Results for 'Alberto Alonso Babarro'

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  1.  18
    Validación y resultados preliminares de un cuestionario a médicos acerca de los aspectos bioéticos relativos al uso de la alimentación enteral en pacientes con demencia.Pilar de Antueno, Agustín Silberberg & Alberto Alonso Babarro - 2023 - Persona y Bioética 27 (2):e2722.
    Introducción: el uso de la alimentación enteral en pacientes con demencia resulta un desafío ético-clínico. El objetivo de este artículo es exponer el proceso de validación de un cuestionario para conocer la opinión de los médicos al respecto y sus resultados preliminares. Metodología: se desarrolló un cuestionario anónimo para conocer la opinión de médicos acerca del uso de la alimentación enteral, dirigido a especialistas de cuidados paliativos, geriatría, medicina interna y neurología, de los ámbitos público y privado. Se presentaban allí (...)
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  2. El Lilium medicine y el Tractatus de crisi et de diebus creticis de Bernardo de Gordonio: estudio comparativo.Alberto Alonso Guardo - forthcoming - Nova et Vetera.
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    O marxismo e a "fundamentação das ciências humanas".Alberto Alonso Muñoz - 1993 - Discurso 21:119-136.
    Investigando o projeto merleau-pontiano de fundamentação das ciências humanas, notadamente a sociologia e a antropologia, este artigo procura compreender as críticas de Merleau-Ponty à ontologia marxista (de forma genérica) em Les Aventures de la Dialectique, ressaltando a impossibilidade de descrição, desse ponto de vista, das características ontológicas dos fenômenos históricos nos termos de uma totalização dialética da história.
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    Linguagem e Experiência em Merleau-Ponty.Alberto Alonso Muñoz - 1998 - Discurso 29:175-208.
    O objetivo deste artigo é examinar as relações entre a linguagem e a experiência (a que ela se refere) em Merleau-Ponty. Tento examinar quais as críticas de Meleau-Ponty a uma série de teorias da linguagem que ele considera "naturalizantes". Em seguida, vejo como significações ideiais são possíveis "emergindo" da experiência sensível. Creio ser possível relacionar esses dois patamares mediante o conceito husserliano de Fundierung e a estrutura temporal desse conceito.
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    Reensamblando ontologías en tensión: sincretismo y anti-sincretismo en los encuentros entre el catolicismo y la kultura en Timor-Leste.Alberto Fidalgo-Castro & Enrique Alonso-Población - 2023 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 28:e83382.
    El objetivo de este artículo es explorar las relaciones entre la religión católica y la kultura en Timor-Leste desde una perspectiva histórica y antropológica. Pretendemos mostrar que la relación entre ambas se produce mediante una tensa coexistencia y que no se trata apenas de un sincretismo, resultado de la mezcla de elementos tomados de ambas. Para ello veremos cómo ambos regímenes de creencias se apropian de conceptos ajenos a su liturgia y los resignifican representándolos desde sus propios principios cosmovisvos. Veremos (...)
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    Avoiding bad genes: oxidatively damaged DNA in germ line and mate choice.Alberto Velando, Roxana Torres & Carlos Alonso-Alvarez - 2008 - Bioessays 30 (11-12):1212-1219.
    August Weismann proposed that genetic changes in somatic cells cannot pass to germ cells and hence to next generations. Nevertheless, evidence is accumulating that some environmental effects can promote heritable changes in the DNA of germ cells, which implies that some somatic influence on germ line is possible. This influence is mostly detrimental and related to the presence of oxidative stress, which induces mutations and epigenetic changes. This effect should be stronger in males due to the particular characteristics of sperm. (...)
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    Los dilemas de la paz y la justicia. Notas a propósito del llamado a la reconciliación del general Pedro Alcántara Herrán en la guerra civil de 1859-1862.Liliana María López Lopera & Manuel Alberto Alonso Espinal - 2021 - Co-herencia 18 (34):375-403.
    Utilizando como referencia la Carta política escrita por el general Pedro Alcántara Herrán a Bartolomé Calvo, en el contexto de la guerra civil colombiana de 1859-1862, en este artículo se analizan las relaciones existentes entre la negociación de la paz, la justicia y la regulación de la guerra. Se pretende mostrar que en el siglo xix las iniciativas políticas para evitar, suspender, limitar o terminar la guerra fueron tan abundantes y plurales como los levantamientos y las confrontaciones armadas. Además de (...)
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  8. Desarrollo de las nuevas herramientas digitales en China RPC.Nuño Alberto Valenzuela Alonso - 2008 - Contrastes: Revista Cultural 51:161-165.
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    Ensamblajes institucionales y guerras civiles en la Colombia del siglo XIX.Manuel Alberto Alonso Espinal - 2014 - Co-herencia 11 (21):169-190.
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  10. La política más allá de las fronteras de las disciplinas.Alberto Aziz Nassif Y. Jorge Alonso - 2013 - In Virginia García Acosta, Guillermo de la Peña & Luís R. Cardoso de Oliveira (eds.), Miradas concurrentes: la antropología en el diálogo interdisciplinario. México, D.F.: CONACYT, Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología.
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  11. Por un mundo mejor= For a better world.Ana Alvarez de Lara Alonso, Vicente Ferrer, José Luís García Lorenzo, Alberto Sabatés, Jaime Montalvo Correa, Rafael Jiménez Claudín, Nidita Guerrero & Rigoberta Menchú Tum - 2006 - Contrastes: Revista Cultural 44:115-122.
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    Estereotipos de género sobre el deporte y la actividad física en adolescentes.Gema Alonso García, Salvador Pérez Muñoz & Alberto Rodríguez Cayetano - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (1):1-9.
    La mujer todavía tiene numerosas barreras para poder acceder al Deporte (Pérez-Ugena, 2020). Esto se debe, tal y como indica Monforte y Úbeda-Colomer (2019) a que los estereotipos de género siguen existiendo en nuestra sociedad. El objetivo de estudio fue analizar los estereotipos de género en la Actividad Física y el Deporte en 51 adolescentes, utilizando para ello variables sociodemográficas y el instrumento de CEGAFD (Granda et al., 2018). Los resultados muestran que, en la mayoría de los ejemplos, se toma (...)
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    Basque Ethnic Identity and Collective Empowerment: Two Key Factors in Well-Being and Community Participation.Jon Zabala, Susana Conejero, Aitziber Pascual, Itziar Alonso-Arbiol, Alberto Amutio, Barbara Torres-Gomez, Sonia Padoan De Luca & Saioa Telletxea - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:606316.
    Social identity is a factor that is associated with well-being and community participation. Some studies have shown that ethnic identity goes along with empowerment, and that interaction between the two leads to greater indices of well-being and community participation. However, other works suggest a contextual circumstance (i.e., perceiving one’s own group as a minority and/or being discriminated) may condition the nature of these relations. By means of a cross-sectional study, we analyzed the relations of social identification (or identity fusion) and (...)
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  14.  19
    Quitéria, a Lusitanian saint from the lands between the Douro and the Minho.Luís Alberto Casimiro - 2010 - Cultura:143-162.
    O nosso artigo visa o estudo hagiográfico de Santa Quitéria, uma jovem mártir do século II, cuja vida se encontra envolvida em aspectos lendários, ainda pouco estudados. Filha de um nobre pagão, terá nascido na região de Braga, juntamente com mais oito irmãs gémeas. Os primeiros milagres datam do século VIII, altura em que começou a ser venerada como mártir, destino que partilhou com suas irmãs. O martírio é referido, pela primeira vez, no século XII, estando relatado nos Flos Sanctorum (...)
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  15. La presencia de Descartes en la Ilustración.Guillermo Quintás Alonso - 1974 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 4 (2):215-225.
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  16.  50
    How Ficta Follow Fiction: A Syncretistic Account of Fictional Entities.Alberto Voltolini - 2006 - Springer.
    This book presents a novel theory of fictional entities which is syncretistic insofar as it integrates the work of previous authors. It puts forward a new metaphysical conception of the nature of these This This book presents a novel theory of fictional entities which is syncretistic insofar as it integrates the work of previous authors. It puts forward a new metaphysical conception of the nature of these entities, according to which a fictional entity is a compound entity built up from (...)
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  17. The Artificial Moral Advisor. The “Ideal Observer” Meets Artificial Intelligence.Alberto Giubilini & Julian Savulescu - 2018 - Philosophy and Technology 31 (2):169-188.
    We describe a form of moral artificial intelligence that could be used to improve human moral decision-making. We call it the “artificial moral advisor”. The AMA would implement a quasi-relativistic version of the “ideal observer” famously described by Roderick Firth. We describe similarities and differences between the AMA and Firth’s ideal observer. Like Firth’s ideal observer, the AMA is disinterested, dispassionate, and consistent in its judgments. Unlike Firth’s observer, the AMA is non-absolutist, because it would take into account the human (...)
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  18. Tomismo y nominalismo en la lógica novohispana.Juan Manuel Campos Benítez - 2005 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 12:135-142.
    Presentamos algunas ideas de autores medievales acerca de las oraciones cuyo sujeto carece de referente, y si dichas oraciones. Los autores tratados son nominalistas del siglo xiv: Guillermo de Ockham, Alberto de Sajonia y Juan Buridan; y el realista moderado Vicente Ferrer. Luego abordamos a dos novohispanos, Alonso de la Veracruz y Tomás de Mercado, que están inmersos en la tradición medieval.
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    A Syncretistic Theory of Depiction.Alberto Voltolini - 2015 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    What is depiction? This is a venerable question that has received many different answers throughout the whole history of philosophy, especially in contemporary times. A Syncretistic Theory of Depiction elaborates a new account on this matter by providing a theory of depiction that tries to combine the merits of the previous theories while dropping their defects. It is argued that a picture is a representation in a pictorial or figurative mode, and its 'figurativity' is given by a special perception, perceiving-in, (...)
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  20.  23
    Conscientious commitment, professional obligations and abortion provision after the reversal of Roe v Wade.Alberto Giubilini, Udo Schuklenk, Francesca Minerva & Julian Savulescu - 2024 - Journal of Medical Ethics 50 (5):351-358.
    We argue that, in certain circumstances, doctors might beprofessionallyjustified to provide abortions even in those jurisdictions where abortion is illegal. That it is at least professionally permissible does not mean that they have an all-things-considered ethical justification or obligation to provide illegal abortions or that professional obligations or professional permissibility trump legal obligations. It rather means that professional organisations should respect and indeed protect doctors’ positive claims of conscience to provide abortions if they plausibly track what is in the best (...)
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  21. Indexinames.Alberto Voltolini - 1995 - In J. Hill & P. Kot'attko (eds.), Karlovy Vary Studies in Reference and Meaning. Filosofia. pp. 258-285.
    Insofar as the so-called new theory of reference has come to be acknowleged as the leading theoretical paradigm in semantic research, it has been widely accepted that proper names directly refer to their designation. In advancing some of the most convincing arguments in favour of this view of names, S. Kripke has however left somehow undecided what the role of context is in determining which is the direct referent for a name. According to one interpretation of his thought, context has (...)
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    Lo patético del arte: explicando la experiencia estética.Alberto Adsuara - 2023 - Madrid: Casimiro.
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    Emilio Uranga’s Análisis Del Ser Del Mexicano : De‐ colonizing Pretensions, Re‐ colonizing Critiques.Carlos Alberto Sánchez - 2019 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 57 (S1):63-89.
    This essay introduces and defends Emilio Uranga's philosophical intervention in his 1952 text, Análisis del ser del mexicano. Here, to begin with, a case is made that the Análisis can be read as an effort at decolonizing philosophy. This is followed by a consideration of recent criticisms of “la filosofía de lo mexicano,” which naturally extend to Uranga's text, since this is the philosophical tradition in which we find it. Finally, a defense is given against these critiques and a suggestion (...)
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  24.  13
    How One Cannot Participatively Imagine What One Could Cognitively Imagine.Alberto Voltolini & Carola Barbero - 2024 - Philosophia 52 (3):643-660.
    In this paper, we want to maintain that the puzzle of imaginative resistance is basically a pragmatic issue due to the failure of participative imagination, as involving a pre-semantic level relating to a wide context (the overall situation of discourse). Since the linguistic meanings of the relevant fiction-involving sentences violate some of our basic norms, what such sentences (fictionally) say cannot be participatively imagined. That failure leads one to refrain from ascribing such sentences the fictional truth-conditions they would have in (...)
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  25. Can there be a uniform application of direct reference?Alberto Voltolini - 2004 - Erkenntnis 61 (1):75-98.
    There are two interpretations of what it means for a singular term to be referentially direct, one truth-conditional and the other cognitive. It has been argued that on the former interpretation, both proper names and indexicals refer directly, whereas on the latter only proper names are directly referential. However, these interpretations in fact apply to the same singular terms. This paper argues that, if conceived in purely normative terms, the linguistic meaning of indexicals can no longer be held to make (...)
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  26. Axiomatization of 'peircean' branching-time logic.Alberto Zanardo - 1990 - Studia Logica 49 (2):183 - 195.
    The branching-time logic called Peircean by Arthur Prior is considered and given an infinite axiomatization. The axiomatization uses only the standard deduction rules for tense logic.
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    (1 other version)The Bourgeois and the Islamist, or, the other subjects of politics.Alberto Toscano - 2006 - Cosmos and History 2 (1-2):15-38.
    pThere is much theoretical work already underway on the many facets of Badiou#39;s theory of political subjectivation. However, little attention has been directed hitherto to those figures of the subject which cannot be easily identifiable with a universalist or generic orientation. Beginning with Badiou#39;s struggles with the subjectivity of the bourgeois in the seminars that make up his Theorie du sujet , this article tries to track his thinking of the #39;other#39;, non- or anti-universalist subjects of politics, and to think (...)
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  28.  79
    Towards a real phenomenology of logic.Alberto Peruzzi - 1989 - Husserl Studies 6 (1):1-24.
  29.  68
    Undivided and indistinguishable histories in branching-time logics.Alberto Zanardo - 1998 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 7 (3):297-315.
    In the tree-like representation of Time, two histories are undivided at a moment t whenever they share a common moment in the future of t. In the present paper, it will first be proved that Ockhamist and Peircean branching-time logics are unable to express some important sentences in which the notion of undividedness is involved. Then, a new semantics for branching-time logic will be presented. The new semantics is based on trees endowed with an indistinguishability function, a generalization of the (...)
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  30.  36
    Ética en la innovación y el movimiento Open.Andoni Alonso - 2013 - Isegoría 48:95-110.
    Este artículo trata de contextualizar la dificultad de entender el término innovación y por ello el conocimiento de los valores encerrados en ella. Se apuesta entonces por definir innovación como producto de la actividad humana en campos diferentes. Asimismo se toma como marco de referencia la axiología de los valores tecnocientíficos de J. Echeverría. A partir de ahí se examinan diferentes valores como el de libertad, convivencialidad y comunidad propios del movimiento “open”. Se concluye que en este movimiento existe una (...)
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  31. MeditaciÓn sobre la eficacia.Alberto Caturelli - 2005 - Filosofia Oggi 28 (1):5-14.
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    Partisan Thought.Alberto Toscano - 2009 - Historical Materialism 17 (3):175-191.
  33. Consequences of schematism.Alberto Voltolini - 2009 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 8 (1):135-150.
    In his (2001a) and in some related papers, Tim Crane has maintained that intentional objects are schematic entities, in the sense that, insofar as being an intentional object is not a genuine metaphysical category, qua objects of thought intentional objects have no particular nature. This approach to intentionalia is the metaphysical counterpart of the later Husserl's ontological approach to the same entities, according to which qua objects of thought intentionalia are indifferent to existence. But to buy a metaphysically deflationary approach (...)
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    De la computabilidad a la hipercomputabilidad.Enrique Alonso - 2006 - Azafea: Revista de Filosofia 8 (1).
    Este trabajo aborda el estado actual de la cuestión en el ámbito de la computación teórica desde una perspectiva especialmente dirigida a lectores no expertos y con una clara vocación filosófica. En la primera parte, secciones 1 a 4, se ofrecen algunas de las claves para entender la importancia de la Teoría clásica de la Computación extrayendo conclusiones filosóficas de fundamental importancia para entender el nacimiento de la I.A. En su segunda parte se analizan los nuevos modelos propuestos haciendo balance (...)
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  35. (1 other version)Maximize presupposition and two types of definite competitors.Luis Alonso-Ovallea - unknown
    Indefinites impose an anti-uniqueness condition on their domain of quantification. The sentence in (1), for instance, cannot be felicitously uttered when it is taken for granted that John has only one friend (Hawkins 1978, 1991, Heim 1991).
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    “El hombre no tiene naturaleza”. Un examen de la metafísica orteguiana.Marcos Alonso Fernández - 2020 - Revista de Filosofía 45 (1):69-85.
    Este artículo trata de analizar la célebre frase orteguiana “e_l hombre no tiene naturaleza, sino que tiene… historia_” dentro del contexto de su obra, mostrando su génesis y su evolución, así como las interpretaciones que se le han venido dando a la misma. Junto a este análisis, se mostrará también la importancia de esta idea dentro de la filosofía de Ortega, así como la relevancia que estas ideas podrían tener para una posible reforma de la metafísica tradicional.
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    La disparation.Alberto Toscano - 2004 - Multitudes 4 (4):73-82.
    Is it possible to derive the outlines of a thinking of politics from the writings of Gilbert Simondon ? We will sketch an affirmative response by focusing our attention on three aspects of Simondon’s philosophy: 1. The manner in which the concept of Nature or the pre-individual displaces the debates over the relationship between political action, human nature and biological capacity; 2. The importance of the excess of « subject,) over « individual o as the matrix of a politics of (...)
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    ‘A Great People Struggling for Their Liberties’: Spain and the Mediterranean in the Eyes of the Benthamites.Gregorio Alonso - 2015 - History of European Ideas 41 (2):194-204.
    SummaryThis article examines the relationship of Jeremy Bentham and some of his disciples within Romantic Liberalism in the Mediterranean in the early 1820s. By studying the content of Bentham's correspondence with his collaborators and some Spanish political leaders, the text sheds light on Bentham's ideas on constitutional rule, the independence of Latin America and religious tolerance.
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  39. Thinking through technology. The path between engineering and philosophy, de Carl Mitcham.Antonio Alonso - 1998 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 17 (3):125-128.
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  40. EvocaciÓn de un tramo de vida, con guiÓn de Tomás de Aquino.Alberto Escallada Tijero - 2005 - Ciencia Tomista 132 (1):23.
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    Introduction.Alberto VOltolini - 2003 - Dialectica 57 (2):99–102.
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    Intenzionalità, normatività e riferimento.Alberto Voltolini - 2007 - Rivista di Estetica 34 (34-36):163-180.
    Che cos’hanno a che fare tra loro un filosofo che, a partire da Wittgenstein, ha sviluppato una teoria di impianto naturalista e che cerca di conciliare una prospettiva individualistica con una tendenzialmente socioesternista della competenza semantica, una teoria che studi di psicologia cognitiva e di neuroscienze si stanno incaricando di inverare, e un altro che, a partire dallo stesso Wittgenstein, ha sviluppato una concezione antinaturalista tanto dell’intenzionalità quanto della normativ...
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    Riferimento e intenzionalità: per un'ontologia del discorso.Alberto Voltolini - 1992 - Edizioni ETS.
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    The Singularity of Experiences and Thoughts.Alberto Voltolini - 2020 - Topoi 39 (2):459-473.
    Recently, various people have maintained that one must revise either the externalistically-based notion of singular thought or the naïve realism-inspired notion of relational particularity, as respectively applied to some thoughts and to some perceptual experiences. In order to do so, one must either provide a broader notion of singular thought or flank the notion of relational particularity with a broader notion of phenomenal particularity. I want to hold that there is no need of that revision. For the original notions can (...)
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    Comunicación No Verbal En la Expresión Artística.María Concepción Gordo Alonso - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (6):1-11.
    La Comunicación No Verbal es aquello que transmitimos sin palabras. También todo que acompaña nuestras palabras. Es inherente al ser humano, forma parte de nuestra historia evolutiva y va unido a la forma de expresar emociones y sentimientos. En todas las facetas y momentos vitales nos expresamos a través del cuerpo y también recibimos información a través de él.Si hay un ámbito donde cobra especial importancia es el arte. Lacorporalidad es una pieza fundamental que ayuda a la composición de la (...)
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    A recepción teórica darwiniana da evolución en Karl R. Popper.Ana María Alonso Rodríguez - 2012 - Agora 31 (1).
    En este trabajo se pretende revisar la controversia que Popper mantuvo con la teoríadarwiniana de la evolución. Se señala la presencia de nociones y ejemplos tomados deldarwinismo ya en los escritos de los años 30, el cuestionamento del evolucionismo al hiloda refutación del historicismo durante los cuarenta y los posteriores intentos por rehabilitarsu estatuto científico a partir de la década de los 60. Esta secuencia permite plantear que, sibien Popper trató de mostrar que su pensamiento social y político se funda (...)
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  47. Baltasar de Cobarrubias, OSA, obispo de Michoacán ( 1622).Carlos Alonso - 1992 - Ciudad de Dios 205 (2):585-616.
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  48. Descartes, R." Discurso del método".Guillermo Quintás Alonso - 1975 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 5 (2):307.
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    Democracia y universidad: patologías de un desgobierno.Víctor Alonso-Rocafort - 2015 - Isegoría 52:91-116.
    Diversas teorías contemporáneas de la democracia han puesto el acento en las tensiones que produce al ciudadano vivir en una comunidad política democrática y, sin embargo, pasar la mayor parte de su vida en espacios no democráticos. En este trabajo se analiza el persistente déficit democrático que en España arrastra una institución pública especial, la universidad. Según Thomas Hobbes la competencia, la desconfianza y el deseo de gloria originan las guerras entre ciudadanos; hoy se asume de manera natural su presencia (...)
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  50. El alma del alma: Hegel y el magnetismo animal en" Enz." 406 (1830).Andrés Alonso Martos - 2010 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 15 (cialidad y subjetividad humanas):167-179.
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