Results for ' philosophical consultancy'

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  1.  13
    The Philosophic Consultant: Revolutionizing Organizations with Ideas.Peter Koestenbaum - 2002 - Pfeiffer.
    In The Philosophic Consultant, acclaimed business consultant, philosopher, and author Peter Koestenbaum links deep insights of philosophy with practical business issues. Throughout this one-of-a-kind resource, Koestenbaum shows consultants and human resource practitioners how they can foster philosophical leadership within their organizations to positively affect the business environment. The book promises tangible results-- credibility, trust, and thoughtful attention-- and demonstrates how to apply philosophy, share knowledge with others, and use this newfound thoughtfulness to achieve bottom-line results.
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    Interpretation: The Poetry of Meaning : [philosophical, Religious, and Literary Inquiries Into the Expression of Human Experience Through Language].Stanley Romaine Consultation on Hermeneutics, David L. Hopper & Miller - 1967 - Harcourt, Brace & World.
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  3. When should a philosopher consult divination? : Epictetus amd Simplicius on fate and what is up to us.Gary Gabor - 2014 - In Pieter D' Hoine, Gerd van Riel & Carlos G. Steel (eds.), Fate, providence and moral responsibility in ancient, medieval and early modern thought: studies in honour of Carlos Steel. Leuven: Leuven University Press.
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    Philosophical Practices in Japan from School to Business Consultancy.Yosuke Horikoshi ) - 2020 - Philosophical Practice and Counseling 10:5-34.
    This article aims to introduce the recent movements regarding philosophical practice in Japan. In order to understand them in a better way, the historical development and background of philosophical practice shall be shown briefly in the first part. In the second part, three cases of relatively popular philosophical practices in Japan, that is, philosophy cafe, philosophy for/with children and philosophical consulting in the business settings are described as successful practices.
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    Introduction to the EARN Theory of Well-Being and Justice, for Philosophical Consulting and Beyond.Martha Lang - 2021 - International Journal of Philosophical Practice 7 (1):112-126.
    The EARN Theory of Well-Being includes a practical model for ascertaining and analyzing the well-being of individuals or groups; in its most recent iteration, EARN Theory includes insights from Lang's Network Theory of Well-Being, Revamped, which states that well-being is a matter of instantiating a holistically authentic positive causal network. Both EARN Theory and the Network Theory of Well-Being, Revamped are informed by the science of well-being and guided by a sense of justice. Presented as an inference to the best (...)
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  6. The philosophical arguments of comenius consultation and its relevant aspects.J. Peskova - 1992 - Filosoficky Casopis 40 (1):3-10.
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  7. Why philosophers should offer ethics consultations.David C. Thomasma - 1991 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 12 (2).
    Considerable debate has occurred about the proper role of philosophers when offering ethics consultations. Some argue that only physicians or clinical experienced personnel should offer ethics consultations in the clinical setting. Others argue still further that philosophers are ill-equipped to offer such advice, since to do so rests on no social warrant, and violates the abstract and neutral nature of the discipline itself.I argue that philosophers not only can offer such consultations but ought to. To be a bystander when one's (...)
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  8. What makes a consultancy "philosophical"? And what makes it "good"? ¿Qué hace que una consulta sea "filosófica"? ¿Y qué la hace "buena"?Donata Romizi - forthcoming - Haser. Revista Internacional de Filosofía Aplicada, Nº 16, 2025, 45-78, Universidad de Sevilla, 2025.
    In the realm of Philosophical Practice, there remains a lack of clarity surrounding the essential characteristics that define a practice as “philosophical”. This paper aims to establish seven minimal criteria that must be met by a philosophical consultancy in order to be considered genuinely “philosophical”. Additionally, it explores the question of how one can assess the quality of such a philosophical consultancy. I provide a (non-exhaustive) answer from an Aristotelian point of view, according (...)
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    The Interface of Ethics and Psychiatry: A Philosophical Case Consultation on Psychiatric Ethics on the Ground.Nancy Nyquist Potter & Rif El-Mallakh - 2019 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 26 (3):179-189.
    This case consultation offers three cases that illustrate a collaborative consultation model for psychiatric ethics that we have developed in outpatient clinic and in emergency psychiatry over the last 10 years. After we present these cases, we discuss three points of interest: 1) the characteristics we found to be important to our collaborative project, 2) the benefits of an integrative approach, and 3) ways that our collaborative moral reasoning developed our awareness of and sensitivity to ethical issues. We end by (...)
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  10. Filosofická praxe v České republice (Philosophical Practice in the Czech Republic).Lukáš Mareš, Václav Peltan & Eliška Havlová - 2021 - Filosofie Dnes 12 (2):41-61.
    Pojem filosofie nabyl v průběhu historie řadu podob a významů. Kromě tradičního teoretického zaměření se lze setkat s přístupem, který vyzdvihuje praktický dopad filosofování na život člověka. Příspěvek představuje koncept filosofické praxe a reflektuje její současný stav na území České republiky. Autoři vymezují filosofickou praxi jako disciplínu filosofie, a načrtávají její možné dělení na dílčí oblasti. Nastíněny jsou její historické kořeny, které autoři identifikují v antickém Řecku. Dále se věnují systematickému představení doposud sepsaných materiálů k filosofické praxi a přehledu její (...)
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    Healthcare Ethics Consultation as Public Philosophy.Lisa Fuller & Mark Christopher Navin - 2022 - In Lee C. McIntyre, Nancy Arden McHugh & Ian Olasov (eds.), A companion to public philosophy. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 371–380.
    Healthcare ethics consultation is therefore one of the most consequential, institutionally accepted, and widespread forms of public philosophy in the United States. In this chapter, the authors begin with an overview of the development of healthcare ethics and its emergence as a concrete practice embedded in healthcare settings. They then describe the core ethical principles that inform the everyday practice of ethics consultations and the generally accepted steps involved in conducting a consultation. The authors discuss the role of clinical ethicists (...)
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    Inclusive Consultation: A Hermeneutical Approach to Ethical Deliberation in the Clinical Setting. [REVIEW]Andreas Vieth - 2011 - HEC Forum 23 (4):295-304.
    The problem of ethical consultations in the clinical setting should be reasonable, but it cannot be reduced to reason and philosophical theory alone. I will argue that emotions are constitutively and discursively relevant features of the evaluative experience of persons. Ethical consultations should include emotions. Emotions like shame and guilt are complex and learned reactions of persons, which form one basis of ethical reflection. I argue that ethical consultation can rely neither on a strict theory or method nor on (...)
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    Clinical ethics consultation in germany: A philosopher's prognosis. [REVIEW]Christopher Melley - 2001 - HEC Forum 13 (3):306-313.
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  14. Legal liability and clinical ethics consultations: practical and philosophical considerations.Donnie J. Self & Joy D. Skeel - 1988 - In John F. Monagle & David C. Thomasma (eds.), Medical ethics: a guide for health professionals. Rockville, Md.: Aspen Publishers. pp. 408--16.
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    The French bioethics public consultation and the anonymity doctrine: empirical ethics and normatice assumptions.Marta Spranzi & Laurence Brunet - 2015 - Monash Bioethics Review 33 (1):18-28.
    The French bioethics laws of 1994 contain the principles of the anonymity and non commodification of all donations of body parts and products including gametes in medically assisted reproduction. The two revisions of the law, in 2004 and 2011 have upheld the rule. In view of the latest revision process, the French government organized a large public consultation in 2009. Within the event a “consensus conference” was held in Rennes about different aspects of assisted reproduction. In what follows we shall (...)
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    (1 other version)Beyond method, Anders Lindseth style: The quest to open up philosophical space in the consulting room.Morten Fastvold - 2005 - Philosophical Practice 1 (3):171-183.
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    Bioethics Consultation.Pat Milmoe McCarrick - 1993 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 3 (4):433-450.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Bioethics ConsultationPat Milmoe McCarrick (bio)(John La Puma, M.D., from the Department of Medicine at Lutheran General Hospital in Chicago, contacted the National Reference Center for Bioethics Literature and suggested bioethics consultation as a topic for the Scope Note Series. He provided an extensive list of citations about ethics consultations collected by him and by David Schiedermayer, M.D., for their new book Ethics Consultation: A Practical Guide.)In Ethics Consultation in (...)
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  18.  8
    A Practical Guide to Clinical Ethics Consulting: Expertise, Ethos, and Power.Christopher Meyers - 2007 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    The philosophical method is critical to ethics consulting. To be truly effective, ethicists need grounding in ethics theory, abstract reasoning and conceptual analysis. A Practical Guide to Clinical Ethics Consulting allows ethicists to understand problems from practitioners' points-of-view, and allows for a genuine appreciation of the working life of practitioners.
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    The Clinical Ethics Consult: Transforming Ambivalence to Action.Eve Makoff - 2024 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 14 (1):12-13.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Clinical Ethics Consult: Transforming Ambivalence to ActionEve MakoffAs palliative care practitioners, we’re good at diffusing explosive family dynamics and holding space for patients and families in emotional crises. We also help everyone involved with the care of seriously ill patients focus on what is best based on the values of the most important person in the room; the one in the hospital bed. So, when we call for (...)
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  20.  13
    Beyond the consult question: Nurse ethicists as architects of moral spaces.Ian D. Wolfe - 2023 - Nursing Ethics 30 (5):710-719.
    Nurse Ethicists bring a unique perspective to clinical ethics consultation. This perspective provides an appreciation of ethical tensions that will exist beyond the consult question into the moral space of patient care. These tensions exist even when an ethically preferable plan of action is identified. Ethically appropriate courses of action can still lead to moral dilemmas for others. The nurse ethicist provides a lens well suited to identify and respond to these dilemmas. The nurse–patient relationship is the ethical foundation of (...)
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    Ethics Consultation—A Blind Spot of Philosophy in Bioethics?Dagmar Schmitz & Marcus Duewell - 2022 - American Journal of Bioethics 22 (12):47-48.
    While making an important point for a strong role of philosophers and philosophical work in bioethics, Blumenthal-Barby and colleagues (2022) fail to mention one of the most pressing tasks in this...
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  22.  10
    Logic-Based Therapy and Consultation for Mentally Strong Women.Laura Newhart - 2020 - International Journal of Philosophical Practice 6 (1):1-14.
    This paper explores the intersections between Elliot D. Cohen’s Logic-Based Therapy and Amy Morin’s "13 Things Mentally Strong Women Don’t Do" (HarperCollins 2019) with a focus on the ways that they shed light on and mutually support each other. With its six-step method (including the identification of Cardinal Fallacies, the refutation of those fallacies, the reinforcement of their corresponding Guiding Virtues, the use of Uplifting Philosophies, and the implementation of plans of action), Logic-Based Therapy and Consultation provides a systematic rational (...)
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    Plato on the Educational Consultant.Thomas O. Buford - 1977 - Idealistic Studies 7 (2):151-171.
    What is Plato attempting to accomplish in the Laches? A cursory reading leaves one with the strong impression that the main topic of discussion is the education of the sons of Lysimachus and Melesias. However, an equally cursory survey of the major interpretations of the Laches reveals that few, if any, scholars agree with that impression. Their view is that the main topic of conversation in the Laches is courage, the examination of which takes place in the second main section (...)
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  24.  18
    Value-based Consultancy in Business.Priya Vaidya & Smita Shukla - 2023 - International Journal of Philosophical Practice 9 (1):101-124.
    Most businesses in India undergo disproportionate development as their focus is on making more and more profit. They seem to have no concern for the environment, the welfare of their employees or the unethical practices they follow. This has resulted in problems such as an increase in business rivalry, a widening employer–employee gap, a disconnect with environmental concerns as well as a general disinterest in the well-being of the world. The need of the hour therefore is to weave value-based business (...)
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    John Henry Newman and the Consultation of the Faithful.David P. Long - 2013 - Newman Studies Journal 10 (2):18-31.
    This essay examines the strengths and weakness of Newman’s argument in “On Consulting the Faithful in Matters of Doctrine” that the lay faithful throughout history are the guarantors of orthodox doctrine by examining Newman’s understanding of the lay faithful, the sensus and consensus fidelium, and his historiographical methodology.
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    The practice of balancing in clinical ethics case consultation.Rosalind McDougall, Cade Shadbolt & Lynn Gillam - 2020 - Clinical Ethics 15 (1):49-55.
    Models for clinical ethics case consultation often make reference to ‘balancing’ or ‘weighing’ moral considerations, without further detail. In this paper, we investigate balancing in clinical ethics case consultation. We suggest that, while clinical ethics services cannot resolve ongoing deep philosophical debates about the nature of ethical reasoning, clinical ethicists can and should be more systematic and transparent when balancing considerations in case consultations. We conceptualise balancing on a spectrum from intuitive to deliberative, and argue that good balancing in (...)
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    The Philosophical Society of Edinburgh 1748–1768.Roger L. Emerson - 1981 - British Journal for the History of Science 14 (2):133-176.
    The Philosophical Society of Edinburgh which had flourished for a few years after 1738 was as good as dead in 1748. Lord Morton, its President, now lived most of the time in London whence he wrote to Sir John Clerk in 1747 that he regarded the Society as ‘annihilated’, apparently thinking that the death of Colin MacLaurin in 1746 and the temporary retirement to the countryside of its other Secretary, Andrew Plummer, had put an end to it. Sir John (...)
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  28.  45
    RESPONSE: Augustine and Augustinians Consultation on “Pelagianism”.Thomas F. Martin - 2002 - Augustinian Studies 33 (2):271-275.
  29.  34
    Principle and Practice in Psychiatric Ethics Consultation: An Opening for Interdisciplinary Dialogue.Paul Brodwin - 2019 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 26 (3):207-210.
    The essay by Potter and El-Mallakh proposes "on the ground" consultations in psychiatric ethics as a novel style of bioethics deliberation. The continual dialogue between a moral philosopher and clinician creates the opportunity for informal real-time ethical thinking as cases unfold, instead of formal ethics committee reviews and instead of the artificially simple scenarios found in much bioethics literature. The essay has important practical implications for ethics pedagogy during psychiatric training and in mental health settings more generally. It also has (...)
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    Canguilhem philosophe: le sujet et l'erreur.Michele Cammelli - 2022 - Paris: PUF.
    Un Canguilhem philosophe à part entière revient aujourd'hui sur le devant de la scène grâce, d'une part, à l'édition des Œuvres complètes reprenant l'ensemble des textes publiés par l'auteur de son vivant et, de l'autre, à la constitution du Fonds Canguilhem qui a mis à disposition pour consultation l'ensemble de ses écrits inédits. Considérée dans son ensemble, l'œuvre de cet étrange philosophe apparaît comme une extraordinaire méditation sur le problème de la création et de l'erreur à l'ère des sciences de (...)
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    The practical turn in philosophy: A revival of the ancient art of living through modern philosophical practice.Xiaojun Ding, Peter Harteloh, Tianqun Pan & Feng Yu - 2024 - Metaphilosophy 55 (4-5):517-534.
    Philosophical practice, an art of living rooted in ancient traditions, is enriched by modern techniques such as individual counseling, Socratic group dialogues, and organizational consulting. Philosophical counseling, a key aspect of this practice, employs traditional philosophical frameworks and rational reasoning to address clients' concerns, distinguishing itself from psychotherapy while respecting individual autonomy. The growing Western interest in Asian philosophies also underscores a shared pursuit of wisdom, spirituality, and meaning. This paper examines the development, key features, and leading (...)
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  32.  20
    Nietzsche’s Philosophical Context: An Intellectual Biography.Thomas H. Brobjer - 2008 - Urbana: University of Illinois Press.
    Friedrich Nietzsche was immensely influential and, counter to most expectations, also very well read. An essential new reference tool for those interested in his thinking, Nietzsche’s Philosophical Context identifies the chronology and huge range of philosophical books that engaged him. Rigorously examining the scope of this reading, Thomas H. Brobjer consulted over two thousand volumes in Nietzsche’s personal library, as well as his book bills, library records, journals, letters, and publications. This meticulous investigation also considers many of the (...)
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  33. How to Spot a Usurper: Clinical Ethics Consultation and (True) Moral Authority.Kelly Kate Evans & Nicholas Colgrove - 2022 - Christian Bioethics 28 (2):143-156.
    Clinical ethics consultants (CECs) are not moral authorities. Standardization of CECs’ professional role does not confer upon them moral authority. Certification of particular CECs does not confer upon them moral authority (nor does it reflect such authority). Or, so we will argue. This article offers a distinctly Orthodox Christian response to those who claim that CECs—or any other academically trained bioethicist—retain moral authority (i.e., an authority to know and recommend the right course of action). This article proceeds in three parts. (...)
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    Philosophical Counseling as an Alternative Process to Bioethics Mediation.Nancy J. Matchett - 2015 - American Journal of Bioethics 15 (1):56-58.
    This commentary shows how philosophical counseling offers an alternative way for consultants to facilitate "closure" in bioethical disputes.
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    The Philosopher’s Can’tstipation.Andrei Simionescu-Panait - 2024 - International Journal of Philosophical Practice 10 (1):64-77.
    Can’tstipation, or capacity disavowal, is a key topic and issue in Logic-Based Therapy and Consultancy. It also is a popular issue among clients of general Philosophical Practice. Despite the assumptions regarding the wisdom and detachment of philosophers from common problems, they are not immune from can’tstipation. On the contrary, philosophers develop their specific ways of being can’tstipated. LBT lists seven types of can’tstipation. Throughout this text, I will describe the custom-tailored versions of these seven types in the life (...)
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    Philosophical counselling based on dialogical critical thinking.Blanka Šulavíková - 2013 - Human Affairs 23 (4):680-688.
    Various approaches and methods are used in philosophical counselling. Two main trends can be observed: the first is the use of contemplative methods and the second constitutes approaches based on dialogical critical thinking. The author defends the idea that developing philosophical counselling on the basis of critical thinking presupposes that it is possible for counsellor and client to hold a philosophical dialogue where the relationship is one of expert/lay person. J. Šulavík has described this relationship in greater (...)
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  37. Why Quality Is Addressed So Rarely in Clinical Ethics Consultation.George J. Agich - 2009 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 18 (4):339.
    In a practice like ethics consultation, quality and accountability are intertwined. Critics of ethics consultation have complained that clinical ethics consultants exercise power or influence in patient care without sufficient external oversight. Without oversight or external accountability, ethics consultation is seen as more sophistical than philosophical. Although there has been more discussion of accountability, concern for quality in ethics consultation is arguably more important, because it represents a central challenge for the field, namely, how to structure a responsible practice (...)
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    Why Are There So Few Ethics Consults in Children’s Hospitals?Brian Carter, Manuel Brockman, Jeremy Garrett, Angie Knackstedt & John Lantos - 2018 - HEC Forum 30 (2):91-102.
    In most children’s hospitals, there are very few ethics consultations, even though there are many ethically complex cases. We hypothesize that the reason for this may be that hospitals develop different mechanisms to address ethical issues and that many of these mechanisms are closer in spirit to the goals of the pioneers of clinical ethics than is the mechanism of a formal ethics consultation. To show how this is true, we first review the history of collaboration between philosophers and physicians (...)
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  39. The Ethics of Clinical Ethics Consultation: On the Way to Clinical Philosophy.Mark J. Bliton - 1993 - Dissertation, Vanderbilt University
    The question I investigate concerns the ethics of clinical ethics consultation. To begin, I reconstruct and critically assess a widespread understanding of clinical medical ethics, one most prominently advanced by Mark Siegler. That examination reveals an overtly political strategy designed to reinforce physician authority. Next, John La Puma's work is discussed. Arguably the most prominent of Siegler's students, and certainly the most prolific, La Puma appears attentive to the problems in Siegler's view regarding clinical judgment. I conclude, however, that La (...)
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    Nothing Much for Philosophers.Eric Schliesser - 2017 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 48 (1):40-46.
    In this article, I argue that by discarding the significance of philosophical methods and tools, the picture of field philosophy offered in Socrates Tenured is more akin to public interest consulting than to philosophy.
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    Will Philosophers Study Their History, Or Become History?Laurie Shrage - 2008 - Radical Philosophy Review 11 (2):125-150.
    This paper contends that philosophers should consult the work of intellectual historians, who write on the history of the social formation of philosophy in the U.S., in order to understand our past role in American society and our intellectual niche in the academy. By understanding the history of our field as a social and cultural phenomenon, and not as a set of ideas that transcend their human contexts, we will be in a better position to set a future course for (...)
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  42. The evidential status of philosophical intuition.Janet Levin - 2004 - Philosophical Studies 121 (3):193-224.
    Philosophers have traditionally held that claims about necessities and possibilities are to be evaluated by consulting our philosophical intuitions; that is, those peculiarly compelling deliverances about possibilities that arise from a serious and reflective attempt to conceive of counterexamples to these claims. But many contemporary philosophers, particularly naturalists, argue that intuitions of this sort are unreliable, citing examples of once-intuitive, but now abandoned, philosophical theses, as well as recent psychological studies that seem to establish the general fallibility of (...)
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    The Philosophical Foundations of Management Thought.Jean-Etienne Joullié & Robert Spillane - 2015 - Lexington Books.
    This book proposes a review of important Western philosophies and their significance for managers, management academics, and management consultants. It argues that management is an applied philosophical endeavor.
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    Some Philosophical Questions about Telepathy and Clairvoyance.H. H. Price - 1940 - Philosophy 15 (60):363 - 385.
    The founder of Psychical Research, though he has not yet received the honour due to him, seems to have been King Croesus of Lydia, who reigned from 560 to 546 B.C. He carried out an interesting experiment, recorded in detail by Herodotus,2 to test the clairvoyant powers of a number of oracles. He sent embassies to seven oracles, six Greek and one Egyptian. They all started on the same day. On the hundredth day each embassy was instructed to ask its (...)
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    ‘Philosophising with Athletes and Their Coaches’: On Using Philosophical Thinking and Dialogue in Sport.Lukáš Mareš - 2022 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 17 (2):185-203.
    ABSTRACT Philosophy may be accused of being an exclusive theoretical enterprise. Although it is concerned with the important issues of life it may appear to be a purely academic matter pursued by few educated scholars and therefore somehow detached from everyday way of being of people uneducated in philosophy. In the field of the philosophy of sport, the essential ambition is to provide relevant insights into a vast area of sport that will promote our philosophical understanding and knowledge of (...)
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  46. The Editor and the Associate Editors thank the Consulting Editors, the Members of the Editorial Board and the following philosophers for their help with refereeing papers during the period July 1994 to June 1995. Adeney, Douglas Kennett, Jeanette Agar, Nicholas Lamarque, Peter. [REVIEW]David Armstrong, Rae Langton, Robert Audi, Jerrold Levinson, John Bacon, David Lewis, Rick Benitez, Gary Malinas, John Biro & Jeff Malpas - 1995 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 73 (4).
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    Philosophical analysis and human welfare: selected essays and chapters from six decades.Dickinson Sergeant Miller - 1975 - Boston: D. Reidel Pub. Co.. Edited by Loyd David Easton.
    When I was Dickinson Miller's assistant from 1940 to 1942, I soon realized that I had encountered an unusually powerful, acute, and original mind and a writer whose clear but vivid style matched the high quality of his intelligence. These traits were apparent in his comments about eminent philosophers with whom he had associated - particularly William James but also Santayana, Dewey, Husserl, and Wittgenstein - and in the mutual criticism he demanded of his writing and my first efforts. I (...)
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    An Ancient Greek Philosophy of Management Consulting: An Interview with David Shaw.Wim Vandekerckhove - 2022 - Philosophy of Management 21 (1):127-134.
    This article is a transcript of an interview with David Shaw, the author of the book, “An Ancient Greek Philosophy of Management Consulting: Thinking Differently about its Assumptions, Principles and Practice”, published with Springer in 2022. It discusses his reasons for looking to the ancient Greek philosophers for new ideas about management consulting, and how his papers for this journal have contributed to the development of the book.
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    The Salonnieres and the Philosophes in Old Regime France: The Authority of Aesthetic Judgment.Jolanta T. Pekacz - 1999 - Journal of the History of Ideas 60 (2):277.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Salonnières and the Philosophes in Old Regime France: The Authority of Aesthetic Judgment*Jolanta T. PekaczDuring the eighteenth century a significant shift occurred in the perception of the authority of aesthetic judgment in France, from a group usually referred to as “polite society” and widely considered the exclusive source of taste (goût) to various competing groups arrogating to themselves the right to judge artistic matters. 1 In the present (...)
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    Of Philosophers and Madmen: A Disclosure of Martin Heidegger, Medard Boss, and Sigmund Freud.Richard Askay & M. J. Farquhar - 2011 - New York: Brill | Rodopi. Edited by Jensen Farquhar.
    This text is an innovative exploration of philosophy and madness in the context of the critical engagement of Heidegger’s phenomenological ontology with Freudian psychoanalysis. Included is a play in which, after a mental breakdown, Martin Heidegger undergoes psychoanalytic treatment from Dr. Medard Boss. Boss is essentially caught between two intellectual giants: his patient, Heidegger, who challenges him to evolve beyond traditional Freudian psychoanalysis, and his mentor, Freud, who acts as a “ghostly” consultant in facilitating Heidegger’s return to health. The dialogue (...)
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