  1.  45
    The impact of perceived self-efficacy on mental time travel and social problem solving.Adam D. Brown, Michelle L. Dorfman, Charles R. Marmar & Richard A. Bryant - 2012 - Consciousness and Cognition 21 (1):299-306.
    Current models of autobiographical memory suggest that self-identity guides autobiographical memory retrieval. Further, the capacity to recall the past and imagine one’s self in the future can influence social problem solving. We examined whether manipulating self-identity, through an induction task in which students were led to believe they possessed high or low self-efficacy, impacted episodic specificity and content of retrieved and imagined events, as well as social problem solving. Compared to individuals in the low self efficacy group, individuals in the (...)
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    Memory Specificity Training for Depression and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: A Promising Therapeutic Intervention.Mina N. Erten & Adam D. Brown - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Myths, Misperceptions, and Policy Learning: Comparing Healthcare in the United States and Canada.Gregory P. Marchildon, Capri S. Cafaro & Adalsteinn Brown - 2018 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 46 (4):833-837.
    The U.S. and Canadian health care systems are more similar than is commonly believed. This article debunks some of the powerful myths about these health care systems and opens up the discussion for greater policy learning from both sides of the border. Cross-border comparisons can yield a number of lessons from common policy challenges such as cost control, physician organization and payment, and the organization of health coverage and services for Native Americans and Indigenous Canadians.
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    Nous ne nous annulerons pas.Adrienne Maree Brown & Yves Citton - 2022 - Multitudes 88 (3):85-86.
    Ce bref texte en forme de manifeste rappelle que les mouvements de transformation sociale dirigés vers davantage de justice sont d’autant plus forts que leurs membres reconnaissent avec lucidité et compassion leurs propres implications dans les mécanismes générateurs de violences. Plutôt que des gestes de condamnation et d’annulation ( cancel ), ce sont donc des attitudes d’écoute, de soutien et de solidarité active qui sont requis.
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    Homeric talents and the ethics of exchange.Adam Brown - 1998 - Journal of Hellenic Studies 118:165-172.
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    Memory's Malleability: Its Role in Shaping Collective Memory and Social Identity.Adam D. Brown, Nicole Kouri & William Hirst - 2012 - Frontiers in Psychology 3.
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    Pensées impensables.Adrienne Maree Brown, Emma Bigé & Camille Noûs - 2022 - Multitudes 88 (3):69-76.
    Dans cette réflexion surgie des premières expériences de la pandémie du Covid-19, l’autrice met en écho nos peurs et nos réactions face aux dangers de la maladie et face aux actes de violence. Les condamnations sommaires et instantanées auxquelles les militant·es se livrent sur les réseaux sociaux reproduisent partiellement des dynamiques de lynchage dont il faut apprendre à davantage se méfier. Avec la distance de l’abstentiel, il est parfois plus facile de dénoncer ( call-out ) les mauvais comportements, que d’interpeler (...)
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    Time travel on the instalment plan: The index and future form in building.Adam Brown - 2012 - Philosophy of Photography 3 (1):141-153.
    The contemporary architectural rendering, digitally engineered and published in advance of construction, has come to resemble an image of an existing building so closely that it is hard to tell future from past. In constructing an appearance of an existing lived reality, which previously arose from the camera's re-presentation of the trace of past circumstances, has it now become possible to speak of the trace of future events? With regard to property as commodity, the more believable these projected forms, the (...)
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    The role of intergenerational family stories in mental health and wellbeing.Alexa Elias & Adam D. Brown - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Patterns of memory sharing begin early in one’s life, informing relationships, one’s history, and one’s sense of cultural belonging. Memory sharing among families has been the focus of research investigating the relationship between mental health and intergenerational memory. A burgeoning body of research is showing that intergenerational knowledge of one’s family history is associated with positive mental health and wellbeing. However, research on the specific mechanisms and potential applications of such findings are just beginning to emerge. In particular, studies examining (...)
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    Neuropsychological Predictors of Trauma Centrality in OIF/OEF Veterans.Roland P. Hart, Rohini Bagrodia, Nadia Rahman, Richard A. Bryant, Roseann Titcombe-Parekh, Charles R. Marmar & Adam D. Brown - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Editorial: Post-traumatic Stress in the Family.Danny Horesh & Adam D. Brown - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Autobiographical Memory and Future Thinking Specificity and Content in Chronic Pain.Stella R. Quenstedt, Jillian N. Sucher, Kendall A. Pfeffer, Roland Hart & Adam D. Brown - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Chronic pain is associated with high levels of mental health issues and alterations in cognitive processing. Cognitive-behavioral models illustrate the role of memory alterations in the development and maintenance of chronic pain as well as in mental health disorders which frequently co-occur with chronic pain. This study aims to expand our understanding of specific cognitive mechanisms underlying chronic pain which may in turn shed light on cognitive processes underlying pain-related psychological distress. Individuals who reported a history of chronic pain and (...)
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    Mental Time Travel in Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: Current Gaps and Future Directions.Nadia Rahman & Adam D. Brown - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
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  14. The perils of evolution-as-progress metaphor : challenging ideas of naturalness, normalcy, and adequacy in Brazilian and Canadian science education.Giuliano Reis, Adam Oliver Brown, Delano Silva & Ana Julia Pedreira - 2019 - In Alandeom W. Oliveira & Kristin Leigh Cook (eds.), Evolution education and the rise of the creationist movement in Brazil. Lanham: Lexington Books.
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    African-American males prefer a larger female body silhouette than do whites.Ellen F. Rosen, Adolph Brown, Jennifer Braden, Herman W. Dorsett, Dawna N. Franklin, Ronald A. Garlington, Valerie E. Kent, Tonya T. Lewis & Linda C. Petty - 1993 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 31 (6):599-601.
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