Results for 'Ambrogio Longolius'

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  1.  29
    Answer to Catherine König-Pralong, Eun-Jeung Lee, and Jyoti Mohan.Selusi Ambrogio - 2023 - Philosophy East and West 73 (1):230-244.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Answer to Catherine König-Pralong, Eun-Jeung Lee, and Jyoti MohanSelusi Ambrogio (bio)I want to start my reply by expressing my deep gratitude to the three reviewers who devoted their energy and time to reading and commenting on my book. Their wise comments and criticisms helped in shaping my upcoming research plans, as well as in refining my understanding of this historiographical topic. The eventual readers of this research will (...)
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    Chinese and Indian ways of thinking in early modern European philosophy: the reception and the exclusion.Selusi Ambrogio - 2020 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    An investigation into the reasons for the inclusion and exclusion of Chinese and Indian philosophical thought in 17th-and-18th-century Europe.
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    Discording Enlightenment on China.Selusi Ambrogio - 2021 - Dialogue and Universalism 31 (3):157-177.
    It is usually acknowledged that the core contribution of the Enlightenment is primarily twofold: the first being the introduction of reason and science as judgmental principles, and the second being the belief in the future progress of humankind as a shared destiny for humanity. This ‘modern’ reason—an exclusively human prerogative among creatures—could be applied to create a better society from the political, civil, educational, scientific, and religious points of view. What is usually less known is that for most of the (...)
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    Lo stile filosofico del pensare: storia e teoria.Ambrogio Cazzaniga - 2022 - Milano: Mimesis.
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    Alla scoperta della persona umana.Ambrogio Dehò - 1967 - Padova,: CEDAM.
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  6. La caduta dell'assoluto.Ambrogio Dehò - 1976 - Padova: CEDAM.
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  7. L'estetica nel diritto.Mauro Dell'Ambrogio - 1978 - Bellinzona: Edizioni Casagrande.
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  8. Benedetto Croce.Ambrogio Giacomo Manno - 1992 - Napoli: Loffredo.
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  9. Emergenza di vecchie contraddizioni ed ambiguità del pensiero indiano in uno scrittore recente.Ambrogio Giacomo Manno - 2004 - Filosofia Oggi 27 (108):321-342.
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  10. (1 other version)Esistenza ed essere in Heidegger.Ambrogio Giacomo Manno - 1967 - Napoli,: Libreria scientifica editrice.
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    Introduzione al pensiero di Giovanni Duns Scoto.Ambrogio Giacomo Manno - 1994 - Bari: Levante editori.
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    Lettera aperta al Prof. Giuseppe A. Roggerone.Ambrogio Giacomo Manno - 1995 - Idee 30:177-186.
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  13. Lezione di Proclo agli attuali positivisti.Ambrogio Giacomo Manno - 2003 - Filosofia Oggi 26 (103):323-339.
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  14. Logica e scienze: forme di logica attuale, meccanicismo e teleologia.Ambrogio Giacomo Manno - 1981 - Napoli: Edizioni dehoniane.
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    Lo storicismo di G. B. Vico.Ambrogio Giacomo Manno - 1965 - [Napoli]: Istituto editoriale del Mezzogiorno.
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  16. Sul rapporto tra le idee e Dio in Platone: (riposta a un critico del "Teismo di Platone").Ambrogio Giacomo Manno - 1958 - Napoli: S. Chiara.
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    Sulle tracce di Dio.Ambrogio Giacomo Manno - 1999 - Napoli: Edizioni scientifiche italiane.
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    Augusto Del Noce interprete del marxismo: l'ateismo, la gnosi, il "dialogo" con Galvano Della Volpe e con Lucien Goldmann.Ambrogio Riili - 2018 - Saonara (Padova): Il prato.
  19. Destra/Sinistra Storia E Fenomenologia di Una Dicotomia Politica.Alessandro Campi, Ambrogio Santambrogio & Franklin Hugh Adler - 1997 - A. Pellicani.
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  20. Livro XII della Metafisica do Aristotele.Dario Composta, Ambrogio Manno, Eugene E. Ryan, Joseph Moreau, Giovanni Reale & David Ross - 1965 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 21 (2):221-222.
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  21. Opere.Galvano Della Volpe & Ignazio Ambrogio - 1972 - Editori Riuniti.
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  22. Presentazione a “Forme e spazi della teoria critica”.Luca Corchia, Walter Privitera & Ambrogio Santambrogio - 2020 - Quaderni di Teoria Sociale 20 (1-2):17-25.
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    Longolius on birds.Thomas P. Harrison - 1958 - Annals of Science 14 (4):257-268.
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    Macrobio Ambrogio Teodosio: un'analisi sulla religione dell'autore dei Saturnalia.Enrico Schiavo-Lena - 2017 - Roma: Arbor Sapientiae editore.
    For centuries, scholars have not doubted that Macrobio Ambrogio Teodosio was pagan. Recently, prof. Alan Cameron in his The Last Pagans of Rome clamied that the late antique writer was actually a Christian. This essay seeks to refute this assumption. --Translated from back cover.
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  25. Ambrogio Lorenzetti: The artist as political philosopher.Quentin Skinner - 1987 - In Skinner Quentin, Proceedings of the British Academy, Volume 72: 1986. pp. 1-56.
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  26. Ambrogio lorenzetti's buon governo frescoes: Two old questions, two new answers.Quentin Skinner - 1999 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 62 (1):1-28.
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    Ambrogio Traversari's revision of the Chronicon casinense and the Dialogi de miraculis s. Benedicti: The oldest manuscript rediscovered.Virginia Brown - 1996 - Mediaeval Studies 58 (1):327-338.
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    Ambrogio Fusinieri and the adsorption theory of heterogeneous catalysis.Dott Maurizio Farinelli, A. L. B. Gale & A. J. B. Robertson - 1974 - Annals of Science 31 (1):19-20.
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    Ambrogio di Milano.Giorgio Maschio - 2009 - Augustinianum 49 (1):145-175.
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    Ambrogio ed Agostino.A. Pincherle - 1974 - Augustinianum 14 (3):385-407.
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    Ambrogio Lorenzetti.George Rowley - 1959 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 18 (1):129-130.
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    Ambrogio e le opposizioni anticattoliche fra il 383 e il 390.Lellia Cracco Ruggini - 1974 - Augustinianum 14 (3):409-449.
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    Giovanni ambrogio Preda in Rome.Roberto Weiss - 1958 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 21 (3/4):297.
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    Ambrogio Donini, Storia del Cristianesimo dalle origini a Giustiniano. [REVIEW]A. Di Berardino - 1976 - Augustinianum 16 (1):217-218.
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    Sant'Ambrogio, Opere esegetiche. IX/2: Esposizione del Vangelo secondo Luca. Testo critico, introduzione traduzione note e indici di G. Coppa. [REVIEW]Antonio V. Nazzaro - 1979 - Augustinianum 19 (2):374-377.
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    Palumbo Ambrogio di Milano: De Nabuthae historia. Pp. 365. Bari: Cacucci Editore, 2012. Paper, €40. ISBN: 978-88-6611-181-8. [REVIEW]Michael Stuart Williams - 2014 - The Classical Review 64 (2):630-631.
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    Ambrogio, La storia di Naboth..Introduzione, commento, edizione critica, traduzione a cura di M. G. Mara. [REVIEW]Sergio Zincone - 1976 - Augustinianum 16 (2):417-418.
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  38. Dell'agostiniano Ambrogio Bolognesi: E Del Suo Processo Di Eresia A Palermo.Salvatore Caponetto - 1958 - Bibliothèque d'Humanisme Et Renaissance 20 (2):310-343.
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    L’Accademia di Sant’Ambrogio.Cesare Pasini - 2004 - Augustinianum 44 (2):511-514.
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    L’Accademia di sant’Ambrogio presso la Biblioteca Ambrosiana di Milano.Cesare Pasini - 2005 - Augustinian Studies 36 (1):295-298.
  41. Autografi e traduzioni di Ambrogio Traversari.Agostino Sottili - forthcoming - Rinascimento.
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    The importance of Teseo Ambrogio degli Albonesi's selected Armenian materials for the development of the renaissance's perennial philosophy and an armenological philosophical tradition.Virgil B. Strohmeyer - 1998 - Yerevan: Publishing House of the NAS RA "Gitutyun".
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    Um Espelho de Príncipes artístico e profano: a representação das virtudes do Bom Governo e os vícios do Mau Governo nos afrescos de Ambrogio Lorenzetti (c. 1290-1348?). [REVIEW]Ricardo Da Costa - 2003 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 8 (23):55-72.
    This article analyses some frescoes painted by Ambrogio Lorenzetti entitled the Allegory of Good and Bad Government under the hypothesis that they are the artistic and profane Princes Mirrors. The virtues of Good Government and the vices of tiranny are represented as they appear in the frescoes of..
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    Nota su nota: ancora sulla “pace melancolica” di Ambrogio Lorenzetti.Pierangelo Schiera - 2019 - Scienza and Politica. Per Una Storia Delle Dottrine 31 (61).
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    Chinese and Indian Ways of Thinking in Early Modern European Philosophy: The Reception and the Exclusion by Selusi Ambrogio (review).Catherine König-Pralong - 2023 - Philosophy East and West 73 (1):203-215.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Chinese and Indian Ways of Thinking in Early Modern European Philosophy: The Reception and the Exclusion by Selusi AmbrogioCatherine König-Pralong (bio)Chinese and Indian Ways of Thinking in Early Modern European Philosophy: The Reception and the Exclusion. By Selusi Ambrogio. London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2020. How Modern Historians of Philosophy Drew Their World MapsIn his latest book, Chinese and Indian Ways of Thinking in Early Modern European Philosophy: The (...)
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    Bolisani, E, S. Ambrogio e i suoi imitatori. [REVIEW]J. -J. Gavigan - 1964 - Augustinianum 4 (2):452-452.
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    Paredi, Angelo, S. S. Ambrogio e la sua età. [REVIEW]J. -J. Gavigan - 1962 - Augustinianum 2 (2):390-392.
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    "Controversy," by Ambrogio Valsecchi, trans. Dorothy White, introd. Gregory Baum, O.S.A. [REVIEW]George P. Klubertanz - 1971 - Modern Schoolman 48 (2):194-194.
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    Beyond the Inquisition: Ambrogio Catarino Politi and the Origins of the Counter-Reformation. By Giorgio Caravale; translated by Donald Weinstein. Pp. xv, 419, Notre Dame, IN, University of Notre Dame Press, 2017, $60.00. [REVIEW]Patrick Madigan - 2021 - Heythrop Journal 62 (6):1135-1136.
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  50. Political ideas in sienese art: The frescoes by ambrogio lorenzetti and taddeo di bartolo in the Palazzo pubblico.Nicolai Rubinstein - 1958 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 21 (3/4):179-207.
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