Results for 'Adaptation (Physiologie) '

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    L'épistémologie de Maupertuis entre Leibniz et Newton : physique et physiologie.François Duchesneau - 1984 - Revue de Synthèse 105 (113-114):7-36.
    Maupertuis conflates Leibnizian arguments with a form of empiricism which Locke and Newton had inspired. In physics, he applies an optimum principle in order to generate a « system » ; and his teleology of the maximum saving is meant to counterbalance apparent discontinuities within empirical properties and laws. In physiology, the Leibnizian model is put to a different use. The Vénus physique suggests that the elementary organic parts are so adapted as to combine and reproduce a living organism ; (...)
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  2. Wo men wei shen me sheng bing.Randolph M. Nesse & George C. Williams - 2018 - Changsha Shi: Hunan ke xue ji shu chu ban she. Translated by Fan Yi & Kuanping Yu.
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    III. Zur aufteilung der ökologie in autökologie und synökologie, im lichte der ideen AlS grundlage der systematik der zoologischen disziplinen.C. J. van der Klaauw - 1936 - Acta Biotheoretica 2 (3):195-241.
    As we owe the division of ecology into autecology and synecology to botanists, the arguments for this subdivision and also the definitions and contents of both subsciences as given bySchröter, Flahault &Schröter, Gams andDu Rietz are communicated in full. The same is the case with the division of ecology given by the zoologistsAdams andChapman. Moreover the opinions of these authors in this respect are critisized in detail as well as in their general aspects. This critique is connected with the author's (...)
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    Dexterity and Degeneracy, for a “Neural Phenomenology”.Carmela Morabito - 2015 - Les Cahiers Philosophiques de Strasbourg 38:225-239.
    Mettant en perspective historique le parallèle entre sciences cognitives et phénoménologie, nous revenons sur « l’architecture ouverte », qui pour Bernstein expliquait la richesse du comportement à la lumière de la physiologie cérébrale. Sa conception de la « dextérité » sera interprétée en rapport à la « dégénérescence » du système nerveux au sens d’Edelman, de façon à mettre au jour les « contraintes dynamiques » entre l’environnement, le corps humain sensori-moteur et le cerveau. Les deux concepts renvoient, en (...)
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    The embodied mind: understanding the mysteries of cellular memory, consciousness, and our bodies.Thomas R. Verny - 2021 - New York, NY: Pegasus Books.
    We understand the workings of the human body as a series of interdependent physiological relationships: muscle interacts with bone as the heart responds to hormones secreted by the brain, all the way down to the inner workings of every cell. To make an organism function, no one component can work alone. In light of this, why is it that the accepted understanding that the physical phenomenon of the mind is attributed only to the brain? In The Embodied Mind, internationally renowned (...)
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