Results for 'Alessandra Manca'

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  1.  47
    Emotions: From Cases to Theories.Matteo Galletti & Ariele Niccoli - 2019 - Humana Mente 12 (35).
    Monographic issue on the Philosophy of Emotions. Contents: Resentment, Empathy and Indignation; Jacqueline Taylor / Compassion without Cognitivism; Charlie Kurth / “I Don’t Want Your Compassion!”. The Importance of Empathy for Morality; Manuel Camassa / Making sense of emotional contagion; Carme Isern-Mas, Antoni Gomila / On Pride; Lorenzo Greco / Envy and its objects; Alessandra Fussi / Admiration, moral knowledge and transformative experiences; Maria Silvia Vaccarezza / Fear as Related to Courage: An Aristotelian-Thomistic Redefinition of Cognitive Emotions; Claudia Navarini, (...)
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    The Situated Mind and the Space of Reasons.Danilo Manca - 2022 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 14 (2).
    In this article I discuss the primacy that, following Sellars, Robert Brandom ascribes to the intersubjective and discursive space of reasons over all other processes in which the human mind is involved. I will compare Brandom’s perspective with that of the situated approach to the study of mind. At first, my aim is to show that the origin of intentionality has to be found in the sphere of sentience and the living body. Second, by comparing the enactivist account of language (...)
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  3.  12
    Analisi dell’esperienza e mondo della vita. La mondanizzazione della fenomenologia negli Stati Uniti.Danilo Manca - 2020 - Discipline filosofiche. 30 (1):159-184.
    In this article, I adopt the problem of world-experience as a clue to tackling the issue of the transformation of Husserl’s phenomenology in the United States. Starting from Landgrebe’s article on the world as a phenomenological problem I distinguish those thinkers who see in Husserl’s treatment of the life-world the fundamental issue of phenomenology from those who, by contrast, describe phenomenology as an analysis of the given experience. Through a comparison between Farber and Schutz, I reflect on the ways to (...)
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    Hegel and Phenomenology.Danilo Manca, Elisa Magrì, Dermot Moran & Alfredo Ferrarin (eds.) - 2019 - Springer Verlag.
    This volume articulates and develops new research questions and original insights regarding the philosophical dialogue between Hegel’s philosophy, his heritage, and contemporary phenomenology, including, among others, Husserl, Heidegger, Merleau-Ponty, and Ricoeur. The collection discusses methodological questions concerning the relevance of Hegel’s philosophy for contemporary phenomenology, addressing core issues revolving around the key concepts of history, being, science, subjectivity, and dialectic. The volume fills a gap in historiography, expanding the knowledge of the impact of Hegel's philosophy on contemporary philosophy and raising (...)
  5.  25
    Hegel and Husserl on the History of Reason.Danilo Manca - 2019 - In Danilo Manca, Elisa Magrì, Dermot Moran & Alfredo Ferrarin, Hegel and Phenomenology. Springer Verlag. pp. 45-60.
    In the present essay, I will compare Hegel’s and Husserl’s conceptions of the history of philosophy. I will show how Hegel and Husserl recast Kant’s idea of a philosophizing history of philosophy in two different ways. Both Hegel and Husserl share the conviction that reason unfolds itself in history. Nonetheless, whereas Hegel identifies the history of philosophy with the contingent manifestation of the self-actualization of the Idea, Husserl develops a critical history of ideas. On the one hand, Hegel conceives of (...)
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  6.  48
    Shades of Schadenfreude. A phenomenological account of pleasure at another’s misfortune.Danilo Manca - 2019 - Humana Mente 12 (35).
    In the present essay I would like to explore the different meanings of the emotion named Schadenfreude from a perspective integrating Plato’s and Aristotle’s moral philosophy with the analyses of phenomenological anthropologists such as Scheler, Plessner and Blumenberg. In the first half of my essay I will focus on Aristotle’s distinction between, on the one hand, a pleasure at another’s misfortune which does not necessarily obstruct pity in the opposite position and provides relief from indignation, and a malicious pleasure at (...)
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    Making sense of doing science: on some pragmatic motifs guiding the enactive approach to science.Danilo Manca - 2025 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 24 (1):231-249.
    In this article, I will explore the enactive approach to science and the pragmatic motifs that guide it. In particular, in the first half of the article, I will discuss to what extent enactivism can be seen as a philosophy of nature, and by comparing it with Sellars’s interpretation of the conflict between the manifest and the scientific image of humans in the world, I will focus on the view of nature that enactivism defends. In the second part, I will (...)
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    Spontaneity and Givenness. Natorp, Husserl, and Sellars’s Neo-Kantianism.Danilo Manca - 2021 - Phänomenologische Forschungen 2021 (2):74-93.
    In this article, I propose a comparison between Natorp, Husserl, and Sellars that has a twofold aim. First, I ask to what extent Sellars’s perspective can be considered to be Neo-Kantian. Second, I demonstrate that the point of divergence among these three thinkers does not have to do with the role they ascribe to givenness in knowledge, but with the way they conceive the activity of thinking. Focusing on Husserl’s reading of Natorp’s theses concerning the subjective and objective ground of (...)
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  9.  22
    Per una fenomenologia dell’iper-lettura.Martino Manca - 2023 - Rivista di Estetica 84:137-155.
    The paper develops a phenomenology of hyper-reading (i.e. the act of reading hypertexts) moving from the prejudicial approach to such texts, developing the three moments of presence, boredom and authority and concluding with some remarks on the freedom of readers in the act of navigation of hypertexts – especially those on the Web.
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  10.  18
    Mark Johnson e Jay Schulkin, Mind in nature. John Dewey, cognitive science, and a naturalistic philosophy for living Cambridge (MA)-London, The MIT Press, 2023 (consultato in formato epub).Danilo Manca - 2023 - Studi di Estetica 27 (3).
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    Making sense of doing science: on some pragmatic motifs guiding the enactive approach to science.Danilo Manca - 2025 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 24 (1):231-249.
    In this article, I will explore the enactive approach to science and the pragmatic motifs that guide it. In particular, in the first half of the article, I will discuss to what extent enactivism can be seen as a philosophy of nature, and by comparing it with Sellars’s interpretation of the conflict between the manifest and the scientific image of humans in the world, I will focus on the view of nature that enactivism defends. In the second part, I will (...)
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    Strauss and Blumenberg on the Caves of the Moderns.Danilo Manca - 2021 - In Jeffrey Alan Bernstein & Jade Schiff, Leo Strauss and contemporary thought: reading Strauss outside the lines. Albany: State University of New York Press. pp. 187-208.
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    Hermenevtika pričevanja.Manca Erzetič - 2023 - Ljubljana: Inštitut Nove revije, zavod za humanistiko.
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  14. An approach to tracking and analysing interactions in CSCL environments.Stefania Manca, Donatella Persico, Francesca Pozzi & Luigi Sarti - 2006 - Communication and Cognition. Monographies 39 (3-4):195-211.
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  15. Before sound: re-composing material, time, and bodies in music.Tiziano Manca - 2023 - Bielefeld: Transcript.
    Introduction -- Beginnings. Elements and matter ; Aristoxenus' elements of music ; Transmission and reception ; Elements, letters, notes -- Matter and material. Dissonant material ; Sound and composition ; Given or constructed? ; Timbre, noise, and language -- Time and rhythm. Material and modernity ; Taking place ; Aperiodic rhythms ; Quasiperiodic forms -- Sounds and instruments. Pitched bodies ; Sounds without bodies ; Referennce ; Agent and reproducibility ; Sonocentrism -- Musical bodies. Bodies without sounds ; Composing a (...)
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  16.  13
    Corijn van Mazijk, Perception and Reality in Kant, Husserl, and McDowell New York and London, Routledge, 2020, pp. xviii + 174.Danilo Manca - 2022 - Studi di Estetica 22.
  17.  18
    Divergent patterns of cognitive deficits and structural brain alterations between older adults in mixed-sex and same-sex relationships.Riccardo Manca, Anthony N. I. I. Correro, Kathryn Gauthreaux & Jason D. Flatt - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16:909868.
    BackgroundSexual minority (SM) older adults experience mental health disparities. Psychiatric disorders and neuropsychiatric symptoms (NPS) are risk factors for cognitive decline. Although older people in same-sex (SSR) compared to mixed-sex relationships (MSR) perform more poorly on cognitive screening tests, prior studies found no differences in rates of dementia diagnosis or neuropsychological profiles. We sought to explore the role of NPS on neurocognitive outcomes for SM populations. We compared cognitive performance and structural brain parameters of older adults in SSR and MSR.MethodsData (...)
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  18.  9
    Esperienza della ragione: Hegel e Husserl in dialogo.Danilo Manca - 2016 - Pisa: Edizioni ETS.
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    Eugen Fink and the Hegelian Motifs Underlying Husserl’s Cartesian Meditations.Danilo Manca - 2023 - In Daniele De Santis, Edmund Husserl’s Cartesian Meditations: Commentary, Interpretations, Discussions. Verlag Karl Alber. pp. 193-214.
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    (1 other version)Hegel and the viability of philosophy.Danilo Manca - 2019 - Hegel Jahrbuch 2019 (1):83-90.
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    Hegel e la fenomenologia trascendentale.Danilo Manca, Elisa Magrì & Alfredo Ferrarin (eds.) - 2015 - Pisa: Edizioni ETS.
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    Hegel, Husserl e il linguaggio della filosofia.Danilo Manca - 2023 - Pisa: Edizioni ETS.
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  23. Introducing equational type logic.V. Manca, A. Salibra & G. Scollo - 1991 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 56:1132.
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  24.  12
    La complicità in gioco. Strati e dinamiche di una disposizione affettiva.Danilo Manca - 2020 - Società Degli Individui 69:72-92.
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    L'incanto della natura. Husserl e il naturalismo "aristotelico" di McDowell.Danilo Manca - 2013 - Metodo. International Studies in Phenomenology and Philosophy 1 (2):143-163.
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  26.  11
    L’espressione del pensiero Lotze e la confutazione di Hegel nella Logica del 1874.Danilo Manca - 2018 - Philosophical Readings 10 (2).
    In the present article, I will discuss Lotze’s attempt to “sublate” Hegel’s conception of logic in his Logic of 1874. I will demonstrate that Lotze operates as a filter by recasting many Hegelian notions in a way that will influence the 20th-century philosophers in a decisive manner. In the first section, I will focus on how, according to both Hegel and Lotze, the relationship between representation and language conditions the transition from sensible impressions to concepts. In the second section, I (...)
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  27.  46
    La Filosofia di Massimo Barale.Danilo Manca - 2017 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia e Psicologia 8 (3):316-324.
    Riassunto: Il 12 e il 13 gennaio 2017 si è svolto a Pisa un seminario di studi su La filosofia di Massimo Barale. Di seguito si presenta un resoconto degli interventi tenuti in quell’occasione dagli ultimi allievi di Massimo Barale e da alcuni degli studenti che hanno seguito i suoi ultimi corsi. Gli interventi abbracciano gran parte degli interessi e degli studi di Massimo Barale, dalla critica al metodo adottato da Kant nella Critica della ragion pura alla valorizzazione della prospettiva (...)
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  28.  16
    La scienza allo stato nascente. Merleau-Ponty e Sellars sull’immagine scientifica della natura.Danilo Manca - 2014 - Discipline filosofiche. 24 (2):115-136.
    This paper deals with the role played by science in the elaboration of a philosophical image of nature. In particular, I will consider two alternative approaches. On the one hand, I will look at Sellars’ distinction between the manifest image of man, stemmed from common sense framework, and the scientific image, which involves the postulation of imperceptible entities to explain the behaviour of perceptible things. On the other hand, I will focus on Merleau-Ponty’s redefinition of the Husserlian distinction between the (...)
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  29.  8
    Naturalness and Historicity: Strauss and Klein on the Quarrel between the Ancients and the Moderns.Danilo Manca - 2017 - Philosophical Readings 9 (1):44-49.
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  30. Osservazioni sulle mura di Asisium.M. L. MAnCA - 1977 - Annali Della Facoltá di Lettere E Filosofia: Università Degli Studi di Perugia 1:97-123.
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    Socio-Psychological and Design Features Related to Transport Choices: A Focus Group Research in the Metropolitan Area of Cagliari.Sara Manca, Francesca Ausilia Tirotto, Nicola Mura & Ferdinando Fornara - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Due to the environmental and health impact of the private transport sector, social scientists have largely focused on psychosocial and contextual factors associated with people's choice over transport means. This study aims to contribute to this line of research by applying a user-centered approach, with the objective of taking into account the specific environmental and social context of the metropolitan area of Cagliari city. To accomplish this aim, four groups of people were matched according to their shared starting point: car (...)
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  32. Spontaneità ed esperienza. Hegel, McDowell e la radicalizzazione di Kant.Danilo Manca - 2014 - Revista Opinião Filosófica 5 (1).
    What are the different kinds of role played by receptivity and spontaneity in the natural experience? This question will be the clue of the essay. To answer, I will take into account some remarks raised by McDowell in Mind and World. After having shown why spontaneity should be considered as drawn into operation in experience, I will ask where the unconscious activity of conceptual capacities could be grasped. Referring on Hegels Faith and Knowledge, as first step, I will focus on (...)
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  33.  22
    Valéry e la filosofia della letteratura.Danilo Manca - 2019 - Rivista di Estetica 70:125-140.
    In the present article, I will address the question of whether Paul Valéry’s thought can somehow contribute to the recent debate concerning the philosophy of literature. Firstly, I will focus on the idea according to which philosophy can be meant not only as a literary genre but also as an art of thinking. This allows Valéry to state that the poet, too, has a philosophy insofar as he or she is able to think abstractly by practicing his or her own (...)
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  34.  24
    First-order theories as many-sorted algebras.V. Manca & A. Salibra - 1984 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 25 (1):86-94.
  35.  17
    Alessandra Tanesini on Wittgenstein.Alessandra Tanesini - 1997 - Women’s Philosophy Review 17:73-74.
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    (1 other version)New APPS interview: Alessandra Tanesini - Part I.Alessandra Tanesini & John Protevi - unknown
    Today’s New APPS interview is with Alessandra Tanesini, Professor of Philosophy at Cardiff University. This is Part I; Part II will run next week. Thanks very much for doing this interview with us, Alessandra. Let’s start with your personal practice of philosophy. What are the pleasures and pains of philosophy...
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  37.  63
    Wilfrid Sellars and phenomenology: intersections, encounters, oppositions.Daniele De Santis & Danilo Manca (eds.) - 2023 - Athens: Ohio University Press.
    This collection offers the first systematic, comparative analysis of Wilfrid Sellars's Pittsburgh school of thought and Husserlian phenomenology. Beginning with an introduction to contemporary philosophical debates about the mind and pragmatism, the essays examine and clarify the discursive divide between analytic and Continental philosophy.
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  38. "Calm down, dear": intellectual arrogance, silencing and ignorance.Alessandra Tanesini - 2016 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 90 (1):71-92.
    In this paper I provide an account of two forms of intellectual arrogance which cause the epistemic practices of conversational turn-taking and assertion to malfunction. I detail some of the ethical and epistemic harms generated by intellectual arrogance, and explain its role in fostering the intellectual vices of timidity and servility in other agents. Finally, I show that arrogance produces ignorance by silencing others (both preventing them from speaking and causing their assertions to misfire) and by fostering self-delusion in the (...)
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  39. Intellectual Humility as Attitude.Alessandra Tanesini - 2016 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 96 (2):399-420.
    Intellectual humility, I argue in this paper, is a cluster of strong attitudes directed toward one's cognitive make-up and its components, together with the cognitive and affective states that constitute their contents or bases, which serve knowledge and value-expressive functions. In order to defend this new account of humility I first examine two simpler traits: intellectual self-acceptance of epistemic limitations and intellectual modesty about epistemic successes. The position defended here addresses the shortcomings of both ignorance and accuracy based accounts of (...)
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  40.  92
    The mismeasure of the self: a study in vice epistemology.Alessandra Tanesini - 2021 - Oxford University Press.
    The Mismeasure of the Self is dedicated to vices that blight many lives. They are the vices of superiority, characteristic of those who feel entitled, superior and who have an inflated opinion of themselves, and those of inferiority, typical of those who are riddled with self-doubt and feel inferior. Arrogance, narcissism, haughtiness, and vanity are among the first group. Self-abasement, fatalism, servility, and timidity exemplify the second. This book shows these traits to be to vices of self-evaluation and describes their (...)
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  41.  10
    Introduction. The Given: Historical and Hermeneutical Category or Laziness and Perversion of Reason?Daniele De Santis & Danilo Manca - 2021 - Phänomenologische Forschungen 2021 (2):6-17.
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  42. (2 other versions)Epistemic Vice and Motivation.Alessandra Tanesini - 2018 - Metaphilosophy 49 (3):350-367.
    This article argues that intellectual character vices involve non-instrumental motives to oppose, antagonise, or avoid things that are epistemically good in themselves. This view has been the recent target of criticism based on alleged counterexamples presenting epistemically vicious individuals who are virtuously motivated or at least lack suitable epistemically bad motivations. The paper first presents these examples and shows that they do not undermine the motivational approach. Finally, having distinguished motivating from explanatory reasons for belief and action, it argues that (...)
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  43. Intellectual Servility and Timidity.Alessandra Tanesini - 2018 - Journal of Philosophical Research 43.
    Intellectual servility is a vice opposing proper pride about one's intellectual achievements. Intellectual timidity is also a vice; it is manifested in a lack of proper concern for others’ esteem. This paper offers an account of the nature of these vices and details some of the epistemic harms that flow from them. I argue that servility, which is often the result of suffering humiliation, is a form of damaged self-esteem. It is underpinned by attitudes serving social-adjustive functions and causes ingratiating (...)
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  44. Teaching Virtue: Changing Attitudes.Alessandra Tanesini - 2016 - Logos and Episteme 7 (4):503-527.
    In this paper I offer an original account of intellectual modesty and some of its surrounding vices: intellectual haughtiness, arrogance, servility and self-abasement. I argue that these vices are attitudes as social psychologists understand the notion. I also draw some of the educational implications of the account. In particular, I urge caution about the efficacy of direct instruction about virtue and of stimulating emulation through exposure to positive exemplars.
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  45. (1 other version)Collective amnesia and epistemic injustice.Alessandra Tanesini - 2016 - Imperfect Cognitions.
    Alessandra Tanesini is a Professor of Philosophy at Cardiff University working on epistemology and philosophy of language. In this post she summarises some of her recent work on collective amnesia and epistemic injustice.
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  46. Silencing and assertion.Alessandra Tanesini - 2018 - In Sanford Goldberg, The Oxford Handbook of Assertion. Oxford University Press. pp. 749-769.
    Theories of assertion must explain how silencing is possible. This chapter defends an account of assertion in terms of normative commitments on the grounds that it provides the most plausible analysis of how individuals might be silenced when attempting to make assertions. The chapter first offers an account of the nature of silencing and defends the view that it can occur even in contexts where speakers’ communicative intentions are understood by their audience. Second, it outlines some of the normative commitments (...)
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  47.  77
    Polarisation, Arrogance, and Dogmatism: Philosophical Perspectives.Alessandra Tanesini & Michael P. Lynch (eds.) - 2020 - London, UK: Routledge.
    Introduction / Alessandra Tanesini and Michael P. Lynch -- Reassessing different conceptions of argumentation / Catarina Dutilh Novaes -- Martial metaphors and argumentative virtues and vices / Ian James Kidd -- Arrogance and deep disagreement / Andrew Aberdein -- Closed-mindedness and arrogance / Heather Battaly -- Intellectual trust and the marketplace of ideas / Allan Hazlett -- Is searching the Internet making us intellectually arrogant? / J. Adam Carter and Emma C. Gordon -- Intellectual humility and the curse of (...)
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  48.  16
    Alessandra Tanesini on Line Drawings: Defining Women through Feminist Practice by Cressida J. Heyes. [REVIEW]Alessandra Tanesini - 2001 - Women’s Philosophy Review 27:92-95.
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  49. Phenomenology: What’s AI got to do with it?Alessandra Buccella & Alison A. Springle - 2023 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 22 (3):621-636.
    Nowadays, philosophers and scientists tend to agree that, even though human and artificial intelligence work quite differently, they can still illuminate aspects of each other, and knowledge in one domain can inspire progress in the other. For instance, the notion of “artificial” or “synthetic” phenomenology has been gaining some traction in recent AI research. In this paper, we ask the question: what (if anything) is the use of thinking about phenomenology in the context of AI, and in particular machine learning? (...)
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  50. An Introduction to Feminist Epistemologies.Alessandra Tanesini - 1999 - Malden, Mass.: Wiley-Blackwell.
    Although their positions and arguments differ in several respects, feminists have asserted that science, knowledge, and rationality cannot be severed from their social, political, and cultural aspects.
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