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Alessandro Stievano [13]A. Stievano [3]
  1.  31
    The dignity of the nursing profession.Laura Sabatino, Alessandro Stievano, Gennaro Rocco, Hanna Kallio, Anna-Maija Pietila & Mari K. Kangasniemi - 2014 - Nursing Ethics 21 (6):659-672.
    Background: Nursing continues to gain legitimation epistemologically and ontologically as a scientific discipline throughout the world. If a profession gains respect as a true autonomous scientific profession, then this recognition has to be put in practice in all environments and geographical areas. Nursing professional dignity, as a self-regarding concept, does not have a clear definition in the literature, and it has only begun to be analyzed in the last 10 years. Objectives: The purpose of this meta-synthesis was to determine the (...)
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  2.  40
    Nursing’s professional respect as experienced by hospital and community nurses.Alessandro Stievano, Sue Bellass, Gennaro Rocco, Douglas Olsen, Laura Sabatino & Martin Johnson - 2018 - Nursing Ethics 25 (5):665-683.
    Background: There is growing awareness that patient care suffers when nurses are not respected. Therefore, to improve outcomes for patients, it is crucial that nurses operate in a moral work environment that involves both recognition respect, a form of respect that ought to be accorded to every single person, and appraisal respect, a recognition of the relative and contingent value of respect modulated by the relationships of the healthcare professionals in a determined context. Research question/aim: The purpose of this study (...)
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  3.  78
    Professional dignity in nursing in clinical and community workplaces.Alessandro Stievano, Maria Grazia De Marinis, Maria Teresa Russo, Gennaro Rocco & Rosaria Alvaro - 2012 - Nursing Ethics 19 (3):341-356.
    The purpose of this qualitative study was to analyse nurses’ professional dignity in their everyday working lives. We explored the factors that affect nursing professional dignity in practice that emerge in relationships with health professionals, among clinical nurses working in hospitals and in community settings in central Italy. The main themes identified were: (i) nursing professional dignity perceived as an achievement; (ii) recognition of dignity beyond professional roles. These two concepts are interconnected. This study provides insights into professional dignity in (...)
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  4.  46
    Professional dignity in nursing in clinical and community workplaces.A. Stievano, M. G. D. Marinis, M. T. Russo, G. Rocco & R. Alvaro - 2012 - Nursing Ethics 19 (3):341-356.
    The purpose of this qualitative study was to analyse nurses’ professional dignity in their everyday working lives. We explored the factors that affect nursing professional dignity in practice that emerge in relationships with health professionals, among clinical nurses working in hospitals and in community settings in central Italy. The main themes identified were: (i) nursing professional dignity perceived as an achievement; (ii) recognition of dignity beyond professional roles. These two concepts are interconnected. This study provides insights into professional dignity in (...)
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  5.  39
    Nurses’ perceptions of professional dignity in hospital settings.Laura Sabatino, Mari Katariina Kangasniemi, Gennaro Rocco, Rosaria Alvaro & Alessandro Stievano - 2016 - Nursing Ethics 23 (3):277-293.
    Background: The concept of dignity can be divided into two main attributes: absolute dignity that calls for recognition of an inner worth of persons and social dignity that can be changeable and can be lost as a result of different social factors and moral behaviours. In this light, the nursing profession has a professional dignity that is to be continually constructed and re-constructed and involves both main attributes of dignity. Objectives: The purpose of this study was to determine how nurses (...)
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  6.  43
    Code of Ethics and Conduct for European Nursing.Loredana Sasso, Alessandro Stievano, Máximo González Jurado & Gennaro Rocco - 2008 - Nursing Ethics 15 (6):821-836.
    A main identifying factor of professions is professionals' willingness to comply with ethical and professional standards, often defined in a code of ethics and conduct. In a period of intense nursing mobility, if the public are aware that health professionals have committed themselves to the drawing up of a code of ethics and conduct, they will have more trust in the health professional they choose, especially if this person comes from another European Member State. The Code of Ethics and Conduct (...)
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  7.  21
    Public health nurses’ professional dignity: An interview study in Finland.Alessandro Stievano, Mari Mynttinen, Gennaro Rocco & Mari Kangasniemi - 2022 - Nursing Ethics 29 (6):1503-1517.
    Background Dignity is a central human value supported by nurses’ professional ethics. In previous studies, nurses in clinical practice have experienced that dignity increased their work well-being and pride of work. Dignity is also strictly interweaved to professional identity in the different nursing’ roles, but little is known about dignity among public health nurses and primary care settings. Purpose This study aimed to describe the perceptions of nursing's professional dignity of public health nurses in primary care in Finland. Research design (...)
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  8.  51
    A proto-code of ethics and conduct for European nurse directors.A. Stievano, M. G. D. Marinis, D. Kelly, J. Filkins, I. Meyenburg-Altwarg, M. Petrangeli & V. Tschudin - 2012 - Nursing Ethics 19 (2):279-288.
    The proto-code of ethics and conduct for European nurse directors was developed as a strategic and dynamic document for nurse managers in Europe. It invites critical dialogue, reflective thinking about different situations, and the development of specific codes of ethics and conduct by nursing associations in different countries. The term proto-code is used for this document so that specifically country-orientated or organization-based and practical codes can be developed from it to guide professionals in more particular or situation-explicit reflection and values. (...)
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  9.  59
    A proto-code of ethics and conduct for European nurse directors.Alessandro Stievano, Maria Grazia De Marinis, Denise Kelly, Jacqueline Filkins, Iris Meyenburg-Altwarg, Mauro Petrangeli & Verena Tschudin - 2012 - Nursing Ethics 19 (2):279-288.
    The proto-code of ethics and conduct for European nurse directors was developed as a strategic and dynamic document for nurse managers in Europe. It invites critical dialogue, reflective thinking about different situations, and the development of specific codes of ethics and conduct by nursing associations in different countries. The term proto-code is used for this document so that specifically country-orientated or organization-based and practical codes can be developed from it to guide professionals in more particular or situation-explicit reflection and values. (...)
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  10.  10
    Spirituality in nursing: A concept analysis.Carla Murgia, Ippolito Notarnicola, Gennaro Rocco & Alessandro Stievano - 2020 - Nursing Ethics 27 (5):1327-1343.
    Background: Spirituality has always been present in the history of nursing and continues to be a topic of nursing interest. Spirituality has ancient roots. The term ‘spirituality’ is interpreted as spirit and is translated as breath and soul, whereas spirituality (immateriality) is spiritual nature. Historically, the term spirituality is associated with the term religiosity, a definition that persists today, and often the two terms are used interchangeably. In the healthcare context, the construct is still. Objective To clarify the concept of (...)
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  11.  8
    Ethical challenges and nursing recruitment during COVID-19.Alessandro Stievano, Duncan Hamilton & Mukul Bakhshi - 2021 - Nursing Ethics 28 (1):6-8.
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  12.  74
    Nurses' perceptions of their professional rights.M. Kangasniemi, A. Stievano & A. -M. Pietila - 2013 - Nursing Ethics 20 (4):0969733012466001.
    The purpose of this study, which is part of a wider study of professional ethics, was to describe nurses’ perceptions of their rights in Italy. The data were collected by open-ended focus group interviews and analyzed with inductive content analysis. Based on the analysis, three main themes were identified. The first theme “Unfamiliarity with rights” described nurses’ perception that their rights mirrored historical roots, educational content, and nurses’ and patients’ position in the society. The second theme, “Rights reflected in legislation” (...)
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  13.  8
    Moral injury and mental health outcomes in nurses: A systematic review.Giuliano Anastasi, Francesco Gravante, Paola Barbato, Stefano Bambi, Alessandro Stievano & Roberto Latina - forthcoming - Nursing Ethics.
    Introduction: Moral injury involves the adverse psychological, biological, spiritual, behavioural, and social consequences of actions that violate moral values. It can lead to anxiety, depression, burnout, and post-traumatic stress disorder. Nurses, who often face ethical dilemmas, are particularly vulnerable. Despite its significance, the relationship between moral injury and mental health outcomes in nurses remains underexplored. Aim: This systematic review aimed to describe the associations among moral injury, anxiety, depression, and quality of life in nurses. Methods: The review was registered in (...)
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  14.  10
    Psychometric testing of the nurses professional values scale-revised on family and community health nurses.Giulia Gasperini, Erika Renzi, Azzurra Massimi, Rocco Mazzotta, Alessandro Stievano, Angelo Cianciulli, Paolo Villari & Maddalena De Maria - 2024 - Nursing Ethics 31 (5):791-804.
    Background Family and Community Health Nurses (FCHNs) are at a higher risk of experiencing emotional exhaustion and feelings of low personal accomplishment. Higher levels of professional identity may decrease these negative feelings. Its measurement could produce positive effects for FCHNs and the quality of care they offer. Aim This study aims to evaluate the psychometric properties (validity and reliability) of the Nurses Professional Values Scale-Revised (NPVS-R) on FCHNs in Italy. Research design A cross-sectional research design was used. Participants and research (...)
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  15.  6
    Nurses’ perceptions of their professional rights.Mari Kangasniemi, Alessandro Stievano & Anna-Maija Pietilä - 2013 - Nursing Ethics 20 (4):459-469.
    The purpose of this study, which is part of a wider study of professional ethics, was to describe nurses’ perceptions of their rights in Italy. The data were collected by open-ended focus group interviews and analyzed with inductive content analysis. Based on the analysis, three main themes were identified. The first theme “Unfamiliarity with rights” described nurses’ perception that their rights mirrored historical roots, educational content, and nurses’ and patients’ position in the society. The second theme, “Rights reflected in legislation” (...)
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  16.  22
    An error of arrogance.Alessandro Stievano & Douglas Olsen - 2017 - Nursing Ethics 24 (1):111-113.
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