Results for 'Alaina Talboy'

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  1.  12
    Reference Dependence in Bayesian Reasoning: Value Selection Bias, Congruence Effects, and Response Prompt Sensitivity.Alaina Talboy & Sandra Schneider - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    This work examines the influence of reference dependence, including value selection bias and congruence effects, on diagnostic reasoning. Across two studies, we explored how dependence on the initial problem structure influences the ability to solve simplified precursors to the more traditional Bayesian reasoning problems. Analyses evaluated accuracy and types of response errors as a function of congruence between the problem presentation and question of interest, amount of information, need for computation, and individual differences in numerical abilities. Across all problem variations, (...)
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    Lessons Learned from 78 Long Days in the NICU.Alaina Pyle - 2017 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 7 (3):192-194.
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    Illini Loyalty: The University of Illinois.Larry Kanfer & Alaina Kanfer - 2011 - University of Illinois Press.
    Larry and Alaina Kanfer collaborated on Barns of Illinois. They live in Champaign with their two children.
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    Chicagoscapes.Larry Kanfer & Alaina Kanfer - 2014 - University of Illinois Press.
    Opening Chicagoscapes places the reader amid the breathtaking grandeur and warm humanity of one of the world's great cities, a metropolis both lavish with its pleasures and as hard as weathered steel, a prairie-bound Oz that demands commitment from those seeking its truths. Larry Kanfer and native Chicagoan Alaina Kanfer have captured authentic moments that invite the viewer into pocket universes achieved in collaboration between an acclaimed photographic artist and the living world. From the deep blues of Lake Michigan (...)
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    A Framework for Understanding the Role of Psychological Processes in Disease Development, Maintenance, and Treatment: The 3P-Disease Model.Casey D. Wright, Alaina G. Tiani, Amber L. Billingsley, Shari A. Steinman, Kevin T. Larkin & Daniel W. McNeil - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Barns of Illinois.Larry Kanfer & Alaina Kanfer - 2009 - University of Illinois Press.
    In this magnificent new collection, renowned photographer Larry Kanfer documents the diversity of barns throughout the Prairie State, from weathered, abandoned shelters in the countryside to proudly well-preserved landmarks featured in barn ...
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    Review of Jennifer Morton’s Moving Up Without Losing Your Way. [REVIEW]Anna M. Dempsey & Alaina Gostomski - 2021 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 40 (6):659-664.
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    Teachers’ dissatisfaction during the COVID-19 pandemic: Factors contributing to a desire to leave the profession.Amreen Gillani, Rhodri Dierst-Davies, Sarah Lee, Leah Robin, Jingjing Li, Rebecca Glover-Kudon, Kayilan Baker & Alaina Whitton - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    IntroductionThe COVID-19 pandemic required more responsibilities from teachers, including implementing prevention strategies, changes in school policies, and managing their own mental health, which yielded higher dissatisfaction in the field.MethodsA cross-sectional web survey was conducted among educators to collect information on their experiences teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic throughout the 2020–2021 academic year. Qualtrics, an online survey platform, fielded the survey from May 6 to June 8, 2021 to a national, convenience sample of 1,807 respondents.ResultsFindings revealed that overall, 43% of K-12 (...)
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  9.  23
    Development and Pilot Testing of Standardized Food Images for Studying Eating Behaviors in Children.Samantha M. R. Kling, Alaina L. Pearce, Marissa L. Reynolds, Hugh Garavan, Charles F. Geier, Barbara J. Rolls, Emma J. Rose, Stephen J. Wilson & Kathleen L. Keller - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Narrative Symposium: Challenges With Care During Labor and Delivery.Erica Morrell, Nikki Johnson, Linda Echegaray, Kimberly Fairchild, Alaina Pyle, Erin E. Mckee, Elizabeth Tillinger, Farah Diaz–Tello, Samantha Knowlton, Amanda Kracen, Naomi Rendina, Kristen Terlizzi, Katherine Rand & Cheryl Lebedevitch - 2017 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 7 (3):182-E6.
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    Antyponowoczesność Alaina Badiou.Andrzej Wasilewski - 2016 - Diametros 50:97-117.
    The article analyses Alain Badiou`s philosophy from the point of view of his relation to postmodernity. Alain Badiou is a political activist, mathematician, writer, playwright and literary critic. However, above all, he is a philosopher of the totality who attempts to give a thoroughgoing explanation of the world. This is the sense in which he is an anti-postmodernist. His whole philosophy is directed against sophistry. Badiou consistently builds his own system in order to oppose it to the philosophy of the (...)
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    Politická zmena sveta podľa alaina badioua.Ivan Búraj - 2013 - Filozofia 68 (8).
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    Wierność prawdzie warunkiem bycia podmiotem moralnym.Porównanie koncepcji Tadeusza Stycznia i Alaina Badiou.Julia Rejewska - 2022 - Ruch Filozoficzny 78 (1):147-169.
    Współczesna etyka coraz rzadziej odwołuje się do kategorii prawdy – z tego powodu zainteresowanie budzić może każda propozycja etyczna, której twórca umieszcza kategorię prawdy w samym jej centrum. Na gruncie polskim taką etyką prawdy jest teoria Tadeusza Stycznia (1931-2010), w której prawda ma charakter normatywny. Do normatywnej mocy prawdy w etyce, choć rozumie on prawdę w zupełnie inny sposób, odwołuje się także francuski filozof Alain Badiou (ur. 1937). Zarówno w myśli Stycznia, jak i Badiou zagadnienie prawdy jest ściśle związane z (...)
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    Kako ne popustiti glede svoje želje – Pripombe in vprašanja ob Etiki Alaina Badiouja.Simon Critchley - 1998 - Filozofski Vestnik 19 (1).
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  15. Pierwszy krok w chmurach: o teorii siedliska wydarzeniowego Alaina Badiou.Bartosz Kuźniarz - 2013 - Diametros 37:69-84.
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    (rec.) Sylwia Kłosowicz, O wierności wydarzeniu. Studium na temat poglądów etycznych Alaina Badiou, Liberi Libri, Warszawa 2016.Julia Rejewska - 2019 - Studia Philosophiae Christianae 53 (4):131.
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    Paweł z Tarsu w oczach Alaina Badiou i Slavoja Žižka.Jacek Sieradzan - 2018 - Idea. Studia Nad Strukturą I Rozwojem Pojęć Filozoficznych 30 (2):32-54.
    The present text “Paul of Tarsus in the eyes of Alain Badiou and Slavoj Žižek” presents opinions of two philosophers, Alain Badiou and Slavoj Žižek, concerning founder of Christianity Paul of Tarsus. For Badiou Paul was theologian of universalism, for Žižek apostle of exclusion. But when their views are analyzed carefully, one can see that both skipped fragments of Paul’s letters which deny assumptions of their own theories. Badiou see in Paul spokesman of one and only truth. He does not (...)
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  18. Pierwszy krok W chmurach: O teorii siedliska wydarzeniowego alaina Badiou.O. Teorii - 2013 - Diametros 37:69 - 84.
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  19. Racjonalizacja pojecia natury w pismach alaina z lille.Bartosz Wieczorek - 2006 - Studia Philosophiae Christianae 42 (2):133-149.
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    Descombes ako možnosť interpretácie umeleckej udalosti u Alaina Badioua.Marcel Šedo - 2024 - Filosoficky Casopis 72 (3):451-465.
    T he study interprets Alain Badiou’s philosophy using Vincent Descombes’ Le même et l’autre (The Same and the Other). We believe that placing Badiou in the context of French philosophy of the 20th century can show him in a new light. Descombes’ book forms an interpretive framework from which the philosophies of Friedrich Nietzsche and G. W. F. Hegel emerge. We perceive Badiou as an author who connects two phases of French philosophy (postulated by Descombes): the period of the three (...)
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  21. Podmiot, historia, krytyka. Uwagi o filozofii Alaina Renauta.Damian Leszczyński - 2000 - Principia.
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  22. Pomiędzy L´evinasem a Arendt. Odpowiedzialność, sprawiedliwość, władza sadzenia w aplikacjach Alaina Finkielkrauta.Katarzyna Liszka & Rafał Włodarczyk - 2007 - Studia Philosophica Wratislaviensia:129-144.
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    W poszukiwaniu prawdy moralnej. Analiza porównawcza teorii Tadeusza Stycznia i Alaina Badiou.Julia Rejewska - 2021 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 69 (4):225-242.
    The aim of this article is to present the problem of truth in ethics in the light of the ethical theories of two philosophers: Polish philosopher Tadeusz Styczeń and French philosopher Alain Badiou. The article is divided into three parts. The first part and the second part, introductions are to the ethics of truth by Tadeusz Styczeń and the ethics of truths by Alain Badiou. The third part is a presentation of the notion of truth as a basis of ethics (...)
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  24.  35
    Sommerstein (A.H.), Fitzpatrick (D.), Talboy (T.) (edd., trans.) Sophocles: Selected Fragmentary Plays. Volume I. (Aris & Phillips Classical Texts.) Pp. xl + 317. Oxford: Oxbow Books, 2006. Paper, £18, US$36 (Cased, £40, US$70). ISBN: 978-0-85668-766-2 (978-0-85668-765-5 hbk). [REVIEW]Michael H. Shaw - 2008 - The Classical Review 58 (1):11-12.