Results for 'Şengül Saime Anagün'

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  1.  47
    A Rose by Any Other Name: Are Family Firms Named After Their Founding Families Rewarded More for Their New Product Introductions?Saim Kashmiri & Vijay Mahajan - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 124 (1):81-99.
    The authors explore the relation between the way different family firms are named, and the shareholder value impact of these firms’ new product introductions. Using an event study of 1,294 product introduction announcements of 107 publicly listed U.S. family firms, the authors find that the presence of the founding family’s name as part of a family firm’s name acts as a valuable firm resource, increasing the abnormal stock returns surrounding the firm’s new product introductions. Superior returns to family-named firms’ new (...)
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    Scholarship and Social Life of Women in the Period of Mamlūks: With Special Attention to Najm al-Dīn Ibn Fahd’s Teachers.Saim Yilmaz & Mehmet Fatih Yalçin - 2021 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 25 (1):455-476.
    During the Mamlūk period (648-923/1250-1517), some developments such as the support of the state dignitaries for scholarly activities, the interest of the ʿulamā to the Mamlūk geography and the establishment of many scientific institutions increased the interest in scholarly activities in society. In this period of intensive scholarly activities, women also started to increasingly take part in this field, and as a result, many female scholars were trained. The fact that women scholars were encountered among the teachers of the famous (...)
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    Sirājuddīn al-Urmawī’s Approach to Epistemology in Sharh al-Ishārāt wa al-Tanbīhāt.Saim GÜNGÖR - 2020 - Kader 18 (2):642-665.
    For al-Urmawī, the soul is an essence that governs the parts of our body to move both naturally and voluntarily. Cognitive actions in the body is also by means of the soul. This essence is the same in each of us. Every one of us necessarily knows he or she is one person. This is what referred as 'I' or 'you'. al-Urmawī argues that the thing that consists of the soul and body must be one single living being. If not, (...)
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    Sadreddi̇n şi̇razi̇'de tanri'nin bi̇lgi̇si̇ problemi̇.Saim Güngör - 2014 - Sakarya Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 15 (28):125-125.
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    Sınıf Öğretmeni Adayları Fen Bilimleri Öğretim Programını Uygulamaya Hazır mı?Şengül Saime Anagün - 2015 - Journal of Turkish Studies 10 (Volume 10 Issue 11):127-127.
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    Our Rector from Paris.Saim Sakaoğlu - 2011 - Journal of Turkish Studies 6:5-7.
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    Doğu Bağdat’ta D'rülhil'fe’nin Ortaya Çıkışı ve Burada İnşa Edilen Saraylar.Saim Yilmaz & Ömer Sazak - forthcoming - Sakarya Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi.
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    How Does Brand Age Influence Consumer Attitudes Toward a Firm’s Unethical Behavior?Melissa Cinelli, Saim Kashmiri & Chi Zhang - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 158 (3):699-711.
    This paper identifies brand age as an important factor in consumers’ brand evaluations following unethical firm behavior. In two experiments, we assess the effect of brand age on three types of brand evaluations: perceived quality, brand credibility, and behavioral intentions following a brand crisis. The findings suggest that disclosing an older brand’s age can not only improve consumers’ brand evaluations in general, but can also provide a buffering effect when the firm is involved in unethical behavior. Moreover, the relationship between (...)
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    The Struggle of Andalus Umayyad Caliph Hakam II against the Christian States in the North Andalus.Furkan Erbaş & Saim Yılmaz - 2021 - Dini Araştırmalar 24 (60):61-86.
    From their founding to their collapse, the Andalusian Umayyads have been struggling with the Christian states which established in the north following Umayyads conquests of the region. During this long struggle period, the first name that ceased their progress and had authority over these states was Hakam II’s father Abd ar-Rahman III (300-350/912-961). The power provided by him continued in the periods of Hakam II (350-366/961-976) and Amirids (366-398/976-1008). In this process, Hakam II period was important because the obedience of (...)
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    A New Classification and An Extension of Waste from Business Practices and Islamic Perspective.Abu Saim Md Shahabuddin, Mohd Edil Abd Suko & A. B. M. Helal Uddin - forthcoming - Intellectual Discourse:175-195.
    Taking the idea of waste as an in-use phenomenon, we developed amatrix to explain four categories of waste which result from users’ failure touse a resource properly. These categories were illustrated by examples built onpractical food waste measurements, surveys, theses formatting requirementsand newspaper reports. We have categorized different facets of waste from abusiness perspective; thus, contributed to have improved waste managementpractices. We also showed that parsimony was also a wasteful behaviour.Parsimony was shown to be a waste by its effects on (...)
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    Türk memlükler dönemi̇nde saray ağaliği üstdrlik.Saim Yılmaz - 2014 - Sakarya Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 15 (28):279-279.
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    Revizyonist Tarihçi Patricia Crone’un Mev'lî Anlayışı.Öznur Özdemi̇r & Saim Yilmaz - 2021 - Tasavvur - Tekirdag Theology Journal 7 (1):357-385.
    Regarded as a revisionist historian in the West, Patricia Crone, who wrote many books and articles on various subjects of early Islamic history, was a prolific researcher. The place and role of mawālī, in the Umayyad and Abbāsid society, has been one of the special topics she has been interested in since the very beginning of her academic life. Her works with a revisionist perspective have been faced many criticisms by colleagues, especially the western ones, because of her biased view (...)
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  13.  27
    When CEO Pay Becomes a Brand Problem.Ali Besharat, Kimberly A. Whitler & Saim Kashmiri - 2024 - Journal of Business Ethics 190 (4):941-973.
    For over four decades, the topic of Chief Executive Officer (CEO) compensation has attracted considerable attention from the fields of economics, finance, management, public policy, law, and business ethics. As scholarly interest in CEO pay has increased, so has public concern about the ethics of high CEO pay. Despite growing interest and pressure among the public and government to reduce CEO pay, it has continued to increase. Using a multi-method design incorporating a pilot study, two online experiments, and an event (...)
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    Bolyongásaim egy felemás világban: filozófiai esszé.Gábor Sztranyiczki - 2013 - Kolozsvár: Polis Könyvkiadó.
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    Süleyman Saim Tekcan The Reformist In Turkish Art.Kodaman Mehtap - 2007 - Journal of Turkish Studies 2:386-391.
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    Találkozásaim Lukács Györggyel.Arnold Hauser - 1978 - Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó. Edited by György Lukács.
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    Attention, spatial representation, and visual neglect: Simulating emergent attention and spatial memory in the selective attention for identification model (SAIM).Dietmar Heinke & Glyn W. Humphreys - 2003 - Psychological Review 110 (1):29-87.
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    News from Israel.Marcelo Dascal - 1994 - The Leibniz Review 4:17-19.
    The big Leibnizian news from Israel is that from October 1st up to September 30 we are running here, at the Institute of Advanced Studies, a research project centered on our beloved hero. The project, involves scholars as well as graduate students from many countries. Some will be fellows of the Institute for practically the whole year [Marcelo Dascal, Gideon Freudenthal, Massimo Mugnai, Carl Posy, Quintin Racionero, Elhanan Yakira ]. Other colleagues will be here for shorter periods [, Ezequiel de (...)
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    Taking Other Religions Seriously: Some Ironies in the Current Debate on a Christian Theology of Religions.Gavin D'Costa - 1990 - The Thomist 54 (3):519-529.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:TAKING OTHER RELIGIONS SERIOUSLY: SOME IRONIES IN THE CURRENT DEBATE ON A CHRISTIAN THEOLOGY OF RELIGJ:ONS * 1GAvIN D'CosTA West London Institute of Higher E'ducation Isleworth, Middlese111 HE QUESTION oi Christian attitudes to the world eligions is becoming increasingly important. An lnterpretatwn of Religion is emblematic of a growing trend, which runs across 1denominational lines, that attempts fo take other,religions seriously. John Hick.argues that for most of its ihistory (...)
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