Results for '“Universal Counterpart”'

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  1.  14
    The universal law formulas.Richard Galvin - 2009 - In Thomas E. Hill (ed.), The Blackwell Guide to Kant's Ethics. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 52–82.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Introduction Some Common Misunderstandings How Different Are PGW, FUL, and FLN? The Role of the Universal Law Formulas Issues Regarding the Maxim and its Universal Counterpart The Two Hegelian Objections Contradictions in Conception Contradictions in the Will Three Persistent Problems and One Very Modest Proposal Bibliography.
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  2. Counterpart theory v. the multiverse: reply to Watson.Jim Stone - 2011 - Analysis 71 (1):96-100.
    Suppose that reality consists of parallel universes of every variety imaginable. No path through space and time leads from one to another, and each universe is causally isolated from the rest. Some physicists believe a ‘multiverse’ hypothesis not terribly distant from this one simplifies quantum mechanics and provides an elegant explanation of why our universe has its particular laws. Suppose as science advances we come to accept the multiverse hypothesis, so construed.
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    Counterpart Theory as a Semantics for Modal Logic.Lin Woollaston - 1994 - Logique Et Analyse 37 (147-148):255-263.
    A claim by David K. Lewis (1986) that his counterpart theory provides a semantics for intensional languages is critiqued by showing that basic principles of modal logic fail to be valid in counterpart theory & by investigating problematic counterpart-theoretical translations of instances of universal instantiation. From Lewis's postulate that individuals inhabit only one world & have counterparts in other worlds, it follows that the relation between an object & its counterparts is nontransitive & nonsymmetric; consequently, an object does not need (...)
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  4. Slurs, neutral counterparts, and what you could have said.Arianna Falbo - 2021 - Analytic Philosophy 62 (4):359-375.
    Recent pragmatic accounts of slurs argue that the offensiveness of slurs is generated by a speaker's free choice to use a slur opposed to a more appropriate and semantically equivalent neutral counterpart. I argue that the theoretical role of neutral counterparts on such views is overstated. I consider two recent pragmatic analyses, Bolinger (Noûs, 51, 2017, 439) and Nunberg (New work on speech acts, Oxford University Press, 2018), which rely heavily upon the optionality of slurs, namely, that a speaker exercises (...)
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  5. Chinese University Students’ Perceptions of Plagiarism.Guangwei Hu & Jun Lei - 2015 - Ethics and Behavior 25 (3):233-255.
    This study examines Chinese undergraduates’ perceptions of plagiarism in English academic writing in relation to their disciplinary background (i.e., hard vs. soft disciplines), academic enculturation (i.e., length of study in university), and gender. Drawing on data collected from 270 students at two universities in China, it finds clear discipline-based differences in participants’ knowledge of plagiarism and perceptions about its causes; an enculturational effect on perceived acceptability of and condemnatory attitudes toward plagiarism, with senior students being less harsh than their junior (...)
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    Is Universalization in Ethics Significant for Choosing A Theory of Identity Across Possible Worlds?Michael A. Principe - 1985 - Philosophy Research Archives 11:77-88.
    Can Lewisian counterpart theory adequately account for the deliberation involved in universalizing moral judgments? In this paper, the dispute between Shalom Lappin and Yehudah Freunlich over the answer to this question is examined and clarified. Then it is argued that Lappin andFreunlich do not join issue in a way which allows for satisfactory adjudication of their dispute. Specifically, they are unaware of the different models of role projection which each employs. By making these models explicit, it can be seen that, (...)
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  7. Visiting the neo-liberal university: new public management and conflicting normative ideas. A Danish case.Asger Sørensen - 2015 - Journal of Educational Controversy 10 (1):1--49.
    At Danish universities, the governance structure is regulated by law. This structure was radically changed in 2003, abolishing the republican rule of the senate consisting of academics, students, and staff in favour of an authoritarian system assigning all executive power to the vice-chancellor, or as we say in Denmark, the rector. To introduce the current situation at Danish universities, in the first two sections of this article, I will compare them with more well-known counterparts in other countries. This situation is (...)
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  8. Resemblance Nominalism and counterparts.Alexander Bird - 2003 - Analysis 63 (3):221-228.
    In his (2002) Gonzalo Rodriguez-Pereyra provides a powerful articulation of the claim that Resemblance Nominalism provides the best answer to the so-called Problem of Universals. Resemblance Nominalism has not been popular for some time, and one influential reason for this is the widespread belief that Resemblance Nominalism cannot dispense with all universals. The realist critics appeal to what is known as Russell’s Regress (cf. Russell 1997). If properties are to be explained in terms of one object’s resembling another, then this (...)
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  9.  51
    Land-grant university governance: an analysis of board composition and corporate interlocks. [REVIEW]Andrea R. Woodward - 2009 - Agriculture and Human Values 26 (1-2):121-131.
    This paper was inspired by the intersection of Tom Lyson’s interest in how power is concentrated in society’s institutions and his concern for the role of the land-grant system in revealing and addressing inequities that occur as a result of such concentration. This study examines the power structure that governs land-grant universities by presenting social and demographic information on 635 trustees at the 50 US land-grant universities established by the Morrill Act of 1862. Along with these data, Fortune 1000 companies (...)
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  10.  60
    Bolzano's universe metaphysics, logic, and truth.Arianna Betti - 2012 - In Leila Haaparanta & Heikki J. Koskinen (eds.), Categories of Being: Essays on Metaphysics and Logic. Oxford, England: OUP USA. pp. 167.
    This chapter has two aims. The first aim is to present an overview of Bolzano's universe from the point of view of his metaphysics and its relationship to logic, relying fundamentally on Bolzano's Wissenschaftslehre. The author's preferred reading of Bolzano is one according to which he is a 'platonistic nominalist': a platonist about propositions and a nominalist about properties. Bolzano's nominalistic tendencies are particularly conspicuous in his mereological analyses, which play a major role in every aspect of his philosophy. The (...)
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  11.  10
    Gamophobia and Its Relationship with Family Communication Patterns among Unmarried Postgraduate Students at Yarmouk University.Dr Ali Saleh Jarwan & Yasmeen Khaled Abu- Al-Rub - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:206-227.
    This study aimed to assess the prevalence of gamophobia among unmarried graduate students at Yarmouk University, Jordan, and to explore its correlation with family communication patterns. The sample comprised 255 male and female students selected through convenience sampling. The results indicated that the overall level of gamophobia within the sample was moderate. Notably, gamophobia levels were significantly higher among females and employed students compared to their male and unemployed counterparts. No significant differences in gamophobia levels related to age or educational (...)
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    Aristotle on Universal Quantification: A Study from the Point of View of Game Semantics.M. Marion & H. Rückert - 2016 - History and Philosophy of Logic 37 (3):201-229.
    In this paper we provide an interpretation of Aristotle's rule for the universal quantifier in Topics Θ 157a34–37 and 160b1–6 in terms of Paul Lorenzen's dialogical logic. This is meant as a contribution to the rehabilitation of the role of dialectic within the Organon. After a review of earlier views of Aristotle on quantification, we argue that this rule is related to the dictum de omni in Prior Analytics A 24b28–29. This would be an indication of the dictum’s origin in (...)
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    University Students’ Perceptions of Academic Cheating: Triangulating Quantitative and Qualitative Findings.Tianlan Wei, Steven R. Chesnut, Lucy Barnard-Brak & Marcelo Schmidt - 2014 - Journal of Academic Ethics 12 (4):287-298.
    Using a parallel mixed-methods design, the current study examined university students’ perceptions of academic cheating through collecting and analyzing both the quantitative and qualitative data. Our quantitative findings corroborate previous research that male students have engaged more in academic cheating than females based on students’ self-reports, and that undergraduate students are less willing to discuss issues on academic cheating as compared with their graduate counterparts. Five themes emerged from the thematic analysis of the qualitative data: flexible definitions for cheating, environmental (...)
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  14.  17
    Ever Changing America: The Universities.Richard N. Frye - 2004 - Diogenes 51 (3):85-90.
    American universities, which were pale copies of European counterparts before World War II, afterwards exploded into pragmatic centers of research and teaching. Previous isolationism turned into concern with foreign affairs. Change is now the slogan for many aspects of American society.
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    Teaching medical ethics: University of Nijmegen, The Netherlands.M. A. De Wachter - 1978 - Journal of Medical Ethics 4 (2):84-88.
    During his internship the medical student often feels a basic need for ethical discussion. The department of medical ethics at the University of Nijmegen offers a monthly discussion in single clinical departments. The ethicist is then assisted by staff responsible for guiding the interns. These discussions, based on daily experience, aim at critical evaluation of ways the profession is being exercised. As such they form an essential counterpart to the more theoretical learning in classrooms and seminars during previous years. The (...)
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  16.  26
    The academic Caesar : university leadership is hard.Steve Fuller - 2016 - London, U.K.: SAGE Publications.
    Aimed directly at those who aspire to be university leaders in these turbulent times, and written as an academic counterpart to Machiavelli's The Prince, The Academic Caesar explores four themes that are central to the contemporary university: its Caesar-leaders, its economics, its disciplines, and whether academics have a future in the universities. Drawing on a wealth of experience writing about the social epistemology of higher education, Steve Fuller makes a witty, robust and provocative contribution to the ongoing debate about where (...)
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  17.  42
    Doubles and Counterparts: Patterns of Interchangeability in Borges' "The Garden of Forking Paths".Shlomith Rimmon-Kenan - 1980 - Critical Inquiry 6 (4):639-647.
    Analogy among characters is not the only structural device which blurs the boundaries of the self. The very repetition of the act of narration, involving a chain of quotations, makes the story a perfect example of what Jakobson calls "speech within speech"1 and divorces the various characters from their own discourse. In addition to the real author's speech to the real reader, crystallized in that of the implied author to the implied reader, the whole story is the speech of an (...)
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  18.  55
    Work Values of Turkish and American University Students.Zahide Karakitapoğlu Aygün, Mahmut Arslan & Salih Güney - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 80 (2):205-223.
    The first aim of this paper was to investigate how the traditional Protestant work ethic and more contemporary work values were related to one another, and differed across genders and two cultural contexts, namely Turkey and the U.S. The second aim was to elucidate the role of religiosity in PWE among the two cultural groups. Two hundred and sixty six American and 211 Turkish university students participated in this questionnaire study. The analyses examining cross-cultural differences revealed that Turkish university students (...)
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  19.  21
    Adynamism in Physics: The Block Universe vs Barbour’s Relational Strategy.Emilia Margoni - forthcoming - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie:1-18.
    The block universe is generally considered as the metaphysical position that best accommodates the outcomes of relativistic physics. Its most consistent formulation postulates a static universe where change is not admitted. However, some of its advocates try to reconcile its basic adynamical commitments as to the nature of physical reality with certain aspects of dynamism that arise, for instance, within human experience. In this article, I first examine how some block viewers try to reconcile dynamism and adynamism. I then go (...)
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  20.  45
    Placement Work Experience May Mitigate Lower Achievement Levels of Black and Asian vs. White Students at University.Elisabeth Moores, Gurkiran K. Birdi & Helen E. Higson - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8:287078.
    Ethnic minority groups have been shown to obtain poorer final year degree outcomes than their majority group counterparts in countries including the US, the UK and The Netherlands. Obtaining a lower degree classification may limit future employment prospects of graduates as well as opportunities for higher level study. To further investigate this achievement gap, we analysed performance levels across three academic years of study of 3,051 Black, Asian and White students from a UK University. Analyses of covariance investigated effects of (...)
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  21.  20
    Understanding social oocyte freezing in Italy: a scoping survey on university female students’ awareness and attitudes.Luciana Caenazzo, Gloria Spigarolo, Patrizia Nespeca, Antonio Fassina & Pamela Tozzo - 2019 - Life Sciences, Society and Policy 15 (1):1-14.
    In Western countries, a social trend toward delaying childbearing has been observed in women of reproductive age for the last two decades. This delay is due to different factors related to lifestyle, such as the development of a professional career or the absence of the right partner. As a consequence, women who defer childbearing may find themselves affected by age-related infertility when they decide to conceive. Fertility preservation techniques are, therefore, proposed as a solution for these women. Among all possible (...)
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  22.  45
    From the Textual to the Digital University. A philosophical investigation of the mediatic conditions for university thinking.Lavinia Marin - 2018 - Dissertation, Ku Leuven
    Starting from the current trend to digitise the university, this thesis aims to clarify the specific relation between university thinking and its use of media. This thesis is an investigation concerning the sensorial and medial conditions which enable the event of thinking to emerge at the university, i.e. conditions which do not make thinking necessary, but possible. Thinking is approached as an event which can happen while studying at the university, not as an outcome, nor a disposition or skill. The (...)
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  23.  20
    Comparison of Sports Habits and Attitudes in University Students of Physical and Sports Education of Mostaganem (Algeria) and Physical Activity and Sport Sciences of León.Marta Zubiaur, Abdelkader Zitouni & Saray Del Horno - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    BackgroundIn their professional practice, teachers can exert a strong influence on students, promoting healthy habits for life through the example of their own lifestyle. The aim of this study was to compare sports habits and attitudes in Physical Activity and Sports Education students at the universities of León and Mostaganem.MethodsWe administered the “Motivations and Attitudes Toward Physical Activity and Sports” questionnaire to 125 Algerian university students from the Institute for Physical Education and Sport and 122 Spanish university students from the (...)
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  24.  8
    Are the Welfare Rights in the UN’s Declaration of Human Rights Universal?Rex Martin - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 15:65-70.
    It has been claimed that several of the rights in the UN’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights - in particular the social and economic rights to the provision of welfare in, for example, education - cannot literally be rights of everybody. We find two main lines of analysis that have been raised to back up this claim. One of these lines is theoretical or normative in nature. Here I take up Onora O’Neill’s concern with the counterpart obligations that attach to (...)
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  25.  47
    Equality, justice and gender: barriers to the ethical university for women.Sarah Jane Aiston - 2011 - Ethics and Education 6 (3):279 - 291.
    Academic women experience working in higher education differently to their male counterparts. This article argues that the unequal position of women academics is unethical, irrespective of whether one takes a consequentialist or deontological ethical position. By drawing on a range of international studies, the article explores the reasons for this inequity, suggesting that the ?cult of individual responsibility?, the positioning of women academics as ?other? and the impact of having a family are significant factors. Having identified the reasons why university (...)
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  26.  10
    Exploring the Association between Social Anomie and Behaviors of Academic Dishonesty among University Students: A Case Study from a Public University in Jordan.Ziad M. Alkhazaleh & Amjed Abojedi - forthcoming - Journal of Academic Ethics:1-25.
    When students experience unfairness and normlessness in their academic environment, it exemplifies the concept of social anomie. where students may justify dishonest actions such as exam cheating, plagiarism, and others. Academic honesty, a crucial moral characteristic, fundamentally relies on values, rules, and social norms. Against this backdrop, we conducted a mixed-methods study to capture students’ perspectives on academic dishonesty and social anomie. The current study questions investigate the levels of social anomie and academic dishonesty and the correlation between them based (...)
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  27. Coextension and Identity.Ghislain Guigon - 2015 - In Ghislain Guigon & Gonzalo Rodriguez-Pereyra (eds.), Nominalism About Properties: New Essays. New York, NY: Routledge. pp. 135-155.
    This chapter is concerned with the coextension difficulty for nominalist theories of properties that reject tropes alongside universals. After carefully explaining the coextension difficulty and describing the theories it targets, the chapter describes different solutions to the difficulty. These solutions differ with respect to how much involved they are into a dualist approach to coextension. A dualist approach to a case of coextension consists in agreeing with the realist that the relevant ascriptions of properties are numerically distinct. A monist approach (...)
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  28.  22
    Compassion As an Intervention to Attune to Universal Suffering of Self and Others in Conflicts: A Translational Framework.S. Shaun Ho, Yoshio Nakamura & James E. Swain - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    As interpersonal, racial, social, and international conflicts intensify in the world, it is important to safeguard the mental health of individuals affected by them. According to a Buddhist notion “if you want others to be happy, practice compassion; if you want to be happy, practice compassion,” compassion practice is an intervention to cultivate conflict-proof well-being. Here, compassion practice refers to a form of concentrated meditation wherein a practitioner attunes to friend, enemy, and someone in between, thinking, “I’m going to help (...)
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  29. Critical Study of Four-Dimensionalism, by Theodore Sider, Oxford University Press 2001, ISBN 0 19 924443 X, hardback.Katherine Hawley - unknown
    Four-Dimensionalism is a thorough, lively and forceful defence of the claim that “necessarily, every spatiotemporal object has a temporal part at every moment at which it exists” (59). The standard four-dimensionalist view is perdurance theory, according to which everyday things like boats are temporally extended. But Sider rejects perdurance theory, nicely disparaging it as the “worm view”, and he argues for the “stage view” version of fourdimensionalism instead. According to the stage view, everyday things like boats are instantaneous, and claims (...)
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  30.  34
    Adult anthropometric measures and socio-demographic factors influencing age at menarche of university students in malaysia.Md Golam Hossain, Ai-sze Wee, Maeirah Ashaie & T. Kamarul - 2013 - Journal of Biosocial Science 45 (5):705-717.
    SummaryEarly onset of menarche has been shown to be associated with breast cancer and ischaemic heart disease. Studies on age at menarche of the Malaysian population are poorly documented. This study aimed to determine the influence of anthropometric and socio-demographic factors on the age at menarche of university students in Malaysia. Data were obtained in 2010–11 from 961 students between the ages of 18 and 25 years from the University of Malaya using stratified sampling, and multiple regression analysis was applied. (...)
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  31.  19
    Prevalence and Associated Factors of Complains on Depression, Anxiety, and Stress in University Students: An Extensive Population-Based Survey in China.Yanling Yu, Wangwang Yan, Jiadan Yu, Yangfan Xu, Dan Wang & Yuling Wang - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Mental health issues are becoming increasingly prevalent amongst university students. However, research on the psychological profile of the general university population is relatively limited. Thus, this study analyses the current state of university students’ psychological conditions; the demographic differences in depression, anxiety, and stress and the influencing factors. The objectives are to provide additional appropriate guidance in mental health for university students with different demographic characteristics. A cross-sectional study of 6,032 university students nationwide was conducted from October 2020 to January (...)
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  32.  14
    The role of experience in science: proceedings of the 1986 Conference of the Académie international de philosophie des sciences (Bruxelles) held at the University of Heidelberg.Erhard Scheibe (ed.) - 1988 - New York: De Gruyter.
    ERHARD SCHEIBE Kant's Apriorism and Some Modern Positions The terms a priori and its counterpart a posteriori are of medieval origin.1 In the fourteenth ...
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  33.  44
    Cosmo-Metaphysics: The Origin of the Universe in Aristotelian and Chinese Philosophy.Mingjun Lu - 2017 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 16 (4):465-482.
    This essay compares Greek and Chinese conceptions of the origin of the world based on the concept of cosmo-metaphysics, by which I mean a philosophical scheme that addresses at once the law of the universe and the primary cause of substance or being. In regarding God or the first mover as both the cosmic and substantial principle of unity, Aristotle spells out a cosmo-metaphysics in his On the Universe and the Metaphysics. Aristotle’s cosmo-metaphysics, I propose, finds a close parallel in (...)
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  34. (2 other versions)Ethical perceptions of business students in a new zealand university: Do gender, age and work experience matter?Gabriel Eweje & Margaret Brunton - 2009 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 19 (1):95-111.
    Ethical issues at the workplace have once again become topical and important due to considerable adverse publicity surrounding reports of unethical business practices by corporate managers. Accordingly, this paper re-visits the question of whether gender, age and work experience do have an effect on ethical judgement, using 655 business students as respondents. This is necessary as business students are likely to become managers during their career and will face complex ethical concerns and dilemmas in their daily, routine affairs. The findings (...)
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  35.  39
    Linda Ehrsam Voigts;, Patricia Deery Kurtz . Scientific and Medical Writings in Old and Middle English: An Electronic Reference. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2001. $54.50, £45. [REVIEW]Peregrine Horden - 2002 - Isis 93 (2):364-364.
    It is better to exist than not to exist. That stage in the ontological argument can apply also to reference works: even if they display no more than a basic competence, their mere existence is extremely welcome. Of few scholarly fields can this be more true than of vernacular scientific writing in medieval England. Like their Latin counterparts, scientific and medical writings in Middle English are often anonymous or bear spurious attributions. They can be securely identified only by incipits. Their (...)
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    Philosophie des ressemblances contre philosophie des universaux chez Locke.Geneviève Brykman - 1995 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 100 (4):439 - 454.
    Tandis que l'histoire de la philosophie est traversée par la dichotomie entre le réalisme des universaux et le nominalisme, on tend à négliger la position intermédiaire — le conceptualisme — dont on a fait de Locke le plus illustre représentant, mais qu'on a tenu pour disqualifié par les célèbres critiques de Berkeley ou Leibniz. On peut cependant montrer que le conceptualisme est doublé d'une ontologie sous-jacente qui pourrait fournir aux philosophes contemporains une alternative originale à la philosophie des universaux. Whereas (...)
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  37. To be or not to be: Charles Beitz on the Philosophy of Human Rights: Charles R. Beitz: The Idea of Human Rights. Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2009, 256 pp.Adam Daniel Etinson - 2010 - Res Publica 16 (4):441-448.
    This is a review article of Charles Beitz's 2009 book on the philosophy of human rights, The Idea of Human Rights. The article provides a charitable overview of the book's main arguments, but also raises some doubts about the depth of the distinction between Beitz's 'practical' approach to humans rights and its 'naturalistic' counterparts.
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  38. Dilek Huseyinzadegan, Kant's Nonideal Theory of Politics (Northwestern University Press, 2019). [REVIEW]Jennifer Mensch - 2021 - SGIR Review 4 (1-2):127-132.
    In Dilek Huseyinzadegan’s analysis of Kant’s ‘impure’ politics what we have is a startling, innovative, and ultimately convincing portrait of Kant’s systematic attention to the material conditions underlying the everyday world of political subjects. Much as theorists have sought to enrich scholarly discussions of Kant’s moral philosophy by way of attention to Kant’s ‘practical anthropology’—the empirical counterpart to an a priori formal account of morals—in this book Huseyinzadegan provides us with a parallel look at Kant’s ‘political anthropology.’ By paying close (...)
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  39. A Letter from Kripke to Lewis.Saul A. Kripke - 2024 - In Yale Weiss & Romina Birman (eds.), Saul Kripke on Modal Logic. Cham: Springer. pp. 209-212.
    The following is a typeset copy of a letter sent by Saul Kripke to David Lewis on August 11, 1969 regarding the article “Counterpart Theory and Quantified Modal Logic” (Lewis, 1968). The original letter was typeset by Mimi Foster (indicated by the initials “mf” at the end of the letter) at Rockefeller University. In consultation with Saul Kripke, we corrected some typos, filled in blank formulas, and added three footnotes. Keywords have been added before the letter, references have been added (...)
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    An Exploratory Study of the Impact of Malaysian Ethics Education on Ethical Sensitivity.Maisarah Mohamed Saat, Stacey Porter & Gordon Woodbine - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics Education 7:39-62.
    This paper examines the effectiveness of ethics education provided by Malaysian universities. A total of 264 accounting students attending ethics courses in public and private universities responded to a pre and post questionnaire (treatment group) and another 57 students who did not complete an ethics course (control group) were included for comparative purposes. Statistical analysis reveals that business ethics courses are effective as students demonstrate higherlevel of ethical sensitivity upon completion of the course. In contrast, the control group students demonstrate (...)
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  41. Lewisian Themes: The Philosophy of David K. Lewis.Frank Jackson & Graham Priest (eds.) - 2004 - Oxford, England: Oxford University Press UK.
    David Lewis's untimely death on 14 October 2001 deprived the philosophical community of one of the outstanding philosophers of the 20th century. As many obituaries remarked, Lewis has an undeniable place in the history of analytical philosophy. His work defines much of the current agenda in metaphysics, philosophical logic, and the philosophy of mind and language. This volume, an expanded edition of a special issue of the Australasian Journal of Philosophy, covers many of the topics for which Lewis was well (...)
  42.  15
    Deep Rhetoric: Philosophy, Reason, Violence, Justice, Wisdom.James Crosswhite - 2013 - University of Chicago Press.
    “Rhetoric is the counterpart of logic,” claimed Aristotle. “Rhetoric is the first part of logic rightly understood,” Martin Heidegger concurred. “Rhetoric is the universal form of human communication,” opined Hans-Georg Gadamer. But in _Deep Rhetoric_, James Crosswhite offers a groundbreaking new conception of rhetoric, one that builds a definitive case for an understanding of the discipline as a philosophical enterprise beyond basic argumentation and is fully conversant with the advances of the New Rhetoric of Chaïm Perelman and Lucie Olbrechts-Tyteca. Chapter (...)
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  43. Cyclic Mechanics: the Principle of Cyclicity.Vasil Penchev - 2020 - Cosmology and Large-Scale Structure eJournal (Elsevier: SSRN) 2 (16):1-35.
    Cyclic mechanic is intended as a suitable generalization both of quantum mechanics and general relativity apt to unify them. It is founded on a few principles, which can be enumerated approximately as follows: 1. Actual infinity or the universe can be considered as a physical and experimentally verifiable entity. It allows of mechanical motion to exist. 2. A new law of conservation has to be involved to generalize and comprise the separate laws of conservation of classical and relativistic mechanics, and (...)
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  44. How to be an Epistemic Consequentialist.Daniel J. Singer - 2018 - Philosophical Quarterly 68 (272):580-602.
    Epistemic consequentialists think that epistemic norms are about believing the truth and avoiding error. Recently, a number of authors have rejected epistemic consequentialism on the basis that it incorrectly sanctions tradeoffs of epistemic goodness. Here, I argue that epistemic consequentialists should borrow two lessons from ethical consequentialists to respond to these worries. Epistemic consequentialists should construe their view as an account of right belief, which they distinguish from other notions like rational and justified belief. Epistemic consequentialists should also make their (...)
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  45. This Year's Nobel Prize (2022) in Physics for Entanglement and Quantum Information: the New Revolution in Quantum Mechanics and Science.Vasil Penchev - 2023 - Philosophy of Science eJournal (Elsevier: SSRN) 18 (33):1-68.
    The paper discusses this year’s Nobel Prize in physics for experiments of entanglement “establishing the violation of Bell inequalities and pioneering quantum information science” in a much wider, including philosophical context legitimizing by the authority of the Nobel Prize a new scientific area out of “classical” quantum mechanics relevant to Pauli’s “particle” paradigm of energy conservation and thus to the Standard model obeying it. One justifies the eventual future theory of quantum gravitation as belonging to the newly established quantum information (...)
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  46. Sidgwick's Philosophical Intuitions.Anthony Skelton - 2008 - Etica & Politica / Ethics & Politics 10 (2):185-209.
    Sidgwick famously claimed that an argument in favour of utilitarianism might be provided by demonstrating that a set of defensible philosophical intuitions undergird it. This paper focuses on those philosophical intuitions. It aims to show which specific intuitions Sidgwick endorsed, and to shed light on their mutual connections. It argues against many rival interpretations that Sidgwick maintained that six philosophical intuitions constitute the self-evident grounds for utilitarianism, and that those intuitions appear to be specifications of a negative principle of universalization (...)
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    One-Variable Fragments of First-Order Logics.Petr Cintula, George Metcalfe & Naomi Tokuda - 2024 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 30 (2):253-278.
    The one-variable fragment of a first-order logic may be viewed as an “S5-like” modal logic, where the universal and existential quantifiers are replaced by box and diamond modalities, respectively. Axiomatizations of these modal logics have been obtained for special cases—notably, the modal counterparts $\mathrm {S5}$ and $\mathrm {MIPC}$ of the one-variable fragments of first-order classical logic and first-order intuitionistic logic, respectively—but a general approach, extending beyond first-order intermediate logics, has been lacking. To this end, a sufficient criterion is given in (...)
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  48. Sensible qualities: The case of sound.Robert Pasnau - 2000 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 38 (1):27-40.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Journal of the History of Philosophy 38.1 (2000) 27-40 [Access article in PDF] Sensible Qualities: The Case of Sound Robert Pasnau University of Colorado 1. Background The Aristotelian tradition distinguishes the familiar five external senses from the less familiar internal senses. Aristotle himself did not in fact use this terminology of 'external' and 'internal,' but the division became common in the work of Arab and Hebrew philosophers, and in (...)
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    Cross‐Linguistic Differences in Processing Double‐Embedded Relative Clauses: Working‐Memory Constraints or Language Statistics?Stefan L. Frank, Thijs Trompenaars & Shravan Vasishth - 2016 - Cognitive Science 40 (3):554-578.
    An English double-embedded relative clause from which the middle verb is omitted can often be processed more easily than its grammatical counterpart, a phenomenon known as the grammaticality illusion. This effect has been found to be reversed in German, suggesting that the illusion is language specific rather than a consequence of universal working memory constraints. We present results from three self-paced reading experiments which show that Dutch native speakers also do not show the grammaticality illusion in Dutch, whereas both German (...)
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  50. God’s place in the world.Matthew James Collier - 2020 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 89 (1):43-65.
    Lewisian theism is the view that both traditional theism and Lewis’s modal realism are true. On Lewisian theism, God must exist in worlds in one of the following ways: God can be said to have a counterpart in each world; God can be said to exist in each world in the way that a universal can be said to exist in worlds, i.e. through transworld identity; God can be said to be a scattered individual, with a part of God existing (...)
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