Results for ' publishers’ catalogues'

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  1.  36
    Western scientific manuscripts before 1600: a checklist of published catalogues.S. Jayawardene - 1978 - Annals of Science 35 (2):143-172.
    Although many historians of science have devoted a good part of their working life to the study and cataloguing of scientific manuscripts, no systematic bibliography of their work is available. The present checklist—a first attempt to prepare such a bibliography—has been compiled using P. O. Kristeller's Latin manuscript books before 1600 as a guide. Material for a supplement is being collected. Readers are invited to send their comments and suggestions.
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    A Catalogue of the Ancient Marbles at Ince Blundell Hall. By Bernard Ashmole. Pp. xvi + 139; 51 plates. Oxford: At the Clarendon Press. £4 4s. net. - The Thorvaldsen Museum. Catalogue of the Antique Engraved Gems and Cameos. By Poul Fossing. Pp. 301; 24 plates. Issued by the Thorvaldsen Museum. (English publisher : Humphrey Milford.) 27s. 6d. net. [REVIEW]A. S. F. Gow - 1930 - The Classical Review 44 (04):149-.
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    Western Books on China Published up to 1850 in the Library of the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London: A Descriptive Catalogue. John Lust.D. Mungello - 1990 - Isis 81 (3):619-620.
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    Sir Isaac Newton: A Catalogue of Manuscripts and Papers Collected and Published on Microfilm by Chadwyck-Healey by Peter Jones. [REVIEW]Richard Westfall - 1993 - Isis 84:381-381.
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    John Lowden, Medieval and Later Ivories in the Courtauld Gallery, Complete Catalogue, London: Paul Holberton Publishing, 2013.Kristina Ketmanová - 2014 - Convivium 1 (2):153-155.
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    Catalogues militaires trouvés à Haliarte.Christel Müller - 1997 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 121 (1):95-101.
    The inscription published here, found in 1985 at Haliartus in Boeotia, is a three-sided stele, broken from top to bottom, bearing lists of proper names. It can be dated to about the middle of the 3rd c. BC from the engraving, and particularly from the majority presence of patronymic adjectives. In spite of the lack of a title, due to the break in the stone, it may be said with probability that it concerns one or more lists of conscripts. If (...)
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    Ramus and Talon inventory: a short-title inventory of the published works of Peter Ramus (1515-1572) and of Omer Talon (ca. 1510-1562) in their original and in their variously altered forms: with related material, 1. The Ramist controversies, a descriptive catalogue, 2. Agricola check list, a short-title inventory of some printed editions and printed compendia of Rudolph Agricola's Dialectical invention (De inventione dialectica).Walter J. Ong - 1977 - Norwood, Pa.: Norwood Editions.
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    Comparing the Cataloguing of Indigenous Scholarships: First Steps and Finding.Julia Bullard, Sarah Dupont & Tamara Lee - 2021 - Knowledge Organization 48 (4):298-306.
    This paper provides an analysis of data collected on the continued prevalence of outdated, marginalizing terms in contemporary cataloguing practices, stemming from the Library of Congress Subject Heading term “Indians” and all its related terms. Using Manitoba Archival Information Network’s (MAIN) list of current LCSH and recommended alternatives as a foundation, we built a dataset from titles published in the last five years. We show a wide distribution of LCSH used to catalogue fiction and non-fiction, with outdated but recognized terms (...)
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  9.  46
    New Papyri The Oxyrhynchus Papyri. Part XVII. Edited with translations and notes by Arthur S. Hunt. The Egypt Exploration Society, 1928. Pp. xv + 313; 4 plates. 42s. Catalogue of the Literary Papyri in the British Museum. Edited by H. J. Milne. London: published by the Trustees, 1927. Pp. xvi + 243; 12 plates. 40s. [REVIEW]C. M. Bowra - 1928 - The Classical Review 42 (04):131-133.
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    The scientific life of William Scoresby Jnr, with a catalogue of his instruments and apparatus in the Whitby Museum.Anita McConnell - 1986 - Annals of Science 43 (3):257-286.
    William Scoresby Jnr spent the first years of his working life as a whaler, and then became an ordained minister of the Church of England. His early writings on the environment of the Greenland Sea gained him a reputation as an Arctic scientist. In the later part of his life he turned to the investigation of magnetism as it concerned the ship's compass, trying to find the best form of needle, and how the compass was affected by the magnetism of (...)
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  11.  27
    Michael Hunter , Letters and Papers of Robert Boyle: A Guide to the Manuscripts and Microfilm. Collections from the Royal Society. Bethesda, Maryland: University Publications of America, 1992. Pp. xlix + 90. ISBN 1-55655-217-3. No price given. - Peter Jones , Sir Isaac Newton: A Catalogue of Manuscripts and Papers Collected and Published on Microfilm by Chadwyck-Healey. Cambridge: Chadwyck-Healey, 1991. Pp. xi + 148. ISBN 0-85964-226-7. £50.00. [REVIEW]John Henry - 1994 - British Journal for the History of Science 27 (1):115-116.
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    The Published Works of Jacques Rancière.Cody Hennesy - 2011 - Symposium 15 (2):120-149.
    This bibliography is the most comprehensive compilation of Jacques Rancière's published works to date. It is not intended, however, to be the definitive catalogue of his intellectual output. In the first instance, it does not include works and interviews published in languages other than French and English. Some publications, particularly shorter works in French periodicals, have not been included, and a few of the more obscure publications listed below have been confirmed only through their appearance in secondary sources. Unpublished materials, (...)
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  13.  34
    How lives became lists and scientific papers became data: cataloguing authorship during the nineteenth century.Alex Csiszar - 2017 - British Journal for the History of Science 50 (1):23-60.
    TheCatalogue of Scientific Papers, published by the Royal Society of London beginning in 1867, projected back to the beginning of the nineteenth century a novel vision of the history of science in which knowledge was built up out of discrete papers each connected to an author. Its construction was an act of canon formation that helped naturalize the idea that scientific publishing consisted of special kinds of texts and authors that were set apart from the wider landscape of publishing. By (...)
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  14.  13
    Building A Corpus of Open Ancient Greek: New Ways to Learn, Teach, and Publish.Leonard Muellner - 2021 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 10:293-305.
    Documents the history and rationale as well as the technology for the creation of an open online corpus of Ancient Greek texts, the Free First Thousand Years of Greek. Reveals the energy on a worldwide basis for building open data along with the boundless creativity around developing software tools for teaching, research, and publishing that exploit open data in ways that were impossible before.
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  15.  5
    The Literature of Political Economy: A Classified Catalogue of Select Publications in the Different Departments of That Science, with Historical, Critical and Biographical Notices.J. RMcCulloch - 2016 - Cambridge University Press.
    A friend, correspondent and intellectual successor to David Ricardo, John Ramsay McCulloch forged his reputation in the emerging field of political economy by publishing deeply researched articles in Scottish periodicals and the Encyclopaedia Britannica. From 1828 he spent nearly a decade as professor of political economy at the newly founded University of London, thereafter becoming comptroller of the Stationery Office. Perhaps the first professional economist, McCulloch had become internationally renowned by the middle of the century, recognised for sharing his ideas (...)
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  16.  40
    In the twilight of Dooyeweerd’s corpus: The publishing history of in the twilight of western thought and the future of Dooyeweerd studies.Paul Otto - 2005 - Philosophia Reformata 70 (1):23-40.
    previous editions or to the original lectures, the nature of the lectures themselves , and what role Dooyeweerd had in bringing the lectures to publication or seeing them later revised. Some 45 years distant from the original publication, some of these questions can be answered, but not all. Nevertheless, they should not be ignored. For In the Twilight of Western Thought to be valuable in the present-day to readers interested in Dooyeweerd’s thought, what little can be established concerning the editorial (...)
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    Genes go digital: Mendelian Inheritance in Man and the genealogy of electronic publishing in biomedicine.Michael F. McGovern - forthcoming - British Journal for the History of Science:1-19.
    Mendelian Inheritance in Man, a computerized catalogue of human genetic disorders authored and maintained by cardiologist and medical genetics pioneer Victor A. McKusick, played a major part in demarcating between a novel biomedical science and the eugenic projects of racial betterment which existed prior to its emergence. Nonetheless, it built upon prior efforts to systematize genetic knowledge tied to individuals and institutions invested in eugenics. By unpacking the process of digitizing a homespun cataloguing project and charting its development into an (...)
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  18.  44
    Undergraduate Research Involving Human Subjects Should not be Granted Ethical Approval Unless it is Likely to be of Publishable Quality.Cathal T. Gallagher, Lisa J. McDonald & Niamh P. McCormack - 2014 - HEC Forum 26 (2):169-180.
    Small-scale research projects involving human subjects have been identified as being effective in developing critical appraisal skills in undergraduate students. In deciding whether to grant ethical approval to such projects, university research ethics committees must weigh the benefits of the research against the risk of harm or discomfort to the participants. As the learning objectives associated with student research can be met without the need for human subjects, the benefit associated with training new healthcare professionals cannot, in itself, justify such (...)
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  19.  19
    What is pragmatism?James Bissett Pratt - 1909 - New York: AMS Press.
    Trieste Publishing has a massive catalogue of classic book titles. Our aim is to provide readers with the highest quality reproductions of fiction and non-fiction literature that has stood the test of time. The many thousands of books in our collection have been sourced from libraries and private collections around the world.The titles that Trieste Publishing has chosen to be part of the collection have been scanned to simulate the original. Our readers see the books the same way that their (...)
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  20.  8
    The reform of education.Giovanni Gentile - 1922 - New York: AMS Press.
    Trieste Publishing has a massive catalogue of classic book titles. Our aim is to provide readers with the highest quality reproductions of fiction and non-fiction literature that has stood the test of time. The many thousands of books in our collection have been sourced from libraries and private collections around the world.The titles that Trieste Publishing has chosen to be part of the collection have been scanned to simulate the original. Our readers see the books the same way that their (...)
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  21.  5
    What Should I Believe? an Inquiry Into the Nature, Grounds and Value of the Faiths of Science, Society, Morals and Religion. [1915].George Trumbull Ladd - 2017 - Trieste Publishing.
    Trieste Publishing has a massive catalogue of classic book titles. Our aim is to provide readers with the highest quality reproductions of fiction and non-fiction literature that has stood the test of time. The many thousands of books in our collection have been sourced from libraries and private collections around the world.The titles that Trieste Publishing has chosen to be part of the collection have been scanned to simulate the original. Our readers see the books the same way that their (...)
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  22.  11
    Vom lokalen Bestand zur weltweiten Vernetzung. Mittelalterliche Handschriften im Netz.Timo Steyer & Torsten Schaßan - 2019 - Das Mittelalter 24 (1):188-204.
    Using the example of the Herzog August Bibliothek, the paper shows how (medieval) manuscripts are currently catalogued in the digital environment and how the data is published and shared with other relevant communities. The paper focuses both on the process of data production as well as the exchange and re-use of data. In particular, the paper will discuss the challenges of distributing the data into non-specialised databases. Two elements are crucial here: firstly, the standardised modelling of manuscript-related information, including semantic (...)
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  23.  15
    Making Biomedical Sciences publications more accessible for machines.Joris Van Meenen, Hanne Leysen, Hongyu Chen, Rudi Baccarne, Deborah Walter, Bronwen Martin & Stuart Maudsley - 2022 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 25 (2):179-190.
    With the rapidly expanding catalogue of scientific publications, especially within the Biomedical Sciences field, it is becoming increasingly difficult for researchers to search for, read or even interpret emerging scientific findings. PubMed, just one of the current biomedical data repositories, comprises over 33 million citations for biomedical research, and over 2500 publications are added each day. To further strengthen the impact biomedical research, we suggest that there should be more synergy between publications and machines. By bringing machines into the realm (...)
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  24.  6
    Sören Kierkegaard als Philosoph.Harald Höffding - 1896 - Stuttgart,: F. Frommann.
    Trieste Publishing has a massive catalogue of classic book titles. Our aim is to provide readers with the highest quality reproductions of fiction and non-fiction literature that has stood the test of time. The many thousands of books in our collection have been sourced from libraries and private collections around the world.The titles that Trieste Publishing has chosen to be part of the collection have been scanned to simulate the original. Our readers see the books the same way that their (...)
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  25.  10
    Silvia, Aetheria, or Egeria?J. F. Mountford - 1923 - Classical Quarterly 17 (1):40-41.
    When Gamurrini first published the Peregrinatio ad loca sancta, the narrative by an abbess of a pilgrimage undertaken to the Holy Land in the last quarter of the fourth century, he identified the authoress with Silvia, the sister of Arcadius' minister Rufinus. Heraeus, however, in his edition lends the weight of his authority to the view that the work was written by a certain Aetheria, and in his preface gives solid reasons for his preference. He also states that a thirteenth-century (...)
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  26.  19
    The Edition of a Sermon on the Decalogue Attributed to Robert Grosseteste.James Mcevoy - 2001 - Recherches de Theologie Et Philosophie Medievales 68 (2):228-244.
    In his catalogue of the manuscripts of Grosseteste's writings S.H. Thomson attributed to him a number of sermons each of which is free standing and none of which belongs to the sermon collection made after the bishop's death. One of these is found in the British Library MS Harley 979, where it occupies fols 37va-39rb. It is written in seven columns, in a hand of the second half of the thirteenth century. This sermon on the commandments is ascribed to Grosseteste (...)
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  27.  25
    From priapus to cytherea: A sequential reading of the catalepton.Niklas Holzberg - 2018 - Classical Quarterly 68 (2):557-565.
    In an article published thirteen years ago, I tried to break new ground by showing that the texts transmitted under the titleCataleptonas the work of Virgil can be seen to form an elaborately arranged and highly allusive book of verse written by a single author. This latter, I argued, was identical with the anonymous poet who, in an epilogue, represents the preceding poems as the juvenilia of the author later known for hisBucolics,GeorgicsandAeneidand, consequently, is himself speaking in the alleged early (...)
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    Correcting the Scholarly Record for Research Integrity: In the Aftermath of Plagiarism.M. V. Dougherty - 2018 - Cham: Springer.
    This volume is the first book-length study on post-publication responses to academic plagiarism in humanities disciplines. It demonstrates that the correction of the scholarly literature for plagiarism is not a task for editors and publishers alone; each member of the research community has an indispensable role in maintaining the integrity of the published literature in the aftermath of plagiarism. If untreated, academic plagiarism damages the integrity of the scholarly record, corrupts the surrounding academic enterprise, and creates inefficiencies across all levels (...)
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    Philosophy from an Empirical Standpoint: Essays on Carl Stumpf.Andrea Staiti - 2018 - Philosophical Quarterly 68 (270):212-214.
    © The Author 2017. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of The Scots Philosophical Association and the University of St Andrews. All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail: [email protected] Fisette and Riccardo Martinelli have put together the most comprehensive, ambitious, and engaging collection of essays on the philosophy of Carl Stumpf to date. The volume is impressive in both scope and depth. It covers every single aspect of Stumpf's contribution to philosophy, including issues in the philosophy of mathematics, metaphysics, (...)
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    What's Left in Her Wake: In Honor of Adrienne Asch.Elizabeth F. Emens - 2014 - Hastings Center Report 44 (2):19-21.
    In 1987, Adrienne Asch published a short essay entitled “What's Missing (or What I Haven't Found Yet).” The essay sketched an agenda for future research in disability studies by cataloguing the questions she wished had been answered and the research she wished had been conducted thus far in the field. My tribute to Adrienne, written just over twenty‐five years later, charts a similar path.In this short essay, I will not rehearse the questions that Adrienne set out in the pages of (...)
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    What Do We Mean by ‘That’s a Fallacious Narrative’?Paula Olmos - 2023 - Argumentation 37 (2):307-321.
    This paper tries to offer a descriptive account of the normative workings of evaluative fallacy charges directed to narratives. In order to do that, I first defend the continuity and mutual dependence, as based on a dynamical conception of argument, between the ‘belief conception’ and the ‘argumentative conception’ of fallacy. Then, I construe a catalogue of ‘fallacy charges’ based on both such a continuity and the variety of counterarguments explored by the theoretical framework of Argument Dialectics. And finally, I apply (...)
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    Magis morale quam mathematicum. Der gestohlene Beweis (Mai 1705 – März 1706).Sandra Bella - 2019 - Studia Leibnitiana 51 (2):176.
    During the querelle des infiniment petits Leibniz wrote several texts addressed to Parisian savants to justify the use of the differential calculus, but only three of them were made public. One of the three, the “Sentiment de Monsieur Leibnitz”, was published without authorization in 1706 at the peak of the quarrel, together with the writings of other mathematicians united in the defence of the new calculus ( Joseph Saurin, Jacob Hermann and the Bernoulli brothers). However, Jean-Paul Bignon, director of the (...)
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  33.  37
    An Examination of Katta Langar Mushaf Dated to the Early Period in Terms of Mushaf Sciences.Şeyma Genan, Betül Genan, Elif Behnan Bozdoğan & Nevrin Nur Aslan - 2023 - Sakarya Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 25 (47):55-88.
    This article deals with the Katta Langar manuscript, which is known as one of the earliest Qur'ān copies attributed to III. Caliph Uthman. The study consists of an introduction, a conclusion and two sections. The introduction section begins with the information that the Katta Langar Mushaf which is called by this name relative to the Katta Langar village of Uzbekistan, is in the library of the Tashkent Uzbekistan Muslims Administration. Only ninety-seven pages of the mushaf, which was lost for a (...)
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    The Hardwick Library and Hobbes's Early Intellectual Development.Richard Talaska - 2001 - Philosophy Documentation Center.
    This work publishes the entirety of Hobbes's MS E.1.A, "Old Catalogue," the 1630s catalogue of the Hardwick/Chatsworth library. The author provides handwriting samples and a full discussion of the problem of identifying Hobbes's handwriting to prove that the "Old Catalogue" is in Hobbes's own handwriting. He goes on to prove that almost all the books in the library were purchased by the Devonshires for Hobbes's own purposes, and that the Catalogue dates to the 1630s.
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    Turner's Classicism and the Problem of Periodization in the History of Art.Philipp Fehl - 1976 - Critical Inquiry 3 (1):93-129.
    It was the general practice until not at all long ago to look at Turner as one of the moderns, if not as one of the founding fathers of modern art. He was a man straddling the fence between two periods, but he was looking forward. In a history of art that marches through time, forever endorsing what is about to be forgotten, wrapping up, as it were, one style to open eagerly the package of the next, such a position (...)
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  36. The Spatial Dynamics of National Minority Categories in Czechia– a Discourse Historical Perspective.Sylva Reznikova - forthcoming - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique:1-16.
    The absence of a universally recognized definition of national minority is perceived as problematic by legal scholars on the international level as well as in domestic jurisdictions [Kymlicka, Will. 2015. Solidarity in diverse societies: Beyond neoliberal multiculturalism and welfare chauvinism. _Comparative Migration Studies_., Ringelheim, Julie. 2010. Minority Rights in a Time of Multiculturalism-The Evolving Scope of the Framework Convention on the Protection of National Minorities. _Human rights law review_., Velázquez, Elisa Ortega. 2017. Minority rights for immigrants: From Multiculturalism (...)
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    Leviathan: Body Politic as Visual Strategy in the Work of Thomas Hobbes.Horst Bredekamp - 2020 - Boston: De Gruyter.
    Horst Bredekamp’s subject is the astute deployment and perennial resonance of the startling image of the body politic that dominates the frontispiece to Leviathan: a treatise on the psychology of the individual and the dynamic of the multitude, published in 1651 by the English philosopher Thomas Hobbes. Affirming the centrality of such a figural device for this pioneering theorist of the state, Bredekamp goes on to address the art-historical dimension of the mesmerising etched title-page. In his central chapters he explores (...)
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    A propaedeutic to Walter Benjamin.David Socher - 2009 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 43 (4):pp. 1-8.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:A Propaedeutic to Walter BenjaminDavid Socher (bio)I took the picture—the Marines took Iwo Jima.—Joe Rosenthal (1912-2006)The Emerson College Web site on Walter Benjamin's essay The Work of Art in an Age of Mechanical Reproduction1 nicely animates some ideas of the essay. One such idea is the following: To an ever greater degree the work of art reproduced becomes the work of art designed for reproducibility. When Benjamin wrote this (...)
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    Hesiodea.M. L. West - 1961 - Classical Quarterly 11 (3-4):130-.
    This important and extensive fragment of the Catalogues is preserved on a papyrus of the third century A.D., no. 10560 in the Berlin collection. First published in 1907 by Schubart and Wilamowitz, Berliner Klassikertexte, v. 1. 31 ff. , it was also collated by Crönert, who published his readings in Hermes xlii , 610 ff. The most recent edition is that of Merkelbach, Die Hesiod-fragmente auf Papyrus , pp. 24 ff. The photograph mentioned above is the only one published. (...)
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  40. Socrates on trial 2008 [videorecording] : cast and story / filmed and edited by Antoine Bourges ; directed by Joan Bryans.A. D. Irvine, Antoine Bourges & Joan Bryans - unknown
    NOTES: Based on the book Socrates on trial written by Andrew Irvine and published by the University of Toronto Press. Performed at the Chan Centre for the Performing Arts, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada, May 31-June 7, 2008. CONTENTS: Trailer, Who was Socrates?, Selected scenes, The production, Credits. UBC Library Catalogue Permanent URL:
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    The Medieval Manuscripts of the Works and Days.M. L. West - 1974 - Classical Quarterly 24 (02):161-.
    The Works and Days is contained in far more manuscripts than the other Hesiodic poems. Altogether there are something over 260, as against seventyodd for the Theogony and sixty-odd for the Shield. Over a hundred of them are later than 1480, the approximate date of the earliest printed edition of the poem; but even when these are subtracted, a formidable number remains, many of which have never been investigated. The present century has seen more done in the way of cataloguing (...)
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    Newton's Easy Quadratures "Omitted for the Sake of Brevity".J. Bruce Brackenridge - 2003 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 57 (4):313-336.
    In the 1687 Principia, Newton gave a solution to the direct problem (given the orbit and center of force, find the central force) for a conic-section with a focal center of force (answer: a reciprocal square force) and for a spiral orbit with a polar center of force (answer: a reciprocal cube force). He did not, however, give solutions for the two corresponding inverse problems (given the force and center of force, find the orbit). He gave a cryptic solution to (...)
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    Wilamowitz's correspondence with british colleagues.William M. Calder - 2002 - Polis 19 (1-2):125-143.
    Ulrich von Wilamowitz-Moellendorff wrote surprisingly often to British colleagues. Usually it was a matter of a letter or two. The prolonged exchange with Gilbert Murray is the exception. More typical is the brief but important one with Sir James George Frazer. Extant evidence attests that he corresponded with some forty Englishmen and Scots. I omit Anglo-Irish: J.B. Bury, J.P. Mahaffy, L.C. Purser and the papyrologist, J.G. Smyly. The evidence is incomplete because most letters after the letter N were stolen and (...)
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  44. Nietzsche's reading and private library, 1885-1889.Thomas H. Brobjer - 1997 - Journal of the History of Ideas 58 (4):663-680.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Nietzsche’s Reading and Private Library, 1885–1889Thomas H. BrobjerOne can easily get the impression that Nietzsche read little, especially later in his life. He criticizes reading because it is not sufficiently life-affirming and Dionysian: “Early in the morning at the break of day, in all the freshness and dawn of one’s strength, to read a book—I call that vicious!...” 1 He also criticizes it for making one reactive and forcing (...)
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    The ruling engines and diffraction gratings of Henry Augustus Rowland.C. N. Brown - 2022 - Annals of Science 79 (1):81-130.
    ABSTRACT During a visit to Europe in the autumn of 1882, Henry Augustus Rowland, Professor of Physics at Johns Hopkins University, displayed diffraction gratings produced on a ruling engine he had designed and built, which were bigger and much higher quality than any previously made. Some were of a novel type, ruled on concave surfaces, which he used in a simple but equally novel spectroscope that he had devised, to reveal spectral lines in great detail, and by means of photography (...)
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    Hugo Grotius’s De iure belli ac pacis: a Report on the Worldwide Census of the Second Edition (1626).Edward Jones Corredera, Lara Muschel & Mark Somos - 2022 - Grotiana 43 (1):236-245.
    The first edition of Hugo Grotius’s De iure belli ac pacis was published in Paris by Nicolas Buon in 1625. An unauthorised second edition appeared in Frankfurt a year later, from the reputable Wechel press. After Grotius made hundreds of changes to the first and second states of the first edition, and failed to convince the publisher Nicolas Buon of the merits of printing yet another edition of the book, the Wechels’s release of a new edition sought to capitalise on (...)
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    Weaponising speculation: conference and exhibition.Caoimhe Doyle (ed.) - 2014 - [Brooklyn, New York]: Punctum books.
    This book contains the proceedings from Weaponising Speculation, a two-day conference and exhibition that took place in Dublin in March 2013. Weaponising Speculation was organised by D.U.S.T. (Dublin Unit for Speculative Thought) and aimed to be an exploration of the various expressions of DIY theory operative in the elsewheres, the shafts and tunnels of the para-academy. The topics covered all come under the welcoming embrace of speculation, spanning a broad range: from art, philosophy, nature, fiction, and computation to spiders, culinary (...)
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  48.  26
    Cynthia: A Companion to the Text of Propertius by S. J. Heyworth (review).Luigi Galasso - 2015 - American Journal of Philology 136 (1):169-173.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Cynthia: A Companion to the Text of Propertius by S. J. HeyworthLuigi GalassoS. J. Heyworth. Cynthia: A Companion to the Text of Propertius. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007, first published in paperback 2009 (with corrections). xiii + 648 pp. Paper. £56.Cynthia represents the hypomnemata to the edition of Propertius by Stephen Heyworth. It is an indispensable tool for readers of the new Oxford Classical Text of Propertius and (...)
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    The Works of Robert Boyle (review).Jan W. Wojcik - 2002 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 40 (4):543-545.
    Jan W. Wojcik - The Works of Robert Boyle - Journal of the History of Philosophy 40:4 Journal of the History of Philosophy 40.4 543-545 Book Review The Works of Robert Boyle Robert Boyle. The Works of Robert Boyle. 14 vols. Edited by Michael Hunter and Edward B. Davis. London: Pickering & Chatto, 1999, 2000. Cloth, $1,950. This is the first edition of Boyle's oeuvre since that of Thomas Birch , and is the first scholarly edition ever. It is a (...)
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    Announcement from Perspectives in Biology and Medicine.Martha Montello - 2018 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 61 (4):465-466.
    Beginning with this issue, the "Review Essays" section of the journal has been renamed "Critical Assessments." The new name more accurately describes not only the content of the section but also the journal's methods of assessment. Submissions to the section are peer reviewed; published essays are catalogued and indexed like the rest of the content of Perspectives in Biology and Medicine.Where many journals publish reviews on the assets and liabilities of newly published books, the Critical Assessments section of Perspectives in (...)
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