Results for ' rescuing justice and equality'

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  1. Rescuing Justice and Equality.G. A. Cohen (ed.) - 2008 - Harvard University Press.
    In this stimulating work of political philosophy, acclaimed philosopher G. A. Cohen sets out to rescue the egalitarian thesis that in a society in which distributive justice prevails, peopleâes material prospects are roughly equal. Arguing against the Rawlsian version of a just society, Cohen demonstrates that distributive justice does not tolerate deep inequality. In the course of providing a deep and sophisticated critique of Rawlsâes theory of justice, Cohen demonstrates that questions of distributive justice arise not (...)
  2. Rescuing justice and equality from libertarianism.Serena Olsaretti - 2013 - Economics and Philosophy 29 (1):43-63.
    One of the central motifs of G. A. Cohen's work was his opposition to capitalism in the name of justice. This motif was fully in view in Cohen's work on Robert Nozick's libertarianism: Cohen carefully reconstructed and relentlessly criticized Nozick's apologetics of the free market, which, he thought, was internally coherent but unconvincing. This article suggests that Cohen's opposition to libertarianism did not, however, go far enough, and identifies two respects in which Cohen's position could and should have been (...)
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  3. Rescuing Justice and Equality—A Critical Engagement.Helga Varden - 2010 - Social Philosophy Today 26:175-189.
    This paper critically engages Cohen’s rejection, in Rescuing Justice and Equality, of Rawls’s conception of redistributive justice. I argue that Cohen’s reading of Rawls is flawed and that his suggested revisions to Rawls’s theory are no improvement. The better interpretation involves seeing Rawls’s project as closer to Kant’s than, as Cohen assumes, to libertarians and egalitarians of his own stripe. Once we interpret Rawls as providing a so-called “public right” account and we add Kant’s account of (...)
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    Rescuing justice and equality – by G. A. Cohen. [REVIEW]Paul Smith - 2009 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 27 (1):100-102.
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    Rescuing Justice and Equality[REVIEW]Mark Navin - 2010 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 7 (3):411-413.
    G. A. Cohen wanted to rescue justice and equality from John Rawls and his followers. In this, his final book, Cohen presents a clear, focused, and all-together powerful attack on the Rawlsian approach to political philosophy and distributive justice.
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  6. Rescuing Justice and Equality, by Gerard Allan Cohen. * Justice, Equality, and Constructivism: Essays on G. A. Cohen's 'Rescuing Justice and Equality', ed. Brian Feltham. [REVIEW]M. Ronzoni - 2013 - Mind 122 (485):267-274.
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    Rescuing Justice and Equality[REVIEW]Arthur Ripstein - 2010 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 40 (4):669-699.
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    Book in Review: Rescuing Justice and Equality, by G. A. Cohen. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2008. 448 pp. $45.00. [REVIEW]Jacob T. Levy - 2010 - Political Theory 38 (4):593-596.
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    G. A. Cohen, rescuing justice and equality.Reviewed by Ingrid Robeyns - 2009 - Ethics 120 (1).
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    Rescuing justice and stability.Paul Weithman - forthcoming - Philosophy and Social Criticism.
    Though John Rawls's treatment of stability has received less attention than other parts of his work, it promises help in understanding how liberal institutions can reproduce themselves under non-ideal conditions like ours. But stability in Rawls's sense seems to depend ineliminably on society's justice, and Gerald Cohen powerfully criticized the connection Rawls drew between the two. Cohen contends that stability is ‘alien’ to justice rather than conceptually connected to it. It is therefore a consideration that should be studied (...)
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  11. Justice, Equality and Constructivism: Essays on G.A. Cohen's 'Rescuing Justice and Equality'– Brian Feltham (ed.). [REVIEW]Thomas Porter - 2011 - Philosophical Quarterly 61 (243):434-437.
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    Review of G. A. Cohen, Rescuing Justice and Equality[REVIEW]Jon Mandle - 2009 - Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews 2009 (8).
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  13. The Inseparability of the Personal and the Political: Review of G.A. Cohen's Rescuing Justice and Equality[REVIEW]S. Olsaretti - 2012 - Analysis 72 (1):145-156.
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    Review of Rescuing Justice and Equality, by G.A. Cohen. [REVIEW]Steven Ross - 2010 - Essays in Philosophy 11 (1):92-106.
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    COHEN, G. A., Rescuing Justice and Equality, Harvard University Press, Cambridge (MA), 2008, 430 pp. [REVIEW]Carlos Ortiz de Landázuri - 2009 - Anuario Filosófico 42 (3):680-683.
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    Review of G. A. Cohen: Rescuing justice and equality[REVIEW]Japa Pallikkathayil - 2011 - Journal of Philosophy 108 (10):583-588.
  17. Review of G.A. Cohen's Rescuing Justice and Equality[REVIEW]David Rondel - 2010 - Review of Metaphysics 64 (1):137-139.
  18. Rescuing justice from equality.Steven Wall - 2012 - Social Philosophy and Policy 29 (1):180-212.
    Research Articles Steven Wall, Social Philosophy and Policy, FirstView Article.
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    Book Reviews Cohen, G. A. Rescuing Justice and Equality . Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2008. Pp. xvii+430. $45.00 (cloth). [REVIEW]Ingrid Robeyns - 2009 - Ethics 120 (1):156-160.
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    Chapter Twelve. Rescuing Justice from Constructivism and Equality from the Basic Structure Restriction.G. A. H. G. Cohen - 2011 - In Gerald A. Cohen (ed.), On the Currency of Egalitarian Justice, and Other Essays in Political Philosophy. Princeton University Press. pp. 236-254.
  21. Justice Beyond Equality.Jonathan Quong - 2010 - Social Theory and Practice 36 (2):315-340.
    This essay reviews G.A. Cohen’s final major work, Rescuing Justice and Equality. In the book, Cohen challenges the Rawlsian account of the content and the concept of justice. This essay offers a summary of Cohen’s main arguments, and develops objections to several of those arguments, particularly Cohen’s claim that his proposed egalitarian ethos is not vulnerable to a well-known trilemma (liberty, equality, efficiency) that might be pressed against it. The essay’s final section offers critical reflections (...)
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  22. Distributive Justice and Freedom: Cohen on Money and Labour*: Cécile Fabre.Cécile Fabre - 2010 - Utilitas 22 (4):393-412.
    In his recent Rescuing Justice and Equality, G. A. Cohen mounts a sustained critique of coerced labour, against the background of a radical egalitarian conception of distributive justice. In this article, I argue that Cohenian egalitarians are committed to holding the talented under a moral duty to choose socially useful work for the sake of the less fortunate. As I also show, Cohen's arguments against coerced labour fail, particularly in the light of his commitment to coercive (...)
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    Rescuing Justice from Indifference.Markus Furendal - 2018 - Social Theory and Practice 44 (4):485-505.
    G. A. Cohen has argued that egalitarian justice proscribes equality-upsetting economic incentives, but that individuals nevertheless are required to make a sufficiently large productive contribution to society. This article argues, however, that Cohen’s claim that justice is insensitive to Pareto concerns and simply is equality, undermines such a duty. In fact, Cohen cannot say that justice prefers a distribution where everyone is equally well off to one where everyone is equally badly off. Individuals hence cannot (...)
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    Ii rescuing justice from . .G. A. Cohen - 2008 - In Rescuing Justice and Equality. Harvard University Press. pp. 227-372.
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  25. (1 other version)Justice, incentives and constructivism.Andrew Williams - 2008 - Ratio 21 (4):476-493.
    In Rescuing Justice and Equality , G. A. Cohen reiterates his critique of John Rawls's difference principle as a justification for inequality-generating incentives, and also argues that Rawls's ambition to provide a constructivist defence of the first principles of justice is doomed. Cohen's arguments also suggest a natural response to my earlier attempt to defend the basic structure objection to Cohen's critique, which I term the alien factors reply. This paper criticises the reply, and Cohen's more (...)
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    (2 other versions)When Justice Demands Inequality.John Thrasher & Keith Hankins - 2013 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 10 (4):172-194.
    In Rescuing Justice and Equality G.A. Cohen argues that justice requires an uncompromising commitment to equality. Cohen also argues, however, that justice must be sensitive to other values, including a robust commitment to individual freedom and to the welfare of the community. We ask whether a commitment to these other values means that, despite Cohen’s commitment to equality, his view requires that we make room for inequality in the name of justice? We (...)
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  27. Cohen’s Rescue.Jan Narveson - 2009 - The Journal of Ethics 14 (3):263-334.
    G. A. Cohen’s Rescuing Justice and Equality proposes that both concepts need rescuing from the work of John Rawls. Especially, it is concerned with Rawls’ famous second principle of justice according to which social primary goods should be distributed equally unless an unequal distribution is to the benefit of the worst off. The question is why this would ever be necessary if all parties are just. Cohen and I agree that Rawls cannot really justify inequalities (...)
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  28. Incentive inequalities and freedom of occupational choice.Douglas Mackay - 2016 - Economics and Philosophy 32 (1):21-49.
    In Rescuing Justice and Equality, G.A. Cohen argues that the incentive inequalities permitted by John Rawls's difference principle are unjust since people cannot justify them to their fellow citizens. I argue that citizens of a Rawlsian society can justify their acceptance of a wide range of incentive inequalities to their fellow citizens. They can do so because they possess the right to freedom of occupational choice, and are permitted – as a matter of justice – to (...)
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  29. G. A. Cohen on the Rawlsian Doctrine of the Basic Structure as Subject.Alistair M. Macleod - 2010 - Social Philosophy Today 26:153-163.
    In his recent book Rescuing Justice and Equality (Harvard University Press, 2008), G. A. Cohen returns to the defense of his critique of the Rawlsian doctrine of the “basic structure as subject.” This doctrine provides the centerpiece of what Rawls has to say about the domain of distributive justice—that is, about the sorts of things judgments of distributive justice are about and about the ways in which these judgments are interconnected. From the extensiveness of Cohen’s (...)
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    (1 other version)Pluralism, Justice, and Equality.James W. Nickel, David Miller & Michael Walzer - 1997 - Philosophical Review 106 (1):127.
    This is an excellent collection of critical essays on Michael Walzer’s Spheres of Justice. David Miller provides a comprehensive and lucid introduction to Walzer’s views on justice, and Walzer offers a brief—perhaps too brief—response to his critics. Contributors are drawn from philosophy, political science, and sociology, and include Judith Andre, Richard Arneson, Brian Barry, Joseph Carens, Jon Elster, Amy Gutmann, David Miller, Susan Moller Okin, Michael Rustin, Adam Swift, and Jeremy Waldron.
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    Justice and equality as a social ideas in the texts of the New Testament.Anatoliy Koval - 2015 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 76:56-67.
    The article of Koval Anatoliy «Justice and equality as a social ideas in the texts of the New Testament» aims to study social ideas in the texts of the New Testament. Selected group of texts are the two major traditions of the New Testament text and reflect, in our opinion, two relatively autonomous interpretation of Christian kerygma. Taken into consideration two social ideas: justice and equality. These concepts are discussed in the context of the intention of (...)
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    5 The Rescue of Equality from the Rawlsian Theory of Justice.Eliane Saadé - 2015 - In The Concept of Justice and Equality: On the Dispute Between John Rawls and Gerald Cohen. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 104-119.
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    I rescuing equality from ..G. A. Cohen - 2008 - In Rescuing Justice and Equality. Harvard University Press. pp. 25-226.
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    Justice and equality: an attempt towards application to the Tonga people of Zambia.Webster Hamulondo Kkukula Chifuwe - 2015 - Balaka, Malawi: Montfort Media.
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  35. Pluralism, Justice, and Equality.David Miller & Michael Walzer (eds.) - 1995 - Oxford University Press.
    This is the first-ever book on Michael Walzer's ground-breaking and widely studied book Spheres of Justice. It contains contributions from many of the world's leading political philosophers.
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  36. Justice and equality.David A. J. Richards - 1982 - In Tom Regan & Donald VanDeVeer (eds.), And justice for all: new introductory essays in ethics and public policy. Totowa, N.J.: Rowman & Littlefield.
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    Luck, Justice, and Equality.J. Aaron Simmons - 2011 - Southwest Philosophy Review 27 (2):9-13.
  38. On Justice and Equality.David Hume - 1997 - In Louis P. Pojman & Robert Westmoreland (eds.), Equality: Selected Readings. Oup Usa.
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    Justice and equality: an introduction.Preston King & Stephanie Lawson - 2015 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 18 (1):1-6.
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    Justice and Equal Opportunities in Health Care.John Harris - 1999 - Bioethics 13 (5):392-404.
    The principle that each individual is entitled to an equal opportunity to benefit from any public health care system, and that this entitlement is proportionate neither to the size of their chance of benefitting, nor to the quality of the benefit, nor to the length of lifetime remaining in which that benefit may be enjoyed, runs counter to most current thinking about the allocation of resources for health care. It is my contention that any system of prioritisation of the resources (...)
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    Democracy, Justice, and Equality in Ancient Greece: Historical and Philosophical Perspectives.Gerasimos Santas & Georgios Anagnostopoulos (eds.) - 2018 - Cham: Springer Verlag.
    The original essays in this volume discuss ideas relating to democracy, political justice, equality and inequalities in the distribution of resources and public goods. These issues were as vigorously debated at the height of ancient Greek democracy as they are in many democratic societies today. Contributing authors address these issues and debates about them from both philosophical and historical perspectives. Readers will discover research on the role of Athenian democracy in moderating economic inequality and reducing poverty, on ancient (...)
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    Justice and Equality: Some Questions About Scope: LARRY S. TEMKIN.Larry S. Temkin - 1995 - Social Philosophy and Policy 12 (2):72-104.
    Can a society be just if it ignores the plight of other societies? Does it matter whether those societies are contemporaries? Moral “purists” are likely to assume that the answer to these questions must be “no.” Relying on familiar claims about impartiality or universalizability, the purist is likely to assert that the dictates of justice have no bounds, that they extend with equal strength across space and time. On this view, if, for example, justice requires us to maximize (...)
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    Adoption, Race, and Rescue.Bonnie Mann - 2016 - Philosophy in the Contemporary World 23 (1):56-70.
    In this article, I examine transracial adoption in which the parents are white and gay or lesbian in the context of an America coming to tolerate, accept, embrace, and even celebrate gay family life, while increasingly retreating from basic aspirations to race-based equality and fairness. It is about the narratives of whiteness that accompany transracial adoption, and that claim families in ways that cause harm. It is also about patriotic nationalism in post 9/11 USA, and the story of sexual (...)
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  44. Justice and Equality. Aristotle - 1997 - In Louis P. Pojman & Robert Westmoreland (eds.), Equality: Selected Readings. Oup Usa.
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    Justice and Equality.R. M. Hare - 1979 - Dialectics and Humanism 6 (4):17-26.
  46. Capitalism, Justice and Equal Starts.Hillel Steiner - 1987 - Social Philosophy and Policy 5 (1):49.
    “Does the existence of unequal social and economic starting points in life nullify capitalism's claims to justice?” Notice is hereby given that this essay's answer to this question is an unequivocal “maybe.” For it is a banal but true claim that everything depends upon what is meant by capitalism, justice and life's starting point. And it is a less banal but no less true claim that their meanings are opaque or controversial or both. In what follows I shall (...)
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  47. Justice and Equality.Gregory Vlastos - 1997 - In Louis P. Pojman & Robert Westmoreland (eds.), Equality: Selected Readings. Oup Usa.
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    Justice and equality.George H. Sabine - 1956 - Ethics 67 (1):1-11.
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    Justice and equality.Colin Murray Macleod (ed.) - 2010 - Calgary: University of Calgary Press.
    Equality is a fundamental but contested facet of justice. There are competing views about how the basic egalitarian character of justice should be conceptualized and about what practical implications ideals of equality have for the evaluation of political institutions, laws, and social practices. This volume brings together the reflections of some of today's leading political philosophers on the basic character and practical significance of equality as an ideal of justice. The topics explored are diverse (...)
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    17. Justice and Equal Treatment.Michael J. Hyde - 1994 - In The Essential Paul Ramsey. Yale University Press. pp. 247-254.
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