Results for ' pure indexicals'

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  1. The impurity of “pureindexicals.Allyson Mount - 2008 - Philosophical Studies 138 (2):193 - 209.
    Within the class of indexicals, a distinction is often made between “pure” or “automatic” indexicals on one hand, and demonstratives or “discretionary” indexicals on the other. The idea is supposed to be that certain indexicals refer automatically and invariably to a particular feature of the utterance context: ‘I’ refers to the speaker, ‘now’ to the time of utterance, ‘here’ to the place of utterance, etc. Against this view, I present cases where reference shifts from the (...)
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    'I'as a Pure Indexical and Metonymy as Language Reduction.Esther Romero & Belén Soria - 2001 - In P. Bouquet V. Akman (ed.), Modeling and Using Context. Springer. pp. 436--449.
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  3. & B. Sofia.? I'a8 a Pure indexical and Metonymy as Language Reduction.E. Romero - 2001 - In P. Bouquet V. Akman (ed.), Modeling and Using Context. Springer.
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  4. Quasi Indexicals.Justin Khoo - 2018 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 100 (1):26-53.
    I argue that not all context dependent expressions are alike. Pure (or ordinary) indexicals behave more or less as Kaplan thought. But quasi indexicals behave in some ways like indexicals and in other ways not like indexicals. A quasi indexical sentence φ allows for cases in which one party utters φ and the other its negation, and neither party’s claim has to be false. In this sense, quasi indexicals are like pure indexicals (...)
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  5. Gerald Vision and Indexicals.Julia Colterjohn & Duncan MacIntosh - 1986 - Analysis 47 (1):58-60.
    The indexical thesis says that the indexical terms, “I”, “here” and “now” necessarily refer to the person, place and time of utterance, respectively, with the result that the sentence, “I am here now” cannot express a false proposition. Gerald Vision offers supposed counter-examples: he says, “I am here now”, while pointing to the wrong place on a map; or he says it in a note he puts in the kitchen for his wife so she’ll know he’s home even though he’s (...)
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  6. Are 'here' and 'now' indexicals?Francois Recanati - 2001 - Texte 27:115-127.
    It is argued there is nothing special or deviant about the use of 'now' to refer to a time in the past (or about the use of 'here' to refer to a distant place) — no need to appeal to pragmatic mechanisms such as context-shifting to account for such uses. Such uses are puzzling only if one (mistakenly) maintains that 'here' and 'now' are pure indexicals. In the paper it is claimed that they are more similar to demonstratives (...)
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  7. A Note on Essential Indexicals of Direction.Rogério Passos Severo - 2012 - Thought: A Journal of Philosophy 1 (1):10-15.
    Some authors claim that ‘I’ and ‘now’ are essential indexicals, in the sense that they cannot be eliminated in favor of other indexicals or nonindexical expressions. This article argues that three indexicals of direction—one for each spatial dimension (e.g., ‘up’, ‘front’, and ‘left’)—must also be regarded essential, insofar as they are used as pure indexicals and not as demonstratives.
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  8. Indexicals and demonstratives.Maite Ezcurdia - 2002 - In Lynn Nadel (ed.), Encyclopedia of Cognitive Science. Macmillan.
    Indexicals are expressions that vary in reference according to the context in which they are used. They are of two sorts: pure, and impure or demonstrative. Unlike pure indexicals, demonstratives require an extralinguistic element, like a demonstration or an intention of a certain sort, in order to refer.
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    Indexes: Cultural Nature and Natural Culture.Massimo Leone - 2021 - Rivista di Estetica 76:112-129.
    Umberto Eco’s essential contribution to semiotics consisted in finding a theoretical equilibrium between deconstructive tendencies, aiming at presenting cultural habits as pure conventional but naturalized products, and motivational trends, claiming the natural fundament of constructed cultural habits. Fully comprehending and turning into analytical frame the concept of sign in Charles S. Peirce was instrumental to reach such equilibrium. In no other aspect of Umberto Eco’s semiotics it manifests itself with more evidence than in the characterization of indexes. The article (...)
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  10. Fake indexicals: morphosyntax, or pragmasemantics?Emar Maier & Kees de Schepper - 2010
    In this paper we defend a rather traditional view of pronouns that is based on the fundamental opposition between reference and anaphora: local pronouns are referential, like names and other indexicals, while third person proouns are anaphoric. We argue against the grammatical classification based on the opposition between pronouns and R-expressions: all pronouns, but not names and other indexicals, are systematically ambiguous between a bound-variable and a referential reading. More specifically we aim to defuse Kratzer's recent argumentation aimed (...)
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  11. Kaplan's Sloppy Thinker and the Demonstrative Origin of Indexicals.Carlo Penco & Guido Borghi - 2018 - Quaderni di Semantica (special issue):137-157.
    In this paper we give some suggestions from etymology on the contrast between Kaplan’s direct reference theory and a neo-Fregean view on indexicals. After a short summary of the philosophical debate on indexicals (§1), we use some remarks about the hidden presence of a demonstrative root in all indexicals to derive some provisional doubts concerning Kaplan’s criticism of what he calls “sloppy thinker” (§2). To support those doubts, we will summarise some etymological data on the derivation of (...)
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    Index sets for Π01 classes.Douglas Cenzer & Jeffrey Remmel - 1998 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 93 (1):3-61.
    A Π01 class is an effectively closed set of reals. We study properties of these classes determined by cardinality, measure and category as well as by the complexity of the members of a class P. Given an effective enumeration {Pe:e < ω} of the Π01 classes, the index set I for a certain property is the set of indices e such that Pe has the property. For example, the index set of binary Π01 classes of positive measure is Σ02 complete. (...)
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  13. Master Index to Volumes 61-70.Z. Adamowicz, K. Ambos-Spies, A. H. Lachlan, R. I. Soare, R. A. Shore, M. A. da ArchangelskyTaitslin, S. Artemov & J. Bagaria - 1994 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 70:289-294.
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    Index.Anthony Savile - 2005 - In Kant's Critique of Pure Reason: An Orientation to the Central Theme. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 145–148.
    The prelims comprise: Half Title Title Copyright Contents.
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  15. A Complete Index to Kemp Smith's Translation of Immanuel Kant's Critique of Pure Reason.Stephen Palmquist & Immanuel Kant - 1987 - S.R. Palmquist.
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    Master index to volumes 11-30”.U. Abraham, M. Rubin & S. Shelah - 1986 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 30 (3):323-329.
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  17. More on the Interactive Indexing Semantic Theory.John Dilworth - 2010 - Minds and Machines 20 (3):455-474.
    This article further explains and develops a recent, comprehensive semantic naturalization theory, namely the interactive indexing (II) theory as described in my 2008 Minds and Machines article Semantic Naturalization via Interactive Perceptual Causality (Vol. 18, pp. 527–546). Folk views postulate a concrete intentional relation between cognitive states and the worldly states they are about. The II theory eliminates any such concrete intentionality, replacing it with purely causal relations based on the interactive theory of perception. But intentionality is preserved via purely (...)
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    Kant-Index: Band 5: Stellenindex und Konkordanz zur "Wiener Logik".Riccardo Pozzo - 2000 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 38 (2):284-285.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Kant-Index: Band 5: Stellenindex und Konkordanz zur "Wiener Logik,"Riccardo PozzoNorbert Hinske. Kant-Index: Band 5: Stellenindex und Konkordanz zur "Wiener Logik," Erstellt in Zusammenarbeit mit Heinrich P. Delfosse und Michael Oberhausen unter Mitwirkung von Hans-Werner Bartz, Christian Popp, Tina Strauch und Michael Trauth. Bad Cannstatt: frommann-holzboog, 1999. Pp. Cxiii + 865.The Wiener Logik has long led a shadowy existence. This has nothing to do with the quality of the (...)
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  19. Empirical investigation of indexical externalism about “social-kind” terms.Philippe De Brabanter & Bruno Leclercq - unknown
    Are there “social kinds” the way there are “natural kinds”? Are social sciences likely to hit upon “essences” the way natural sciences do? Or are all social phenomena purely theoretical constructs? Questions about whether there are natural kinds, what exactly they are and which kinds of phenomena they cover have been the object of heated epistemological and metaphysical debates. We think the issues can be clarified within the limits of the philosophy of language: by looking into what ranges of general (...)
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  20. Master Index to Volumes 71-80.K. A. Abrahamson, R. G. Downey, M. R. Fellows, A. W. Apter, M. Magidor, M. I. da ArchangelskyDekhtyar, M. A. Taitslin, M. A. Arslanov & S. Lempp - 1996 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 80:293-298.
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    Melvyn C. Usselman. Pure Intelligence: The Life of William Hyde Wollaston. xv + 413 pp., figs., bibl., index. Chicago/London: University of Chicago Press, 2015. $35. [REVIEW]Theresa Levitt - 2016 - Isis 107 (3):637-638.
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    Zero-Tense vs. Indexical Construals of the Present in French L11.Hamida Demirdache & Oana Lungu - 2011 - In Renate Musan & Monika Rathert (eds.), Tense across Languages. Niemeyer. pp. 541--233.
    On the basis of an experimental investigation of the construals of present under past in child French, we argue that French children, just like Japanese adult speakers, but unlike French adult speakers, allow pure simultaneous construals of present under past, where the present denotes an interval that lies completely in the past, be it in relative or complement clauses. We conclude that French children have two presents: an indexical present and a zero present (just like Japanese adults, cf. Ogihara (...)
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    Index sets in the arithmetical Hierarchy.Ulrike Brandt - 1988 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 37 (2):101-110.
    We prove the following results: every recursively enumerable set approximated by finite sets of some set M of recursively enumerable sets with index set in π 2 is an element of M , provided that the finite sets in M are canonically enumerable. If both the finite sets in M and in M̄ are canonically enumerable, then the index set of M is in σ 2 ∩ π 2 if and only if M consists exactly of the sets approximated by (...)
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    Index sets for some classes of structures.Ekaterina B. Fokina - 2009 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 157 (2-3):139-147.
    For a class K of structures, closed under isomorphism, the index set is the set I of all indices for computable members of K in a universal computable numbering of all computable structures for a fixed computable language. We study the complexity of the index set of class of structures with decidable theories. We first prove the result for the class of all structures in an arbitrary finite nontrivial language. After the complexity is found, we prove similar results for some (...)
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    Index sets related to prompt simplicity.Steven Schwarz - 1989 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 42 (3):243-254.
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    Towards an index of linguistic justice.Michele Gazzola, Bengt-Arne Wickström & Mark Fettes - 2023 - Politics, Philosophy and Economics 22 (3):243-270.
    As a step towards a systematic comparative evaluation of the fairness of different language policies, a rationale is presented for the design of an index of linguistic justice based on public policy analysis. The approach taken is to define a ‘minimum threshold of linguistic justice’ with respect to government language policy in three domains: law and order, public administration, and essential services. A hypothetical situation of pure equality and freedom in the choice of language used by all members of (...)
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  27. Empiricism’s Theory of Abstraction as an Index of How it Falls Short of the Idea of an Eidetic Science of Pure Consciousness.Edmund Husserl - 2019 - In First Philosophy: Lectures 1923/24 and Related Texts From the Manuscripts. Dordrecht: Springer Verlag.
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    Rollercoasters are not Fun for Mary: Against Indexical Contextualism.Justina Berškytė - 2021 - Axiomathes 31 (3):315-340.
    Indexical contextualism (IC) is an account of predicates of personal taste (PPTs) which views the semantic content of PPTs as sensitive to the context in which they are uttered, by virtue of their containing an implicit indexical element. Should the context of utterance change, the semantic content carried by the PPT will also change. The main aim of this paper is to show that IC is unable to provide a satisfactory account of PPTs. I look at what I call “ (...)” IC accounts and show that because they fail to respect empirical data regarding disagreements where neither person is at fault, known as “faultless disagreements”, they must be rejected. I then go on to consider what I call IC “plus” (IC+) accounts. Such accounts attempt to account for the faultlessness of such disagreements using a simple indexical semantics, whilst introducing some extra ingredient to account for the disagreement part. I focus on two main versions of IC+: Gutzmann’s (in: Meier, van Wijnberger-Huitink (eds) Subjective meaning: alternatives to relativism, De Gruyter, Berlin, 2016) expressivist account, and López de Sa’s (in: García-Carpintero, Kölbel (eds) Relative truth, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2008; Erkenntnis 80(Supp 1):153–165, 2015) presuppositional account. I discuss some internal worries with these accounts before going on to some final remarks about IC/IC+ in general. I conclude that neither IC nor IC+ can provide a satisfactory semantics for PPTs. (shrink)
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  29. S. R. Palmquist, A Complete Index to Kemp Smith's Translation of Immanuel Kant's Critique of Pure Reason.L. W. Beck - 1989 - Kant Studien 80 (1):121.
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    Perceptual content is indexed to attention.Adrienne Prettyman - 2017 - Synthese 194 (10):4039-4054.
    Attention seems to raise a problem for pure representationalism, the view that phenomenal content supervenes on representational content. The problem is that shifts of attention sometimes seem to bring about a change in phenomenal content without a change in representational content. I argue that the representationalist can meet this challenge, but that doing so requires a new view of the representational content of perception. On this new view, the representational content of perception is always relative to a way of (...)
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  31. Using semantic deference to test an extension of indexical externalism beyond natural-kind terms.Philippe De Brabanter & Bruno Leclercq - unknown
    We offer a new outlook on the vexed question of the reference of natural-kind terms. Since Kripke and Putnam, there is a widespread assumption that natural-kind terms function just like proper names: they designate their referents directly and they are rigid designators: their reference is unchanged even in worlds in which the referent lacks some or all the properties associated with it in the actual world, and which are useful to us in identifying that referent. There have, however, been heated (...)
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    Σ5-completeness of index sets arising from the recursively enumerable Turing degrees.Michael A. Jahn - 1996 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 79 (2):109-137.
    We employ techniques related to Lempp and Lerman's “iterated trees of strategies” to directly measure a Σ5-predicate and use this in showing the index set of the cuppable r.e. sets to be Σ5-complete. We also show how certain technical devices arise naturally out of the iterated-trees context, in particular, links arise as manifestations of a generalized notion of “stage”.
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    ∑5-completeness of index sets arising from the lattice of recursively enumerable sets.Michael A. Jahn - 1996 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 80 (1):55-67.
    We extend the techniques of Jahn to show the index set of the major subsets to be ∑5-complete. This was a question left open in Lempp and its solution involves a level-4 construction. We also show how the measuring of e-states arises naturally out of our iterated-trees approach to breaking up requirements.
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    The grammar of the essential indexical.T. Martin & W. Hinzen - unknown
    Like proper names, demonstratives, and definite descriptions, pronouns have referential uses. These can be 'essentially indexical' in the sense that they cannot be replaced by non-pronominal forms of reference. Here we show that the grammar of pronouns in such occurrences is systematically different from that of other referential expressions, in a way that illuminates the differences in reference in question. We specifically illustrate, in the domain of Romance clitics and pronouns, a hierarchy of referentiality, as related to the topology of (...)
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    Searching for traces: How to connect the sciences and the humanities by a Peircean theory of indexicality.Pape Helmut - 2008 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 44 (1):1-25.
    Are indices a purely linguistic, textual phenomenon or are linguistic indices a special case of a more general type of indexical signs? In comparing Carlo Ginzburg's restrictive view of indices and traces in particular with Peirce's general approach to indexical signs, this paper argues that Peirce's account of indexicality makes it possible to connect the sciences and the humanities by a flexible relational concept of the epistemic function of an identification that indexical experiences allows for. In this way Peirce's flexible (...)
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    Jonathan Rees. The Chemistry of Fear: Harvey Wiley’s Fight for Pure Food. 320 pp., illus., notes, index. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2021. $34.95 (cloth); ISBN 97811421439952. E-book available. [REVIEW]Deborah Fitzgerald - 2022 - Isis 113 (1):200-201.
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    Lewis Pyenson, Neohumanism and the Persistence of Pure Mathematics in Wilhelmian Germany. Philadelphia, American Philosophical Society, 1983. 14,5 × 22, XI + 136 p., index. [REVIEW]Karen Hunger P. Arshall - 1984 - Revue de Synthèse 105 (115):376-377.
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    Daniel J. Cohen. Equations from God: Pure Mathematics and Victorian Faith. x + 242 pp., bibl., index. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2007. $50. [REVIEW]Karen Parshall - 2008 - Isis 99 (1):193-194.
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    Mary Midgley. Science and Poetry. 207 pp., bibl., index. London/New York: Routledge Publishing, 2001. $30.Robert Chianese - 2002 - Isis 93 (2):282-283.
    Mary Midgley's Science and Poetry tackles so many topics of importance that one wants it to be very good. Yet Midgley, a moral philosopher, makes one idea the measure of all things, so that the book is just good enough. Her topic is not really “science and poetry” but the failure of neurobiological reductionism to understand the human mind. That poets understand the mind better than scientists is the subtext of this collection of essays, but the poetic theories Midgley quotes (...)
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  40. Context of utterance and intended context.Claudia Bianchi - 2001 - Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2116:73-86.
    In this paper I expose and criticise the distinction between pure indexicals and demonstratives, held by David Kaplan and John Perry. I oppose the context of material production of the utterance to the “intended context” (the context of interpretation, i.e. the context the speaker indicates as semantically relevant): this opposition introduces an intentional feature into the interpretation of pure indexicals. As far as the indexical I is concerned, I maintain that we must distinguish between the material (...)
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    Thought Experiments Rethought--and Reperceived - Philosopher's Index - ProQuest.Jon McGinnis - 2016 - .
    The study begins with the language employed in and the psychological basis of thought experiments as understood by certain medieval Arabic philosophers. It then provides a taxonomy of different kinds of thoughts experiments used in the medieval Islamic world. These include purely fictional thought experiments, idealizations and finally thought experiments using ingenious machines. The study concludes by suggesting that thought experiments provided a halfway house during this period between a staunch rationalism and an emerging empiricism.
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  42. Purely Intentional Modal Fictionalism.Hicham Jakha - forthcoming - European Journal of Philosophy:e13049.
    This article brings two outstanding figures into conversation about the problem of fictional entities and their indeterminacies: Roman Ingarden and David Lewis. Lewis’s account of fiction lacks an adequate ontology of ficta-qua-objects. Relying on his modal realism does not help, for it would make ficta “concrete” entities that merely indexically differ from our world’s entities. In this regard, I refer to Ingarden’s “purely intentional entities”. I read Lewis’s possible worlds in terms of Ingarden’s ontology; hence establishing what I term a (...)
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    Christopher Herbert. Victorian Relativity: Radical Thought and Scientific Discovery. xvi + 302 pp., bibl., index. Chicago/London: University of Chicago Press, 2001. $43, £27.50 ; $16, £10.50. [REVIEW]Theodore Porter - 2002 - Isis 93 (2):311-312.
    Christopher Herbert, provoked by the Alan Sokal affair and by bullying critiques of “relativism,” has written this study to demonstrate the prominence of relativistic thought in the sciences of the last two centuries. Although he draws back from any claim that relativity and its opposite, philosophical realism, lead of necessity to particular political positions, he associates the former with liberal tolerance and the latter with mandatory worship in a repressive “church of ‘absolute truth’”. Nazi physicists such as Philipp Lenard, he (...)
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  44. Meaning shift and the purity of 'I'.Edison Barrios - 2013 - Philosophical Studies 164 (1):263-288.
    In this paper I defend the “Standard View” of the semantics of ‘I’—according to which ‘I’ is a pure, automatic indexical—from a challenge posed by “deferred reference” cases, in which occurrences of ‘I’ are (allegedly) not speaker-referential, and thus non-automatic. In reply, I offer an alternative account of the cases in question, which I call the “Description Analysis” (DA). According to DA, seemingly deferred-referential occurrences of the first person pronoun are interpreted as constituents of a definite description, whose operator (...)
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  45. Critique of Pure Reason.Paul Guyer & Allen W. Wood (eds.) - 1929 - Cambridge University Press.
    This entirely new translation of Critique of Pure Reason is the most accurate and informative English translation ever produced of this epochal philosophical text. Though its simple and direct style will make it suitable for all new readers of Kant, the translation displays an unprecedented philosophical and textual sophistication that will enlighten Kant scholars as well. This translation recreates as far as possible a text with the same interpretative nuances and richness as the original. The extensive editorial apparatus includes (...)
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    On the Turing degrees of minimal index sets.Jason Teutsch - 2007 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 148 (1):63-80.
    We study generalizations of shortest programs as they pertain to Schaefer’s problem. We identify sets of -minimal and -minimal indices and characterize their truth-table and Turing degrees. In particular, we show , , and that there exists a Kolmogorov numbering ψ satisfying both and . This Kolmogorov numbering also achieves maximal truth-table degree for other sets of minimal indices. Finally, we show that the set of shortest descriptions, , is 2-c.e. but not co-2-c.e. Some open problems are left for the (...)
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    Matthew Ratcliffe: Experiences of Depression: A Study in Phenomenology: Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK, 2015, x + 305 pp + index, $59.95. [REVIEW]Robert D. Stolorow - 2016 - Human Studies 39 (2):307-311.
    In this review essay, the author commends Matthew Ratcliffe for his masterful and highly valuable account of the emotional phenomenology of existential change—of shifts in our experience of belonging to a shared world of possibilities—but criticizes him for his commitments to two frameworks that are actually extraneous and inimical to his project and that perpetuate remnants of Cartesian isolated-mind thinking—Husserlian ‘‘pure phenomenology’’ and traditional diagnostic psychiatry. The author contends that Ratcliffe’s devotion to a decontextualizing psychiatric language in particular conceals (...)
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    (1 other version)Critique of Pure Reason: Unified Edition.Immanuel Kant - 1996 - Hackett Publishing Company.
    Like Werner Pluhar's distinguished translation of _Critique of Judgment_, this new rendering of _Critique of Pure Reason_ reflects the elegant achievement of a master translator. This richly annotated volume offers translations of the complete texts of both the First and Second editions, as well as Kant's own notes. Extensive editorial notes by Werner Pluhar and James Ellington supply explanatory and terminological comments, translations of Latin and other foreign expressions, variant readings, cross-references to other passages in the text and in (...)
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    Raùl Rojas;, Ulf Hashagen . The First Computers: History and Architectures. xiv + 457 pp., illus., figs., tables, app., index. Cambridge, Mass./London: MIT Press, 2000. $39.95. [REVIEW]Janet Abbate - 2002 - Isis 93 (2):341-341.
    How much should we know about the underlying structure of a technological artifact in order to understand its history? Quite a bit, according to the authors of The First Computers: History and Architectures. This book, a collection of papers presented at the International Conference on the History of Computing in 1998, is aimed at computer scientists and programmers as well as historians of science and technology. The term “architecture” is used in computing to refer to the structure and capabilities of (...)
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    David H. Levy. Shoemaker by Levy: The Man Who Made an Impact. xvi + 303 pp., illus., tables, bibl., index.Princeton, N.J./Oxford: Princeton University Press, 2000. $27.50, £15.95. [REVIEW]Ursula Marvin - 2002 - Isis 93 (1):156-157.
    This book, written by a close friend, recounts episodes in the life and career of Eugene M. Shoemaker , an ever‐youthful geologist with a passionate interest in applying geological principles to the moon and planets. In the early 1960s Shoemaker persuaded the U.S. Geological Survey to found an Astrogeology Branch, of which he served as the first director, to search for impact scars on the earth and to map the moon and other planetary bodies. He also played a leadership role (...)
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