Results for ' political liberty'

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  1.  38
    Equal political liberties.Christopher Freiman - 2012 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 93 (2):158-174.
    Formal guarantees of political equality are compatible with inequalities in the value of political liberties, as individuals may convert their socioeconomic advantages into political advantages. Perhaps the predominant strategy for limiting substantive political inequalities recommends limiting inequalities in the means of acquiring political power for private gain – most notably, economic means. I express a worry that measures instituted to restrict economic inequalities may do more to frustrate the cause of political equality than to (...)
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  2. Political liberty: Who needs it?Jason Brennan - 2012 - Social Philosophy and Policy 29 (1):1-27.
    Research Articles Jason Brennan, Social Philosophy and Policy, FirstView Article.
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  3. Political Liberties and Social Equality.Inigo González-Ricoy & Jahel Queralt - 2018 - Law and Philosophy 37 (6):613-638.
    This paper examines the link between political liberties and social equality, and contends that the former are constitutive of, i.e. necessary to secure, the latter. Although this constitutive link is often assumed in the literature on political liberties, the reasons why it holds true remain largely unexplored. Three such reasons are examined here. First, political liberties are constitutive of social equality because they bestow political power on their holders, leaving disenfranchised individuals excluded from decisions that are (...)
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    Political liberty: a history of the conception in the Middle Ages and modern times.Alexander James Carlyle - 1963 - Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press.
  5.  27
    Rousseau and Liberty.Robert Wokler & Rousseau and the Cause Of Liberty - 1995
    Rousseau is considered to be at once the most modern political thinker of the 18th century and the most ancient in his allegiance to classical republicanism. These essays address the place of liberty in his moral and political philosophy, and the origins, meaning, strength, weakness and significance of his argument.
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    On Political Liberty: Montesquieu’s Missing Manuscript.Annelien de Dijn - 2011 - Political Theory 39 (2):181-204.
    This essay draws attention to the importance of Montesquieu’s earliest and unpublished writings on liberty for our understanding of the famous eleventh book of the Spirit of the Laws. Montesquieu’s investigation of the nature and preconditions of liberty, the author argues, was much more polemical than it is usually assumed. As an analysis of his notebooks shows, Montesquieu set out to wrest control over the concept of liberty from the republican admirers of classical antiquity, a faction that (...)
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  7. Three Concepts of Political Liberty.Kyle Swan - 2003 - Journal of Markets and Morality 6 (1):117-142.
    The distinction between negative and positive liberty is familiar to political philosophers. The negative variety is freedom as noninterference. The positive variety is freedom as self-mastery. However, recently there has been an attempt on the part of a growing number of philosophers, historians, and legal scholars to recapture a third concept of political liberty uncovered from within the rich tradition of civic republicanism. Republican political liberty is freedom as nondomination. I argue that features that (...)
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    A Dialogue Partly on Political Liberty: Interlocutors, Intrinsicon and Damon.Tibor R. Machan & John Ogden Nelson - 1990 - Upa.
    This work is a classic dialogue between two philosophers, with the unusual twist that it was actually conducted, not fabricated, by two different philosophers. It presents in a conversational tone the various crucial and not so crucial aspects of the topic of political liberty and what if any value it has for us.
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  9. Existential risk and equal political liberty.J. Joseph Porter & Adam F. Gibbons - 2024 - Asian Journal of Philosophy 3 (2):1-26.
    Rawls famously argues that the parties in the original position would agree upon the two principles of justice. Among other things, these principles guarantee equal political liberty—that is, democracy—as a requirement of justice. We argue on the contrary that the parties have reason to reject this requirement. As we show, by Rawls’ own lights, the parties would be greatly concerned to mitigate existential risk. But it is doubtful whether democracy always minimizes such risk. Indeed, no one currently knows (...)
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    Locke's political liberty: readings and misreadings.Christophe Miqueu & Mason Chamie (eds.) - 2009 - Oxford: Voltaire Foundation.
    The canonical image of John Locke as one of the first philosophes is so deeply engrained that we could forget that he belonged to a very different historico-political context. His influence on Enlightenment thought, not least that of his theories of political liberty, has been the subject of widespread debate. In Locke's political liberty: readings and misreadings a team of renowned international scholars re-evaluates Locke's heritage in the eighteenth century and the ways it was used. (...)
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  11.  51
    Political Liberty and Constitutional Government.Vukan Kuic - 1995 - Social Philosophy Today 10:49-65.
  12.  28
    The origin of political liberty in confucianism: A nietzschean intrepretation.Sungmoon Kim - 2008 - History of Political Thought 29 (3):393-415.
    Confucianism, traditionally affiliated with authoritarianism, is now credited with a strong allegiance to liberal values. But by centring on moral freedom, the liberal reinterpretation of Confucianism has paid less attention to the value of political liberty in it. If anything, it tends to treat political liberty merely as a derivative of moral freedom. Notwithstanding a dialectical relation between moral freedom and political liberty in Confucianism, however, Confucian political liberty cannot be properly understood (...)
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    By the Kindness to the Gift of Self.Maria Regina Liberti, Stefania Del Torre, Benedetta Ionata & Maddalena Ionata - 2014 - Journal for Perspectives of Economic Political and Social Integration 19 (1-2):261-268.
    The object of this research is gentleness, a construct maybe not treated enough in the literature, but just in the area of the so called Positive Psychology. And precisely from his representative Martin Seligman, the inspiration for the construction of a questionnaire and of a specific hypothesis has been born, including the use of a precise terminology. In general terms, maybe the most interesting result lies in the fact of having found a correlation between the various items, therefore between the (...)
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  14.  54
    A Human Rights Debate on Physical Security, Political Liberty, and the Confucian Tradition.Benedict S. B. Chan - 2014 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 13 (4):567-588.
    There are many East and West debates on human rights. One of them is whether all civil and political rights are human rights. On one hand, scholars generally agree that rights to physical security are human rights. On the other hand, some scholars argue that rights to political liberty are only Western rights but not human rights because political liberty conflicts with some East Asian cultural factors, especially the Confucian tradition. I argue that physical security (...)
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  15. Completing Rawls's arguments for equal political liberty and its fair value: the argument from self-respect.Meena Krishnamurthy - 2013 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 43 (2):179-205.
    Despite the vast literature on Rawls's work, few have discussed his arguments for the value of democracy. When his arguments have been discussed, they have received staunch criticism. Some critics have charged that Rawls's arguments are not deeply democratic. Others have gone further, claiming that Rawls's arguments denigrate democracy. These criticisms are unsurprising, since Rawls's arguments, as arguments that the principle of equal basic liberty needs to include democratic liberties, are incomplete. In contrast to his trenchant remarks about core (...)
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  16. Rawls and the status of political liberty.Steven Wall - 2006 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 87 (2):245–270.
    In his late work, Rawls makes strong claims about the status of political liberty. These claims, if accepted, would have significant implications for the content of "justice as fairness." I discuss the nature of these claims, clarifying Rawls's fair value guarantee of the political liberties and critically discussing the arguments that he and others have given for assigning special importance to the political liberties. I conclude that justice as fairness, properly understood, is not a deeply democratic (...)
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  17.  12
    Chapter 1. Political Liberty.Hilary Gatti - 2015 - In Ideas of Liberty in Early Modern Europe: From Machiavelli to Milton. Princeton University Press. pp. 11-30.
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    The principles of political liberty.Howard Hannay - 1939 - Ethics 50 (1):1-15.
  19. Neoptolemus and Huck Finn Reconsidered. Alleged Inverse akrasia and the Case for Moral Incapacity.Matilde Liberti - forthcoming - Journal of Value Inquiry.
    Cases of akratic behavior are generally seen as paradigmatic depictions of the knowledge-action gap (Darnell et al 2019): we know what we should do, we judge that we should do it, yet we often fail to act according to our knowledge. In recent decades attention has been given to a particular instance of akratic behavior, which is that of “inverse akrasia”, where the agent possesses faulty moral knowledge but fails to act accordingly, thus ending up doing the right thing. In (...)
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  20. The ballot and the wallet: Self-respect and the fair value of political liberties.Jahel Queralt & Iñigo González-Ricoy - 2020 - European Journal of Philosophy 29 (2):410-424.
    Economic disparities often translate into disparities in political influence, rendering political liberties less worthy to poor citizens than to wealthier ones. Concerned with this, Rawls advocated that a guarantee of the fair value of political liberties be included in the first principle of justice as fairness, with significant regulatory and distributive implications. He nonetheless supplied little examination of the content and grounding of such guarantee, which we here offer. After examining three uncompelling arguments in its favor, we (...)
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    What Is the Argument for the Fair Value of Political Liberty?William A. Edmundson - 2020 - Social Theory and Practice 46 (3):497-514.
    The equal political liberties are among the basic first-principle liberties in John Rawls’s theory of Justice as fairness. Rawls insists, further, that the “fair value” of the political liberties must be guaranteed. Disavowing an interest in fair value is what disqualifies welfare-state capitalism as a possible realizer of Justice as fairness. Yet Rawls never gives a perspicuous statement of the reasoning in the original position for the fair-value guarantee. This article gathers up two distinct strands of Rawls’s argument, (...)
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  22. The republican ideal of political liberty.Quentin Skinner - 1990 - In Gisela Bock, Quentin Skinner & Maurizio Viroli (eds.), Machiavelli and republicanism. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 293--309.
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    Greening our Future and Environmental Values: An Investigation of Perception, Attitudes and Awareness of Environmental issues in Zambia.Liberty Mweemba & Hongjuan Wu - 2010 - Environmental Values 19 (4):485-516.
    The visibility of environmental problems and the increasing awareness of associated consequences have made environmental issues salient in Zambia. The purpose of this study was to investigate correlations between the social and psychological influences affecting college students in Zambia, and the behaviours perceived by them to be appropriately environmentally friendly. The underlying social and psychological factors that would determine individuals’ attitudinal responses toward appropriate environmental behaviour were assessed. The study attempted to measure behavioural tendencies towards environmental conservation. Behaviour involving energy (...)
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  24. Reconceiving Rawls’s Arguments for Equal Political Liberty and Its Fair Value.Meena Krishnamurthy - 2012 - Social Theory and Practice 38 (2):258-278.
    Few have discussed Rawls's arguments for the value of democracy. This is because his arguments, as arguments that the principle of equal basic liberty should include democratic liberties, are incomplete. Rawls says little about the inclusion of political liberties of a democratic sort – such as the right to vote – among the basic liberties. And, at times, what he does say is unconvincing. My aim is to complete and, where they fail, to reconceive Rawls's arguments and to (...)
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  25. A. J. Carlyle, Political Liberty: A History of the Conception in the Middle Ages and Modern Times. [REVIEW]F. S. Marvin - 1941 - Hibbert Journal 40:106.
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    Keeping republican freedom simple.of Republican Liberty - 2002 - Political Theory 30 (3):339-356.
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    Book Review:Political Liberty: A History of the Conception in the Middle Ages and Modern Times. A. J. Carlyle. [REVIEW]D. B. C. - 1941 - Ethics 52 (1):120-.
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    Personal Liberty and Political Freedom.Iván Zoltán Dénes - 2008 - European Journal of Political Theory 7 (1):81-98.
    By freedom, classical liberals meant non-interference, independence from the state, the personal and proprietary liberty of the governed. It is negative freedom as the antithesis both to absolutism and anarchy. In the republican interpretations, the freedom of a free political community is made possible and guaranteed by the institutionalization of the liberty of the political community. Political liberty is the medium, stage and precondition for the freedom of its members. That, in turn, is conditional (...)
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  29.  5
    An Egalitarian Critique of Rawls’ Priority of Liberty and a Response Using the Fair Value of Political Liberty. 한희창 - 2024 - Journal of the Daedong Philosophical Association 108:393-419.
    자유의 우선성은 자유의 개념적 지위를 공고히 하기 위한 롤스의 독창적인 장치다. 그러나 자유의 우선성은 여러 학자에 의해 도전받는다. 이러한 비판이 첫째, 나름의 논리적 인 근거를 지니고 둘째, 롤스 정치철학의 본질적인 주제에 영향을 끼친다면 이에 대한 대 응은 롤스 정치철학의 설득력을 좌우하게 될 것이다. 이에 본 고는 2장에서 논의의 배경으 로서 자유의 우선성 개념을 살피고 원조 격인 비판을 탐구한다. 다음으로 3장에서는 자유 의 우선성 비판의 평등주의적 해석을 탐구한다. 평등주의 진영에서는 자유의 우선성 비판 을 평등주의적으로 해석하여 롤스 이론의 평등주의적 색채가 희석되었음을 지적하고 (...)
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    The politics of place: Montesquieu, particularism, and the pursuit of liberty.Joshua Bandoch - 2017 - Rochester, NY: University of Rochester Press.
    Montesquieu's political science -- Security, liberty, and prosperity as particularistic political goals -- The political variables -- The subpolitical variables -- The American founding as a particularistic achievement.
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  31.  12
    Herbert Spencer and the relation between economic and political liberty.Gary Doherty & Tim Gray - 1993 - History of Political Thought 14 (3):475-490.
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    Liberty and Community: The Political Philosophy of William Ernest Hocking.Robert B. Thigpen - 1972 - The Hague,: Springer.
    This study of the political philosophy of William Ernest Hocking be gan as a doctoral dissertation at Tulane University. Hocking (1873- 1966) was for many years Alford Professor of Natural Religion, Moral Philosophy, and Civil Polity at Harvard University. Although he is relatively well-known among American philosophers, particularly by students of metaphysics and the philosophy of religion, very little atten tion has been given to his political philosophy. Some general studies of his thought summarize his political writings (...)
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    Benjamin Constant on Modern Freedoms: Political Liberty and the Role of a Representative System.Valentino Lumowa - 2010 - Ethical Perspectives 17 (3):389-414.
    This essay concerns Constant’s classic text The Liberty of the Ancients Compared with that of the Moderns. Although this is a frequently quoted text, what makes reading it still something of an effort is that it contains a baffling shift from the complete exaltation of modern liberty in its first part to the recognition of the significance of political participation in safeguarding modern liberty in its final part. The text is also replete with additional treasures, including (...)
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  34. David Williams and the Eighteenth-Century Distinction between Civil and Political Liberty.James Dybikowski - 1984 - Enlightenment and Dissent 3:34.
  35. Florentina-libertas+ the concept of political liberty in renaissance Florence.Nicolai Rubinstein - 1986 - Rinascimento 26:3-26.
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    Beyond Liberty and Property: The Process of Self-Recognition in Eighteenth-Century Political Thought.Richard Gunn & J. A. W. Gunn - 1983 - Mcgill-Queen's University Press.
    The themes explored include political liberty, "legal tyranny," defences of influence in government, recognition of the Opposition, and the development of organic categories of political analysis - the latter in a chapter that explodes the association often presumed between organicism and conservative modes of thought. A chapter on the "Fourth Estate" examines the gradual process of legitimation of "interests," culminating in the influence of the press. Central to the account of new political forces and their recognition (...)
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  37.  49
    Burke and the Moral Basis of Political Liberty.Moorhouse F. X. Millar - 1941 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 16 (1):79-101.
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    Rawls and the Fair Value of Political Liberties Clause.Iñigo González Ricoy - 2009 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 43:61.
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    The Legal State Theory of Friedrich Stahl: The Priority of Civil Liberty over Political Liberty.Hyang Mi Oh - 2019 - Korean Journal of Legal Philosophy 22 (2):155-184.
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    Individual liberty and democratic decision-making: the ethics, economics, and politics of democracy.Peter Koslowski (ed.) - 1987 - Tübingen: J.C.B. Mohr.
    Individual Liberty and Democratic Decision-Making Editor's Introduction Individual liberty is the basic value and justification for the political order of ...
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  41.  18
    Virtue, Liberty, and Toleration: Political Ideas of European Women, 1400-1800.Jacqueline Broad & Karen Green (eds.) - 2007 - Springer.
    This volume challenges the view that women have not contributed to the historical development of political ideas, and highlights the depth and complexity of women’s political thought in the centuries prior to the French Revolution. -/- From the late medieval period to the enlightenment, a significant number of European women wrote works dealing with themes of political significance. The essays in this collection examine their writings with particular reference to the ideas of virtue, liberty, and toleration. (...)
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  42.  54
    Constructing liberty and equality – political, not juridical.Damian Cueni - 2024 - Jurisprudence 15 (3):341-360.
    When offering constructions of political values, it is common to generally strive for unity, i.e., to aim at principled definitions and the reduction of normative conflict. In this article, by contrast, I argue that we should aim to construct broad and conflicting concepts of the central liberal democratic values of liberty and equality. Taking my cue from an under-appreciated debate between Ronald Dworkin and Bernard Williams, I suggest that the demand for unity derives its appeal from a juridical (...)
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  43.  34
    The Liberty Debate on Participation in Politics.Wendy Mcelroy - unknown
    anarchist periodical Liberty (Boston 1881–92, New York 1892–1908) over the propriety of electoral politics, it is necessary to understand the prevailing view of the State expressed by that nineteenth-century tradition.1 The most fundamental and integrating theme of that tradition was the primacy of individuals, which implied an extreme respect for their sovereignty. Accordingly, individualist-anarchists wished to eliminate all but defensive force from human interaction. Tucker proposed what he called “a society by contract” to replace the society by force he (...)
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  44.  11
    Liberty, governance and resistance: competing discourses in John Locke's political philosophy.John William Tate - 2024 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    John Locke is widely perceived as a foundational figure within the liberal tradition. This book investigates the competing purposes that informed Locke's political philosophy, not all of which resulted in outcomes consistent with what we today understand as "liberal" ideals. Locke himself was unaware that he belonged to a "liberal" tradition. Traditions only acquire meaning in retrospect. But many have perceived the development of Locke's political philosophy as involving a smooth evolution from "authoritarian" origins to "liberal" conclusions, beginning (...)
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  45. Positive liberty: an essay in normative political philosophy.Lawrence Crocker - 1980 - Hingham, MA: distributor, Kluwer Boston.
    CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION Liberty is perhaps the most praised of all social ideals. Rare is the modern political movement which has not inscribed "liberty," ...
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    Taking Liberty: Politics and Feminism in Margaret Cavendish and Catharine Macaulay.Sarah Hutton - 2019 - In Eileen O’Neill & Marcy P. Lascano (eds.), Feminist History of Philosophy: The Recovery and Evaluation of Women’s Philosophical Thought. Springer, NM 87747, USA: Springer. pp. 337-354.
    In post-Wollstonecraft terminology, the rights of woman, like the rights of man, are taken to include freedoms of many kinds – political, religious, social – freedoms enshrined in the French revolutionary generalisation, la liberté. The strength of liberty’s modern political connotations obscures the fact that, in earlier times, the term was freighted with connotations which were deemed socially and publicly unacceptable for womankind. The political claim, that women are entitled to the same freedoms as men, was (...)
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  47.  20
    Law, Legislation and Liberty: A New Statement of the Liberal Principles of Justice and Political... Economy.F. A. Hayek - 2012 - Routledge.
    With a new foreword by Paul Kelly 'I regard Hayek's work as a new opening of the most fundamental debate in the field of political philosophy' - Sir Karl Popper 'This promises to be the crowning work of a scholar who has devoted a lifetime to thinking about society and its values. The entire work must surely amount to an immense contribution to social and legal philosophy' - Philosophical Studies Law, Legislation and Liberty is Hayek's major statement of (...)
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  48. Catharine Macaulay’s Republican Conception of Social and Political Liberty.Alan M. S. J. Coffee - 2018 - Political Studies 4 (65):844-59.
    Catharine Macaulay was one of the most significant republican writers of her generation. Although there has been a revival of interest in Macaulay amongst feminists and intellectual historians, neo-republican writers have yet to examine the theoretical content of her work in any depth. Since she anticipates and addresses a number of themes that still preoccupy republicans, this neglect represents a serious loss to the discipline. I examine Macaulay’s conception of freedom, showing how she uses the often misunderstood notion of virtue (...)
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    Educating liberty: democracy and aristocracy in J.S. Mill's political thought.Chris Barker - 2018 - Rochester, NY, USA: University of Rochester Press.
    Aristocracy of sex -- Industrial aristocracy -- Expertocracy -- Mass and elite politics -- Democratic religion.
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    Liberty and the political compass (or how left-wingism is anti-liberty).J. C. Lester - 1995 - Journal of Social and Evolutionary Systems 18 (3):213-216.
    With respect to the phenomenal distinction that is conventionally made between ‘personal’ and ‘economic’ liberty, I do accept that “there is no logical incoherence in claiming that constraint of one can lead to an increase in the other.” Though, as Cole understands, I doubt the conceptual coherence of the distinction (let us call this view the ‘identity thesis’). So I assert that though the personal/economic distinction is conceptually dubious, it can stand unproblematically as illustrating the phenomenal distinctions that people (...)
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