Results for ' représentation des événements'

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  1.  35
    El dolor de los marcianos. Un análisis fenomenológico contra Rorty.Agustín Serrano de Haro - 2014 - Investigaciones Fenomenológicas 4:313.
    Mi ensayo trata de mostrar que es insostenible la ficción de Rorty de una civilización avanzada científicamente cuyos habitantes no sintieran el dolor como una vivencia sufrida en primera persona y que únicamente lo captaran como una excitación objetiva de su sistema nervioso. Entre otras dudas relativas a que esa captación objetiva y exacta se hallaría en indefinida reconstrucción teórica y a que ella no puede ser la experiencia primera del dolor ni siquiera en esa otra galaxia, aduzco que tener (...)
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    Philosophie de la stratégie française.Julien Durand de Sanctis - 2018 - Paris: Nuvis.
    C'est au croisement des personnalités et des événements que se structure progressivement une culture stratégique. Qu'en est-il de celle de la France, nation bâtie "à coups d'épée"? Quelles expériences l'ont forgée, quelles philosophies la sous-tendent? Telles sont les questions fondamentales auxquelles répond cet ouvrage. Car la stratégie militaire française constitue un objet d'étude à la fois bien et mal connu. Connu puisqu'inscrit dans une histoire intimement liée à la construction d'une identité nationale et internationale dont on constate aujourd'hui encore (...)
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    Game theory and partner representation in joint action: toward a computational theory of joint agency.Cecilia De Vicariis, Vinil T. Chackochan & Vittorio Sanguineti - 2024 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 23 (3):599-628.
    The sense of agency – the subjective feeling of being in control of our own actions – is one central aspect of the phenomenology of action. Computational models provided important contributions toward unveiling the mechanisms underlying the sense of agency in individual action. In particular, the sense of agency is believed to be related to the match between the actual and predicted consequences of our own actions (comparator model). In the study of joint action, models are even more necessary to (...)
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    Un écho de la Révolution française : la mobilisation de la référence aux jacobins et au jacobinisme en Suisse lors des événements de 1847-1848.Yves Palau - 2021 - Astérion 24 (24).
    The terms Jacobin and Jacobinism in political discourse never exclusively refer to the members of the French revolutionary club, or to the often contradictory and changing ideas that were debated there. They have been used over time to designate, often in a derogatory way, some political figures and intellectual currents that sometimes bear only a vague relationship to French revolutionary thought. The political events that marked Switzerland in the years 1847-1848 offer a perfect illustration of the way such terms were (...)
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    Physical, neural, and mental timing.Wim van de Grind - 2002 - Consciousness and Cognition 11 (2):241-64.
    The conclusions drawn by Benjamin Libet from his work with collegues on the timing of somatosensorial conscious experiences has met with a lot of praise and criticism. In this issue we find three examples of the latter. Here I attempt to place the divide between the two opponent camps in a broader perspective by analyzing the question of the relation between physical timing, neural timing, and experiential timing. The nervous system does a sophisticated job of recombining and recoding messages from (...)
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  6. Crime e fruição: o egoísmo de Max Stirner como discurso de resistência contra a dominação?Beatriz de Almeida Rodrigues - 2018 - Dissertation, Nova University Lisbon
    This dissertation critically examines the writings of Max Stirner, especially his masterpiece The Ego and Its Own, as a discourse of resistance against modern forms of domination and, in particular, against the modern political State. I begin by examining Stirner's inversion of the Hegelian concept of the State, from the “actualization of freedom”to an instance of domination. The State appears, to Stirner as to Hegel, as the guardian of order and cohesion in modern societies. While both recognize the genesis of (...)
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    Do You Approach Positive Events or Do They Approach You? Linking Event Valence and Time Representations in a Dutch Sample.Annemijn C. Loermans, Bjorn B. de Koning & Lydia Krabbendam - 2021 - Journal of Cognition and Culture 21 (3-4):331-345.
    In order to think and talk about time, people often use the ego- or time-moving representation. In the ego-moving representation, the self travels through a temporal landscape, leaving past events behind and approaching future events; in the time-moving representation, the self is stationary and temporal events pass by. Several studies contest to the psychological ramifications of these two representations by, inter alia, demonstrating a link between them and event valence. These studies have, however, been limited to English speakers, even though (...)
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  8. Envisioning Transformations – The Practice of Topology.Silvia De Toffoli & Valeria Giardino - 2016 - In Brendan Larvor, Mathematical Cultures: The London Meetings 2012-2014. Springer International Publishing. pp. 25-50.
    The objective of this article is twofold. First, a methodological issue is addressed. It is pointed out that even if philosophers of mathematics have been recently more and more concerned with the practice of mathematics, there is still a need for a sharp definition of what the targets of a philosophy of mathematical practice should be. Three possible objects of inquiry are put forward: (1) the collective dimension of the practice of mathematics; (2) the cognitives capacities requested to the practitioners; (...)
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  9. Evolved cognitive biases and the epistemic status of scientific beliefs.Helen De Cruz & Johan De Smedt - 2012 - Philosophical Studies 157 (3):411-429.
    Our ability for scientific reasoning is a byproduct of cognitive faculties that evolved in response to problems related to survival and reproduction. Does this observation increase the epistemic standing of science, or should we treat scientific knowledge with suspicion? The conclusions one draws from applying evolutionary theory to scientific beliefs depend to an important extent on the validity of evolutionary arguments (EAs) or evolutionary debunking arguments (EDAs). In this paper we show through an analytical model that cultural transmission of scientific (...)
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    Measuring Quantum Superpositions.Christian de Ronde - 2023 - In Jonas R. B. Arenhart & Raoni W. Arroyo, Non-Reflexive Logics, Non-Individuals, and the Philosophy of Quantum Mechanics: Essays in Honour of the Philosophy of Décio Krause. Springer Verlag. pp. 261-296.
    In this work we attempt to confront the orthodox widespread claim, present in the philosophical and foundational debates about Quantum Mechanics (QM), that ‘superpositions are never actually observed in the lab’. In order to do so, we begin by providing a critical analysis of the famous measurement problem which, we will argue, was originated as a consequence of the strict application of the empirical-positivist requirements to subsume the quantum formalism under their specific understanding of a physical ‘theory’. In particular, the (...)
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    Radical artifactualism.Guilherme Sanches de Oliveira - 2022 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 12 (2):1-33.
    A powerful idea put forward in the recent philosophy of science literature is that scientific models are best understood as instruments, tools or, more generally, artifacts. This idea has thus far been developed in combination with the more traditional representational approach: accordingly, current artifactualist accounts treat models as representational tools. But artifactualism and representationalism are independent views, and adopting one does not require acceptance of the other. This paper argues that a leaner version of artifactualism, free of representationalist assumptions, is (...)
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    Violence, Identity, and Self-Determination.Hent de Vries & Samuel Weber (eds.) - 1997 - Stanford University Press.
    With the collapse of the bipolar system of global rivalry that dominated world politics after the Second World War, and in an age that is seeing the return of "ethnic cleansing" and "identity politics," the question of violence, in all of its multiple ramifications, imposes itself with renewed urgency. Rather than concentrating on the socioeconomic or political backgrounds of these historical changes, the contributors to this volume rethink the _concept_ of violence, both in itself and in relation to the formation (...)
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    From the selfish gene to selfish metabolism: Revisiting the central dogma.Víctor de Lorenzo - 2014 - Bioessays 36 (3):226-235.
    The standard representation of the Central Dogma (CD) of Molecular Biology conspicuously ignores metabolism. However, both the metabolites and the biochemical fluxes behind any biological phenomenon are encrypted in the DNA sequence. Metabolism constrains and even changes the information flow when the DNA‐encoded instructions conflict with the homeostasis of the biochemical network. Inspection of adaptive virulence programs and emergence of xenobiotic‐biodegradation pathways in environmental bacteria suggest that their main evolutionary drive is the expansion of their metabolic networks towards new chemical (...)
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  14.  36
    Semantic Noise and Conceptual Stagnation in Natural Language Processing.Sonia de Jager - 2023 - Angelaki 28 (3):111-132.
    Semantic noise, the effect ensuing from the denotative and thus functional variability exhibited by different terms in different contexts, is a common concern in natural language processing (NLP). While unarguably problematic in specific applications (e.g., certain translation tasks), the main argument of this paper is that failing to observe this linguistic matter of fact as a generative effect rather than as an obstacle, leads to actual obstacles in instances where language model outputs are presented as neutral. Given that a common (...)
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  15. Widening the body to rubber hands and tools: what's the difference?Frédérique De Vignemont - unknown
    The brain represents the body in different ways for different purposes. Several concepts and even more numerous labels have historically been proposed to define these representations in operational terms. Recent evidence of embodiment of external objects has added complexity to an already quite intricate picture. In particular, because of their perceptual and motor effects, both rubber hands and tools can be conceived as embodied, that is, represented in the brain as if they were parts of one's own body. But are (...)
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    Memory Museum and Museum Text.Silke Arnold-de Simine - 2012 - Theory, Culture and Society 29 (1):14-35.
    In the last 20 years the institution of the museum has gone through a period of redefining its role and its functions in society, its forms of representation, its authority in discourses on the past and its objects. The stated aim of many of the ‘memory museums’ which were established during this period is to invite reflection on the aestheticization of memory and on the fact that the exhibition is seen as a narrative which is challenging conventional codes of perception. (...)
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    Numanities and Their Role in the Twenty-First Century.Ricardo Nogueira De Castro Monteiro - 2017 - American Journal of Semiotics 33 (1/2):49-68.
    Despite the unquestionable importance of technological progress in twenty-first-century society, the decision by many political leaders worldwide to treat natural sciences as an almost exclusive priority betrays a terrible misconception of the complexity of the contemporary world. As the Renaissance cannot be reduced to Copernicus’s or Galileo’s brilliant contributions, or Enlightenment to the works of such giants as Newton and Cavendish, contemporary society will hardly be remembered as just a series of amazing software and gadget updates. There are three categories (...)
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    How to be multiple: the philosophy of twins.Helena de Bres - 2023 - New York: Bloomsbury Publishing. Edited by Julia De Bres.
    Philosophy professor, humorist, and identical twin Helena de Bres takes the curious, wondrous, ludicrous experience of being a twin as a lens through which to reconsider our place in the world and how we relate to others. Which one are you? Are you the same? Can you read each other's minds? Identical twins get the weirdest existential questions from strangers, also from loved ones, in fact, even from themselves. For twins fascinate all of us... including twins. For Helena de Bres, (...)
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    The Suspended Substantive: On Animals and Men in Giorgio Agamben's The Open.Leland De la Durantaye - 2003 - Diacritics 33 (2):3-9.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:diacritics 33.2 (2005) 3-9 [Access article in PDF] The Suspended Substantive On Animals and Men in Giorgio Agamben's The Open Leland de la Durantaye Giorgio Agamben. The Open: Man and Animal. Trans. Kevin Attell. Stanford: Stanford UP, 2004. [O] Trans. of L'aperto: L'uomo e l'animale. Torino: Bollati Boringhieri, 2002. [A] With a title as enigmatic as The Open, the reader might well wonder, "the open what?" Is the title's (...)
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    Produções Imagéticas: Uma Pesquisa No Modo Criança.Vanderleia de Lourdes Rodrigues Lopes de Oliveira & Bianca Santos Chisté - 2022 - Childhood and Philosophy 18:01-24.
    This article is part of a research project guided by a methodology for the production of images by children from 2 to 6 years old, developed in the Zona da Mata, in Rondônia. Children's filmic and photographic image productions inspired this inquiry, and suggest a novel way of thinking about children, childhood and research. Based on the questions, What can children's image productions tell us in a survey carried out in periods of social isolation? and What do children’s representations tell (...)
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    Nuclear structure on a Grassmann manifold.J. A. de Wet - 1987 - Foundations of Physics 17 (10):993-1018.
    Products of particlelike representations of the homogeneous Lorentz group are used to construct the degrees of spin angular momentum of a composite system of protons and neutrons. If a canonical labeling system is adopted for each state, a shell structure emerges. Furthermore the use of the Dirac ring ensures that the spin is characterized by half-angles in accord with the neutron-rotation experiment. It is possible to construct a Clebsch-Gordan decomposition to reduce a state of complex angular momentum into simpler states (...)
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    Mary’s cognitive progress.Roberto Horácio de Sá Pereira - 2024 - Asian Journal of Philosophy 3 (2):1-15.
    Upon her release, Mary gains new knowledge aligned with B-type materialism and property dualism, even though she already possesses knowledge of all the facts and truths related to color and color vision during her time in captivity. I argue that this “cognitive progress” can only be accounted for by the acquisition of a new nonconceptual representation of the color red upon her release. Independently of any concepts, this acquisition already enables her to discriminate all sorts of shades of color within (...)
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  23. The marginal body.Frédérique De Vignemont - unknown
    According to Gurwitsch, the body is at least at the margin of consciousness. If all components of the field of consciousness were experienced as equally salient, we would indeed not be able to think and behave appropriately. Though the body may become the focus of our conscious field when we are introspectively aware of it, it remains most of the time only at the background of consciousness. However, we may wonder if bodily states do really need to be conscious, even (...)
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    Source code obfuscation with genetic algorithms using LLVM code optimizations.Juan Carlos de la Torre, Javier Jareño, José Miguel Aragón-Jurado, Sébastien Varrette & Bernabé Dorronsoro - forthcoming - Logic Journal of the IGPL.
    With the advent of the cloud computing model allowing a shared access to massive computing facilities, a surging demand emerges for the protection of the intellectual property tied to the programs executed on these uncontrolled systems. If novel paradigm as confidential computing aims at protecting the data manipulated during the execution, obfuscating techniques (in particular at the source code level) remain a popular solution to conceal the purpose of a program or its logic without altering its functionality, thus preventing reverse-engineering (...)
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    Les formes du visible.Thibault De Meyer - 2022 - Common Knowledge 28 (3):458-459.
    In his latest book, Descola analyzes more than 150 graphic works from all over the world, among which are animal statuettes of the Koryaks, a people of the Kamchatka region of Russia. Those figurines always represent animals lying in wait, ready to jump or already running. Such representations, the anthropologist argues, incline us to pay attention to what motivates and what troubles the animals: “All those animals that we see undertaking an action manifestly intentional or properly responding to unexpected events (...)
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  26. How the world became mathematical.Dennis des Chene - unknown
    My title, of course, is an exaggeration. The world no more became mathematical in the seventeenth century than it became ironic in the nineteenth. Either it was mathematical all along, and seventeenth-century philosophers discovered it was, or, if it wasn’t, it could not have been made so by a few books. What became mathematical was physics, and whether that has any bearing on the furniture of the universe is one topic of this paper. Garber says, and I agree, that for (...)
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    El retrato en Las meninas.Ana Maqueda de la Peña - 2021 - Ingenium. Revista Electrónica de Pensamiento Moderno y Metodología En Historia de Las Ideas 14:35-41.
    Portrait painting is one of the most direct sources of study because of its challenge to temporal limits, since at first instance no effort is required to decode the image. This immediate connection between the observer and the painting itself is even more evident when studying baroque representations. The portraits in the painting Las meninas are an eloquent testimony of that willingness to begin a dialogue created in the past and continued in the present with a back drop acting as (...)
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    Magritte et les philosophes.Thibault De Meyer - 2022 - Common Knowledge 28 (2):299-300.
    Magritte et les philosophes, written by a Belgian semiotician, puts in dialogue some paintings by René Magritte with some thoughts of Kant, Hegel, Nietzsche, Wittgenstein, Sartre, Foucault, and, in a chapter on La condition humaine, even Plato. Painted in 1933, La condition humaine represents a garden as seen from a salon, but in the room there is already a painting on an easel that represents the same garden. Because the second-order painting (the painting in the painting) is placed in front (...)
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    Understanding in synthetic chemistry: the case of periplanone B.Milo D. Cornelissen & Henk W. de Regt - 2022 - Synthese 200 (6):1-31.
    Understanding natural phenomena is an important aim of science. Since the turn of the millennium the notion of scientific understanding has been a hot topic of debate in the philosophy of science. A bone of contention in this debate is the role of truth and representational accuracy in scientific understanding. So-called factivists and non-factivists disagree about the extent to which the theories and models that are used to achieve understanding must be true or accurate. In this paper we address this (...)
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    Au travers de la représentation du témoignage.Étienne Pouliot - 2015 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 71 (1):29-39.
    Étienne Pouliot | Résumé : On convient aisément que tout témoignage peut renvoyer à une expérience, passée ou du moins présupposée, ou encore qu’il peut véhiculer en quelque sorte un message. Il ne se réduit pas pour autant à n’être qu’une fenêtre sur autre chose, voire sur lui-même. En vérité, parce qu’il est avant tout parole, le témoignage constitue toujours et se constitue précisément en un certain ratage de l’expérience là représentée, du message là livré, du vécu là offert. Un (...)
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    Grasping the Concept of an Object at a Glance: Category Information Accessed by Brief Dichoptic Presentation.Caitlyn Antal & Roberto G. de Almeida - 2024 - Cognitive Science 48 (10):e70002.
    What type of conceptual information about an object do we get at a brief glance? In two experiments, we investigated the nature of conceptual tokening—the moment at which conceptual information about an object is accessed. Using a masked picture-word congruency task with dichoptic presentations at “brief” (50−60 ms) and “long” (190−200 ms) durations, participants judged the relation between a picture (e.g., a banana) and a word representing one of four property types about the object: superordinate (fruit), basic level (banana), a (...)
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  32. Neo-Pyrrhonism a New Reading of Pyrrhonian Acceptance in the Light of the Contemporary Philosophy of Sá Pereira Roberto Horácio - 2022 - Sképsis 13 (24):46-62.
    I argue for a new reading of Pyrrhonian beliefs inspired by representationalism (the content view) in recent philosophy of mind. I shall argue that there are two senses of acceptance or “acquiescence in something” (eudokein tini pragmati) rather than two senses of belief (doxa). For this reason, we can maintain along with Sextus that the Pyrrhonian skeptic behaves intentionally and can live his life in society adoxastôs without any proper beliefs whatsoever. However, the skeptical sense of acceptance is not the (...)
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    La critique de la représentation politique chez Rousseau.Philippe Crignon - 2007 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 83 (4):481.
    La critique que Rousseau fait de la représentation politique n’a eu aucun succès chez ceux-là mêmes qui ont pourtant retenu ses concepts majeurs, tels ceux de souveraineté populaire et de volonté générale. La thèse ici défendue est que la volonté générale ne peut, ni en théorie ni en pratique, être représentée sans être totalement dénaturée. Resituée dans la problématique qui lui a donné son sens, et qui mobilise aussi bien Hobbes que Pufendorf, le rejet rousseauiste de la représentation (...)
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  34. In Defence of Type-A Sá Pereira Roberto Horácio - 2016 - Diametros 49: 68–83.
    In this paper, I argue against the phenomenal concept strategy (henceforth PCS) and in favor of what Chalmers has called type-A materialism ([2006], [2010] p. 111). On her release, Mary makes no cognitive discovery at all, not even a thin, non-possibility-eliminating discovery, as Tye has recently claimed [2012]. When she is imprisoned, Mary already knows everything that is to be known about the phenomenal character of her experiences. What Mary acquires is a new non-cognitive and nonconceptual representation.
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    L’image : entre représentation et irreprésentable, les transfigures de Duchamp et les défigures de Bacon.Denis Viennet - 2008 - Philosophique 11:121-127.
    C’est selon la perspective de l’image comme représentation que nous examinons et mettons en parallèle les œuvres de Marcel Duchamp et de Francis Bacon. Duchamp s’extirpe de l’univers de la peinture, émancipe l’art de son champ exclusivement pictural, « rétinien ». Bacon emprunte une voie intermédiaire : celle de la « forme sensible », de la « Figure », c’est-à-dire du « figural ». Qu’il s’agisse de la déformation avec Bacon ou de la transformation avec Duchamp, la représentation (...)
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  36. De la sémiotique de la représentation thé'trale à l’anthropologie culturelle.Eleni Mouratidou - 2006 - Sign Systems Studies 34 (2):527-537.
    From the semiotics of theatrical representation to cultural anthropology or why theater (resists)? In this paper I propose an epistemological approach to the field of theatre semiotics from the beginning of the 20th century to our days. Firstly, I point out two different periods that have influenced theatre semiotics. The first one centres on reflections and studies by the Prague School of Structuralism. More precisely, I address Jan Mukařovsky’s essays about art and society as well as Jindrich Honzl’s contributions to (...)
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    Paul Ricœur et la question de la singularité et de l’unicité de l’événement à l’épreuve de la Shoah.Christian Delacroix - 2017 - Études Ricoeuriennes / Ricoeur Studies 8 (1):32-44.
    Il s’agit dans cet article d’analyser le travail de désingularisation relative de l’événement que Ricœur opère par couplage avec le récit dans Temps et récit au début des années 1980, puis la reprise de la question de la singularité et de l’unicité de l’événement dans La mémoire, l’histoire, l’oubli dans le cadre théorique recomposé de la représentation historienne mise à l’épreuve de “l’événement aux limites” qu’est la Shoah. Dans Temps et récit Ricœur entend dépasser, par l’entrecroisement entre histoire et (...)
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  38. La cause d'un événement éléments d'une métaphysique descriptive de la causalité entre événements.Geert Keil & Max Kistler - 2006 - Philosophie 89 (2):21-39.
    La philosophie contemporaine connaît une demi-douzaine de théories de la causalité. À l'époque de Kant et de Hume leur nombre a été moindre, à l'avenir on peut s'attendre à ce que leur nombre continue d'augmenter. Parmi les affirmations faites par ces théories sur la nature de la causalité, certaines sont compatibles entre elles, mais beaucoup ne le sont pas. Par conséquent, ou bien quelques-unes de ces théories sont fausses, ou bien elles ne portent pas sur le même objet. Dans ce (...)
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    The Paraconsistent Approach to Quantum Superpositions Reloaded: Formalizing Contradictiory Powers in the Potential Realm.Newton C. A. da Costa & Christian de Ronde - unknown
    In [7] the authors of this paper argued in favor of the possibility to consider a Paraconsistent Approach to Quantum Superpositions. We claimed that, even though most interpretations of quantum mechanics attempt to escape contradictions, there are many hints -coming from present technical and experimental developments in QM- that indicate it could be worth while to engage in a research of this kind. Recently, Arenhart and Krause have raised several arguments against the PAQS [1, 2, 3]. In [11, 12] it (...)
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  40. The project of Freudian memory: a review of the constitution of this notion in the early days of psychoanalysis. [REVIEW]Maria Celina Lima Peixoto & Débora Passos de Oliveira - 2012 - Trans/Form/Ação 35 (2):257-275.
    O presente trabalho versa sobre a constituição da noção de memória na teoria freudiana. Para tanto, utilizamos, de modo primordial, as elaborações desenvolvidas no Projeto para uma psicologia científica. Objetivamos ressaltar que Freud subverte a problemática acerca do conceito de memória, concedendo a essa ideia um caráter criativo que se diferencia da simples representação de um objeto contido na realidade material. Em Freud, a memória excede o que se compreende comumente como evocação, ou seja, a lembrança não se restringe à (...)
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    La fixation progressive d'une représentation floue de la violence colombienne sur la scène médiatique internationale.Juan-Carlos Guerrero-Bernal - 2006 - Hermes 46:169.
    Cet article prétend expliquer l'invisibilité relative du conflit armé colombien par rapport à d'autres situations de crise internationale. Au lieu de présupposer que le problème repose sur une faible médiatisation des événements rapportés à la Colombie, il se penche sur les tentatives de mise en sens des événements effectuées par les journalistes au moment de leur médiatisation. L'argument central est que l'opacité du « problème colombien » sur la scène internationale est surtout liée à la difficulté de parvenir (...)
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    Wat is de wereld?W. van Bemmelen - 1939 - Synthese 4 (3):123-132.
    Le monde se révèle à l'homme, comme matière, temps et esprit. L'on sait à présent que considérés dans l'espace et le temps, la terre est d'une extrême petitesse et l'homme un être éphémère. Une conception du monde qui prendrait l'homme pour centre et partirait de lui ne donnerait donc aucune garantie de probabilité. Pourtant elle est assez générale, accoutumés comme nous sommes à juger d'après les perceptions grossières des sens, qui trop souvent nous induisent en erreur. Selon les physiciens, la (...)
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    Nature et fonction de la mémoire dans À la recherche du temps perdu.Jacques Zéphir - 1990 - Philosophiques 17 (2):147-168.
    Dans À la recherche du temps perdu, Proust est, en réalité, à la recherche de son identité, de son moi profond et véritable. Pour ce faire, il s'isole du présent dans le but de se retrouver dans le passé. Cependant, la « résurrection du passé », qui doit lui apporter le salut éperdument recherché, n'est pas le produit de la mémoire volontaire. Cette forme de mémoire, fonction de l'évocation objective et « quasi-dépersonnalisée », n'a pas, au dire de Proust, le (...)
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    Figures de filiation traumatique.Didier Drieu & François Marty - 2005 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 168 (2):5-14.
    Les modes de transmission entre les générations sont structurés par les liens de filiation. Or, ceux-ci peuvent se trouver dérégulés sous la pression de traumatismes, là où règnent les secrets de famille, l’incestualité, la logique narcissique de la filiation au détriment d’une expérience instituée. La filiation peut également se trouver perturbée lorsque le sujet est confronté à des évènements symbolicides, tels la révélation d’un handicap ou un traumatisme génocidaire chez les parents. Dans tous ces cas de figure, ces personnes se (...)
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    De l’homophile au gay : comment l’homosexualité fait-elle communautés?Thierry Hoquet - 2019 - Cahiers de Philosophie de L’Université de Caen 56:117-144.
    Loin d’être une entité anhistorique, l’homosexualité masculine se caractérise par les différentes formes de subjectivation auxquelles elle a donné lieu. Ainsi, la décennie 1970 voit s’opposer trois modes rivaux de subjectivité homosexuelle : l’homophile, représenté en France par l’association Arcadie, fondée par André Baudry (1922-2018) et éditrice d’un périodique paru de 1954 à 1982 ; le gay, émergeant dans le sillage des événements de Stonewall à New York (1969), et donnant naissance à un Front Gay de Libération ; l’homosexualité (...)
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  46. Quand le verre s’efface derrière le vin : une analyse discursive des représentations du verre à vin.Albin Marchal Wagener - 2025 - Corpus 26 (26).
    While studies on wine tasting are abundant, particularly in sensory marketing, few analyses focus on the wine glass as a specific object. This object has been examined from various perspectives, including alcohol consumption (Banwell 1999), social practices (Lo Monaco et al. 2009), and even more intriguingly, the influence of the glass on the perception of wine aroma (Cliff 2001, Delwiche & Pelchat 2002). The purpose of this article, however, is to to analyze the linguistic and communicational object of the "wine (...)
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    De l'emploi du génogramme libre en entretiens familiaux à visée thérapeutique.Sarah Tuil - 2005 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 168 (2):115-133.
    C’est dans le cadre du soutien à la parentalité auprès de familles qui « bénéficient » d’une mesure éducative et/ou de placement que nous avons été amenés à mettre en place un dispositif de prise en charge un peu particulier pour ce qui concerne essentiellement les familles monoparentales. Ce dispositif s’attache à prendre en compte les besoins tant de la mère que des enfants et a nécessité de travailler à partir de cadres séparés mais intégrés dans une dynamique d’ensemble. C’est (...)
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    Les scènes de la vérité: Michel Foucault et le théâtre.Arianna Sforzini - 2017 - Lormont: Le Bord de l'eau.
    Le théâtre dans l'oeuvre et la pensée de Foucault, ce n'est ni une simple métaphore pour caractériser des événements de sens ou des ruptures pratiques, ni un concept esthétisant qui dédoublerait l'idée de vérité pour la vider de ses prétentions épistémologiques, ni un réservoir d'exemples colorés pour illustrer des expériences historiques. Le théâtre, c'est un opérateur philosophique, une manière de penser autrement. Cet ouvrage montre à quel point, au fil des récits de Foucault, la vérité trouve dans l'histoire l'élément (...)
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    Wat is de wereld?W. Bemmelen - 1939 - Synthese 4 (1):123 - 132.
    Le monde se révèle à l'homme, comme matière, temps et esprit. L'on sait à présent que considérés dans l'espace et le temps, la terre est d'une extrême petitesse et l'homme un être éphémère. Une conception du monde qui prendrait l'homme pour centre et partirait de lui ne donnerait donc aucune garantie de probabilité. Pourtant elle est assez générale, accoutumés comme nous sommes à juger d'après les perceptions grossières des sens, qui trop souvent nous induisent en erreur. Selon les physiciens, la (...)
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    Scénarios schématiques de la vie et de la narration.Sergei Iou Neklioudov - 2010 - Iris 31:41-50.
    On peut distinguer trois cas de correspondances différentes entre les « scénarios schématiques » et le domaine narratif folklorico-littéraire : 1. La narration constitue la projection de la « dramaturgie de la vie » (une telle projection n’est évidemment ni directe ni complète) ;2. La structure de l’univers des personnages et la structure événementielle du narratif influencent la formation des « scénarios de la vie », en conditionnant l’apparence morphologico-compositionnelle de l’un et de l’autre ;3. La coincidence de la « (...)
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