Results for 'évanescence'

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  1.  8
    Evanescence: Peri-Phenomenological Essays.William Earle - 1984 - Regnery Gateway.
    A noted professor at Northwestern University provides new insights into God, creation, the world, and human emotion.
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    Thoreau's Evanescence.Deborah Slicer - 2013 - Philosophy and Literature 37 (1):179-198.
    According to Stanley Cavell, Thoreau finished the job Kant started. He shows us the externality of the world, of the "other"—the noumena, in Kant's parlance—while Kant only deduced the things-in-themselves as limits or conditions of knowledge. Insomuch as Thoreau pulls this off at Walden and in Walden, his contact is evanescent and he uses evanescence, the poetic device employed widely by the English Romantic poets, to communicate his experience.
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  3. Evanescent Faces: A Semiotic Investigation of Digital Memorials and Commemorative Practices.Federico Bellentani - 2024 - In Massimo Leone (ed.), The hybrid face: paradoxes of the visage in the digital era. New York, NY: Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group.
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    The Evanescence of Neutrality.Cécile Laborde - 2018 - Political Theory 46 (1):99-105.
  5. Nonsense and Visual Evanescence.Clare Mac Cumhaill - 2018 - In Thomas Crowther & Clare Mac Cumhaill (eds.), Perceptual Ephemera. New York, NY: Oxford University Press. pp. 289-311.
    I introduce a perceptual phenomenon so far overlooked in the philosophical literature: ‘visual evanescence’. ‘Evanescent’ objects are those that due to their structured visible appearances have a tendency to vanish or evanesce from sight at certain places and for certain ‘biologically apt’ perceivers. Paradigmatically evanescent objects are those associated with certain forms of animal camouflage. I show that reflection on visual evanescence helps create conceptual room for a treatment of looks statements not explicit in the contemporary literature, one which takes (...)
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  6. Indigenous Evanescence and Salvage in the Conquest of Araucanía, 1850-1930.Stefanie Gänger - 2015 - In Fernando Vidal & Nélia Dias (eds.), Endangerment, biodiversity and culture. New York, NY: Routledge, is an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Group, an Informa business.
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    The Evanescence of Ritual and Its Consequences: Reflections on the Phenomenology of Human Communication in the Rise of Cybernetic Culture.Frank J. Macke - 2024 - Philosophies 9 (5):149.
    This paper addresses semiotic elements of ritual in human encounter. The notion of an essential ritual presence in the existential/communicative connection of persons has been established in the work of Langer, Gadamer, and Jakobson. Yet, as Richard Lanigan maintains, vital aspects of Jakobson’s model of communication are typically missed in the application of his work, a consequence of which is that social science no longer differentiates between “communication” and “information”. As such, everything perceived as meaningful is reducible to “message”, and (...)
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    Spinoza’s Evanescent Self.Sanja Särman - 2022 - Journal of Modern Philosophy 4 (1):5.
    Selfhood is a topic of great interest in early modern philosophy. In this essay, I will discuss Spinoza’s radical position on the topic of selfhood. Whereas for Descartes and Leibniz, there is a manifold of thinking substances, for Spinoza, there is, crucially only one: God. Minds, for Spinoza, do not have substantial status, they are instead merely complexes of ideas, and thus complex modes of the one substance: God. Observations such as these often lead Spinoza’s readers to the conclusion that, (...)
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  9. Shame and evanescence : the body as driver of temporality.Hessel Willemsen - 2017 - In Ladson Hinton & Hessel Willemsen (eds.), Temporality and Shame: Perspectives From Psychoanalysis and Philosophy. New York: Routledge.
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    Peirce’s legacy for contemporary consciousness studies, the emergence of consciousness from qualia, and its evanescence in habits.Winfried Nöth - 2021 - Semiotica 2021 (243):49-103.
    The paper argues that contemporary consciousness studies can profit from Charles S. Peirce’s philosophy of consciousness. It confronts mainstream tendencies in contemporary consciousness studies, including those which consider consciousness as an unsolvable mystery, with Peirce’s phenomenological approach to consciousness. Peirce’s answers to the following contemporary issues are presented: phenomenological consciousness and the qualia, consciousness as self-controlled agency of humans, self-control and self-reflection, consciousness and language, self-consciousness and introspection, consciousness and the other, consciousness of nonhuman animals, and the question of a (...)
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  11.  31
    New gauge symmetry in gravity and the evanescent role of torsion.H. Kleinert - 2010 - In Harald Fritzsch & K. K. Phua (eds.), Proceedings of the Conference in Honour of Murray Gell-Mann's 80th Birthday. World Scientific.
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    Tunneling Confronts Special Relativity.Günter Nimtz - 2011 - Foundations of Physics 41 (7):1193-1199.
    Experiments with evanescent modes and tunneling particles have shown that (i) their signal velocity may be faster than light, (ii) they are described by virtual particles, (iii) they are nonlocal and act at a distance, (iv) experimental tunneling data of phonons, photons, and electrons display a universal scattering time at the tunneling barrier front, and (v) the properties of evanescent, i.e. tunneling modes are not compatible with the special theory of relativity.
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    Toward a General Theory of Fiction.James D. Parsons - 1983 - Philosophy and Literature 7 (1):92-94.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:TOWARD A GENERAL THEORY OF FICTION by James D. Parsons When nelson Goodman writes, "All fiction is literal, literary falsehood," he seems to be disregarding at least one noteworthy tradition.1 The tradition I have in mind includes works by Jeremy Bendiam, Hans Vaihinger, Tobias Dantzig, Wallace Stevens, and a host ofother writers in many fields who have been laboring for more man two centuries to clear the ground for (...)
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  14. Feature-placing and proto-objects.Austen Clark - 2004 - Philosophical Psychology 17 (4):443-469.
    This paper contrasts three different schemes of reference relevant to understanding systems of perceptual representation: a location-based system dubbed "feature-placing", a system of "visual indices" referring to things called "proto-objects", and the full sortal-based individuation allowed by a natural language. The first three sections summarize some of the key arguments (in Clark, 2000) to the effect that the early, parallel, and pre-attentive registration of sensory features itself constitutes a simple system of nonconceptual mental representation. In particular, feature integration--perceiving something as (...)
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  15. On the absence of phenomenology.Daniel C. Dennett - 1979 - In Donald F. Gustafson & Bangs L. Tapscott (eds.), Body, Mind, and Method: Essays in Honor of Virgil C. Aldrich. Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 93--113.
    We are all, I take it, unshakably sure that we are each in a special position to report, or to know, or to witness or experience a set of something-or-others we may call, as neutrally as possible, elements of our own conscious experience. In short, we all believe in the doctrine of privileged access, however much we disagree or are uncertain about what we mean by privilege and access. Yet trying to make sense of this well-entrenched and highly intuitive doctrine (...)
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  16. Document Acts.Barry Smith - 2014 - In Anita Konzelmann Ziv & Hans Bernhard Schmid (eds.), Institutions, Emotions, and Group Agents: Contributions to Social Ontology. Dordrecht: Imprint: Springer. pp. 19-31.
    The theory of document acts is an extension of the more traditional theory of speech acts advanced by Austin and Searle. It is designed to do justice to the ways in which documents can be used to bring about a variety of effects in virtue of the fact that, where speech is evanescent, documents are continuant entities. This means that documents can be preserved in such a way that they can be inspected and modified at successive points in time and (...)
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  17. Philosophical essays.Alfred Jules Ayer - 1954 - Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press.
    This great new series provides 10 or your favorite songs, all in professionally arranged TAB format for just $10.00. New Rock Guitar TAB features 10 huge hits from today’s modern rock stars. Titles: Going Under (Evanescence) * Paralyzer (Finger Eleven) * American Idiot (Green Day) * The Reason (Hoobastank) * How You Remind Me (Nickelback) * Misery Business (Paramore) * Broken (Seether featuring Amy Lee) * Headstrong (Trapt) * New Shoes (Paolo Nutini) * New Soul (Yael Naim).
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    The ConDialInt Model: Condensation, Dialogality, and Intentionality Dimensions of Inner Speech Within a Hierarchical Predictive Control Framework.Romain Grandchamp, Lucile Rapin, Marcela Perrone-Bertolotti, Cédric Pichat, Célise Haldin, Emilie Cousin, Jean-Philippe Lachaux, Marion Dohen, Pascal Perrier, Maëva Garnier, Monica Baciu & Hélène Lœvenbruck - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:454766.
    Inner speech has been shown to vary in form along several dimensions. Along condensation, condensed inner speech forms have been described, that are supposed to be deprived of acoustic, phonological and even syntactic qualities. Expanded forms, on the other extreme, display articulatory and auditory properties. Along dialogality, inner speech can be monologal, when we engage in internal soliloquy, or dialogal, when we recall past conversations or imagine future dialogs involving our own voice as well as that of others addressing us. (...)
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    Neural correlates of temporality: Default mode variability and temporal awareness.Dan Lloyd - 2012 - Consciousness and Cognition 21 (2):695-703.
    The continual background awareness of duration is an essential structure of consciousness, conferring temporal extension to the many objects of awareness within the evanescent sensory present. Seeking the possible neural correlates of ubiquitous temporal awareness, this article reexamines fMRI data from off-task “default mode” periods in 25 healthy subjects studied by Grady et al. , 2005). “Brain reading” using support vector machines detected information specifying elapsed time, and further analysis specified distributed networks encoding implicit time. These networks fluctuate; none are (...)
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    A Local History of “The Political”.Emily Hauptmann - 2004 - Political Theory 32 (1):34-60.
    This essay interprets changes in how “the political” was employed by a group of political theorists connected to the University of California, Berkeley, from the late 1950s up to the present. Initially, the political names both what students of politics ought to study and invokes a way of studying meant to have broad appeal. In later uses, however, the political takes on an evanescent quality compared to the solid realm of generality represented in earlier work. Also, only from the 1970s (...)
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    Personal Projects as the Foundation for Basic Rights.Loren Lomasky - 1984 - Social Philosophy and Policy 1 (2):35.
    A theory of basic moral rights ought to aim at telling us who the beings are that have rights and of what those rights consist. It may, however, seek to achieve that goal via an indirect route. In this paper I shall attempt a strategy of indirection. The first stage of the argument is a consideration of why moral theory can allow any place at all to rights. Acknowledging rights can be inconvenient. An otherwise desirable outcome is blocked if the (...)
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    On Virtual Phonons, Photons, and Electrons.Günter Nimtz - 2009 - Foundations of Physics 39 (12):1346-1355.
    A macroscopic realization of the peculiar virtual particles is presented. The classical Helmholtz and the Schrödinger equations are differential equations of the same mathematical structure. The solutions with an imaginary wave number are called evanescent modes in the case of elastic and electromagnetic fields. In the case of non-relativistic quantum mechanical fields they are called tunneling solutions. The imaginary wave numbers point to strange consequences: The waves are non-local, they are not observable, and they are described as virtual particles. During (...)
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  23. (1 other version)Recalcitrant Disagreement in Mathematics: An “Endless and Depressing Controversy” in the History of Italian Algebraic Geometry.Silvia De Toffoli & Claudio Fontanari - 2023 - Global Philosophy 33 (38):1-29.
    If there is an area of discourse in which disagreement is virtually absent, it is mathematics. After all, mathematicians justify their claims with deductive proofs: arguments that entail their conclusions. But is mathematics really exceptional in this respect? Looking at the history and practice of mathematics, we soon realize that it is not. First, deductive arguments must start somewhere. How should we choose the starting points (i.e., the axioms)? Second, mathematicians, like the rest of us, are fallible. Their ability to (...)
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    An Eleventh-Century Buddhist Logic of ‘Exists’: Ratnakīrti’s Kṣaṇabhaṅgasiddhiḥ Vyatirekātmikā.Agnes Charlene Senape McDermott - 1969 - Dordrecht, Netherland: Springer.
    I. RATNAKIRTI. HIS PHILOSOPHICAL CONGENERS AND ADVERSARIES Ratnakirti flourished early in the 11th century A.D. at the University of Vi kramasila, a member of the Yogacara-Vijnanavada school oflate Buddhist philosophy. Thakur characterizes Ratnakirti's writing as "more concise and logical though not so poetical" 1 as that of his guru, Jfianasrimitra, two of 2 whose dicta are focal points of the present work. From a translogical or absolute point of view, Ratnakirti endorses a form of 3 solipsistic idealism. The Sarhtdndntaradu$alJa, his (...)
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  25. Understanding procrastination.Chrisoula Andreou - 2007 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 37 (2):183–193.
    Procrastination is frustrating. Because the procrastinator's frustration is self-imposed, procrastination can also be quite puzzling. I consider attempts at explaining, or explaining away, what appear to be genuine cases of procrastination. According to the position that I propose and defend, genuine procrastination exists and is supported by preference loops, which can be either stable or evanescent.
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  26. Aesthetic concepts and aesthetic experiences.Derek Matravers - 1996 - British Journal of Aesthetics 36 (3):265-279.
    In this paper I want to return to some well-worn ideas; specifically, the attempt to show that there is a distinctive subject-matter of the aesthetic via consideration of the difference between aesthetic and non-aesthetic concepts. The classic exposition of this distinction is Frank Sibley's 'Aesthetic Concepts'. Sibley claimed that, given a set of relevant terms, there will be widespread non-collusive agreement as to which are aesthetic and which non-aesthetic. Non-aesthetic terms include _'red, noisy, brackish, clammy, square, docile, curved, evanescent, intelligent, (...)
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  27. A present folded back on the past (bergson).Rudolf Bernet - 2005 - Research in Phenomenology 35 (1):55-76.
    In Matter and Memory, Bergson examines the relationship between perception and memory, the status of consciousness in its relation to the brain, and more generally, a possible conjunction of matter and mind. Our reading focuses in particular on his understanding of the evanescent presence of the present and of its debt vis-à-vis the "unconscious" consciousness of a "virtual" past. We wish to show that the Bergsonian version of a critique of "the metaphysics of presence" is, for all that, an offshoot (...)
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    The liminal world of dementia.Miles Little & Phoebe Vincent - 2019 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 16 (2):193-194.
    Dementia progressively isolates sufferers from their loved ones, who continue to search for meanings in their actions and words. As the condition progresses, meaning becomes harder and harder to find. Yet the actions of the sufferer may contain patterns, hinting at meanings that tempt observers to interpret from their own standpoint. We report the patterns repeated by a sufferer from Alzheimer's disease, artistic arrangements that take time to make, and appeal to observers. To the sufferer, these arrangements seem to have (...)
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  29.  46
    Time in Islam.L. E. Goodman - 1992 - Asian Philosophy 2 (1):3-19.
    Islam displaces the ancient idea of time as an implacable enemy with the scriptural image of time as the stage of judgment, a narrow bridge of accountability stretched between creation and eternity. The stark contrast of temporal evanescence with all the immutability of eternity challenges Muslim theologians and philosophers of the classic age. The dialectical theologians of the kalam describe time and change atomisti‐cally and even occasionalistically, seeking to preserve the absoluteness of the contrast and to avoid compromising the purity (...)
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    Italian Thought Today: Bio-Economy, Human Nature, Christianity.Lorenzo Chiesa (ed.) - 2014 - Routledge.
    This collection provides English readers with a critical update on current debates on biopolitics in and around Italian thought. More than a decade after the publication of seminal books such as Agamben’s _Homo Sacer_ and Hardt and Negri’s _Empire_, the names of, among others, Roberto Esposito, Paolo Virno, Christian Marazzi, and Andrea Fumagalli have recently been brought to the attention of Anglophone scholars and political activists. Several authors have rightly emphasised the evanescent character of biopolitics, and the difficulty in providing (...)
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  31. Communication publicitaire et consommation d'objet dans la société moderne.Valérie Sacriste - 2002 - Cahiers Internationaux de Sociologie 112 (1):123.
    Comment comprendre la publicité, sa communication, son rôle dans la société ? En répondant à cette question, cet article aura pour but de montrer que la publicité, au-delà de sa dimension fonctionnelle, offre des prothèses identitaires dans un monde social où les repères sont de plus en plus flous et évanescents.How can one understand advertising, its communication, its role in society ? By answering this question, this article will aim to show that advertising, beyond its functional dimension, offers identity prostheses (...)
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    Nature, Man and God in Medieval Islam: ʻAbd Allah Baydawi's Text, Tawaliʻ Al-anwar Min Mataliʻ Al-anzar, Along with Mahmud Isfahani's Commentary, Mataliʻ Al-anzar, Sharh Tawaliʻ Al-anwar.Abd Allah Ibn Umar Baydawi & Mahmud Isfahani - 2002 - Boston: Brill. Edited by Edwin Elliott Calverley, James W. Pollock & Maḥmūd ibn ʻAbd al-Raḥmān Iṣfahānī.
    A contemporary to Thomas Aquinas in Latin Catholic Italy, and with a parallel motivation to stabilize each his own civilization in its flux and storm, 'Abd Allah Baydawi of Ilkhan Persia wrote a compact and memorable Arabic Summation of Islamic Natural and Traditional Theology. With the same strokes of his pen he presented the Islamic version of the Science of Theological Statement, bafflingly called "Kalam" while familiarly embracing "Theology". Baydawi's Tawali'al-Anwar min Matal'al-Anzar (Rays of Dawnlight Outstreaming from Far Horizons of (...)
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  33. The skin and me.Félix Duque - 2011 - Iris 3 (6):139-154.
    The following text revolves around a contrast in the form of a chiasm: the human skin of the word is the word of human skin, of its orifices and crevices. Halfway between a phenomenology of the life-world and quasi-surrealistic automatic writing, we attempt per impossibile to restore its rights to the living and speaking body, to allow the ear to speak, the eye to smell, and the hands to look – an exercise in synesthesia not devoid of a certain irony. (...)
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    On the Performance of ‘Dissensual Speech’.Tony Fisher - 2017 - In Tony Fisher & Eve Katsouraki (eds.), Performing Antagonism: Theatre, Performance & Radical Democracy. Palgrave Macmillan.
    This chapter offers an analysis of the speech conditions constitutive for the staging of political disagreement. Rather than seeking to offer an explanation for various situations of protest, however, it aims to identify what, if anything, is unique or peculiar to such modes of address. Drawing on the resources of speech act theory, the chapter suggests a reading of ‘dissensual speech’ as a form of ‘unauthorised’ speech through which the ‘people’ appear, however, evanescently. It analyses the peculiarities of dissensual speech (...)
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  35. Evolution and the Common Law.Allan C. Hutchinson - 2005 - Cambridge University Press.
    This book offers a radical challenge to accounts of the common law's development. Contrary to received jurisprudential wisdom, it maintains there is no grand theory which will explain satisfactorily the dynamic interactions of change and stability in the common law's history. Offering original readings of Charles Darwin's and Hans-Georg Gadamer's works, the book shows that law is a rhetorical activity that can only be properly appreciated in its historical and political context; tradition and transformation are locked in a mutually reinforcing (...)
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    Geology of the Other: The Encounter as Vibration of the Flesh.Anaïs Nony & Dani Robison - 2017 - la Deleuziana 5:187-194.
    Prior to being a body present in time, the Other is a mountainous relief in the landscape of a common world, a perspective shape that the “I” chooses to welcome or not. This relief—if it has often been considered from the point of view of an authority deciding where It should stand—will become, we hope, the possible zone of an encounter. When this relief comes out of the ground and enters the world, when the Other becomes simultaneously something that feels (...)
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    Storia come modernità. Introduzione.Pierangelo Schiera - 2016 - Scienza and Politica. Per Una Storia Delle Dottrine 28 (55).
    The introduction starts from the exhaustion of modernity, drawing the fundamental lines of its development inside Western historical experience. The end of the political nexus between theology and politics, the evanescence of nation-state sovereignty, the check of great historical interpretations reveal the necessity of new categories and new organizational models, able to make us answer to the violence that the ongoing processes are liberating. Schiera underlines in particular the relevance of the administrative apparatus because of its capacity to link the (...)
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    Quantitative evolution XV. numerical evolution.James Small - 1949 - Acta Biotheoretica 9 (1-2):1-40.
    Organic evolution, or change, among the diatoms has proceeded with considerable regularity. The origins, the extinctions, and the increases in numbers of species and genera, on the whole, have submitted to law and order, as rules-within-limits . The changes of evolution have followed from two sorts of phenomena — 1) the origin and extinction of shortlived or unstable species, in a proportion which has been more or less constant, but different in the two groups of diatoms, Centricae and Pennatae; these (...)
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  39. Theatrical Iconography/ Iconology: the Iconic Sign and Its Referent.Tadeusz Kowzan - 1985 - Diogenes 33 (130):53-70.
    It has become banal to say that the object of the art of theatre, its artifact, is particularly fragile, that a theatrical performance— necessarily limited in time and not reproducible—is an ephemeral phenomenon. And yet it is a fact that the evanescence of the theatre arts explains better than any other circumstance the universality and the importance of iconography in this area. What could be more natural than the forever manifested desire to prolong the length of the theatrical phenomenon, to (...)
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  40. Open Wounds: Body and Image in Jean-Luc Nancy and Claire Denis.Douglas Morrey - 2008 - Film-Philosophy 12 (1):10-31.
    Body and image are crucial to the elaboration of both Jean-Luc Nancy’s philosophy andClaire Denis’s work in cinema. Nancy’s short book about the body, Corpus ,though it may initially have appeared as a minor work in his œuvre, has since been shown,and notably since the intervention of Jacques Derrida, as the cornerstone of much ofNancy’s late thought. As Derrida demonstrates, Nancy’s interest in the body turnsaround the crucial trope of touch which comes to stand, in his philosophy, as the marker (...)
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    Assessments of Acoustic Environments by Emotions – The Application of Emotion Theory in Soundscape.André Fiebig, Pamela Jordan & Cleopatra Christina Moshona - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:573041.
    Human beings respond to their immediate environments in a variety of ways, with emotion playing a cardinal role. In evolutionary theories, emotions are thought to prepare an organism for action. The interplay of acoustic environments, emotions, and evolutionary needs are currently subject to discussion in soundscape research. Universal definitions of emotion and its nature are currently missing, but there seems to be a fundamental consensus that emotions are internal, evanescent, mostly conscious, relational, manifest in different forms, and serve a purpose. (...)
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    Proposition II (Book I) of Newton’s Principia.Bruce Pourciau - 2009 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 63 (2):129-167.
    After preparing the way with comments on evanescent quantities and then Newton’s interpretation of his second law, this study of Proposition II (Book I)— Proposition II Every body that moves in some curved line described in a plane and, by a radius drawn to a point, either unmoving or moving uniformly forward with a rectilinear motion, describes areas around that point proportional to the times, is urged by a centripetal force tending toward that same point. —asks and answers the following (...)
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    The Path of Life.Agustin Ostachuk - 2024 - Evolutio Journal 1.
    The question about life is inevitable. Our life is essentially what we are, what emerges within us at every moment. Our daily existence constantly leads us to think that our life is our circumstances, all the events that happen around us all the time. There is a dissonance and a sense of internal strangeness when we try to explain life rationally, mechanistically. But then, if life cannot be known by dissecting it, analyzing it, how can it be known? This question (...)
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    Care‐givers’ reflections on an ethics education immersive simulation care experience: A series of epiphanous events.Ann Gallagher, Matthew Peacock, Magdalena Zasada, Trees Coucke, Anna Cox & Nele Janssens - 2017 - Nursing Inquiry 24 (3):e12174.
    There has been little previous scholarship regarding the aims, options and impact of ethics education on residential care‐givers. This manuscript details findings from a pragmatic cluster trial evaluating the impact of three different approaches to ethics education. The focus of the article is on one of the interventions, an immersive simulation experience. The simulation experience required residential care‐givers to assume the profile of elderly care‐recipients for a 24‐hr period. The care‐givers were student nurses. The project was reviewed favourably by a (...)
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    Tragic Beauty in Whitehead and Japanese Aesthetics.Steve Odin - 2016 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    This book examines Whitehead’s process aesthetics focusing on two categories, the penumbral beauty of darkness and the tragic beauty of perishability, while establishing parallels with the Japanese sense of evanescent beauty. It clarifies how both traditions develop a religio-aesthetic vision of tragic beauty and its reconciliation in the supreme ecstasy of peace.
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    Practice as a Work of Art: A Study of "Gabyō" in Dōgen's Buddhist Philosophy.Rika Dunlap - 2023 - Philosophy East and West 73 (1):45-65.
    Abstract:This article conducts a close textual analysis of "A Painting of a Rice Cake (Gabyō)," a key fascicle in the Shōbōgenzō that reveals the significance of artistic creation as a metaphor for realizational practice. By analyzing the multiple meanings of "gabyō," it is shown that artistic creation can clarify the nonduality of practice and enlightenment in Dōgen's thought, inasmuch as enlightenment is a constant practice as if making an evanescent and cocreative painting of enlightenment with the entire world as Buddha-nature. (...)
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  47. La forme d'un sujet à venir.Bruno Besana - forthcoming - Filozofski Vestnik.
    Is it possible to have a materialist definition of the subject which nonetheless separates the latter from any given type of object? In this article I start from the criticism – which both Alain Badiou and Gilles Deleuze provide – of the identification of the subject with a given type of substance, provided with specific modes of correlation with other objects. Namely, I try to show how for both authors the identification of the subject with a res – be it (...)
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  48. Den blendende musikken.Torbjørn Eftestøl - 2022 - In Oivind Varkøy & Henrik Holm (eds.), Musikk og religion: Tekster om musikk i religion og religion i musikk. Cappelen Damm Akademisk. pp. 281–298.
    In this essay I explore the encounter between religion and music via ideas taken from Olivier Messiaen. I first present his categorization of music and the concepts of sound-colour and dazzlement as the 'directional meaning' of music. I then show how Messiaen relates this to the phenomena of natural resonance and afterimages, and based on this, I present-via Goethe and Rudolf Steiner-the notion of an etheric, evanescent or incorporeal matter. This understanding and experience of matter is then brought to bear (...)
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    Geometrical Touch: Drawing an Occasioned Map on the Hand.Marc Relieu - 2023 - Human Studies 46 (4):757-781.
    In this paper, based on video recordings of Orientation and Mobility (O&M) lessons for visually-disabled students, I will examine how occasioned maps (Psathas, 1979 ; Garfinkel, 2002 ), drawn in the student’s palm are interactionally traced, felt, and noticed in order to represent the shape of a crossing for all practical purposes. Touching will be examined from the perspective of the live production of "trails" on a specific region of the body, the palm of the hand. We will begin to (...)
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    Motivos de la Antigüedad clásica en el Impresionismo musical.Beatriz Cotello - 2017 - Circe de Clásicos y Modernos 21 (1):1-14.
    El Impresionismo fue una tendencia que se desarrolló en la cultura europea de fines del siglo XIX. La música no fue ajena a esa expresión cultural, con sus modos tan apropiados para manifestar lo etéreo y evanescente. En este artículo nos detendremos en tres exponentes del impresionismo en la música: Claude Debussy, Eric Satie y Maurice Ravel, y en sus temas tomados de la antigüedad clásica: El Après midi d’un faune de Debussy, las Gimnopédies, Gnossiennes y el Socrate de Satie (...)
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