Results for ' metaphor in hermeneutics'

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  1.  46
    Metaphors and hermeneutical resistance.Milan Ney - 2024 - European Journal of Philosophy 32 (1):159-178.
    In this paper, I explore ways in which metaphors contribute to hermeneutical resistance, that is, to practices that overcome and/or ameliorate hermeneutical injustice. I distinguish two aspects of hermeneutical injustice and two corresponding kinds of resistance: exoteric and esoteric hermeneutical injustice/resistance. The former injustice consists in unjust harm due to an inability to make one's experience understood to others. The latter consists in such a harm due to an inability to fully understand one's own experiences. In exoteric hermeneutical resistance, metaphors (...)
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  2. Metaphor, Poiesis and Hermeneutical Ontology: Paul Ricoeur and the Turn to Language.Kenneth Masong - 2012 - Pan Pacific Journal of Philosophy, Education and Management 1 (1).
    Reacting against the turn to transcendence that heavily characterized the medieval worldview, the modern worldview is fundamentally exemplified by a threefold turn to immanence, consisting of a subjective turn, a linguistic turn and an experiential turn. Language plays a pivotal role here since it mediates between the subjective and the experiential. Ricoeur’s treatment of metaphor, significantly laid out in his The Rule of Metaphor, is crucial in bringing about this linguistic turn that mediates the subject and its experience (...)
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    Hermeneutics and the philosophy of medicine: Hans-Georg gadamer'splatonic metaphor.Vittorio Lingiardi & Agnese Grieco - 1999 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 20 (5):413-422.
    Taking as our starting point Plato'smetaphor of the doctor as philosopher we reflect on some aspects of the epistemological status of medicine. The framework to this paper is the hermeneutics of Hans-Georg Gadamer which shows the paradoxical nature of Western medicine in choosing the body-object as its investigative starting point, while in actual fact dealing with subjects. Gadamer proposes a model of medicine as the art of understanding and dialogue, which is capable of bringing together its various constituent parts, (...)
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    The Hermeneutic Truth of Chinese Philosophy's Conceptual Metaphors.Joshua Mason - 2022 - Philosophy East and West 72 (3):780-800.
    Abstract:This article applies hermeneutics and conceptual metaphor theory to the cross-cultural encounter with China's philosophical metaphors. Philosophical hermeneutics draws attention to the fore-structures of understanding and the traditional horizons that condition interpretations of the world, and to a notion of truth as transformative experience. Conceptual metaphor theory draws attention to the ubiquity of cognitive metaphors as structures of anticipation and sources of meaning. Together they give us a notion of "fore-metaphors" that both condition and enable our (...)
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    How Do Metaphors Emerge from Cultural Images? On Hermeneutics of Sweetness.Anton Vydra - 2025 - Human Affairs 35 (1):172-188.
    The paper focuses on the relations between hermeneutics, spirituality and imagination. The theoretical frame is formed by the notion of imaginative sets. These sets of dominant cultural images inscribe themselves into our understanding of the meanings of texts or spiritual contents. One such imaginative schema has undoubtedly been the image of reading as nourishment and the subsequent image of reading as pleasure or sweetness. The latter will be used here as an example of how from cultural images emerge metaphors (...)
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    Hermeneutics and experiences of the body. The case of low back pain.Wim Dekkers - 1998 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 19 (3):277-293.
    The purpose of this paper is to elaborate on the notion of clinical medicine as a hermeneutical enterprise and to bridge the gap between the general perspectives of hermeneutics and the particularities of medical practice. The case of a patient with low back pain is analyzed. The discussion centers around the metaphor of the patient as a text and a model of five social discourses about low back pain. The problems addressed are: (1) the nature of a moral (...)
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    Discourse, Metaphysics, and Hermeneutics of the Self.Paul Ricœur - 2024 - Études Ricoeuriennes / Ricoeur Studies 15 (2):193-206.
    “Discourse, Metaphysics,and Hermeneutics of the Self” deals with the connection between the hermeneutics of the self, as constituted in the ethical-anthropological framework of _Oneself as Another_ (1990), and Ricoeur’s conception of a metaphysics of human agency as developed within this period of his work. It relates to his inquiries in the fields of ontology and metaphysics, from the lectures entitled _Être, essence et substance chez Platon et Aristote_ (1953-1954) – translated as _Being, Essence and Substance in Plato and (...)
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    Discourse, Metaphysics, and Hermeneutics of the Self.Samuel Lelièvre - 2024 - Études Ricoeuriennes / Ricoeur Studies 15 (2):193-206.
    “Discourse, Metaphysics,and Hermeneutics of the Self” deals with the connection between the hermeneutics of the self, as constituted in the ethical-anthropological framework of Oneself as Another (1990), and Ricoeur’s conception of a metaphysics of human agency as developed within this period of his work. It relates to his inquiries in the fields of ontology and metaphysics, from the lectures entitled Être, essence et substance chez Platon et Aristote (1953-1954), up to “De la métaphysique à la morale” (1993) published (...)
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  9. Hermeneutics, Life and Dialogue. A Sketch of a Buberian Dialogue with the Past.Anton Froeyman - 2014 - Journal of the Philosophy of History 8 (3):407-425.
    In this paper, I formulate an existentialist view on the dialogue with the past, based on the philosophy of Martin Buber. This view is meant to supplement the traditional, hermeneutical view on the dialogue with the past. In the first part of this paper, I argue that the traditional hermeneutic view on the dialogue with the past is somewhat restricted. In the work of people such as Schleiermacher, Dilthey or even Gadamer, dialogue is always regarded as a primarily cognitive event, (...)
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    Political Hermeneutics: The Early Thinking of Hans Georg Gadamer.Robert R. Sullivan - 1989 - Pennsylvania State University Press.
    A distinct logic to Gadamer's early writings makes them more than mere precursors to the mature thought that appeared in _Truth and Method_. They contain their own, new and different, "philosophical hermeneutics" and are worth reading with a fresh eye. The young Gadamer began his publication career by arguing that Plato's ethical writings did not "express" doctrine but rather depended upon the "play" of language among speakers in an ethical discourse community. This was the key idea of _Plato's Dialectical (...)
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  11. Dread Hermeneutics: Bob Marley, Paul Ricoeur and the Productive Imagination.Christopher Duncanson-Hales - 2017 - Black Theology 15 (2):157-175.
    This article presents Paul Ricœur’s hermeneutic of the productive imagination as a methodological tool for understanding the innovative social function of texts that in exceeding their semantic meaning, iconically augment reality. Through the reasoning of Rastafari elder Mortimo Planno’s unpublished text, Rastafarian: The Earth’s Most Strangest Man, and the religious and biblical signification from the music of his most famous postulate, Bob Marley, this article applies Paul Ricœur’s schema of the religious productive imagination to conceptualize the metaphoric transfer from text (...)
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  12. Hermeneutics and the Conservatism of Listening.David Liakos - 2020 - Cosmos and History 16 (2):495-519.
    It is well known that philosophical hermeneutics has long been associated in political discussions with a conservative orientation. Many Gadamerians have sought to rebut this suggestion, convincingly emphasizing progressive political dimensions of hermeneutics in general and of Gadamer’s thought in particular. One version of the association of hermeneutics with conservatism has been overlooked, however, namely, Hans Blumenberg’s provocative claim that the predilection in the hermeneutic tradition for metaphors of hearing and listening indicates that hermeneutics passively heeds (...)
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    Theology, Hermeneutics and Philosophical Poetics.Tomas Kačerauskas - 2012 - International Studies. Interdisciplinary Political and Cultural Journal 14 (1):95-107.
    The article deals with Heidegger’s attitudes towards theology. Heidegger, stating that existential philosophy and theology are incompatible, advances a thesis of not objectivating poetic thinking. Whereas, Ricoeur’s biblical hermeneutics is based on his theory of metaphor. The lingual act here means the destruction of the old outlook for the sake of the new one. In this dramatic way cognition occurs as a meeting. The poetic thinking of the late Heidegger is also based on a meeting that covers both (...)
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    Philosophical Hermeneutics and Literary Theory.Joel Weinsheimer - 1991 - Yale University Press.
    In this lucid and elegantly written book, Joel Weinsheimer discusses how the insights of Hans-Georg Gadamer alter our understanding of literary theory and interpretation. Weinsheimer begins by surveying modern hermeneutics from Schleiermacher to Riocoeur, showing that Gadamer’s work is situated in the middle of an ongoing dialogue. Gadamer’s hermeneutics, says Weinsheimer, is specifically philosophical for it explores how understanding occurs at all, not how it should be regulated in order to function more rigorously or effectively. According to Weinsheimer, (...)
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  15.  28
    Hermeneutics: Writings and Lectures.Paul Ricoeur - 2013 - Polity.
    Paul Ricoeur’s contribution to the theory of interpretation, or hermeneutics, is considerable: he ranks among the masters of this discipline alongside Schleiermacher, Dilthey, Heidegger and Gadamer. In addition to major works like _The Conflict of Interpretations_, he wrote many articles and shorter texts which deserve to be discovered and rediscovered. These allow us to gain a deeper understanding of the development of his work over time and to appreciate the full range of his contribution. Some of the texts examine (...)
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  16. Between Phenomenology and Hermeneutics: Paul Ricoeur’s Philosophy of Imagination.Saulius Geniusas - 2015 - Human Studies 38 (2):223-241.
    I argue that imagination has an inherently paradoxical structure: it enables one to flee one’s socio-cultural reality and to constitute one’s socio-cultural world. I maintain that most philosophical accounts of the imagination leave this paradox unexplored. I further contend that Paul Ricoeur is the only thinker to have addressed this paradox explicitly. According to Ricoeur, to resolve this paradox, one needs to recognize language as the origin of productive imagination. This paper explores Ricoeur’s solution by offering a detailed study of (...)
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  17.  7
    « Discours, métaphysique, et herméneutique du soi » de Paul Ricœur ["Discourse, Metaphysics, and Hermeneutics of the Self" by Paul Ricœur].Samuel Lelièvre - 2024 - Études Ricoeuriennes / Ricoeur Studies 15 (2):178-192.
    “Discourse, Metaphysics,and Hermeneutics of the Self” deals with the connection between the hermeneutics of the self, as constituted in the ethical-anthropological framework of Oneself as Another (1990), and Ricoeur’s conception of a metaphysics of human agency as developed within this period of his work. It relates to his inquiries in the fields of ontology and metaphysics, from the lectures entitled Être, essence et substance chez Platon et Aristote (1953-1954), up to “De la métaphysique à la morale” (1993) published (...)
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    Gadamer and Hermeneutics.Hans Georg Gadamer & Hugh J. Silverman - 1991 - Psychology Press.
    Hans Georg Gadamer is responsible for the re-emergence of hermeneutics in modern philosophy. This fourth volume of the Continental Philosophy series opens with an account by Gadamer of his own life and work and their relation to the achievements of hermeneutics. Gadamer and Hermeneutics then presents a series of essays that link Gadamer to other major contemporary philosophers. There are special sections on Gadamer's relationship to Heidegger, Ricoeur, Barthes, Derrida and Habermas. The volume concludes with three essays (...)
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  19. Medical hermeneutics: Where is the “text” we are interpreting?Richard J. Baron - 1990 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 11 (1).
    The present paper is a commentary on an article by Drew Leder [1]. Leder identifies a series of texts in the clinical encounter, emphasizes the central role of interpretation in making sense of each of these texts, and articulates ordering principles to guide the interpretive work.The metaphor of clinical work as textual explication, however, creates the expectation that there is a text somewhere to be found. Such an expectation invites doctors and patients to search for the text and runs (...)
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    Semiotic Hermeneutic of “New Wine, New Wineskins”.Ikechukwu Anthony Kanu & Pilani Michael Paul - 2024 - Dialogue and Universalism 34 (2):151-164.
    This study looks to the biblical parable in Matthew 9:17 about “new wine and new wineskins” as a symbolic lens for understanding Africa’s need to embrace progressive values and philosophies so as to break free from its developmental shackles. Employing an expository approach, the paper first analyses the meaning and symbolism of the new wine/wineskins metaphor, which warns against trying to contain new, transformative ideas within outdated, inflexible structures. It then surveys specific socio-political and economic obstacles hindering development across (...)
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    A Prelude to Material Hermeneutics.Don Ihde - 2020 - Acta Baltica Historiae Et Philosophiae Scientiarum 8 (2):5-20.
    This paper, originally given in Groningen, the Netherlands, proposed a ‘material hermeneutics’, or, metaphorically, an interpretation which “lets things speak” via new scientific imaging technologies. Such a material hermeneutics would add to, perhaps often displace the usual linguistictextual hermeneutics so refined by Paul Ricoeur. I outline several examples of such a hermeneutics here based on some 40 or more years of technoscience experience.
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    Hegel's Hermeneutics (review).Terry P. Pinkard - 1998 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 36 (2):327-329.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Hegel’s Hermeneutics by Paul ReddingTerry PinkardPaul Redding. Hegel’s Hermeneutics. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1996. Pp. xvi + 262. Cloth, $39.95. Paper, $16.95.Following on the heels of fruitful reception of Kant at work in the last several decades in English-speaking philosophy, one of the most productive lines of interpretation of [End Page 327] Hegel has tried to reconstruct Hegel’s thought in light of its relation to Kantianism. (...)
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    Theological imagination as hermeneutical device: Exploring the hermeneutical contribution of an imaginal engagement with the text.Anneke Viljoen - 2016 - HTS Theological Studies 72 (4):1-7.
    In the past, biblical scholarship has neglected the hermeneutical contribution that an imaginal engagement with the text may make. The author’s aim in this article was to develop theological imagination as a hermeneutical device. This was done by briefly considering the concurrence in the hermeneutic contributions of three interpreters of biblical texts, with specific regard to their understanding of biblical imagination. These were Walter Brueggemann, Paul Ricoeur and Ignatius of Loyola. Their hermeneutical contributions concur in their understanding of a biblically (...)
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    Discourse studies and hermeneutics.Teun A. van Dijk - 2011 - Discourse Studies 13 (5):609-621.
    Against the background of an academic development starting in literary studies, also involving ‘encounters’ with hermeneutics, this article argues that the contemporary cross-discipline of Discourse Studies, and hence Critical Discourse Studies, have gone beyond the impressionistic or erudite ‘interpretation’ of texts, as traditionally practiced in hermeneutics. It is summarized how psychology today accounts for many of the properties of the semantic and pragmatic comprehension of situated text and talk, for instance in terms of mental models. It thus makes (...)
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    Host and guest: an applied hermeneutic study of mental health nurses' practices on inpatient units.Graham McCaffrey - 2014 - Nursing Inquiry 21 (3):238-245.
    The metaphor of host and guest has value for exploring the practice and role identity of nurses on inpatient mental health units. Two complementary texts, one from the ancient Zen record of Lin‐chi, and the other from the contemporary hermeneutic philosopher Richard Kearney, are used to elaborate meanings of host and guest that can be applied to the situation of mental health nurses. In a doctoral study with a hermeneutic design, I addressed the topic of nurse–patient relationship using an (...)
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  26. 5 dilthets hermeneutics: Between idealism and realism Ronald L. Schultz.Dilthets Hermeneutics - 1999 - In TM Powers & P. Kamolnick, From Kant to Weber: Freedom and Culture in Classical German Social Theory. pp. 83.
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    The Limits of Language: Philosophical Hermeneutics and the Task of Comparative Philosophy.David W. Johnson - 2020 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 34 (3):378-389.
    Despite the importance of linguistic disclosure for philosophical hermeneutics there has been a conspicuous lack of attention to the question of how linguistic disclosure actually works. I examine the mechanics of disclosure by drawing on Gadamer’s philosophical hermeneutics as well as Ricoeur’s concept of translation and his theory of metaphor. My claim is that the background horizon of the unsaid that differs between languages enables each to disclose different things. This situation underscores the importance of engaging in (...)
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    Weaving science and digital media: postphenomenology’s expanding hermeneutics.William A. Hanff - 2023 - AI and Society 38 (6):2339-2345.
    Postphenomenology is not a critique of phenomenology, but a practical interpretive epistemology where technological artifacts and practices are studied. These new researchers can be called ‘R&D postphenomenologists’. Over the past 25 years, the expanding hermeneutics of postphenomenology has been undertaken by classical phenomenologists, cultural anthropologists, media/communications writers and performance artists. But these face Scharff’s challenge of ‘insufficient critical consideration’ and an entire world of artifice experienced through embodied mobile devices. In response there is a ‘weaving metaphor’ and performance (...)
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    Psychology, religion, and critical hermeneutics: Don Browning as “horizon analyst”.Terry D. Cooper - 2011 - Zygon 46 (3):686-697.
    Abstract. Don Browning's career involved a deep exploration into the frequently hidden philosophical assumptions buried in various forms of psychotherapeutic healing. These healing methodologies were based on metaphors and metaphysical assumptions about both the meaning of human fulfillment and the ultimate context of our lives. All too easily, psychological theories put forward philosophical anthropologies while claiming to be operating within a modest, empirical approach. Browning does not fault or criticize these psychotherapeutic enterprises for making such claims because he thinks these (...)
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    Métaphores, paraboles et analogie: La référence à la théologie dans la pensée de Paul Ricœur.Gilbert Vincent - 2012 - Études Ricoeuriennes / Ricoeur Studies 3 (2):92-109.
    It is acknowledged that the study of metaphor is a key inflection in Ricœur’s heremeneutics. It is perhaps less well known that this study is concomittant with one of parables, which represents an equally noteworthy inflection in Ricœur’s contribution to Biblical hermeneutics. Some, however, use this concommitance to argue that the transfer of some theological presuppositions (as to the nature of language and the Truth) is facilitated by this and then do not hesitate to claim that the pages (...)
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    Maturana’s autopoietic hermeneutics versus Turing’s causal methodology for explaining cognition. [REVIEW]Stevan Harnad - 2007 - Pragmatics and Cognition 15 (3):599-603.
    Kravchenko suggests replacing Turing’s suggestion for explaining cognizers’ cognitive capacity through autonomous robotic modelling by ‘autopoiesis’, Maturana’s extremely vague metaphor for the relations and interactions among organisms, environments, and various subordinate and superordinate systems therein. I suggest that this would be an exercise in hermeneutics rather than causal explanation.
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    Paul Ricoeur's Hermeneutics and the Discourse of Mark 13: Appropriating the Apocalyptic.Peter C. de Vries - 2016 - Lexington Books.
    This book uses the phenomenological interpretive approach of Paul Ricoeur to shed new light on New Testament eschatological expectation. Peter C. de Vries argues for a metaphorical reading of the apocalyptic discourse of Mark 13, based upon neither the author’s intention nor the reader’s reception but latent meaning present in the text itself.
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    From Lloyd's Analogy to a Proposal of Hermeneutic Mechanism.Xiao Ouyang - 2017 - Australasian Philosophical Review 1 (3):319-330.
    ABSTRACTTo assess the strength of Lloyd's conception of analogy, in particular, his innovative conceptual apparatus ‘the multidimensionality of reality’ and ‘the semantic stretch’, I propose the notion of hermeneutic mechanism as a rival tool of investigation. Hermeneutic mechanism manifests in the interaction of negative and positive hermeneutic forces, the dynamic interdependence between ideal universality and contextualized individuality, and the organism-like ‘hermeneutic circle’. I argue that hermeneutic mechanism not only offers a meta-methodological perspective for appreciating Lloyd's methodological development of analogy for (...)
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  34. Re-Imagining Text — Re-Imagining Hermeneutics.Christopher Duncanson-Hales - 2011 - Postscripts: The Journal of Sacred Texts and Contemporary Worlds 7 (1):87-122.
    With the advent of the digital age and new mediums of communication, it is becoming increasingly important for those interested in the interpretation of religious text to look beyond traditional ideas of text and textuality to find the sacred in unlikely places. Paul Ricoeur’s phenomenological reorientation of classical hermeneutics from romanticized notions of authorial intent and psychological divinations to a serious engagement with the “science of the text” is a hermeneutical tool that opens up an important dialogue between the (...)
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    The Meaning of Pain and the Pain of Meaning: A Bio-Hermeneutical Inquiry.Teodora Manea - 2021 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 90:215-234.
    My main interest here is to look at pain as a sign of the body that something is wrong. I will argue that there is a meaning of pain before and after an illness is diagnosed. An illness contains its own semantic paradigm, but the pain before the diagnosis affects the pace of life, not only by limiting our interactions, but also as a struggle with its meaning and a reminder of mortality.My main approach is what I call bio-hermeneutics, (...)
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    Representing the Cosmos and Transforming the Human: The Onto-hermeneutic Visions of Chung-ying Cheng’s The Primary Way: Philosophy of Yijing.On-cho Ng - 2021 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 48 (2):185-199.
    The review essay critically evaluates, synoptically presents, and admiringly celebrates Chung-ying Cheng latest work, The Primary Way: Philosophy of Yijing. It sees the book’s publication as an emblem of an intellectual jubilee – a half-centenary of scholarly lucubration and achievement in Chinese and comparative philosophy by Cheng, who was trained at Harvard in American pragmatism and analytic philosophy. The essay reveals why Cheng returns to the Yijing time and again. The principal reason is that this ancient classic, to his way (...)
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    Interpretative Phronesis (Practical Wisdom) Analysis: A Hermeneutic Narrative of Research Participant Caring.Tony Wilson - 2022 - Athens Journal of Philosophy 1 (3):115-134.
    Aristotle’s distinction between phronesis (practical wisdom) and episteme (theory) has been centrally influential in the development of hermeneutics. Heidegger, initiating hermeneutic phenomenology, foregrounded practical understanding as foundational (or ‘ready-to-hand’): scientific theory was but secondary (‘presented-at-hand’). Gadamer subsequently emphasised understanding as primarily practical, as an applicative achievement, within broad assumptions, ‘horizons of understanding’, a metaphor signalling explicitly/implicitly represented surroundings. How should Aristotle’s idea of practical wisdom in human affairs articulated in phenomenology’s hermeneutic thought - principally Gadamer’s scholarship - inform (...)
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    Thinking Biblically: Exegetical and Hermeneutical Studies.André LaCocque & Paul Ricoeur - 1998 - University of Chicago Press.
    Unparalled in its poetry, richness, and religious and historical significance, the Hebrew Bible has been the site and center of countless commentaries, perhaps none as unique as Thinking Biblically. This remarkable collaboration sets the words of a distinguished biblical scholar, André LaCocque, and those of a leading philosopher, Paul Ricoeur, in dialogue around six crucial passages from the Old Testament: the story of Adam and Eve; the commandment "thou shalt not kill"; the valley of dry bones passage from Ezekiel; Psalm (...)
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    Thinking Biblically: Exegetical and Hermeneutical Studies.David Pellauer (ed.) - 1998 - University of Chicago Press.
    Unparalled in its poetry, richness, and religious and historical significance, the Hebrew Bible has been the site and center of countless commentaries, perhaps none as unique as Thinking Biblically. This remarkable collaboration sets the words of a distinguished biblical scholar, André LaCocque, and those of a leading philosopher, Paul Ricoeur, in dialogue around six crucial passages from the Old Testament: the story of Adam and Eve; the commandment "thou shalt not kill"; the valley of dry bones passage from Ezekiel; Psalm (...)
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    Soren Kierkegaard on the Modes of Reading and Their Hermeneutical Significance.Velga Vevere - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 21:53-60.
    The theme of reading and relation to the textual production is persistent in works of the Danissh philosopher and theologian of the 19th century Soren Kierkegaard. This, in turn, is closely related to his project of existential communication. One of the decisive qualifications of the project is distance, or distancing between the self and the other. The distance makes it possible for self to reflect upon his/her own existence. Kierkegaard develops this theme in his conception of existential maeutics as opposed (...)
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    La métaphore entre sémantique et ontologie. La réception de la philosophie analytique du langage dans l'herméneutique de Paul Ricœur.Jean-Marc Tétaz - 2014 - Études Ricoeuriennes / Ricoeur Studies 5 (1):67-81.
    The favourable reception of the analytic philosophy of language plays a central role in the composition of Ricœur’s literary hermeneutics. Following a brief description of the historical and methodological context of this reception, we show how Ricœur intends to link up phenomenology and analytic philosophy of language. Then we examine the role allocated to the analytic philosophy of language in establishing the idea of metaphor as a “more fundamental mode of reference” in The Rule of Metaphor . (...)
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  42. "John Wesley's Non-Literal Literalism and Hermeneutics of Love".Rem B. Edwards - 2016 - Wesleyan Theological Journal 51 (2):26-40.
    A thorough examination of John Wesley’s writings will show that he was not a biblical literalist or infallibilist, despite his own occasional suggestions to the contrary. His most important principles for interpreting the Bible were: We should take its words literally only if doing so is not absurd, in which case we should “look for a looser meaning;” and “No Scripture can mean that God is not love, or that his mercy is not over all his works.” Eleven instances of (...)
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  43. The Metaphorical Process as Cognition, Imagination, and Feeling.Paul Ricoeur - 1978 - Critical Inquiry 5 (1):143-159.
    But is not the word "metaphor" itself a metaphor, the metaphor of a displacement and therefore of a transfer in a kind of space? What is at stake is precisely the necessity of these spatial metaphors about metaphor included in our talk about "figures" of speech. . . . But in order to understand correctly the work of resemblance in metaphor and to introduce the pictorial or ironic moment at the right place, it is necessary (...)
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    A Queer Feeling for Plato: corporeal affects, philosophical hermeneutics, and queer receptions.Emanuela Bianchi - 2016 - Angelaki 21 (2):139-162.
    This paper takes Plato's metaphor of poetic transmission as magnetic charge in the Ion as a central trope for thinking through the various relationships between philosophy and literature; between poetry, interpretation, and truth; and between erotic affects and the material, corporeal, queer dimensions of reception. The affective dimensions of the Platonic text in the Ion, Republic, Symposium, and Phaedrus are examined at length, and the explicit accounts of ascent to philosophical truth are shown to be complicated by the persistence (...)
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    Ask the animals: developing a biblical animal hermeneutic.Arthur Walker-Jones & Suzanna R. Millar (eds.) - 2024 - Atlanta, GA: SBL Press.
    Birds, beasts, and creeping things swarm throughout the Bible's pages. Despite their prevalence, most biblical scholars have viewed them merely as metaphors, passive objects, or background embellishment to the human experience. This collection seeks to move beyond this traditional view of biblical animals by engaging the growing interdisciplinary field of animal studies. Contributors Peter Joshua Atkins, Jared Beverly, William P. Brown, Margaret Cohen, Jacob R. Evers, Michael J. Gilmour, William "Chip" Gruen, Dong Hyeon Jeong, Brian Fiu Kolia, Anne Létourneau, Robert (...)
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    Metaphor of Existence: Seafaring and Shipwreck.Lina Vidauskytė - 2017 - Filosofija. Sociologija 28 (1).
    The paper focuses on the metaphor of existence as a way of philosophical talking about life. Metaphorology was introduced by Hans Blumenberg (1920–1996), one of the most important and innovative thinkers of the 20th century. The works of Blumenberg fall generally within the category of the hermeneutics of metaphor. It is, for him, the question of substituting the study of the more hidden work of metaphors, symbols, and myths for the traditional history of concepts and doctrines. One (...)
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    Metaphor and Metaphilosophy: Philosophy as Combat, Play, and Aesthetic Experience.Sarah A. Mattice - 2014 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    Sarah A. Mattice develops a comparative intervention in contemporary metaphilosophy. Drawing on resources from hermeneutics, cognitive linguistics, aesthetics, and Chinese philosophy, she explores how philosophical language is deeply intertwined with the definition and practice of the discipline.
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    Global Metaphors for Wisdom: Philosophy as a Species of the Genus Hao-Xue.Joshua Mason - unknown
    Many philosophers have refused to recognize Chinese traditions as genuinely philosophical. The conceptual foundations of these exclusionary efforts appear in Aristotle’s dividing philosophy from rhetoric, then associating philosophy with truth, and rhetoric with metaphor. The Chinese have frequently been defined as metaphorical thinkers, in contrast with the logical, scientific, or literal pursuits of Occidental traditions. Because metaphor is classed with rhetoric, and Chinese was associated with metaphor, critics had a way to say that the Chinese weren’t participating (...)
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    Metaphor and Symbol.Karl Simms - 2015 - In Niall Keane & Chris Lawn, A Companion to Hermeneutics. Chichester, West Sussex, UK: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 306–311.
    The concepts of metaphor and symbol within the context of hermeneutics are indebted to Hans‐Georg Gadamer and, especially, Paul Ricoeur. Both of these thinkers depart from the accepted, or “scientific”, definition of symbol, and both see a fundamental difference between symbols and metaphors: a symbol is not simply a metaphor in miniature, nor is a metaphor simply a symbol writ large; symbols are not primarily linguistic, whereas metaphors are fundamentally so. Ricoeur identifies three “primary” symbols as (...)
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    A Poetics of the Self. Ricoeur’s Philosophy of the Will and Living Metaphor as Creative Praxis.Iris J. Brooke Gildea - 2019 - Études Ricoeuriennes / Ricoeur Studies 9 (2):90-103.
    This article presents the conceptual groundwork for a “poetics of the self” by theorizing how and why a creative praxis rooted in Ricoeur’s philosophy of the will and hermeneutics of the living metaphor contributes to an individual’s on-going development of self-awareness. Its focus is on the affective fragility that manifests in an individual’s intermediary status of polarities – finitude and infinitude, freedom and nature – in conjunction with Ricœur’s tensional status of metaphorical truth. The act of writing poetry, (...)
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