Results for 'Ancient Epic'

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  1.  19
    ANCIENT EPICS AND CHILDREN'S LITERATURE - (G.L.) Irby Epic Echoes in The Wind in the Willows. Pp. x + 140, ills. London and New York: Routledge, 2022. Cased, £44.99, US$59.95. ISBN: 978-1-03-210510-9. [REVIEW]Elizabeth Hale & John K. Hale - 2023 - The Classical Review 73 (2):703-705.
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    Gilgamesh among Us: Modern Encounters with the Ancient Epic by Theodore Ziolkowski (review).Johannes Haubold - 2014 - American Journal of Philology 135 (4):669-672.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Gilgamesh among Us: Modern Encounters with the Ancient Epic by Theodore ZiolkowskiJohannes HauboldTheodore Ziolkowski. Gilgamesh among Us: Modern Encounters with the Ancient Epic. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 2011. xvi + 226 pp. 3 black-and-white ills. Cloth, $35.This book surveys modern receptions of the Gilgamesh Epic from the earliest lectures and publications of George Smith to recent reworkings of the epic in (...)
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    The Ramayana: a new retelling of Valmiki's ancient epic--complete and comprehensive.Linda Egenes - 2016 - New York, New York: A TarcherPerigee Book. Edited by Kumuda Reddy & Vālmīki.
    A delightfully straightforward and lyrical retelling of the ancient Indian epic of loyalty, betrayal, redemption, and insight into the true nature of life -- one of history's most sacred ethical works, rendered with completeness and sterling accuracy for the modern reader. Here is one of the world's most hallowed works of sacred literature, the grand, sweeping epic of the divine bowman and warrior Rama and his struggles with evil, power, duplicity, and avarice. The Ramayana is one of (...)
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  4. The Past As Legacy: Luke-Acts and Ancient Epic.Marianne Palmer Bonz - 2000
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    John Milton and the Transformation of Ancient Epic (review).Raymond Adolph Prier - 1990 - Philosophy and Literature 14 (2):417-418.
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    Gilgamesh Among Us: Modern Encounters with the Ancient Epic by Theodore Ziolkowski.Nicole Brisch - 2013 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 107 (2):274-275.
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    Epic - (K.C.) King Ancient Epic. Pp. x + 206, map. Malden, MA and Oxford: Wiley–Blackwell, 2009. Cased, £50, €57.50, US$94.95. ISBN: 978-1-4051-5947-0. [REVIEW]Martin Brady - 2011 - The Classical Review 61 (1):11-12.
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    EPIC AND FILM / TELEVISION - (A.) Potter, (H.) Gardner (edd.) Ancient Epic in Film and Television. Pp. x + 286, ills. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2022. Cased, £90. ISBN: 978-1-4744-7374-3. [REVIEW]Arthur J. Pomeroy - 2023 - The Classical Review 73 (1):327-329.
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  9. (1 other version)Vergil's "Georgics" and the Traditions of Ancient Epic: The Art of Allusion in Literary History by Joseph Farrell. [REVIEW]John Miller - 1993 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 86:526-527.
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    Allusion in the Georgics- Joseph Farrell: Vergil's Georgics and the Traditions of Ancient Epic. The Art of Allusion in Literary History. Pp. xiv + 390. New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1991. £30. [REVIEW]Nicholas Horsfall - 1993 - The Classical Review 43 (01):44-47.
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    Zeus, Ancient Near Eastern Notions of Divine Incomparability, and Similes in the Homeric Epics.Jonathan L. Ready - 2012 - Classical Antiquity 31 (1):56-91.
    This article explores the significance of the following fact: in neither the Iliad nor the Odyssey does one find a simile about Zeus. I argue that just as ancient Near Eastern texts characterize a god by declaring it impossible to fashion a comparison about him or her, so the Homeric epics characterize Zeus by avoiding statements in the shape “Zeus (is) like X.”.
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    Epic Tales from Ancient India: Paintings from the San Diego Museum of Art. Edited by Marika Sardar.Krista Gulbransen - 2022 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 138 (3).
    Epic Tales from Ancient India: Paintings from the San Diego Museum of Art. Edited by Marika Sardar. San Diego: San Diego Museum of Art, 2016. Pp. 164. $45. [Distr. by Yale Univ. Press.].
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    Homer's Ancient Readers: The Hermeneutics of Greek Epic's Earliest Exegetes.Robert Lamberton & John J. Keaney - 2019 - Princeton University Press.
    Although the influence of Homer on Western literature has long commanded critical attention, little has been written on how various generations of readers have found menaing in his texts. These seven essays explore the ways in which the Illiad and the Odyssey have been read from the time of Homer through the Renaissance. By asking what questions early readers expected the texts to answer and looking at how these expectations changed over time, the authors clarify the position of the Illiad (...)
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  14.  32
    Epic (J.M.) Foley (ed.) A Companion to Ancient Epic. (Blackwell Companions to the Ancient World.) Pp. xxvi + 664, ills, map. Malden, MA and Oxford: Blackwell Publishing, 2005. Cased, £85. ISBN: 978-1-4051-0524-. [REVIEW]E. Theodorakopoulos - 2009 - The Classical Review 59 (1):8-.
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    From Epic to Canon: History and Literature in Ancient Israel.Ronald S. Hendel & Frank Moore Cross - 2001 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 121 (1):139.
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    The Epic City: Urbanism, Utopia, and the Garden in Ancient Greece and Rome by Annette Lucia Giesecke. [REVIEW]Roger Paden - 2008 - Utopian Studies 19 (2):333-336.
  17. Religions of the Ancient Near East: Sumero-Akkadian Religious Texts and Ugaritic Epics.Isaac Mendelsohn - 1955
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  18.  46
    The Shaman's Song and Divination in the Epic Tradition.Kurt Cline - 2010 - Anthropology of Consciousness 21 (2):163-187.
    Evidence of the intimate linkage of the shaman's song and divinatory procedures may be viewed in the ancient epics. These narrative poems contain structural and thematic elements recognizable from the shaman's song—in particular his or her voyage to the Otherworld and the guidance of oracular powers. In this paper, The Epic of Gilgamesh, Euripedes' Ion, and The Ozidi Saga (a living epic from West Africa) are examined as recuperations of the orally composed and transmitted song of the (...)
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    Epic and Tragic Music: The Union of the Arts in the Eighteenth Century.Joshua Billings - 2011 - Journal of the History of Ideas 72 (1):99-117.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Epic and Tragic Music: The Union of the Arts in the Eighteenth CenturyJoshua BillingsI. The Union of the Arts in WeimarAround 1800 in Weimar, thought on Greek tragedy crystallized around the union of speech, music, and gesture—what Wagner would later call the Gesamtkunstwerk. Friedrich Schiller and Johann Gottfried Herder both found something lacking in modern spoken theater in comparison with ancient tragedy’s synthesis of the arts. Schiller’s (...)
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  20.  13
    The Rāmāyaṇa of Vālmīki: An Epic of Ancient India. Vol. 6: Yuddhakāṇḍa; and The Rāmāyaṇa of Vālmīki: An Epic of Ancient India. Vol. 7: Uttarakāṇḍa. [REVIEW]Paula Richman - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 138 (1).
    The Rāmāyaṇa of Vālmīki: An Epic of Ancient India. Vol. 6: Yuddhakāṇḍa. Translation and annota tion by Robert P. Goldman, Sally J. Sutherland Goldman, and Barend A. van Nooten. Introduction by Robert P. Goldman and Sally J. Sutherland Goldman. Princeton Library of Asian Translations. Princeton. Princeton University Press, 2009. Pp. 1655 + xviii. $210, $75. The Rāmāyaṇa of Vālmīki: An Epic of Ancient India. Vol. 7: Uttarakāṇḍa. Introduction, translation, and annotation by Robert P. Goldman and Sally (...)
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    The human condition in the epics of the ancient Orient.Franjo Vidović - 2007 - Disputatio Philosophica 9 (1):5-15.
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    The Rāmāyaṇa of Vālmīki: An Epic of Ancient India, Volume VI: Yuddhakāṇḍa.Yigal Bronner - 2013 - The European Legacy 18 (4):496-499.
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    The Rāmāyaṇa of Vālmīki: An Epic of Ancient India, Vol. III: ĀraṇyakāṇḍaThe Forest Book of the Rāmāyaṇa of KampaṉThe Ramayana of Valmiki: An Epic of Ancient India, Vol. III: AranyakandaThe Forest Book of the Ramayana of Kampan.Richard W. Lariviere, Sheldon I. Pollock, Robert P. Goldman, Vālmīki, George L. Hart, Hank Heifetz, Kampaṉ, Valmiki & Kampan - 1993 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 113 (2):325.
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    From Hittite to Homer: The Anatolian Background of Ancient Greek Epic by Mary R. Bachvarova.David F. Elmer - 2017 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 110 (4):590-592.
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    The Training of Virtue and the Role of Adversity in Ancient Greek Epic.Young Ran Chang - 2017 - 동서철학연구(Dong Seo Cheol Hak Yeon Gu; Studies in Philosophy East-West) 83:381-408.
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    The Homeric epics and the Anatolian context - (m.R.) Bachvarova from hittite to Homer. The Anatolian background of ancient greek epic. Pp. xl + 649, ills, maps. Cambridge: Cambridge university press, 2016. Cased, £100, us$160. Isbn: 978-0-521-50979-4. [REVIEW]Christopher Metcalf - 2017 - The Classical Review 67 (1):3-5.
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    The Social and Military Position of the Ruling Caste in Ancient India, as Represented by the Sanskrit Epic.Edward W. Hopkins - 1889 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 13:57-376.
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    The Rāmāyaṇa of Vālmīki: An Epic of Ancient India, Vol. IV: KiṣkindhākāṇḍaThe Ramayana of Valmiki: An Epic of Ancient India, Vol. IV: Kiskindhakanda.Richard W. Lariviere, Rosalind Lefeber & Robert P. Goldman - 1996 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 116 (1):163.
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    (R.) Bertolín Cebrián Comic Epic and Parodies of Epic. Literature for Youth and Children in Ancient Greece. (Spudasmata 122.) Pp. vi + 133. Hildesheim, Zurich and New York: Georg Olms, 2008. Paper, €29.80. ISBN: 978-3-487-13879-. [REVIEW]S. Douglas Olson - 2010 - The Classical Review 60 (1):304-.
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    Sophistic views of the epic past from the classical to the imperial age.Paola Bassino & Nicolò Benzi (eds.) - 2021 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    This collection of essays sheds new light on the relationship between two of the main drivers of intellectual discourse in ancient Greece: the epic tradition and the Sophists. The contributors show how throughout antiquity the epic tradition proved a flexible instrument to navigate new political, cultural, and philosophical contexts. The Sophists, both in the Classical and the Imperial age, continuously reconfigured the value of epic poetry according to the circumstances: using epic myths allowed the Sophists (...)
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  31.  1
    The Evolution of Epic Genre Across Ages: A Thematic and Ideological Study of The Homeric Epic.Koblanov Zholaman, Salikha Yussimbaeva, Erubaeva Aitzhamal, Otarova Akmaral, Akberdieva Balkenzhe & Zhetkizgenova Aliya - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:1095-1103.
    In antiquity, works of culture, created by the Greek-Roman people, passed centuries, the test of centuries and reached our era. Many samples of European literature, born in the Modern Age, have long been forgotten, and unique works, such as the Homeric epic and the tragedies of Sophocles, have been translated again and again, always bringing spiritual energy and aesthetic pleasure to readers’ hearts. Homer was unique among the poets of that time, and indeed the supposed author of the Iliad (...)
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    'Epics years': The english revolution and J.G.A. Pocock's approach to the history of political thought.J. Davis - 2008 - History of Political Thought 29 (3):519-542.
    J.G.A. Pocock has been a dominant force in the history of political thought since his first major work, The Ancient Constitution and the Feudal Law, was published in 1957. This article is focused on the contribution he has made to the study of the revolutions of seventeenth-century England and the extraordinary body of political discourse to which they gave rise. It begins with an examination of the ways in which ideas about continuity, innovation, institutions and historiography have shaped his (...)
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    The Rāmāyaṇa of Vālmīki: an Epic of Ancient India.Matheus Landau de Carvalho - forthcoming - Horizonte:1295.
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    Virgil's Epic Designs: Ekphrasis in the Aeneid (review).Andrew S. Becker - 2000 - American Journal of Philology 121 (2):324-328.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:American Journal of Philology 121.2 (2000) 324-328 [Access article in PDF] Michael C. J. Putnam. Virgil's Epic Designs: Ekphrasis in the Aeneid. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1998. xii 1 257 pp. Cloth, $35. This is a book about ekphrasis, about the Aeneid, about ancient Greek and Latin literature, about poetry and poetics, and about the ways in which literature can affect the way we (...)
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    The Rāmāyaṇa of Vālmīki: An Epic of Ancient India. Volume I: BālakāṇḍaThe Ramayana of Valmiki: An Epic of Ancient India. Volume I: Balakanda.Richard W. Lariviere & Robert P. Goldman - 1987 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 107 (2):356.
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    The Rāmāyaṇa of Vālmīki: An Epic of Ancient India, Volume II: AyodhyākāṇḍaThe Ramayana of Valmiki: An Epic of Ancient India, Volume II: Ayodhyakanda.Richard W. Lariviere, Sheldon Pollock, Vālmīki & Valmiki - 1989 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 109 (1):146.
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    The Rāmāyaṇa of Vālmīki: An Epic of Ancient India, Vol. 5: SundarakāṇḍaThe Ramayana of Valmiki: An Epic of Ancient India, Vol. 5: Sundarakanda. [REVIEW]Richard W. Lariviere, Robert P. Goldman & Sally J. Sutherland Goldman - 1998 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 118 (3):426.
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    Linguistic evidence supports date for Homeric epics.Eric Lewin Altschuler, Andreea S. Calude, Andrew Meade & Mark Pagel - 2013 - Bioessays 35 (5):417-420.
    The Homeric epics are among the greatest masterpieces of literature, but when they were produced is not known with certainty. Here we apply evolutionary-linguistic phylogenetic statistical methods to differences in Homeric, Modern Greek and ancient Hittite vocabulary items to estimate a date of approximately 710–760 BCE for these great works. Our analysis compared a common set of vocabulary items among the three pairs of languages, recording for each item whether the words in the two languages were cognate – derived (...)
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    The Rāmāyaṇa of Vālmīki: An Epic of Ancient India, Volume VI: Yuddhakāṇḍa. Translated by Robert P. Goldman, Sally J. Sutherland Goldman, and Barend A. van Nooten (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2009), xviii+ 1655 pp. $154.00/£ 107.00 cloth. [REVIEW]Yigal Bronner - 2013 - The European Legacy:1-4.
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    Narrative Doublets in the Epic Cycle.Benjamin Sammons - 2013 - American Journal of Philology 134 (4):529-556.
    I argue that a specific compositional device, the so-called “anticipatory doublet,” can be observed in ancient accounts of the poems of the Epic Cycle. This insight can help shed light on the narrative and thematic structure of these poems and buttresses the view that their authors were well-versed in the compositional methods of the old oral tradition.
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    The Gods in Epic: Poets and Critics of the Classical Tradition.D. C. Feeney - 1993 - Clarendon Press.
    The role of the gods in the classical world's epic tradition has long been the subject of controversy. In the first book to discuss the problem of the gods across the entire classical literary tradition, rather than in a few individual works, Professor Feeney draws upon the writings of the ancient critics, and looks in detail at the work of the poets themselves.
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  42. Ancient Arabic Poetry.Francesco Gabrieli & Therese Jaeger - 1962 - Diogenes 10 (40):82-95.
    The most illustrious tradition of romantic poetry on oriental subjects, from the Westöstlicher Diwan to Rückert, Platen, Hugo and Leconte de Lisle, was inspired essentially by Indian and Persian epic, lyric and gnomic poetry, referring only to a minor degree to the ancient poetry of the Arabs—although it is precisely Rückert to whom we are indebted for a version of the Hamâsa, a famous anthology of pagan Arabic poetry. Goethe approached this anthology through the versions of Jones, described (...)
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  43. Personality in Greek Epic, Tragedy, and Philosophy: The Self in Dialogue.Christopher Gill - 1996 - Clarendon Press.
    This is a major study of conceptions of selfhood and personality in Homer and Greek Tragedy and Philosophy. The focus is on the norms of personality in Greek psychology and ethics. Gill argues that the key to understanding Greek thought of this type is to counteract the subjective and individualistic aspects of our own thinking about the person. He defines an "objective-participant" conception of personality, symbolized by the idea of the person as an interlocutor in a series of psychological and (...)
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    Believing Ancient Women: Feminist Epistemologies for Greece and Rome.Megan Elena Bowen, Mary Hamil Gilbert & Edith Gwendolyn Nally (eds.) - 2023 - Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
    This volume deploys recent feminist epistemological frameworks to analyze how concepts like knowledge, authority, rationality, objectivity and testimony were constructed in Greece and Rome. The introduction serves as a field guide to feminist epistemological interpretations of classical sources, and the following sixteen chapters treat a variety of genres and time periods, from Greek poetry, tragedy, philosophy, oratory, historiography and material culture to Roman comedy, epic, oratory, letters, law and their reception. By using an intersectional approach to demonstrate how epistemic (...)
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    Ovid's Epic Forest: A Note on Amores 3.1.1–6.Jessica Westerhold - 2013 - Classical Quarterly 63 (2):899-903.
    As the first poem of the last book of Ovid'sAmores, 3.1 parallels the programmaticrecusatioof the first two books, which present the traditional opposition of elegy to epic. InAmores3.1, the personified Elegy and Tragedy compete for Ovid's poetic attention, and scholars have accordingly scrutinized the generic tension between elegy and tragedy in this poem. My study, by contrast, focusses on the import of the metapoeticlocusin which Ovid sets his contest between the two genres, by considering the linguistic and allusive play (...)
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  46.  25
    The Role of Ancient Sports and Zurkhaneh in Ethical Promoting and Religious Virtues.Mohammad Mohammadi, Bisotoon Azizi & Nima Deimary - 2022 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 17 (2):162-171.
    The roots of ‘ancient sport’, or Zurkhaneh, as its name implies, go back to ancient Iran and the rituals of Mithraism, in which believers pray and learn morality and humanity in cave-shape temples built in connection with running water. After the advent of Islam and the fall of the ancient religions, temples gave way to Zurkhanehs, and athletes who, while learning moral teachings, cultivated physical strength to resist external enemy forces and internal oppression, grown in those Zurkhanehs. (...)
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  47. (1 other version)Retrieving the Ancients: An Introduction to Greek Philosophy.David Roochnik - 2004 - Malden, MA, USA: Wiley-Blackwell.
    Two Reasons to Study Ancient Greek Philosophy Ancient Greek philosophy began with Thales, who correctly predicted an eclipse that occurred in 585 BCE, and culminated in the monumental works of Aristotle, who died in 322.1 (Unless otherwise noted, all dates in this book are BCE.) The simple fact that these thinkers lived over 2,000 years ago should provoke a question: in the age of the microchip and the engineered gene, why bother with them? One good answer immediately springs (...)
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    Embattled: How Ancient Greek Myths Empower Us to Resist Tyranny.Emily Katz Anhalt - 2021 - Stanford University Press.
    An incisive exploration of the way Greek myths empower us to defeat tyranny. As tyrannical passions increasingly plague twenty-first-century politics, tales told in ancient Greek epics and tragedies provide a vital antidote. Democracy as a concept did not exist until the Greeks coined the term and tried the experiment, but the idea can be traced to stories that the ancient Greeks told and retold. From the eighth through the fifth centuries BCE, Homeric epics and Athenian tragedies exposed the (...)
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    Utopia's Cauldron: Travelers' Lore and Korea ("Besila") in the Persian Epic of Kush the Tusked.Kaveh Hemmat - 2023 - Utopian Studies 34 (2):193-209.
    Abstractabstract:Besila is a paradisical setting in the Kushnameh, an early twelfth-century Persian epic that combines the ancient Iranian messianic legend of Kangdez with more recent geographical knowledge, based on travelers' reports, of China and Korea. Besila’s messianic role in the narrative, its antipodal location, and its quasi-fictional status are quintessentially utopian, and yet little is revealed about the society of Besila. The Kushnameh instead emphasizes the means by which paradises are formed, including the rational origins of Besila’s monotheistic (...)
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    Performing the Book: The Recital of Epic in First-Century C.E. Rome.Donka D. Markus - 2000 - Classical Antiquity 19 (1):138-179.
    The detrimental effect of the public recital on the quality of epic production in the first century is a stock theme both in ancient and in modern literary criticism. While previous studies on the epic recital emphasize its negative effects, or aim at its reconstruction as social reality, I focus on its conflicting representations by the ancients themselves and the lessons that we can learn from them. The voices of critics and defenders reveal anxieties about who controls (...)
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