary and scientific renaissance that struck Germany around 1800 is usually taken to be the cradle of contemporary humanism. Posthumanism in the Age of Humanism shows how figures like Immanuel Kant and Johann Wolfgang Goethe as well as scientists specializing in the emerging modern life and cognitive sciences not only established but also transgressed the boundaries of the “human.” This period so broadly painted as humanist by proponents and detractors alike also grappled with ways of challenging some (...)
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  33.  21
    After the Human: Culture, Theory and Criticism in the 21st Century.Sherryl Vint (ed.) - 2020 - New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
    After the Human provides a comprehensive overview of how a range of philosophical, ethical, and political ideas under the framework of posthumanism have transformed humanities scholarship today. Bringing together a range of interdisciplinary scholars and perspectives, it puts into dialogue the major influences from philosophy, literary study, anthropology, and science studies that set the stage for a range of new questions to be asked about the relationship of the human to other life. The book's central argument is (...)
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  34. Concepts of Truth in Literature: A Contemporary Reading of Hartmann's Aesthetics.Íngrid Vendrell-Ferran - forthcoming - In Thomas Kessel & Friedrich Hausen, Wert und Wahrheit in der Kunst. Die Ästhetik Nicolai Hartmanns.
    This paper offers a reading of Hartmann’s philosophy of literature from the perspective of contemporary aesthetics. In particular, I focus on his defense of the truth-value of literary works. After outlining the main concern of the paper (sect. 1), I place Hartmann’s view within the context of current aesthetic cognitivism (sect. 2). In the following three sections, I discuss Hartmann’s account, examining his critique of the thesis that literature is cognitively valuable because it transmits factual truths (sect. 3); (...)
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  35.  1
    After Foucault : Culture, Theory and Criticism in the 21st Century. After Series.Lisa Downing (ed.) - 2018 - Cambridge University Press.
    The work of Michel Foucault is much read, widely cited, and occasionally misunderstood. In response to this state of affairs, this collection aims to clarify, to contextualize, and to contribute to Foucauldian scholarship in a very specific way. Rather than offering either a conceptual introduction to Foucault's work, or a series of interventions aimed specifically at experts, After Foucault explores his critical afterlives, situates his work in current debates, and explains his intellectual legacy. As well as offering up-to-date assessments (...)
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    Philosophy after Christ.John O'Callaghan - 2024 - Nova et Vetera 22 (1):49-69.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy after ChristJohn O'CallaghanConsider the words of Justin Martyr written in the middle of the second century after the birth of Christ and after Justin's conversion to Christianity:Philosophy is indeed one's greatest possession, and is most precious in the sight of God, to whom it alone leads us and to whom it unites us, and in truth they who have applied themselves to philosophy are holy (...)
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    After Irony: Aristophanes' Wealth and its Modern Interpreters.James F. McGlew - 1997 - American Journal of Philology 118 (1):35-53.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:After Irony: Aristophanes’ Wealth and its Modern InterpretersJames McGlewThe contest between Chremylus and Penia in Wealth (488–626) lies at the center of interpretations of Aristophanes’ final surviving play and of Old Comedy’s dramatic and receptive development in Aristophanes’ last years. In much of the work of scholars since Helmut Flashar’s 1967 article, 1 and including A. E. Bowie’s recent study (1993) on Aristophanes, that contest and the episodic (...)
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    After the Avant-Garde.Robert Boyers - 1988 - Pennsylvania State University Press.
    This study of contemporary art and culture brings together Boyers's sharply focused essays on writers, filmmakers, painters, and critics, first published in the _TLS_, _The American Scholar_, _Granta_, _The_ _American Poetry Review, and Salmagundi. The essays respond to the diversity of "events" that make up our cultural life, and take as their central theme what Boyers calls "object loss" in the art and writing of some prominent contemporaries. The term designates a radical incapacity to think clearly about the objects—actual (...)
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    The literary life of educational authority.Charles Bingham - 2006 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 40 (3):357–369.
    This article looks into the workings of educational authority. While scholarly debate in education usually promotes authority as either good or bad, the same debate seldom asks questions about how authority works. This article is, then, an answer to the question ‘How?’ How does educational authority operate? It operates, it is suggested, in much the same way that literary authority operates. To make the case for educational authority as literary authority, the paper uses the philosophical work of Jacques (...)
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    (1 other version)Literary Theory After Davidson.Reed Way Dasenbrock (ed.) - 1989 - Pennsylvania State University Press.
    Donald Davidson is probably the most eminent living analytic philosopher, and his writings in philosophy of language and philosophy of action have shaped much of the recent work in both these fields. However, despite the obvious shared concerns of literary theory and these aspects of philosophy, up to this point literary theorists have not paid much attention to Davidson's ideas or have only known about them through the interpretations of other philosophers like Richard Rorty. Literary theorists have (...)
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    After Death: Raymond Williams in the Modern Era.Simon During - 1989 - Critical Inquiry 15 (4):681-703.
    Like all deaths, Raymond Williams’ must touch most profoundly those who were closest to him; it belongs first to his private circle. But it also belongs to his fame: to those who have read his books, heard him speak in public, were taught by him, and, then, to those who have been taught by those he taught, and so on. Because Williams was so committed and important politically—writing not just as an academic but as a leftist—his death also enters public (...)
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  42. Enjoying Negative Emotions in Fictions.John Morreall - 1985 - Philosophy and Literature 9 (1):95-103.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Notes and Fragments ENJOYING NEGATIVE EMOTIONS IN FICTIONS by John Morreall There is a puzzle going back to Aristotle and Augustine that has sometimes been called the "paradox of tragedy": how is it that nonmasochistic, nonsadistic people are able to enjoy watching or reading about fictional situations which are filled with suffering? The problem here actually extends beyond tragedy to our enjoyment of horror films and other fictional depictions (...)
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    Can one live after Auschwitz?: a philosophical reader.Theodor W. Adorno - 2003 - Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press. Edited by Rolf Tiedemann.
    This is a comprehensive collection of readings from the work of Theodor Adorno, one of the most influential German thinkers of the twentieth century. What took place in Auschwitz revokes what Adorno termed the “Western legacy of positivity,” the innermost substance of traditional philosophy. The prime task of philosophy then remains to reflect on its own failure, its own complicity in such events. Yet in linking the question of philosophy to historical occurrence, Adorno seems not to have abandoned his paradoxical, (...)
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    Literary Theory After Davidson (review). [REVIEW]Alfred R. Mele - 1994 - Philosophy and Literature 18 (1):165-167.
    A book review of Literary Theory After Davidson edited by Reed Way Dasenbrock.
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    The Christian Invention of Time: Temporality and the Literature of Late Antiquity.Simon Goldhill - 2022 - Cambridge University Press.
    Time is integral to human culture. Over the last two centuries people's relationship with time has been transformed through industrialisation, trade and technology. But the first such life-changing transformation – under Christianity's influence – happened in late antiquity. It was then that time began to be conceptualised in new ways, with discussion of eternity, life after death and the end of days. Individuals also began to experience time differently: from the seven-day week to the order of daily (...)
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    The Evolution of the Afterlife.W. Thompson - 2002 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 9 (8):61-71.
    Even for those who do not believe in a life after death, the idea of the afterlife that a past culture held can serve as a marker in the evolution of human consciousness. Like a demarcation that begins a process of map-making, the description of the time and space of the life after death starts a process of exploring the nature of consciousness and the cultural ideas of individuation that derive from it. World literature is the (...)
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    Speech Begins After Death.Philippe Artieres & Robert Bononno (eds.) - 2013 - Minneapolis: Univ of Minnesota Press.
    In 1968, Michel Foucault agreed to a series of interviews with critic Claude Bonnefoy, which were to be published in book form. Bonnefoy wanted a dialogue with Foucault about his relationship to writing rather than about the content of his books. The project was abandoned, but a transcript of the initial interview survived and is now being published for the first time in English. In this brief and lively exchange, Foucault reflects on how he approached the written word throughout his (...)
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  48. What Does It All Mean?:A Very Short Introduction to Philosophy: A Very Short Introduction to Philosophy.Thomas Nagel - 1987 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Should the hard questions of philosophy matter to ordinary people? In this down-to-earth, nonhistorical guide, Thomas Nagel, the distinguished author of Mortal Questions and The View From Nowhere, brings philosophical problems to life, revealing in vivid, accessible prose why they have continued to fascinate and baffle thinkers across the centuries. Arguing that the best way to learn about philosophy is to tackle its problems head-on, Nagel turns to some of the most important questions we can ask about ourselves. Do (...)
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    What Remains After the Decline of Humanism and Education? Revisiting the Elmau Speech by Peter Sloterdijk.Jeong-Gil Woo - forthcoming - Studies in Philosophy and Education:1-15.
    Sloterdijk's 1999 lecture, known as the Elmau Speech, posited that all existing humanisms, including Heidegger's Fundamental Ontology, were rendered obsolete by the emergence of the so-called new media, and that education faced a similar fate. Taking a step further, the Elmau Speech establishes a connection between post-humanism in the sense of post-literary and postepistolary and Nietzsche's prophetic philosophy, suggesting the potential for genetic intervention in human life and education, thereby giving rise to social controversy. This paper begins by (...)
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  50. Literary Theory after Davidson.Reed Way Dasenbrock - 1998 - Philosophical Quarterly 48 (190):135-137.
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