Results for 'ʻAbdulmuʻīd Madanī'

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  1. ʻUlamāʼ ke imtiyāzī auṣāf.ʻAbdulmuʻīd Madanī - 2011 - Maʼūnāth Bhanjan: Maktabah al-Fahīm.
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  2. Qawāʻid al-ithbāt fī al-mawādd al-madanīyah wa-al-tijārīyah: dirāsah fī al-qānūnayn al-Miṣrī wa-al-Lubnānī.Anwar Sulṭān - 1984 - Bayrūt: al-Dār al-Jāmiʻīyah.
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    Membangun masyarakat madani melalui khutbah dan ceramah.Firdaus Efendi & Khamami Zada (eds.) - 1999 - Jakarta: Nuansa Madani.
    Essays on forming an Islamic civil society in Indonesia.
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    Etika agama dalam membangun masyarakat madani.M. Din Syamsuddin - 2000 - Jakarta: Logos Wacana Ilmu. Edited by AbdRohim Ghazali.
    Religious ethics in the Islamic civil society in Indonesia.
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    On the undecidability of probabilistic planning and related stochastic optimization problems.Omid Madani, Steve Hanks & Anne Condon - 2003 - Artificial Intelligence 147 (1-2):5-34.
  6. Bridging the Gap Between Ethical Theory and Practice in Medicine: A Constructivist Grounded Theory Study.Mansure Madani, AbouAli Vedadhir, Bagher Larijani, Zahra Khazaei & Ahad Faramarz Gharamaleki - 2020 - Science and Engineering Ethics 26 (2):2255-2275.
    Physicians try hard to alleviate mental and physical ailments of their patients. Thus, they are heavily burdened by observing ethics and staying well-informed while improving health of their patients. A major ethical concern or dilemma in medication is that some physicians know their behavior is unethical, yet act against their moral compass. This study develops models of theory–practice gap, offering optimal solutions for the gap. These solutions would enhance self-motivation or remove external obstacles to stimulate ethical practices in medicine. The (...)
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    Lost in Translation-Why an Independent Institutional Identity of Islamic Banks Failed to Emerge?Haider Madani, Amr Kebbi & S. M. Khalid Nainar - 2025 - Business and Society 64 (2):379-420.
    We examined the current field identity of Islamic banks and its evolution. We conducted interviews with 44 Sharia (Islamic law) scholars and related professionals in the fields of Islamic and conventional banking, representing nine jurisdictions. We found that Islamic banks are still hybrid organizations belonging to two equally powerful fields of Islamic law (Sharia) and conventional banking. Consequently, Islamic banks abide by two completely different institutional logics. The hybrid identity of Islamic banks resultantly became static due to institutional pressures exerted (...)
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  8. Demographic characteristics of the drivers with respect to their understanding of posted signs.Hashim Al-Madani - 2001 - Communication and Cognition. Monographies 34 (3-4):257-274.
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  9. Understanding Difficulties in Road Signs by Drivers with Speed Citations Controlled by Experience and Income.H. M. N. Al-Madani - 2008 - Communication and Cognition. Monographies 41 (3-4):175-190.
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    A comparative analysis of future of religious spirituality from the viewpoint of post-modernism and traditionalism.Mohammed Hadi Madani - 2018 - Metafizika 1 (3):115-140.
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    Reality and Variety of the Mystical Experience from the viewpoint of Mawlawi and Davis.Sayed Moslem Madani - 2019 - Metafizika 2 (2):67-90.
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  12. Zindagī rū-yi amvājī az durūgh: Khudā buzurgtarīn durūgh-i sākhtah-ʼi bashar: kudām khudā!? kujāst khudā!?: naẓar-i andīshmandān dar mawrid-i khudā.Nūshīrvān Madanī - 2015 - [Place not identified]: [Publisher not identified].
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    Dianna Smith and Claire Thompson: Food deserts and food insecurity in the UK: exploring social inequality.Nuri Maeni Wahidah, Nia Ulfa Madani & Ayu Oktaviana - 2025 - Agriculture and Human Values 42 (1):597-598.
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  14. Response of rice crop to nitrogen and silicon in two irrigation systems.Hassan Jafari, Hamid Madani, Salman Dastan & Abbas Ghanbari Malidarreh - 2013 - Scientia (Misc) 1 (3):76-81.
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    The sociological study of the emergence of a culture of poverty (social and economic dimensions) discussed with reference to pakistan.Kausar Parveen, Maria Juzer & Munazza Madani - 2017 - Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities 56 (2):113-127.
    The present study explores the social and economic dimensions affecting the poverty culture existing in the slum areas of Karachi, Pakistan. The significance of the study highlights the major causes of hindrance in community development poverty and lack of social indicators-which are becoming a culture of the people as their value system along with feelings of powerlessness, meaninglessness, isolation, social exclusion, and self-estrangement in their group relations. This is a qualitative as well as an exploratory research that highlights the emergence (...)
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  16. Ibn Ṭufayl, qaḍāyā wa-mawāqif.Madanī Ṣāliḥ - 1980
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    Contributions of age and clinical depression to metacognitive performance.Catherine Culot, Tina Lauwers, Carole Fantini-Hauwel, Yamina Madani, Didier Schrijvers, Manuel Morrens & Wim Gevers - 2023 - Consciousness and Cognition 107 (C):103458.
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    Reducing health disparities in providing care services in the intensive care unit: a critical ethnographic study.Sajad Yarahmadi, Mohsen Soleimani, Mohammad Gholami, Ali Fakhr-Movahedi & Seyed Mohsen Saeidi Madani - 2024 - BMC Medical Ethics 25 (1):1-9.
    The intensive care unit, with its structural complexity and the exposure of critically ill patients to various disparities, presents a significant setting for health disparities. This critical ethnographic study sought to uncover cultural knowledge and ethical practices for reducing health disparities in providing care services within the intensive care unit. The focus was on understanding how ethical considerations and cultural competence can address and mitigate these disparities effectively. This critical ethnographic study was conducted in 2022–2023 at intensive care units in (...)
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    Dimensional Complexity of the Resting Brain in Healthy Aging, Using a Normalized MPSE.Norman Scheel, Eric Franke, Thomas F. Münte & Amir Madany Mamlouk - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
  20. Imre Shimshon: raʻayonot ṿe-yesodot mi-Torato shel... Rabi Shimshon Daṿid Pinḳus.Shimshon Daṿid Pinḳus - 2001 - Yerushalayim: Malkhut Vaḳsberger.
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    al-Taṣawwuf al-Sunnī fī tārīkh al-Maghrib: nasaq namūdhajī lil-wasaṭīyah wa-al-iʻtidāl.Saʻīd Bin Saʻīd (ed.) - 2010 - al-Rabāṭ: al-Zaman.
    Caliphate; Māwardī, ʻAlī ibn Muḥammad, 974?-1058; political and social views.
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  22. Beʼur le-sefer "Derekh ha-Shem" la-Ramḥal: mi-tokh kitve ha-Ramḥal, kavanat ha-Ari, ʻEts ḥayim, kitve ha-Reʼiyah, kitve ha-Rambam, ha-Kuzari ṿe-ʻod.. be-śafah berurah u-negishah.ʻOded Daṿid - 2009 - Pardes Ḥanah: ʻOded Daṿid. Edited by Moshe Ḥayyim Luzzatto.
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  23. Ḳunṭres Mesibot Purim: divre Torah be-ʻinyene hilkhot deʻot ṿe-ḥovot ha-levavot.Yonatan Daṿid Daiṿid - 2016 - [Brooklyn, NY]: ha-Mosad Gur Aryeh.
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  24. Shut Ner le-ʻEzra.Shemuʼel Daṿid - unknown - [ʻAfulah: Sh. Daṿid.
    -- -- ḥeleḳ 3. Midot ṿe-hanhagot. Shut ha-minhag ka-halakhah.
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    How Perceived Corporate Social Responsibility Raises Employees’ Creative Behaviors Based on Appraisal Theory of Emotion: The Serial Mediation Model.Said Id Bouichou, Lei Wang & Salman Zulfiqar - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    This study examines the micro-level consequences of perceived corporate social responsibility and hypothesizes that perceived CSR affects the perception-emotion-attitude-behavior sequence. We hypothesized that perceived CSR affects organizational pride, affects affective commitment, and enhances the employees’ creative behaviors by using the lens of appraisal theory of emotion. This study also hypothesizes that the association of perceived CSR and employee creative behaviors is serially mediated by OP and AC. The time-lagged data were collected from employees of only those companies participating in CSR (...)
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  26. Technological Transfer and the War in the Pacific.Id Rae - 2000 - Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science 207:173-186.
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  27. Ḳunṭres Zikhron tsadiḳ: le-zikhron ʻolam... Maran Mosheh Aharon Daṿid Friedman a.b.d. ḳ. ḳ. Ḥanah Daṿid Ṭenḳa.Mosheh Aharon Daṿid Friedman (ed.) - 2022 - Ṿilyamsburg: Mekhon Ḥanah Daṿid Ṭenḳa.
    Ḥelek 2. Toroto shel Rabenu bi-lesh. ha-ḳ. ... maʼamarim shonim be-Idish ... sheʼelot u-teshuvot ba-ʻavodat ha-Sh. yit ... shivḥo shel tsadiḳ.
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  28. Sefer Mitsṿot dileh: maʼamre ḥizuḳ ṿe-hitʻorerut u-veʼurim be-mitsṿot she-ben adam le-ḥavero shezurim be-ʻuvdot ṿe-hanhagot mi-rabotenu gedole Yiśraʼel: ṿe-hu asufat ṿeʻadim she-neʼemru lifne ḥaverim maḳshivim be-Kolel "Naḥalat Daṿid" le-ʻorer ule-halhiv ha-levavot le-hitḥazeḳ ule-hishtaper bb-ʻavodat ha-Shem.Avraham ben Daṿid Ḥanono - 2021 - [Lakewood, NJ]: Avraham Ḥanono.
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  29. Bid Form.Bidder Fed Id No - 2009 - Hermes 30:40-000.
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  30. Le-reʻakha kamokha: halakhot u-veʼurim be-mitsṿot.Daṿid ben Naḥman Ariʼav - 2000 - Yerushalayim: D. ben N. Ariʼav. Edited by Sh Y. Ḥben Y. Y. Ḳanevsḳi.
    1. Lo taḥamod. Lo titʼaṿeh. Lo taḥanifu. Isur genevat daʻat. Lo teḳalel. Lo tiḳom ṿe-lo tiṭor -- ḥeleḳ 2. Lo tiśna ṿa-ahavat le-reʻakha. Ahavat ha-ger -- ḥeleḳ 3. Onaʼat devarim. Hilkhot panim. Onaʼat ha-ger -- ḥeleḳ 4. Isur hakaʼah. Mitsṿot maʻaḳeh. Shemirat ha-guf -- ḥeleḳ 6. Kibud av ṿe-em. Kibud melamde ha-Torah ve-ḥakhameha. Kibud kohen.
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    al-Imām Fakhr al-Dīn al-Rāzī wa-falsafatuhu al-khuluqīyah.Rāʼid ʻAbd al-Jalīl ʻAwāwdah - 2016 - Irbid: ʻĀlam al-Kutub al-Ḥadīth lil-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ.
    Rāzī, Fakhr al-Dīn Muḥammad ibn ʻUmar; 1149 or 1150-1210; criticism and interpretation; Islamic ethics; Islamic philosophy.
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  32. ʻAl ha-Ḥayim ṿe-ʻal ha-maṿet: ha-Ṭaʼu la-ratsyonalim: ʻeḳronot hityaḥasut le-ʻatsmenu, la-zulat ṿela-ʻolam ʻal pi ha-ḳosmosofyah = About life and death.Mishḳah Ben-Daṿid - 2019 - [Tel-Aviv]: Tekhelet.
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  33. Sefer Divre musar: 73 śiḥot meyusadim ʻal beʼurim mi-gedole baʻale ha-musar...: ʻal maʼamarim ba-Talmud.Daṿid Ben-Abu - 1999 - Bene Beraḳ: Makhon le-hotsaʼat kitve rabotenu she-ʻa. y. Mosad Torah ṿa-ḥesed "Bet Yosef".
    kerekh 1. Maʼamarim mi-masekhtot Berakhot ṿe-Shabat -- kerekh 2. Maʼamarim mi-masekhtot ʻEruvin, Pesaḥim, R.h. ṿe-Yoma -- kerekh 3. Masekhtot Sukah, Betsah, Taʻanit, Megilah, Moʻed ḳaṭan ṿa-Ḥagigah.
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    Numerical abstractness and elementary arithmetic.Jamie Id Campbell & Arron Ws Metcalfe - 2009 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 32 (3-4):330 - 331.
    Like number representation, basic arithmetic seems to be a natural candidate for abstract instantiation in the brain. To investigate this, researchers have examined effects of numeral format on elementary arithmetic (e.g., 4+5 vs. four+five). Different numeral formats often recruit distinct processes for arithmetic, reinforcing the conclusion that number processing is not necessarily abstracted away from numeral format.
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  35. Three philosophical epistles.Saʻid B. Dādhurmuz & Veysel Kaya - 2024 - Costa Mesa, California: Mazda Publishers.
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  36. Liḳuṭ le-ʻidud ṿe-ḥizuḳ: ʻetsah maʻaśit ha-meḥazeḳet meʼod u-mekhaṿenet be-derekh ha-limud.Daṿid Elbom (ed.) - 1995 - Yerushalayim: [Ḥ. Mo. L.].
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  37. Sefer Derekh ʻaliyah: berur sugyot ba-Gemara u-Midrash be-ḳinyene Torah ṿa-ʻavodah.Daṿid Tsevi Eliʼakh - 2010 - Yerushalayim: Mekhon "Moreshet ha-yeshivot,".
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  38. Sefer ha-Boteaḥ ba-H. ḥesed yesovevenu.Daṿid ben Yaʻaḳov Yehudah Falḳ - 2009 - Yerushalayim: Daṿid ben Yaʻaḳov Yehudah Falḳ.
    ḥeleḳ 1. Pirḳe ʻiyun be-gidre mitsṿat ha-biṭaḥon be-mishnato shel Baʻal Ḥovot ha-levavot.
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  39. Sefer ʻInyano shel yom: ʻIr ha-ḳodesh ṿeha-Miḳdash: pirḳe maḥshavah u-musar be-hilkhot deʻot ṿe-Ḥovot ha-levavot, be-ʻinyene ʻIr ha-ḳodesh ṿeha-Miḳdash..Daṿid ben Yaʻaḳov Yehudah Falḳ - 2007 - Yerushalayim: Daṿid ben Yaʻaḳov Yehudah Falḳ.
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  40. Sheʼelot u-teshuvot Sheraga be-ṭohorah: ʻal 4 ḥelḳe Shulḥan ʻarukh.Shemuʼel Daṿid Friedman - 1995 - Bruḳlin, N.Y.: Sh. D. ha-Kohen Friedman. Edited by Abraham David ben Asher Anschel Wahrmann.
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  41. Rabot banot ʻaśu ḥayil: bo niḳbetsu halakhot ṿe-dinim, hanhagot, maʻaśiyot, shirim u-tefilot be-khol ha-ḳashur le-vat Yiśraʼel.Daṿid Gavriʼel - 2004 - Yerushalayim: Midreshet Raḥel.
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  42. Sheʼelot u-teshuvot: ba-nośʼim kibud av ṿa-em, berakhot, dine birkat ha-reaḥ, avedah u-metsiʼah, Shabat, ben adam la-ḥavero, berakhot, hashkamat ha-boḳer, avedah u-metsiʼah.Daṿid Gavriʼel - 1997 - Ḥolon: Yeshivat "ʻAṭeret ḥakhamim".
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  43. Sefer Shulḥan ha-levavot: u-vo sheloshim simanim shel halakhot ʻal mitsṿot ha-teluyot ba-levavot ṿe-tiḳun ha-midot meluḳaṭ mi-divre ha-rishonim.Elʻazar Daṿid ben Yiśraʼel Gliḳ - 2003 - Yerushalayim: Mekhon "Banim u-vene banim".
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  44. Ḳunṭres She-targilenu be-toratekha: maʼamre ḥizuḳ be-ʻinyene Torah ṿa-ʻamalah.Doron Daṿid ben Shemuʼel Yehoshuʻa Gold - 1998 - Yerushalayim: Mekhon Tifʼeret Avraham.
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  45. Sefer Bene ḥayil: yakhil divre ḥizuḳ be-ʻinyan 48 devarim sheha-Torah niḳnet bahem: asupat śiḥot ṿe-ʻedim.Doron Daṿid ben Shemuʼel Yehoshuʻa Gold - 2006 - Bene-Beraḳ: Mekhon "Mishnat Rabi ʻAḳiva".
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  46. Sefer Hegyon libi: yakhil osef mamre musar u-veʼurim be-inyne midot, hashḳafah ṿe-derekh erets she-nidpesu be-sefer "Orḥot musar" she-yatsa le-or bi-shenat 661 uve-sefer "Hegyon libi" she-yatsa le-or bi-shenat 664.Doron Daṿid ben Shemuʼel Yehoshuʻa Gold - 2013 - Bene Beraḳ: [Doron Gold]. Edited by Doron Daṿid ben Shemuʼel Yehoshuʻa Gold.
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  47. Sefer Shivḥu geʼulim: maʼamre musar u-veʼurim be-ʻinyene ḥag ha-Pesaḥ ṿi-yeme Sefirat ha-ʻOmer.Doron Daṿid ben Shemuʼel Yehoshuʻa Gold - 2016 - Bene Beraḳ: [Doron Daṿid ben Shemuʼel Yehoshuʻa Gold].
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  48. Ḳunṭres Dai le-ʻolam Ani Ṿe-Atah: Li-Yeme Ha-Sefirah Ṿe-33 Ba-ʻomer...: Be-Maʻaśeh de-Rashbi... Ṿe-Limudim Musariyim.Doron Daṿid ben Shemuʼel Yehoshuʻa Gold - 2004 - Bene-Beraḳ: Doron Daṿid Ben ShemuʼEl Yehoshuʻa Gold.
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    Spoznaja, prva vrijednost Islama: prilog spoznajnoj teoriji u Islamu.Rešid Hafizović - 2017 - Sarajevo: Naučnoistraživački institut "Ibn Sina".
  50. The Moral and existential dilemmas of the Israeli soldier.Daṿid Hardan & Aleks Zehavi (eds.) - 1985 - Jerusalem: Center for Programming, Dept. of Development and Community Services, World Zionist Organization.
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