Results for 'Amina-Aicha Khennaoui'

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  1.  22
    A New Fractional-Order Map with Infinite Number of Equilibria and Its Encryption Application.Ahlem Gasri, Amina-Aicha Khennaoui, Adel Ouannas, Giuseppe Grassi, Apostolos Iatropoulos, Lazaros Moysis & Christos Volos - 2022 - Complexity 2022:1-18.
    The study of the chaotic dynamics in fractional-order discrete-time systems has received great attention over the last years. Some efforts have been also devoted to analyze fractional maps with special features. This paper makes a contribution to the topic by introducing a new fractional map that is characterized by both particular dynamic behaviors and specific properties related to the system equilibria. In particular, the conceived one dimensional map is algebraically simpler than all the proposed fractional maps in the literature. Using (...)
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    ¿Acaso Kant tenía un perro? Acerca de El can de Kant. En torno a Borges, la filosofía y el tiempo de la traducción, de David E. Johnson.Aïcha Liviana Messina - 2020 - Ideas Y Valores 69:19-26.
    Resumen El artículo se propone mostrar cómo, en El can de Kant, la filosofía llega a ser cuestionada por la literatura, y qué tipo de operación crítica o deconstructiva esta última posibilita. Muestra en particular que los problemas de la imaginación y del tiempo en Kant están enfocados a partir de la experiencia de la memoria y de la traducción en Borges. Finalmente, se sugiere que, mientras la imaginación posibilita la conformación de objetos, y por ende la posibilidad de tener (...)
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    La paz como primer lenguaje1.Aïcha Liviana Messina - 2012 - Ideas Y Valores 61 (150).
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    The Apocalypse of Blanchot.Aïcha Liviana Messina & Lena Taub - 2016 - Philosophy Today 60 (4):877-892.
    The thoughts of apocalypse can either be intense and demanding, or lead to the risk of abandoning the present to a state of inertia and impotence. The apocalypse can be, in fact, the moment of the Last Judgment. In this case, justice is related to the revelation of truth. But the apocalypse can also be the revelation of the end of any truth, i.e. the revelation that the history doesn’t have any meaning, that the end is as endless as it (...)
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    Deictic directionality and Space in BerberA typological survey of the semantics of =d and =nn.Aicha Belkadi - 2015 - Corpus 14:189-233.
    Berber languages use the directionals =d and =nn to specify the deictic path of motion verbs. These clitics occur with a range of verbs from other semantic classes (e.g. change of state verbs, verbs of vision and perception), with which they can be attributed different meanings. The first goal of this paper is to provide a cross-dialectal description of these meanings. The second goal is to show the role of verbal semantics in their constructions and the overall distribution of the (...)
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    Le miroir des formes.Aïcha Ibrahim - 2004 - Tunis: Centre d'études de la recherches économiques et sociales.
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    Associations Between Neonatal Cry Acoustics and Visual Attention During the First Year.Aicha Kivinummi, Gaurav Naithani, Outi Tammela, Tuomas Virtanen, Enni Kurkela, Miia Alhainen, Dana J. H. Niehaus, Anusha Lachman, Jukka M. Leppänen & Mikko J. Peltola - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    It has been suggested that early cry parameters are connected to later cognitive abilities. The present study is the first to investigate whether the acoustic features of infant cry are associated with cognitive development already during the first year, as measured by oculomotor orienting and attention disengagement. Cry sounds for acoustic analyses (fundamental frequency; F0) were recorded in two neonatal cohorts at the age of 0-8 days (Tampere, Finland) or at 6 weeks (Cape Town, South Africa). Eye tracking was used (...)
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    Os atributos de Deus no pensamento isl'mico medieval.Aicha Lahdhiri - 2022 - Perspectivas 7 (1):19-30.
    Como parte da pesquisa sobre a onipotência de Deus no Islã, deve-se recordar que esse tema é objeto de um grande debate sobre a concepção de Deus que ocupa o pensamento tanto de filósofos quanto de teólogos medievais, do século II ao século VIII d.C. De fato, o principal problema teológico deste período pode ser resumido em questões como estas: é possível conhecer a Essência de Deus através de Seus atributos? Deus pode ser conhecido por meio de Seus atributos? Os (...)
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    Apocalypse et croyance en ce monde.Aïcha Liviana Messina - 2017 - Les Cahiers Philosophiques de Strasbourg 42:153-168.
    Cet article se propose d’analyser l’enjeu de la critique qu’élabore Nancy au sujet du problème du christianisme chez Blanchot. Nous nous proposons de montrer que, s’il y a une convergence entre les pensées de Blanchot et de Nancy autour de la question du christianisme, leur divergence se concentre en fait sur la question du monde et sur le problème de sa fin. Tandis que la finitude est, chez l’un et chez l’autre, un opérateur de déconstruction du christianisme, elle définit aussi (...)
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    Crítica y Deconstrucción, o Cómo la Violencia Está En Cuestión. Levinas y Derrida Frente a (y Dentro de) la Violencia Del Silencio.Aïcha Liviana Messina - 2022 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 63 (152):471-490.
    ABSTRACT This article aims to analyze the problem of violence, as tackled by Derrida in his dialogue with Levinas. It is asked in particular how it is possible to think critically about violence if we assume that violence constitutes us. In order to do this, it dwells on the diference that Derrida establishes between criticism and deconstruction and on his analysis of the relationship between violence and silence. One of the main theses of this article is that what allows a (...)
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  11.  20
    D’un savoir sans vérité.Aïcha Liviana Messina - 2021 - Philosophie 151 (4):36-49.
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  12. Exacerbating the self-critical tendency": ethics and critique in Le pas au-delà.Aicha Liviana Messina - 2018 - In Christopher Langlois, Understanding Blanchot, understanding modernism. New York, NY: Bloomsbury Academic.
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    Présentation.Aïcha Liviana Messina - 2021 - Philosophie 151 (4):3-4.
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    Peace as First language Peace and Politics with E. Lévinas.Aïcha Liviana Messina - 2012 - Ideas Y Valores 61 (150):145-167.
    Cuando E. Lévinas afirma que la paz es "el acontecimiento inicial del encuentro" y que es un "primer lenguaje", se podría creer que suspende su actitud crítica en beneficio de una ingenua confianza en el ser humano, olvidando así la violencia sin límites de las relaciones humanas. Todo cambia, sin embargo, cuando se comprende que ese "acontecimiento primero" proviene de lo anárquico, que no se fija y no permite entonces ninguna especie de conciliación. Se analiza cómo Lévinas renueva, después de (...)
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    Souffrance ethique et souffrance tragique : L'elaboration levinassienne de la critique nietzscheenne de la compassion.Aïcha Liviana Messina - 2016 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 57 (134):379-399.
    RÉSUMÉ Cet article analyse le problème de la souffrance dans l'œuvre de Lévinas à la lumière de la critique nietzschéenne de la compassion. Il s'agit dans un premier temps de montrer que, bien que la description que fait Lévinas de la souffrance éthique soit similaire à l'idée nietzschéenne de la souffrance tragique ou inutile, les premiers écrits de Lévinas se concentrent aussi sur les dangers politiques qui resultent de la conception nietzschéenne du corps et de sa vision tragique de la (...)
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    The writing of innocence: Blanchot and the deconstruction of Christianity.Aïcha Liviana Messina - 2022 - Albany: State University of New York Press.
    An original reading of Blanchot's thought with far-reaching philosophical and literary implications.
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    Deities Who “Turn Back” from Anger.Aicha Rahmouni - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 136 (2):235.
    An examination of the use of the idiom “to return” to express the forgiveness and compassion of a deity in ancient Semitic languages and quranic Arabic.
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    Black Women, the Economic Crisis and the British State.Amina Mama - 1984 - Feminist Review 17 (1):21-35.
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    Understanding nurses’ justification of restraint in a neurosurgical setting: A qualitative interview study.Amina Guenna Holmgren, Ann-Christin von Vogelsang, Anna Lindblad & Niklas Juth - 2023 - Nursing Ethics 30 (1):71-85.
    Background Despite its negative impact on patients and nurses, the use of restraint in somatic health care continues in many settings. Understanding the reasons and justifications for the use of restraint among nurses is crucial in order to manage this challenge. Aim To understand nurses’ justifications for restraint use in neurosurgical care. Research design A qualitative, descriptive design was used. Data were analysed with inductive qualitative content analysis. Participants and research context Semi-structured interviews with 15 nurses working in three neurosurgical (...)
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    What Does it Mean to Do Feminist Research in African Contexts?Amina Mama - 2011 - Feminist Review 98 (1_suppl):e4-e20.
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    Scientific Seminar of the Student Society of Oral History of Philosophy.Amina Kkhelufi - 2019 - Sententiae 38 (2):215-217.
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    Obtaining Informed Consent in an Egyptian Research Study.Amina M. Rashad, Fiona MacVane Phipps & Melanie Haith-Cooper - 2004 - Nursing Ethics 11 (4):394-399.
    This article explores the concept of internationally acceptable codes of ethics within the context of an Egyptian nurse’s PhD studies. Theoretical work, including gaining ethical approval for the project, took place in the UK, while the data collection phase of the study was done in Egypt. This highlighted areas where the Arab Muslim interpretation of some ethical principles, especially around the issue of gaining informed consent, differed from that currently accepted in British research ethics. The authors argue that it may (...)
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  23.  59
    Muslim Faith in Pakistan: A Faith-Development View on Fundamentalist to Mature Orientations.Amina Hanif Tarar, Syeda Salma Hassan & Barbara Keller - 2017 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 39 (1):27-60.
    Faith development theory has evolved as a prominent theoretical perspective during the past three decades to explain different ways of relating to religious beliefs and worldviews. Recent revisions of the theory have elaborated on these characteristic ways as religious styles namely the fundamentalist, mutual, individuative-systemic, and dialogical. The present study developed an Urdu version of its principal measure, i.e., Faith Development Interview, to analyze twelve cases of Muslims of various religious affiliations within Islam in Pakistan. Four case studies representative of (...)
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    ‘Skin Trade’: Genealogy of Anti-ageing ‘Whiteness Therapy’ in Colonial Medicine.Amina Mire - 2014 - Medicine Studies 4 (1):119-129.
    This article investigates the extent to which the emerging trend of do-it-yourself anti-ageing skin-whitening products represents a re-articulation of Western colonial concerns with environmental pollution and racial degeneracy into concern with gendered vulnerability. This emerging market is a multibillion dollar industry anchored in the USA, but expanding globally. Do-it-yourself anti-ageing skin-whitening products purport to address the needs of those looking to fight the visible signs of ageing, often promising to remove hyper-pigmented age spots from women’s skin, and replace it with (...)
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    Restraint in somatic healthcare: how should it be regulated?Amina Guenna Holmgren, Ann-Christin von Vogelsang, Anna Lindblad & Niklas Juth - forthcoming - Journal of Medical Ethics.
    Restraint is regularly used in somatic healthcare settings, and countries have chosen different paths to regulate restraint in somatic healthcare. One overarching problem when regulating restraint is to ensure that patients with reduced decision-making capacity receive the care they need and at the same time ensure that patients with a sufficient degree of decision-making capacity are not forced into care that they do not want. Here, arguments of justice, trust in the healthcare system, minimising harm and respecting autonomy are contrasted (...)
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    The Notion of Identity in the Philosophy of John Locke: Through the Influences of Religion Ideas.Amina Kkhelufi - 2022 - Multiversum. Philosophical Almanac 1 (1):62-74.
    John Locke is one of the key figures in the history of early modern philosophy. He had a great influence on the development of philosophy, which is based on the empirical method, and on the political systems of countries. And even though his works have not been deprived of attention, some questions of his philosophy remain insufficiently disclosed. The author's deals with the religious turn in studies of John Loke. Attention is paid to the role of religion in the philosophy (...)
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  27. (1 other version)In/through the bodies of women: Rethinking gender in african politics.Mire Amina - 1998 - Polis 6 (2).
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    (1 other version)Au Maroc.Amina Benmansour - 1999 - Clio: A Journal of Literature, History, and the Philosophy of History 1:14-14.
    La présente étude se veut une réflexion exploratoire sur la recherche féminine. Elle s’appuie, d’une part, sur les écrits de plus en plus nombreux ces deux dernières décennies sur la question féminine, où la femme est autant productrice qu’objet d’analyse et, d’autre part, sur une expérience de cinq années menée au sein d’un groupe de recherche pluridisciplinaire multilingue spécialisé dans les études sur la femme. Il s’agit en l’occurrence du Groupe Universitaire d’Etudes Féminines (G.U.E.F..
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    Conflitto e armonia nel pensiero cinese dell'età classica: il Trattato sui riti di Xunzi.Amina Crisma - 2004 - Padova: Unipress.
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  30. Training Future Managers About Sustainability With Retrospective Analysis: The Role of Reflexivity.Amina Djedidi - forthcoming - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility.
    While public discourse emphasizes the social role of businesses, a gap remains between the theory and practice observed in corporate strategies and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) set out in the UN 2030 Agenda. Many studies have pointed to the lack of research on uncommon teaching methodologies to develop reflexivity and critical thinking in future managers as a meta knowledge being more inclusive of SDGs in the future. This gap causes educators and researchers in the marketing management field to continuously (...)
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    Feminist ‘Selves’ and Feminism's ‘Others’: Feminist Representations of Jamaat-E-Islami Women in Pakistan.Amina Jamal - 2005 - Feminist Review 81 (1):52-73.
    In Pakistan, as in many other societies, politico-religious movements or so-called Islamist fundamentalist movements are becoming an important site for women's activism as well as the harnessing of such activism to promote agendas that seem to undermine women's autonomy. This has become a concern for a growing feminist literature which from a variety of political and theoretical positions seeks to understand and explain the subject-position of Muslim women as politico-religious activists. This paper attempts a deconstructive reading of texts by leading (...)
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    Gendered Islam and Modernity in the Nation-Space: Women's Modernism in the Jamaat-e-Islami of Pakistan.Amina Jamal - 2009 - Feminist Review 91 (1):9-28.
    Feminist scholarship on women in religious and right-wing social and political movements has moved from a reductive focus on causal or motivational factors to more sophisticated analyses explicating processes of agency and subject formation. With the aim of expanding and deepening this conceptual space, I will discuss some of my interactions with a group of women in the Jamaat-e-Islami in Pakistan, as we attempted to explore the complex meanings of ‘the modern’ that informed the self-understanding of my interviewees. My work (...)
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    A new approach for explaining dreaming and Rem sleep mechanisms.Amina Khambalia & Colin M. Shapiro - 2000 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 23 (6):558-559.
    The following review summarizes and examines Mark Solms's article Dreaming and REM Sleep are controlled by different brain mechanisms, which argues why the understanding of REM sleep as the physiological equivalent of dreaming needs to be re-analyzed. An analysis of Solms's article demonstrates that he makes a convincing argument against the paradigmatic activation-synthesis model proposed by Hobson and McCarley and provides provocative evidence to support his claim that REM and dreaming are dissociable states. In addition, to situate Solms's findings in (...)
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    New Studies of Locke Philosophy of Religion.Amina Khelufi - 2017 - Sententiae 36 (2):146-153.
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    Letter.Amina Mama - 1983 - Feminist Review 15 (1):99-100.
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    The Colour of Love: Mixed Race Relationships.Amina Mama - 1993 - Feminist Review 43 (1):102-106.
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    Violence against Black Women: Gender, Race and State Responses.Amina Mama - 1989 - Feminist Review 32 (1):30-48.
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    ‘We will not be pacified’: From freedom fighters to feminists.Amina Mama - 2020 - European Journal of Women's Studies 27 (4):362-380.
    Whether hailed for transitioning to the ballot box, or condemned for failing to hold elections, Africa’s postcolonial states exhibit profound contradictions in the arena of gender politics. Where reforms have been achieved, implementation remains minimal, as undemocratic state structures and uncivil societies alike lack the political will to change. This article addresses the emergence of feminism as an intellectual and political force for freedom that radically challenges the ongoing exploitation and oppression of women in Africa. It focuses on the contribution (...)
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    Faith styles and perceptions of other faiths among Muslims.Amina Hanif Tarar, Syeda Salma Hasan & Barbara Keller - 2021 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 43 (1):41-64.
    The positive role of religion in reducing prejudice has remained a neglected theme in Psychology of religion, concerning itself mostly with prejudice and fundamentalism. Recently, noting the absence of a positive antithesis to prejudice and fundamentalism, faith development theory presents xenosophia as going beyond mere tolerance to a creative engagement with other religious faiths to develop new insights and broaden one’s own worldview. The current research undertakes a study of Muslim faith contents to get insights into how these beliefs shape (...)
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  40. The myth of the incredible eyewitness.Amina Memon & Thomson & Don - 2007 - In Sergio Della Sala, Tall Tales About the Mind and Brain: Separating Fact From Fiction. Oxford University Press.
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    Citizenship and faith.Amina Wadud - 2005 - In Marilyn Friedman, Women and Citizenship. New York, US: Oup Usa. pp. 170--187.
    Wadud analyzes citizenship in theocratic states governed by Shari’ah, or Islamic law, states which do not traditionally envisage the equality of women. Against such theocratic systems, Wadud argues that the canonical Islamic tradition of jurisprudence is open to reinterpretation in light of changing conditions in Muslim societies. According to Wadud, the Qur’an does not restrict agency on the grounds of gender. The gender disparity that has developed in Islamic tradition and theory denies women the means of completing their duties before (...)
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  42. "The saved and the lost." Attempt to recall on-line.Natalia Viatkina, Amina Kkhelufi, Kseniia Myroshnyk & Nataliia Reva - 2020 - Sententiae 39 (2):226-240.
    Interview of Amina Kkhelufi, Kseniia Myroshnyk, Nataliia Reva with Natalia Viatkina.
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    Intersectionality in Clinical Medicine: The Need for a Conceptual Framework.Yolonda Wilson, Amina White, Akilah Jefferson & Marion Danis - 2019 - American Journal of Bioethics 19 (2):8-19.
    Intersectionality has become a significant intellectual approach for those thinking about the ways that race, gender, and other social identities converge in order to create unique forms of oppression. Although the initial work on intersectionality addressed the unique position of black women relative to both black men and white women, the concept has since been expanded to address a range of social identities. Here we consider how to apply some of the theoretical tools provided by intersectionality to the clinical context. (...)
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    La Paz como Primer lenguaje Paz Y política en E. lévinas.Aïcha Liviana Messina - 2012 - Ideas Y Valores 61 (150).
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  45. Peace as First language Peace and Politics with E. Levinas.Aicha Liviana Messina - 2012 - Ideas Y Valores 61 (150):145-167.
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    The Written Word and the Oral Word: Toward an Oral History of Philosophy. Part II. Conception.Tetiana Chaika, Amina Kkhelufi & Kseniia Myroshnyk - 2024 - Sententiae 43 (3):208-229.
    An interview of Amina Kkhelufi and Kseniia Myroshnyk with Tetiana Chaika, dedicated to the method of oral history of philosophy.
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    The Written Word and the Oral Word: Toward an Oral History of Philosophy. Part I. At the Crossroads of Fate: The Secret of the Ancient Rug.Tetiana Chaika, Amina Kkhelufi & Kseniia Myroshnyk - 2024 - Sententiae 43 (1):190-211.
    An interview of Amina Kkhelufi and Kseniia Myroshnyk with Tetiana Chaika, dedicated to the formation of the idea of an oral history of philosophy.
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    Music listening in families and peer groups: benefits for young people's social cohesion and emotional well-being across four cultures.Diana Boer & Amina Abubakar - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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    “The saved and the lost.” Attempt to recall on-line. Part II.Natalia Viatkina, Amina Kkhelufi, Kseniia Myroshnyk & Nataliia Reva - 2021 - Sententiae 40 (1):160-174.
    Interview of Amina Khelufi, Kseniia Myroshnyk and Nataliia Reva with Natalia Viatkina.
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    Oral History of Philosophy: Method, Methodology, (Future) Discipline?Nataliia Reva & Amina Kkhelufi - 2024 - Sententiae 43 (1):44-50.
    Natalia Reva's interview with Amina Khelufi, devoted to the status of the oral history of philosophy, modern research in this field and prospects for its development. This interview is an Appendix to Natalia Reva's article published in this issue of Sententiae.
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