Results for ' physiological correlates'

977 found
  1.  19
    Some physiological correlates of hunger and pain.Bernard T. Engel - 1959 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 57 (6):389.
  2.  18
    Questionnaire Measures and Physiological Correlates of Presence: A Systematic Review.Simone Grassini & Karin Laumann - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Lucid dreaming: Physiological correlates of consciousness during Rem sleep.S. LaBerge, L. Levitan & W. C. Dement - 1986 - Journal of Mind and Behavior 7 (2-3):251-258.
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    Exploring Neuro-Physiological Correlates of Drivers' Mental Fatigue Caused by Sleep Deprivation Using Simultaneous EEG, ECG, and fNIRS Data.Sangtae Ahn, Thien Nguyen, Hyojung Jang, Jae G. Kim & Sung C. Jun - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10.
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    Understanding the physiological correlates of a behavioral state as a constellation of events.Barbara E. Jones - 1981 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 4 (3):482-483.
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    Different qualitative forms of psychical fatigue and their physiological correlates.V. A. Volkovich - 1934 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 12 (3):229 – 232.
    (1934). Different qualitative forms of psychical fatigue and their physiological correlates. Australasian Journal of Psychology and Philosophy: Vol. 12, No. 3, pp. 229-232.
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    How Breath-Control Can Change Your Life: A Systematic Review on Psycho-Physiological Correlates of Slow Breathing.Andrea Zaccaro, Andrea Piarulli, Marco Laurino, Erika Garbella, Danilo Menicucci, Bruno Neri & Angelo Gemignani - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
  8. Pure consciousness: Distinct phenomenological and physiological correlates of "consciousness itself".Frederick T. Travis & C. Pearson - 2000 - International Journal of Neuroscience 100 (1):77-89.
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    Promoting the translation of intentions into action by implementation intentions: behavioral effects and physiological correlates.Frank Wieber, J. Lukas Thürmer & Peter M. Gollwitzer - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
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    Cross-modal interactions in the experience of musical performances: Physiological correlates.Catherine Chapados & Daniel J. Levitin - 2008 - Cognition 108 (3):639-651.
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    Exploring the Emotional Experience During Instant Messaging Among Young Adults: An Experimental Study Incorporating Physiological Correlates of Arousal.Anne-Linda Camerini, Laura Marciano, Anna Maria Annoni, Alexander Ort & Serena Petrocchi - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Instant messaging is a highly diffused form of communication among younger populations, yet little is known about the emotional experience during IM. The present study aimed to investigate the emotional experience during IM by drawing on the Circumplex Model of Affect and measuring heart rate and electrodermal activity as indicators of arousal in addition to self-reported perceived emotional valence. Using an experimental design, we manipulated message latency and message valence. Based on data collected from 65 young adults, we observed arousal (...)
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  12.  20
    Correlation Between Physiological and Performance-Based Metrics to Estimate Pilots' Cognitive Workload.P. Archana Hebbar, Kausik Bhattacharya, Gowdham Prabhakar, Abhay A. Pashilkar & Pradipta Biswas - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    This paper discusses the utilization of pilots' physiological indications such as electroencephalographic signals, ocular parameters, and pilot performance-based quantitative metrics to estimate cognitive workload. The study aims to derive a non-invasive technique to estimate pilot's cognitive workload and study their correlation with standard physiological parameters. Initially, we conducted a set of user trials using well-established psychometric tests for evaluating the effectiveness of pupil and gaze-based ocular metrics for estimating cognitive workload at different levels of task difficulty and lighting (...)
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  13.  23
    Psychophysical correlates of physiological functions.E. Pöppel & Nikos Logothetis - 1988 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 11 (2):308-309.
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    Modeling physiological-behavioral correlations.James T. Townsend - 1979 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 2 (2):284-284.
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    Mental, behavioural and physiological nonlocal correlations within the Generalized Quantum Theory framework.Harald Walach, Patrizio Tressoldi & Luciano Pederzoli - 2016 - Axiomathes 26 (3):313-328.
    Generalized Quantum Theory seeks to explain and predict quantum-like phenomena in areas usually outside the scope of quantum physics, such as biology and psychology. It draws on fundamental theories and uses the algebraic formalism of quantum theory that is used in the study of observable physical matter such as photons, electrons, etc. In contrast to quantum theory proper, GQT is a very generalized form that does not allow for the full application of formalism. For instance neither a commutator, such as (...)
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  16.  21
    Human Flicker Fusion Correlates With Physiological Measures of Magnocellular Neural Efficiency.Alyse Brown, Molly Corner, David P. Crewther & Sheila G. Crewther - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
  17. The representing brain: Neural correlates of motor intention and imagery.Marc Jeannerod - 1994 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 17 (2):187-202.
    This paper concerns how motor actions are neurally represented and coded. Action planning and motor preparation can be studied using a specific type of representational activity, motor imagery. A close functional equivalence between motor imagery and motor preparation is suggested by the positive effects of imagining movements on motor learning, the similarity between the neural structures involved, and the similar physiological correlates observed in both imaging and preparing. The content of motor representations can be inferred from motor images (...)
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  18. What is a neural correlate of consciousness?David J. Chalmers - 2000 - In Thomas Metzinger (ed.), Neural Correlates of Consciousness: Empirical and Conceptual Questions. MIT Press. pp. 17--39.
    The search for neural correlates of consciousness (or NCCs) is arguably the cornerstone in the recent resurgence of the science of consciousness. The search poses many difficult empirical problems, but it seems to be tractable in principle, and some ingenious studies in recent years have led to considerable progress. A number of proposals have been put forward concerning the nature and location of neural correlates of consciousness. A few of these include.
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    Physiological Synchronization in Emergency Response Teams: Subjective Workload, Drivers and Empaths.Stephen J. Guastello & Anthony F. Peressini - unknown
    Behavioral and physiological synchronization have important implications for work teams with regard to workload management, coordinated behavior and overall functioning. This study extended previous work on the nonlinear statistical structure of GSR series in dyads to larger teams and included subjective ratings of workload and contributions to problem solving. Eleven teams of 3 or 4 people played a series of six emergency response (ER) games against a single opponent. Seven of the groups worked under a time pressure instruction at (...)
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  20. Neural Correlates of Consciousness: Empirical and Conceptual Questions.Thomas Metzinger - 2000 - MIT Press. Edited by Thomas Metzinger.
  21. Neural correlates of unawareness of illness in psychosis.Laura A. Flashman & Robert M. Roth - 2004 - In Xavier F. Amador & Anthony S. David (eds.), Insight and Psychosis: Awareness of Illness in Schizophrenia and Related Disorders. Oxford University Press UK. pp. 157-176.
  22.  18
    Feeding behaviour: Caused by, or just correlated with, physiology?Neil Rowland - 1981 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 4 (4):589-590.
  23. The neural correlates of conscious vision.Delphine Pins & D. H. Ffytche - 2003 - Cerebral Cortex 13 (5):461-74.
  24. Correlating consciousness: A vew from empirical science.Axel Cleeremans & John Haynes - 1999 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 3 (209):387-420.
    Research on consciousness is currently enjoying a spectacular revival of interest in the cognitive sciences. From an empirical point of view, the NCC program — the search for the “Neural Correlates of Consciousness” — holds the promise of establishing correlations between physiological and phenomenal states in a way that directly resembles G. T. Fechner´s (1860) so-called “inner psychophysics”. Should the NCC program be entirely successful, we would thus be able to predict phenomenal states based on physiological states. (...)
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  25.  92
    Dreams of Teeth Falling Out: An Empirical Investigation of Physiological and Psychological Correlates.Naama Rozen & Nirit Soffer-Dudek - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Physiology and pathophysiology of poly(ADP‐ribosyl)ation.Alexander Bürkle - 2001 - Bioessays 23 (9):795-806.
    One of the immediate eukaryotic cellular responses to DNA breakage is the covalent post‐translational modification of nuclear proteins with poly(ADP‐ribose) from NAD+ as precursor, mostly catalysed by poly(ADP‐ribose) polymerase‐1 (PARP‐1). Recently several other polypeptides have been shown to catalyse poly(ADP‐ribose) formation. Poly(ADP‐ribosyl)ation is involved in a variety of physiological and pathophysiological phenomena. Physiological functions include its participation in DNA‐base excision repair, DNA‐damage signalling, regulation of genomic stability, and regulation of transcription and proteasomal function, supporting the previously observed correlation (...)
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  27. The neural correlates of consciousness: Room for improvement, but on the right track: Comment.Jakob Hohwy & Christopher D. Frith - 2004 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 11 (1):45-51.
  28.  15
    Interpersonal Physiological Synchrony Predicts Group Cohesion.Alon Tomashin, Ilanit Gordon & Sebastian Wallot - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    A key emergent property of group social dynamic is synchrony–the coordination of actions, emotions, or physiological processes between group members. Despite this fact and the inherent nested structure of groups, little research has assessed physiological synchronization between group members from a multi-level perspective, thus limiting a full understanding of the dynamics between members. To address this gap of knowledge we re-analyzed a large dataset comprising physiological and psychological data that were collected in two laboratory studies that involved (...)
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  29.  33
    Fluorescence correlation spectroscopy for the detection and study of single molecules in biology.Miguel Ángel Medina & Petra Schwille - 2002 - Bioessays 24 (8):758-764.
    The recent development of single molecule detection techniques has opened new horizons for the study of individual macromolecules under physiological conditions. Conformational subpopulations, internal dynamics and activity of single biomolecules, parameters that have so far been hidden in large ensemble averages, are now being unveiled. Herein, we review a particular attractive solution‐based single molecule technique, fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS). This time‐averaging fluctuation analysis which is usually performed in Confocal setups combines maximum sensitivity with high statistical confidence. FCS has proven (...)
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    Salvaging physiological psychology.George Yeisley Rusk - 1946 - Philosophy of Science 13 (April):123-130.
    Bruno Petermann in his The Gestalt Theory and the Problem of Configuration and S. H. MacColl in her A Comparative Study of the Systems of Lewin and Koffka with special reference to Memory Phenomena have shown that the gestalt concept is fundamentally valid but that as a tool of psychological explanation it has been developed with unrecognized inconsistencies and without a successful correlation with physiological facts. And John J. Ryan in his “Volition” has shown that psychology must provide a (...)
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  31.  87
    A Neural Correlate of Consciousness Related to Repression.Howard Shevrin, Jess H. Ghannam & Benjamin W. Libet - 2002 - Consciousness and Cognition 11 (2):334-341.
    In previous research Libet discovered that a critical time period for neural activation is necessary in order for a stimulus to become conscious. This necessary time period varies from subject to subject. In this current study, six subjects for whom the time for neural activation of consciousness had been previously determined were administered a battery of psychological tests on the basis of which ratings were made of degree of repressiveness. As hypothesized, repressive subjects had a longer critical time period for (...)
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  32.  17
    Physiological and Anthropometric Determinants of Performance Levels in Professional Futsal.Damir Sekulic, Haris Pojskic, Ivan Zeljko, Miran Pehar, Toni Modric, Sime Versic & Dario Novak - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    There is an evident lack of studies examining the pursuit of excellence in futsal. The aims of this study were to evaluate anthropometric and physiological variables that may contribute to distinguishing among performance levels in professional futsal players and to evaluate correlates of those variables. The participants were 75 male professionals (age = 25.1 ± 5.1 years, body height = 182.3 ± 6.2 cm, body mass = 80.8 ± 10.4 kg), who were divided into performance levels using two (...)
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  33.  30
    Event-related brain correlates of associative learning without awareness.Philip S. Wong, Edward Bernat, Michael Snodgrass & Howard Shevrin - 2004 - International Journal of Psychophysiology 53 (3):217-231.
  34. Neurobiological Correlates of Fatherhood During the Postpartum Period: A Scoping Review.Mónica Sobral, Francisca Pacheco, Beatriz Perry, Joana Antunes, Sara Martins, Raquel Guiomar, Isabel Soares, Adriana Sampaio, Ana Mesquita & Ana Ganho-Ávila - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    During the postpartum period, the paternal brain suffers extensive and complex neurobiological alterations, through the experience of father–infant interactions. Although the impact of such experience in the mother has been increasingly studied over the past years, less is known about the neurobiological correlates of fatherhood—that is, the alterations in the brain and other physiological systems associated with the experience of fatherhood. With the present study, we aimed to perform a scoping review of the available literature on the genetic, (...)
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  35. Self-Transcendence Correlates with Brain Function Impairment.Bernardo Kastrup - 2017 - Journal of Cognition and Neuroethics 4 (3):33-42.
    A broad pattern of correlations between mechanisms of brain function impairment and self-transcendence is shown. The pattern includes such mechanisms as cerebral hypoxia, physiological stress, transcranial magnetic stimulation, trance-induced physiological effects, the action of psychoactive substances and even physical trauma to the brain. In all these cases, subjects report self-transcending experiences o en described as ‘mystical’ and ‘awareness-expanding,’ as well as self-transcending skills o en described as ‘savant.’ The idea that these correlations could be rather trivially accounted for (...)
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  36.  42
    Investigating neural correlates of consciousness with ambiguous stimuli.Jeffrey D. Schall - 2000 - Neuro-Psychoanalysis 2 (1):32-35.
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    Evidence of the Physiologic Functions of the Gastrointestinal Tract as a Complex System.Roham Mazloom - 2020 - Foundations of Science 26 (2):257-274.
    The gastrointestinal tract is normally investigated using reductionism methods in human studies, where the focus is on each segment of the gastrointestinal system and the specific links between various parts of it. This helps researchers and clinicians to produce a simple relationship between the elements of the gastrointestinal tract based on clinical diagnosis and treatment. However, there is evidence indicating that the gastrointestinal tract has properties that are beyond function of the simple systems, such as, multiplicity of elements, network communication, (...)
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  38.  79
    (1 other version)Relative Power Correlates With the Decoding Performance of Motor Imagery Both Across Time and Subjects.Qing Zhou, Jiafan Lin, Lin Yao, Yueming Wang, Yan Han & Kedi Xu - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    One of the most significant challenges in the application of brain-computer interfaces is the large performance variation, which often occurs over time or across users. Recent evidence suggests that the physiological states may explain this performance variation in BCI, however, the underlying neurophysiological mechanism is unclear. In this study, we conducted a seven-session motor-imagery experiment on 20 healthy subjects to investigate the neurophysiological mechanism on the performance variation. The classification accuracy was calculated offline by common spatial pattern and support (...)
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  39.  51
    Phenomenal holism, internalism and the neural correlates of consciousness: Comment.Timothy J. Bayne - 2004 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 11 (1):32-37.
    The target paper by Noë and Thompson is a very welcome addition to the literature on the neural correlates of consciousness. It raises a number of important issues, and the debate it will generate should go some way towards clarifying the conceptual terrain that we’re in. In this commentary I focus on three issues: the link between isomorphism and the matching-content doctrine; the argument against the matching-content doctrine; and the argument against experiential internalism.
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  40. Timing of the earliest ERP correlate of visual awareness.Maria Wilenius & Antti Revonsuo - 2007 - Psychophysiology 44 (5):703-710.
  41.  3
    Blood Groups and their Correlation with Physical Traits Affecting 100-Meter Performance.Zahraa Saad Azzawi, Harith Abdelelah Alshukri, Hayder N. Jawoosh, Abdul Amir H. Kahum & Ruqaya Jameel Saad - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:192-201.
    Background. Sport training has an impact on other sciences. Among these sciences is physiology, in which emerged to form what is called sports physiology. The recent development in the science of physical education is one of the important factors in measuring and determining the nature of athletes' physical, physiological and biochemical adaptations and responses. The blood circulatory system is important as manifested in finding the relationship between some blood groups and the basic physical characteristics and the completion of the (...)
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  42.  23
    Time-dependent degree-degree correlations in epileptic brain networks: from assortative to dissortative mixing.Christian Geier, Klaus Lehnertz & Stephan Bialonski - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9:150697.
    We investigate the long-term evolution of degree-degree correlations (assortativity) in functional brain networks from epilepsy patients. Functional networks are derived from continuous multi-day, multi-channel electroencephalographic data, which capture a wide range of physiological and pathophysiological activities. In contrast to previous studies which all reported functional brain networks to be assortative on average, even in case of various neurological and neurodegenerative disorders, we observe large fluctuations in time-resolved degree-degree correlations ranging from assortative to dissortative mixing. Moreover, in some patients these (...)
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  43. Temporal binding and the neural correlates of consciousness.Andreas K. Engel - 2003 - In Axel Cleeremans (ed.), The Unity of Consciousness: Binding, Integration, and Dissociation. Oxford University Press.
  44.  13
    Have Noe and Thompson cast doubt on the neural correlates of consciousness programme? Comment.Brian P. McLaughlin & Gary Bartlett - 2004 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 11 (1):56-67.
    We contend that Noë and Thompson's arguments leave both the minimal substrate thesis and the (considerably stronger) matching-content doctrine unscathed. We construe their arguments as each having the form of a modus tollens as follows: (1) If the matching-content doctrine is true, then Q; (2) It is not the case that Q; therefore, (3) The matching-content doctrine is false. We show that in each case, Noë and Thompson fail to cite any Q such that both premises are true.
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    Brain allometry: Correlated variation in cytoarchitectonics and neurochemistry?Walter Wilczynski - 2001 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 24 (2):297-298.
    Brains vary in characters other than size. We should consider whether Finlay et al.'s argument, that developmental shifts responding to selection for change in one area yield correlated changes across the brain, must be extended from size differences to other neural characters responsible for the circuitry or physiological differences distinguishing vertebrate brains.
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    Response to commentary on A Neural Correlate of Consciousness Related to Repression.Howard Shevrin, Jess H. Ghannam & Benjamin Libet - 2002 - Consciousness and Cognition 11 (2):345-346.
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    Commentary on shevrin, ghannam, and Libet, A Neural Correlate of Consciousness Related to Repression.Susan Pockett - 2002 - Consciousness and Cognition 11 (2):342-344.
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    Exploring Conversational and Physiological Aspects of Psychotherapy Talk.Evrinomy Avdi & Chris Evans - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    This study is part of a larger exploration of ‘talk and cure’ that combines the examination of talk-in-interaction, with nonverbal displays, and measurements of the client’s and therapist’s autonomic arousal during therapy sessions. A key assumption of the study is that psychotherapy entails processes of intersubjective meaning-making that occur across different modalities and take place in both verbal/explicit and nonverbal/implicit domains. A single session of a psychodynamic psychotherapy is analysed with a focus on the expression and management of affect, with (...)
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  49. Are there neural correlates of consciousness?Alva Noë & Evan Thompson - 2004 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 11 (1):3-28.
    In the past decade, the notion of a neural correlate of consciousness (or NCC) has become a focal point for scientific research on consciousness (Metzinger, 2000a). A growing number of investigators believe that the first step toward a science of consciousness is to discover the neural correlates of consciousness. Indeed, Francis Crick has gone so far as to proclaim that ‘we … need to discover the neural correlates of consciousness.… For this task the primate visual system seems especially (...)
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  50.  49
    Correlation of the Sacral and Aesthetic in Religious-Artistic Works.Vladimir Glagolev - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 36:33-39.
    In the world of globalization religious-artistic works remain a phenomenon study of which allows to observe the main tendencies of socio-cultural dynamics taking into account complicated and multi-plan contexts of its realization. Methodological peculiarities of the suggested approach base on philosophic comparative study and interdisciplinary method, which allow neutralizing negative consequences of scientist approach based on physiological–ideological projectivity. In this case correlation of sacral and aesthetic works as crossing of “vertical” and “horizontal” dimensions which opens “the second derivative” of (...)
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