Ahmad Milad Karimi [5]Ahmad Karimi [4]
  1. Theoremizing Yablo's Paradox.Ahmad Karimi & Saeed Salehi - manuscript
    To counter a general belief that all the paradoxes stem from a kind of circularity (or involve some self--reference, or use a diagonal argument) Stephen Yablo designed a paradox in 1993 that seemingly avoided self--reference. We turn Yablo's paradox, the most challenging paradox in the recent years, into a genuine mathematical theorem in Linear Temporal Logic (LTL). Indeed, Yablo's paradox comes in several varieties; and he showed in 2004 that there are other versions that are equally paradoxical. Formalizing these versions (...)
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    Hingabe: Grundfragen der systematisch-islamischen Theologie.Ahmad Milad Karimi - 2015 - Freiburg i. Br.: Rombach Verlag.
    Der Islam vertritt als Offenbarungsreligion den Standpunkt der absoluten Einheit Gottes. Wie wird aber theologisch nach diesem Einen gefragt? Worin besteht die Unbedingtheit Gottes in Relation zum Bedingten? Und warum erschafft Gott überhaupt etwas? Die Systematik der genuin islamischen Theologie fordert in diesem Zusammenhang mit dem Glauben zu beginnen. Doch die Frage ist, wie der Glaube verfasst ist und wie seine Inhalte generiert sind. Was tun wir, wenn wir glauben? In welchem Verhältnis stehen der Verstand und der Glaube zueinander? Und (...)
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    Osama bin Laden schläft bei den Fischen: warum ich gerne Muslim bin und wieso Marlon Brando viel damit zu tun hat.Ahmad Milad Karimi - 2013 - Freiburg: Herder.
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    Religion und Ästhetik: Zur filmisch-seriellen Narration des Religiösen.Ahmad Milad Karimi (ed.) - 2021 - Verlag Karl Alber.
    Religionen sind ästhetisch vermittelt. Nicht nur die religiöse Praxis, sondern der religiöse Habitus überhaupt vollzieht sich in ästhetischen Akten. In diesem Band wird dem komplexen Feld der ästhetischen Inszenierung des Religiösen multidisziplinär Rechnung getragen, und zwar mit besonderem Augenmerk auf filmisch-serielle Narration.
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    Ästhetik des Bösen: Religiöse und filmisch-serielle Zugänge.Ahmad Milad Karimi (ed.) - 2023 - Verlag Karl Alber.
    This volume offers interreligious and interdisciplinary insight into the cinematic-serial and literary narration of evil. Evil is an important motif in literature, film and series. We encounter it in the most diverse forms - be it the Joker from The Dark Knight, Goethe's Mephisto or in the Shiite theatre ritual of the Taʿziya. This volume attempts a closer exploration of what we know as evil, and yet find difficult to comprehend. In addition to Christian and Islamic perspectives, philosophical and mystical (...)
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    Syntactic Proofs for Yablo’s Paradoxes in Temporal Logic.Ahmad Karimi - forthcoming - Logic and Logical Philosophy:1.
    Temporal logic is of importance in theoretical computer science for its application in formal verification, to state requirements of hardware or software systems. Linear temporal logic is an appropriate logical environment to formalize Yablo’s paradox which is seemingly non-self-referential and basically has a sequential structure. We give a brief review of Yablo’s paradox and its various versions. Formalization of these paradoxes yields some theorems in Linear Temporal Logic (LTL) for which we give syntactic proofs using an appropriate axiomatization of LTL.
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    Yablo’s Paradoxes in Non-arithmetical Setting.Ahmad Karimi - 2019 - Filozofia Nauki 27 (2):5-15.
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    A Critique and Evaluation of the Methodological Foundations of Open Theism According to Clark Pinnock.Mohammad Ebrahim Torkamani, Ahmad Karimi & Rasoul Razavi - 2020 - Journal of Philosophical Theological Research 22 (4):115-1136.
    In this article, we try to study Clark Pinnock’s point of view in explaining the methodological foundations of the Open Theism Theory with a descriptive-analytical method so that we can have a fair critique of the strengths and weaknesses of this theory while also understanding it correctly. Pinnock can be considered one of the most important theorists and founders of Open Theism. In his view, Open Theism is one of the theological-philosophical theories that have emerged in the critique of the (...)
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