Results for 'André Kraus'

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  1.  5
    Lessing, Sokrates, Kierkegaard: die Suche nach dem Schattenmann G.E. Lessing hinter der Galionsfigur Sokrates in S.A. Kierkegaards Werken.André Kraus - 2008 - Hamburg: Dr. Kovač.
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    Lessing, Sokrates, Kierkegaard: die Suche nach dem Schattenmann G.E. Lessing hinter der Galionsfigur Sokrates in S.A. Kierkegaards Werken.André Kraus - 2008 - Hamburg: Dr. Kovač.
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    Sofía o la nueva mujer. Cuestiones de dialéctica y de género en Krause. Los marcos ideológicos e institucionales de la constitución del sujeto femenino.Arturo Andrés Roig - 2005 - Polis 12.
    En el texto, el autor desarrolla dos elementos del pensamiento filosófico de Karl F. Krause (Alemania, 1781-1832). En primer lugar, se trata de su propuesta para una dialéctica abierta y dual, respetuosa del individuo y opuesta a la dialéctica hegeliana y su determinismo histórico. Esto tiene implicancias directas en la orientación que adoptan los movimientos revolucionarios, democrática o, por el contrario, autoritaria. En segundo lugar, el autor aborda el pensamiento de Krause respecto de la mujer y su papel en la (...)
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  4. Psychologie vom empirischen Standpunkt. 2. Band.Franz Brentano & Oscar Kraus - 1925 - Annalen der Philosophie Und Philosophischen Kritik 5 (3):90-90.
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    L'idée de volonté dans le stoïcisme.André Jean Voelke - 1973 - Paris,: Presses universitaires de France.
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    The Parity and Disparity between Inner and Outer Experience in Kant.Katharina Kraus - 2019 - Kantian Review 24 (2):171-195.
    This article advocates a new interpretation ofinner experience– the experience that one has of one’s empirical-psychological features ‘from within’ – in Kant. It argues that for Kant inner experience is the empirical cognition of mental states, but not that of a persistent mental substance. The schema of persistence is thereby substituted with the regulative idea of the soul. This view is shown to be superior to two opposed interpretations: the parity view that regards inner experience as empirical cognition of a (...)
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    More Than a Feeling—Interrelation of Trust Layers in Human-Robot Interaction and the Role of User Dispositions and State Anxiety.Linda Miller, Johannes Kraus, Franziska Babel & Martin Baumann - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:592711.
    With service robots becoming more ubiquitous in social life, interaction design needs to adapt to novice users and the associated uncertainty in the first encounter with this technology in new emerging environments. Trust in robots is an essential psychological prerequisite to achieve safe and convenient cooperation between users and robots. This research focuses on psychological processes in which user dispositions and states affect trust in robots, which in turn is expected to impact the behavior and reactions in the interaction with (...)
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    Theater as Representation.Andre Helbo, Rose M. Avila & Roland A. Champagne - 1977 - Substance 6 (18/19):172.
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  9. Le possible et le réel chez Bergson.André Joussain - 1960 - Archives de Philosophie 23 (4):512.
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  10. Connaissance de l'individu par les tests.André Rey - 1964 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 19 (3):482-482.
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  11. Teleosofía: doctrina del fin o razón última de las cosas.Andrés Guimerá - 1966 - Barcelona,:
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  12. Introduction historique à l'évolution religieuse de notre temps.André Joussain - 1967 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 72 (1):133-134.
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    Les rapports de l'économique et de la morale.André Joussain - 1948 - Paris,: Éditions SEDIF.
    Cet ouvrage est une réédition numérique d’un livre paru au XXe siècle, désormais indisponible dans son format d’origine.
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  14. How can the phenomenological-anthropological approach contribute to diagnosis and classification in psychiatry.Alfred Kraus - 2003 - In Bill Fulford, Katherine Morris, John Z. Sadler & Giovanni Stanghellini (eds.), Nature and Narrative: An Introduction to the New Philosophy of Psychiatry. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 199--216.
  15. Système et existence dans l'œuvre de Malebranche.André Robinet - 1965 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 20 (3):374-375.
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    O mekhanizmakh istorii.N. B. Andrënov - 2005 - Moskva: Sputnik+.
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    (1 other version)Vie animale et vie morale.André Lalande - 1911 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 72:523 - 528.
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    P. Scarpi (éd.), Le Religioni dei misteri. Vol. I & II.André Motte - 2003 - Kernos 16:365-366.
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    Hypospadias surgery in a West African context: The surgical (re-)construction of what?Cynthia Kraus - 2013 - Feminist Theory 14 (1):83-103.
    Since the late 1980s, intersex adults and activists have critiqued the clinical recommendations defined in the 1950s to treat children born with ‘ambiguous genitalia’ with normalising medicine. While their struggles continue, in particular to halt the practice of genital surgery in early infancy, some European surgeons travel to African countries to transfer standards of care that have become highly controversial in the North, including in the medical community. Simple disapproval of these tours as ‘surgical safaris’ forecloses the possibility of analysing (...)
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    Destructible Worlds in an Aristotelian Scholion (Alexander of Aphrodisias’ Lost Commentary on Aristotle’s Physics, Frag. 539 Rashed).André Laks - 2018 - Elenchos: Rivista di Studi Sul Pensiero Antico 39 (2):403-420.
    Does Anaxagoras admit that the world is destructible? Aëtius’ doxographical handbook says as much, and so does a doxographical scholion derived from Alexander of Aphrodisias’ lost commentary on Aristotle’sPhysics(Frag. 539 Rashed) according to the transmitted text. However, because of other difficulties occurring in the same scholion, Rashed was led to correct not only this text, thus making it contradict Aëtius’ testimony, but also the entry dedicated to Plato. My article suggests that while Rashed’s corrections are superfluous, the problems that triggered (...)
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  21. Atypical brain oscillations: a biological basis for dyslexia?Nina Kraus - 2012 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 16 (1):12-13.
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    An overview of incentive contracting.Sarit Kraus - 1996 - Artificial Intelligence 83 (2):297-346.
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    Fiktion und Hypothese in der Einsteinschen Relativitätstheorie.Oskar Kraus - 1920 - Annalen der Philosophie 2 (1):335-396.
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    Political liberalism and truth.Jody S. Kraus - 1999 - Legal Theory 5 (1):45-73.
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    Justificatory Moral Pluralism: A Novel Form of Environmental Pragmatism.Andre Santos Campos & Sofia Guedes Vaz - 2021 - Environmental Values 30 (6):737-758.
    Moral reasoning typically informs environmental decision-making by measuring the possible outcomes of policies or actions in light of a preferred ethical theory. This method is subject to many problems. Environmental pragmatism tries to overcome them, but it suffers also from some pitfalls. This paper proposes a new method of environmental pragmatism that avoids the problems of both the traditional method of environmental moral reasoning and of the general versions of environmental pragmatism. We call it ‘justificatory moral pluralism’ – it develops (...)
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    Le Dieu nouveau.André Dagenais - 1974 - Québec: Éditions Garneau.
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    How the Classics Made Shakespeare: by Jonathan Bate, Princeton, NJ, Princeton University Press, 2019, 224 pp. $24.95/£20.00.Andre Furlani - 2020 - The European Legacy 26 (7-8):844-846.
    If Shakespeare made the human, according to Harold Bloom, Jonathan Bate will explain what first made Shakespeare, the Classics. That a Classical education was decisive for a writer during the renai...
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    A Trindade como relacionamento misericordioso na relação humana, a partir de Von Balthasar.André Luiz Bordignon Meira - 2017 - Revista de Teologia 11 (19):37-45.
    A Trindade, centro da nossa fé, manifesta o amor e a misericórdia na história do ser humano e nas suas relações. A Teologia de Hans Urs von Balthasar faz com que se possa mergulhar no amor trinitário, que é extremamente pericorético em perspectiva kenótica. Balthasar tem uma paixão pelo Crucificado, o centro polarizador da sua teologia trinitária, visível na história, através do evento do Mistério Pascal. A paixão de Cristo revela o centro da economia da salvação da Kénosis primordial do (...)
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    Pregação e cavalaria no processo de expansão da cristandade latina: o papel da Ordem da Milícia de Ramon Llull.André Luis Pereira Miatello - 2017 - Horizonte 15 (48):1151.
    Este artigo reexamina o posto de Ramon Llull na história da pregação da Baixa Idade Média ocidental, tendo em vista as novas abordagens sobre o tema da pregação e sua relação com o espaço do político. Discute-se também o projeto luliano de fundação de uma Ordem militar unificada cuja finalidade era dar suporte à pregação e conversão do infiel consoante a função eclesial da cavalaria cristã. O estudo da concepção luliana de conversão do muçulmano exige uma posição metodológica cuidadosa, uma (...)
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    Abhinavagupta, Luce dei Tantra: TantrālokaGli Aforismi di Śiva, con il Commento di Kṣemarāja: ŚivasūtravimarśinīAbhinavagupta, Luce dei Tantra: TantralokaGli Aforismi di Siva, con il Commento di Ksemaraja: Sivasutravimarsini.André Padoux, Raniero Gnoli, Raffaele Torella & Andre Padoux - 2001 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 121 (4):676.
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    Ontologie der Grenzen Ausgedehnter Gegenstände.Lukas Benedikt Kraus - 2016 - Boston: De Gruyter.
    Die Debatte zur Ontologie der Grenzen kreist um eine Vielzahl bisher nicht befriedigend gelöster Probleme. Es ist beispielsweise nicht klar, welchem von zwei aneinander grenzenden ausgedehnten Gegenständen die gemeinsame Grenze zugerechnet werden soll. Erhebliche Schwierigkeiten treten zudem bei der Beschreibung von Spaltungen und Kontaktereignissen auf. In der vorliegenden Studie werden alle diese Probleme auf eine einzige, weit verbreitete Grundannahme zurückgeführt: Grenzen sind äußerste Teile ausgedehnter Gegenstände. Durch eine Klassifikation der bisher vorgeschlagenen Lösungsoptionen zu den genannten Problemen wird es möglich, verschiedene (...)
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    Auditory-motor entrainment and phonological skills: precise auditory timing hypothesis.Adam Tierney & Nina Kraus - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
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    Être est aimer.André Cantin - 2009 - Paris: Cerf.
    1. Partir en philosophie -- 2. La condition humaine.
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  34. Empresa humana y evolución.Andrés María del Carpio - 1968 - Madrid,: Ediciones Iberoamericanas.
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  35. Albert Schweitzer. Sein Leben und sein Werk.Oskar Kraus - 1929 - Annalen der Philosophie Und Philosophischen Kritik 8:102-102.
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    Canon Eos-1ds Mark Iii Digital Field Guide.John Kraus - 2009 - Wiley.
    Essential, no-fail photography techniques in a full-color, portable guide Confidently create beautiful photographs with the powerful features on your Canon EOS 1Ds Mark III camera and this essential guide.
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    Daniel Wehinger, Das präreflexive Selbst. Subjektivität als minimales Selbstbewusstsein.Katharina Kraus - 2020 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 127 (1):171-174.
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    From universal mathematics to universal method: Descartes's "turn" in rule IV of the.Pamela Kraus - 1983 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 21 (2):159-174.
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    "Gender" Performs Tacitly: The "Tacit Turn" in Pedagogy.Anja Kraus - 2021 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 55 (4):70-81.
    Pedagogy in general is not only ruled by planning, explicit normative framings, and governmental strategies, but its topics, such as the success or the failure of teaching or learning processes or learners’ precarious or promising personality development, are also decisively influenced by unspoken, silent, corporal, spatial, material, barred, or alienated dimensions of pedagogy. Gender as an analytical category encloses these dimensions, as well as being a social category. In this essay, three sets of arguments, referring to implicit or tacit knowing, (...)
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  40. Multiculturalism in Germany: Rhetoric, scattered experiments, and future chances.Peter A. Kraus & Karen Schönwälder - 2006 - In Keith Banting & Will Kymlicka (eds.), Multiculturalism and the Welfare State: Recognition and Redistribution in Contemporary Democracies. Oxford University Press.
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    The Educational Journey: Bildningsresa (Swedish), Bildungsreise (German), and Personal Development.Anja Kraus & Maria Pemsel - 2023 - The Journal of Aesthetic Education 57 (2):16-35.
    Abstract:The focus of this article is on the social and personal development of children. The essay's point of departure is a specific idea about holistic personal development in the classroom with reference to the philosopher Michel Serres. A historical perspective will be added by the concept of the bildungsreise (in French, Le Grand Tour; in English, educational or cultural journey). This perspective allows us to raise the question of how the idea of increasing self-awareness, coping with life challenges, and the (...)
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    Science et Philosophie chez Alfred North Whitehead.André-Louis Leroy - 1961 - Revue de Synthèse 82 (22-24):43-66.
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    Emotional availability: theory, research, and intervention.Hannah Saunders, Allyson Kraus, Lavinia Barone & Zeynep Biringen - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Incentive engineering for Boolean games.Michael Wooldridge, Ulle Endriss, Sarit Kraus & Jérôme Lang - 2013 - Artificial Intelligence 195 (C):418-439.
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    The influence of Ernst Mach in the teaching of mechanics.Andre K. T. Assis & Arden Zylbersztajn - 2001 - Science & Education 10 (1-2):137-144.
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  46. Exorcizando demônios: algumas palavras do que não foi dito pelos historiadores da arqueologia Guarani.André Soares - 2013 - Revista Techne 1 (1).
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    Auschwitz, Gedenkstätte und genozidaler Ort – einige unmaßgebliche kursorische Überlegungen zu ihrer philosophiedidaktischen Relevanz.Andreas Kraus - 2017 - Angewandte Philosophie. Eine Internationale Zeitschrift 4 (1):137-154.
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    Precariousness and Philosophical Critique: Towards an Open-Field Combat with Harman’s OOO.André Arnaut - 2019 - Open Philosophy 2 (1):312-323.
    Philosophical critiques are prone to relapse into a sort of entrenchment in which the basic elements of a philosophy are kept from exposure, so that instead of advancing, philosophy easily becomes compartmentalized into specific trends. This article thus seeks the conditions of a non-entrenched, open-field philosophical critique in general and, in particular, of an open-field critique of Harman’s OOO (object-oriented ontology). For that purpose, the idea of precariousness is introduced, which is then confronted with some ideas concerning philosophical critique and (...)
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    Editorial Volume Para uma crítica do presente: rumo a modos de vida outros.André De Macedo Duarte, Thiago Fortes Ribas & Diego Dos Santos Reis - 2023 - Dois Pontos 19 (3).
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    On the impossibility of explicit upper bounds on lengths of some provably finite algorithms in computable analysis.Andre Scedrov - 1986 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 32:291-297.
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