Results for 'Enrico Schiavo-Lena'

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  1.  11
    Macrobio Ambrogio Teodosio: un'analisi sulla religione dell'autore dei Saturnalia.Enrico Schiavo-Lena - 2017 - Roma: Arbor Sapientiae editore.
    For centuries, scholars have not doubted that Macrobio Ambrogio Teodosio was pagan. Recently, prof. Alan Cameron in his The Last Pagans of Rome clamied that the late antique writer was actually a Christian. This essay seeks to refute this assumption. --Translated from back cover.
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    National Self-determination: Features of the Evolution and Functioning of the Phenomenon.Inal B. Sanakoev, Санакоев Инал Борисович, Lena T. Kulumbegova, Кулумбегова Лина Темуриевна, Marina L. Ivleva & Ивлева Марина Левенбертовна - 2023 - RUDN Journal of Philosophy 27 (1):153-162.
    The article analyzes the phenomenon of national self-determination in terms of evolution and functioning. The authors aim to determine the general characteristics and evolution of this phenomenon in both conceptual and applied versions. In the evolution’s context of national self-determination as a theoretical concept and a political and legal principle, several stages were identified and considered. According to the authors, each stage of the phenomenon’s evolution was inevitably accompanied by its qualitative transformations, both in political and legal terms. The first (...)
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    Convincing for the good cause? Techniques of public health communication and their ethical implications.Manuel Schaper, Solveig Lena Hansen & Silke Schicktanz - 2019 - Ethik in der Medizin 31 (1):23-44.
    Der Beitrag analysiert Techniken öffentlicher Gesundheitskommunikation und skizziert im Ausblick Minimalbedingungen für ihre ethische Vertretbarkeit. Dazu wird erstens an einem aktuellen Beispiel veranschaulicht, wie mittels Text und Bild die Öffentlichkeit überzeugt werden soll, ein bestimmtes Gesundheitsverhalten an den Tag zu legen. Zweitens werden anhand der internationalen Ethik-Debatte fünf Grundtypen von Techniken in der Gesundheitskommunikation (Information, Argumentation, Persuasion, Manipulation und Zwang) rekonstruiert und entlang von Mittel, Zweck, Folgen für Adressaten sowie Implikationen für Autonomie aus ethischer Sicht unterschieden. Am besonders ambivalenten Beispiel (...)
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    That's Where We're Living : Determinism and Free Will in "Unthought Known".Enrico Terrone - 2021 - In Stefano Marino & Andrea Schembari (eds.), Pearl Jam and philosophy. New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
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    Densi funduntur ab aethere nimbi.Enrico I. Rambaldi - 2014 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 69 (3):546-547.
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    Storiografia crociana E storia delle idee: L'adamo ed Eva di antonello gerbi.Enrico Isacco Rambaldi - 2014 - Trans/Form/Ação 37 (s1):9-36.
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  7. Per un dialogo indù-cristiano: l'incontro tra teo-logia e teo-mythia.Enrico Riparelli - 2021 - In Gabriele Palasciano (ed.), Alla ricerca del logos: un percorso storico-esegetico e teologico. Todi (PG): Tau editrice. pp. 329-358.
    Nel presente contributo è nostra intenzione sondare un binomio che appare fondamentale in funzione dialogica interculturale e interreligiosa, ossia la relazione tra logos e mythos, principalmente in vista dell’incontro tra cristianesimo e tradizione induista. È nostra convinzione che le forme complementari di «teo-logia» e «teo-mythia» possa essere esplorato con frutto, tanto in funzione specifica dell’incontro con la tradizione induista, quanto per una più ampia e profonda inculturazione del vangelo.
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    Cinenespolo.Enrico Baj - 2015 - Rivista di Estetica:57-59.
    In the middle of the 60s Nespolo started using curved lines in his paintings. While modern painting had until then had been dominated by straight lines and therefore by a rational, geometric approach, curved lines brought back a wider freedom in shapes and concepts. Nespolo used simple curves as the core of his creations and these were probably responsible for his turn towards cinema. As curved lines divide a flat surface into pieces with a jigsaw effect, so a movie sequence (...)
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  9. Criminal Sociology.Enrico Ferri & W. Douglas Morrison - 1896 - International Journal of Ethics 7 (1):110-112.
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    How Can Constitutivism Account for the Persistence of Deep Disagreements?Enrico Galli - forthcoming - Social Epistemology.
    Exploring the metaphysics of deep disagreements, Ranalli identifies several essential features shared by all such disputes. These very features constitute a set of adequacy conditions that any satisfactory theory of deep disagreements must meet. The paper explains how Coliva’s Wittgensteinian hinge theory can satisfy Ranalli’s persistence desideratum. According to this condition, any appropriate theory must explain why deep disagreements tend to be persistent and thus unresolved without presupposing that they are rationally irresolvable. First, the work critically discusses how Coliva utilizes (...)
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    Logica e metafisica in Kuno Fischer.Enrico A. Colombo - 2004 - Milano: UNICOPLI.
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    La musica: natura e storia.Enrico Fubini - 2004 - Torino: G. Einaudi.
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    "Due" di filosofia.Enrico Guglielminetti - 2007 - Milano: Jaca book.
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    La commozione del bene: una teoria dell'aggiungere.Enrico Guglielminetti - 2011 - Milano: Jaca book.
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    Toward A New Eternalist Paradigm for Afterlife Studies: The Case of the Near-Death Experiences Argument.Ines Testoni, Enrico Facco & Federico Perelda - 2017 - World Futures 73 (7):442-456.
    In contemporary Western culture, death has been widely censured because of its conceptual implications; it lies at the boundaries between reductionism and metaphysics. There is not yet an efficacious epistemology able to solve this contraposition and its consequent collision with science and tradition. This article analyzes Near Death Experiences as a prototypical argument in which the two perspectives conflict. Specifically, it analyzes the epistemological antinomies of the ontological representations of death, inhering in passage versus absolute annihilation. Indeed, the NDEs theme (...)
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    The impetus theory: Between history of physics and science education.Enrico Giannetto - 1993 - Science & Education 2 (3):227-238.
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    Traditional Gender Role Beliefs and Career Attainment in STEM: A Gendered Story?Anna-Lena Dicke, Nayssan Safavian & Jacquelynne S. Eccles - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Emotional Stress During Pregnancy – Associations With Maternal Anxiety Disorders, Infant Cortisol Reactivity, and Mother–Child Interaction at Pre-school Age.Anna-Lena Zietlow, Nora Nonnenmacher, Corinna Reck, Beate Ditzen & Mitho Müller - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  19. Aristotle on Science the Posterior Analytics ; Proceedings of the Eighth Symposium Aristotelicum Held in Padua From September 7 to 15, 1978.Enrico Berti - 1981 - Antenore.
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    Kunst als gesellschaftskritisches Medium: wissenschaftliche und künstlerische Zugänge.Michaela Bstieler, Lena Ganahl, Elisabeth Hubmann, Denise Pöttgen & Siljarosa Schletterer (eds.) - 2018 - Bielefeld: Transcript.
    Kunst als Projektionsfläche, Kunst als Ausdruck, Kunst als Gesellschaftskritik: Die Beitragenden dieses Bandes reflektieren unterschiedliche Dimensionen und Spannungslinien des Verhältnisses von Kunst und Kritik und untersuchen dabei das künstlerische Gestaltungs- und Inszenierungspotenzial aus interdisziplinärer Perspektive. Mit der Verflechtung von wissenschaftlichen Beiträgen und Kunstperformances erschliessen sie eine Bandbreite an unterschiedlichen Bedeutungszusammenhängen und Entwicklungsdynamiken von zentralen Diskursen der Kunstlandschaft unter Berücksichtigung u.a. architektonischer, philosophischer, kunsthistorischer, musikwissenschaftlicher und aktionistischer Aspekte"--Back cover.
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    Effect of Long-Term Music Training on Emotion Perception From Drumming Improvisation.Martina Di Mauro, Enrico Toffalini, Massimo Grassi & Karin Petrini - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  22. Filosofia cristiana: modernità, valori.Enrico Garulli - 1982 - Urbino: 4 Venti.
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  23. Heidegger e la storia della ontologia.Enrico Garulli - 1983 - Urbino: Argalìa.
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    Sguardi sul pensiero contemporaneo: filosofia e scienze per cambiare il mondo.Enrico Giannetto - 2018 - Padova, Italy: edizioni.
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    Authority in Transformation.Elisabeth Gulbrandsen & Lena Trojer - 1996 - European Journal of Women's Studies 3 (2):131-147.
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    Contrasting Medical Technology with Deprivation and Social Vulnerability. Lessons for the Ethical Debate on Cloning and Organ Transplantation Through the Film Never Let Me Go.Solveig Lena Hansen & Sabine Wöhlke - 2016 - NanoEthics 10 (3):245-256.
    In the film Never Let Me Go, clones are forced to donate their organs anonymously. As a work of fiction, this film can be regarded as a negotiation of limited agency, since the clones are depicted as vulnerable individuals. Thereby, it evokes a confrontation with underprivileged positions in technocratic societies, encouraging the audience to take the perspective of the marginalised. The clones are situated in ‘privileged deprivation’; from the audience’s point of view, they are unable to evolve into autonomous agents—but (...)
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    The solid tumor microenvironment—Breaking the barrier for T cells.Hasan Simsek & Enrico Klotzsch - 2022 - Bioessays 44 (6):2100285.
    The tumor microenvironment (TME) plays a pivotal role in the behavior and development of solid tumors as well as shaping the immune response against them. As the tumor cells proliferate, the space they occupy and their physical interactions with the surrounding tissue increases. The growing tumor tissue becomes a complex dynamic structure, containing connective tissue, vascular structures, and extracellular matrix (ECM) that facilitates stimulation, oxygenation, and nutrition, necessary for its fast growth. Mechanical cues such as stiffness, solid stress, interstitial fluid (...)
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  28. Henry-Studien in Italien.Enrico Vicinelli Polucci - 2009 - Studia Phaenomenologica 9:511-520.
  29. Interpreting and Translation: Two sides of the same coin.Cay Dollerup, Lena Fluger & Anne Zoëga - 1992 - Hermes 8:43-53.
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  30. L'uso" scientifico" della dialettica in Aristotele.Enrico Berti - 1995 - Giornale di Metafisica 17 (1):169.
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    Abductive, causal, and counterfactual conditionals under incomplete probabilistic knowledge.Niki Pfeifer & Lena Tulkki - 2017 - In G. Gunzelmann, A. Howes, T. Tenbrink & E. Davelaar (eds.), Proceedings of the 39th Cognitive Science Society Meeting. pp. 2888-2893.
    We study abductive, causal, and non-causal conditionals in indicative and counterfactual formulations using probabilistic truth table tasks under incomplete probabilistic knowledge (N = 80). We frame the task as a probability-logical inference problem. The most frequently observed response type across all conditions was a class of conditional event interpretations of conditionals; it was followed by conjunction interpretations. An interesting minority of participants neglected some of the relevant imprecision involved in the premises when inferring lower or upper probability bounds on the (...)
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  32. El Existencialismo, filosofía de la crisis.Enrico Castelli - 1949 - Cuadernos de Filosofía 2 (3):48.
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  33. Filosofia dell'arte. - Numéro de l'Archivio di Filosofia.Enrico Castelli - 1954 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 144:163-163.
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  34. L'Ermeneutica della filosofia della religione.Enrico Castelli (ed.) - 1977 - Padova: CEDAM.
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  35. Le mythe de la peine, Actes du Colloque international de Rome, janvier 1967.Enrico Castelli - 1968 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 73 (2):254-255.
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  36. Les présupposés d'une théologie de l'histoire.Enrico Castelli - 1955 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 10 (2):291-292.
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  37. (1 other version)L'enquête quotidienne.Enrico Castelli & Enrichetta Valenziani - 1960 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 15 (1):93-94.
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    L'Infaillibilité: son aspect philosophique et théologiques.Enrico Castelli (ed.) - 1970 - [Paris]: Aubier, Montaigne.
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  39. Le sacré, études et recherches.Enrico Castelli - 1980 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 11 (4):253-254.
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  40. Ricordo di Felice Balbo.Enrico Castelli - 1964 - Filosofia 15 (3):543.
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    Victoria Crucis.Enrico Cattaneo - 2009 - Augustinianum 49 (2):421-437.
    In the eulogy for the death of the Emperor Theodosius held on February 25, a.D. 395, Ambrose introduces the episode of the finding of the Holy Cross in Jerusalem for the interest of Helena, mother of Constantine. That allows the bishop of Milan to expose his political- religious conceptions. The article offers a systematic analysis of the excursus from a literary point of view.
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  42.  21
    Transatlantic relations and public diplomacy: the Council on Foreign Relations, Jean Monnet, and post-WWII France and Europe.Enrico Ciappi - 2022 - History of European Ideas 48 (6):848-864.
    The Second World War offered an excellent opportunity for some U.S. think tanks to influence foreign-policy-making processes and get involved in transatlantic diplomacy. This study seeks to demonstrate that the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) challenged the stalemate between the U.S. and French authorities by gathering together U.S. experts and non-collaborationist French leaders. A first-hand reconstruction of this informal network is based on the unreleased Peace Aims Group’s records. This was a unique CFR exchange programme for European governments-in-exile’s representatives. In (...)
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    The Syntax of Proper Names.Enrico Cipriani - 2017 - Philosophical Inquiry 41 (1):98-110.
    In this paper, I will focus on the debate between descriptivism and antidescriptivism theory about proper names. In Section I, I will propose an historical reconstruction of the debate, and I will focus in particular on Russell and Kripke's treatments of proper names. Some criticisms will be advanced against Kripke's hypothesis of rigid-designator and, more clearly, against the consequent distinction between the epistemic and metaphysical level that Kripke proposes to explain identity assertions between proper names. Furthermore, I will argue, that, (...)
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    Bruno Bauer, Hegel e l'ebraismo.Enrico Colombo - 2021 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 1:156-165.
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  45. Franco Biasutti, Momenti della filosofia hegeliana. Ethos, Arte, Religione, Storia.Enrico Colombo - 2009 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 64 (4):891.
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    Realtà ed etica in Albert Schweitzer.Enrico A. Colombo - 2016 - Brescia: Morcelliana.
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    Ancora Sulla “Statua of Sant’Ippolito”.Enrico dal Covolo - 1992 - Augustinianum 32 (1):51-59.
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    Disvelare l'inosservabile: la scienza greca di fronte all'invisibile.Enrico Crivellato - 2023 - Pistoia: Petite plaisance.
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    Un’immaginazione ludicamente decostruttiva.Enrico Crispolti - 2015 - Rivista di Estetica:47-51.
    Avant-gardist but at the same time critic toward Arte Povera and Conceptual Art, Nespolo express a ludic attitude in his works based on an intensive production of images and forms. Playing with imagination and languages, calling to mind some visual solutions from Futurism and Pop Art Nespolo with his poetics and his postmodernist attitude emphasize communication making a publicity art.
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    IB Course Companion: Theory of Knowledge.Eileen Dombrowski, Lena Rotenberg & Mimi Bick - 2007 - New York: Oxford University Press. Edited by Lena Rotenberg, Mimi Bick & Richard van de Lagemaat.
    This book has been specifically designed to support the student of the IB Diploma Programme in Theory of Knowledge. It will stimulate students to think about learning and knowledge from their own and from others' perspectives in a way that crosses disciplines and cultures. It will encourage reflection, discussion, critical thinking, and awareness of the ways in which knowledge is constructed, and will lead students to recognize the implications of knowledge for issues of global concern. The book is rooted in (...)
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