Results for 'Anna Forsberg'

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  1.  19
    Evaluation of documented nursing care plans by the use of nursing‐sensitive outcome indicators.Inger Jansson, Ewa Pilhammar‐Andersson & Anna Forsberg - 2010 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 16 (3):611-618.
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    Dutch Book against Lewis.Anna Wójtowicz & Krzysztof Wójtowicz - 2021 - Synthese 199 (3-4):9185-9217.
    According to the PCCP thesis, the probability of a conditional A → C is the conditional probability P. This claim is undermined by Lewis’ triviality results, which purport to show that apart from trivial cases, PCCP is not true. In the present article we show that the only rational, “Dutch Book-resistant” extension of the agent’s beliefs concerning non-conditional sentences A and C to the conditional A → C is by assuming that P = P. In other cases a diachronic Dutch (...)
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    Adverse Childhood Experiences: The Protective and Therapeutic Potential of Nature.Anna K. Touloumakos & Alexia Barrable - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Adverse childhood experiences are prevalent in many western populations. Large studies have put the likelihood of having at least one ACE above 50% of the general population. ACEs and the associated experience of chronic stress, moreover, have been consistently linked with a variety of negative physical and psychological health outcomes across the lifespan from behavioral problems and cognitive difficulties early on, to greater chance of suffering from a mental health disorder and engaging in self destructing behaviors. The literature puts forward (...)
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    Pluralism and objectivity: Exposing and breaking a circle.Anna Leuschner - 2012 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 43 (1):191-198.
  5. The status of woman in America.Anna Julia Cooper - 1995 - In Beverly Guy-Sheftal (ed.), Words of Fire: An Anthology of African American Feminist Thought. The New Press.
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    States of Affairs and the Relation Regress.Anna-Sofia Maurin - 2015 - In Gabriele Galluzzo & Michael J. Loux (eds.), The Problem of Universals in Contemporary Philosophy. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
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    Priority rules as solutions to conflicting health care rights.Anna-Karin Andersson, Frode Lindemark & Kjell Arne Johansson - 2017 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 20 (1):67-76.
    Recent health legislation in Norway significantly increases access to specialist care within a legally binding time frame. The paper describes the contents of the new legislation and introduces some of the challenges with proliferations of rights to health care. The paper describes some of the challenges associated with the proliferation of legal rights to health care. It explains the benefits of assessing the new law in the light of a rights framework. It then analyses the problematic aspects of establishing additional (...)
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  8. The Science of Well-Being.Anna Alexandrova - 2015 - In Guy Fletcher (ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Well-Being. New York,: Routledge. pp. 389-401.
  9.  13
    Epistemologiczno-eksplanacyjny wymiar problemu niejęzykowych myśli w koncepcji José Luisa Bermúdeza.Anna Dutkowska - 2015 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 63 (4):169-185.
    Podejmując problem niejęzykowych myśli, Bermudez rozważa go przede wszystkim na dwóch płaszczyznach: epistemologicznej i eksplanacyjnej. Płaszczyzna epistemologiczna dotyczy tego, jak możliwe jest przypisywanie myśli do istot nieposługujących się językiem oraz czy możliwe jest poznanie treści niejęzykowych myśli. Do rozwiązania tego problemu Bermudez posłużył się koncepcją semantyki sukcesu, która umożliwia poznanie zawartości przekonań i pragnień oraz zastosowanie wyjaśniania psychologicznego. Płaszczyzna eksplanacyjna dotyczy natomiast takiej atrybucji myśli do NC, która odpowiednio wyjaśniałaby ich zachowanie. W tym celu Bermudez rozszerza pojęcie racjonalności do NC (...)
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  10. Private lives, public history: navigating Australian historical consciousness.Anna Clark - 2018 - In Anna Clark & Carla L. Peck (eds.), Contemplating historical consciousness: notes from the field. Oxford: Berghahn.
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    Рукопис памфіла юркевича «философия неоплатоническая»: Джерелознавчий аналіз.Anna Pylypiuk - 2018 - Наукові Записки Наукма. Філософія Та Релігієзнавство 2:26-34.
    This article is the first to bring into scientific discussion and to provide a historico-philosophical analysis of a manuscript “Neoplatonic Philosophy from the archive of Pamfil Danylovych Yurkevych. The reviewed manuscript belongs to P. D. Yurkevych’s handwritten nachlass stored in the funds of the Institute of Manuscript of V. I. Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine in the city of Kyiv. Additional archival materials are involved to answer several research questions. The author of this article provides arguments in favor of proving (...)
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    The Rise of Logical Semantics in the Lvov‑Warsaw School: Introduction.Anna Brożek - 2023 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria 32:23-29.
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  13. Nesting Crises.Anna Carastathis - 2018 - Women's Studies International Forum 68:142-148.
    Since the declaration of financial crisis in 2008, and the imposition of austerity measures in 2011, Greece has become an epicentre—or a “laboratory”—of multiple, successively declared crises, including the humanitarian crisis induced by the devastating effects of neoliberal structural adjustment policies. In this paper, I approach the explosion of crisis discourse as a medium for ideological negotiations of nation-state borders in relation to a continental project of securitisation. I suggest that ‘crisis’ functions as a lexicon through which sovereignty can be (...)
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    Not That Kind of Christian.Anna Jackson - 1993 - Feminist Theology 1 (2):113-114.
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  15. Перетворення в середовищі промислового робітництва україни (1907-1914 рр.): Стан та перспективи дослідження.Anna Muravik - 2014 - Схід 4 (130).
    The present article analyses the research papers devoted to changes in industrial workers'states of Ukraine during 1905-1914. Current understanding of the basic principles of historiographical studies stipulates a many-sided approach to the studied problem. The analysis and generalization of extensive sweep of historical papers belonged to the historians of several generations outstand as an essential component. The presented article is devoted to presentation of the social and economic, political, ethnic changes in the environment of industrial workers of Ukraine in 1907-1914 (...)
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  16. Wspólne problemy antropologii filozoficznej Hannah Arendt i Giorgio Agambena.Anna Szklarska - 2011 - Hybris. Internetowy Magazyn Filozoficzny 14.
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  17. Byt określa świadomość albo egzystencjalny realizm.Anna Żuk - 1989 - Studia Filozoficzne 288 (11).
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    The erosion of academic freedom in UK higher education.Anna Traianou - 2016 - Ethics in Science and Environmental Politics 15 (1):39-47.
  19.  14
    Emotional Stress During Pregnancy – Associations With Maternal Anxiety Disorders, Infant Cortisol Reactivity, and Mother–Child Interaction at Pre-school Age.Anna-Lena Zietlow, Nora Nonnenmacher, Corinna Reck, Beate Ditzen & Mitho Müller - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  20. 'Gender is the first terrorist': Homophobic and Transphobic Violence in Greece.Anna Carastathis - 2018 - Frontiers: A Journal of Women's Studies 39 (2):265-296.
    In the summer and autumn of 2015, I met with activists in Athens and Thessaloniki, with the aim of collaboratively producing a conceptual mapping of LGBTQ social movement discourses. My point of entry was the use and signification of “racism” in LGBTQ discourses (and more generally in common parlance in Greek) as a superordinate or “umbrella” concept that includes “homophobic” and “transphobic” but also “misogynist,” “ageist,” “ableist,” and class- or status-based prejudice, discrimination, and oppression, in addition to that, of course, (...)
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  21.  24
    Studi campanelliani: per Germana Ernst.Anna Cerbo & Germana Ernst (eds.) - 2020 - Canterano (RM): Aracne editrice.
  22. Passions: Kant’s psychology of self-deception.Anna Wehofsits - 2020 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy:1–25.
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  23. Praktyczny i teoretyczny aspekt pojmowania realności świata z perspektywy filozofii humanistyki.Anna Pałubicka - 2004 - Principia.
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    Three Ways That Non-associative Knowledge May Affect Associative Learning Processes.Anna Thorwart & Evan J. Livesey - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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  25. The Arabic and Islamic reception of the Nicomachean ethics.Anna Akasoy - 2012 - In Jon Miller (ed.), The Reception of Aristotle's Ethics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  26. Tradizione analitica e pragmatismo: per una filosofia dell'attenzione.Anna Boncompagni - 2020 - In Guido Baggio, Michela Bella, Giovanni Maddalena, Matteo Santarelli & Rosa Maria Calcaterra (eds.), Esperienza, contingenza, valori: saggi in onore di Rosa M. Calcaterra. Macerata: Quodlibet.
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    Introduction: Philosophical Anthropology and Social Analysis.Anna Borisenkova - 2012 - Études Ricoeuriennes / Ricoeur Studies 3 (1):1-5.
    The guest editor introduces No. 3 Vol. 1 (2012), "Philosophical Anthropology and Social Analysis." .
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  28. The person in religion.Anna Driver Burkart - 1930 - Philadelphia,: S.N.
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    Phenomenology of Life in a Dialogue Between Chinese and Occidental Philosophy.Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka - 1984 - Springer.
    To introduce this collection of research studies, which stem from the pro grams conducted by The World Phenomenology Institute, we need say a few words about our aims and work. This will bring to light the significance of the present volume. The phenomenological philosophy is an unprejudiced study of experience in its entire range: experience being understood as yielding objects. Experi ence, moreover, is approached in a specific way, such a way that it legitima tizes itself naturally in immediate evidence. (...)
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    Marriage and Post-stroke Aphasia: The Long-Time Effects of Group Therapy of Fluent and Non-fluent Aphasic Patients and Their Spouses.Anna Rasmus & Edyta Orłowska - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Trade, knowledge and networks: the activities of the Society of Apothecaries and its members in London, c. 1670– c. 1800.Anna Simmons - 2019 - British Journal for the History of Science 52 (2):273-296.
    This article explores the activities of the Society of Apothecaries and its members following the foundation of a laboratory for manufacturing chemical medicines in 1672. In response to political pressures, the guild created an institutional framework for production which in time served its members both functionally and financially and established a physical site within which the endorsement of practical knowledge could take place. Demand from state and institutional customers for drugs produced under corporate oversight affirmed and supported the society's trading (...)
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    In-between implicit and explicit.Anna Strasser - 2020 - Philosophical Psychology (7).
    Research in social cognition aims to illuminate how agents can understand, communicate, and interact with other agents. When defining socio-cognitive abilities, standard cognitivist approaches tend to require demanding representational information processing. Thereby, they describe rather ideal cases. However, interdisciplinary research indicates multiple forms of how socio-cognitive abilities can be realized. Recent minimal approaches offer notions accommodating different kinds of cognitive processing. Nevertheless, the introduction of minimal cases of cognition raises new questions of how to account for commonalities and differences with (...)
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  33. Scotus and Suárez on sympathy : the necessity of the "connexio potentiarum" in the present state.Anna Tropia - 2014 - In Lukáš Novák (ed.), Suárez's Metaphysics in its Historical and Systematic Context. Boston: De Gruyter.
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    The body in between, the dissociative experience of trauma.Anna Walker - 2015 - Technoetic Arts 13 (3):315-322.
    In ‘The autonomy of the affect’ Brian Massumi wrote of the gap between affective and cognitive registering of the traumatic experience. Affect theorists and neuroscientists have long shared the notion of a gap between the somatic response to a traumatic event and the appraisal of the affective situation. This article develops theories on dissociation or nothingness, where nothingness is a measurement of the space between the affective and the cognitive registering of a traumatic event. It explores the concept of two (...)
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    Personenregister.Anna Wehofsits - 2016 - In Anthropologie Und Moral. Affekte, Leidenschaften Und Mitgefühl in Kants Ethik. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 161-162.
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    Sachregister.Anna Wehofsits - 2016 - In Anthropologie Und Moral. Affekte, Leidenschaften Und Mitgefühl in Kants Ethik. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 163-164.
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  37. Errant wanderings amongst the voices on the margins.Anna Wilson - 2013 - In Mere Berryman, Suzanne SooHoo & Ann Nevin (eds.), Culturally responsive methodologies. North America: Emerald.
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    : The Oxford Handbook of Global Drug History.Anna Winterbottom - 2023 - Isis 114 (4):861-862.
  39.  11
    Starożytne źródła patosu i jego współczesne reminiscencje w fenomenologii responsywnej Bernharda Waldenfelsa.Anna Wolińska & Magdalena Krasińska - 2022 - Ruch Filozoficzny 78 (2):99-135.
    Abstrakt Analizy w zakresie starogreckich znaczeń słowa pathos skłaniają do postawienia tezy, że należy mówić o czterech głównych kontekstach, które ukształtowały rozumienie tej kategorii: o kontekście retorycznym, etycznym, tragicznym i emotywnym (passio). Chociaż wszystkie cztery wspomniane obszary pozostawały względem siebie stosunkowo niezależne, modyfikując sens pojęcia pathos w czasem bardzo odległych rejestrach czasowych, to można wskazać pewien wspólny rdzeń, determinujący charakter omawianej kategorii: mianowicie jej inherentną zakłóceniowość, kryzysogenność i afektywność. Pozostaje on w ścisłej relacji z odniesieniem patosu do doświadczeń bolesnych, nagłych, (...)
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  40.  16
    Semantic Attraction in Sentence Comprehension.Anna Laurinavichyute & Titus Malsburg - 2022 - Cognitive Science 46 (2):e13086.
    Cognitive Science, Volume 46, Issue 2, February 2022.
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    Using Balanced Time Perspective to Explain Well-Being and Planning in Retirement.Anna Mooney, Joanne K. Earl, Carl H. Mooney & Hazel Bateman - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8:278219.
    The notion of whether people focus on the past, present or future, and how it shapes their behaviour is known as Time Perspective. Fundamental to the work of two of its earliest proponents, Zimbardo and Boyd (2008), was the concept of balanced time perspective and its relationship to wellness. A person with balanced time perspective can be expected to have a flexible temporal focus of mostly positive orientations (past-positive, present-hedonistic, and future) and much less negative orientations (past-negative and present-fatalistic). This (...)
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    The Bounds of Object: The Brentano-Meinong Dispute, A Priori Knowledge, and the Power of Perception.C. Zielinska Anna & Boccaccini Federico - 2015 - In Bruno Leclercq, Sébastien Richard & Denis Seron (eds.), Objects and Pseudo-Objects Ontological Deserts and Jungles from Brentano to Carnap. Boston: de Gruyter. pp. 17-50.
  43. Chapter V. The Communicative Function of Questions.Anna Brożek - 2015 - Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities 99:101-127.
  44.  7
    Dobre i złe sposoby obrony wartości rodzinnych. Polemika z prof. Zbigniewem Stawrowskim.Anna Czepiel - 2020 - Civitas. Studia Z Filozofii Polityki 17:271-289.
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    Wojciech Dzieduszycki (1848–1909) – konserwatywny myśliciel i mędrzec na wzór grecki.Anna Droś - 2020 - Civitas 24:105-116.
    Wojciech Dzieduszycki (1848-1909) łączył w sobie filozofa i polityka. Wzorował się na Sokratesie, z którym dzielił nie tylko zachowanie, lecz także poglądy. Dzieduszycki widział w greckim filozofie myśliciela politycznego, oddanego państwu obywatela, a więc odczytywał go w duchu konserwatywnych wartości. W Sokratesie upatrywał też „lekarstwa” na zmieniającą się rzeczywistość.
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    Mamy oczy szeroko zamknięte na to, co nadchodzi.Anna Filipowicz - 2019 - Humanistyka I Przyrodoznawstwo 24:581-589.
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    Incidental encoding of visual information in temporal reference frames in working memory.Anna Heuer & Martin Rolfs - 2021 - Cognition 207 (C):104526.
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    Carl Schmitt, the chameleon.Anna-Bettina Kaiser - 2020 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 47 (2):158-162.
    This comment focuses on part III of the book, ‘Carl Schmitt’s 21st Century’, by William Scheuerman. It raises two points. The first point concerns the author’s continuity thesis. According to Scheu...
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    Language-Related Skills in Bilingual Children With Specific Learning Disorders.Anna Riva, Alessandro Musetti, Monica Bomba, Lorenzo Milani, Valentina Montrasi & Renata Nacinovich - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Purpose: The purpose of this study is to better understand the characteristics of the language-related skills of bilingual children with specific learning disorders. The aim is achieved by analyzing language-related skills in a sample of bilingual and Italian monolingual children, with and without SLD.Patients and methods: A total of 72 minors aged between 9 and 11 were recruited and divided into four groups: 18 Italian monolingual children with SLD, 18 bilingual children with SLD, 18 Italian monolingual children without SLD, and (...)
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  50.  25
    4 Kant on Concepts in Experience.Anna Tomaszewska - 2014 - In The Contents of Perceptual Experience: A Kantian Perspective. De Gruyter Open. pp. 84-103.
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