Results for 'A. J. W. A. J. W.'

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  1. Interventions, underdetermination and theory generation. Romeijn, J.-W. & Williamson, J. - unknown
    Investigation of the use of intervention data in estimating parameters in a Bayesian network.
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  2. PRATT, J. B. -The Religious Consciousness: A Psychological Study. [REVIEW]J. W. S. J. W. S. - 1921 - Mind 30:368.
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    Papa Don’t Preach?Dax J. Kellie, Barnaby J. W. Dixson & Robert C. Brooks - 2020 - Human Nature 31 (3):222-248.
    The suppression of sexuality is culturally widespread, and women’s sexual promiscuity, activity, and enjoyment are almost always judged and punished more harshly than men’s. It remains disputed, however, to what end people suppress sexuality, and who benefits from the suppression of female sexuality. Different theories predict that women in general, men in general, women’s intimate partners, or parents benefit most. Here we use the lies women and men tell—or imagine telling—about their sexual histories as an indirect measure of who is (...)
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  4. Varieties of cognitive achievement.J. Adam Carter, Benjamin W. Jarvis & Katherine Rubin - 2015 - Philosophical Studies 172 (6):1603-1623.
    According to robust virtue epistemology , knowledge is type-identical with a particular species of cognitive achievement. The identification itself is subject to some criticism on the grounds that it fails to account for the anti-luck features of knowledge. Although critics have largely focused on environmental luck, the fundamental philosophical problem facing RVE is that it is not clear why it should be a distinctive feature of cognitive abilities that they ordinarily produce beliefs in a way that is safe. We propose (...)
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  5. E.-j. Marey's visual rhetoric and the graphic decomposition of the body.W. J. - 1995 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 26 (2):175-204.
  6. Belief without credence.J. Adam Carter, Benjamin W. Jarvis & Katherine Rubin - 2016 - Synthese 193 (8):2323-2351.
    One of the deepest ideological divides in contemporary epistemology concerns the relative importance of belief versus credence. A prominent consideration in favor of credence-based epistemology is the ease with which it appears to account for rational action. In contrast, cases with risky payoff structures threaten to break the link between rational belief and rational action. This threat poses a challenge to traditional epistemology, which maintains the theoretical prominence of belief. The core problem, we suggest, is that belief may not be (...)
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  7. Another way logic might be normative.J. W. Evershed - 2021 - Synthese 199 (3):5861-5881.
    Is logic normative for reasoning? In the wake of work by Gilbert Harman and John MacFarlane, this question has been reduced to: are there any adequate bridge principles which link logical facts to normative constraints on reasoning? Hitherto, defenders of the normativity of logic have exclusively focussed on identifying adequate validity bridge principles: principles linking validity facts—facts of the form 'gamma entails phi'—to normative constraints on reasoning. This paper argues for two claims. First, for the time being at least, Harman’s (...)
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    Exploring implicit and explicit aspects of sense of agency.P. C. Fletcher J. W. Moore, D. Middleton, P. Haggard - 2012 - Consciousness and Cognition 21 (4):1748.
    Sense of agency refers to the sense of initiating and controlling actions in order to influence events in the outside world. Recently, a distinction between implicit and explicit aspects of sense of agency has been proposed, analogous to distinctions found in other areas of cognition, notably learning. However, there is yet no strong evidence supporting separable implicit and explicit components of sense of agency. The so-called ‘Perruchet paradigm’ offers one of the few convincing demonstrations of separable implicit and explicit learning (...)
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    Comprehensively Critical Rationalism.J. W. N. Watkins - 1969 - Philosophy 44 (167):57 - 62.
    In his book The Retreat to Commitment Professor Bartley raised an important problem: can rationalism can rationalism be held in a rational way, that is, in a way that complies with its own requirements? Or is there bound to be something irrational in the rationalist's position? Briefly, Hartley's answer was that an element of irrationalism is involved in extant versions of rationalism; however, Bartley proposed a new version of rationalism that can, he claimed, be held in a way that is (...)
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    Symposium: Is a Science of Theology Possible?J. L. Stocks, J. W. Harvey & J. Laird - 1935 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 14 (1):186 - 213.
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    The motion of a wire through ice.J. W. Telford & J. S. Turner - 1963 - Philosophical Magazine 8 (87):527-531.
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    Contemporary Mind - Some Modern Answers.J. W. N. Sullivan - 2017 - H. Toulmin.
    "Contemporary Mind - Some Modern Answers" is a fantastic collection of essays by English science writer John W. Sullivan. They deal with a range of subjects, ranging from mysticism and immortality to the relationship between science and art. John William Navin Sullivan (1886 - 1937) was a literary journalist and popular science writer most famous for his study of Beethoven. He is also responsible for having written some of the earliest non-technical accounts of Einstein's General Theory of Relativity, and he (...)
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    Algebraic semantics for deductive systems.W. Blok & J. Rebagliato - 2003 - Studia Logica 74 (1-2):153 - 180.
    The notion of an algebraic semantics of a deductive system was proposed in [3], and a preliminary study was begun. The focus of [3] was the definition and investigation of algebraizable deductive systems, i.e., the deductive systems that possess an equivalent algebraic semantics. The present paper explores the more general property of possessing an algebraic semantics. While a deductive system can have at most one equivalent algebraic semantics, it may have numerous different algebraic semantics. All of these give rise to (...)
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  14.  53
    Between Analytic and Empirical.J. W. N. Watkins - 1957 - Philosophy 32 (121):112 - 131.
    One of the most serious pre-occupations of post-medieval philosophy has been to distinguish those kinds of assertion which are either true or false from those which are neither true nor false. A solution to this problem would be of the highest importance. It would indicate in what areas rational inquiry has some hope of success and in what areas it is doomed to frustration. It would tell us, for example, whether it is worth trying to think about the possible mistakenness (...)
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    Rigour and Reason: Essays in Honour of Hans Vilhelm Hansen.J. Anthony Blair & Christopher W. Tindale (eds.) - 2020 - University of Windsor.
    Built in the centre of Copenhagen, and noted for its equestrian stairway, the Rundetaarn, was intended as an astronomical observatory. Part of a complex of buildings that once included a university library, it affords expansive views of the city in every direction, towering above what surrounds it. The metaphor of the towering figure, who sees what others might not, whose vantage point allows him to visualize how things fit together, and who has an earned-stature of respect and authority, fits another (...)
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    Medical professionalism in the age of online social networking.J. S. Guseh, R. W. Brendel & D. H. Brendel - 2009 - Journal of Medical Ethics 35 (9):584-586.
    The rapid emergence and exploding usage of online social networking forums, which are frequented by millions, present clinicians with new ethical and professional challenges. Particularly among a younger generation of physicians and patients, the use of online social networking forums has become widespread. In this article, we discuss ethical challenges facing the patient–doctor relationship as a result of the growing use of online social networking forums. We draw upon one heavily used and highly trafficked forum, Facebook, to illustrate the elements (...)
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  17. Property and Justice.J. W. Harris - 2002 - Oxford University Press.
    When philosophers put forward claims for or against 'property', it is often unclear whether they are talking about the same thing that lawyers mean by 'property'. Likewise, when lawyers appeal to 'justice' in interpreting or criticizing legal rules we do not know if they have in mind something that philosophers would recognize as 'justice'. J. W. Harris here examines the legal and philosophical underpinnings of the concept of property and offers a new analytical framework for understanding property and justice.
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    Philosophical logic.J. W. Davis (ed.) - 1969 - Dordrecht,: D. Reidel.
    The purpose of this brief introduction is to describe the origin of the papers here presented and to acknowledge the help of some of the many individuals who were involved in the preparation of this volume. Of the eighteen papers, nine stem from the annual fall colloquium of the Depart ment of Philosophy at the University of Western Ontario held in London, Ontario from November 10 to November 12, 1967. The colloquium was entitled 'Philosophical Logic'. After some discussion, the editors (...)
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  19. Hypotheses and Inductive Predictions.J. -W. Romeyn - 2004 - Synthese 141 (3):333-364.
    This paper studies the use of hypotheses schemes in generatinginductive predictions. After discussing Carnap–Hintikka inductive logic,hypotheses schemes are defined and illustrated with two partitions. Onepartition results in the Carnapian continuum of inductive methods, the otherresults in predictions typical for hasty generalization. Following theseexamples I argue that choosing a partition comes down to making inductiveassumptions on patterns in the data, and that by choosing appropriately anyinductive assumption can be made. Further considerations on partitions makeclear that they do not suggest any solution (...)
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    Galileo's Claim to Fame: The Proof that the Earth Moves From the Evidence of the Tides.W. R. J. Shea - 1970 - British Journal for the History of Science 5 (2):111-127.
    Until fairly recently a common way of doing history of science was to pick up an important strand of contemporary scientific thought and to trace its origin back to the philosophical tangle of the scientific revolution. This approach conveniently by-passed the breakdowns of once useful and pervasive theories, and neglected the long intellectual journeys along devious routes. History of science read like a success story; the pioneers who failed were neither dismissed nor excused; they were simply ignored. The historian knew (...)
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  21.  49
    Passing thoughts on the evolutionary stability of implicit motor behaviour: Performance retention under physiological fatigue.J. M. Poolton, R. S. W. Masters & J. P. Maxwell - 2007 - Consciousness and Cognition 16 (2):456-468.
    Heuristics of evolutionary biology dictate that phylogenetically older processes are inherently more stable and resilient to disruption than younger processes. On the grounds that non-declarative behaviour emerged long before declarative behaviour, Reber argues that implicit learning is supported by neural processes that are evolutionarily older than those supporting explicit learning. Reber suggested that implicit learning thus leads to performance that is more robust than explicit learning. Applying this evolutionary framework to motor performance, we examined whether implicit motor learning, relative to (...)
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    Tarski's theory of definability: common themes in descriptive set theory, recursive function theory, classical pure logic, and finite-universe logic.J. W. Addison - 2004 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 126 (1-3):77-92.
    Although the theory of definability had many important antecedents—such as the descriptive set theory initiated by the French semi-intuitionists in the early 1900s—the main ideas were first laid out in precise mathematical terms by Alfred Tarski beginning in 1929. We review here the basic notions of languages, explicit definability, and grammatical complexity, and emphasize common themes in the theories of definability for four important languages underlying, respectively, descriptive set theory, recursive function theory, classical pure logic, and finite-universe logic. We review (...)
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    Temporal Parts and Spatio-Temporal Analogies.J. W. Meiland - 1966 - American Philosophical Quarterly 3 (1):64 - 70.
    To what extent is time similar to space? in this paper it is shown that the claim, Made by richard taylor among others, That time and space are "radically alike" is unfounded. This claim can be supported only by employing the notion of temporal parts. It is shown that if objects are regarded as having temporal parts as well as spatial parts, Then serious disanalogies exist between time and space. Furthermore, If objects are said to have temporal parts, Then it (...)
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  24. Double Trouble for Logical Pluralists.J. W. Evershed - 2021 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 121 (3):411-424.
    According to tradition, logic is normative for reasoning. According to many contemporary philosophers of logic, there is more than one correct logic. What is the relationship between these two strands of thought? This paper makes two claims. First, logic is doubly normative for reasoning because, in addition to constraining the combinations of beliefs that we may have, logic also constrains the methods by which we may form them. Second, given that logic is doubly normative for reasoning, a wide array of (...)
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    Alpha, Omega, and the Letters in Between: LGBTQI Conservative Christians Undoing Gender.J. E. Sumerau, Theresa W. Tobin & Dawne Moon - 2019 - Gender and Society 33 (4):583-606.
    Sociologists studying gender have debated West and Zimmerman’s premise that “doing gender is unavoidable,” seeking to ascertain whether people can “undo” or only “redo” gender. While sociologists have been correct to focus on the interactional accomplishment of gender, they have neglected one of Garfinkel’s key insights about interaction: that people hold each other accountable to particular narratives. Neglecting the narrative aspect of doing—and undoing—gender impedes our ability to recognize processes of social change. Based on a qualitative study, we show how (...)
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    Relational Phenomenology: Individual Experience and Social Meaning in Buddhist Meditation.W. Vogd & J. Harth - 2019 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 26 (7-8):238-267.
    Buddhist meditation practices presuppose that the abstract doctrines of Buddhist teachings can be transformed into individual experiences. In contrast to the assumption of a merely solipsistic phenomenology which focuses on first-person perspectives alone, we would like to propose a sociological extension of this perspective to a relational perspective that includes specific world- and selfreferences. With the empirical case of a long-time practitioner of Theravada Buddhism, we show how the primary focus on individual experiences may be misleading in terms of Buddhist (...)
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  27. On the morality of artificial agents.Luciano Floridi & J. W. Sanders - 2004 - Minds and Machines 14 (3):349-379.
    Artificial agents (AAs), particularly but not only those in Cyberspace, extend the class of entities that can be involved in moral situations. For they can be conceived of as moral patients (as entities that can be acted upon for good or evil) and also as moral agents (as entities that can perform actions, again for good or evil). In this paper, we clarify the concept of agent and go on to separate the concerns of morality and responsibility of agents (most (...)
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    Literary Texts from the Fayûm.J. W. B. Barns - 1949 - Classical Quarterly 43 (1-2):1-.
    These texts, the property of the Egypt Exploration Society, were purchased, together with other literary and documentary material, from a Greek lady at Medînet-el-Faiyûm by Dr. J. de M. Johnson in 1914. I am grateful to the Secretary of the Society for permission to publish them.
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  29. William H. Poteat.J. W. Stines - 2008 - Tradition and Discovery 38 (2):39-43.
    As is well known among readers of Tradition and Discovery, William H. Poteat was a central influence in bringing Michael Polanyi to the attention of American scholars and, particularly, to the interest of scholarship in religion and theology. Poteat’s own work was heavily impacted by Polanyi. In turn, Polanyi’s affiliationwith Poteat at Duke and elsewhere clearly impressed and edified Polanyi and led to Polanyi’s request for Poteat’s collaboration with him on Meaning and to the prospect of Polanyi’s coming to Duke (...)
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    Provably games.J. P. Aguilera & D. W. Blue - forthcoming - Journal of Symbolic Logic:1-22.
    We isolate two abstract determinacy theorems for games of length $\omega_1$ from work of Neeman and use them to conclude, from large-cardinal assumptions and an iterability hypothesis in the region of measurable Woodin cardinals thatif the Continuum Hypothesis holds, then all games of length $\omega_1$ which are provably $\Delta_1$ -definable from a universally Baire parameter are determined;all games of length $\omega_1$ with payoff constructible relative to the play are determined; andif the Continuum Hypothesis holds, then there is a model of (...)
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    The burning fuse: The unacceptable face of religion.J. W. Bowker - 1986 - Zygon 21 (4):415-438.
    For pragmatic reasons more attention should be devoted to the serious study of religion. Although religions inspire great achievements of human creativity, it is important to understand them because they also promote violence and warfare. One can understand the unacceptable face of religion when one sees why religions matter to those who belong to them; why they are bound to be conservative, especially in times of stress; and why, therefore, believers become very passionate about defending the boundaries of their particular (...)
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    Greek Dance.J. W. Fitton - 1973 - Classical Quarterly 23 (2):254-274.
    Many books have been written on Greek dance. The fault which bedevils a large number of them is that their authors have tried to recreate the movements of the dances from the artistic evidence without taking into account the conventions of Greek vase-painting and sculpture. Other books, and they are the most useful, set out the literary and the artistic evidence without attempting to reconstruct the dances. Rarely, however, are the wider implications considered, and it is these which I wish (...)
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    Hypotheses and Inductive Predictions.J. W. Romeyn - 2004 - Synthese 141 (3):333-364.
    This paper studies the use of hypotheses schemes in generatinginductive predictions. After discussing Carnap–Hintikka inductive logic,hypotheses schemes are defined and illustrated with two partitions. Onepartition results in the Carnapian continuum of inductive methods, the otherresults in predictions typical for hasty generalization. Following theseexamples I argue that choosing a partition comes down to making inductiveassumptions on patterns in the data, and that by choosing appropriately anyinductive assumption can be made. Further considerations on partitions makeclear that they do not suggest any solution (...)
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    An alternative approach to quantum phenomena.J. W. G. Wignall - 1988 - Foundations of Physics 18 (6):591-624.
    This paper outlines the qualitative foundations of a “quasiclassical” theory in which particles are pictured as spatially extended periodic excitations of a universal background field, interacting with each other via nonlinearity in the equations of motion for that field, and undergoing collapse to a much smaller volume if and when they are detected. The theory is based as far as possible directly on experiment, rather than on the existing quantum mechanical formalism, and it offers simple physical interpretations of such concepts (...)
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    De Broglie waves and the nature of mass.J. W. G. Wignall - 1985 - Foundations of Physics 15 (2):207-227.
    In this paper an attempt is made to interpret inertial mass as a consequence of the invariant periodicity associated with physical de Broglie waves. In the case of a free particle, such waves, observed from an arbitrary reference frame, would exhibit the velocity-dependent wavelength given by de Broglie's relation; and it is conjectured that the inertial and additive properties of mass (or, more precisely, the conservation of momentum and energy) can be related to nonlinear interference effects occurring between the de (...)
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    Praxiologies and the Philosophy of Economics.J. Lee Auspitz, Wojciech W. Gasparski, Marek K. Mlicki & Klemens Szaniawski (eds.) - 1992 - Transaction Publishers.
    This breakthrough volume integrates European, British, and American scholarship in advanced areas of philosophy and decision theory. Contributions cover a broad area of economics--from criticism of institutional economics to examination of the role of induction in economic forecasting.
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  37. The unfinished theatre.J. W. Dalton - 1997 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 4 (4):316.
    Can we understand conscious experience? It can seem that the answer is ‘no’. Even when we have well-supported cognitive accounts of consciousness, such as global workspace theory, experience itself seems to elude our grasp. It is easy to see how a global workspace might be a useful adaptation, much harder to see what role is played by conscious experience. For instance, if I'm looking for a blue notebook, why do I need to experience colours? Why wouldn't it suffice to have (...)
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    Mystery and nothingness: the christian conception of call in the perspective of Jean-Paul Sartre.J. W. Olson - 2022 - International Journal of Philosophy and Theology 83 (4):221-239.
    ABSTRACT This essay explores the possibility for a phenomenology of Christian vocational calling through conversation with Jean-Paul Sartre’s existential-ontology. By demonstrating how Sartre’s account of nothingness comports with a Rahnerian understanding of God as absolute mystery and how Sartre’s account of bad faith further opens up an understanding of ontological self-identity as a turn away from God, we can establish a phenomenology of Christian vocation as one’s owning each finite situation in terms of its divinely available possibilities rather than simply (...)
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  39. Materie en energie.J. J. W. Berghuys - 1956 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 18 (3):327-346.
    Le but de cet article est d'examiner à fonds les relations qu'il y a entre les données de la science sur la matière et l'énergie, et les notions philosophiques de substance et d'accident. Il s'agit ici spécialement des deux questions suivantes : d'abord, doit-ön appeler vraiment exacte l'expression : « la matière se transforme en énergie » et ensuite : peut-on vraiment dire qu'il n'y ait pas de matière dans l'espace vide d'air ? C'est de propos délibéré que nous avons (...)
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  40. Tijd en begin.J. J. W. Berghuys - 1957 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 19 (2):181-216.
    Peut-être que jusqu'ici dans les recherches philosophiques sur la nature du temps on a attribué trop peu d'attention à la distinction entre « temps » comme catégorie mathématique d'une part, et « temps » comme il est réalisé dans des processus et des périodes d'autre part. Quand on essaie de combler ce vide, on éprouve le besoin d'impliquer dans ses considérations l'apparition fréquente de « nouveauté » et de « commencement ». C'est pourquoi on examine dans la première partie de (...)
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    Person and object by Roderick M. Chisholm.J. W. Roxbee Cox - 1977 - Philosophical Books 18 (2):84-86.
    PERSON AND OBJECT by Roderick M. Chisholm. U.K.: Allen & Unwin; U.S.A.: Humanities Press, 1976. 230 pp. £7.25.
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    Complete infinitary type logics.J. W. Degen - 1999 - Studia Logica 63 (1):85-119.
    For each regular cardinal κ, we set up three systems of infinitary type logic, in which the length of the types and the length of the typed syntactical constructs are $\Sigma _{}$, the global system $\text{g}\Sigma _{}$ and the τ-system $\tau \Sigma _{}$. A full cut elimination theorem is proved for the local systems, and about the τ-systems we prove that they admit cut-free proofs for sequents in the τ-free language common to the local and global systems. These two results (...)
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    Interpersonal emotion regulation strategy choice in younger and older adults.J. W. Gurera, Hannah E. Wolfe, Matthew W. E. Murry & Derek M. Isaacowitz - 2022 - Cognition and Emotion 36 (4):643-659.
    When managing their emotions, individuals often recruit the help of others; however, most emotion regulation research has focused on self-regulation. Theories of emotion and aging suggest younger and older adults differ in the emotion regulation strategies they use when regulating their own emotions. If how individuals regulate their own emotions and the emotions of others are related, these theorised age differences may also emerge for interpersonal emotion regulation. In two studies, younger and older adults’ intrapersonal and interpersonal emotion regulation strategy (...)
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  44. The evidential significance of thought experiment in science.W. J. - 1996 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 27 (2):233-250.
    The most promising way to regard thought experiment is as a species of experiment, alongside concrete experiment. Of the authors who take this view, many portray thought experiment as possessing evidential significance intrinsically. In contrast, concrete experiment is nowadays most convincingly portrayed as acquiring evidential significance in a particular area of science at a particular time in consequence of the persuasive efforts of scientists. I argue that the claim that thought experiment possesses evidential significance intrinsically is contradicted by the history (...)
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    Cosmic Purpose.J. W. Harvey - 1931 - Philosophy 6 (23):295 - 306.
    The phrase “Cosmic Purpose” and others akin to it are familiar enough, particularly in the literature of edification. It is the aim of this article to examine the idea the words convey rather more closely than we do in our common use of them; to deflate the expression, so to speak, of those gaseous suggestions of “uplift” which too often hang about it. The question involved is, of course, in what sense, if in any, purpose may be attributed to the (...)
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    Community Purpose and the Nazi Lesson.J. W. Harvey - 1944 - Philosophy 19 (74):195 - 215.
    Contemplating the catastrophic course of the Nazi Revolution we may well find it all too easy to see nothing in the spectacle but the nether darkness made visible; and if we are advised that it is not merely permissible but highly advisable to learn from the enemy, we may be tempted to think that whatever the Nazi war-machine has to teach the strategist and the technician, the political history of Germany in the last decade, and in particular the political ideology (...)
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  47. Plato and the "socratic fallacy".W. J. - 1998 - Phronesis 43 (2):97-113.
    Since Peter Geach coined the phrase in 1966 there has been much discussion among scholars of the "Socratic fallacy." No consensus presently exists on whether Socrates commits the "Socratic fallacy"; almost all scholars agree, however, that the "Socratic fallacy" is a bad thing and that Socrates has good reason to avoid it. I think that this consensus of scholars is mistaken. I think that what Geach has labeled a fallacy is no fallacy at all, but a perfectly innocent consequence of (...)
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    Homodyne in the Fourth Foot of the Vergilian Hexameter.W. F. J. Knight - 1931 - Classical Quarterly 25 (3-4):184-.
    It is sufficiently probable that quantitative scansion in Latin, imposed on a language in which accentuation by stress was alone significant originally, not only gave way to the earlier principle in the decline of Latin literature, but scarcely tended to suppress it at any time in common speech and in familiar writing. It is also probable therefore that even in literature dominated by quantity stress-accentuation was not obliterated altogether. In fact the incidences of it, in Vergilian verse at least, seemed (...)
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    Dactylepitriti an Metra Choriambo-Ionica?W. J. W. Koster - 1934 - Classical Quarterly 28 (3-4):145-.
    Quomodo versus lyrici legendi sint, plerumque inter metricos constat, licet de origine singulorum versuum vel colorum dubia moveantur; at ne illud quidem confirmari potest in genere illo peculiari, quo multae strophae Pindari et Bacchylidis et nonnullae poétarum scenicorum compositae sunt. Quod in talibus versibus maxime conspicuum est, hoc est, quod metra τоû σоυ et διπλασíоυ γéνоυς; in eis coniunguntur vel coniungi videntur, ita, ut ambitus utriusque partis aut par aut non multum maior minorve sit. lam antiqui metrici parum compertum habebant, (...)
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    Continuity in Georg Lukács theory of literary realism.J. W. Payne - unknown
    This thesis attempts to show that Georg Lukacs' Marxist theory of realism is best understood, not as a self sufficient body of theory, but in the context of his pre- Marxist theory of literature and his,role in the Communist movement, A comparison of the theory expounded in "Die Seele and die Fonaen" and "Die Theorie des Romans" with the main positions of "Geschichte und Kiassenbewusstsein" reveals that it was remarkably easy for Lukacs to accommodate his literary theory within the newly-acquired (...)
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