Results for 'Anne Buckett'

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  1.  16
    How Different Indicator-Dimension Ratios in Assessment Center Ratings Affect Evidence for Dimension Factors.Anne Buckett, Jürgen Reiner Becker, Klaus G. Melchers & Gert Roodt - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Ontogenealogies of Body-Environments: Perspectives for an Experiential Ontological Shift.Anne Sauka - 2023 - In Ruth Edith Hagengruber (ed.), Women Philosophers on Economics, Technology, Environment, and Gender History: Shaping the Future, Rethinking the Past. De Gruyter. pp. 81-96.
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    In community of inquiry with Ann Margaret Sharp: childhood, philosophy and education.Ann Margaret Sharp - 2018 - New York, NY: Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group. Edited by Megan Laverty & Maughn Rollins Gregory.
    In close collaboration with the late Matthew Lipman, Ann Margaret Sharp pioneered the theory and practice of 'the community of philosophical inquiry' (CPI) as a way of practicing 'Philosophy for Children' and prepared thousands of philosophers and teachers throughout the world in this practice. In Community of Inquiry with Ann Margaret Sharp represents a long-awaited and much-needed anthology of Sharp's insightful and influential scholarship, bringing her enduring legacy to new generations of academics, postgraduate students and researchers in the fields of (...)
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  4. Truth-Conditional Pragmatics.Anne Bezuidenhout - 2002 - Philosophical Perspectives 16:105-134.
    Introduction The mainstream view in philosophy of language is that sentence meaning determines truth-conditions. A corollary is that the truth or falsity of an utterance depends only on what words mean and how the world is arranged. Although several prominent philosophers (Searle, Travis, Recanati, Moravcsik) have challenged this view, it has proven hard to dislodge. The alternative view holds that meaning underdetermines truth-conditions. What is expressed by the utterance of a sentence in a context goes beyond what is encoded in (...)
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  5. The interaction order Sui generis: Goffman's contribution to social theory.Anne Warfield Rawls - 1987 - Sociological Theory 5 (2):136-149.
    Goffman is credited with enriching our understanding of the details of interaction, but not with challenging our theoretical understanding of social organization. While Goffman's position is not consistent, the outlines for a theory of an interaction order sui generis may be found in his work. It is not theoretically adequate to understand Goffman as an interactionist within the dichotomy between agency and social structure. Goffman offers a way of resolving this dichotomy via the idea of an interaction order which is (...)
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    Mary-Anne Zagdoun, La Philosophie stoïcienne de l’art.Anne-Lise Worms - 2002 - Philosophie Antique 2:232-236.
    Mary-Anne Zagdoun se propose, dans l’ouvrage qu’elle consacre à la philosophie stoïcienne de l’art, de combler une lacune. En effet, « l’ampleur et l’importance [de celle-ci] ont été longtemps », selon elle, « sous-estimées » et « il manquait sur la question un travail permettant de situer le problème dans l’ensemble de la philosophie stoïcienne ». (Introduction, p. 9) L’on peut dès à présent dire que le but fixé par l’auteur est atteint : si Mary-Anne Zagdoun souligne à (...)
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    Anne Querrien, La Borde, Guattari and Left Movements in France, 1965–81.Anne Querrien & Constantin Boundas - 2016 - Deleuze and Guatarri Studies 10 (3):395-416.
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  8. The human idea: Earth's newest ecosystem.Anne Riley - 2024 - Murray, UT: Winsome Entertainment Group LLC.
    Explore the profound questions of existence in "The Human Idea", a groundbreaking work by Anne Riley. This compelling narrative delves into humanity's quest for understanding-why we exist and how our unique capacity for inquiry sets us apart from all other life forms. Riley challenges readers to reconsider the foundations of human existence by examining the intricate tapestry of life that predates us. With a blend of scientific insight and philosophical exploration, she reveals how the fundamental principles of survival, honed (...)
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    Evidence and Transcendence: Religious Epistemology and the God-World Relationship.Anne E. Inman - 2008 - University of Notre Dame Press.
    In _Evidence and Transcendence_, Anne Inman critiques modern attempts to explain the knowability of God and points the way toward a religious epistemology that avoids their pitfalls. Christian apologetics faces two major challenges: the classic Enlightenment insistence on the need to provide evidence for anything that is put forward for belief; and the argument that all human knowledge is mediated by finite reality and thus no “knowledge” of a being interpreted as completely other than finite reality is possible. Modern (...)
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  10. Apostles of Sartre: Existentialism in America 1945-1963.Ann Fulton - 2000 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 36 (3):435-437.
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    Anne Fausto-Sterling, Corps en tous genres. La Dualité des sexes à l’épreuve de la science.Anne-Claire Rebreyend - 2013 - Clio 37:251-254.
    La pensée d’Anne Fausto-Sterling, biologiste reconnue dans l’espace anglophone, historienne des sciences et professeure à l’université de Brown (Rhode Island), est enfin accessible au lectorat français. La traduction de Sexing the Body, publié en 2000 aux États-Unis a été initiée par l’Institut Émilie du Châtelet pour le développement et la diffusion des études sur les femmes, le sexe et le genre et financée par la Région Ile-de-France. Dans sa préface américaine, l’auteure rappelle combien d...
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    Mary‑Anne Zagdoun, L’Esthétique d’Aristote.Anne‑Lise Worms - 2012 - Philosophie Antique 12:313-317.
    C’est par une description de la fête des Grandes Dionysies, célébrée chaque année à Athènes à la fin du mois de mars, que Mary‑Anne Zagdoun entame son ouvrage sur « l’esthétique d’Aristote ». Et pour cause : c’est principalement, on le sait, lors de cette panégyrie qu’avaient lieu les représentations théâtrales des œuvres qui constituent l’objet d’étude privilégié à partir duquel Aristote a élaboré une théorie artistique novatrice : les tragédies et, dans une moindre mesure pour ce que nous (...)
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    Hope in Christianity.Anne Jeffrey - 2019 - In Claudia Blöser & Titus Stahl (eds.), The Moral Psychology of Hope: An Introduction (The Moral Psychology of the Emotions). Rowman & Littlefield International. pp. 37-56.
    In this essay I aim to illuminate the nature of Christian hope by looking at the tradition’s answers to three philosophical questions and then comparing them to those of contemporary secular accounts. First, What are the possible objects of hope? Next, What are the psychological conditions a person must meet to have hope? Finally, What makes a hope rational and what makes it good for human life? I conclude by suggesting that the role of hope in bringing about social goods (...)
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  14. Dog whistles, covertly coded speech, and the practices that enable them.Anne Quaranto - 2022 - Synthese 200 (4):1-34.
    Dog whistling—speech that seems ordinary but sends a hidden, often derogatory message to a subset of the audience—is troubling not just for our political ideals, but also for our theories of communication. On the one hand, it seems possible to dog whistle unintentionally, merely by uttering certain expressions. On the other hand, the intention is typically assumed or even inferred from the act, and perhaps for good reason, for dog whistles seem misleading by design, not just by chance. In this (...)
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  15.  23
    (1 other version)Anne Cova, Féminismes et néo-malthusianismes sous la iiie République : « La liberté de la maternité ».Anne Epstein - 2012 - Clio 36.
    L’ouvrage d’Anne Cova, tiré principalement de la partie inédite de sa thèse doctorale soutenue en 1994, porte sur l’histoire des débats autour d’une question : « la liberté de la maternité », dont les contours s’étendent bien au-delà des discussions entre les féministes et leur opposants, et qui d’une certaine manière reste aussi « brûlante » de nos jours qu’il y a cent ans, soit la période étudiée. Le dépouillement des plus importants périodiques spécialisés publiés entre 1890 et 1939 (...)
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    Auf dem Kampfplatz der Metaphysik. Kritische Studien zur transtemporalen Identität von Personen.Anne Sophie Meincke - 2015 - Münster: Mentis.
    In this monograph, I systematically analyse the debate in recent analytic metaphysics, with a special focus on recent biologically inspired (so-called animalist) theories of personal identity. I argue that the debate is stuck in a dilemma which is neither harmless nor new: the modern antagonism between the reductionist elimination of personal identity on the one hand and its non-reductionist mystification on the other rather repeats the antagonism between rationalist dogmatism and empirical scepticism in the 18th century’s debates on the soul. (...)
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    The politics of the human.Anne Phillips - 2015 - Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press.
    The politics of the human -- Humans, with content and without -- On not justifying equality : Rorty and Arendt -- Dignity and equality -- Humanism and posthumanism.
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  18. Professional integrity and assisted suicide: a nursing view.Anne Young - 1994 - Bioethics Forum 10 (2):11-13.
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    In the public interest: autonomy and resistance to methods of standardising nurses’ advice and practices from a health call centre in Perth, Western Australia.Ann-Claire Larsen - 2005 - Nursing Inquiry 12 (2):135-143.
    In the public interest: autonomy and resistance to methods of standardising nurses’ advice and practices from a health call centre in Perth, Western Australia The history of nursing is replete with examples of nurses battling for autonomy over their education, knowledge and work practices. The latest battleground is HealthDirect, Australia's first medial call centre, where nurses are required to meet externally imposed clinical standards while satisfying legal and financial obligations. These objectives are arguably achieved when nurses assess callers’ health problems (...)
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    (1 other version)Apprendre en copiant : l’acteur / actrice et ses modèles dans les pratiques de copie, d’imitation et de réactivation.Anne Pellois & Tomas Gonzalez - forthcoming - Methodos.
    Malgré l’avènement de la figure de l’acteur créateur au tournant des XIXe et XXe siècles, les procédés de copie, d’imitation et de réactivation constituent une part non négligeable des outils convoqués dans les exercices spécifiques au jeu. Cette persistance, qui trouve son origine dans le _Paradoxe sur le comédien_ de Diderot, se lit et se décline tout au long de l’histoire des théories du jeu, dans le recours fréquent à un modèle, dont le type varie. C’est cette double continuité, celle (...)
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    Anne-Marie Doyen-Higuet, L'Épitomé de la Collection d'hippiatrie grecque.Anne McCabe - 2009 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 102 (1):235-238.
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  22. Vatican II and the laity: Vision, challenges and opportunities.Anne Hunt - 2014 - The Australasian Catholic Record 91 (1):3.
    Hunt, Anne The 1917 Code of Canon Law had only two general canons on the laity. It made a clear demarcation between the clergy and the laity. The clergy always have precedence over the laity. The laity cannot perform any act of jurisdiction or order. The Code reflects the ecclesiology of the post-Tridentine church, famously expressed by Pope Pius X who, in 1906, described the church as essentially an unequal society. That ecclesiology assumes a pyramidal model of church. The (...)
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    The Continental Feminism Reader.Ann J. Cahill & Jennifer Hansen (eds.) - 2003 - Rowman & Littlefield.
    In an era of backlash and supposed stagnation, feminist philosophers are still providing fresh and challenging perspectives--you just have to know where to look. Continental feminist theory continues to address pressing questions of equality and difference, identity and subjectivity. Modern thinkers like Judith Butler, Kelly Oliver, and Drucilla Cornell give strikingly new perspectives on sex, gender, sexual politics, and the various social reasons for gender inequality. Yet their theories are not always well received. Continental Feminism Reader responds to the marginalization (...)
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  24. Meylan, Anne (2017). In support of the Knowledge-First conception of the normativity of justification. In: Carter, J Adam; Gordon, Emma C; Jarvis, Benjamin. Knowledge First: Approaches in Epistemology and Mind. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 246-258.Anne Meylan, J. Adam Carter, Emma C. Gordon & Benjamin Jarvis (eds.) - 2017
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  25. (1 other version)Stereotyping and Generics.Anne Bosse - 2022 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy:1-17.
    We use generic sentences like ‘Blondes are stupid’ to express stereotypes. But why is this? Does the fact that we use generic sentences to express stereotypes mean that stereotypes are themselves, in some sense, generic? I argue that they are. However, stereotypes are mental and generics linguistic, so how can stereotypes be generic? My answer is that stereotypes are generic in virtue of the beliefs they contain. Stereotypes about blondes being stupid contain a belief element, namely a belief that blondes (...)
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    Anne Louise Nielsen: Kierkegaard and the Legitimacy of the Comic: Understanding the Relevance of Irony, Humor, and the Comic for Ethics and Religion, Will Williams. Lexington Books, 2018. pp. 203. [REVIEW]Anne Louise Nielsen - 2020 - The Philosophy of Humor Yearbook 1 (1):301-304.
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    What should a theory of vision look like?Anne Jaap Jacobson - 2008 - Philosophical Psychology 21 (5):585 – 599.
    This paper argues for two major revisions in the way philosophers standardly think of vision science and vision theories more generally. The first concerns mental representations and the second supervenience. The central result is that the way is cleared for an externalist theory of perception. The framework for such a theory has what are called Aristotelian representations as elements in processes the well-functioning of which is the principal object of a theory of vision.
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  28. Elegy for general practice.Ann Jay - 2003 - Journal of Medical Ethics 29 (6):98.
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  29. How Real Is the Reality in Documentary Film? Jill Godmilow, in conversation with Ann-Louise Shapiro.Ann-Louise Shapiro - 1997 - History and Theory 36 (4):80–101.
    Documentary film, in the words of Bill Nichols, is one of the "discourses of sobriety" that include science, economics, politics, and history-discourses that claim to describe the "real," to tell the truth. Yet documentary film, in more obvious ways than does history, straddles the categories of fact and fiction, art and document, entertainment and knowledge. And the visual languages with which it operates have quite different effects than does the written text. In the following interview conducted during the winter of (...)
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    Aspects of the Theory of Syntax.Ann S. Ferebee - 1965 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 35 (1):167.
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    Anne Elliott's Education.Ann W. Astell - 1987 - Renascence 40 (1):2-14.
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  32. Natality vs. Mortality-turning Heidegger inside out.Anne Granberg - 2022 - In Ingo Farin & Jeff Malpas (eds.), Heidegger and the human. Albany: State University of New York Press.
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  33. Making monsters: The philosophy of reproduction in Mary Shelley's frankenstein and the universal films frankenstein and the bride of frankenstein.Ann C. Hall - 2010 - In Thomas Richard Fahy (ed.), The philosophy of horror. Lexington, Ky.: University Press of Kentucky.
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    Hannah Arendt: a life in dark times.Anne Conover Heller - 2015 - Boston: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.
    Hannah Arendt, one of the most gifted and provocative voices of her era, was a polarizing cultural theorist—extolled by her peers as a visionary and denounced by others as a fraud. Born in Prussia to assimilated Jewish parents, she escaped from Hitler's Germany in 1933 and became best known for her critique of the world's response to the evils of World War II. A woman of many contradictions, Arendt learned to write in English only at the age of thirty-six, and (...)
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    Mode Et Philosophie Ou le Néoplatonisme En Silhouette: 1470-1500.Anne Kraatz - 2004 - Belles Lettres.
    Cet ouvrage a pour but de déterminer qu'il existe bien un rapport entre la mode vestimentaire et la pensée d'un moment. La philosophie néoplatonicienne de la Renaissance, toute occupée à définir le beau, représente un terrain idéal pour étudier le lien entre pensée philosophique et matérialité vestimentaire.
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  36. No Laughing Matter: John Stuart Mill's Establishment of Women's Suffrage as a Parliamentary Question: Ann Robson.Ann Robson - 1990 - Utilitas 2 (1):88-101.
    Of all my recollections connected with the H of C that of my having had the honour of being the first to make the claim of women to the suffrage a parliamentary question, is the most gratifying as I believe it to have been the most important public service that circumstances made it in my power to render. This is now a thing accomplished.….
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    Stéphane Gougelmann & Anne Verjus (dir.), Écrire le mariage en France au xixe.Anne-Marie Sohn - 2019 - Clio 49:314-317.
    Ce colloque devenu livre comble une lacune. Alors que le sujet a été labouré pour le xviiie siècle, aucune synthèse n’existait jusque-là sur le mariage dans la littérature du xixe siècle. Or, la rupture avec les Lumières est frappante comme l’attestent, par exemple, les réécritures d’Inès de Castro étudiées par Maurizio Melai. Le thème du « mariage interdit », inspiré par la tragédie d’Houdar de la Motte (1723) mais subverti un siècle plus tard, illustre le passage de l’Ancien Régime aristocr...
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  38. Practical Wisdom and the Value of Cognitive Diversity.Anneli Jefferson & Katrina Sifferd - 2022 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 92:149-166.
    The challenges facing us today require practical wisdom to allow us to react appropriately. In this paper, we argue that at a group level, we will make better decisions if we respect and take into account the moral judgment of agents with diverse styles of cognition and moral reasoning. We show this by focusing on the example of autism, highlighting different strengths and weaknesses of moral reasoning found in autistic and non-autistic persons respectively.
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  39. Doxastic Harm.Anne Baril - 2022 - Midwest Studies in Philosophy 46:281-306.
    In this article, I will consider whether, and in what way, doxastic states can harm. I’ll first consider whether, and in what way, a person’s doxastic state can harm her, before turning to the question of whether, and in what way, it can harm someone else.
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    Moving into meditation: a 12-week mindfulness program for yoga practitioners.Anne Cushman - 2014 - Boston: Shambhala.
    Moving into Meditation is a practical yet fresh guide to integrating mindful yoga and embodied meditation, in a 12-week format. One week at a time, Moving into Meditation lays out a plan for exploring body-based practices to get you more in tune with not only your limbs and core but your mind and heart. Cushman's curriculum integrates asana with mindfulness meditation to help practitioners turn "embodiment" from a concept into a tangible reality. Her delightful mixture of practices, yoga history, and (...)
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  41. Transcendance du ventre: Esquisses du rondo pour pianiste-chanteuse dédié à Carine Collet.Anne Martin - 2004 - Cahiers Internationaux de Symbolisme 107:25-28.
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  42. Gnosis and nag hammadi.Anne McGuire - 2009 - In Dwight Jeffrey Bingham (ed.), The Routledge Companion to Early Christian Thought. Routledge.
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    On Forgiveness and the Possibility of Reconciliation.Ann V. Murphy - 2014 - In Zeynep Direk & Leonard Lawlor (eds.), A Companion to Derrida. Chichester, West Sussex, United Kingdom: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 537–549.
    Derrida's discourse on forgiveness is importantly a discourse on heritage. More precisely, he is interested in our split inheritance of this concept and what this inheritance implies. Of concern to Derrida is the link that he draws between our Abrahamic religious inheritance and the proliferation of various therapeutic discourses in the political realm. Derrida's deconstruction of forgiveness turns on his understanding of what is in fact unforgivable, of those deeds that are so horrendous that it is inconceivable or unthinkable that (...)
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    Self and other in contemporary anthropology.Anne Salmond - 1995 - In Richard Fardon (ed.), Counterworks: managing the diversity of knowledge. New York: Routledge. pp. 23--48.
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    Logischer Empirismus, Werte und Moral: Anmerkungen zur vorherrschenden Sicht.Anne Siegetsleitner - 2010 - In Logischer Empirismus, Werte und Moral: eine Neubewertung. Springer. pp. 9-19.
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    Isolated Learning Is Doubtful Learning.Anne M. Knupfer - 2006 - Education and Culture 21 (1):3.
  47. Etienne der Condillac, Versuch uber den Ursprung der menschlichen Erkenntnis. Ein Werk, das alles, was den menschlichen Verstand betrifft, auf ein einziges Prinzip zuruckfuhrt.Anne Koban - 2008 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 115 (1):202.
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  48. Teacher leadership.Ann Lieberman, Ellen R. Saxl & Matthew B. Miles - 1988 - In Building a professional culture in schools. New York: Teachers College Press.
  49. Issues in reproduction.Anne Drapkin Lyerly - 2012 - In D. Micah Hester & Toby Schonfeld (eds.), Guidance for healthcare ethics committees. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
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  50. International neurosurgery.Ann Mansur & Mark Bernstein - 2020 - In Stephen Honeybul (ed.), Ethics in neurosurgical practice. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
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