Results for ' religion as doing'

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  1.  47
    Religion as universal: Tribulations of an anthropological enterprise.Murray L. Wax - 1984 - Zygon 19 (1):5-20.
    The English term religion is used to refer to local Christian churches, their organizations, and their practices. Nevertheless, Western anthropologists have tried to utilize it as if it were a technical term with universal applicability. Anthropologists have sought to characterize religion by several dichotomies, although their own field researches have revealed the irrelevance of such dichotomies as well as the fact that non‐Western peoples do not recognize an entity equivalent to religion. Were the characteristics used by anthropologists (...)
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    Religion as a natural laboratory for understanding human behavior.Jordan W. Moon - 2024 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 46 (3):268-285.
    What do we gain from the scientific study of religion? One possibility is that religious contexts are unique, and cognition within these contexts is worth understanding. Another possibility is that religion can be viewed as a laboratory for understanding psychology and culture more broadly. Rather than limiting the study of religion to a single context, I argue that the study of religion is useful precisely because it illuminates secular psychological and cultural processes. I first outline my (...)
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    Religion as a natural product of the unconscious.S. V. Bychatin - 2001 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 21:4-12.
    The nature of religion, its essence for centuries agitated the minds of many thinkers, theologians and religious scholars. As you know, some people saw in it a fantastic reflection of the abstract individual of his being, while others, especially the theologians, saw in it a certain theurgical power that determines the attitude of man to higher moral will, and so on. In general, these and similar approaches to religion, in the best case, more or less successfully fixing some (...)
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  4. Religion as Make-Believe: a theory of belief, imagination, and group identity.Neil Van Leeuwen - 2023 - Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
    We often assume that religious beliefs are no different in kind from ordinary factual beliefs—that believing in the existence of God or of supernatural entities that hear our prayers is akin to believing that May comes before June. Neil Van Leeuwen shows that, in fact, these two forms of belief are strikingly different. Our brains do not process religious beliefs like they do beliefs concerning mundane reality; instead, empirical findings show that religious beliefs function like the imaginings that guide make-believe (...)
  5. “Kosmos Kai politheia”. Sobre as interpretações contemporâneas da'ação política' na perspectiva dos fenômenos gnósticos antigos. Dialogos com klauck, H.-j. 'The religious context of early christianity. A guide to graecoroman religions'. [REVIEW]Pedro Paulo Alves dos Santos - 2010 - Principia: Revista do Departamento de Letras Clássicas e Orientais do Instituto de Letras 1 (20):21-44.
    The Current research seeks the study of the identity relationships in the early Christianity starting from the reception of Elements of the Religious Hellenism. These confluences advents previously of the relationships with the Judaism of Diaspora, in Egito Ptolomaico (LXX. séc. IV a.C), they are consolidated with the formation geopolitics and religious person of the Expansion of the Christianity in Minor Asia, during IIo Century. Through the exhibition of ‘The Religious Context of Early Christianity’ (KLAUS, 2000) we will approach Hellenistic’s (...)
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  6.  36
    Professionalism eliminates religion as a proper tool for doctors rendering advice to patients.Udo Schuklenk - 2019 - Journal of Medical Ethics 45 (11):713-713.
    Religious considerations and language do not typically belong in the professional advice rendered by a doctor to a patient. Among the rationales mounted by Greenblum and Hubbard in support of that conclusion is that religious considerations and language are incompatible with the role of doctors as public officials.1 Much as I agree with their conclusion, I take issue with this particular aspect of their analysis. It seems based on a mischaracterisation of what societal role doctors fulfil, qua doctors. What obliges (...)
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    Ciberespaço: Um apelo à teologia.Ideylson da Silva Vieira dos Anjos - 2010 - Revista de Teologia 4 (6):p - 29.
    O impacto do ciberespaço com as novas formas de produção, circulação e consumo de informação tem sido tão grande a ponto de reconfigurar a vida e o pensamento como tais? Educação, cultura, toda construção dos espaços antropológicos e até a maneira de se comunicar com o sagrado se vêem afetadas por essa interrogação que nasce do confronto do humano com a internet. O artigo vem examinar criticamente a resposta de Pierre Levy; um dos primeiros intelectuais a responder a essa complexa (...)
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    Revising Cognitive and Evolutionary Science of Religion : Religion as an Adaptation.Konrad Szocik & Hans Van Eyghen - 2021 - Springer Verlag.
    This unique and pioneering book critically appraises current work from both the cognitive science of religion and the evolutionary study of religion. It addresses the question: Why does the believer possess supernatural or religious beliefs in the combined context of his cognitive biases, their adaptive usefulness measured in terms of survival and reproduction, and the impact of social learning and cultural traits? The authors outlines a pluralistic approach to the study of religion that does not treat (...) as an accidental by-product but an adaptation selected by natural selection. Chapters discuss the role of religious components for the evolution of cooperation and altruism, and explore the development of atheism and secular ideas, in cognitive and evolutionary terms. Topics such as the usefulness of religion, the transmission of religious beliefs, and a Darwinian approach to religion are among those addressed. Contrary to standard views, religious biases are regarded as shaped by cultural influences and not merely by natural dispositions. This monograph will particularly appeal to researchers who are looking for a scientific explanation of religion and religious beliefs but who do not stop at the level of narrow cognitive and evolutionary accounts. The work will also be of interest to students of philosophy, sociology, religious studies, theology, or anthropology who seek to explain such fascinating, complex, and unequivocal phenomena as religion and religious components. (shrink)
  9.  22
    'Os Capitães da Areia' e a coragem dos Erês: Notas sobre o imbricamento da arte, música e religião | 'Os Capitães da Areia' and the courage of the Erês: notes on the overlap of art, music and religion.Lia Machado dos Santos & Rosângela Fachel de Medeiros - 2021 - Revista Philia Filosofia, Literatura e Arte 3 (1):116-136.
    ResumoAs práticas culturais fundem, a todo o momento, diferentes relações entre sistemas culturais (EVEN-ZOHAR, 1990) que antes eram separados. Tais manifestações híbridas reconfiguram e desterritorializam processos simbólicos. Nesse sentido, o presente artigo realiza uma análise comparatista das relações intertextuais presentes na configuração artística do álbum Esú, do rapper brasileiro Baco Exu do Blues, em especial na faixa “Capitães de Areia” em relação ao romance quase homônimo de Jorge Amado, às referências à mitologia dos Erês, e à série fotográfica Laróyè, de (...)
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  10.  15
    Em nome do Pai: A (não) laicidade nas instituições e escolas públicas.Denilson Marques dos Santos, Denise Marques dos Santos & Beleni Salete Grando - 2021 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 26:021041.
    How is religion experienced in public institutions? In schools is there respect for the various religions or do teachers legitimize their own beliefs? To understand these issues we participated in religious education classes, we interviewed teachers and servants of the city hall and city hall. From the results we can point out: The symbols and religious practices are present in public spaces, where one should excel in the principle of laicity; in the Teaching of Religion, in general, prevails (...)
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  11. Religion as the single foundation of Science.Spyridon Kakos - 2020 - MCDSARE 4.
    For centuries, science was considered as something radically different from religion. Yet, the foundations of true science are deeply religious in nature. This paper seeks to show how religion is the only foundation needed for the formulation of scientific theories, since it provides the core principles on which the building of exact sciences is based upon. Our need to understand the cosmos and our faith in us being able to do so, are the main prerequisites for conducting science; (...)
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  12.  60
    Sexo, gênero e homossexualidade: o que diz o povo-de-santo paulista?Milton Silva dos Santos - 2008 - Horizonte 6 (12):145-156.
    Resumo "O candomblé aceita o homossexualismo porque é uma religião que não tem pecado. Não interessa se você seja homem, mulher ou gay. Não importa a opção sexual. (...) Você pode ver. É uma religião de homossexuais". É assim que um filho-de-santo responde a uma pergunta sobre a notável presença de homossexuais iniciados na religião dos orixás. Se comparadas a outras denominações hostis e indiferentes às orientações não-heterossexuais, o candomblé e outras devoções afro-brasileiras são, de fato, mais tolerantes à participação (...)
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    Science versus Religion as Guide to Metaphysics.Mikołaj Sławkowski-Rode - 2023 - Eidos. A Journal for Philosophy of Culture 7 (4):1-4.
    Preview: This is the second volume of the double issue of Eidos. A Journal for Philosophy of Culture devoted to the relationship between science and religion. The contributions across these two volumes have mostly been concerned with, and argued for, various aspects of a non-reductive view of this relationship, according to which reality is not limited to what the natural sciences can tell us about it. That is the view that science and religion are not in conflict, or (...)
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  14.  93
    Literatura e Religião: a relação buscando um método (Literature and Religion: The search for a method - DOI: 10.5752/P.2175-5841.2012v10n25p29. [REVIEW]Joe Marçal Gonçalves dos Santos - 2012 - Horizonte 10 (25):29-52.
    Um estudo sobre a relação entre literatura e religião tomando ambas como expressão de produtividade da interpretação no contexto da Modernidade. O artigo aborda os pressupostos filosóficos da relação entre história da salvação e história da interpretação, e suas consequências para a consciência histórico-cultural do Ocidente, tal como examinado por Gianni Vattimo. Segundo este, o legado do Cristianismo se atualiza na Modernidade tardia em termos de produtividade da interpretação, ampliando a noção de linguagem e discurso por suas implicações ontológicas e (...)
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  15.  22
    Para o “descanço dos Mestres, e utilidade dos Discipulos”.Fernando Ripe & Giana Lange do Amaral - 2021 - Educação E Filosofia 34 (72):1379-1408.
    Para o “descanço dos Mestres, e utilidade dos Discipulos”: direções para a educação dos infantis no manual pedagógico Nova Escola de Meninos (Portugal, século XVIII) Resumo: O presente estudo, de natureza historiográfica e filosófica, pretende desenvolver uma análise dos discursos relativos à boa educação de sujeitos infantis que estão presentes na obra Nova escola de meninos [...]. Publicado em Coimbra no ano de 1784. O impresso de autoria do presbítero português Manoel Dias de Sousa (1753-1823) tinha como principal objetivo apresentar (...)
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  16.  27
    History and Religion as Sources of Hellenic Identity in Late Byzantium and the Post-Byzantine Era.Georgios Steiris - 2020 - Genealogy 4 (1):1-16.
    Recently, seminal publications highlighted the Romanitas of the Byzantines. However, it is not without importance that from the 12th century onwards the ethnonym Hellene (Ἓλλην) became progressively more popular. A number of influential intellectuals and political actors preferred the term Hellene to identify themselves, instead of the formal Roman (Ρωμαῖος) and the common Greek (Γραικός). While I do not intend to challenge the prevalence of the Romanitas during the long Byzantine era, I suggest that we should reevaluate the emerging importance (...)
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  17.  30
    A Plea for the Novum Instrumentum.Toan Do - 2016 - Philosophy and Theology 28 (1):141-163.
    In the wake of the humanism in the early sixteenth century, Erasmus of Rotterdam was often taxed with the “sin of journalism” as having little to contribute to the then--current obsolete Latinism. Despite much of the false accusation against his scholarship and erudition, one of Erasmus’s inaugural works, whose impact reverberates to this day, was the Novum Instrumentum (1516). Many of Erasmus’s contemporaries misunderstood this “new” Latin edition to be just “another” Greek edition of the New Testament. This article seeks (...)
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  18. Sacrificial pasts and messianic futures: Religion as a political prospect in René Girard and Giorgio Agamben.Christopher A. Fox - 2007 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 33 (5):563-595.
    Religion has become a vital resource for attempts to rethink the meaning of the political. This article rehearses the efforts of two recent figures, René Girard and Giorgio Agamben, to transform the political by renewing its connection to religion. Both thinkers struggle to escape politics as defined by Carl Schmitt's friend/enemy distinction. Girard and Agamben do clash ideologically, but their inquiries into sacrifice and messianism take similar courses. Regarding origins, Girard argues for the sacrificial crisis as the common (...)
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  19.  45
    Fundamentos do barroco como amálgama da religião e da política (Foundations of the Baroque as an amalgam of religion and politics) - DOI: 10.5752/P.2175-5841.2013v11n31p944. [REVIEW]Eunice Simões Lins Gomes & Ramon Silva Silveira da Fonseca - 2013 - Horizonte 11 (31):944-964.
    Partimos do pressuposto que a arte é a revelação da profundidade do ser humano e que manifesta a sua busca pela verdade e pelo sentido de sua existência. O nosso objetivo foi descrever os fundamentos da arte barroca na consolidação e na propagação de verdades religiosas e políticas. Teremos como principal referência a igreja barroca de Santo Antônio, componente do Centro Cultural de São Francisco, localizada na cidade de João Pessoa, no nordeste do Brasil. A metodologia utilizada foi a pesquisa (...)
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    Towards an Ethics of Community: Negotiations of Difference in a Pluralist Society.James Olthuis & Canadian Corporation for Studies in Religion (eds.) - 2006 - Wilfrid Laurier Univ. Press.
    How do we deal with difference personally, interpersonally, nationally? Can we weave a cohesive social fabric in a religiously plural society without suppressing differences? This collection of significant essays suggests that to truly honour differences in matters of faith and religion we must publicly exercise and celebrate them. The secular/sacred, public/private divisions long considered sacred in the West need to be dismantled if Canada (or any nation state) is to develop a genuine mosaic that embraces fundamental differences instead of (...)
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  21.  30
    Language of Religion, Religions as Languages. Introduction to the Special Issue ‘Religions and Languages: A Polyphony of Faiths’.Andrea Vestrucci - 2022 - Sophia 61 (1):1-7.
    Religions use linguistic and non-linguistic codes of meaning to express their contents: natural tongues, music, sculpture, poetry, rituals, practices... Also, religions provide the semantic context and the rules to produce, validate, and interpret their expressions: as such, religions can be considered languages. The Sophia Special Issue ‘Religions and Languages: A Polyphony of Faiths’ explores the multifaceted relationships of world religions with languages broadly construed, intended as other religious codes, natural tongues, artistic forms, digital media, and even science. Do natural languages (...)
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  22. Can a Male Savior Save Women?Fellipe do Vale - 2019 - Philosophia Christi 21 (2):309-324.
    This paper attempts to answer, as well as give metaphysical specificity to, a question within the philosophy and theology of gender which strikes the heart of the Christian confession of the gospel. Against critics who say that the masculinity of Christ’s human nature renders him unable to save women as well as men, it draws on the recent literature on feminist metaphysics and analytic Christology to develop a model of the Incarnation able to avoid such criticisms.
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    The Ancient, Prebuddhist, Tibetan Bon Religion as a Form of Compassionate Spirituality in Tune With Nature, a Comment.Werner Krieglstein - 2007 - Dialogue and Universalism 17 (1/2):95-96.
    The paper aims at presenting a very simplified outline of the Bono religious tradition of Tibet. Furthermore, the author argues that certain religious traditions are more “heaven-oriented” while others, more “earth-concerned”. This division is meant to show the importance of realizing the aim of any given philosophy or religious lore. It might be said that the present world crisis and human dilemma is caused mainly by misguided thinking and doing things in accordance with some dated or unrealistic dogma. The (...)
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  24.  29
    Religion as Art. [REVIEW]Carl R. Hausman - 1985 - Idealistic Studies 15 (2):170-171.
    Martland’s purpose in this book is to show how religion and art share a common function rather than to show how they are distinct. They both reveal and create the significance of our lives and our world. In order to explain how they do this, Martland devotes a relatively substantial amount of space to a discussion of his approach. He makes it clear that he is not concerned with attempting an objective description of the achievements of art and (...) and a comparison of their features. Nor is he concerned with analyzing the activities of art and religion in order to compare alleged essences. As his title indicates, he focuses on how art and religion are the same in function. His account of how they function is prescriptive. Selection and characterization of the data, then, are governed by a thesis. If it is objected that such a study is consequently circular, we are reminded that we cannot make observations without employing some interpretive frame of reference. (shrink)
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    O processo da pesquisa sobre Jesus histórico e o surgimento do judaísmo messi'nico.Solange Maria do Carmo & Aíla Luzia Pinheiro de Andrade - 2015 - Horizonte 13 (40):2194-2220.
    Modernity brought an impact on the Christian faith and these effects persist in Postmodernity. In the context of theology, the demand for a scientific answer for questions of modernity gave rise to research on the historical Jesus. There was an urgent need to know who is Jesus, how he lived and behaved, what his world or which words he pronounced in fact. That research was developed in distinct phases, revealing a plural understanding of Jesus. The current phase of the research (...)
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  26.  49
    O Ateísmo No Pensamento Político de John Locke.Antônio Carlos dos Santos - 2019 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 60 (143):257-277.
    ABSTRACT Locke’s Letter on Tolerance has been a controversial issue since the seventeenth century: its defense of tolerance compromises restricting atheists and Catholics, which would attain religious freedom, one of the highest values of liberal theory. Taking this issue as its central, the purpose of this article is to think about this tension in Locke’s political thinking. In order to collaborate with this debate, the text is divided in two parts: in the first one, the various meanings of what Locke (...)
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  27.  33
    O caso dos judeus laicos: a complexidade das identidades étnicas e religiosas nas classificações censitárias (The Jewish Laic: the complexity of the ethnic and religious identities in the census classifications) - DOI: 10.5752/P.2175-5841.2013v11n32p1525. [REVIEW]Denise dos Santos Rodrigues - 2013 - Horizonte 11 (32):1525-1550.
    Este artigo avalia o impacto das transformações da contemporaneidade em religiões tradicionais como o judaísmo, cujos membros podem assumir uma faceta secular, interferindo no monitoramento de sua presença num território. A restrição da classificação censitária de certos grupos étnicos unicamente ao quesito religião pode confundir a interpretação das oscilações de certos grupos, uma vez que pode camuflar sua real representatividade numérica. Lembramos que um membro de um grupo étnico pode sentir-se livre para assumir uma identidade religiosa diferente de sua etnia (...)
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    Horror Vacui: Metaphysical Yogācāra Reaction to Madhyamaka Antimetaphysical Emptiness.Giuseppea Filosofia Do Budismo Indiano Valinhos: Associação Buddha Dharma Ferraro - 2020 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 48 (3):401-426.
    In the first part of this paper I critically examine some of the main interpretations of “classical” Yogācāra philosophy of Maitreya, Asaṅga and Vasubandhu. Among these interpretations, based on extant textual and contextual data, I consider philologically unlikely both metaphysical-idealistic readings, which ascribe to these authors the view that ultimate reality is a mental or subjective stuff, and epistemological-idealistic readings which advocate that either Yogācāra suspends judgment on the existence of the extramental or that it maintains that the extramental exists (...)
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  29.  48
    O tratamento espiritual no espiritismo: o caso das trabalhadoras em educação de Goi'nia/GO.Genivalda Araújo Cravo dos Santos - 2007 - Horizonte 5 (10):106-131.
    Resumo Este artigo tem como objetivo divulgar os resultados da pesquisa realizada no mestrado em Ciências da Religião da UCG/GO (2004). O objeto desta pesquisa foi o de compreender os motivos que levaram as trabalhadoras em educação portadoras da síndrome de burnout e de depressão que atuam na educação pública no município de Goiânia a buscarem tratamento espiritual no espiritismo. Que papel a religião desempenha na busca da saúde? Por que as trabalhadoras em educação buscam o espiritismo como forma de (...)
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  30.  14
    Modernization in the politicization of religion as an instrument of its institutional expansion and integration in the secular world.Pavlo Pavlenko - 2016 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 78:42-51.
    We live in a time when the religious outlook is rapidly losing its popularity. According to the Gallup International Association, which studied religiosity levels in 57 countries around the world, covering about 70% of the world's population, more than half the earthlings, 59%, regard themselves as religious people, while 23% said they were not religious and 13 % generally refer to themselves as convinced atheists. As a result, 36% of people do not have religious beliefs. These data prove the fact (...)
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    Medicine as patriarchal religion.Janice G. Raymond - 1982 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 7 (2):197-216.
    This article demonstrates, by use of specific theological paradigms, how medicine functions as religion. In doing so, medicine promotes anti-feminist beliefs, symbols, social memories, and churchly structures. The essay then examines the enhancement of women's health from a feminist philosophical perspective. It argues against fetishizing in health promotion to the extent that everything comes to be regarded as therapeutic. Medicine has advanced the ideology that life itself is a disease to be cured or, at best, prevented. Alternative ethics (...)
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    Overcoming the Problem of Induction: Science and Religion as Ways of Knowing.Alan Padgett - 2009 - In Melville Y. Stewart (ed.), Science and Religion in Dialogue. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 862--883.
    This chapter contains sections titled: * The Problem of Induction * Reid’s Common-Sense Realism * Tradition and Reason in the Principles of Informal Inference * Back to the Rationality of Religion * Notes * Bibliography.
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    Augustine on Reading Scripture as Doing Philosophy.Gary Matthews - 2008 - Augustinian Studies 39 (2):145-162.
  34.  5
    Iluminismo francês.Catherine Larrère & Antônio Carlos dos Santos - 2024 - Discurso 54 (2):6-13.
    The aim of this article is to think about the conceptual specificities of the French Enlightenment. It is divided into three parts: in the first, the opposition between Enlightenment (in the singular) and Enlightenment (in the plural) will be analysed, which will allow us to consider issues related to knowledge; in the second, the distinction between Enlightenment and Aufklärung will be addressed and will refer to the relationship between knowledge and morality; in the third and final part, the question of (...)
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    Capitalism as Religion and Religious Pluralism: An Approach from Liberation Theology.Jung Mo Sung - 2014 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 34:155-165.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Capitalism as Religion and Religious Pluralism:An Approach from Liberation TheologyJung Mo Sungreligious pluralism and the struggle of the godsReligious pluralism as a social fact, namely, the coexistence of different religions within a social system, be it a country or an empire, is not anything new. The mere contact with other people and their various religions, for example, through commerce, still does not indicate religious pluralism. In this case, (...)
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  36. The Contributions of C. S. Peirce to Contemporary Philosophy of Religion: As contribuições de C. S. Peirce para a filosofia da religião contempor'nea. [REVIEW]Robert Neville - 2001 - Cognitio 2.
    : The classical North American pragmatists were intrigued by religion and devout in varying ways, all of which were compatible with a secularist outlook. Peirce is the most fruitful to pursue because of the analytical usefulness of his semiotics for interpreting religious symbols. First, his theory shows that symbols make possible and guide engagement with the divine, rather than substitute for it. Second, his theory distinguishes meaning from reference and interpretation, each of which opens new ways to think about (...)
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    Feminist Spirituality as Lived Religion: How UK Feminists Forge Religio-spiritual Lives.Kristin Aune - 2015 - Gender and Society 29 (1):122-145.
    How do feminists in the United Kingdom view spirituality and religion? What are their religious and spiritual attitudes, beliefs, and practices? What role do spirituality and religion play in feminists’ lives? This article presents findings from an interview-based study of 30 feminists in England, Scotland, and Wales. It identifies three characteristics of feminists’ approaches to religion and spirituality: They are de-churched, are relational, and emphasize practice. These features warrant a new approach to feminists’ relationships with religion (...)
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    Light as an Absolute in Science and Religion.David A. Grandy - 2000 - Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies 12 (1-2):159-177.
    In Einstein's theory of relativity, the speed of light is deemed an absolute value because it is indifferent to the motion of material bodies. Nothing we do can "take a bite" out of its measured velocity of 186,000 miles per second: it is an irreducible quantity. Similarly, our minds cannot race ahead quickly enough to reduce or convert light to everyday understandings. Indeed, modem physics portrays light as having an infinite aspect. Leading to talk of the spaceless, timeless character of (...)
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    Filosofia Analítica da Religião como Pensamento Pós-"Pós-Metafísico" (Analytic Philosophy of Religion as a Post-‘Post-Metaphysical’ Thought) - DOI: 10.5752/P.2175-5841.2010v8n16p80. [REVIEW]Agnaldo Cuoco Portugal - 2010 - Horizonte 8 (16):80-98.
    Entendendo “pensamento pós-metafísico” no sentido da crítica moderna e positivista à metafísica como forma de conhecimento, o artigo apresenta a filosofia analítica da religião como uma resposta à tese de que a linguagem religiosa não tem sentido porque não se refere a nenhum dado empiricamente verificável ou falseável. Em primeiro lugar, é apresentada a resposta não-realista ao desafio pós-metafísico, especialmente a de D. Z. Phillips, baseada nas ideias de Wittgenstein. Nessa proposta, o sentido da linguagem religiosa não está na referência (...)
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    (1 other version)Teoria do Design Inteligente: teoria científica ou discurso religioso? Apontamentos sobre uma controvérsia atual (Intelligent Design: scientific theory or religious discourse? Remarks about an actual controversy) - DOI: 10.5752/P.2175-5841.2013v11n30p709. [REVIEW]Roney Seixas Andrade & Wilmar do Valle Barbosa - 2013 - Horizonte 11 (30):709-736.
    Este artigo tem com pano de fundo a controvérsia entre criacionismo e evolucionismo que ainda captura a imaginação de amplos segmentos religiosamente orientados, sobretudo nos Estados Unidos. Aqui destacamos as proposições elaboradas pela chamada Teoria do Design Inteligente (TDI). Essa teoria, que se apresenta como científica e desprovida de qualquer compromisso religioso, propõe demonstrar empiricamente que a complexidade observada na natureza, no universo e na vida, é resultante de um design genuíno, ou seja, produto de uma inteligência organizadora, e não (...)
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    (1 other version)“O religioso após a religião”: um debate entre Marcel Gauchet e Luc Ferry (“The religious after religion”: an debate between Marcel Gauchet and Luc Ferry) - DOI: 10.5752/P.2175-5841.2010v8n19p71. [REVIEW]Henrique Marques Lott & Wilmar do Valle Barbosa - 2010 - Horizonte 8 (19):71-100.
    A riqueza do debate ocorrido entre os filósofos Luc Ferry e Marcel Gauchet, em janeiro de 1999, deu origem a este artigo, em que os autores exploram os temas e as questões discutidas naquela ocasião. O artigo apresenta as diferentes posições dos dois pensadores franceses, cuja preocupação maior é pensar as condições de possibilidade da religião e do religioso nos tempos atuais. Tempos em que, segundo os debatedores, predomina a individualização da crença e nos quais a presença de uma religiosidade (...)
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    Resenhas v. 4 n. 7.João Batista Libanio, Suzana dos Santos Gomes & Paulo Agostinho Nogueira Baptista - 2005 - Horizonte 4 (7):167-185.
    EUVÉ, François. Science, foi, sagesse . Faut-il parler de convergence? João Batista Libanio MUTSCHLER, Hans-Dieter. Physik und religion . Perspektiven und Grenzen eines Dialogs. João Batista Libanio RIEGER, Joerg. Remember the poor . The callenge to theology in the twenty-first century. João Batista Libanio RIBEIRO, Fernando. Os Incas . As plantas do poder e um tribunal espanhol. João Batista Libanio SOUZA, Alberto de Mello e (Org.). Dimensões da avaliação educacional . Suzana dos Santos Gomes BOFF, Leonardo. Virtudes para um (...)
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    O Papa Francisco e o encontro inter-religioso.Peter C. Phan & José Martins dos Santos Neto - forthcoming - Horizonte:703-703.
    From its very beginning, Pope Francis’s Petrine ministry has been full of surprises and he has been a man of contradictions. He has given hope to many, Christians, other believers, and secular humanists, especially with his pastoral approach of mercy, but he has also met with fierce opposition, even among the upper echelon of the hierarchy, some of whom have publicly attacked his orthodoxy and called for his resignation. In his teachings on evangelization, marriage and sexuality, ecology, and social friendship, (...)
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    Artificialidade e insuficiência da classificação de Kant quanto aos argumentos teístas.Luís Eduardo Ramos de Souza & Arthur Henrique Soares dos Santos - 2024 - Aufklärung 11 (1):83-98.
    In the Transcendental Dialectic of the Critique of Pure Reason (1787), Kant argues for the impossibility of theistic arguments, namely the ontological, cosmological, and physico-theological arguments. However, his objection relies on his classification of theistic arguments, which has been criticized by analytical philosophers of religion such as Plantinga (2012) and Swinburne (2019). Therefore, this paper aims to critically investigate two problems related to this classification: the systematic criteria of its classification and the historical sufficiency of its three theistic proofs. (...)
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    The knowing most worth doing: essays on pluralism, ethics, and religion.Wayne C. Booth - 2010 - Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press. Edited by Walter Jost.
    "This important and well-executed collection provides evidence of both the diversity of Booths interests and the consistency of his thought. It will appeal to a substantial audience of Boothophiles, rhetoricians, literary critics and theorists, and students of religion."---James Phelan, Ohio State University, author of Living to Tell about It: A Rhetoric and Ethics of Character Narration "The Knowing Most Worth Doing simultaneously celebrates Booth's career and offers his admirers easy access to significant but difficult-to-find essays. Like most of (...)
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    Dis/abling Religion: Introducing Dis/ability as a Social-Analytical Concept for the Study of Religions.Ramona Jelinek-Menke - 2022 - Zeitschrift für Religionswissenschaft 30 (2):300-320.
    How do religions and social order interact with each other? Scholars of religions have repeatedly explored this question from numerous perspectives. However, they have yet to utilise the approach of disability studies, which focuses on disability as a social ordering process, to address this question. As such, not only have the manifold empirical relationships between religions and disability often been disregarded, but a great theoretical potential also remains untapped. In this paper, I demonstrate what the study of religions can gain (...)
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    O “ensino do religioso” e as Ciências da Religião (Teaching “of the religious” and Sciences of Religion) - DOI: 10.5752/P.2175-5841.2011v9n23p839. [REVIEW]Faustino Luiz Couto Teixeira - 2011 - Horizonte 9 (23):839-861.
    Tendo em vista o amplo debate que divide a opinião de pesquisadores hoje no Brasil em torno da complexa questão do “ensino religioso” na escola pública, este artigo busca situar o tema na perspectiva das ciências da religião. Busca-se apontar a possibilidade de um aporte singular desse novo campo disciplinar no “ensino do religioso”. Sem cair num proselitismo problemático, busca-se mostrar a pertinência e plausibilidade de uma reflexão que favoreça a aproximação e o conhecimento por parte dos alunos das distintas (...)
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    Do Humans Have Souls? Perspectives from Philosophy, Science, and Religion.Nancey Murphy - 2013 - Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology 67 (1):30-41.
    This essay seeks to promote a concept of human nature that is usually called nonreductive physicalism, which is at least not ruled out by Scripture, and may in fact be closer to biblical thinking than dualism. The essay then looks to neuroscience to show that it provides useful insights into how and why we behave as we do.
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    A revista Paz e Terra: um lugar da memória da comunicação religiosa, ecumênica e política no Brasil.Magali do Nascimento Cunha - 2020 - Horizonte 18 (56):513-513.
    This article aims to examine the relevance of counter-information productions developed during the military dictatorship in Brazil by religious groups. The object is the journal Paz e Terra, by Editora Civilização Brasileira in the 1960s, as a unique initiative in the field of religious, ecumenical and political communication. In order to respond to the Research problem “what is the place of the journal Paz e Terra in the memory of religious media productions in Brazil?” the article refers its basis in (...)
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  50. Meta-science: towards a science of meaning and complex solutions.Andrej Zwitter & Takuo Dōme (eds.) - 2023 - Groningen, The Netherlands: University of Groningen Press.
    Science has lost its ethical imperatives as it moved away from a science of ought to a science of is. Subsequently, it might have answers for how we can address global challenges, such as climate change and poverty, but not why we should. This supposedly neutral stance leaves it to politics and religions (in the sense of non-scientific fields of social engagement) to fill in the values. The problem is that through this concession, science implicitly acknowledges that it is not (...)
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