Results for ' team semantics'

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  1.  72
    Team Semantics for Interventionist Counterfactuals: Observations vs. Interventions.Fausto Barbero & Gabriel Sandu - 2020 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 50 (3):471-521.
    Team semantics is a highly general framework for logics which describe dependencies and independencies among variables. Typically, the dependencies considered in this context are properties of sets of configurations or data records. We show how team semantics can be further generalized to support languages for the discussion of interventionist counterfactuals and causal dependencies, such as those that arise in manipulationist theories of causation. We show that the “causal teams” we introduce in the present paper can be (...)
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  2.  42
    A Double Team Semantics for Generalized Quantifiers.Antti Kuusisto - 2015 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 24 (2):149-191.
    We investigate extensions of dependence logic with generalized quantifiers. We also introduce and investigate the notion of a generalized atom. We define a system of semantics that can accommodate variants of dependence logic, possibly extended with generalized quantifiers and generalized atoms, under the same umbrella framework. The semantics is based on pairs of teams, or double teams. We also devise a game-theoretic semantics equivalent to the double team semantics. We make use of the double (...) semantics by defining a logic $$\hbox {DC}^2$$ DC 2 which canonically fuses together two-variable dependence logic $$\hbox {D}^2$$ D 2 and two-variable logic with counting quantifiers $$\hbox {FOC}^2$$ FOC 2 . We establish that the satisfiability and finite satisfiability problems of $$\hbox {DC}^2$$ DC 2 are complete for $$\hbox {NEXPTIME}$$ NEXPTIME. (shrink)
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  3.  24
    Iterated team semantics for a hierarchy of informational types.Vít Punčochář - 2022 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 173 (10):103156.
  4.  18
    Tractability frontiers in probabilistic team semantics and existential second-order logic over the reals.Miika Hannula & Jonni Virtema - 2022 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 173 (10):103108.
  5.  19
    The Doxastic Interpretation of Team Semantics[REVIEW]Pietro Galliani - 2015 - In Åsa Hirvonen, Juha Kontinen, Roman Kossak & Andrés Villaveces, Logic Without Borders: Essays on Set Theory, Model Theory, Philosophical Logic and Philosophy of Mathematics. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 167-192.
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    Inclusion and exclusion dependencies in team semantics—on some logics of imperfect information.Pietro Galliani - 2012 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 163 (1):68-84.
  7.  38
    Separation logic and logics with team semantics.Darion Haase, Erich Grädel & Richard Wilke - 2022 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 173 (10):103063.
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    Independence in Model Theory and Team Semantics.Gianluca Paolini - 2018 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 24 (4):461-462.
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    Acknowledgement.Jsri Editorial Team - 2002 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 1 (3):4-4.
    Acknowledgement for the support of publication of JSRI no. 3.
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  10.  49
    Quantum Team Logic and Bell’s Inequalities.Tapani Hyttinen, Gianluca Paolini & Jouko Väänänen - 2015 - Review of Symbolic Logic 8 (4):722-742.
    A logical approach to Bell's Inequalities of quantum mechanics has been introduced by Abramsky and Hardy [2]. We point out that the logical Bell's Inequalities of [2] are provable in the probability logic of Fagin, Halpern and Megiddo [4]. Since it is now considered empirically established that quantum mechanics violates Bell's Inequalities, we introduce a modified probability logic, that we call quantum team logic, in which Bell's Inequalities are not provable, and prove a Completeness Theorem for this logic. For (...)
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  11.  17
    Multiteam Semantics for Interventionist Counterfactuals: Probabilities and Causation.Fausto Barbero & Gabriel Sandu - 2024 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 53 (6):1537-1577.
    In (Barbero and Sandu 2020 Journal of Philosophical Logic, 50, 471-521), we showed that languages encompassing interventionist counterfactuals and causal notions based on them (as e.g. in Pearl’s and Woodward’s manipulationist approaches to causation) as well as information-theoretic notions (such as learning and dependence) can be interpreted in a semantic framework which combines the traditions of structural equation modeling and of team semantics. We now present a further extension of this framework (causal multiteams) which allows us to talk (...)
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    Semantics: noun phrases, verb phrases and adjectives.Paul Portner, Klaus von Heusinger & Claudia Maienborn (eds.) - 2019 - Boston: De Gruyter.
    Gain a deeper understanding of essential research on the semantics of noun phrases and verb phrases. Clear explanations of significant recent research bring complex issues to life, with expert guidance on topics of debate within the field. The book gives readers valuable insights into topics such as definiteness, specificity, genericity aspect, aktionsart and mood. It also discusses directions for future research. Written by a world-class team of authors, these highly cited articles are here in paperback for the first (...)
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  13.  46
    Characterizing Counterfactuals and Dependencies over (Generalized) Causal Teams.Fausto Barbero & Fan Yang - 2022 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 63 (3):301-341.
    We analyze the causal-observational languages that were introduced in Barbero and Sandu (2018), which allow discussing interventionist counterfactuals and functional dependencies in a unified framework. In particular, we systematically investigate the expressive power of these languages in causal team semantics, and we provide complete natural deduction calculi for each language. Furthermore, we introduce a generalized semantics which allows representing uncertainty about the causal laws, and we analyze the expressive power and proof theory of the causal-observational languages over (...)
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  14.  39
    Complete Logics for Elementary Team Properties.Juha Kontinen & Fan Yang - forthcoming - Journal of Symbolic Logic:1-41.
    In this paper, we introduce a logic based on team semantics, called $\mathbf {FOT} $, whose expressive power is elementary, i.e., coincides with first-order logic both on the level of sentences and (possibly open) formulas, and we also show that a sublogic of $\mathbf {FOT} $, called $\mathbf {FOT}^{\downarrow } $, captures exactly downward closed elementary (or first-order) team properties. We axiomatize completely the logic $\mathbf {FOT} $, and also extend the known partial axiomatization of dependence logic (...)
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  15.  13
    Science in Superposition. Towards a Communicative Semantics of the Concept of Science.Alexander Yu Antonovski - 2024 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 61 (4):6-24.
    The article raises the problem of the ambiguity and polysemantic nature of the complex and heterogeneous semantics of the concept of science. This concept includes theories and methods, models and classifications of reality, scientific laws and laws of nature, scientific thinking, scientific publications, experiments and laboratory activities, scientific institutes and research teams, scientific research, expertise and scientific disciplines, scientific knowledge and scientific truth, etc. Nevertheless, with all the abovementioned complexity, science exhibits the properties of a single, dynamically developing complex (...)
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  16.  22
    Digital cultural heritage standards: from silo to semantic web.Brenda O’Neill & Larry Stapleton - 2022 - AI and Society 37 (3):891-903.
    This paper is a survey of standards being used in the domain of digital cultural heritage with focus on the Metadata Encoding and Transmission Standard created by the Library of Congress in the United States of America. The process of digitization of cultural heritage requires silo breaking in a number of areas—one area is that of academic disciplines to enable the performance of rich interdisciplinary work. This lays the foundation for the emancipation of the second form of silo which are (...)
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  17.  73
    Questions and Dependency in Intuitionistic Logic.Ivano Ciardelli, Rosalie Iemhoff & Fan Yang - 2020 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 61 (1):75-115.
    In recent years, the logic of questions and dependencies has been investigated in the closely related frameworks of inquisitive logic and dependence logic. These investigations have assumed classical logic as the background logic of statements, and added formulas expressing questions and dependencies to this classical core. In this paper, we broaden the scope of these investigations by studying questions and dependency in the context of intuitionistic logic. We propose an intuitionistic team semantics, where teams are embedded within intuitionistic (...)
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  18.  13
    On the Expressive Power of TeamLTL and First-Order Team Logic over Hyperproperties.Juha Kontinen & Max Sandström - 2021 - In Alexandra Silva, Renata Wassermann & Ruy de Queiroz, Logic, Language, Information, and Computation: 27th International Workshop, Wollic 2021, Virtual Event, October 5–8, 2021, Proceedings. Springer Verlag. pp. 302-318.
    In this article we study linear temporal logics with team semantics that are novel logics for defining hyperproperties. We define Kamp-type translations of these logics into fragments of first-order team logic and second-order logic. We also characterize the expressive power and the complexity of model-checking and satisfiability of team logic and second-order logic by relating them to second- and third-order arithmetic. Our results set in a larger context the recent results of Lück showing that the extension (...)
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  19.  10
    State-Based Modal Logics for Free Choice.Maria Aloni, Aleksi Anttila & Fan Yang - 2024 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 65 (4):367-413.
    We study the mathematical properties of bilateral state-based modal logic (BSML), a modal logic employing state-based semantics (also known as team semantics), which has been used to account for free choice inferences and related linguistic phenomena. This logic extends classical modal logic with a nonemptiness atom which is true in a state if and only if the state is nonempty. We introduce two extensions of BSML and show that the extensions are expressively complete, and develop natural deduction (...)
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  20.  17
    Characterizing downwards closed, strongly first-order, relativizable dependencies.Pietro Galliani - 2019 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 84 (3):1136-1167.
    In Team Semantics, a dependency notion is strongly first order if every sentence of the logic obtained by adding the corresponding atoms to First-Order Logic is equivalent to some first-order sentence. In this work it is shown that all nontrivial dependency atoms that are strongly first order, downwards closed, and relativizable are definable in terms of constancy atoms.Additionally, it is shown that any strongly first-order dependency is safe for any family of downwards closed dependencies, in the sense that (...)
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  21.  55
    Logics for propositional determinacy and independence.Valentin Goranko & Antti Kuusisto - 2018 - Review of Symbolic Logic 11 (3):470-506.
    This paper investigates formal logics for reasoning about determinacy and independence. Propositional Dependence Logic D and Propositional Independence Logic I are recently developed logical systems, based on team semantics, that provide a framework for such reasoning tasks. We introduce two new logics L_D and L_I, based on Kripke semantics, and propose them as alternatives for D and I, respectively. We analyse the relative expressive powers of these four logics and discuss the way these systems relate to natural (...)
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  22. From if to bi.Samson Abramsky & Jouko Väänänen - 2009 - Synthese 167 (2):207 - 230.
    We take a fresh look at the logics of informational dependence and independence of Hintikka and Sandu and Väänänen, and their compositional semantics due to Hodges. We show how Hodges’ semantics can be seen as a special case of a general construction, which provides a context for a useful completeness theorem with respect to a wider class of models. We shed some new light on each aspect of the logic. We show that the natural propositional logic carried by (...)
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  23.  45
    Inquisitive bisimulation.Ivano Ciardelli & Martin Otto - 2021 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 86 (1):77-109.
    Inquisitive modal logic, InqML, is a generalisation of standard Kripke-style modal logic. In its epistemic incarnation, it extends standard epistemic logic to capture not just the information that agents have, but also the questions that they are interested in. Technically, InqML fits within the family of logics based on team semantics. From a model-theoretic perspective, it takes us a step in the direction of monadic second-order logic, as inquisitive modal operators involve quantification over sets of worlds. We introduce (...)
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  24.  98
    Expressing Second-order Sentences in Intuitionistic Dependence Logic.Fan Yang - 2013 - Studia Logica 101 (2):323-342.
    Intuitionistic dependence logic was introduced by Abramsky and Väänänen [1] as a variant of dependence logic under a general construction of Hodges’ (trump) team semantics. It was proven that there is a translation from intuitionistic dependence logic sentences into second order logic sentences. In this paper, we prove that the other direction is also true, therefore intuitionistic dependence logic is equivalent to second order logic on the level of sentences.
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  25.  35
    A logical approach to context-specific independence.Jukka Corander, Antti Hyttinen, Juha Kontinen, Johan Pensar & Jouko Väänänen - 2019 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 170 (9):975-992.
    Directed acyclic graphs (DAGs) constitute a qualitative representation for conditional independence (CI) properties of a probability distribution. It is known that every CI statement implied by the topology of a DAG is witnessed over it under a graph-theoretic criterion of d-separation. Alternatively, all such implied CI statements are derivable from the local independencies encoded by a DAG using the so-called semi-graphoid axioms. We consider Labeled Directed Acyclic Graphs (LDAGs) modeling graphically scenarios exhibiting context-specific independence (CSI). Such CSI statements are modeled (...)
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  26.  48
    Independence logic and abstract independence relations.Gianluca Paolini - 2015 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 61 (3):202-216.
    We continue the work on the relations between independence logic and the model-theoretic analysis of independence, generalizing the results of [15] and [16] to the framework of abstract independence relations for an arbitrary AEC. We give a model-theoretic interpretation of the independence atom and characterize under which conditions we can prove a completeness result with respect to the deductive system that axiomatizes independence in team semantics and statistics.
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  27.  27
    Some observations about generalized quantifiers in logics of imperfect information.Fausto Barbero - 2019 - Review of Symbolic Logic 12 (3):456-486.
    We analyse the two definitions of generalized quantifiers for logics of dependence and independence that have been proposed by F. Engström, comparing them with a more general, higher order definition of team quantifier. We show that Engström’s definitions can be identified, by means of appropriate lifts, with special classes of team quantifiers. We point out that the new team quantifiers express a quantitative and a qualitative component, while Engström’s quantifiers only range over the latter. We further argue (...)
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  28.  25
    A first-order framework for inquisitive modal logic.Silke Meissner & Martin Otto - forthcoming - Review of Symbolic Logic:1-23.
    We present a natural standard translation of inquisitive modal logic $\mathrm{InqML}$ into first-order logic over the natural two-sorted relational representations of the intended models, which captures the built-in higher-order features of $\mathrm{InqML}$. This translation is based on a graded notion of flatness that ties the inherent second-order, team-semantic features of $\mathrm{InqML}$ over information states to subsets or tuples of bounded size. A natural notion of pseudo-models, which relaxes the non-elementary constraints on the intended models, gives rise to an elementary, (...)
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  29. Dependence and Independence.Erich Grädel & Jouko Väänänen - 2013 - Studia Logica 101 (2):399-410.
    We introduce an atomic formula ${\vec{y} \bot_{\vec{x}}\vec{z}}$ intuitively saying that the variables ${\vec{y}}$ are independent from the variables ${\vec{z}}$ if the variables ${\vec{x}}$ are kept constant. We contrast this with dependence logic ${\mathcal{D}}$ based on the atomic formula = ${(\vec{x}, \vec{y})}$ , actually equivalent to ${\vec{y} \bot_{\vec{x}}\vec{y}}$ , saying that the variables ${\vec{y}}$ are totally determined by the variables ${\vec{x}}$ . We show that ${\vec{y} \bot_{\vec{x}}\vec{z}}$ gives rise to a natural logic capable of formalizing basic intuitions about independence and dependence. (...)
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  30. The Routledge Handbook of Epistemic Contextualism.Jonathan Jenkins Ichikawa (ed.) - 2017 - New York: Routledge.
    Epistemic contextualism is a recent and hotly debated topic in philosophy. Contextualists argue that the language we use to attribute knowledge can only be properly understood relative to a specified context. How much can our knowledge depend on context? Is there a limit, and if so, where does it lie? What is the relationship between epistemic contextualism and fundamental topics in philosophy such as objectivity, truth, and relativism? The Routledge Handbook of Epistemic Contextualism is an outstanding reference source to the (...)
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    Dependence Logic with a Majority Quantifier.Arnaud Durand, Johannes Ebbing, Juha Kontinen & Heribert Vollmer - 2015 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 24 (3):289-305.
    We study the extension of dependence logic \ by a majority quantifier \ over finite structures. We show that the resulting logic is equi-expressive with the extension of second-order logic by second-order majority quantifiers of all arities. Our results imply that, from the point of view of descriptive complexity theory, \\) captures the complexity class counting hierarchy. We also obtain characterizations of the individual levels of the counting hierarchy by fragments of \\).
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  32.  62
    Trends in philosophical anthropology and cultural anthropology in postwar germany.Hermann Wein - 1957 - Philosophy of Science 24 (1):46-56.
    The semantic confusion in Europe about the term “anthropology” has of late been considerable. On the one hand there is meant by it, and quite justifiably, human biology and medical anthropology. On the other hand, the work of some contemporary thinkers, under the name of “philosophical anthropology,” has recently gone beyond the narrower compass. This has been noticeable at both the German and the international European philosophical conventions since the last war. In addition to this, there appeared the term “Kulturanthropologie,”—for (...)
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  33.  29
    Externalism, Self-Knowledge, and Skepticism: New Essays.Sanford Goldberg (ed.) - 2015 - United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press.
    Written by an international team of leading scholars, this collection of thirteen new essays explores the implications of semantic externalism for self-knowledge and skepticism, bringing recent developments in the philosophy of mind, the philosophy of language, and epistemology to bear on the issue. Structured in three parts, the collection looks at self-knowledge, content transparency, and then meta-semantics and the nature of mental content. The chapters examine a wide range of topics in the philosophy of mind and the philosophy (...)
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  34. Notions of nothing.Stacie Friend - 2016 - In Friend Stacie, [no title].
    Book synopsis: New work on a hot topic by an outstanding team of authors At the intersection of several central areas of philosophy It is the linguistic job of singular terms to pick out the objects that we think or talk about. But what about singular terms that seem to fail to designate anything, because the objects they refer to don't exist? We can employ these terms in meaningful thought and talk, which suggests that they are succeeding in fulfilling (...)
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  35. Linguistics Meets Philosophy.Daniel Altshuler (ed.) - 2022 - New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press.
    Linguistics and philosophy, while being two closely-related fields, are often approached with very different methodologies and frameworks. Bringing together a team of interdisciplinary scholars, this pioneering book provides examples of how conversations between the two disciplines can lead to exciting developments in both fields, from both a historical and a current perspective. It identifies a number of key phenomena at the cutting edge of research within both fields, such as reporting and ascribing, describing and referring, narrating and structuring, locating (...)
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  36. Making a Difference: Essays on the Philosophy of Causation.Helen Beebee, Christopher Hitchcock & Huw Price (eds.) - 2017 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Making a Difference presents fifteen original essays on causation and counterfactuals by an international team of experts. Collectively, they represent the state of the art on these topics. The essays in this volume are inspired by the life and work of Peter Menzies, who made a difference in the lives of students, colleagues, and friends. Topics covered include: the semantics of counterfactuals, agency theories of causation, the context-sensitivity of causal claims, structural equation models, mechanisms, mental causation, causal exclusion (...)
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  37.  75
    The Routledge Handbook of Collective Intentionality.Kirk Ludwig & Marija Jankovic (eds.) - 2016 - New York: Routledge.
    The Routledge Handbook of Collective Intentionality is the first of its kind, synthesizing research from several disciplines for all students and professionals interested in better understanding the nature and structure of social reality. The contents of the volume are divided into eight sections, each of which begins with a short introduction: Collective Action and Intention Shared and Joint Attitudes Epistemology and Rationality in the Social Context Social Ontology Collectives and Responsibility Collective Intentionality and Social Institutions The Extent, Origins, and Development (...)
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  38. The Oxford Handbook to the Philosophy of Language.Ernest LePore & Barry C. Smith (eds.) - 2006 - Oxford, England: Oxford University Press.
    The Oxford Handbooks series is a major new initiative in academic publishing. Each volume offers an authoritative and up-to-date survey of original research in a particular subject area. Specially commissioned essays from leading figures in the discipline give critical examinations of the progress and direction of debates. Oxford Handbooks provide scholars and graduate students with compelling new perspectives upon a wide range of subjects in the humanities and social sciences. Ernie Lepore and Barry Smith present the definitive reference work for (...)
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  39. Generalized Quantifiers in Dependence Logic.Fredrik Engström - 2012 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 21 (3):299-324.
    We introduce generalized quantifiers, as defined in Tarskian semantics by Mostowski and Lindström, in logics whose semantics is based on teams instead of assignments, e.g., IF-logic and Dependence logic. Both the monotone and the non-monotone case is considered. It is argued that to handle quantifier scope dependencies of generalized quantifiers in a satisfying way the dependence atom in Dependence logic is not well suited and that the multivalued dependence atom is a better choice. This atom is in fact (...)
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    Sellars and His Legacy.James R. O'Shea (ed.) - 2016 - Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press UK.
    This collection of new essays on the systematic thought and intellectual legacy of the American philosopher Wilfrid Sellars comes at a time when Sellars's influence on contemporary debates about mind, meaning, knowledge, and metaphysics has never been greater. A team of well-known contemporary philosophers who have been strongly influenced by Sellars critically examines the groundbreaking ideas by means of which Sellars sought to integrate our thought, perception, and rational agency within a naturalistic outlook on reality. Topics include Sellars's inferentialist (...)
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    The Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Information.Luciano Floridi (ed.) - 2016 - Routledge.
    Information and communication technology occupies a central place in the modern world, with society becoming increasingly dependent on it every day. It is therefore unsurprising that it has become a growing subject area in contemporary philosophy, which relies heavily on informational concepts. _The Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Information_ is an outstanding reference source to the key topics and debates in this exciting subject and is the first collection of its kind. Comprising over thirty chapters by a team of (...)
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  42. The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Language.Ernie Lepore & Barry C. Smith (eds.) - 2005 - Oxford, England: Oxford University Press.
    The Oxford Handbooks series is a major new initiative in academic publishing. Each volume offers an authoritative and up-to-date survey of original research in a particular subject area. Specially commissioned essays from leading figures in the discipline give critical examinations of the progress and direction of debates. Oxford Handbooks provide scholars and graduate students with compelling new perspectives upon a wide range of subjects in the humanities and social sciences. Ernie Lepore and Barry Smith present the definitive reference work for (...)
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    Hic sunt leones. User orientation as a design principle for emerging institutions on social media platforms.Lavinia Marin & Constantin Vică - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-14.
    The phenomenon of missed interactions between online users is a specific issue occurring when users of different language games interact on social media platforms. We use the lens of institutional theory to analyze this phenomenon and argue that current online institutions will necessarily fail to regulate user interactions in a way that creates common meanings because online institutions are not set up to deal with the multiplicity of language games and forms of life co-existing in the online social space. We (...)
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    Routledge Handbook of Social and Political Philosophy of Language.Justin Khoo & Rachel Sterken (eds.) - 2021 - Routledge.
    This Handbook brings together philosophical work on how language shapes, and is shaped by, social and political factors. Its 24 chapters were written exclusively for this volume by an international team of leading researchers, and together they provide a broad expert introduction to the major issues currently under discussion in this area. The volume is divided into four parts: Part I: Methodological and Foundational Issues Part II: Non-ideal Semantics and Pragmatics Part III: Linguistic Harms Part IV: Applications The (...)
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    Demonstratives in Cross-Linguistic Perspective.Stephen Levinson, Sarah Cutfield, Michael Dunn, Nick Enfield, Sergio Meira & David Wilkins (eds.) - 2018 - Cambridge University Press.
    Demonstratives play a crucial role in the acquisition and use of language. Bringing together a team of leading scholars this detailed study, a first of its kind, explores meaning and use across fifteen typologically and geographically unrelated languages to find out what cross-linguistic comparisons and generalizations can be made, and how this might challenge current theory in linguistics, psychology, anthropology and philosophy. Using a shared experimental task, rounded out with studies of natural language use, specialists in each of the (...)
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    How ‘direct’ can a direct translation be? Some perspectives from the realities of a new type of church Bible.Christo H. J. Van der Merwe - 2016 - HTS Theological Studies 72 (3).
    The skopos of this new type of church Bible is: ‘How would the source texts of the Bible have sounded in Afrikaans in the context envisaged for its hypothesised first audience?’ Fully acknowledging the complexities of language as a dynamic and complex system embedded in the culture and conceptual world of its speakers, as well as the wide range of frames that are involved in the process of Bible translation as a difficult form of secondary communication, this article addresses two (...)
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    Explanation in the special science: The case of biology and history.Marie I. Kaiser, Oliver R. Scholz, Daniel Plenge & Andreas Hüttemann (eds.) - 2014 - Dordrecht: Springer.
    Biology and history are often viewed as closely related disciplines, with biology informed by history, especially in its task of charting our evolutionary past. Maximizing the opportunities for cross-fertilization in these two fields requires an accurate reckoning of their commonalities and differences-precisely what this volume sets out to achieve. Specially commissioned essays by a team of recognized international researchers cover the full panoply of topics in these fields and include notable contributions on the correlativity of evolutionary and historical explanations, (...)
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  48. Ramsey's Legacy.Hallvard Lillehammer & David Hugh Mellor (eds.) - 2005 - Oxford, England: Oxford University Press.
    The Cambridge philosopher Frank Ramsey died tragically young, but had already established himself as one of the most brilliant minds of the twentieth century. Besides groundbreaking work in philosophy, particularly in logic, language, and metaphysics, he created modern decision theory and made substantial contributions to mathematics and economics. In these original essays, written to commemorate the centenary of Ramsey's birth, a distinguished international team of contributors offer fresh perspectives on his work and show how relevant it is to present-day (...)
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    Propositional Logic of Imperfect Information: Foundations and Applications.Ahti-Veikko Pietarinen - 2001 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 42 (4):193-210.
    I will show that the semantic structure of a new imperfect-information propositional logic can be described in terms of extensive forms of semantic games. I will discuss some ensuing properties of these games such as imperfect recall, informational consistency, and team playing. Finally, I will suggest a couple of applications that arise in physics, and most notably in quantum theory and quantum logics.
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    The Continuum companion to the philosophy of language.Manuel Garcia-Carpintero & Max Kolbel (eds.) - 2012 - New York: Continuum International.
    The Continuum Companion to Philosophy of Language offers the definitive guide to contemporary philosophy of language. The book covers all the fundamental questions asked by the philosophy of language - areas that have continued to attract interest historically as well as topics that have emerged more recently as active areas of research. Ten specially commissioned essays from an international team of experts reveal where important work continues to be done in the area and, most valuably, the exciting new directions (...)
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