Results for ' logic of predicates'

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  1. Why Logically Equivalent Predicates May Pick out Different Properties.Elliott Sober - 1982 - American Philosophical Quarterly 19 (2):183-189.
    The properties, theoretical magnitudes, and natural kinds which science seeks to characterize, and not the sense or meanings which parts of speech may possess, are the subject of this paper. Many philosophers (e.g., Putnam [1971] and Achinstein [1974]) have agreed that two predicates of different meaning may pick out the same property, but they usually hold that that logically equivalent predicates must pick out the same properties. I propose to deny this thesis. My argument is by way of (...)
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    Imagelytics suite: deep learning-powered image classification for bioassessment in desktop and web environments.Aleksandar Milosavljević, Bratislav Predić & Djuradj Milošević - forthcoming - Logic Journal of the IGPL.
    Bioassessment is the process of using living organisms to assess the ecological health of a particular ecosystem. It typically relies on identifying specific organisms that are sensitive to changes in environmental conditions. Benthic macroinvertebrates are widely used for examining the ecological status of freshwaters. However, a time-consuming process of species identification that requires high expertise represents one of the key obstacles to more precise bioassessment of aquatic ecosystems. Partial automation of this process using deep learning-based image classification is the goal (...)
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    Algebraic Logic, III. Predicates, Terms, and Operations in Polyadic Algebras.Paul R. Halmos - 1958 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 23 (4):448-449.
  4. Tools: Predicate Based Logical Relations between Events.Uwe Scheffler & Marco Winkler - 2000 - Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities 76:487-506.
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    Logical Analysis and Predication.Neil L. Wilson - 1966 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 4 (2):100-100.
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  6. Dynamic predicate logic.Jeroen Groenendijk & Martin Stokhof - 1991 - Linguistics and Philosophy 14 (1):39-100.
    This paper is devoted to the formulation and investigation of a dynamic semantic interpretation of the language of first-order predicate logic. The resulting system, which will be referred to as ‘dynamic predicate logic’, is intended as a first step towards a compositional, non-representational theory of discourse semantics. In the last decade, various theories of discourse semantics have emerged within the paradigm of model-theoretic semantics. A common feature of these theories is a tendency to do away with the principle (...)
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  7. Modal logic with subjunctive conditionals and dispositional predicates.Lennart Åqvist - 1973 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 2 (1):1 - 76.
  8. Predicate Metric Tense Logic for 'Now' and 'Then'.M. J. Cresswell - 2013 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 42 (1):1-24.
    In a number of publications A.N. Prior considered the use of what he called ‘metric tense logic’. This is a tense logic in which the past and future operators P and F have an index representing a temporal distance, so that Pnα means that α was true n -much ago, and Fn α means that α will be true n -much hence. The paper investigates the use of metric predicate tense logic in formalising phenomena ormally treated by (...)
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    A logical framework for graded predicates.Petr Cintula, Carles Noguera & Nicholas J. J. Smith - 2017 - In Alexandru Baltag, Jeremy Seligman & Tomoyuki Yamada (eds.), Logic, Rationality, and Interaction (LORI 2017, Sapporo, Japan). Springer. pp. 3-16.
    In this position paper we present a logical framework for modelling reasoning with graded predicates. We distinguish several types of graded predicates and discuss their ubiquity in rational interaction and the logical challenges they pose. We present mathematical fuzzy logic as a set of logical tools that can be used to model reasoning with graded predicates, and discuss a philosophical account of vagueness that makes use of these tools. This approach is then generalized to other kinds (...)
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  10. Logical Properties: Identity, Existence, Predication, Necessity, Truth.Colin McGinn - 2000 - Oxford, England: Oxford University Press UK.
    'There is much food for thought in McGinn's discussions and each chapter is rich with a series of considerations for thinking that the currently received views on the various topics have some serious difficulties that need confronting... For those interested in metaphysics and the philosophy of logic, this book will stimulate much further thought' -Mind 'The sweep of the book is broad and the pace is brisk... There is much material here to provide the basis for many a deep (...)
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  11. Predicate functors revisited.W. V. Quine - 1981 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 46 (3):649-652.
  12. Predicativity, the Russell-Myhill Paradox, and Church’s Intensional Logic.Sean Walsh - 2016 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 45 (3):277-326.
    This paper sets out a predicative response to the Russell-Myhill paradox of propositions within the framework of Church’s intensional logic. A predicative response places restrictions on the full comprehension schema, which asserts that every formula determines a higher-order entity. In addition to motivating the restriction on the comprehension schema from intuitions about the stability of reference, this paper contains a consistency proof for the predicative response to the Russell-Myhill paradox. The models used to establish this consistency also model other (...)
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    Elementary Predicate Logic.Wilfrid Hodges, D. Gabbay & F. Guenthner - 1989 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 54 (3):1089-1090.
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    Sortals and the Subject-predicate Distinction.Michael Durrant - 2001 - Ashgate Publishing.
    The problem of the subject-predicte distinction has featured centrally in much of modern philosophy of language and philosophical logic. and the distinction is taken as basic or fundamental in modern philosophical logic. A sortal is a symbol which furnishes a principle of distinction and counting in its own right for particulars (objects).This book explores sortals and their relationship to the subject-predicate distinction; arguing that the nature of sortal symbols has been misconstrued in much modern writing in the philosophy (...)
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    On logics intermediate between intuitionistic and classical predicate logic.Toshio Umezawa - 1959 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 24 (2):141-153.
  16. Plural predication.Thomas McKay - 2006 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Plural predication is a pervasive part of ordinary language. We can say that some people are fifty in number, are surrounding a building, come from many countries, and are classmates. These predicates can be true of some people without being true of any one of them; they are non-distributive predications. However, the apparatus of modern logic does not allow a place for them. Thomas McKay here explores the enrichment of logic with non-distributive plural predication and quantification. His (...)
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    Predicative Logics.Allen Hazen - 1989 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 54 (3):1092-1094.
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    (1 other version)Logical Properties: Identity, Existence, Predication, Necessity, Truth.Matthew McKeon - 2000 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 9 (1):39-42.
    Identity, existence, predication, necessity, and truth are fundamental philosophical concerns. Colin McGinn treats them both philosophically and logically, aiming for maximum clarity and minimum pointless formalism. He contends that there are real logical properties that challenge naturalistic metaphysical outlooks. These concepts are not definable, though we can say a good deal about how they work. The aim of Logical Properties is to bring philosophy back to philosophical logic.
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  19. Predicate Exchangeability and Language Invariance in Pure Inductive Logic.M. S. Kliess & J. B. Paris - 2014 - Logique Et Analyse 57 (228):513-540.
    In Pure Inductive Logic, the rational principle of Predicate Exchangeability states that permuting the predicates in a given language L and replacing each occurrence of a predicate in an L-sentence phi according to this permutation should not change our belief in the truth of phi. In this paper we study when a prior probability function w on a purely unary language L satisfying Predicate Exchangeability also satisfies the principle of Unary Language Invariance.
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    New semantics for modal predicate logics.Oliver Kutz - 2003 - In Benedikt Löwe, Thoralf Räsch & Wolfgang Malzkorn (eds.), Foundations of the Formal Sciences II. Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 151--162.
  21. Wittgensteinian Predicate Logic.Kai F. Wehmeier - 2004 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 45 (1):1-11.
    We investigate a rst-order predicate logic based on Wittgenstein's suggestion to express identity of object by identity of sign, and difference of objects by difference of signs. Hintikka has shown that predicate logic can indeed be set up in such a way; we show that it can be done nicely. More specically, we provide a perspicuous cut-free sequent calculus, as well as a Hilbert-type calculus, for Wittgensteinian predicate logic and prove soundness and completeness theorems.
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    Predication in the logic terms.Fred Sommers - 1989 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 31 (1):106-126.
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    Constructive predicate logic with strong negation and model theory.Seiki Akama - 1987 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 29 (1):18-27.
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    Predicate Modal Logics Do Not Mix Very Well.Olivier Gasquet - 1998 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 44 (1):45-49.
    The problem of completeness for predicate modal logics is still under investigation, although some results have been obtained in the last few years . As far as we know, the case of multimodal logics has not been addressed at all. In this paper, we study the combination of modal logics in terms of combining their semantics. We demonstrate by a simple example that in this sense predicate modal logics are not so easily manipulated as propositional ones: mixing two Kripke-complete predicate (...)
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    Predicate logics on display.Heinrich Wansing - 1999 - Studia Logica 62 (1):49-75.
    The paper provides a uniform Gentzen-style proof-theoretic framework for various subsystems of classical predicate logic. In particular, predicate logics obtained by adopting van Behthem''s modal perspective on first-order logic are considered. The Gentzen systems for these logics augment Belnap''s display logic by introduction rules for the existential and the universal quantifier. These rules for x and x are analogous to the display introduction rules for the modal operators and and do not themselves allow the Barcan formula or (...)
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    Predicate logics without the structure rules.Yuichi Komori - 1986 - Studia Logica 45 (4):393 - 404.
    In our previous paper [5], we have studied Kripke-type semantics for propositional logics without the contraction rule. In this paper, we will extend our argument to predicate logics without the structure rules. Similarly to the propositional case, we can not carry out Henkin's construction in the predicate case. Besides, there exists a difficulty that the rules of inference () and () are not always valid in our semantics. So, we have to introduce a notion of normal models.
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    Predicate logic and bare particulars.David Oderberg - unknown
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    Multiple Predicate Learning in Two Inductive Logic Programming Settings.Raedt Luc de & Lavrač Nada - 1996 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 4 (2):227-254.
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    Predicate Logic.Howard Pospesel - 1976 - Prentice-Hall.
    This clearly written book makes logic interesting and easier to learn without sacrificing content or rigor. It covers symbolization, proofs, counterexamples, and truth trees. These topics are presented in graded steps, beginning with the symbolization of categorical propositions and concluding with the properties of relations. Logic is applied to materials with which readers will be familiar; both examples and exercises are drawn from newspapers, television, and other popular sources. For individuals intrigued by the formal study of logic.
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  30. Logical Properties: Identity, Existence, Predication, Necessity, Truth.John McFarlane - 2002 - Philosophical Review 111 (3):462-465.
    The aim of this short book is to discuss the traditional topics of philosophical logic without the “formalistic fetishism and scholasticism” that McGinn associates with recent work in the field. The writing is indeed crisp, engaging, and free of formalisms. The book consists of five separate essays—one each on identity, existence, predication, necessity, and truth—loosely united by the general theme that these “logical properties” are real and irreducible. “These concepts,” McGinn says, “form a conceptual bedrock; they stand, as it (...)
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  31. Logic and inexact predicates.Dharmendra Kumar - 1967 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 18 (3):211-222.
  32. Predicativity and Feferman.Laura Crosilla - 2017 - In Gerhard Jäger & Wilfried Sieg (eds.), Feferman on Foundations: Logic, Mathematics, Philosophy. Cham: Springer. pp. 423-447.
    Predicativity is a notable example of fruitful interaction between philosophy and mathematical logic. It originated at the beginning of the 20th century from methodological and philosophical reflections on a changing concept of set. A clarification of this notion has prompted the development of fundamental new technical instruments, from Russell's type theory to an important chapter in proof theory, which saw the decisive involvement of Kreisel, Feferman and Schütte. The technical outcomes of predica-tivity have since taken a life of their (...)
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  33. Complex predicates and logics for properties and relations.Chris Swoyer - 1998 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 27 (3):295-325.
    In this paper I present a formal language in which complex predicates stand for properties and relations, and assignments of denotations to complex predicates and assignments of extensions to the properties and relations they denote are both homomorphisms. This system affords a fresh perspective on several important philosophical topics, highlighting the algebraic features of properties and clarifying the sense in which properties can be represented by their extensions. It also suggests a natural modification of current logics of properties, (...)
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    A predicate calculus for intensional logic.Paul Weingartner - 1973 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 2 (2):220 - 303.
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    Classical predicative logic-enriched type theories.Robin Adams & Zhaohui Luo - 2010 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 161 (11):1315-1345.
    A logic-enriched type theory is a type theory extended with a primitive mechanism for forming and proving propositions. We construct two LTTs, named and , which we claim correspond closely to the classical predicative systems of second order arithmetic and . We justify this claim by translating each second order system into the corresponding LTT, and proving that these translations are conservative. This is part of an ongoing research project to investigate how LTTs may be used to formalise different (...)
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    Algebraic Logic for Rational Pavelka Predicate Calculus.Daniel Drăgulici & George Georgescu - 2001 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 47 (3):315-326.
    In this paper we define the polyadic Pavelka algebras as algebraic structures for Rational Pavelka predicate calculus . We prove two representation theorems which are the algebraic counterpart of the completness theorem for RPL∀.
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    Predicate logic with flexibly binding operators and natural language semantics.Peter Pagin & Dag Westerståhl - 1993 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 2 (2):89-128.
    A new formalism for predicate logic is introduced, with a non-standard method of binding variables, which allows a compositional formalization of certain anaphoric constructions, including donkey sentences and cross-sentential anaphora. A proof system in natural deduction format is provided, and the formalism is compared with other accounts of this type of anaphora, in particular Dynamic Predicate Logic.
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    Predicate modifiers in tense logic.J. Butterfield - 1987 - Logique Et Analyse 30 (17):31.
    We explain two ways of revising a tense logic like kripke's (1963) modal logic by adding predicate modifiers. first we show that modifiers allow us to render valid some mixing formulas--conditionals reversing the order of a quantifier and an operator--within a complete bivalent system. then we show how modifiers enable a tense logic to give analyses close to the surface form for sentences with temporal qualifications of singular terms, e.g., 'toby was fatter then than william is today'.
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    Predicate provability logic with non-modalized quantifiers.Giorgie Dzhaparidze - 1991 - Studia Logica 50 (1):149 - 160.
    Predicate modal formulas with non-modalized quantifiers (call them Q-formulas) are considered as schemata of arithmetical formulas, where is interpreted as the provability predicate of some fixed correct extension T of arithmetic. A method of constructing 1) non-provable in T and 2) false arithmetical examples for Q-formulas by Kripke-like countermodels of certain type is given. Assuming the means of T to be strong enough to solve the (undecidable) problem of derivability in QGL, the Q-fragment of the predicate version of the (...) GL, we prove the recursive enumerability of the sets of Q-formulas all arithmetical examples of which are: 1) T-provable, 2) true. In. particular, the first one is shown to be exactly QGL and the second one to be exactly the Q-fragment of the predicate version of Solovay's logic S. (shrink)
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    Normal predicative logics with graded modalities.Francesco Caro - 1988 - Studia Logica 47 (1):11 - 22.
    In this work we extend results from [4], [3] and [2] about propositional calculi with graded modalities to the predicative level. Our semantic is based on Kripke models with a single domain of interpretation for all the worlds. Therefore the axiomatic system will need a suitable generalization of the Barcan formula. We haven't considered semantics with world-relative domains because they don't present any new difficulties with respect to classical case. Our language will have, as in [1], constant and function symbols, (...)
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    Renominative logics with extended renomination, equality and predicate complement.Nikitchenko M. S., Shkilniak O. S., Shkilniak S. S. & Mamedov T. A. - 2019 - Artificial Intelligence Scientific Journal 24 (1-2):34-48.
    A new class of program-oriented logical formalisms is investigated – renominative logics with extended renominations, equality predicates, and predicate complement composition. Composition algebras and languages of such logics are described; their semantic properties are investigated. For these logics, a number of logical consequence relations are proposed and investigated, in particular, the logical consequence relations with undefinedness conditions. Properties of these relations form the semantic basis for further construction of sequent-type calculi for the proposed logics.
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    Singular Predication and the Syllogism.Besler Arman - 2024 - Felsefe Arkivi 61:84-90.
    Aristotle’s categorical syllogistic is the first formal deductive system in the history of formal sciences. Most parts or elements of the system are validated by modern (first-order) mathematical logic, but the system is quite limited in scope, as it is incapable of analyzing inferences other than the ‘figure syllogisms’ consisting of a couple of_ a-e-i-o_ premises and an _a-e-i-o_ conclusion, containing three ‘moderately’ universal terms – terms that express neither a highest genus nor a lowest species – each of (...)
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  43. Reference, Kinds and Predicates.Marie La Palme Reyes, John Macnamara & Gonzalo E. Reyes - 1994 - In John Macnamara & Gonzalo E. Reyes (eds.), The Logical Foundations of Cognition. Oxford University Press USA. pp. 91-143.
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  44. Random Predicate Logic I: A Probabilistic Approach to Vagueness.William A. Dembski - unknown
    Predicates are supposed to slice reality neatly in two halves, one for which the predicate holds, the other for which it fails. Yet far from being razors, predicates tend to be dull knives that mangle reality. If reality is a tomato and predicates are knives, then when these knives divide the tomato, plenty of mush remains unaccounted for. Of course some knives are sharper than others, just as some predicates are less vague than others. “x is (...)
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    Contexts in dynamic predicate logic.Albert Visser - 1998 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 7 (1):21-52.
    In this paper we introduce a notion of context for Groenendijk & Stokhof's Dynamic Predicate Logic DPL. We use these contexts to give a characterization of the relations on assignments that can be generated by composition from tests and random resettings in the case that we are working over an infinite domain. These relations are precisely the ones expressible in DPL if we allow ourselves arbitrary tests as a starting point. We discuss some possible extensions of DPL and the (...)
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    Necessity predicates and operators.William N. Reinhardt - 1980 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 9 (4):437 - 450.
  47. Existence predicate.Reinhard Muskens - 1993 - In R. E. Asher & J. M. Y. Simpson (eds.), The Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics. Pergamon. pp. 1191.
    Kant said that existence is not a predicate and Russell agreed, arguing that a sentence such as ‘The king of France exists’, which seems to attribute existence to the king of France, really has a logical form that is not reflected in the surface structure of the sentence at all. While the surface form of the sentence consists of a subject and a predicate, the underlying logical form, according to Russell, is the formula given in. This formula obviously has no (...)
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    Predication and extensionalization.Bjørn Jespersen - 2008 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 37 (5):479 - 499.
    In his 2000 book Logical Properties Colin McGinn argues that predicates denote properties rather than sets or individuals. I support the thesis, but show that it is vulnerable to a type-incongruity objection, if properties are (modelled as) functions, unless a device for extensionalizing properties is added. Alternatively, properties may be construed as primitive intensional entities, as in George Bealer. However, I object to Bealer’s construal of predication as a primitive operation inputting two primitive entities and outputting a third primitive (...)
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    Predicative arithmetic.Edward Nelson - 1986 - Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press.
    This book develops arithmetic without the induction principle, working in theories that are interpretable in Raphael Robinson's theory Q. Certain inductive formulas, the bounded ones, are interpretable in Q. A mathematically strong, but logically very weak, predicative arithmetic is constructed. Originally published in 1986. The Princeton Legacy Library uses the latest print-on-demand technology to again make available previously out-of-print books from the distinguished backlist of Princeton University Press. These paperback editions preserve the original texts of these important books while presenting (...)
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    Unification in superintuitionistic predicate logics and its applications.Wojciech Dzik & Piotr Wojtylak - 2019 - Review of Symbolic Logic 12 (1):37-61.
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