Results for ' synoptic Gospels'

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  1. The Synoptic Gospels, Vols. I and II.Claude G. Montefiore, Lou H. Silberman, Israel Abrahams & Morton S. Enslin - 1968
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  2. The Synoptic Gospels.H. A. Guy - 1961
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  3. The Synoptic Gospels.Robert W. Funk, Daniel J. Harrington, Gunter Wagner, Paul-Émile Langevin & Henry Wansbrough - 1985
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  4. The Synoptic Gospels: An Introduction.Keith F. Nickle - 1980
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    Uses of the Proverb in the Synoptic Gospels.William A. Beardslee - 1970 - Interpretation 24 (1):61-73.
    The proverbs in the Synoptic Gospels have not attracted the attention lavished on another wisdom form—the parable. But the use of the proverb in the tradition about Jesus shows it is both a way to jolt the hearer into new insight and a contact with the understanding already present in the everyday world.
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    The general resurrection of the dead in the synoptic gospels.Carlos Blanco-Pérez - 2022 - Franciscanum 64 (177).
    The aim of this paper is to analyze the idea of general resurrection of the dead at the end of times in the synoptic Gospels. We intend to clarify whether this concept can be interpreted as a transposition of the parallel belief contained in some intertestamental writings, or if the singularity of the religious experience expressed in the synoptic Gospels establishes an inexorable moment of discontinuity with the previous apocalyptic framework, making it impossible to understand this (...)
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  7. Origins of the Synoptic Gospels: Some Basic Questions.Ned B. Stonehouse - 1963
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  8. Memory, Jesus, and the Synoptic Gospels.[author unknown] - 2011
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  9. Faith in the Synoptic Gospels: A Prob-lem in the Correlation of Scripture and Theology.Edward D. O'Connor - 1961
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    Jesus as Philosopher: The Moral Sage in the Synoptic Gospels.Runar M. Thorsteinsson - 2018 - Oxford University Press.
    This book examines the possible ways in which the authors of the Synoptic Gospels, Mark, Matthew, and Luke, were inspired by philosophical traditions. It considers how the authors discussed Jesus in relation to contemporary philosophy.
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  11. Introduction to the Synoptic Gospels.Pheme Perkins - 2007
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    A New Formalist approach to narrative Christology: Returning to the structure of the Synoptic Gospels.Michal Beth Dinkler - 2017 - HTS Theological Studies 73 (1):11.
    Today, scholars employ the label ‘narrative Christology’ with relative frequency, though they mean different things when they do so. In this article, I argue that to date, narrative Christology has not yet fully explored the parameters of what it means to attend closely to the narrative form of the Gospels’ presentations of Jesus. I propose, further, that recent developments in literary theory’s so-called ‘New Formalism’ offer useful tools and concepts for moving in that direction. The first part of the (...)
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  13. The Sources of the Synoptic Gospels.Wilfred L. Knox & H. Chadwick - 1957
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    Doing theology with children: A childist reading of the childhood metaphor in 1 Corinthians and the Synoptic Gospels.Jan Grobbelaar - 2020 - HTS Theological Studies 76 (4):9.
    This article is written from the perspective of Child Theology and a childist reading of scripture. Firstly, the article deals with the links between children, childhood and Childhood Studies, as well as with Theology. Secondly, in terms of a childist reading of scripture, it explains the difference between a low and a high view of childhood. The fact that both views of childhood are present in the Bible is highlighted. Thirdly, the article discusses three texts in 1 Corinthians, where Paul (...)
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  15. Is there conversion in the synoptic gospels?Phillip A. Davis Jr - 2022 - In Athanasios Despotis & Hermut Löhr (eds.), Religious and Philosophical Conversion in the Ancient Mediterranean Traditions. Boston: Ancient Philosophy & Religion.
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    FOCANT, Camille, éd., The Synoptic Gospels. Source Criticism and the New Literary CriticismFOCANT, Camille, éd., The Synoptic Gospels. Source Criticism and the New Literary Criticism. [REVIEW]Jean-François Racine - 1994 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 50 (1):227-229.
  17. Social Science Commentary on the Synoptic Gospels.Bruce J. Malina & Richard L. Rohrbaug - 1992
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    How does one interpret the Synoptic Gospels’ warning passages while affirming the irrevocable nature of salvation?Godwin A. Etukumana - 2018 - HTS Theological Studies 74 (3).
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    'Love Your Enemies': Jesus' Love Command in the Synoptic Gospels and in the Early Christian Paraenesis.John Piper - 1979 - CUP Archive.
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  20. The Gospel in Parable: Metaphor, Narrative, and Theology in the Synoptic Gospels.John R. Donahue - 1988
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    The Common Tradition of the Synoptic Gospels.J. Rendel Harris, Edwin A. Abbott & W. G. Rushbrooke - 1885 - American Journal of Philology 6 (1):99.
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    Holistic Ministry based on the Synoptic Gospels and Relevance to Contemporary Generation.Matius I. Totok Dwikoryanto, Muner Daliman, Hana Suparti & Paulus Sentot Purwoko - 2021 - European Journal of Theology and Philosophy 1 (4):9-17.
    Holistic service for youth and youth is the basic thing today because youth and youth are the present generation for the future of the church. By using descriptive qualitative methods, it can be concluded that the holistic ministry for youth and youth carried out by church leaders is able to build today's generation that continues to have an impact on the world and is also expected to bring Christian education that has one clear and definite goal/direction, namely knowing, loving, believe (...)
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    Son-of-God traditions in the Synoptic Gospels: Ferdinand Hahn's diachronic perspective.Yolanda Dreyer - 2001 - HTS Theological Studies 57 (1/2).
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    “Follow Me”: The Imperious Call of Jesus in the Synoptic Gospels.F. Scott Spencer - 2005 - Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology 59 (2):142-153.
    Jesus displays audacious personal authority in summoning his followers to join him in advancing the kingdom of God. He does not negotiate with disciples. Moreover, the content of his call implies an alternative political (imperial) as well as religious (spiritual) vocation.
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  25. A Man Attested by God: The Human Jesus of the Synoptic Gospels.[author unknown] - 2016
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    The Ministry of Jesus in the Synoptic Gospels.Paul J. Achtemeier - 1981 - Interpretation 35 (2):157-169.
    In his identity, words, and deeds Jesus of Nazareth provides the possibility and promise of ministry in his name.
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  27. Jesus and the Future Life: A Study in the Synoptic Gospels.William Strawson - 1959
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  28. No Stone on Another: Studies in the Significance of the Fall of Jerusalem in the Synoptic Gospels.Lloyd Gaston - 1970
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  29. Israel's Scripture Traditions and the Synoptic Gospels: Story Shaping Story.Willard M. Swartley - 1994
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  30. Hostility to Wealth in the Synoptic Gospels.Thomas E. Schmidt - 1987
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  31. Alterations to the Text of the Synoptic Gospels and Acts.C. S. C. Williams - 1951
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  32. James Stalker, The Ethic of Jesus according to the Synoptic Gospels[REVIEW]James Seth - 1909 - Hibbert Journal 8:683.
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    Stephen P. Ahearne-Kroll, Oxford Handbook of the Synoptic Gospels. New York, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2023, xviii-608 p. [REVIEW]Sébastien Doane - 2023 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 79 (3):459-460.
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    New Studies in the Synoptic Problem. Edited by P.Foster, A.Gregory, J. S.Kloppenborg, J.Verheyden. Pp. Xxv, 961, Peeters, Leuven, 2011, $113.09. Q or not Q? The So-Called Triple, Double and Single Traditions in the Synoptic Gospels. By Bartosz Adamczewski. [REVIEW]Nicholas King - 2012 - Heythrop Journal 53 (2):328-330.
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    GOSPEL WRITERS AND CLASSICAL POETS - (D.R.) MacDonald Synopses of Epic, Tragedy, and the Gospels. Volume 1: Mimetic Synopsis of Four Synoptic Gospels (Q+, Mark, Matthew, and Luke). Imitations of Deuteronomy, Homer, and Athenian Tragedies. Volume 2: Mimetic Syncrisis of the Acts of the Apostles. Imitations of Homer and Euripides and Rivalry with the Aeneid. Volume 3: Mimetic Synopsis of Three Gospels of John. Imitations of the Synoptics and Euripides’ Bacchae. Pp. viii + 564, colour ills. Claremont, CA: Mimesis Press, 2022. Paper, £36.51. ISBN: 979-8-9867801-1-5. [REVIEW]Pheme Perkins - 2024 - The Classical Review 74 (1):312-314.
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  36. The Gospel of Jesus: The Pastoral Relevance of the Synoptic Problem.William R. Farmer - 1994
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  37. Is Marcion's Gospel one of the Synoptics?Paul-Louis Couchoud - 1935 - Hibbert Journal 34:265.
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  38. The Importance of the Synoptic Problem for Interpreting the Gospels.Allan J. McNicol - 2007 - Kairos: Evangelical Journal of Theology 1 (1):13-24.
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    The Three Gospels: New Testament History Introduced by the Synoptic Problem. By Martin Mosse.Peter Milward - 2009 - Heythrop Journal 50 (1):155-156.
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    Synoptic Problem and Redaction Criticism: An Introductory Survey.Zafer Duygu - 2019 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 23 (1):521-544.
    The Synoptic Problem is a puzzle that scholars have desired to solve since the 18th century. The discussion has a religious background, because it is about the first three canonical Gospels of the Church, namely Matthew, Mark and Luke, which came to be called the Synoptic Gospels. The discussion, in the most basic context, concentrates on the point that there is a possible relationship or connection between the Synoptic Gospels and that each one is (...)
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    Law and Gospel, Distinction and Dialectic: C.F.W. Walther, Søren Kierkegaard, and the Rich Young Ruler.David Lawrence Coe - 2022 - Kierkegaard Studies Yearbook 27 (1):403-418.
    Nineteenth-century Lutheran giants C.F.W. Walther and Søren Kierkegaard both stressed over the application of Martin Luther’s doctrine of Law and Gospel. Both viewed Law and Gospel as concepts to be distinguished and as concepts that dialectically belong together. To his Pelagian audience tempted to abuse the Law and abolish the Gospel, Walther stressed the distinction of Law and Gospel. To his Antinomian audience tempted to abuse the Gospel and abolish the Law, Kierkegaard stressed the dialectic of Law and Gospel. Walther (...)
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    The life of Jesus: a survey of the available material. 2) The foundation of the Synoptic Tradition: The Gospel of Mark.T. W. Manson - 1944 - Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 28 (1):119-136.
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  43. The Gospel According to John, Access to God, at the Obscure Origins of Christianity.François Bovon - 1989 - Diogenes 37 (146):37-50.
    For eighteen centuries the Christian church believed that the fourth gospel was drawn up by the son of Zebedee, John, when the latter lived in Ephesus in his old age. As Clement of Alexandria suggests (II-III century) the beloved disciple wanted to emphasize the divine nature of the Son of which the synoptic gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke had marked the historical insertion and the human nature.
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    Mental Health and the Gospel: Boyle Lecture 2020.Christopher C. H. Cook - 2020 - Zygon 55 (4):1107-1123.
    Mental health has become a domain of professional and scientific endeavor, distinguished in the modern mind from spirituality, which is understood as a more subjective, transcendent, and private concern. This sharp separation has been challenged in recent decades by scientific research, which demonstrates the positive benefits of spirituality/religion (S/R) for mental health. Increasing scientific interest in the topic is to be welcomed, but the contribution of theology to the debate has been neglected. It is proposed here that Jesus’ life and (...)
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  45. Jesus and the First Three Gospels: An Introduction to the Synoptic Tradition.Walter E. Bundy - 1955
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    The spatial dynamics of Jesus as King of Israel in the Gospel according to John.Jan Van der Watt - 2016 - HTS Theological Studies 72 (4):1-7.
    The presence of the kingdom of God is usually associated with the theology of the Synoptic Gospels, but this article describes how the concept of kingdom also plays an important role in the Gospel of John, as Busse also argues. It is argued that the Johannine group identify themselves as children of the King and regard themselves as members of the kingdom, of which Jesus, the Messiah, is the major representative on Earth. What is expected of a king (...)
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    Jesus Becoming Jesus, Volume 2, A Theological Interpretation of the Gospel of John: Prologue and the Book of Signs by Thomas G. Weinandy (review).Daniel A. Keating - 2023 - Nova et Vetera 21 (2):738-742.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Jesus Becoming Jesus, Volume 2, A Theological Interpretation of the Gospel of John: Prologue and the Book of Signs by Thomas G. WeinandyDaniel A. KeatingJesus Becoming Jesus, Volume 2, A Theological Interpretation of the Gospel of John: Prologue and the Book of Signs by Thomas G. Weinandy, O.F.M. Cap. (Washington, DC: Catholic University of America Press, 2021), xviii + 484 pp.This is an unusual biblical commentary. By his (...)
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    John the Theologian and His Paschal Gospel: A Prologue to Theology by John Behr.Matthew Z. Vale - 2022 - Nova et Vetera 20 (3):989-994.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:John the Theologian and His Paschal Gospel: A Prologue to Theology by John BehrMatthew Z. ValeJohn the Theologian and His Paschal Gospel: A Prologue to Theology by John Behr (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2019), xv + 388 pp.Father Behr's book defies summary. Its ambitions span several fields—patristics, contemporary biblical scholarship, speculative systematics, phenomenology—and Behr has controversial proposals in each. The book is not (expressly) a work of systematic (...)
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  49. Manifestation and Proclamation.Paul Ricoeur & Ilya Itkin - 2011 - Russian Sociological Review 10 (1 — 2):178-196.
    In the paper two forms of human dealing with the notion of the sacred are compared — manifestation and proclamation. Author suggests that proclamation is a characteristic for modern monotheistic religions based on the Old Testament theology. In particular, a vivid example of proclamation is a teaching of Jesus Christ, as presented in synoptic Gospels. In Ricouer’s view, a decline of the sacred in modern Western civilization is connected with an unjustified absolutization of the scientific and technical achievements (...)
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    The Lost Sutras of Jesus: Unlocking the Ancient Wisdom of the Xian Monks, and: The Buddha's Gospel: A Buddhist Interpretation of Jesus' Words (review).John D'Arcy May - 2005 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 25 (1):190-192.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:The Lost Sutras of Jesus: Unlocking the Ancient Wisdom of the Xian Monks, and: The Buddha's Gospel: A Buddhist Interpretation of Jesus' WordsJohn D'Arcy MayThe Lost Sutras of Jesus: Unlocking the Ancient Wisdom of the Xian Monks. Edited by Ray Riegert and Thomas Moore. London: Souvenir Press, 2004. 140 + xi pp.The Buddha's Gospel: A Buddhist Interpretation of Jesus' Words. By Lindsay Falvey. Adelaide: Institute for International Development, (...)
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