Results for ' thierry of chartres'

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  1.  38
    Thierry of Chartres and Gundissalinus on Spiritual Substances: The Problem of Hylomorphic Composition.Nicola Polloni - 2015 - Bulletin de Philosophie Medievale 57:35-57.
    In this essay, the author examines the problem of the composition of spiritual substances in Thierry of Chartres and Gundissalinus. While Thierry is reticent to admit a hylomorphism in spiritual creatures, Gundissalinus develops Thierry’s thought on the matter through al-Ghazālī’s and Ibn Daud’s treatment of the composition in spiritual substances. Gundissalinus concludes that spiritual creatures are composed of matter and form, a conclusion that would be unacceptable to his main philosophical authorities.
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    Thierry of Chartres, edited by Irene Caiazzo.Justin Stover - 2020 - Vivarium 58 (4):347-350.
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    Thierry of Chartres and Dominicus Gundissalinus.Nicholas M. Haring - 1964 - Mediaeval Studies 26 (1):271-286.
  4.  30
    Thierry of Chartres and the Theory of Individuation.Jorge J. E. Gracia - 1984 - New Scholasticism 58 (1):1-23.
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    Thierry of Chartres.Henrik Lagerlund - 2011 - In H. Lagerlund (ed.), Encyclopedia of Medieval Philosophy. Springer. pp. 1279--1279.
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    Thierry of Chartres. The Commentary on the De arithmetica of Boethius. Edited by Irene Caiazzo. xi + 262 pp., app., bibl., index. Toronto: Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, 2015. $90. [REVIEW]David Albertson - 2016 - Isis 107 (3):622-624.
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    A Late Medieval Reaction to Thierry of Chartres’s (d. 1157) Philosophy: The Anti-Platonist Argument of the Anonymous Fundamentum Naturae.David Albertson - 2012 - Vivarium 50 (1):53-84.
    Abstract An anonymous manuscript from the fourteenth or early fifteenth century, recently discovered, apparently transmitted Thierry of Chartres's philosophical theology to Nicholas of Cusa around 1440. Yet the author of the treatise is not endorsing Thierry's views, as both Cusanus and modern readers have assumed, but in fact is writing in order to refute them. Curiously the author never mentions Thierry's best known triad of unitas, aequalitas and conexio . But a careful comparison of the structure (...)
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    THIERRY OF CHARTRES, The commentary on the De arithmetica of Boethius, Edited with an Introduction by Irene Caiazzo, Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies (“Studies and Texts”, 191), Toronto, 2015, XI + 262 pp. [REVIEW]Elisabeth Reinhardt - 2016 - Anuario Filosófico:486-488.
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    El Verbo de Dios en la teología de la creación de Thierry de Chartres / The Word of God in the Theology of Creation of Thierry of Chartres.Elisabeth Reinhardt - 2014 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 21:68.
    The purpose of this essay is to identify the theological comprehension of the Word as Creator in the action of the Trinity, which Thierry of Chartres offers in his Tractatus de sex dierum operibus. In his brief and synthetic explanation, he makes coincide the findings of human reason with biblical notions, such as Figure and splendor, Wisdom, Truth, Word, not as a mere sequence but in their deep and relational meaning. Thierry’s rational method is deductive-mathematical, whereas the (...)
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  10. Thierry of Chartres, The Latin Rhetorical Commentaries by Thierry of Chartres, ed. Karin Margareta Fredborg.(Studies and Texts, 84.) Toronto: Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, 1988. Paper. Pp. 403. $39.50. [REVIEW]Sten Ebbesen - 1990 - Speculum 65 (2):502-504.
  11.  25
    Mathematical Theologies: Nicholas of Cusa and the Legacy of Thierry of Chartres.David Albertson - 2014 - New York City: Oup Usa.
    This book uncovers the lost history of Christianity's encounters with Pythagorean ideas before the Renaissance. David Albertson skillfully examines ancient and medieval theologians, particularly Thierry of Chartres and Nicholas of Cusa, who successfully reconceived the Trinity and the Incarnation within the framework of Greek number theory. David Albertson challenges modern assumptions about the complex relationship between religion and science.
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  12.  33
    "Commentaries on Boethius by Thierry of Chartres and His School," ed. Nikolaus M. Häring, S.A.C. [REVIEW]Lee C. Rice - 1973 - Modern Schoolman 50 (2):234-234.
  13.  28
    Mathematical Theologies: Nicholas of Cusa and the Legacy of Thierry of Chartres by David Albertson.Denis Robichaud - 2015 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 53 (2):333-334.
  14.  46
    A Short Treatise on the Trinity from the School of Thierry of Chartres.Nicholas M. Haring - 1956 - Mediaeval Studies 18 (1):125-134.
  15. Thematic Files-the reception of euclid's elements during the middle ages and the renaissance-the first evidence of teaching the arab-latin version of euclid's elements: Thierry of chartres and.Max Lejbowicz - 2003 - Revue d'Histoire des Sciences 56 (2):347-368.
  16.  8
    The School of Chartres.Winthrop Wetherbee - 2003 - In Jorge J. E. Gracia & Timothy B. Noone (eds.), A Companion to Philosophy in the Middle Ages. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 36–44.
    This chapter contains sections titled: History Bernard of Chartres William of Conches and Thierry of Chartres Gilbert of Poitiers Conclusion.
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    Karin M. Fredborg: The Latin Rhetorical Commentaries by Thierry of Chartres. (Studies and Texts, 84.) Pp. 403. Toronto: Pontifical Institute of Medieval Studies, 1988. Paper, Can $39.50. [REVIEW]P. G. Walsh - 1989 - The Classical Review 39 (2):423-423.
  18.  8
    David Albertson. Mathematical Theologies: Nicholas of Cusa and the Legacy of Thierry of Chartres. xii + 483 pp., tables, bibl., index. Oxford/New York: Oxford University Press, 2014. £47.99. [REVIEW]Richard J. Oosterhoff - 2016 - Isis 107 (1):158-160.
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    ALBERTSON, DAVID, Mathematical Theologies. Nicolas of Cusa and the Legacy of Thierry of Chartres, Oxford University Press, New York, 2014, 512 pp. [REVIEW]Elisabeth Reinhardt - 2015 - Anuario Filosófico:567-570.
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    Boethius ([b.] Rome, ca. 480-[d.] Pavia, ca. 524): his influence on the European unity of culture: from Alcuin of York ([d.] 804) to Thierry of Chartres ([d.] 1154).Illo Humphrey - 2010 - Nordhausen: Verlag Traugott Bautz.
    Boethius and Alcuin of York -- Boethius and Amalrius Symphosius Metensis -- Boethius and Charles II "the Bald" -- Boethius and Iohannes Scottus Eriugena -- Boethius and the cognitive process (De musica I, 1) -- Boethius and Aurelianus Reomensis -- Boethius and Hucbaldus Elnonensis -- Boethii Consolatio Philosophiae -- Boethius and Hrotsvitha Gandersheimensis -- Boethius and Gerbertus Aureliacensis, Boethius and Abbo Floriacensis, Boethius and Notker Labeo seu Teutonicus -- Boethius and Fulbertus Carnotensis -- Boethius and Theodoricus Carnotensis.
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  21. Le opere dei sei giorni: aritmetica ed esegesi secundum physicam in Teodorico di Chartres.Clelia Crialesi - 2016 - Medioevo 41.
    This paper focuses on the exegetical proposal of the Tractatus de sex dierum operibus by Thierry of Chartres and it is tasked with analyzing the twofold interpretative framework adopted by the Cancelor: first, the accordance between the narration of Genesis and the heuristic models of physical and cosmological causality; second, the mathematical theology, which revises the work of creation according to an arithmological approach. The study is divided into two parts which follow the structure of the Tractatus. In (...)
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  22. The First Principles of Latin Neoplatonism: Augustine, Macrobius, Boethius.Stephen Gersh - 2012 - Vivarium 50 (2):113-138.
    This essay attempts to provide more evidence for the notions that there actually is a Latin (as opposed to a Greek) Neoplatonic tradition in late antiquity, that this tradition includes a systematic theory of first principles, and that this tradition and theory are influential in Western Europe during the Middle Ages. The method of the essay is intended to be novel in that, instead of examining authors or works in a chronological sequence and attempting to isolate doctrines in the traditional (...)
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  23.  6
    Clarembald of Arras as a Boethian commentator.John R. Fortin - 1995 - Kirksville, MO: Thomas Jefferson University Press.
    Clarembald of Arras, a twelfth-century ecclesiastical official and schoolmaster, composed glosses on two of the Boethian Opuscula Sacra and a commentary on the hexameron. While he acknowledged his study of Boethius under his masters Thierry of Chartres and Hugh of St. Victor, his dependence on the former is significant: he borrowed heavily from Thierry, following not only his basic doctrinal interpretation of the Boethian treatises but also repeating entire passages from Thierry's glosses. ;The question arises then: (...)
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    From Paradise to Paradigm: A Study of Twelfth-century Humanism.Willemien Otten - 2004 - Brill's Studies in Intellectua.
    This book presents a study of twelfth-century humanism seen as an all-embracing discourse in which the human and the divine interact on equal terms. The book focuses on a number of twelfth-century intellectuals, especially Thierry of Chartres, Peter Abelard, William of Conches, Bernard Silvestris, and Alan of Lille. Defining characteristic of their texts is the fact that God, nature and humanity enter into a trialogue of sorts involving many disparate subjects and aiming to bring out the archetypal relatedness (...)
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    The Boethian Commentaries of Clarembald of Arras. [REVIEW]Catherine Jack Deavel - 2004 - Review of Metaphysics 58 (1):173-174.
    Clarembald of Arras is recognized primarily as a capable but uncreative alumnus of the school of Chartres, and not without some reason, as George and Fortin note in the opening of their introduction. Clarembald was a student of Thierry of Chartres and Hugh of St. Victor in a rather thoroughgoing sense—his written work often relies heavily on his teachers and focuses exclusively on topics on which Thierry had already written. Nonetheless, George and Fortin suggest that a (...)
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  26. Science, Religion and Basic Biological Issues That Are Open to Interpretation.Alfred Gierer - 2009 - English Translation Of: Preprint 388, Mpi for History of Science.
    This is an English translation of my essay: Alfred Gierer Wissenschaft, Religion und die deutungsoffenen Grundfragen der Biologie. Mpi for the History of Science, preprint 388, 1-21, also in philpapers. Range and limits of science are given by the universal validity of physical laws, and by intrinsic limitations, especially in self-referential contexts. In particular, neurobiology should not be expected to provide a full understanding of consciousness and the mind. Science cannot provide, by itself, an unambiguous interpretation of the natural order (...)
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    Peter Helias.C. H. Kneepkens - 2003 - In Jorge J. E. Gracia & Timothy B. Noone (eds.), A Companion to Philosophy in the Middle Ages. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 512–513.
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  28. Thierry de Chartres, Tratado de la obra de los seis días.Frnacisco O'Reilly - 2008 - Anuario Filosófico 41 (91):210-212.
  29. Thierry de Chartres et Nicolas de Cues.P. Duhem - 1909 - Revue des Sciences Philosophiques Et Théologiques 3:525-531.
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  30.  86
    A semantics of evidence for classical arithmetic.Thierry Coquand - 1995 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 60 (1):325-337.
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    Mental Simulation of Painful Situations Has an Impact on Posture and Psychophysiological Parameters.Thierry Lelard, Olivier Godefroy, Said Ahmaidi, Pierre Krystkowiak & Harold Mouras - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  32.  14
    La causalidad en la Creación según Thierry de Chartres.Elisabeth Reinhardt - 2011 - Anuario Filosófico 44 (1):53-74.
    Thierry fue canciller de la escuela catedralicia de Chartres de 1142-1150. Comentador de Boecio, su obra refleja sin embargo una síntesis personal de fuentes platónicas, neoplatónicas y aristotélicas. Está convencido del valor propedéutico de las artes liberales para la teología, dando amplia cabida también al quadrivium. Este estudio, centrado en su Tractatus de sex dierum operibus, pone de manifiesto que la causalidad es el eje de su comprensión ontológica de la realidad :desde el punto de vista filosófico, la (...)
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  33.  16
    The Jesuit Reading of Confucius: The First Complete Translation of the Lunyu (1687) Published in the West.Thierry Meynard - 2015 - Brill.
    Thierry Meynard examines how the Jesuits in China came to understand the Confucian tradition, and how they offered the first complete translation of the Lunyu in the West, in the Confucius Sinarum Philosophus.
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  34. Ivo of Chartres, his Ivories and his Inheritors.Sarah M. Guérin - 2024 - Convivium 11 (2):16-36.
    Ivo of Chartres (1040–1115) offers a case study about how objects – ivories in particular – knitted together social relations and established kinship networks across medieval France. An active reformer amidst the Investiture Controversy, Ivo is best known today for his lively and compelling correspondence. This article, however, argues that Ivo should also be remembered for the carved ivories in his possession. At least three ivories from the late eleventh century (although two are now lost) can be associated with (...)
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  35.  22
    Does the Fact of Undergoing Natural Hazards Influence People's Environmental Values and Ecological Commitment?Thierry Long, Nathalie Pantaléon, Rolf Kleerebezem & Zakaria Babutsidze - 2021 - Environmental Values 30 (5):539-564.
    This article explores urban dwellers’ perceptions of climate change and their propensity to act ecologically. It argues that a better understanding of people's moral and psychological functioning toward ecology could guide the creation of more suitable environmental management strategies. The study is based on semi-structured interviews investigating the environmental values of urban inhabitants; the interviews were conducted in 2018, in a coastal French area affected by recurring floods. Our results showed no significant relationships among the three studied factors of experiencing (...)
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  36.  23
    Can the uncertainty appraisal associated with emotion cancel the effect of the hunch period in the Iowa Gambling Task?Thierry Bollon & Virginie Bagneux - 2013 - Cognition and Emotion 27 (2):376-384.
    Research has given little attention to the influence of incidental emotions on the Iowa Gambling Task (IGT), in which processing of the emotional cues associated with each decision is necessary to make advantageous decisions. Drawing on cognitive theories of emotions, we tested whether uncertainty-associated emotion can cancel the positive effect of the hunch period, by preventing participants from developing a tendency towards advantageous decisions. Our explanation is that uncertainty appraisals initiate deliberative processing that is irrelevant to process emotional cues, contrary (...)
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  37.  51
    Use of phonetic specificity during the acquisition of new words: differences between consonants and vowels.Thierry Nazzi - 2005 - Cognition 98 (1):13-30.
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    Economics of Radiation Protection: Equity Considerations.Thierry Schneider, Caroline Schieber, Louis Eeckhoudt & Christian Gollier - 1997 - Theory and Decision 43 (3):241-251.
    In order to implement cost-benefit analysis of protective actions to reduce radiological exposures, one needs to attribute a monetary value to the avoided exposure. Recently, the International Commission on Radiological Protection has stressed the need to take into consideration not only the collective exposure to ionising radiation but also its dispersion in the population. In this paper, by using some well known and some recent results in the economics of uncertainty, we discuss how to integrate these recommendations in the valuation (...)
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  39.  34
    Mobilising common biocultural heritage for the socioeconomic inclusion of small farmers: panarchy of two case studies on quinoa in Chile and Bolivia.Thierry Winkel, Lizbeth Núñez-Carrasco, Pablo José Cruz, Nancy Egan, Luís Sáez-Tonacca, Priscilla Cubillos-Celis, Camila Poblete-Olivera, Natalia Zavalla-Nanco, Bárbara Miño-Baes & Maria-Paz Viedma-Araya - 2020 - Agriculture and Human Values 37 (2):433-447.
    Valorising the biocultural heritage of common goods could enable peasant farmers to achieve socially and economically inclusive sustainability. Increasingly appreciated by consumers, peasant heritage products offer small farmers promising opportunities for economic, social and territorial development. Identifying the obstacles and levers of this complex, multi-scale and multi-stakeholder objective requires an integrative framework. We applied the panarchy conceptual framework to two cases of participatory research with small quinoa producers: a local fair in Chile and quinoa export production in Bolivia. In both (...)
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    Pluralizing Darwin: Making Counter-Factual History of Science Significant.Thierry Hoquet - 2021 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 52 (1):115-134.
    In the wake of recent attempts at alternate history (Bowler 2013), this paper suggests several avenues for a pluralistic approach to Charles Darwin and his role in the history of evolutionary theory. We examine in what sense Darwin could be described as a major driver of theoretical change in the history of biology. First, this paper examines how Darwin influenced the future of biological science: not merely by stating the fact of evolution or by bringing evidence for it; but by (...)
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  41.  22
    L'ombre démesurée de Halley. Les recherches démographiques dans les Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, Cem Behar.Thierry Martin - 2013 - Revue de Philosophie Économique 14 (1):129-131.
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  42.  14
    The enigma of faith.William Thierry - 1974 - Washington,: Cistercian Publications. Edited by John D. Anderson.
    "Based on the reading of the only twelfth-century manuscript of the Enigma extant, Charleville MS. 114, and an examination of the fifteenth-century manuscript Uppsala C. 79." Revision of the editor's thesis, Catholic University of America, 1971, presented under title: The enigma fidei of William of Saint Thierry, a translation and commentary. Bibliography: p. 119-120.
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  43.  11
    Introduction.Thierry Meynard & Philippe Major - 2023 - In Thierry Meynard & Philippe Major (eds.), Dao Companion to Liang Shuming’s Philosophy. Springer Verlag. pp. 1-16.
    The aim of this volume is to provide an exhaustive and updated analysis and discussion of the philosophy of Liang Shuming 梁漱溟 (1893–1988), one of the most contested figures of modern Chinese intellectual history. For the last 100 years, his thought has been interpreted in such contrasting and contradictory ways—as Buddhist, Confucian, and Marxist, as conservative and modernist—that it seems at times difficult to grasp who the “real” Liang was. Confronted with the many faces of the man and his thought, (...)
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  44.  30
    When parsimony backfires: Neglecting DNA repair may doom neurons in Alzheimer's disease.Thierry Nouspikel & Philip C. Hanawalt - 2003 - Bioessays 25 (2):168-173.
    Taking advantage of the fact that they need not replicate their DNA, terminally differentiated neurons only repair their expressed genes and largely dispense with the burden of removing damage from most of their genome. However, they may pay a heavy price for this laxity if unforeseen circumstances, such as a pathological condition like Alzheimer's disease, cause them to re‐enter the cell cycle. The lifetime accumulation of unrepaired lesions in the silent genes of neurons is likely to be significant and may (...)
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  45.  72
    Formal topologies on the set of first-order formulae.Thierry Coquand, Sara Sadocco, Giovanni Sambin & Jan Smith - 2000 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 65 (3):1183-1192.
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    The evolution of sex determination in isopod crustaceans.Thierry Rigaud, Pierre Juchault & Jean-Pierre Mocquard - 1997 - Bioessays 19 (5):409-416.
    Sex is determined by non‐Mendelian genetic elements overriding the sex factors carried by the heterochromosomes in some species of terrestrial isopods. A bacterium Wolbachia and a non‐bacterial feminizing factor (f) can both force chromosomal males of Armadillidium vulgare to become phenotypic functional females. The f factor is believed to be a genetic element derived from the Wolbachia genome that becomes inserted into the host nuclear genome. The feminizing factors can be considered to be selfish genetic elements because they bias their (...)
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  47.  28
    Epigenomics: Large scale analysis of chromatin modifications and transcription factors/genome interactions.Thierry Grange, Jean Imbert & Denis Thieffry - 2005 - Bioessays 27 (11):1203-1205.
  48.  7
    Liang the Philosopher of Religion.Thierry Meynard - 2023 - In Thierry Meynard & Philippe Major (eds.), Dao Companion to Liang Shuming’s Philosophy. Springer Verlag. pp. 109-125.
    This chapter is devoted to Liang’s discussion of religion, mostly based on the works of his early period (1919–1949). It explains first the debates about the definition of the new concept of religion in China at that time, and shows the originality of Liang’s approach, especially in distinguishing religion from the issue of national salvation. The chapter proceeds next in discussing the three types of religions, Christianity, Confucianism and Buddhism, found respectively in the three cultures of the West, China and (...)
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  49.  18
    Differentiated non-differentiation: A diagrammatical approach to the trialectics of difference – from mono-dialectics to mono-trialectics.Thierry Mortier - 2018 - Semiotica 2018 (222):113-131.
    Journal Name: Semiotica Issue: Ahead of print.
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    The assessment of total energy expenditure of female farmers under field conditions.Thierry Brun - 1992 - Journal of Biosocial Science 24 (3):325-333.
    The paper reviews methods, and their difficulties, in the measurement of the daily energy expenditure of rural women under field conditions in developing countries. Since all methods need to be validated against a reference method which is usually based on indirect calorimetry, examples of the use of this technique are given. The energy costs of most agricultural and daily tasks of rural women in developing countries have been measured. Large intra- and inter-individual variations in the cost of a single activity (...)
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