Results for 'Aleksejs Vorobjovs'

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  1.  37
    RNAs, Phase Separation, and Membrane‐Less Organelles: Are Post‐Transcriptional Modifications Modulating Organelle Dynamics?Aleksej Drino & Matthias R. Schaefer - 2018 - Bioessays 40 (12):1800085.
    Membranous organelles allow sub‐compartmentalization of biological processes. However, additional subcellular structures create dynamic reaction spaces without the need for membranes. Such membrane‐less organelles (MLOs) are physiologically relevant and impact development, gene expression regulation, and cellular stress responses. The phenomenon resulting in the formation of MLOs is called liquid–liquid phase separation (LLPS), and is primarily governed by the interactions of multi‐domain proteins or proteins harboring intrinsically disordered regions as well as RNA‐binding domains. Although the presence of RNAs affects the formation and (...)
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    Zollunion der Russischen Föderation, Kasachstans und Weißrußlands als Medium, Struktur und Prozeß einer Integration im russischen Rechtssystem.Aleksej S. Avtonomov - 2010 - Rechtstheorie 41 (4):419-433.
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    The Production of Happiness or Manufacturing the Alienation?. The Philosophy and Economics of Emotions in the Postrational Age.Aleksej Kišjuhas & Dušan Marinković - 2018 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 38 (3):493-507.
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    The dialectic of artistic form.Aleksej Fëdorovič Losev - 2013 - München: Sagner. Edited by Oleg V. Bychkov & Daniel L. Tate.
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    The ideas of 1914.Aleksej M. Rutkevič - 2014 - Studies in East European Thought 66 (1-2):1-15.
    Battles of the First World War were accompanied by what was the first full-scale war of words in European history. It was aimed at influencing the public opinion abroad as well as at mobilizing the population at home. Leading intellectuals, including famous scholars, participated in propaganda campaigns waged by the belligerent nations. This text focuses on the discussions between philosophers involved in the international conflict.
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    Metafizika imoralnosti – naturalizam, materijalizam i ateizam Marquisa de Sadea.Aleksej Kišjuhas & Marko Škorić - 2022 - Synthesis Philosophica 37 (1):69-87.
    This paper argues that Marquis de Sade is a more original and relevant Enlightenment philosopher than it is commonly thought. We argue that de Sade is a notable author and a noteworthy naturalist thinker in contemporary times as well, concerning modern science, organized religion, (homo)sexuality, political violence and prevalent sociocultural norms. In order to demonstrate these claims, we thoroughly analyse de Sadeʼs philosophies of naturalism and materialism, i.e., his metaphysics and his radical ethics of “immorality”, based on viewing (human) Nature (...)
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    What is the authentic internet register before & after the Russian invasion in Ukraine? Polish and Czech YouTube comments from 2021–2023.Aleksej Tikhonov - 2024 - Lodz Papers in Pragmatics 20 (2):365-388.
    Over one million tokens of comments were collected for the study using data mining methods. The videos under which the comments were dug out were not chosen arbitrarily but according to the current official national YouTube trends in Poland and the Czechia. The comments were collected under the most popular videos in ten categories: cars, comedy, fashion & lifestyle, gaming, music, non-political interview, politics, report, sports, and video blog. The data collection was carried in 2021–2022 and 2023 from under 40 (...)
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    Reason without feelings? Emotions in the history of western philosophy.Aleksej Kisjuhas - 2018 - Filozofija I Društvo 29 (2):253-274.
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    Elemente Des körperlichen verständnisses der wirklichkeit in der ideenlehre platons.Aleksej Fedorovič Losev - 1970 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 114 (1-2):9-27.
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    Handwritten Text Recognition of Ukrainian Manuscripts in the 21st Century: Possibilities, Challenges, and the Future of the First Generic AI-based Model.Aleksej Tikhonov & Achim Rabus - 2024 - Kyiv-Mohyla Humanities Journal 11:226-247.
    This article reports on developing and evaluating a generic Handwritten Text Recognition (HTR) model created for the automatic computer-assisted transcription of Ukrainian handwriting publicly available via the HTR platform Transkribus. The model’s training process encompasses diverse datasets, including historical manuscripts by renowned poets Taras Shevchenko and Lesya Ukrainka, along with private correspondence used for the General Regionally Annotated Corpus of Ukrainian (GRAC) and a diary procured at the Holodomor Museum collection. We evaluate the model’s performance by comparing its theoretical accuracy, (...)
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  11.  22
    Evolutionary biology and epistemology.Aleksej Tarasjev - 2006 - Theoria 49 (1-2):11-19.
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    Complexity of Null- and Positivstellensatz proofs.Dima Grigoriev & Nicolai Vorobjov - 2001 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 113 (1-3):153-160.
    We introduce two versions of proof systems dealing with systems of inequalities: Positivstellensatz refutations and Positivstellensatz calculus. For both systems we prove the lower bounds on degrees and lengths of derivations for the example due to Lazard, Mora and Philippon. These bounds are sharp, as well as they are for the Nullstellensatz refutations and for the polynomial calculus. The bounds demonstrate a gap between the Null- and Positivstellensatz refutations on one hand, and the polynomial calculus and Positivstellensatz calculus on the (...)
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  13.  20
    Culture in Non-Human Animals and the Evolutionary Origin of Human Culture.Marko Škorić & Aleksej Kišjuhas - 2020 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 40 (2):343-360.
    This paper calls into question the ontological privilege of the human species that rests on many misguided ideas. One of these ideas is that Homo sapiens is the only species that possess culture. In this sense, the problem of culture is emphasised in the context of the so called minimalist and expansionist definitions. Furthermore, this paper details examples of cultural behaviour in non-human animals. The components commonly considered necessary to speak of true culture are also critically analysed. These components are (...)
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  14.  32
    Distributed web hacking by adaptive consensus-based reinforcement learning.Nemanja Ilić, Dejan Dašić, Miljan Vučetić, Aleksej Makarov & Ranko Petrović - 2024 - Artificial Intelligence 326 (C):104032.
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  15. Aleksej Fedorovich Losev Philosophy and the Human Sciences.Robert Bird - 2004 - Kluwer Academic.
  16.  12
    Aleksej fedorović Losev.Isaj Μ Nachov - 1987 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 131 (1-2):318-324.
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    Aleksej losevs philosophie Des mythos AlS kritik an der sowjetischen moderne.Annett Jubara - 2004 - Studies in East European Thought 56 (2-3):211-224.
    Die Philosophie des Mythos, imwesentlichen eine Aktualisierung deraltrussisch-byzantinischen Seinsauffassung undeines Verständnisses von Philosophie alsTheologie, spielt im Kontext sowjetischerKultur die Rolle eines sowohlmodernekritischen, als auch antimodernenDenkansatzes. Durch ihn wird kulturkritischnicht bloß die sowjetische Moderne, sonderndie gesamte europäisch-neuzeitlicheEntwicklung, als deren Quintessenz diesowjetische Moderne aufgefaßt und als derenAusgangspunkt die Renaissance angenommen wird,prinzipiell in Frage gestellt.
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  18.  52
    Aleksej Losev's antiutopia.Elena Takho-Godi - 2004 - Studies in East European Thought 56 (2-3):225-241.
    This article is devoted not only to Losev''sphilosophical works, but also to his fiction,which he created during 1930s and 1940s.Losev''s eight books of the 1920s (his``octateuch'''') combine into a single whole thatamounts to his philosophy of life and historydepicted in expressive images. At the same timeLosev''s ``octateuch'''' strikes one as having beenwritten at a single sitting and in a singlestyle, in a genre that can be identified as the``philosophical novel'''' having as much right asSpengler''s opus to be called an ``intellectualnovel.'''' (...)
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    Minding the gap: Detachment and understanding in aleksej Losev's dialektika mifa.Robert Bird - 2004 - Studies in East European Thought 56 (2-3):143-160.
    Aleksej Losev''s definition of myth centres onthe concept of detachment. In modern timesdetachment has most often figured in thecontext of philosophical aesthetics, where itis a cognitive category akin to Kant''s``disinterestedness'''' or the Russian formalists''``estrangement.'''' However Losev''s usage alsomakes reference to the ontological sense ofdetachment as contemplativeascent (cf. Meister Eckhardt''sAbgeschiedenheit). Thus, Losev''s concept ofmyth combines both senses of detachment,binding perceptual attitude and being togetherin a double movement of resignation from theworld and union with meaning; this movementliterally makes sense out of reality. (...)
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  20.  11
    Husserl in Russland: Phänomenologie der Sprache und Kunst bei Gustav Špet und Aleksej Losev.Alexander Haardt - 1993 - Brill Fink.
    Originally presented as the author's Habilitationsschrift--Mèunster, 1985.
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    GAKhN: an aesthetics of ruins, or Aleksej Losev’s failed project.Aleksandr Dobrokhotov - 2011 - Studies in East European Thought 63 (1):31-42.
    In the course of his collaboration with GAKhN, whose task was to create a systemic ‘scientific’ theory of art, Losev undertook a systematic interpretation of German classical aesthetics as the historical presupposition for his own Christian, Platonist doctrine of art conceived as a dialectical universe comprising totalizing connections at all levels. This interpretation was concealed in a masterful way within the ‘Commentaries’ to Dialektika khudožestvennoj formy. Independently of the significant results achieved by this revival of the classical tradition, Losev’s mythologized (...)
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  22.  13
    Review of: Aleksej Losev and Valentina Loseva, La gioia per l’eternità: Lettere dal gulag (1931–1933) (Radost’ na veki: Perepiska lagernykh vreimen [1931–1933]), trans. and ed. Giorgia Rimondi, postscript Elena Takho-Godi, Milano: Edizioni Angelo Guerini e Associati, 2021, 276 pp. Hardcover: ISBN 978-8862508247, 19,00 €. [REVIEW]Robert F. Slesinski - 2022 - Studies in East European Thought 74 (2):263-265.
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    Usare l'ironia per fare storia della filosofia: la lezione di Aleksej Losev.Iva Manova - 2020 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 3:529-544.
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    «Una fisionomia predatoria»: la Gioconda e il "mito sovietico" nella lettura di Aleksej Losev.Olga Igorevna Kusenko - 2022 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 1:157-165.
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    (1 other version)Husserl in Rußland. Phänomenologie der Sprache und Kunst bei Gustav èpet und Aleksej Losev. [REVIEW]Alexander Haardt - 1994 - Dilthey-Jahrbuch Für Philosophie Und Geschichte der Geisteswissenschaften 9:334-335.
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    The young Losev as phenomenologist.Thomas Nemeth - 2015 - Studies in East European Thought 67 (3-4):249-264.
    The two names most closely associated with phenomenology in early twentieth century Russia are Gustav Špet and Aleksej Losev. However, is that judgment warranted with regard to Losev? In just what way can we look on him as a phenomenologist? Losev himself, in the mid-1920s, employed the expression “dialectical phenomenology,” seeing phenomenology as an initial descriptive method to ascertain essences. He was sharply critical of its self-limitation in disavowing all explanation as metaphysical. Yet, earlier that decade Losev approved of Husserl’s (...)
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  27. The suspended aesthetic: Slavoj žižek on eastern european film.Robert Bird - 2004 - Studies in East European Thought 56 (4):357-382.
    Slavoj iek's writings on Krzysztof Kies´lowski and Andrej Tarkovskij represent direct challenges to the Central and Eastern European tradition of spiritual art and to dominant aesthetic concepts as such. He refuses to separate the solemn films of Kies´lowski and Tarkovskij from popular culture and stresses their import as ethical statements by their directors. Despite this ethical emphasis, iek makes an important contribution to philosophical aesthetics. He implicitly defines art as a suspension of reality which reveals time in its fragility and (...)
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  28.  66
    Thomas Nemeth, Kant in Imperial Russia Cham: Springer, 2017 Pp. ix+389 ISBN 9783319529134 £92.00. [REVIEW]Frederic Tremblay - 2018 - Kantian Review 23 (3):510-513.
    This is a review of Thomas Nemeth's Kant in Imperial Russia, Cham: Springer, 2017. It gives a rundown of the contents of the book, which may be considered the definitive, comprehensive, and authoritative overview of the Kantrezeption in pre-Soviet Russia in the English language. The book proceeds chronologically, starting from Kant's days up to the Bolshevik Revolution, examining well-known and lesser-known Russian philosophers and thinkers as well as figures of other nationalities who contributed to the dissemination of Kant's ideas in (...)
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