Results for ' religious education and school curriculum'

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  1.  29
    Religious Education in Kyrgyzstan Secondary Schools.Sayfullah Bazarkulov - 2023 - Dini Araştırmalar 26 (65):605-628.
    In this research, religious courses in Kyrgyzstan secondary schools were discussed. With the independence of Kyrgyzstan, the return to national, spiritual and religious values was revived. In the first year of independence, the Law on Freedom of Belief and Religious Institutions was adopted. Freedom of religion is recognized within the framework of the Law. Accordingly, the search for teaching religion lessons within general education has begun. While the first searches began to take place as a result (...)
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  2. Religious Education.Michael Hand - 2004 - In John Peter White, Rethinking the School Curriculum.
    Religious Education (RE) currently enjoys the status of a compulsory curriculum subject in state schools in England and Wales. Though it is not part of the National Curriculum, and therefore not subject to a nationally prescribed syllabus, it is part of the basic curriculum to which all children are entitled. The question I raise in this chapter is whether RE merits this status. Is the study of religion sufficiently central to the task of preparing children (...)
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  3.  16
    The Philosophy of Religious Education: An Introduction.Eugene O. Iheoma - 1997 - Fourth Dimension.
    The author is an academic educationist, and this book clearly distinguishes between religious education and religious indoctrination. It is concerned with the philosophy of religious education and is designed to acquaint the reader with the main issues involved in the debate that surrounds the place of religious education in the curriculum of the public school system in Nigeria. His contention is that religious educators, as with other disciplines, should present the (...)
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    Towards a Religious Education Otherwise.Anna Strhan - 2012 - In Levinas, Subjectivity, Education: Towards an Ethics of Radical Responsibility. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 119–140.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Religious Education in Britain Today: A Snapshot The Phenomenological Approach The Critical Realist Model Privileging Judgemental Rationality A Religious Education Otherwise? Notes.
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    A Research on the Opinions of Pre-School Teachers about Religious Education in Pre-School Period.Salih Aybey - 2022 - Tasavvur - Tekirdag Theology Journal 8 (2):915-958.
    The preschool period is a period when the character of the child is formed, all their qualities and abilities begin to be formed, and can be used. Education is for human, and its main purpose is to develop all the abilities of a human by revealing them and to contribute to the healthy saturation of their emotions. It is also the duty of the educator to reveal and educate the child's innate sense of belief in a supreme being. In (...)
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  6. Incorporating the RCIA process into catholic secondary colleges through the religious education curriculum.Matthew van der Velden - 2018 - The Australasian Catholic Record 95 (2):166.
    van der Velden, Matthew In the context of twenty-first-century Australia, Catholic secondary colleges are facing an ever-dwindling number of student enrolments coming from a Catholic background. Students that identify themselves as members of the Roman Catholic Church occupy a wide spectrum of positions along the faith and sacramental journey of the Catholic tradition. In Catholic colleges around Australia, there are a number of Catholic students, sometimes referred to as 'cradle Catholics', who received all of the sacraments of initiation during their (...)
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    A identidade do Ensino Religioso no contexto da laicidade (The identity of Religious Education in the context of secularism) - DOI: 10.5752/ P.2175-5841.2010v8n19p101. [REVIEW]Sergio Rogerio Junqueira & Edile Fracaro Rodrigues - 2010 - Horizonte 8 (19):101-113.
    A discussão sobre o Ensino Religioso na escola pública das diferentes unidades da Federação é uma polêmica constante ao longo da história da República brasileira. A imposição legal do Ensino Religioso no âmbito escolar pode remeter à ideia de um Estado não laico e acarretar mais preocupações e discussões do que propriamente promover uma formação integral que favoreça os estudantes. No Estado laico, as religiões são livres contanto que respeitem a neutralidade confessional da esfera pública e a garantia de cuidar (...)
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    The Religious Right: would‐be censors of the state school curriculum.Michael Leahy - 1998 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 30 (1):51-68.
  9.  4
    The power of exemplarity in religious education.David Lewin & Morten Timmermann Korsgaard - 2024 - Journal of Curriculum Studies 56 (3):327-338.
    Calls for reframing the subject matter of Religious Education in schools include the tricky question of how to select from a world of potentially interesting and relevant material. Pedagogues have long questioned the educational logic that takes so-called substantive knowledge as its starting point and imagines education to follow a linear path from simple to complex. Scholars of Religious Studies have addressed similar questions of how to bring the subject matter to life through taking a more (...)
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    Teacher’s Opinions On The Curriculum Of The Basic Religious Knowledge Course (Islam I, Islam II).Asiye Beykoz & Süleyman Gümrükçüoğlu - 2025 - Kocaeli İLahiyat Dergisi 8 (2):200-239.
    Religious education deals with all aspects of human existence. Evaluating a person from his own point of view, he examines his position and relationships in life. Religious education in our country has come to the present day through various periods in the historical process. The most important changes in the field of religious education and training were made in October 2012, and in addition to the compulsory Din Kültürü ve Ahlak Bilgisi (Religious Culture (...)
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    Comprehensive Religious Studies in Public Education: Educating for a Religiously Literate Society.Suzanne Rosenblith & Bea Bailey - 2007 - Educational Studies 42 (2):93-111.
    This article aims to enlarge the conversation about religion and public education by inviting readers to think about the benefits to be gained in society by providing a comprehensive religious studies curriculum in our public schools. In such a program, students will develop knowledge and understanding about various religious traditions, forge greater respect for the religious (and nonreligious) other, and think through existential concerns that have interested human beings for thousands of years. While recognizing that (...)
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    Islamic Education teachers' perceptions of the teaching of akhlāq in Malaysian secondary schools.Ab Tamuri - 2007 - Journal of Moral Education 36 (3):371-386.
    The teaching of akhlāq (moral values) in Islamic Education lessons is one of the important aspects in the Integrated Curriculum for Secondary Schools in Malaysia. Its purpose is to develop the potential of the individual in a holistic, balanced and integrated manner, encompassing the intellectual, spiritual, emotional and physical aspects in order to create a balanced and harmonious human being with high moral standards. The aim of this article is to examine teachers' perceptions of the teaching of akhlāq (...)
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  13.  28
    On the epistemic urgency of decolonizing the school curriculum: a reflection.Azaan Akbar - 2024 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 58 (2-3):397-411.
    In recent years there have been increasing calls to ‘decolonize’ the curriculum across different levels of education. This has been met with significant opposition at both the school and university levels. For many, there is a lack of clarity concerning why students, particularly in school, should study a decolonized curriculum. I reflect on the notion of an ‘epistemic urgency’ to decolonize the secondary school curriculum in England, and I focus particularly on History and (...)
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  14.  41
    Religious Education in Response to Changing Times Congregation Adass-Isroel Religious School in Berlin.Meir Hildesheimer - 2008 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 60 (2):111-130.
    During the 19th century, various frameworks were established in Germany for the purpose of providing Jewish students with religious education. The article deals primarily with the orthodox Congregation Adass-Isroel Religious School. Established in 1869 in Berlin, the school had a major impact on the development of supplementary religious instruction throughout Germany and served as a model in this area. The school's background, history, basic principles and method of instruction, as well as study subjects (...)
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    Education.Jennifer Bleazby - 2019 - In Graham Oppy, A Companion to Atheism and Philosophy. Hoboken: Blackwell. pp. 381–395.
    This chapter examines key arguments for and against the teaching of religion, atheism, and philosophy‐based ethics in schools. These arguments are examined within the context of the controversy that erupted when an ethics curriculum was introduced into state primary schools in New South Wales, Australia, in 2010. This ethics curriculum is an alternative to special religious education (i.e., religious education that aims to inculcate students with the beliefs of one faith). During the debate that (...)
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    Spirituality as a Process within the School Curriculum.Stephen Bigger - 2003 - Prospero: A Journal of New Thinking for Education 9 (1):12-18.
    Spiritual education concerns the quality of our thinking about ourselves, our relationships, our sense of worth and identity, and our sense of well-being. All curriculum subjects can contribute to this search for meaning. Religious education and the act of worship can contribute but are in practice very problematic if dogma inhibits open reflection. No one tradition of spirituality should be promoted since spirituality is a process. The world faiths provide starting points, but life provides more. The (...)
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  17.  47
    Filosofie, ideologie, religie. O incercare de a intelege ce se intimpla cu filosofia in sistemul de educatie din Romania/ Philosophy, Ideology, Religion. An Attempt to Understand What is Going On with Philosophy in the Romanian Educational System.Sandu Frunza, Mihaela Frunza & Claudiu Herteliu - 2009 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 8 (22):129-149.
    The present text attempts to sketch the premises of a discussion concerning the institutional crisis of philosophy in the Romanian educational system. Quantitative analyses are commented; also discussed are elements regarding the curricular integration of philosophy, aspects concerning the initial formation in philosophy and possibilities of insertion on the labor market. The article discusses some elements of the status of philosophy in high school, as well as the necessity of offering philosophy as a mandatory discipline in the curriculum, (...)
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  18. School is sacred: a philosophy of education for our time.Iris M. Yob - 2025 - New York: Peter Lang.
    School can be an epicenter for expressing what troubles or energizes the wider community. Taking a step back from the messiness of today's issues and clarifying what we mean by school may provide a new or refreshed lens for viewing these institutions. Schools are sacred, not in a religious sense but in terms of their potential value. At all levels of schooling, teaching and learning are its sacred tasks. And teaching and learning are sacred because the knowledge (...)
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    Decolonising the concept of the Trinity to decolonise the religious education curriculum.Anné H. Verhoef - 2021 - HTS Theological Studies 77 (4):8.
    This article brings into perspective the need to decolonise the concept of the Trinity (as the specific doctrine and Christian name of God) as a crucial step in decolonising the religious education curriculum. It discusses the concept of decolonisation and its applicability to religious education, specifically Christianity, within higher education (e.g. in Teacher Education Programmes) in the South African context. God as the Trinity has throughout the history of Atlantic slavery and colonialism been (...)
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    Higher Religious Education in the Eyes of Students (Example of Giresun University Faculty of Islamic Sciences).Hüseyin Algur & Halil İbrahim Özasma - 2020 - Dini Araştırmalar 23 (59):397-424.
    The process of deciding which higher education institution to attend is a very important turning point for an individual who graduates from a secondary education institution and has sufficient central placement score. Making the right decisions at the mentioned turning point is important both for the individual him/herself and for the quality of the future service. In this context, the main purpose of this study, which consists of findings obtained from the descriptive analysis of the answers given to (...)
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    Religious Education for Mentally Disabled Inclusive Students: Semi-Experimental Study-Support Education Room.Teceli Karasu & Eyup Şi̇mşek - 2018 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 22 (3):1579-1606.
    In our country, mildly mentally disabled students are being educated in general education classes by means of integration. An individualized education program (IEP) is being prepared for these students when needed. However, the impact of BEP on students with intellectual disabilities in religious education has not yet been sufficiently discussed. The purpose of this research is to examine the impact of the IEP on the achievement of religious education of mentally disabled students and the (...)
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  22. Content Analysis of The Catholic School and Religion and National Values, Primary 1- 6: Implications for Religious Education in Catholic Primary Schools within Calabar Archdiocese - Cross River State.Emmanuel Orok Duke - 2016 - International Journal of Research in Basic and Lifelong Education 5 (1).
    The secular character of the Nigerian state should not impede collaboration between the Roman Catholic Schools Management Board and the Government of Cross River State (Nigeria) in the area of religious education. Based on the above claim, this paper is an exercise in content analysis of The Catholic School{\\ial is, the document regulating Catholic principles of education in schools) and Religion and National Values: Primary 1- 5(text on curricular contents of religious education at the (...)
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    The commission on religious education – a response to l. Philip Barnes.Trevor Cooling - 2022 - British Journal of Educational Studies 70 (1):103-118.
    In a recent article, L. Philip Barnes critiques the Commission on Religious Education (CoRE) Final Report by scrutinising its text and by responding to my interpretation of that text. His particular, but not exclusive, focus is CoRE’s proposal that the idea of worldview should be central to RE. His conclusion is that: ‘The collective force of these criticisms counsels against implementing the proposals of CoRE. Religious education needs to look elsewhere than to a worldview curriculum (...)
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    Relatia Stat-Biserica în privinta educatiei religioase în scolile publice din România/ Church-State Relation In The Religious Education In Romanian Public Schools.Emil Moise - 2004 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 3 (7):77-100.
    In this paper I will deal with the question of the religious education in the public schools in Romania, from the point of view of the relationship between Church and State. My quantitative and qualitative analysis of the bills concerning religious education, the way in which law has been applied and some of the consequences of this application wants to circumscribe the meaning of some concepts such as religious liberty and the new religious forms. (...)
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    Religious education in high school: political decision and ways of implementation.T. Hazyr-Ogly - 2005 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 36:126-129.
    The issue of the Ministry of Education's introduction into the school curriculum of the Ethics of Faith course is very complex, acute and has many contradictions. We will try to address only some aspects of this problem. The call of the President of Ukraine to teach "Ethics of Faith" in secondary schools faces two major problems.
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    The Empirical Science of Religious Education.Mandy Robbins & Leslie J. Francis (eds.) - 2016 - Routledge.
    _The Empirical Science of Religious Education_ draws together a collection of innovative articles in the field of religious education which passed the editorial scrutiny of Professor Robert Jackson over the course of his impactful fourteen year career as editor of the British Journal of Religious Education. These articles have made an enormous contribution to the international literature establishing of the empirical science of religious education as a research field. The volume draws together, organises (...)
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  27.  14
    The History of Education in Europe.History of Education Society - 2007 - Routledge.
    There is a common tradition in European education going back to the Middle Ages which long played a part in providing the curriculum of schools which catered both for the wealthy and for able sons of less well-to-do families. Originally published in 1974, this volume examines the relationship between education and society in the different countries of Europe from which differences in tradition and practice emerge. The countries discussed include: France, Germany, the former Soviet Union, Poland and (...)
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    Why Teach Philosophy in Schools? The Case for Philosophy on the Curriculum.Jane Gatley - 2023 - London: Bloomsbury.
    This book presents a case for teaching philosophy in schools. It develops two original arguments for teaching philosophy to all students at some point over the course of their education. Gatley argues that teaching philosophy is the best way to help students to think clearly using ordinary, or non-specialist concepts such as 'good', 'truth', or 'happiness'. She goes on to argue that teaching philosophy is the best way to help students to make sense of the different conceptual schemes used (...)
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  29.  43
    Evolution education: treating evolution as a sensitive rather than a controversial issue.Michael J. Reiss - 2019 - Ethics and Education 14 (3):351-366.
    Evolution is often seen as a site of contestation within the school curriculum. The topic of evolution is therefore often considered to be ‘controversial’. I first examine what is meant by ‘controversial’ and conclude that while, in an everyday sense, the topic of evolution can indeed be considered to be controversial, this term can mislead. A more fruitful way forward may be to regard the topic of evolution as ‘sensitive’. I examine reasons why evolution might be considered sensitive (...)
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    Moral Education in a Democracy.Charles Thomas Taylor - 2011 - UPA.
    In this book, Taylor argues that the traditional dissemination of moral values is now insufficient and inadequate. This deficiency requires a dramatic shift of the burden of this activity from the religious institutions to the public schools. Thus, Taylor proposes both a curriculum and a methodology for public moral education.
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    Theologies of Religious Education.Randolph Crump Miller - 1995
    THEOLOGIES OF RELIGIOUS EDUCATION explores the interactive relationships between religious education and thirteen widely different current schools of theologies. Central to this volume is the basic question of whether theology exercises determinative conrol over all phases of religious educaion theory and practice, OR whether theolgy is simply an important contributor to the field of religous educaiton. Does theology in itself possess the capability of directly generating teaching procedures and verifying the instrucitonal effects of these procedures?
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    A Scientific Approach to Religious Education in Childhood.Aslihan ATİK - 2019 - Dini Araştırmalar 22 (56):353-369.
    The aim of this study is to create a sample curriculum which aims to explain the belief and belief of Allah, which is one of the most basic concepts of religious education, based on the developmental based life centred religion concept as an alternative to the existing religious education practices, based on the order and functioning of the universe and to explain its functionality. For this purpose, 12 children who have been educated in the 3rd (...)
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    Researching non-formal religious education: The example of the European study on confirmation work.Friedrich Schweitzer - 2017 - HTS Theological Studies 73 (4):1-8.
    This article discusses the need for researching non-formal religious education as a neglected field of empirical research in religious education. By describing the growing awareness of the theological and educational meaning and importance of non-formal education and by reviewing the literature on research in religious education which appears to be focused somewhat one-sidedly on the formal context of the school and of the school subject of Religious Education, the author (...)
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  34.  19
    Using Media News in Religious Education as a Teaching Material.Ahmet KOÇ - 2021 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 25 (2):521-546.
    Media news can be regarded as an important teaching material to be used in lessons in terms of being interesting, containing up-to-date information, reinforcing what has been learned in the course, and combining it with many methods and techniques. In addition, the fact that media news provides a more concrete learning, helps the subject in the lesson to be connected with real life and helps students to develop their empathy skills. Therefore, the use of media news in religious (...) can increase curiosity and interest in the lesson and enable students to actively participate in learning processes. This article, which focuses on how to benefit from media news in religious education, has been prepared to raise awareness about the use of media news for teachers who attend religious education classes, and thus to guide them in using media news in their lessons. In the study, the use of media news in religious education was first addressed in a conceptual framework, and then the extent to which media news was used in the textbooks of the religious education courses was investigated. Within the scope of the research, 42 books on Religious Culture and Moral Knowledge (RCMK) and Imam Hatip High School Vocational Lessons were examined and four examples were found as a result of this examination. It was observed that the media news used in the textbooks led the students to research, share and discuss. However, the fact that only four examples could be found in 42 textbooks reveals that media news are not used sufficiently in religious education, and teachers are not provided with sufficient material on the use of media news in teaching processes. In the third part of the study, the issues to be considered in the use of media news in religious education are examined in three groups as before, during and after the lesson. According to this media news can be evaluated as lecture, interpretation, concept definition, question-answer and application of discussion techniques during the lesson. Discussion, scientific research and case study methods are methods that can be used effectively in media news activities. In the last part of the study, six activity examples are given for the use of media news in religious education classes. These activities are the activities of the lessons of RCMK (4-7th grade), The Life of the Prophet (7th grade), Basic Religious Knowledge (9th grade), Fiqh (10th grade) and Islamic Culture and Civilization (12th grade). These exemplary activities, prepared at five different lessons and five different class levels, reveal that media news can be used quite effectively in religious education, and all media news from sports to economy, from health to daily life can be associated with the course subjects. In the context of the results of this research, it is suggested that the course books should be updated and media news should be included more. Through a platform to be established by the General Directorate of Religious Education, news in the media can be archived and a guide can be prepared on what subjects and how these news can be used. Additional research can be conducted with focus on a single lecture or a single media tool. In addition, quantitative and qualitative studies can be conducted to asses the contribution of the use of media news in religious education classes to students’ learning. (shrink)
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  35. Philosophy of Education.Laura D'Olimpio, Jane Gatley & Ruth Wareham - forthcoming - London: Palgrave.
    This textbook provides an up to date, accessible introductory account of the philosophy of education with a focus on the conceptual and normative questions raised by educational policy and practice. The key concepts explored in this book include learning, teaching, indoctrination, knowledge, equality, intelligence, virtue, and rights. Getting clear on the meanings of these words is vital if we are to explain what we are doing and why as educators. Such conceptual analysis helps us when it comes to the (...)
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    Should philosophy replace religious education? A reply to brenda watson: Larvor Reply to Watson.Brendan Larvor - 2005 - Think 4 (10):31-33.
    In Issue 7 of Think, Brendan Larvor criticised the Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams, for suggesting that atheism and humanism ought not to be taught in schools alongside the religious faiths. In Issue 9, Brenda Watson defended the Archbishop's view. Here, Larvor replies to Watson. The numbers below refer to numbered points in Watson's piece.
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  37. Renewed focus on scripture in Religious Education in Catholic Schools.John McGrath - 2020 - The Australasian Catholic Record 97 (4):425.
    As Pope Benedict XVI stated, 'Youth is a time when genuine and irrepressible questions arise about the meaning of life and the direction our own lives should take' so 'we need to help young people to gain confidence and familiarity with sacred Scripture so it can become a compass pointing out the path to follow'. The 'instrumentum laboris' for the Synod on the Word of God recommended that 'greater appreciation needs to be given to teaching the Bible in schools, especially (...)
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    Bildung as educational purpose: reimagining the goals of religious education.David Lewin - forthcoming - Ethics and Education.
    This paper develops work undertaken by the After Religious Education project which seeks to reimagine Religious Education in schools for a context in which both religious and non-religious worldviews are taken seriously. One of the longstanding challenges for RE teachers in schools in England has been how to reconcile the broad range of aims and purposes it is supposed to support in a context in which RE is increasingly perceived as confused, inconsistent, and irrelevant. (...)
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  39. International Handbook of Philosophy of Education.Paul Smeyers (ed.) - 2018 - Springer.
    This handbook presents a comprehensive introduction to the core areas of philosophy of education combined with an up-to-date selection of the central themes. It includes 95 newly commissioned articles that focus on and advance key arguments; each essay incorporates essential background material serving to clarify the history and logic of the relevant topic, examining the status quo of the discipline with respect to the topic, and discussing the possible futures of the field. The book provides a state-of-the-art overview of (...)
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    Evolution education in Papua New Guinea: Trainee teachers' views.Barend Vlaardingerbroek & Christopher J. Roederer - 1997 - Educational Studies 23 (3):363-375.
    Educated Papua New Guineans’ conceptual ecologies need to accommodate competing and conflicting traditional ethnoscientific, Western religious and modern scientific paradigms. Papua New Guinea is a constitutionally self-declared ‘Christian country’ and evolution is a controversial issue. The upper secondary school biology syllabus contains a terminating unit on evolution but the curriculum is of expatriate design and the rapid localisation of senior educational positions makes the views of indigenous teaching personnel a high research priority, particularly in the light of (...)
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  41. Church-state relation in the religious education in Romanian public schools.E. Moise - 2004 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 2 (7):77-100.
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    Church Youth Work in the Context of Non-Formal Religious Education: The Case of the Catholic Church.S. U. Mehmet - 2024 - Fırat Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 28 (2):153-166.
    Church youth work is the activities and programs organized by churches for young people. These activities aim to contribute to the religious, spiritual and social development of young people. Church youth work brings young people together and supports them in areas such as religious education, spiritual development, community service, leadership development and active participation in the religious community. It is seen that youth work, which was previously a part of family work, has been organized as a (...)
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  43. Time for change: A new role for religion in education.Anna Halafoff - 2012 - The Australian Humanist 107 (107):5.
    Halafoff, Anna After last week's (20 June) High Court challenge verdict on funding chaplains in schools, religious education is back in the headlines. The role of religion in Australian schools has been vigorously debated for more than a century. Recent events including the landmark High Court case, the pending Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT) case outcome in Victoria, the decision to review Special Religious Education programs in NSW, and the move towards a National Curriculum (...)
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    On the distinctive educational value of philosophy.Michael Hand - 2018 - Journal of Philosophy in Schools 5 (1):4-19.
    Should philosophy be a compulsory subject in schools? I take it as read that philosophy has general educational value: like other academic disciplines, it cultivates a range of intellectual virtues in those who study it. But that may not be a good enough reason to add it to the roster of established school subjects. The claim I defend in this article is that philosophy also has distinctive educational value: there are philosophical problems that feature prominently and pressingly in ordinary (...)
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    Critical dimensions of ethical competence in intercultural religious education: An analysis with special regard to three Scandinavian curricular arenas.Olof Franck - 2020 - HTS Theological Studies 76 (1):10.
    The central theme in the discussion of how education about religion can, and should, be developed in pluralistic societies concerns challenges and opportunities involving intercultural religious education (RE). One example is Robert Jackson’s report Signposts, commissioned by the Council of Europe, in which various aspects of intercultural competence are captured and made visible regarding a religious didactic context. Here, different dimensions of what can be described as ‘ethical competence’ appear to be central. In this article, the (...)
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    The Sound of Two Hands Clapping: The Education of a Tibetan Buddhist Monk (review).Christian P. B. Haskett - 2005 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 25 (1):192-196.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:The Sound of Two Hands Clapping: The Education of a Tibetan Buddhist MonkChristian P. B. HaskettThe Sound of Two Hands Clapping: The Education of a Tibetan Buddhist Monk. By Georges B. J. Dreyfus. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2003. 445 + xv pp.Georges Dreyfus is a uniquely valuable contributor to the academic study of Tibetan Buddhism. He is the first Westerner to have received the Geshe (...)
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    The Catholic Life Formation Curriculum of the Catholic Schools in the Archdiocese of Cebu: A Critical Review.Reverend Father Eduardo O. Ventic - 2012 - Iamure International Journal of Literature, Philosophy and Religion 2 (1).
    The essential mission of the church is evangelization (EN 14). She establishes her own schools to accomplish this mission. Evangelization aims at the formation of the whole person. In this complete formation, the religion or faith dimension plays an important role in the development of the other aspects of one’s personality in the measure in which it is integrated into general education. The extent to which the Christian message is transmitted through education depends not only on content and (...)
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    Education for Inclusive Citizenship.Dina Kiwan - 2007 - Routledge.
    This book examines the conceptions of citizenship and the extent to which these conceptions accommodate ethnic and religious diversity in today’s schools. The author contributes to theoretical thinking on inclusive citizenship through a focus on the policy and curriculum development process of citizenship education in the English secondary school context, and she bases her work on original first-hand account from interviews with key players involved, such as former home secretary David Blunkett, Sir Bernard Crick and other (...)
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    The Philosophy of Education of William Torrey Harris in the Annual Reports.Peter M. Collins - 2008 - Upa.
    The intertwining careers of William Torrey Harris converge in twelve of the Annual Reports of the Board of Directors for St. Louis Public Schools. Harris formulated most of the essential features of these twelve reports as the Superintendent of Schools from 1867 to 1869. These particular reports—which have been acclaimed nationally and internationally—are said to be among the most valuable official publications in American educational literature. They are far different from the descriptive documents originally intended by their author. This study (...)
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    Grammar of Dissent? Theology and the Language of Religious Education.Anthony Towey - 2020 - New Blackfriars 101 (1092):135-152.
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