Results for ' objectivation'

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    Objectivation, Values and Sociological Knowledge.A. S. Bogomolov - 1975 - Dialectics and Humanism 2 (1):163-167.
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    L’objectivation: Ses coûts et ses effets.Alain Desrosières - 1993 - Revue de Synthèse 114 (1):103-104.
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    Définir objectivement la santé : une évaluation du concept bio statistique de Boorse à partir de l'épidémiologie moderne.Élodie Giroux - 2009 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 134 (1):35.
    La possibilité d’une définition naturaliste de la santé et d’une distinction entre le normal et le pathologique qui ne repose pas sur des normes culturelles, sociales ou subjectives est au cœur des débats en philosophie de la médecine. Or le concept statistique de la normalité, fondamental pour une définition objective de la santé, soulève d’importantes difficultés. Christopher Boorse défend une « théorie bio-statistique » qui, en articulant ce concept à une notion non normative de fonction biologique, résoudrait ces difficultés. L’identification (...)
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  4. Objectiver le vécu : réponse à Emmanuel Falque.par Yann Schmitt - 2012 - In Anthony Feneuil & Philippe Grosos (eds.), L'expérience religieuse: approches empiriques, enjeux philosophiques. [Paris]: Beauchesne.
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    From objectivized morality to objective morality.Joseph Jebari & Bryce Huebner - 2018 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 41.
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    (1 other version)The Tragedy of Cosmogonic Objectivation in the Valentinian Gnosis and Russian Philosophy: Vladimir Solovyov, Lev Karsavin, Nikolay Berdyaev.Aleksey Kamenskikh - 2013 - Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 18 (2):207-230.
    The subject of this paper is a specific form of cosmogony—the conception of cosmogonic objectivation, interpreted as a tragedy or cosmogonic fall. This conception is examined on the basis of the evidence furnished by two sets of materials: firstly, the original texts and paraphrases of the Valentinian Gnostics of the 2nd and 3rd centuries AD, and secondly, the writings of the Russian philosophers Vladimir Solovyov, Lev Karsavin and Nikolay Berdyaev. The research reveals a series of specific features common to (...)
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    Objectivizing Protagorean Relativism.Zina Giannopoulou - 2009 - Ancient Philosophy 29 (1):67-88.
  8. Objectiver le vécu. Réponse à Emmanuel Falque.Yann Schmitt - 2012 - In Anthony Feneuil (ed.), L'expérience religieuse: enjeux philosophiques des approches empiriques des religions. pp. 290-296.
    Discussion de la phénoménologie de la religion, et notamment certaines propositions de Heidegger ou Falque.
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    Can information be objectivized?Ralph Norman Haber - 1983 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 6 (1):70-71.
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    Kant's objectiver Idealismus.Waldemar Burckhardt - 1898 - Naumburg a. S.,: Lippert.
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    Intériorité et objectivation du subjectif en neurophysiologie.Paul Chauchard - 1957 - Acta Biotheoretica 12 (3):167-186.
    The problem of inferiority, of subjectivity, of conscience, is not only a metaphysical or psychological problem; it is susceptible to objective scientific study at the neurophysiological level. This study must not stop, however, at an analysis of cerebral function but must also recognize that conscience results from the self-being of the individual at himself in certain structures of his brain and that a cerebral process is or is not conscious according to whether or not it is integrated into the structure (...)
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  12. The case for intrinsic theory: III. Intrinsic inner awareness and the problem of straightforward objectivation.Thomas Natsoulas - 1998 - Journal of Mind and Behavior 19 (1):1-19.
    Aron Gurwitsch, phenomenologist and intrinsic theorist of consciousness4, contends that every objectivating mental act necessarily involves inner awareness; whenever an objectivating act occurs, it is an intentional object of unmediated apprehension. Moreover, inner awareness is literally intrinsic to every objectivating mental act, a part of its very own individual structure. Gurwitsch further argues that inner awareness is a merely concomitant part of that structure, taking place at the margin of the particular objectivating act, for the reason that the content of (...)
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  13. Object, Objective Phenomenon and Objectivating Act According to the'Vijnaptimatratasiddhi'of Xuanzang (600-664).Iso Kern - 1992 - In D. P. Chattopadhyaya, Lester Embree & Jitendranath Mohanty (eds.), Phenomenology and Indian Philosophy. New Delhi: State University of New York Press. pp. 262--9.
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    Vers une sociologie foucaldienne: réunir l'objectivation et la subjectivation.Kaveh Dastooreh - 2015 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    La recherche actuelle cherche à démontrer qu'il existe une sociologie chez Foucault et l'oeuvre foucaldienne est aussi une oeuvre sociologique. L'oeuvre de Foucault offre plusieurs avantages conceptuels à la pensée sociologique et sa pensée peut être entendue comme une expérience qui nous conduira aussi à une pratique autoréflexive de la sociologie. Mais ce qui rapproche le plus Foucault des sociologues, c'est toujours sa tentative de comprendre le sujet à travers un social qui est devenu historique et cette Histoire nous revient (...)
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  15. The Structure of Noema in the Process of Objectivation.Łukasz Kosowski - 2012 - Husserl Studies 28 (2):143-160.
    The subject of the present work is noema and its structure in various stages of the objectivating process. Despite its great importance, this issue has never been adequately explained, neither by Husserl nor by his followers. The main objective is to provide the theory that would describe the structure of noema and its function without simplifying the case or appealing to non-phenomenological data. This has been achieved by way of analysis divided into four sections. The first provides an overview of (...)
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    An Attempt of Objectivization of a Few Concepts Used in New Turkish Literature.İsmet Emre - 2010 - Journal of Turkish Studies 5:185-211.
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  17. Philosophical subjectivization and scientific objectivization of time.M. Francioni - 2002 - Filosofia 53 (1-2):99-99.
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  18. Marginalization or objectivation: German gender asymmetry revisited.Ms Schmid - 1999 - Communication and Cognition. Monographies 32 (3-4):189-200.
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    Le rôle objectivant du dynamisme intellectuel.Joseph Lebacqz - 1965 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 63 (78):235-256.
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  20. Thomas Reid's Account of the Objectivated Character of Perception.Nicholas Wolterstorff - 2000 - Reid Studies 4 (1):3-16.
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    Nicolai Hartmann`s Theory of Objectivated Spirit and its Main Difficulty.Leszek Kopciuch - 2013 - Idea. Studia Nad Strukturą I Rozwojem Pojęć Filozoficznych 25:95-106.
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  22. Nicolas Berdiaeff ou la Révolte contre l'objectivation.Nikolaĭ Berdi︠a︡ev - 1967 - Paris,: Seghers. Edited by Klimov, Alexis & [From Old Catalog].
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    Les deux barricades: Complexité sémiotique et objectivation des faits de style dans un extrait des Misérables.Ilias Yocaris - 2016 - Semiotica 2016 (213):91-122.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Semiotica Jahrgang: 2016 Heft: 213 Seiten: 91-122.
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    The looking-glass self: Self-objectivation through the garden.Gary Backhaus - 2003 - Analecta Husserliana 78:181-218.
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    Les systèmes d’alerte précoce ou l’illusion de l’objectivation.Louise Beaumais - 2023 - Cités 95 (3):83-96.
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    Critique pour qui? Politisation par l’enquête et objectivation de sa réception.Maud Simonet - 2022 - Astérion 27 (27).
    This article seeks to offer a socially and politically situated analysis of the disenchantment produced by sociological research categorised as critical. It offers a step-by-step comparison of how a study on voluntary work (that produced disenchantment for some, truism for others) was received. It also gives weight to the fact that a research process can also lead to the politicisation of research. The article sheds light on two arguments for the autonomy of engagement that lies at the heart of the (...)
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    Chiffrer les priorités électorales : le droit comme moteur d’une objectivation construite.Norman Vander Putten - 2025 - Archives de Philosophie du Droit 1:123-133.
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  28. L'appréhension juridique de l'identité culturelle : entre autodéfinition et objectivation.Julie Ringelheim - 2013 - In Marie-Claire Foblets & Nadjma Yassari (eds.), Approches juridiques de la diversité culturelle. Leiden: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers.
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    Mind Body Parallelism in Spinoza: Objectivation or Individualisation?Olga Gomilko - 2001 - Sententiae 3 (1):23-29.
    Author starts from hypothesis that Spinoza has developed ideas that are much wider than «modern project» and foresees concepts that were actualized by philosophy of the end of XXth c. Namely: 1) Spinoza opposes to desomatization of human: in modern philosophy ontological horizon of body was hardly considered. Spinoza takes ontological position of mind-body parallelism. Spinoza becomes «post-modernist» due to thinking and extension being attributes of single substance. 2) Mind-body parallelism is equivocal to contemporary problem of differences, in particular for (...)
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    Do we really externalize or objectivize moral demands?Stephen Stich - 2018 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 41:e113.
    Stanford's goal is to explain the uniquely human tendency to externalize or objectify “distinctively moral” demands, norms, and obligations. I maintain that there is no clear phenomenon to explain. Stanford's account of which norms are distinctively moral relies on Turiel's problematic work. Stanford's justification of the claim that we “objectify” moral demands ignores recent studies indicating that often we do not.
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  31. La genèse naturelle de la conscience et la reconnaissance.Italo Testa - 2015 - In Buée Jean-Michel & Renault Emmanuel (eds.), Hegel à Iéna. Ens éditions. pp. 143-156.
    Je vais reconstruire quelques aspects de la genèse naturelle de la conscience dans les écrits hégéliens d’Iéna, avec le but de montrer que cette reconstruction est essentielle pour comprendre la genèse des capacités fondamentales qui sont présupposées par l’interaction de la reconnaissance. En particulier, je vais défendre la thèse suivante: Hegel a jeté une base pour une Naturphilosophie de la reconnaissance, en esquissant une sorte d'histoire naturelle de l’évolution de la relation consciente à soi-même, relation qui commence par le soi (...)
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    Satisfaction et décision : approches de la notion whiteheadienne de l'individu.Miklos Vetö - 2002 - Archives de Philosophie 3 (3):479-502.
    La Philosophie du Procès est une doctrine dynamique de l’individu. Chaque individu, chaque entité actuelle exprime l’Univers tout entier, mais chaque individu vit et existe en vue de l’expression de soi d’autres individus. L’accomplissement de l’entité actuelle en elle-même est la satisfaction; le mouvement d’objectivation de soi par lequel elle se transcende pour servir à la détermination et à l’accomplissement d’une autre est la décision.
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    Understanding the Subjective Point of View: Methodological Implications of the Schutz-Parsons Debate.Wing-Chung Ho - 2008 - Human Studies 31 (4):383-397.
    The bone of contention that divides Alfred Schutz and Talcott Parsons in their 1940–1941 debate is that Schutz acknowledges an ontological break between the commonsense and scientific worlds whereas Parsons only considers it “a matter of refinement.” Schutz’s ontological distancing that disconnects the “world of consociates” where social reality is directly experienced in face-to-face contacts, and the “world of contemporaries” where the Other is experienced in terms of “types” has been crucial to social scientists. Implicated in the break is that (...)
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  34. Bourdieu’s sociology.Sheena Jain - 2013 - Thesis Eleven 117 (1):101-116.
    This paper takes as its starting point the fact that Bourdieu’s views on sociology as a science have not been sufficiently and adequately understood and discussed. It traces the links between his conception and that of the French tradition of historical epistemology which is critical of positivism. How Bourdieu extends their views, and those of Bachelard especially, beyond the realm of the natural sciences, to the social sciences and sociology in particular, is discussed. In the process he introduces new concepts (...)
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    Repurposing field analysis for a relational and reflexive sociology of Chinese diasporas.Bonnie Pang & Guanglun Michael Mu - 2022 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 54 (12):2121-2132.
    In this paper, we engage with Chinese diasporas research through recourse to Bourdieu’s relational, reflexive sociology. We start with the historical and recent developments of Chinese diasporas research and point out the potential of using Bourdieu to strengthen the theoretical underpinnings of this research. While we see a steady stream of Bourdieu-informed Chinese diasporas studies and acknowledge their contribution and innovation, we observe that some studies use Bourdieu’s capital and/or habitus without field. In response, we draw on Bourdieu’s relationalism to (...)
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    Lotteries and multiple premises: the pull towards certainty. Knowledge and natural laws.Edward Craig - 1990 - In Knowledge and the State of Nature. Presses Universitaires de France.
    Objectivization forces the requirement of a high likelihood that an informant will be right if she is to be classified as a good one, but this does not, argues Craig, equal 1, for that figure has little basis in practical life. Nevertheless, the example of a lottery, and, in particular, the claim that one will not win, brings closer to our real experience the idea that one may not always be advised to act on information that has a chance of (...)
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    Objectivisation. The ‘cart before the horse’ objection—and the response.Edward Craig - 1990 - In Knowledge and the State of Nature. Presses Universitaires de France.
    Introduces the principle of objectivization, which explains how concepts interpreted subjectively in the early stages of the state of nature, concepts that answer to the relatively immediate needs of the isolated individual, become objectivized, i.e. refer to entities that fulfil more universal needs, as the individual both becomes more reflective and finds himself in a social setting. This principle is invoked by Craig in the context of admitting that someone may know without being a good informant, for the fully objectivized (...)
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    Sociology and philosophy in the United States since the sixties: Death and resurrection of a folk action obstacle.Michael Strand - 2020 - Theory and Society 49 (1):101-150.
    This article uses participant objectivation in sociology and philosophy as two knowledge fields to provide a reflexive comparison of their synced field effect in historical circumstances. Drawing on the philosopher and historian of science Gaston Bachelard, I theorize fielded knowledge as a social relation that combines the prior presence of folk knowledge with a socioanalytic exchange between field and folk that includes positions of either defense, replacement or critique. A comparison of post-Wittgenstein Anglophone philosophy and post-sixties American sociology describes (...)
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    Why Is There No Hermeneutics of Natural Sciences? Some Preliminary Theses.Gyorgy Markus - 1987 - Science in Context 1 (1):5-51.
    The ArgumentContemporary natural sciences succeed remarkably well in ensuring a relatively continuous transmission of their cognitively relevant traditions and in creating a widely shared background consensus among their practitioners – hermeneutical ends seemingly achieved without hermeneutical awareness or explicitly acquired hermeneutical skills.It is a historically specific – emerging only in the nineteenth century – cultural organization of the Author-Text-Reader relation which endows them with such an ease of hermeneutical achievements: an institutionally fixed form of textual and intertextual practices, normatively posited (...)
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  40. Causation: An alternative.Wolfgang Spohn - 2006 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 57 (1):93-119.
    The paper builds on the basically Humean idea that A is a cause of B iff A and B both occur, A precedes B, and A raises the metaphysical or epistemic status of B given the obtaining circumstances. It argues that in pursuit of a theory of deterministic causation this ‘status raising’ is best explicated not in regularity or counterfactual terms, but in terms of ranking functions. On this basis, it constructs a rigorous theory of deterministic causation that successfully deals (...)
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  41. The language game of responsible agency and the problem of free will: How can epistemic dualism be reconciled with ontological monism?Jürgen Habermas - 2007 - Philosophical Explorations 10 (1):13 – 50.
    In this essay, I address the question of whether the indisputable progress being made by the neurosciences poses a genuine threat to the language game of responsible agency. I begin by situating free will as an ineliminable component of our practices of attributing responsibility and holding one another accountable, illustrating this via a discussion of legal discourse regarding the attribution of responsibility for criminal acts. I then turn to the practical limits on agents' scientific self-objectivation, limits that turn out (...)
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    Le fait d’autrui : analyse prospective d’une métamorphose annoncée.Aline Vignon-Barrault - 2022 - Archives de Philosophie du Droit 1:345-367.
    La responsabilité du fait d’autrui a fait l’objet de mutations successives tout au long du xx e siècle, soit que les régimes légaux aient été adaptés et façonnés afin de garantir une réparation automatique de leurs dommages aux victimes, soit que le juge ait fait usage de son pouvoir créateur pour inventer de nouveaux régimes de responsabilité pour répondre aux évolutions sociales et aux nouveaux enjeux indemnitaires. Si la tendance est globalement à l’objectivation de la responsabilité du fait d’autrui, (...)
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    Сутність і культурні кореляти мислення: Теоретичний аспект.Л. Г Комаха - 2015 - Гуманітарний Вісник Запорізької Державної Інженерної Академії 73:114-123.
    The significance of the research topic is found in the analysis of the problem of thinking, one of the most important abilities of man, which today, in combination with knowledge, appears as a means of creating a new world and man. The purpose of the study is to identify the main content load of thinking in the process of its formation and development in the system of various intellectual and cognitive practices, in the culture of communication, which determines its role (...)
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    The issue of intellectual intuition in metaphysics.Dariusz Piętka - 2020 - Studia Philosophiae Christianae 56 (S1):165-185.
    The article presents problems of intellectual intuition in metaphysics from a semiotic point of view. There are various types of intuition in philosophy: rational intuition, irrational intuition, and sensual intuition. All of them are immediate ways of cognition. Classical metaphysics uses intellectual intuition as its main method to find out and justify its statements. The main problem of intellectual intuition is an intersubjective approach to the object of metaphysics. The main aim of this paper is the objectivization and rationalization of (...)
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    Measuring the young child: on facts, figures and ideologies in early childhood.Michel Vandenbroeck - 2020 - Ethics and Education 15 (4):413-425.
    In this contribution, we look – both historically and in the present – at how children are objectified in data and how it is assumed that this objectivation is a way to dismiss ideology, or at least to separate the ideological from the scientific. We argue, however, that the separation of data from ideology is itself a highly ideological choice. As Freire points out: education never was and never can be objective. The objectivation of the child and, more (...)
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    Sénèque: direction spirituelle et pratique de la philosophie.Ilsetraut Hadot - 2014 - Librairie Philosophique Vrin.
    English summary: The idea of spiritual guidance as a philosophical practice lies at the center of Senecas thought, and can provide us with a new perspective on our own moral conduct, as well as the meaning of philosophy itself. Through a close philological, historical, and philosophical study, Ilsetraut Hadot breathes new life into Senecas work and restores it to its place at the heart of western philosophy. French description: Seneque et la philosophie du present : la distance qui les separe (...)
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    Phenomenological Psychological Research as Science.Marc Applebaum - 2012 - Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 43 (1):36-72.
    Part of teaching the descriptive phenomenological psychological method is to assist students in grasping their previously unrecognized assumptions regarding the meaning of “science.” This paper is intended to address a variety of assumptions that are encountered when introducing students to the descriptive phenomenological psychological method pioneered by Giorgi. These assumptions are: 1) That the meaning of “science” is exhausted by empirical science, and therefore qualitative research, even if termed “human science,” is more akin to literature or art than methodical, scientific (...)
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    Essais sur la théorie générale de la rationalité: action sociale et sens commun.Raymond Boudon - 2007 - Paris: Presses universitaires de France.
    Le magicien qui croit à l'efficacité des rituels de pluie n'obéit pas à une autre logique que l'homme de science, explique Durkheim. Les croyances religieuses doivent s'analyser comme le produit de raisons, expliquent Tocqueville et Weber. Les percées scientifiques les plus spectaculaires des sciences sociales sont celles qui ont réussi à déplacer les frontières du rationnel : à démontrer que la croyance ou le comportement qu'un regard superficiel juge spontanément irrationnel s'explique comme l'effet de raisons subjectivement fortes et objectivement fondées. (...)
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    Sans objet: capitalisme, subjectivité, aliénation.Franck Fischbach - 2009 - Vrin.
    Dans un contexte de crise du systeme capitaliste - une crise qui n'est sans doute qu'une etape de plus dans une fuite en avant qui dure depuis 30 ans, par laquelle ledit systeme tente desesperement de dissimuler la contradiction fondamentale qui l'habite (chercher a maintenir a tout prix la forme de la valeur alors meme que tout la denonce comme une forme fondamentalement depassee, perimee et anachronique de la richesse sociale) - ce livre part de notre impuissance pratique et de (...)
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    The call of the unlived life: On the psychology of existential guilt.Per-Einar Binder - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    This paper examines the psychology of existential guilt with Martin Heidegger and Rollo May’s conceptualizations as the point of departure. The concept of existential guilt describes preconditions for responsibility and accountability in life choices and the relationship to the potential given in the life of a human. It might also be used as a starting point to examine an individual’s relationship to the potential offered in their life and life context and, in this way, the hitherto unlived life of an (...)
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