Results for ' sensory adaptation'

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  1.  34
    Sensory adaptation and mismatch negativity.P. Ullsperger & T. Baldeweg - 1990 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 13 (2):255-256.
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    Effects of sensory adaptation on the form of the psychophysical magnitude function for cutaneous vibration.George A. Gescheider & John H. Wright - 1968 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 77 (2):308.
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    Balance Adaptation While Standing on a Compliant Base Depends on the Current Sensory Condition in Healthy Young Adults.Stefania Sozzi & Marco Schieppati - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    BackgroundSeveral investigations have addressed the process of balance adaptation to external perturbations. The adaptation during unperturbed stance has received little attention. Further, whether the current sensory conditions affect the adaptation rate has not been established. We have addressed the role of vision and haptic feedback on adaptation while standing on foam.MethodsIn 22 young subjects, the analysis of geometric and spectral variables of the oscillation of the centre of feet pressure identified the effects of vision, light-touch (...)
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    The effect of inter-sensory stimulation on dark adaptation and night vision.A. Chapanis, R. O. Rouse & Stanley Schachter - 1949 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 39 (4):425.
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    Adaptation to sensory-motor conflict produced by the visual direction of the hand specified from the cyclopean eye.Horoshi Ono & Robert G. Angus - 1974 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 103 (1):1.
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    Phase-alignment of delayed sensory signals by adaptive filters.Dennis J. McFarland - 2008 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 31 (2):212-212.
    Correction of sensory transmission delays is an intractable problem, since there is no absolute reference for calibration. Phase-alignment is a practical alternative solution and can be realized by adaptive filters that operate locally with simple error signals.
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  7. Perceptual adaptive recalibration: tactile sensory substitution in blind subjects.J. C. Gonzalez & P. Bach-Y.-Rita - forthcoming - Behavior and Philosophy.
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    A provisional sensory/motor “complementarity” model for adaptation effects.Ivo Kohler - 1979 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 2 (1):73-74.
  9. Sensory malfunctions, limitations, and trade-offs.Todd Ganson - 2018 - Synthese 195 (4):1705-1713.
    Teleological accounts of sensory normativity treat normal functioning for a species as a standard: sensory error involves departure from normal functioning for the species, i.e. sensory malfunction. Straightforward reflection on sensory trade-offs reveals that normal functioning for a species can exhibit failures of accuracy. Acknowledging these failures of accuracy is central to understanding the adaptations of a species. To make room for these errors we have to go beyond the teleological framework and invoke the notion of (...)
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    Sensorial aesthetics in music practices.Kathleen Coessens (ed.) - 2019 - Leuven: Leuven University Press.
    The Western history of aesthetics is characterised by tension between theory and practice. Musicians listen, play, and then listen more profoundly in order to play differently, adapt the body, and sense the environment. They become deeply involved in the sensorial qualities of music practice. Artistic practice refers to the original meaning of aesthetics - the senses. Whereas Baumgarten and Goethe explored the relationship between sensibility and reason, sensation and thinking, later philosophers of aesthetics deemed the sensorial to be confused and (...)
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  11.  15
    Habituation to Feedback Delay Restores Degraded Visuomotor Adaptation by Altering Both Sensory Prediction Error and the Sensitivity of Adaptation to the Error.Takuya Honda, Masaya Hirashima & Daichi Nozaki - 2012 - Frontiers in Psychology 3.
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    Modeling Sensory Preference in Speech Motor Planning: A Bayesian Modeling Framework.Jean-François Patri, Julien Diard & Pascal Perrier - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    Experimental studies of speech production involving compensations for auditory and somatosensory perturbations and adaptation after training suggest that both types of sensory information are considered to plan and monitor speech production. Interestingly, individual sensory preferences have been observed in this context: subjects who compensate less for somatosensory perturbations compensate more for auditory perturbations, and \textit{vice versa}. We propose to integrate this sensory preference phenomenon in a model of speech motor planning using a probabilistic model in which (...)
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    Multimodal Sensory-Spatial Integration and Retrieval of Trained Motor Patterns for Body Coordination in Musicians and Dancers.Aija Marie Ladda, Sarah B. Wallwork & Martin Lotze - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Dancers and musicians are experts in spatial and temporal processing which allows them to coordinate movement with music. This high-level processing has been associated with structural and functional adaptation of the brain for high performance sensorimotor integration. For these integration processes, adaptation does not only take place in primary and secondary sensory and motor areas but tertiary brain areas, such as the lateral prefrontal cortex (lPFC) and the intraparietal sulcus (IPS), also provide vital resources for highly specialized (...)
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  14. Strength of early visual adaptation depends on visual awareness.Randolph Blake, Duje Tadin, Kenith V. Sobel, Tony A. Raissian & Sang Chul Chong - 2006 - Pnas Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 103 (12):4783-4788.
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    Experience of After-Effect of Memory Update Reduces Sensitivity to Errors During Sensory-Motor Adaptation Task.Kenya Tanamachi, Jun Izawa, Satoshi Yamamoto, Daisuke Ishii, Arito Yozu & Yutaka Kohno - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    Motor learning is the process of updating motor commands in response to a trajectory error induced by a perturbation to the body or vision. The brain has a great capability to accelerate learning by increasing the sensitivity of the memory update to the perceived trajectory errors. Conventional theory suggests that the statistics of perturbations or the statistics of the experienced errors induced by the external perturbations determine the learning speeds. However, the potential effect of another type of error perception, a (...)
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    ‘Dual Sensory Loss Protocol’ for Communication and Wellbeing of Older Adults With Vision and Hearing Impairment – A Randomized Controlled Trial.Hilde L. Vreeken, Ruth M. A. van Nispen, Sophia E. Kramer & Ger H. M. B. van Rens - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    ObjectivesMany older adults with visual impairment also have significant hearing loss. The aim was to investigate the effectiveness of a newly developed Dual Sensory Loss protocol on communication and wellbeing of older persons with DSL and their communication partners in the Netherlands and Belgium.MethodsParticipants and their communication partners were randomized in the “DSL-protocol” intervention group or a waiting-list control group. The intervention took 3 to 5 weeks. Occupational therapists focused on optimal use of hearing aids, home-environment modifications and effective (...)
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  17. Sensory and perceptual consciousness.Austen Clark - 2007 - In Max Velmans & Susan Schneider (eds.), The Blackwell Companion to Consciousness. New York: Wiley-Blackwell.
    Asked on the Dick Cavett show about her former Stalinist comrade Lillian Hellman, Mary McCarthy replied, "Every word she says is a lie, including 'and' and 'the'." The language used to describe sensory and perceptual consciousness is worthy of about the same level of trust. One must adapt oneself to the fact that every ordinary word used to describe this domain is ambiguous; that different theoreticians use the same words in very different ways; and that every speaker naturally thinks (...)
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  18.  39
    Adaptation, after-effect, and contrast in the perception of tilted lines. II. Simultaneous contrast and the areal restriction of the after-effect. [REVIEW]J. J. Gibson - 1937 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 20 (6):553.
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    An attempt at creating sensory conditioned reflexes in humans.A. I. Bogoslovski - 1937 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 21 (4):403.
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    Born to adapt, but not in your dreams.Theo Mulder, Jacqueline Hochstenbach, Pieter U. Dijkstra & Jan H. B. Geertzen - 2008 - Consciousness and Cognition 17 (4):1266-1271.
    The brain adapts to changes that take place in the body. Deprivation of input results in size reduction of cortical representations, whereas an increase in input results in an increase of representational space. Amputation forms one of the most dramatic disturbances of the integrity of the body. The brain adapts in many ways to this breakdown of the afferent–efferent equilibrium. However, almost all studies focus on the sensorimotor consequences. It is not known whether adaptation takes place also at other (...)
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  21.  16
    Are adaptation aftereffects for facial emotional expressions affected by prior knowledge about the emotion?Joanna Wincenciak, Letizia Palumbo, Gabriela Epihova, Nick E. Barraclough & Tjeerd Jellema - 2022 - Cognition and Emotion 36 (4):602-615.
    Accurate perception of the emotional signals conveyed by others is crucial for successful social interaction. Such perception is influenced not only by sensory input, but also by knowledge we have about the others’ emotions. This study addresses the issue of whether knowing that the other’s emotional state is congruent or incongruent with their displayed emotional expression (“genuine” and “fake”, respectively) affects the neural mechanisms underpinning the perception of their facial emotional expressions. We used a visual adaptation paradigm to (...)
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  22.  27
    Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response (ASMR) and the Functions of Consciousness.Dylan Ludwig & Muhammad Ali Khalidi - 2024 - Cognitive Science 48 (5):e13453.
    Abstract“Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response” (ASMR) refers to a sensory‐emotional experience that was first explicitly identified and named within the past two decades in online discussion boards. Since then, there has been mounting psychological and neural evidence of a clustering of properties common to the phenomenon of ASMR, including convergence on the set of stimuli that trigger the experience, the properties of the experience itself, and its downstream effects. Moreover, psychological instruments have begun to be developed and employed in (...)
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  23.  26
    Experiments on sensory-tonic field theory of perception: IV. Effect of initial position of a rod on apparent verticality.Heinz Werner & Seymour Wapner - 1952 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 43 (1):68.
  24.  8
    Family Accommodation Scale for Sensory Over-Responsivity: A Measure Development Study.Ayelet Ben-Sasson, Tamar Yonit Podoly & Eli Lebowitz - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Family accommodation refers to the attempt of family members to prevent their child’s distress related to psychopathology. Family accommodation can limit meaningful participation in personal and social routines and activities. Accommodation has been studied extensively in the context of childhood anxiety and has been linked to greater impairment, and poor intervention outcomes. Like anxiety, sensory over-responsivity symptoms are associated with heightened distress and thus, may also be accommodated by family members. The current study describes the validation of a new (...)
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  25.  14
    Sensory Perceptions in Language, Embodiment and Epistemology.Jodi Sandford, Rémi Digonnet & Annalisa Baicchi (eds.) - 2018 - Cham: Springer Verlag.
    The book illustrates how the human ability to adapt to the environment and interact with it can explain our linguistic representation of the world as constrained by our bodies and sensory perception. The different chapters discuss philosophical, scientific, and linguistic perspectives on embodiment and body perception, highlighting the core mechanisms humans employ to acquire knowledge of reality. These processes are based on sensory experience and interaction through communication.
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  26. Perceptual recalibration in sensory substitution and perceptual modification.Juan González, Paul Bach-Y.-Rita & Steven Haase - 2005 - Pragmatics and Cognition 13 (3):481-500.
    This paper analyzes the process of perceptual recalibration in light of two cases of technologically-mediated cognition: sensory substitution and perceptual modification. We hold that PR is a very useful concept — perhaps necessary — for explaining the adaptive capacity that natural perceptive systems display as they respond to functional demands from the environment. We also survey critically related issues, such as the role of learning, training, and nervous system plasticity in the recalibrating process. Attention is given to the interaction (...)
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    Anticipation requires adaptation.Christian Balkenius & Peter Gärdenfors - 2008 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 31 (2):199-200.
    To successfully interact with a dynamic world, our actions must be guided by a continuously changing anticipated future. Such anticipations must be tuned to the processing delays in the nervous system as well as to the slowness of the body, something that requires constant adaptation of the predictive mechanisms, which in turn require that sensory information be processed at different time-scales.
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    Outline of a sensory-motor perspective on intrinsically moral agents.Christian Balkenius, Lola Cañamero, Philip Pärnamets, Birger Johansson, Martin Butz & Andreas Olsson - 2016 - Adaptive Behavior 24 (5):306-319.
    We propose that moral behaviour of artificial agents could be intrinsically grounded in their own sensory-motor experiences. Such an ability depends critically on seven types of competencies. First, intrinsic morality should be grounded in the internal values of the robot arising from its physiology and embodiment. Second, the moral principles of robots should develop through their interactions with the environment and with other agents. Third, we claim that the dynamics of moral emotions closely follows that of other non-social emotions (...)
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    The perception of the vertical: II. Adaptation effects in four planes.George E. Passey & Frederick E. Guedry Jr - 1949 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 39 (5):700.
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    Fitting the Mind to the World: Adaptation and After-Effects in High-Level Vision.Colin W. G. Clifford & Gillian Rhodes (eds.) - 2005 - Oxford University Press.
    Fitting the Mind to the World explores the brain's remarkable capacity to adapt to its current visual environment. Leading vision researchers explore how visual experience alters the adult brain, fitting the mind to the world, and ensuring the efficient coding of sensory signals. They demonstrate how this plasticity affects every aspect of our visual experience, from the perception of movement and colour, to the perception of subtle, social and emotional information in human faces.
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  31.  18
    Impact of brain overgrowth on sensorial learning processing during the first year of life.Gabriela López-Arango, Florence Deguire, Kristian Agbogba, Marc-Antoine Boucher, Inga S. Knoth, Ramy El-Jalbout, Valérie Côté, Amélie Damphousse, Samuel Kadoury & Sarah Lippé - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    Macrocephaly is present in about 2–5% of the general population. It can be found as an isolated benign trait or as part of a syndromic condition. Brain overgrowth has been associated with neurodevelopmental disorders such as autism during the first year of life, however, evidence remains inconclusive. Furthermore, most of the studies have involved pathological or high-risk populations, but little is known about the effects of brain overgrowth on neurodevelopment in otherwise neurotypical infants. We investigated the impact of brain overgrowth (...)
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  32.  16
    The impact of cerebellar transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) on sensorimotor and inter-sensory temporal recalibration.Christina V. Schmitter & Benjamin Straube - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    The characteristic temporal relationship between actions and their sensory outcomes allows us to distinguish self- from externally generated sensory events. However, the complex sensory environment can cause transient delays between action and outcome calling for flexible recalibration of predicted sensorimotor timing. Since the neural underpinnings of this process are largely unknown this study investigated the involvement of the cerebellum by means of cerebellar transcranial direct current stimulation. While receiving anodal, cathodal, dual-hemisphere or sham ctDCS, in an (...) phase, participants were exposed to constant delays of 150 ms between actively or passively generated button presses and visual sensory outcomes. Recalibration in the same and in another sensory modality was assessed in a subsequent test phase during which variable delays between button press and visual or auditory outcome had to be detected. Results indicated that temporal recalibration occurred in audition after anodal ctDCS while it was absent in vision. As the adaptation modality was visual, effects in audition suggest that recalibration occurred on a supra-modal level. In active conditions, anodal ctDCS improved sensorimotor recalibration at the delay level closest to the adaptation delay, suggesting a precise cerebellar-dependent temporal recalibration mechanism. In passive conditions, the facilitation of inter-sensory recalibration by anodal ctDCS was overall stronger and tuned to larger delays. These findings point to a role of the cerebellum in supra-modal temporal recalibration across sensorimotor and perceptual domains, but the differential manifestation of the effect across delay levels in active and passive conditions points to differences in the underlying mechanisms depending on the availability of action-based predictions. Furthermore, these results suggest that anodal ctDCS can be a promising tool for facilitating effects of temporal recalibration in sensorimotor and inter-sensory contexts. (shrink)
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    Social and sensory influences on linguistic alignment.Anders Hogstrom, Rachel Theodore, Allison Canfield, Brian Castelluccio, Joshua Green, Christina Irvine & Inge-Marie Eigsti - 2022 - Evolutionary Linguistic Theory 4 (1):102-128.
    Previous research has demonstrated that speakers adapt individual characteristics of speech production to the social context, for example via phonetic convergence. Studies have measured the impact of social dynamics on convergence in typical speakers, but the impact of individual differences is less well-explored. The present study measures phonetic convergence before and after a cooperative interaction with an undergraduate student by comparing teens with a history of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and with typical development. Results revealed a small temporal convergence effect (...)
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    Visual and proprioceptive adaptation to optical displacement of the visual stimulus.John C. Hay & Herbert L. Pick Jr - 1966 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 71 (1):150.
  35.  47
    Can robots without Hebbian plasticity make good models of adaptive behaviour?Jørn Hokland & Beatrix Vereijken - 2001 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 24 (6):1060-1062.
    No. Animals' primary problem is the shaping of movements, guided by and adapting to sensory signals. This requires a narrower class of biorobotic models than that spanned by Webb's dimensions and examples. We claim that all model variables and mechanisms must have real counterparts, input vectors must model known sensor fields, internal state vectors and transformations must model neurophysiological processes, and output vectors must model coordinated muscle signals.
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    Multisensory and Modality-Specific Influences on Adaptation to Optical Prisms.Elena Calzolari, Federica Albini, Nadia Bolognini & Giuseppe Vallar - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11:295601.
    Visuo-motor adaptation to optical prisms displacing the visual scene (prism adaptation, PA) is a method used for investigating visuomotor plasticity in healthy individuals and, in clinical settings, for the rehabilitation of unilateral spatial neglect. In the standard paradigm, the adaptation phase involves repeated pointings to visual targets, while wearing optical prisms displacing the visual scene laterally. Here we explored differences in PA, and its aftereffects (AEs), as related to the sensory modality of the target. Visual, auditory, (...)
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  37.  45
    Consciousness as an intelligent complex adaptive system: A neuroanthropological perspective.Charles D. Laughlin - 2024 - Anthropology of Consciousness 35 (1):15-41.
    In complexity theory, both the brain and consciousness are understood as trophic systems—they consume metabolic energy when they function. Complex systems are dynamic and nonlinear and comprise diverse entities that are interdependent and interconnected in such a way that information is shared and that entities adapt to one another. Some natural complex systems are complex adaptive systems (CAS), which are sensitive to change in relation to their environments and are often chaotic. Consciousness and the neural systems mediating consciousness may be (...)
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  38.  12
    Inter-Trial Formant Variability in Speech Production Is Actively Controlled but Does Not Affect Subsequent Adaptation to a Predictable Formant Perturbation.Hantao Wang & Ludo Max - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    Despite ample evidence that speech production is associated with extensive trial-to-trial variability, it remains unclear whether this variability represents merely unwanted system noise or an actively regulated mechanism that is fundamental for maintaining and adapting accurate speech movements. Recent work on upper limb movements suggest that inter-trial variability may be not only actively regulated based on sensory feedback, but also provide a type of workspace exploration that facilitates sensorimotor learning. We therefore investigated whether experimentally reducing or magnifying inter-trial formant (...)
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    Role of postural experience in proprioceptive perception of verticality.Richard G. Pearson & George T. Hauty - 1960 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 59 (6):425.
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    Cellular perception and misperception: Internal models for decision‐making shaped by evolutionary experience.Amir Mitchell & Wendell Lim - 2016 - Bioessays 38 (9):845-849.
    Cells live in dynamic environments that necessitate perpetual adaptation. Since cells have limited resources to monitor external inputs, they are required to maximize the information content of perceived signals. This challenge is not unique to microscopic life: Animals use senses to perceive inputs and adequately respond. Research showed that sensory‐perception is actively shaped by learning and expectation allowing internal cognitive models to “fill in the blanks” in face of limited information. We propose that cells employ analogous strategies and (...)
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  41. Sensation's ghost: The nonsensory fringe of consciousness.Bruce Mangan - 2001 - PSYCHE: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Research On Consciousness 7.
    Non-sensory experiences represent almost all context information in consciousness. They condition most aspects of conscious cognition including voluntary retrieval, perception, monitoring, problem solving, emotion, evaluation, meaning recognition. Many peculiar aspects of non-sensory qualia (e.g., they resist being 'grasped' by an act of attention) are explained as adaptations shaped by the cognitive functions they serve. The most important nonsensory experience is coherence or "rightness." Rightness represents degrees of context fit among contents in consciousness, and between conscious and non-conscious processes. (...)
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  42.  7
    Learned Overweight Internal Model Can Be Activated to Maintain Equilibrium When Tactile Cues Are Uncertain: Evidence From Cortical and Behavioral Approaches.Olivia Lhomond, Benjamin Juan, Theo Fornerone, Marion Cossin, Dany Paleressompoulle, François Prince & Laurence Mouchnino - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    Human adaptive behavior in sensorimotor control is aimed to increase the confidence in feedforward mechanisms when sensory afferents are uncertain. It is thought that these feedforward mechanisms rely on predictions from internal models. We investigate whether the brain uses an internal model of physical laws to help estimate body equilibrium when tactile inputs from the foot sole are depressed by carrying extra weight. As direct experimental evidence for such a model is limited, we used Judoka athletes thought to have (...)
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  43. Evolution and sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).James J. McKenna - 1990 - Human Nature 1 (2):145-177.
    This paper and its subsequent parts (Part II and Part III) build on an earlier publication (McKenna 1986). They suggest that important clinical data on the relationship between infantile constitutional deficits and microenvironmental factors relevant to SIDS can be acquired by examining the physiological regulatory effects (well documented among nonhuman primates) that parents assert on their infants when they sleep together.I attempt to show why access to parental sensory cues (movement, touch, smell, sound) that induce arousals in infants while (...)
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  44. Sensing as non-epistemic.Edmond Leo Wright - manuscript
    A sensory receptor, in any organism anywhere, is sensitive through time to some distribution - energy, motion, molecular shape - indeed, anything that can produce an effect. The sensitivity is rarely direct: for example, it may track changes in relative variation rather than the absolute change of state (as when the skin responds to colder and hotter instead of to cold and hot as such); it may track differing variations under different conditions (the eyes' dark-adaptation; adaptation to (...)
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  45. On Experiencing Sustainability.Noora-Helena Korpelainen - 2023 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 15 (2).
    This essay aims at clarifying our understanding of human participation in sustainability transitions from the pragmatist aesthetics perspective. By sustainability transitions, I refer to processual changes that move towards enhanced environmental and/or social sustainability. At the risk of inappropriateness, I argue that the cultivation of aesthetic sensibility manifests in experiencing sustainability. To understand those ordinary experiences that convey vistas for sustainability transition management, I return to John Dewey’s Art as Experience (1934). I first show that Dewey’s conception of sensibility is (...)
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    Multisensory neural integration of chemical and mechanical signals.Juan Antonio Sánchez-Alcañiz & Richard Benton - 2017 - Bioessays 39 (8):1700060.
    Chemosensation and mechanosensation cover an enormous spectrum of processes by which animals use information from the environment to adapt their behavior. For pragmatic reasons, these sensory modalities are commonly investigated independently. Recent advances, however, have revealed numerous situations in which they function together to control animals’ actions. Highlighting examples from diverse vertebrates and invertebrates, we first discuss sensory receptors and neurons that have dual roles in the detection of chemical and mechanical stimuli. Next we present cases where peripheral (...)
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    Gymnastics Experience Enhances the Development of Bipedal-Stance Multi-Segmental Coordination and Control During Proprioceptive Reweighting.Albert Busquets, Blai Ferrer-Uris, Rosa Angulo-Barroso & Peter Federolf - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Performance and control of upright bipedal posture requires a constant and dynamic integration of relative contributions of different sensory inputs (i. e., sensory reweighting) to enable effective adaptations as individuals face environmental changes and perturbations. Children with gymnastic experience showed balance performance closer to that of adults during and after proprioceptive alteration than children without gymnastic experience when their center of pressure (COP) was analyzed. However, a particular COP sway can be achieved through performing and coordinating different postural (...)
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  48. Multisensory Processing and Perceptual Consciousness: Part I.Robert Eamon Briscoe - 2016 - Philosophy Compass 11 (2):121-133.
    Multisensory processing encompasses all of the various ways in which the presence of information in one sensory modality can adaptively influence the processing of information in a different modality. In Part I of this survey article, I begin by presenting a cartography of some of the more extensively investigated forms of multisensory processing, with a special focus on two distinct types of multisensory integration. I briefly discuss the conditions under which these different forms of multisensory processing occur as well (...)
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    Perceptual load influences auditory space perception in the ventriloquist aftereffect.Ranmalee Eramudugolla, Marc R. Kamke, Salvador Soto-Faraco & Jason B. Mattingley - 2011 - Cognition 118 (1):62-74.
    A period of exposure to trains of simultaneous but spatially offset auditory and visual stimuli can induce a temporary shift in the perception of sound location. This phenomenon, known as the 'ventriloquist aftereffect', reflects a realignment of auditory and visual spatial representations such that they approach perceptual alignment despite their physical spatial discordance. Such dynamic changes to sensory representations are likely to underlie the brain's ability to accommodate inter-sensory discordance produced by sensory errors (particularly in sound localization) (...)
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    The birth of modern science out of the 'european miracle'.Gerard Radnitzky - 1990 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 21 (2):275-292.
    Summary To understand the present situation we must know something about its history. The ‘Rise of the West’, which grew out of the ‘European Miracle’, is a special case of cultural evolution. The development of science is an important element in this process. Cultural evolution went hand in hand with biological evolution. Evolutionary epistemology illuminates the achievements and the evolution of cognitive sensory apparatus of various species. Man's cognitive sensory apparatus is adapted to the ‘mesocosmos’, the world of (...)
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