Results for ' short segments'

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  1.  29
    Segmentation in behavior and what it can tell us about brain function.Margret Schleidt & Jenny Kien - 1997 - Human Nature 8 (1):77-111.
    Natural human behavior is segmented into action units, functionally related groups of movements with durations of a few seconds. This phenomenon can also be found in nonhuman primates and other mammals. In humans, a similar segmentation can be found in planning, preparatory behavior, perception, and speech. Temporal segmentation may be related to the functioning of short-term memory. Segmentation may thus be a central feature of neuronal integration. Segment length was hitherto thought to be determined by either capacity constraints or (...)
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  2.  15
    Réduction des segments en français spontané :apports des grands corpus et du traitement automatique de la parole.Yaru Wu & Martine Adda-Decker - 2021 - Corpus 22.
    Ce travail sur la réduction segmentale (c.-à-d. la suppression ou réduction temporelle de segments) en français spontané nous a permis de proposer une méthode de recherche pour les études en linguistique, ainsi que d’apporter des connaissances sur la propension à la réduction des segments à l’oral. Cette méthode, appelée méthode ascendante, nous permet de travailler sans hypothèse spécifique sur la réduction. Les résultats suggèrent que les liquides, les glides et la fricative voisée /v/ sont plus facilement réduites que (...)
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    Can Infants Retain Statistically Segmented Words and Mappings Across a Delay?Ferhat Karaman, Jill Lany & Jessica F. Hay - 2024 - Cognitive Science 48 (3):e13433.
    Infants are sensitive to statistics in spoken language that aid word‐form segmentation and immediate mapping to referents. However, it is not clear whether this sensitivity influences the formation and retention of word‐referent mappings across a delay, two real‐world challenges that learners must overcome. We tested how the timing of referent training, relative to familiarization with transitional probabilities (TPs) in speech, impacts English‐learning 23‐month‐olds’ ability to form and retain word‐referent mappings. In Experiment 1, we tested infants’ ability to retain TP information (...)
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    Citizenship in segmented societies : lessons for the EU.Francis Cheneval & Mónica Ferrín (eds.) - 2018 - Edward Elgar Publishing.
    European Union citizenship is increasingly relevant in the context of both the refugee crisis and Brexit, yet the issue of citizenship is neither new nor unique to the EU. Using historical, political and sociological perspectives, the authors explore varied experiences of combining multiple identities into a single sense of citizenship.Cases are taken from Canada, Croatia, Czechia, Estonia, Spain, Switzerland and Turkey to assess the various experiences of communities being incorporated into one entity. The studies show that the EU has a (...)
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    Problems and paradigms: Is segmentation generic?Stuart A. Newman - 1993 - Bioessays 15 (4):277-283.
    When two populations of cells within a tissue mass differ from one another in magnitude or type of intercellular adhesions, a boundary can form within the tissue, across which cells will fail to mix. This phenomenon may occur regardless of the identity of the molecules that mediate cell adhesion. If, in addition, a choice between the two adhesive states is regulated by a molecule the concentration of which is periodic in space, or in time, then alternating bands of non‐mixing tissue, (...)
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    Children Probably Store Short Rather Than Frequent or Predictable Chunks: Quantitative Evidence From a Corpus Study.Robert Grimm, Giovanni Cassani, Steven Gillis & Walter Daelemans - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    One of the tasks faced by young children is the segmentation of a continuous stream of speech into discrete linguistic units. Early in development, syllables emerge as perceptual primitives, and the wholesale storage of syllable chunks is one possible strategy for bootstrapping the segmentation process. Here, we investigate what types of chunks children store. Our method involves selecting syllabified utterances from corpora of child-directed speech, which we vary according to (a) their length in syllables, (b) the mutual predictability of their (...)
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    Down but Not Out: Union Resurgence and Segmented Neocorporatism in Argentina.Ruth Berins Collier & Sebastián Etchemendy - 2007 - Politics and Society 35 (3):363-401.
    The shift from state-led import-substitution industrialization to more market-oriented economic models often has the result of shrinking and demobilizing the labor movement. Yet, evidence from Argentina suggests that a subsequent resurgence of even a downsized labor movement may occur and furthermore that a type of “segmented neocorporatism” may be established in the new economic context. We argue that the establishment of this new form of interest intermediation is driven by economic and political factors that are both immediate and longer term. (...)
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    Automorphisms of Countable Short Recursively Saturated Models of PA.Erez Shochat - 2008 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 49 (4):345-360.
    A model of Peano Arithmetic is short recursively saturated if it realizes all its bounded finitely realized recursive types. Short recursively saturated models of $\PA$ are exactly the elementary initial segments of recursively saturated models of $\PA$. In this paper, we survey and prove results on short recursively saturated models of $\PA$ and their automorphisms. In particular, we investigate a certain subgroup of the automorphism group of such models. This subgroup, denoted $G|_{M(a)}$, contains all the automorphisms (...)
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  9.  39
    Agreement of Ultra-Short-Term Heart Rate Variability Recordings During Overseas Training Camps in Under-20 National Futsal Players.Yung-Sheng Chen, Jeffrey C. Pagaduan, Pedro Bezerra, Zachary J. Crowley-McHattan, Cheng-Deng Kuo & Filipe Manuel Clemente - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Background: Monitoring the daily change in resting heart rate variability can provide information regarding training adaptation and recovery status of the autonomic nervous system during training camps. However, it remains unclear whether postural stabilization is essential for valid and reliable ultra-short-term recordings in short-term overseas training camps.Design: Observational and longitudinal study.Purpose: This study aimed to investigate ultra-short-term heart rate variability recordings under stabilization or post-stabilization periods in four overseas training camps.Participant: Twenty-seven U-20 male national team futsal players (...)
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  10.  13
    Marginality in the Information Age: The Socio-Demographics of Computer Disquietude. A Short Research Note.Agnetha Broos & Keith Roe - 2005 - Communications 30 (1):91-96.
    This research note investigates the socio-demographics of one aspect of the ‘digital divide’, namely computer use and attitudes. The results are drawn from a large-scale survey of computer use and attitudes among the adult population of Flanders. They show that computer non-use and negative attitudes towards digital developments, far from being limited to relatively small segments of society, are reported by over 40% of respondents. Regression analyses indicate that level of education is the strongest predictor variable of computer disquietude, (...)
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    Dynamic modulation of enhancer‐promoter and promoter‐promoter connectivity in gene regulation.Shiho Makino & Takashi Fukaya - 2024 - Bioessays 46 (9):2400101.
    Enhancers are short segments of regulatory DNA that control when and in which cell‐type genes should be turned on in response to a variety of extrinsic and intrinsic signals. At the molecular level, enhancers serve as a genomic scaffold that recruits sequence‐specific transcription factors and co‐activators to facilitate transcription from linked promoters. However, it remains largely unclear how enhancers communicate with appropriate target promoters in the context of higher‐order genome topology. In this review, we discuss recent progress in (...)
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    Witnessing Trauma: Emotional Challenges in Medical Interpretation.Maja Milkowska-Shibata - 2024 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 14 (3):8-10.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Witnessing Trauma:Emotional Challenges in Medical InterpretationMaja Milkowska-ShibataHaving a background in public health but no clinical experience, I never expected to be given the opportunity to work directly with patients. This changed when I became involved in medical interpretation. During my first year of service, I mostly assisted with primary care appointments until I was assigned to my first appointment in a cancer treatment center. The moment I stepped into (...)
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    Intrinsically unstructured proteins evolve by repeat expansion.Peter Tompa - 2003 - Bioessays 25 (9):847-855.
    The proportion of the genome encoding intrinsically unstructured proteins increases with the complexity of organisms, which demands specific mechanism(s) for generating novel genetic material of this sort. Here it is suggested that one such mechanism is the expansion of internal repeat regions, i.e., coding micro‐ and minisatellites. An analysis of 126 known unstructured sequences shows the preponderance of repeats: the percentage of proteins with tandemly repeated short segments is much higher in this class (39%) than earlier reported for (...)
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  14. In defence of a humanistically oriented historiography: the nature/culture distinction at the time of the Anthropocene.Giuseppina D'Oro - 2020 - In Jouni Matt-Kuukkanen (ed.), Philosophy of History: Twenty-First-Century Perspectives. Bloomsbury. Bloomsbury. pp. 216-236.
    “Do Anthropocene narratives confuse an important distinction between the natural and the historical past?” asks Giuseppina D’Oro. D’Oro defends the view that the concept of the historical past is sui generis and distinct from that of the geological past against a new, Anthropocene-inspired challenge to the possibility of a humanistically oriented historiography. She argues that the historical past is not a short segment of geological time, the time of the human species on Earth, but the past investigated from the (...)
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    An Eye-Movement Analysis of Overt Visual Attention During Consecutive and Simultaneous Interpreting Modes in a Remotely Interpreted Investigative Interview.Stephen Doherty, Natalie Martschuk, Jane Goodman-Delahunty & Sandra Hale - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Remote interpreting via video-link is increasingly being employed in investigative interviews chiefly due to its apparent increased accessibility and efficiency. However, risks of miscommunication have been shown to be magnified in remote interpreting and empirical research specifically on video-link remote interpreting is in its infancy which greatly limits the evidence base available to inform and direct evidence-based policy and best practice, particularly in the identification of the optimal mode of interpreting to be used, namely consecutive and simultaneous. Consecutive interpreting refers (...)
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  16.  9
    On freedom: a philosophical dialogue.Nicholas J. Pappas - 2014 - New York: Algora Publishing.
    The notion of 'freedom' is essential to America's view of itself as a democratic and individual-based society. In this philosophical dialogue, characters assess the many facets, implications and apparent contradictions inherent in this deceptively complex idea. Seventy-nine short segments provide food for thought even in stolen moments of reading pleasure. The book sparkles with intellectually stimulating views. Drawing on the tradition of the Platonic dialogue, 'On Freedom' explores what freedom is and what it means through the discussions of (...)
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  17.  81
    Close encounters of the third kind: disordered domains and the interactions of proteins.Peter Tompa, Monika Fuxreiter, Christopher J. Oldfield, Istvan Simon, A. Keith Dunker & Vladimir N. Uversky - 2009 - Bioessays 31 (3):328-335.
    Protein–protein interactions are thought to be mediated by domains, which are autonomous folding units of proteins. Recently, a second type of interaction has been suggested, mediated by short segments termed linear motifs, which are related to recognition elements of intrinsically disordered regions. Here, we propose a third kind of protein–protein recognition mechanism, mediated by disordered regions longer than 20–30 residues. Bioinformatics predictions and well‐characterized examples, such as the kinase‐inhibitory domain of Cdk inhibitors and the Wiskott–Aldrich syndrome protein (WASP)‐homology (...)
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  18.  11
    A Recurrent Connectionist Model of Melody Perception: An Exploration Using TRACX2.Daniel Defays, Robert M. French & Barbara Tillmann - 2023 - Cognitive Science 47 (4):e13283.
    Are similar, or even identical, mechanisms used in the computational modeling of speech segmentation, serial image processing, and music processing? We address this question by exploring how TRACX2, a recognition‐based, recursive connectionist autoencoder model of chunking and sequence segmentation, which has successfully simulated speech and serial‐image processing, might be applied to elementary melody perception. The model, a three‐layer autoencoder that recognizes “chunks” of short sequences of intervals that have been frequently encountered on input, is trained on the tone intervals (...)
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  19.  40
    Economic Inequality, Food Insecurity, and the Erosion of Equality of Capabilities in the United States.Michael B. Elmes - 2018 - Business and Society 57 (6):1045-1074.
    This article explores how economic inequality in the United States has led to growing levels of poverty, food insecurity, and obesity for the bottom segments of the economy. It takes the position that access to nutritious food is a requirement for living and for participating fully in the workplace and society. Because of increasing economic inequality in the United States, growing segments of the U.S. economy have become more food insecure and obese, eating unhealthy food for survival and (...)
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  20.  88
    A note on finiteness in the predicative foundations of arithmetic.Fernando Ferreira - 1999 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 28 (2):165-174.
    Recently, Feferman and Hellman (and Aczel) showed how to establish the existence and categoricity of a natural number system by predicative means given the primitive notion of a finite set of individuals and given also a suitable pairing function operating on individuals. This short paper shows that this existence and categoricity result does not rely (even indirectly) on finite-set induction, thereby sustaining Feferman and Hellman's point in favor of the view that natural number induction can be derived from a (...)
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    Generalizations of the Kruskal-Friedman theorems.L. Gordeev - 1990 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 55 (1):157-181.
    Kruskal proved that finite trees are well-quasi-ordered by hom(e)omorphic embeddability. Friedman observed that this statement is not provable in predicative analysis. Friedman also proposed (see in [Simpson]) some stronger variants of the Kruskal theorem dealing with finite labeled trees under home(e)omorphic embeddability with a certain gap-condition, where labels are arbitrary finite ordinals from a fixed initial segment of ω. The corresponding limit statement, expressing that for all initial segments of ω these labeled trees are well-quasi-ordered, is provable in Π (...)
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  22.  20
    Measurable cardinals and good ‐wellorderings.Philipp Lücke & Philipp Schlicht - 2018 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 64 (3):207-217.
    We study the influence of the existence of large cardinals on the existence of wellorderings of power sets of infinite cardinals κ with the property that the collection of all initial segments of the wellordering is definable by a Σ1‐formula with parameter κ. A short argument shows that the existence of a measurable cardinal δ implies that such wellorderings do not exist at δ‐inaccessible cardinals of cofinality not equal to δ and their successors. In contrast, our main result (...)
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  23.  23
    Формування стратегії розвитку підприємства на основі динамічного space-аналізу.Valeriy Balan & Inna Tymchenko - 2016 - Схід 4 (144):5-16.
    Development strategy of using modern portfolio theory focused on the short term. However, macroeconomic uncertainty and geopolitical environment makes their use ineffective. And challenge is to provide a reasonable balance between the short and long term profitability. Another issue, which is to some extent related to the previous observation is the absence in most matrices strategic recommendations for non-standard "behavior" of business units with dynamic analysis. This applies to the use of a relatively new tool matrix approach to (...)
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  24.  12
    Emotion Analysis Based on Deep Learning With Application to Research on Development of Western Culture.Ming Chen - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Cultural development is often reflected in the emotional expression of various cultural carriers, such as literary works, movies, etc. Therefore, the cultural development can be analyzed through emotion analysis of the text, so as to sort out its context and obtain its development dynamics. This paper proposes a text emotion analysis method based on deep learning. The traditional neural network model mainly deals with the classification task of short texts in the form of word vectors, which causes the model (...)
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  25.  25
    Gap genes and gradients – The logic behind the gaps.Martin Hülskamp & Diathard Tautz - 1991 - Bioessays 13 (6):261-268.
    Gap genes stand at the top of the zygotic segmentation hierarchy in Drosophila. Their expression domains are set up by a combination of maternal regulatory signals and interactions among themselves. In addition, these regulatory pathways are partially redundantly specified by the maternal and zygotic genomes, or by multiple zygotic gene products. The gap genes code for transcription factors which exert their function by foming short‐range morphogenetic gradients; differential concentrations of these transcription factors can either act as activators or as (...)
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  26.  12
    Mechanisms of Cultural Evolution in the Songs of Wild Bird Populations.Heather Williams - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Young songbirds draw the source material for their learned songs from parents, peers, and unrelated adults, as well as from innovation. These learned songs are used for intraspecific communication, and have well-documented roles for such functions as territory maintenance and mate attraction. The songs of wild populations differ, forming local “dialects” that may shift over time, suggesting that cultural evolution is at work. Recent work has focused on the mechanisms responsible for the cultural evolution of bird songs within a population, (...)
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  27.  7
    Driving Into the Future.P. A. Hancock - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    This work considers the future of driving in terms of both its short- and long-term horizons. It conjectures that human-controlled driving will follow in the footsteps of a wide swath of other, now either residual or abandoned human occupations. Pursuits that have preceded it into oblivion. In this way, driving will dwindle down into only a few niche locales wherein enthusiasts will still persist, much in the way that steam train hobbyists now continue their own aspirational inclinations. Of course, (...)
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  28.  24
    Being low along a sequence and elsewhere.Wolfgang Merkle & Liang Yu - 2019 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 84 (2):497-516.
    Let an oracle be called low for prefix-free complexity on a set in case access to the oracle improves the prefix-free complexities of the members of the set at most by an additive constant. Let an oracle be called weakly low for prefix-free complexity on a set in case the oracle is low for prefix-free complexity on an infinite subset of the given set. Furthermore, let an oracle be called low and weakly for prefix-free complexity along a sequence in case (...)
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  29.  26
    Individualization in China under Compressed and Contradictory Modernity.Shi Yunqing - 2017 - Temporalités 26.
    Because of its unprecedented speed and scale, urbanization in China during the 1990s is one of the most representative fields in which to explore compressed modernity considering East Asian experiences. This article focuses on a collective litigation including 10,357 people suing the local government for the infringements on their property rights and citizenship during that period of urbanization. To make this massive movement possible under an authoritarian state, a new type of state-individual relationship was created, and a selection mechanism applied (...)
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    The placement of 'book divisions' in the "Iliad".Bruce Heiden - 1998 - Journal of Hellenic Studies 118:68-81.
    All editions and translations of Homer'sIliadpresent the epic as a series of twenty-four segments always marked off in the same places. In this respect theIliadconforms to, and seems even to originate, a practice in which narratives of any considerable length are almost always presented in marked segments, usually calledchapters.Similarly, dramas, except very short ones, usually run as a series ofactswhose dimensions are determined in the composition. Acts may be marked by curtains, intermissions or briefer pauses, or other (...)
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  31.  29
    The discovery of synchrony: By means of the projector as a scientific instrument.Seth Barry Watter - 2024 - History of the Human Sciences 37 (2):138-165.
    This article considers the implications for film analysis of the presence or absence of a manual crank. More specifically, it looks at the 16 mm Time and Motion Study Projector as used in behavioral research in the 1960s and 1970s. The controversial concept of ‘interactional synchrony’, or the dance-like coordination of people in conversation, emerged from the use of this hand-turned projector. William S. Condon developed the concept along with the technique of microanalysis. Starting with the projector manufactured by Bell (...)
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  32.  29
    The ties that keep us bound: Top-down influences on the persistence of shape-from-motion☆.Evan F. Risko, Mike J. Dixon, Derek Besner & Susanne Ferber - 2006 - Consciousness and Cognition 15 (2):475-483.
    The phenomenon of perceptual persistence after the motion stops in shape-from-motion displays was used to study the influence of prior knowledge on the maintenance of a percept in awareness. In SFM displays an object composed of discontinuous line segments are embedded in a background of randomly oriented lines. The object only becomes perceptible when the line segments that compose the object and the lines that compose the background move in counterphase. Critically, once the movement of the line (...) stops, the percept of the object persists for a short period of time. In the present study, perceptual persistence for digits exceeded that reported for nonsense shapes composed of the same line segments. This result is taken as evidence that the processes involved in the persistence of SFM, and therefore sustained perception, are sensitive to top-down influences. (shrink)
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  33.  33
    Max Weber's "grand sociology": The origins and composition of wirtschaft und gesellschaft. Soziologie.Wolfgang J. Mommsen - 2000 - History and Theory 39 (3):364–383.
    Max Weber's magnum opus Economy and Society was for the most part published only after his premature death in June 1920. Only the chapters on basic sociological terms, the categories of social action, and the Three Times of Legitimate Domination were sent to the publishers by Weber himself; the other manuscripts were found in a pile on his desk. The editions by Marianne Weber and Melchior Palyi and by Johannes F. Winckelmann are in many ways unsatisfactory, and the controversy about (...)
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    Enhancing legal judgment summarization with integrated semantic and structural information.Jingpei Dan, Weixuan Hu & Yuming Wang - forthcoming - Artificial Intelligence and Law:1-22.
    Legal Judgment Summarization (LJS) can highly summarize legal judgment documents, improving judicial work efficiency in case retrieval and other occasions. Legal judgment documents are usually lengthy; however, most existing LJS methods are directly based on general text summarization models, which cannot handle long texts effectively. Additionally, due to the complex structural characteristics of legal judgment documents, some information may be lost by applying only one single kind of summarization model. To address these issues, we propose an integrated summarization method which (...)
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    L'évolution des institutions politiques et la révolution scientifique et technique.Jerzy J. Wiatr - 1973 - Res Publica 15 (1):119-138.
    The interrelation between the development of political institutions and the processes of scientific-technical revolution is twofold. On the one hand, there must exist the political preconditions of the rapid change in science and technology. On the other hand, the processes of rapid scientific and technical change produce important consequences in the politica life.From the point of view of the economic structure of the country, Poland has reached the threshold of scientific-technical revolution ; it now depends on the political conditions whether (...)
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    Automatic recognition method of installation errors of metallurgical machinery parts based on neural network.Bo Zhan & Hailong Cui - 2022 - Journal of Intelligent Systems 31 (1):321-331.
    The installation error of metallurgical machinery parts is one of the common sources of errors in mechanical equipment. Because the installation error of different parts has different influences on different mechanical equipment, a simple linear formula cannot be used to identify the installation error. In the past, the manual recognition method and the touch recognition method lack of error information analysis, which leads to inaccurate recognition results. To improve the problem, an automatic recognition method based on the neural network for (...)
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    Genes and Genomes: Genes, Genes and More Genes in the Human Major Histocompatibility Complex.Caroline M. Milner & R. Duncan Campbell - 1992 - Bioessays 14 (8):565-571.
    The human major histocompatibility complex (MHC), on the short arm of chromosome 6, represents one of the most extensively characterised regions of the human genome. This ∼4 Mb segment of DNA contains genes encoding the polymorphic MHC class I and class II molecules which are involved in antigen presentation during an immune response. Recently the whole of the MHC has been cloned in cosmids and/or yeast artificial chromosomes (YACs) and large portions have been characterised for the presence of novel (...)
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  38. The Unity of Man in Ancient Chinese Philosophy.Ru Xin - 1987 - Diogenes 35 (140):1-28.
    In the history of Western thought, the philosophical study of man has been part of the philosopher's pursuits from the time of the ancient Greeks. But after a lapse of over two thousand years, the study in this field remains not much developed and its achievements are far from satisfactory. Already in 1928, Max Scheler in his Man's Place in Nature pointed out the troubled condition of the philosophical study of man: “Man is more a problem to himself at the (...)
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    From plaster casts to picket lines: Public support for industrial action in the National Health Service in England.Martin Ejnar Hansen & Steven David Pickering - 2024 - Nursing Inquiry 31 (3):e12637.
    This paper explores public sentiment towards strike action among healthcare workers, as a result of their perceived inadequate pay. By analysing survey data collected in England between 2022 and 2023, the study focuses on NHS nurses and junior doctors, due to their critical role in delivering essential public services. Results indicate higher public support for strikes by nurses and junior doctors compared to other professions such as postal workers, teachers, rail workers, airport workers, civil servants and university lecturers. However, variation (...)
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    Citizens’ Views on Farm Animal Welfare and Related Information Provision: Exploratory Insights from Flanders, Belgium.Filiep Vanhonacker, Els Poucke, Frank Tuyttens & Wim Verbeke - 2010 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 23 (6):551-569.
    The results of two independent empirical studies with Flemish citizens were combined to address the problem of a short fall of information provision about higher welfare products. The research objectives were (1) to improve our understanding of how citizens conceptualize farm animal welfare, (2) to analyze the variety in the claimed personal relevance of animal welfare in the food purchasing decision process, and (3) to find out people’s needs in relation to product information about animal welfare and the extent (...)
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    The Victorian Translation of China: James Legge's Oriental Pilgrimage (review).Roger Corless - 2004 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 24 (1):276-278.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:The Victorian Translation of China: James Legge's Oriental PilgrimageRoger CorlessThe Victorian Translation of China: James Legge's Oriental Pilgrimage. By Norman J.Girardot. Berkeley, Los Angeles, London: University of California Press, 2002. xxx + 780 pp.Don't make the mistake I made and allow the size of this book intimidate you. I let it sit around for many months, fearing, as did the author, to "[row] out over the great ocean (...)
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    De Ordine Caritatis: Charity, Friendship, and Justice in Thomas Aquinas’ Summa Theologiae.Jean Porter - 1989 - The Thomist 53 (2):197-213.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:DE ORDINE CARITATIS: CHARITY, FRIENDSHIP, AND JUSTICE IN THOMAS AQUINAS' SUMMA THEOLOGIAE JEAN PORTER Vanderbilt Divinity School Nashville, Tennessee IS IT POSSIBLE to identify the :lioundational or characteristic content of Christian love? According to Gene Outka, the normative content most often ascribed to Christian neighbor-love, or agape, is equal rega.rd.1 On this aiooount, agape commits us to aot at all times out of a regard for the neighbor that (...)
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    The Crisis of Sense of Belonging in Saud Alsanousi’s Saq al-Bamboo Novel.Adnan Arslan - 2019 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 23 (2):993-1008.
    Some of the human needs are more important than others in order to be inevitable. One of these needs which cannot be avoided is the need for belonging to any authority. Whatever the name, religion, nation, homeland, flag etc. all these concepts are the reflections of the sense of belonging that comes with human existence. This article will discuss how Kuwaiti novelist Saud Alsanousi reflects the crisis of a child who is born from a secret relationship with a Filipino woman's (...)
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    Preserved Perspective Taking in Free Indirect Discourse in Autism Spectrum Disorder.Juliane T. Zimmermann, Sara Meuser, Stefan Hinterwimmer & Kai Vogeley - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Perspective taking has been proposed to be impaired in persons with autism spectrum disorder, especially when implicit processing is required. In narrative texts, language perception and interpretation is fundamentally guided by taking the perspective of a narrator. We studied perspective taking in the linguistic domain of so-called Free Indirect Discourse, during which certain text segments have to be interpreted as the thoughts or utterances of a protagonist without explicitly being marked as thought or speech representations of that protagonist. Crucially, (...)
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    Walking the Bodhisattva Path/Walking the Christ Path.Catholic Church United States Conference of Catholic Bishops & San Fransisco Zen Center - 2004 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 24 (1):247-248.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Walking the Bodhisattva Path/Walking the Christ PathU.S. Conference of Catholic BishopsCatholics and Buddhists brought together by Dharma Realm Buddhist Association, the San Francisco Zen Center, and the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) met 20-23 March 2003 in the first of an anticipated series of four annual dialogues. Abbot Heng Lyu, the monks and nuns, and members of the Dharma Realm Buddhist Association hosted the dialogue at the (...)
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  46. Introduction. The School: Its Genesis, Development and Significance.Urszula Wybraniec-Skardowska - 2018 - In Urszula Wybraniec-Skardowska & Ángel Garrido (eds.), The Lvov-Warsaw School. Past and Present. Cham, Switzerland: Springer- Birkhauser,. pp. 3-14.
    The Introduction outlines, in a concise way, the history of the Lvov-Warsaw School—a most unique Polish school of worldwide renown, which pioneered trends combining philosophy, logic, mathematics and language. The author accepts that the beginnings of the School fall on the year 1895, when its founder Kazimierz Twardowski, a disciple of Franz Brentano, came to Lvov on his mission to organize a scientific circle. Soon, among the characteristic features of the School was its serious approach towards philosophical studies and teaching (...)
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    Children at Play: Thoughts about the impact of networked toys in the game of life and the role of law.Ulrich Gaspar - 2018 - International Review of Information Ethics 27.
    Information communication technology is spreading fast and wide. Driven by convenience, it enables people to undertake personal tasks and make decisions more easily and efficiently. Convenience enjoys an air of liberation as well as self-expression affecting all areas of life. The industry for children's toys is a major economic market becoming ever more tech-related and drawn into the battle for convenience. Like any other tech-related industry, this battle is about industry dominance and, currently, that involves networked toys. Networked toys aim (...)
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    To Let: Unsuccessful Stipulation, Bad Proof, and Paradox.Laurence Goldstein - 2013 - American Philosophical Quarterly 50 (1):93.
    Letting is a common practice in mathematics. For example, we let x be the sum of the first n integers and, after a short proof, conclude that x = n(n+1)/2; we let J be the point where the bisectors of two of the angles of a triangle intersect and prove that this coincides with H, the point at which another pair of bisectors of the angles of that triangle intersect. Karl Weierstrass's colleagues, in an attempt to solve optimization problems, (...)
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  49. Introduction. The School: Its Genesis, Development and Significance.U. Wybraniec-Skardowska - 2018 - In Urszula Wybraniec-Skardowska & Ángel Garrido (eds.), The Lvov-Warsaw School. Past and Present. Cham, Switzerland: Springer- Birkhauser,. pp. 3-14.
    The Introduction outlines, in a concise way, the history of the Lvov-Warsaw School – a most unique Polish school of worldwide renown, which pioneered trends combining philosophy, logic, mathematics and language. The author accepts that the beginnings of the School fall on the year 1895, when its founder Kazimierz Twardowski, a disciple of Franz Brentano, came to Lvov on his mission to organize a scientific circle. Soon, among the characteristic features of the School was its serious approach towards philosophical studies (...)
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    Semantic and pragmatic issues in discourse and dialogue: experimenting with current dynamic theories.Myriam Bras & Laure Vieu (eds.) - 2001 - New York: Elsevier.
    This volume addresses current issues in the semantics and the pragmatics of discourse and dialogue. Collected papers aim at providing insights on different theoretical approaches, all of them in the dynamic semantics tradition, such as Dynamic Predicate Logic (DPL), Discourse Representation Theory (DRT), and Segmented Discourse Representation Theory (SDRT). They reflect the current move of formal semantics from short multisentential texts towards structured discourses and dialogues, accounting for more and more phenomena at the semantics-pragmatics interface (e.g., subtleties of anaphora (...)
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