Results for ' rational decision'

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  1.  23
    (1 other version)Rational Decisions.Ken Binmore - 2009 - Princeton University Press.
    It is widely held that Bayesian decision theory is the final word on how a rational person should make decisions. However, Leonard Savage--the inventor of Bayesian decision theory--argued that it would be ridiculous to use his theory outside the kind of small world in which it is always possible to "look before you leap." If taken seriously, this view makes Bayesian decision theory inappropriate for the large worlds of scientific discovery and macroeconomic enterprise. When is it (...)
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    (1 other version)Rational Decision and Causality.Ellery Eells - 1982 - Cambridge University Press.
    In past years, the traditional Bayesian theory of rational decision making, based on subjective calculations of expected utility, has faced powerful attack from philosophers such as David Lewis and Brian Skyrms, who advance an alternative causal decision theory. The test they present for the Bayesian is exemplified in the decision problem known as 'Newcomb's paradox' and in related decision problems and is held to support the prescriptions of the causal theory. As well as his conclusions, (...)
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  3. Rational Decision-Making in a Complex World: Towards an Instrumental, yet Embodied, Account.Ragnar Van der Merwe - 2022 - Logos and Episteme 13 (4):381-404.
    Prima facie, we make successful decisions as we act on and intervene in the world day-to-day. Epistemologists are often concerned with whether rationality is involved in such decision-making practices, and, if so, to what degree. Some, particularly in the post-structuralist tradition, argue that successful decision-making occurs via an existential leap into the unknown rather than via any determinant or criterion such as rationality. I call this view radical voluntarism (RV). Proponents of RV include those who subscribe to a (...)
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    Rational Decision Making: Descriptive, Prescriptive, or Explanatory?Jonathan Michael Kaplan - 2005 - In Alan Jean Nelson, A Companion to Rationalism. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 425–449.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Introduction: Rational Decisions as an Ideal Rational Decision Making? Assumptions and Difficulties: Preferences, Outcome Spaces, and Probabilities in the World Reasons without Decisions What Kinds of Reasons? The Failure of RCT as a Unifying Principle The Failures of RCT and Rethinking Rationality.
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  5. A theory of rational decision in games.Michael Bacharach - 1987 - Erkenntnis 27 (1):17 - 55.
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    Rationing Decisions: From Diversity to Consensus.Lisa Schwartz, Jill Morrison & Frank Sullivan - 1999 - Health Care Analysis 7 (2):195-205.
    As rationing decisions become more of an immediate reality for healthcare practitioners it is important to design mechanisms that facilitate carefully deliberated outcomes. No individual can be expected to be able to cover wide debate on their own, so an exercise has been designed that helps generate consensus decisions from diverse opinions. The exercise was piloted with two groups, an undergraduate medical class and the members of a general practice. Though the aims were different for each group, the tool was (...)
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  7. Transformative experiences, rational decisions and shark attacks.Marc-Kevin Daoust - 2024 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 67 (6):1619-1639.
    How can we make rational decisions that involve transformative experiences, that is, experiences that can radically change our core preferences? L. A. Paul (2014) has argued that many decisions involving transformative experiences cannot be rational. However, Paul acknowledges that some traumatic events can be transformative experiences, but are nevertheless not an obstacle to rational decision-making. For instance, being attacked by hungry sharks would be a transformative experience, and yet, deciding not to swim with hungry sharks is (...)
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  8. Leibniz on Rational Decision-Making.Markku Roinila - 2007 - Dissertation, University of Helsinki
    In this study I discuss G. W. Leibniz's (1646-1716) views on rational decision-making from the standpoint of both God and man. The Divine decision takes place within creation, as God freely chooses the best from an infinite number of possible worlds. While God's choice is based on absolutely certain knowledge, human decisions on practical matters are mostly based on uncertain knowledge. However, in many respects they could be regarded as analogous in more complicated situations. In addition to (...)
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  9. Scientific Rationality, Decisions and Choice.Vihren Bouzov - 2003 - In Dimitri Ginev, Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science, Vol.236. Springer. pp. 17-31.
    Herein below I will try to set out certain innate traits of scientific rationality, by means of making a comparison between leading subjective and objective accounts of it in aspects representative for their explanatory potential. Scientific rationality might well be taken in as a system of specific norms, originating from, and upheld by, a scientific community; norms offering a choice of best decisions in a set of rival alternatives. Hence, a study may be developed up to the evolvement of a (...)
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  10. Rational decision-making in resource-bounded agents.John Pollock - manuscript
    The objective of this paper is to construct an implementable theory of rational decision-making for cognitive agents subject to realistic resource constraints. It is argued that decision-making should select actions indirectly by selecting plans that prescribe them. It is also argued that although expected values provide the tool for evaluating plans, plans cannot be compared straightforwardly in terms of their expected values, and the objective of a realistic agent cannot be to find optimal plans. The theory of (...)
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  11. Moral conditions for methodologically rational decisions.Jan F. Jacko - 2018 - Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities 111:209–223.
    The study’s main thesis is that respect for some moral values is a condition for methodologically rational decisions, namely, decisions which do not satisfy the condition are either not methodologically rational at all, or not fully rational. The paper shows supporting arguments for the thesis in terms of the philosophical theories by Aristotle, Immanuel Kant, Tadeusz Kotarbiński, Max Weber, Jean-Paul Sartre and some other thinkers. Their presentation undergoes phenomenological analysis of the phenomenon of decision making.
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    Confidence in Beliefs and Rational Decision Making.Brian Hill - 2019 - Economics and Philosophy 35 (2):223-258.
    Abstract:The standard, Bayesian account of rational belief and decision is often argued to be unable to cope properly with severe uncertainty, of the sort ubiquitous in some areas of policy making. This paper tackles the question of what should replace it as a guide for rational decision making. It defends a recent proposal, which reserves a role for the decision maker’s confidence in beliefs. Beyond being able to cope with severe uncertainty, the account has strong (...)
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    Locally rational decision-making.Richard M. Shiffrin - 2003 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 26 (2):175-175.
    Colman shows that normative theories of rational decision-making fail to produce rational decisions in simple interactive games. I suggest that well-formed theories are possible in local settings, keeping in mind that a good part of each game is the generation of a rational approach appropriate for that game. The key is rationality defined in terms of the game, not individual decisions.
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  14. Thinking About Acting: Logical Foundations for Rational Decision Making.John L. Pollock - 2006 - , US: Oxford University Press. Edited by John Pollock.
    The objective of this book is to produce a theory of rational decision making for realistically resource-bounded agents. My interest is not in “What should I do if I were an ideal agent?”, but rather, “What should I do given that I am who I am, with all my actual cognitive limitations?” The book has three parts. Part One addresses the question of where the values come from that agents use in rational decision making. The most (...)
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    Rational decision making: balancing RUN and JUMP modes of analysis.Tilmann Betsch & Carsten Held - 2012 - Mind and Society 11 (1):69-80.
    Rationality in decision making is commonly assessed by comparing choice performance against normative standards. We argue that such a performance-centered approach blurs the distinction between rational choice and adaptive behavior. Instead, rational choice should be assessed with regard to the way individuals make analytic decisions. We suggest that analytic decisions can be made in two different modes in which control processes are directed at different levels. In a RUN mode, thought is directed at controlling the operation of (...)
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    Actions, Rationality & Decision.Denis Fisette and Daniel Vanderveken (ed.) - 2008 - Oxford: , College Publications.
    Le présent ouvrage collectif contient les Actes d'un colloque international bilingue sur l'action, les attitudes et la décision que nous avons organisé en hommage à notre regretté collègue J.-Nicolas Kaufmann à Trois-Rivières du 3 au 5 octobre 2002. L'ouvrage présente et discute d'hypothèses, d'enjeux et de théories contemporaines sur l'action, les attitudes, la rationalité et la décision. La première partie intitulée Pensées, actions et engagements contient des contributions de John Searle, Daniel Vanderveken, Candida Jaci de Sousa Melo et Raimo Tuomela (...)
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  17. Leibniz's Models of Rational Decision.Markku Roinila - 2008 - In Marcelo Dascal, Leibniz: What Kind of Rationalist? Springer. pp. 357-370.
    Leibniz frequently argued that reasons are to be weighed against each other as in a pair of scales, as Professor Marcelo Dascal has shown in his article "The Balance of Reason." In this kind of weighing it is not necessary to reach demonstrative certainty – one need only judge whether the reasons weigh more on behalf of one or the other option However, a different kind of account about rational decision-making can be found in some of Leibniz's writings. (...)
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    Moral Desirability and Rational Decision.Christoph Lumer - 2010 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 13 (5):561-584.
    Being a formal and general as well as the most widely accepted approach to practical rationality, rational decision theory should be crucial for justifying rational morals. In particular, acting morally should also be rational in decision theoretic terms. After defending this thesis, in the critical part of the paper two strategies to develop morals following this insight are criticized: game theoretical ethics of cooperation and ethical intuitionism. The central structural objections to ethics of cooperation are (...)
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    Risky‐choice framing and rational decision‐making.Sarah A. Fisher & David R. Mandel - 2021 - Philosophy Compass 16 (8):e12763.
    This article surveys the latest research on risky-choice framing effects, focusing on the implications for rational decision-making. An influential program of psychological research suggests that people's judgements and decisions depend on the way in which information is presented, or ‘framed’. In a central choice paradigm, decision-makers seem to adopt different preferences, and different attitudes to risk, depending on whether the options specify the number of people who will be saved or the corresponding number who will die. It (...)
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  20. We Can Make Rational Decisions to Have a Child: On the Grounds for Rejecting L.A. Paul’s Arguments.Meena Krishnamurthy - 2015 - In Sarah Hannan, Samantha Brennan & Richard Vernon, Permissible Progeny?: The Morality of Procreation and Parenting. New York, US: Oxford University Press USA.
    L.A. Paul has recently argued that, on the standard model of rationality, individuals cannot make rational decisions about whether to have a child or not. In this paper, I show that Paul’s arguments do not plausibly demonstrate that the standard model of rationality precludes rational decisions to have a child. I argue that there are phenomenal and non-phenomenal values that can be used to determine the value that having a child will have for us and, in turn, that (...)
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    Rational Decision-Making in Inhibitory Control.Pradeep Shenoy & Angela J. Yu - 2011 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 5.
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    Rationality, decisions and large worlds.Mareile Drechsler - 2012 - Dissertation, London School of Economics
    Taking Savage's subjective expected utility theory as a starting point, this thesis distinguishes three types of uncertainty which are incompatible with Savage's theory for small worlds: ambiguity, option uncertainty and state space uncertainty. Under ambiguity agents cannot form a unique and additive probability function over the state space. Option uncertainty exists when agents cannot assign unique consequences to every state. Finally, state space uncertainty arises when the state space the agent constructs is not exhaustive, such that unforeseen contingencies can occur. (...)
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    Rationing decisions: integrating cost-effectiveness with other values.Tony Hope, John Reynolds & Sian Griffiths - 2002 - In Rosamond Rhodes, Margaret P. Battin & Anita Silvers, Medicine and Social Justice:Essays on the Distribution of Health Care: Essays on the Distribution of Health Care. Oup Usa. pp. 144--155.
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    Deciphering mirror neurons: Rational decision versus associative learning.Elias L. Khalil - 2014 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 37 (2):206-207.
    The rational-decision approach is superior to the associative-learning approach of Cook et al. at explaining why mirror neurons (MNs) fire or do not fire – even when the stimulus is the same. The rational-decision approach is superior because it starts with the analysis of the intention of the organism, i.e., with the identification of the specific objective or goal that the organism is trying to maximize.
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    Uncertainty, Vagueness, and Rational Decision.Alexandra Zinke - forthcoming - Erkenntnis.
    Nicholas J.J. Smith (2014) has argued that there are different kinds of degrees of belief, but that they must be fused into one ‘all kinds considered’ degree of belief. We provide an example which shows that different kinds of degrees of belief can have diverging impacts on the rationality of a decision: there are cases in which two rational subjects with identical preferences and the same ‘all kinds considered’ degree of belief make different decisions. Thus, different kinds of (...)
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    Uncertain preferences in rational decision.Moritz Schulz - 2020 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 63 (6):605-627.
    ABSTRACT Is uncertainty about preferences rationally possible? And if so, does it matter for rational decision? It is argued that uncertainty about preferences is possible and should play the same role in rational decision-making as uncertainty about worldly facts. The paper develops this hypothesis and defends it against various objections.
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  27. Rational decisions in a disagreement with experts.Istvssn Danka - 2018 - In Pierluigi Barrotta & Giovanni Scarafile, Science and democracy: controversies and conflicts. Philadelphia ;: John Benjamins.
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    Normal Rationality: Decisions and Social Order.Avishai Margalit & Cass R. Sunstein (eds.) - 2017 - Oxford, England: Oxford University Press.
    This is a selection of the most important work of Edna Ullmann-Margalit, an unorthodox and deeply original philosopher whose work illuminated the largest mysteries of human life. It centres on two questions: How do people proceed when they cannot act on the basis of reasons, or project likely consequences? How is social order possible?
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    Rational Decision Making With Regard to Taking Methylphenidate.Stephen Rice & David Trafimow - 2012 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 3 (2):31-33.
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    Rational Decision and Causality by Ellery Eells. [REVIEW]James Cargile - 1984 - Journal of Philosophy 81 (3):163-168.
  31.  28
    Ethics, management, and mythology: rational decision making for health service professionals.Michael Loughlin - 2002 - Abingdon, Oxon, U.K.: Radcliffe Medical Press.
    Chapter 1 Who this book is for and who it is not for1 There are already too many books offering solutions to the problems of the health service. ...
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    Desirability foundations of robust rational decision making.Marco Zaffalon & Enrique Miranda - 2018 - Synthese 198 (Suppl 27):6529-6570.
    Recent work has formally linked the traditional axiomatisation of incomplete preferences à la Anscombe-Aumann with the theory of desirability developed in the context of imprecise probability, by showing in particular that they are the very same theory. The equivalence has been established under the constraint that the set of possible prizes is finite. In this paper, we relax such a constraint, thus de facto creating one of the most general theories of rationality and decision making available today. We provide (...)
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  33.  13
    Evolution and Rationality: Decisions, Co-Operation and Strategic Behaviour.Samir Okasha & Ken Binmore (eds.) - 2012 - Cambridge University Press.
    This volume explores from multiple perspectives the subtle and interesting relationship between the theory of rational choice and Darwinian evolution. In rational choice theory, agents are assumed to make choices that maximize their utility; in evolution, natural selection 'chooses' between phenotypes according to the criterion of fitness maximization. So there is a parallel between utility in rational choice theory and fitness in Darwinian theory. This conceptual link between fitness and utility is mirrored by the interesting parallels between (...)
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  34. Inductive Logic and Rational Decisions.Rudolf Carnap - 1971 - In Richard C. Jeffrey, Studies in Inductive Logic and Probability. Berkeley: University of California Press. pp. 5 -- 31.
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    Game theory and rational decision.Julius Sensat - 1997 - Erkenntnis 47 (3):379-410.
    In its classical conception, game theory aspires to be a determinate decision theory for games, understood as elements of a structurally specified domain. Its aim is to determine for each game in the domain a complete solution to each player's decision problem, a solution valid for all real-world instantiations, regardless of context. "Permissiveness" would constrain the theory to designate as admissible for a player any conjecture consistent with the function's designation of admissible strategies for the other players. Given (...)
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    Pediatric Resource Allocation, Triage, and Rationing Decisions in Public Health Emergencies and Disasters: How Do We Fairly Meet Health Needs?D. J. Hurst & L. A. Padilla - 2021 - In Nico Nortjé & Johan C. Bester, Pediatric Ethics: Theory and Practice. Springer Verlag. pp. 465-478.
    Issues of resource allocationResource allocation, triageTriage, and rationingRationing decisions are common in the context of disasters and public healthPublic health emergencies, such as pandemics. However, to date, the majorityMajority of the literature focuses on an adult population with very little attention given to a pediatric population or to a population that may be mixed: adults and children. Furthermore, decisions of rationingRationing scarce resources do not only occur during disasters and other wide-scale emergencies. Such decisions are commonplace in pediatric organ transplantation (...)
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    Infants use rational decision criteria for choosing among models of their input.LouAnn Gerken - 2010 - Cognition 115 (2):362.
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    Sensible Decisions: Issues of Rational Decision in Personal Choice and Public Policy.Nicholas Rescher - 2003 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    In personal and public affairs alike we constantly confront the need for deciding among available alternatives. Sensible Decisions synthesizes Nicholas Rescher's contribution to this discussion over the years. Rescher's prime aim is to illuminate some of the theoretical complications and perplexities that characterize rational procedure in matters of decision making at the public policy level.
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  39. Leibniz’s Vectorial Model of Rational Decision-Making and Bounded Rationality.Markku Roinila - 2023 - Rivista di Filosofia 2023 (1):13-34.
    G. W. Leibniz developed a new model for rational decision-making which is suited to complicated decisions, where goods do not rule each other out, but compete with each other. In such cases the deliberator has to consider all of the goods and pick the ones that contribute most to the desired goal which in Leibniz’s system is ultimately the advancement of universal perfection. The inclinations to particular goods can be seen as vectors leading to different directions much like (...)
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    Probability in rational decision-making.Paul K. Moser & D. Hudson Mulder - 1994 - Philosophical Papers 23 (2):109-128.
  41.  27
    Risk Assessment and Rational Decision Theory.Roger M. Cooke - 1982 - Dialectica 36 (4):329-351.
    SummaryI contend on both theoretical and historical grounds that quantitative risk assessment is relevant for policy determination only as a cost estimate. In particular, it provides a method for estimating the costs of a hypothetical insurance policy against the potential liabilities associated with a given course of action. It is not relevant to the question of rational choice under risk.RésuméJe montre, en partant d'arguments aussi bien théoriques qu'historiques, que le calcul quanti‐tatif des risques n'aide à la détermination d'une politique (...)
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  42. Situating rationality: Ecologically rational decision making with simple heuristics.Henry Brighton & Peter M. Todd - 2008 - In Murat Aydede & P. Robbins, The Cambridge Handbook of Situated Cognition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp. 322--346.
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    On Nudging’s Supposed Threat to Rational Decision-Making.Timothy Houk - 2019 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 44 (4):403-422.
    Nudging is a tool of libertarian paternalism. It involves making use of certain psychological tendencies in order to help people make better decisions without restricting their freedom. However, some have argued that nudging is objectionable because it interferes with, or undermines, the rational decision-making of the nudged agents. Opinions differ on why this is objectionable, but the underlying concerns appear to begin with nudging’s threat to rational decision-making. Those who discuss this issue do not make it (...)
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    How to measure effect sizes for rational decision-making.Ina Jäntgen - forthcoming - Philosophy of Science:1-17.
    Absolute and relative outcome measures measure a treatment’s effect size, purporting to inform treatment choices. I argue that absolute measures are at least as good as, if not better than, relative ones for informing rational decisions across choice scenarios. Specifically, this dominance of absolute measures holds for choices between a treatment and a control group treatment from a trial and for ones between treatments tested in different trials. This distinction has hitherto been neglected, just like the role of absolute (...)
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    Thinking about Acting: Logical Foundations for Rational Decision Making - by John L. Pollock.Paul Weirich - 2007 - Philosophical Books 48 (3):283-285.
    This book review describes and evaluates John Pollock's view about rational decision-making.
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    Evolution and Rationality: Decisions, Co-operation and Strategic Behaviour.Jürgen Landes - 2014 - Philosophical Quarterly 64 (255):358-361.
    This monograph is a collection of conference contributions chosen by the editors who led a three-year project on evolution, cooperation, and rationality. The collected works are held together by a six-page introduction identifying common strands and differences of positions in the different chapters. Since no two chapters have a common author, the chapters do not build on each other. Rather, they offer a variety of perspectives on a number of different aspects of rationality and evolution. The monograph thus does not (...)
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    Natural selection and rational decisions.A. I. Houston - 2012 - In Samir Okasha & Ken Binmore, Evolution and Rationality: Decisions, Co-Operation and Strategic Behaviour. Cambridge University Press. pp. 50--66.
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  48. Rational decisions , Ken Binmore. Princeton university press, 2009, X + 200 pages. [REVIEW]José Luis Bermúdez - 2010 - Economics and Philosophy 26 (1):95-101.
  49. (1 other version)The logic of rational decision.Herbert A. Simon - 1965 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 16 (63):169-186.
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    Comparing the Incommensurable: Constitutional Principles, Balancing and Rational Decision.Virgílio Afonso da Silva - 2011 - Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 31 (2):273-301.
    Balancing implies a comparison among goods, values, principles and rights that cannot be ranked on a single scale of measurement, ie there is no unequivocal measuring unit applicable to all of them. In such situations, it is common to state that one has to compare incommensurable things. Indeed, this issue has been mentioned by several authors as a strong reason in favour of abandoning balancing (and proportionality) as a rational form of judicial argumentation and decision-making. My article aims (...)
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